Fellowship With Him | Eric Gilmour

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[Music] praise god go go ahead and take a seat and i just want to start off by saying todd and jackie are gems in the earth and i am just so honored to be able to be connected with them relationally ministerially every way so i just want to uh just honor them and and just say guys i love you so much thank you so much for the opportunity of being able to be connected with you also my dear friend william hinn is here you guys know him god has literally taken out an uh a sewing needle and knit our hearts together and it's been very special we're like siamese twins um so uh william i love you bro blessings on you i'm happy this morning i feel like like uh bubbles of joy on the inside of me does anybody else feel this this morning yeah uh i'm not gonna take very long it's sunday morning i wanna just talk to you directly i didn't bring even notes because i felt like god said to me today open your heart so i'm just gonna open my heart to you this morning talk to you directly talk to you personally i want to talk to you as if it was just you and i in a room is that okay i want you to turn to john chapter 10. and i'm going to talk to you about l-i-f-e l-i-f-e life everybody say this with me say life now when i say life i don't mean like you know a guy loves basketball and he says you know basketball's my life you know i don't i don't mean that kind of life like your whole life is wrapped up in something i'm talking about specifically life as that without which is only death i'm talking about the animation of the person not your life living but that which makes you live you follow me i want to talk to you about life today because in my understanding of jesus christ this glorious god-man bridegroom lover he's after one thing and let's look at what it is john 10 verse 10 halfway through it says jesus talking i came that they may have life jesus tells us himself why he came i want you to say this with your mouth say jesus came to give to me life this is so much more than taking your sins away as a matter of fact taking your sins away is removing the cork so you can receive that life if jesus came just and only to take our sins away and how many of us are so grateful for that the burden of sin is forever gone past present future the blood has cleansed it all praise god praise the lamb of god who loved us to him who loved us and freed us from our sins this is jesus but he came to take the sins away that he might install himself as l-i-f-e you know when i first got saved i grew up in the church how many of you guys grew up in the church let me see your hands how many of you did not i grew up in the church i was in church all the time wednesday nights sunday mornings sunday nights i went to christian school i went to christian camps i was in sunday school all kinds of christian stuff but i did not know god i knew a lot about god because i had to learn the bible and i was in the sunday services and the singing and things like this but i did not know god i remember when i first got saved got saved in the brownsville revival anybody know about the bronze revival steve hill led me to jesus and i got saved totally saved sin was washed away life came in and everything was different and i remember my dad was doing these outreaches to the jails we would go into the jails we'd sing for the prisoners we'd preach jesus and they would come to the lord and give their lives and get filled with the spirit uh it was amazing but i remember testimony after testimony would come out from the jails of i was a drug addict and god saved me or i was actually promiscuous and god saved me or all these things about what they had been doing and god had saved them from doing the bad things and now they do good things and i remember standing up there in the choir and my dad asked me to share and i thought to myself i haven't done anything what testimony do i have i'm going to stand up here and i'm going to say well i stole a pen from my teacher one time you know i didn't have a story and it hit me like a ton of bricks that jesus didn't come to make bad men good men he came to make dead men live [Music] you see we don't need god just because we're bad we need god cause we're dead you need life if you're going to be entering into eternal life only those who have life will know life hereafter it is your experience of life now that gives you confidence for life hereafter i remember john owen once wrote if you don't enjoy looking at jesus now you will not enjoy seeing him when he comes i want to tell you jesus came that we might not just have our sins away washed away praise god for it i'm grateful for it but he came to give life to you let's talk for a second about what life is how many of you have been to a graveyard did you ever speak to a person in the graveyard did they ever talk back to you no when somebody's dead they are separated from consciousness am i right you can't go to a graveyard and tell them all to jump and they jump it's not going to happen they have no consciousness they are dead but when life comes in life grants consciousness life makes alive what causes the eye to see it's life in the eye a person in a casket still has eyes and ears but they're not working because there's no life it's life in the eye that causes it to see jesus said many of you have eyes but you do not see ears but you do not hear in other words you lack something and it's called l-i-f-e we need life in order that we might be conscious of god paul says it like this you are alive to god you were dead to him now you are alive to god meaning god consciousness the conscious presence of the lord the reality of hearing his voice sensing his nearness being moved by his inclinations knowing what he feels and you learn it and you grow in it and this is called the christian life as a matter of fact when the apostles were sent forth in acts one of the specific instances they say go the angel says go and declare to them all the words of this life it's l-i-f-e life in first john 5 uh 12 the scripture says this he who has the son has life he who does not have the son does not have life i'm saying this because sometimes we can forget that that's what this entire thing is and then we plug into motions we plug into programs we plug into a a system or pattern of thinking and all the while forget that jesus came to give you life you know there's a text in john 5 39 listen to how and powerful and important this is jesus says to the pharisees you search the scriptures because you think that in them you have life but he says but it is these that testify of me and you are unwilling to come to me that you may have life i want to tell you that if you're in this room and your christianity is having changed from trying to do bad stuff and trying now to do good stuff and that's the totality of your christianity i want to tell you you need to come to jesus today if the totality of your christian life is you signed on the dotted line saying this is now what i believe you need to come to jesus and receive life if there isn't in the on the inside a current of living water that gushes up to eternal life that causes effortless fruit bearing the reality of new desires on the inside you have not yet experienced what this wonderful salvation actually and truly is jesus says god so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him will not perish but will have present possession life and that life is eternal it never ends jesus tells us in john 17 verse 3 that this is what eternal life is to know god how many of you know that you can't know a person without experience if i i'm married been married i'm my i'm going on my 19th year of marriage and my wife is not here and i could tell you everything there is about her i could show you a picture of her but until you meet her and live a while knowing her you'll never come to know her and so it is with god some of us have have a picture of god in our minds and some of us have learned facts about god but the reality is is that facts are not person are you following me you say eric why are you saying this because even after you've come into a experience of the lord you can move away from experience of the lord and then start relegating him just to facts about himself instead of continuously going from life to life eating and drinking of the lord jesus says in john chapter 6 in the 50th verse here he says listen to how important this is jesus said to them truly i say to you unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you you have no life in yourselves did you hear this he jesus says you have no life in yourself say this with me say i have no life in myself jesus connects this with eating and drinking the lamb of god so in other words you are receiving life by continuously imbibing and eating the word and person of jesus christ so this is how some people can enter into some reality of god but because they don't continually eat and continually drink that life begins to dwindle away on the inside of them how many of you seen this happen i think religion is is a cause of many people losing the depth of experience of god religion is presenceless devotion religion is you're doing everything that you're supposed to do but there's no actual experience of this person i'm telling you people told me all the time when i was first born again you can't live by experience but then when i go back to the lord the lord says to me without experience you don't live a.w toaster said this the tragedy of the church is that from childhood to old age men have only known a synthetic god compounded of theology and logic having no eyes to see nor ears to hear in other words lacking life and jesus is telling them he says you guys are searching the scriptures you're doing everything externally it looks right but the reality is you have not come to my person and found me to be life john 14 6 jesus declares himself to be the life we receive this life i remember when i one time was in the grocery store with my mom and she said hey eric go grab some grapefruits and i said uh i said mom i don't know i don't know what a grapefruit is you know even the name itself is deceiving grape fruit the fruit of a great must be really small so i said to my mom i said mom i don't know what it is and so she takes me over there she points at the grapefruits and she goes this is the grapefruit then i'm like oh okay so now i moved from not knowing what a grapefruit was to now being able to identify one but i still had not yet cracked it open and eaten its contents so many christians move from not knowing who jesus is to being able to identify him but they have not yet cracked him open and eaten him and received tasted and seen experienced and received nourishment divine i'm telling you when you break open the son of god and receive him as daily contents and nourishment you begin to accomplish more on accident than you ever did on purpose what i just want to encourage you that this is what jesus is saying he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life or life and i will raise him up on the last day my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and i in him i have a dear friend that's a new testament theologian those are really good friends to have so i called them and i said what does jesus mean when he says here uh my blood is he who eats me he who eats me and drinks my blood abides in me i said what does he mean by he who eats me he says the best way to understand it in its greek translation would be the eating one the eating one the one who is consistently receiving god sons of god are the perpetual recipients of god you say eric what are you what are you saying i'm really trying to talk to two people today those that have not yet entered into a living vibrant conscious experience of god that causes fruit to be effortlessly born and also those that have slipped out of this beautiful child-like wonder and glorious bride and bridegroom romantic dance and experiential bliss with jesus and slipped back in to rules regulations and step on a treadmill of performance they're sweating they're tired they're worn out they're dry they're dead and they're empty because they slipped back into that which they once destroyed paul says if i rebuild what i once destroyed i proved myself a transgressor what what did he once destroy his attempt to get to god he destroyed that by receiving jesus christ i have said it before and i'll say it again that some people reject god by breaking all the rules they stiff arm god by breaking all the rules other people stiff arm god by keeping all the rules neither one of these things are faith in jesus christ say eric i don't i'm not understanding this okay somebody rejects god stiff arms god by going out and getting drunk another person thinks that he's accepted by god because he doesn't go out and get drunk both of them are going to hell do you understand there is only one way into heaven and it is faith in jesus christ received as your full righteousness received as your full rans ransom payer he is the only way he is the only truth and he is the only life and all must be given over to him not only just to receive the forgiveness of sins but then to enter into a life of experiential exchange with him this and this alone is christianity and it is the kind of talk that makes religion so upset it bursts the wineskins and the pharisees frown and plan to kill you but i tell you those of you in this room that know what i'm talking about because you realize that you're dependent upon life christ as life colossians 3 says oh and when christ who is our life appears when christ who is our life appears then we will be revealed with him in glory in other words that glorious day of the son of man coming out of the sky when was the last time you took a a love glance at the clouds just to see if they'd split open and his let his beautiful face through was the last time you did one of those i promise you if there's not a maranatha in your blood there's probably not a current experience in your life because it's the current experience that makes you groan for the coming one see the bride longs for his coming because she knows his kisses oh my goodness if you've never been kissed if you've never been kissed you'll never long for kisses the bridegroom lives and breathes and desires to r-a-p-t wrap you up in himself to take you into an experience in him that takes you above all experiences in this life if the life he gives is not greater than anything that can happen to you in this life then it's not worth it the life he gives is far greater than anything that can happen to you in this life you say eric give me an example okay richard wormbrand i don't know who that is who's that he is a romanian was a romanian pastor who was put in prison for preaching jesus and as he's put in prison they take him to solitary confinement can you imagine solitary confinement for five days can you imagine not being able to see anybody hear any sound for five straight just how many of you've experienced something like this before well he was there for seven years weeks months years past not hearing anything seeing anybody fed one slice of bread a week he's dying okay you know what he says he says they didn't even know that they gave me instruments with which i can worship my god and he took his his chains and he turned them into tambourines this is the day this is the day that the lord has made [Laughter] what kind of christianity is that that's called life you know what he says when he's released he says this he says you may think i was in hell then he says no no no hell is to be without his presence oh hell is defined by one question where is jesus but here richard wormbran he says this he says we knew his caresses and his kisses he says those are the most beautiful times of my life i ask you what kind of christianity is that that's life christianity christianity that receives life from another world and makes everything in this world inferior that's the wonder of this glorious gospel refusing to sin is far inferior to life this is why in the very beginning you see the knowledge the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that's knowing what you should do and knowing what you shouldn't do but contrasted with that is the tree of life no in other words god is trying to tell you from the very beginning that if you eat from put your trust in live your life for knowing what's right and what's wrong you will die he says if you eat of this tree you die knowing what's right and knowing what's wrong cannot give you life but if you will come to him christ who is that wonderful tree of life and receive him then that and that alone can cause life to enter into you and i tell you if there's no fruit on the tree there's no life in the tree there's no fruit in the branch there's no life in the tree so you have people who live in the death of trying their best to obey black and white gripping across and gritting their teeth but i want to tell you something the essential christian message is not behave but behold i want to tell you that in looking unto jesus we receive him as life contents and you live out the fruit of the spirit not the exercise of the spirit you know some of us are like we get saved we're just like i'm gonna work on fruit i'm gonna work on my fruit we're literally thinking like i gotta work on patience i gotta work on love i gotta work this is how we live our lives trying to sweat out patience and sweat out goodness and kindness i'm gonna sweat until i get self-control you're on the wrong train bro there's something called l-i-f-e that will do all things in you and for you watchmene said this if christ is not life then you better get working and he says but if christ is life then you need not struggle if christ is life you need not struggle and christianity quickly changes from struggling to snuggling from wrestling to nestling praise god it's this way this way jesus accomplishes all things for us andrew murray said that god longs to live your life for you he longs to live your life for you you say somebody may be listening to me right now maybe online or something you're saying eric it couldn't possibly be this simple i want to tell you welcome to the new covenant you say eric but there's trials and tribulations i didn't say there wasn't i'm just telling you that they're inferior but people talk about me i'm telling you when you talk to jesus you forget about people talking to you [Laughter] sometimes you get so bitter about the way people treat you but you find that the sweetness you find in him makes you forget the bitterness that came from everybody else i tell you one sweet morsel from the lips of jesus will cause all the things that people have tried to feed you that was negative to disappear i tell you one half or one half hour with god will will literally make all of your trials completely irrelevant robert murray mcshane said one hour with god is worth a lifetime with any man you say eric what kind of christianity is this it's the new covenant of life in messiah jesus romans 8 talks about the spirit of a life in christ jesus and it is a life that is real a life that is true a life that's full of joy and peace and patience and goodness and kindness and faithfulness and gentleness and self-control because against such things there is no law because what the law could not do god did man i tell you i i just feel in my heart just to remind you of what you are involved in what you've been swallowed up by who jesus is to you i want to encourage you that whatever's going on in your marriage whatever's going on in your workplace whatever's going on in your relationships whatever's going on in your life all of it is inferior to what you receive in receiving from jesus christ this is why eating from him is the absolute necessity for life he actually tells mary you've chosen the good part there's many parts but this is the best part and the one that can't be taken away and it is this the one absolute necessity for life looking at jesus and receiving him as life dash supply life supply he supplies life for you i don't know about you but if i neglect fellowship with god death begins to come through the way that i think and the way that i see but it is in eating jesus christ that life can spread throughout my being so when i see things like and this would be the last thing i say but um and if our and if my wonderful piano guy could come up here that'd be great when i look at things like psalm 23. do you remember this passage psalm 23 and he says many of you probably have it on plaques in your house the psalmist says you prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies sometimes it's so poetic we forget what was actually just said do you know the day that david is living in when they chop off the hands and feet and head of a man and then parade it through the street this is the day he's living in we're talking about heart mailing body parts to loved ones after conquering them that's the demonic dark sadistic war driven men that he's around in his day are you understanding so i want you to picture this men full grown beastly dark sadistic men with crazy weapons surrounding you and you look around and you see everywhere you look in every direction you are surrounded by the enemy and you look over at jesus and he's spreading a blanket and you look at jesus you're like oh jesus get up get up get up get up get up uh what are we gonna do what are we gonna do annette he just sits down and he's like you want a sandwich or would you like a coke and you're like oh lord i don't think you understand let's let's blow on him or something do some type of superman acting let's get out of here and jesus looks at you and he says will you eat with me will you eat with me this shows me something it shows me that in the midst of whatever is going on in our lives jesus has one thing on his mind will you eat with me you say eric you don't know my husband jesus looks at you and he says will you eat with me jesus please help me with my wife will you eat with me lord you don't know have you seen my bank account will you eat with me do you know what's happening in my body lord will you eat with me they've been saying these things about me everybody's left me will you eat with me i feel in my heart god is calling all of us myself included into a wonderful glorious spread of delightful banqueting house of god to enjoy the sweetness of his presence to drink his wine and to let the fragrance of his person blow upon us and receive his kisses and his embrace to lay our heads upon his chest and gain access to the divine treasure chest to let him be all for us and realize that everything in this world is inferior to that picnic with my god he wants to put it in your mouth himself open up i'll give you something fresh they hurt you take this it'll help you it's my my body and my blood praise you lord i long for you but i pray for every person here this is what i'm asking that your gospel power will be felt in their souls that they might yield to it and it take them up into the transcendent life of living together with christ in heavenly places even while upon the earth in your precious and holy name we're going to move on but just right there just close your eyes and just put your hand on your heart i want you just to personally ask the lord to open your eyes maybe to forgive you for not fellowshipping with him when he's been waiting for you in the gardens of god he still waits for you man eric i don't know how long it's been since i've spent a good hour with jesus he's still waiting for you praise you i praise you i worship you [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] i sing praises to your name oh lord come on sing pray open your mouth and sing [Music] for your name [Music] to be pray come on and sing i sing i sing praises yeah come on just worship him for a minute come on oh lord praises [Music] o for your name [Music] i worship you jesus i worship you [Music] yeah come on just lift your hands in worship i sing praises to your name come on sing [Music] for your name for your name and greatly to be praise open your mouth open your mouth sing with your heart i sing praises to your name oh praises to your name oh lord for your name is great and greatly to be [Music] i sing there's no other name like your name there's no love like your life [Music] [Music] lord i give you [Music] come on please just let him hear you [Music] just lift your hands and worship lord i give you my heart [Music] have your way in me lord i give you my heart i give you my soul all my soul [Music] the moment i'm aware lord have your way you're all i want [Music] just get lost let's just get lost yes you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy holy [Music] oh jesus [Music] you are holy are you [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] is you are worthy of it all you are worthy of it all [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] you are [Music] you deserve the glory jesus the lamb of god worthy is your name [Music] jesus lamb of god worthy is your name sing it again [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] there is none like [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on just sing and mean it i can search i [Music] [Music] my heart like you do [Music] i could search for [Music] more precious [Music] [Applause] me [Music] oh lord you are more [Music] and nothing i desire compares with you your name is like honey on my lips are your spirit spirits your word your word is [Music] jesus i love you jesus i love you and jesus oh i love you jesus i love it jesus i love you jesus i love you okay now just open your mouth and begin to sing in the holy ghost [Music] you deserve it all you deserve it all [Music] come on let's worship him you deserve it all everything everything you deserve it allah [Music] just let the river take you open your mouth [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] you have no equals [Music] yours is the glory [Music] what a powerful name it [Music] it is the name of jesus christ what a powerful name it can is against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name it is [Music] you have no rival come on [Music] come on church lift him up [Music] god yours is the kingdom yours is what a powerful name it is come on the name of jesus christ what a powerful name it is and nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is what a powerful name what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name [Music] jesus [Music] sing a new song to the oh lord worthy jesus [Music] oh you worthy of the praise we magnify your name for jesus jesus [Music] you're worthy jesus [Music] come on whatever you need right now just reach out to him it's him he's here if you need healing in your body just look at him don't look for healing look to the healer if you're in here today and you need a savior look to the savior just call upon the name of the lord right now just call on his name jesus jesus we need you whatever you need right now whatever you desire reach out he's here right now church don't let this moment pass by [Music] he's in our midst come on just reach out just see him face to face right now see him as your king as your friend as your master as the lover of your soul jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh jesus [Music] you were for from you are all things you deserve the glory come on look to him the author and finisher you [Music] were [Laughter] [Music] things [Music] you were [Music] are all things [Music] [Music] from you are [Music] you deserve the glory can we just sing it just voices lifted too you were you were [Music] you deserve the glory jesus we love you there is no one like you in the heavens and the earth lord we just thank you that you inhabit our praise that you've come this morning to find a place of rest and habitation in our midst that lord whether we're surrounded by our enemies [Music] or whether we're on the mountaintop right now you choose right now to fellowship and be in our midst and we say thank you lord i thank you god that you're all that we really need [Music] so i just declare over this house over your people lord that their eyes would be fixed on you may their eyes be continually fixed on you looking unto jesus [Music] just come holy spirit right now move on earth touch jesus name peace [Music] that lord the eyes of our understanding would be opened up to see you [Music] father right now in jesus name [Music] jesus name we just speak peace come holy spirit right now freedom in jesus name freedom in jesus name we bind every tormenting spirit right now in jesus name we just speak peace [Music] and deliverance right now freedom just lift your hands church set your focus on him the enemy's been defeated he's defeated [Music] so lift your hands set your gaze on heaven right now [Music] see the world and the enemy wants to bring distractions but all we need to do is look at the face of jesus guys [Music] so lord set our gaze upon you set our eyes upon you because everything else pales in comparison draw us deeper jesus come on make that the prayer of your heart draw us deeper jesus [Music] to look to you [Music] to not be distracted by the sounds of anything else but to just sit at your feet to love you to adore you to just know you more we just want to know you jesus and i declare over you that this day won't just be a day that was a good moment that we won't settle for goosebumps and happy feelings but that we will make a habitation of being with him [Music] knowing him as we are known fully completely enveloped in him just as we sang this morning lord i pray that you would wrap us in your arms wrap us in your arms so that when the world sees us all they see is you let us put on jesus be clothed with you lord that we can be the salt and the light that this world needs and when we come in the midst of the world they will say surely [Music] the son of god was in our midst before we go if you're here today and you don't know him i don't want you walking out that door thinking you're okay just like eric shared earlier you could be in church all your life and not really know him and if you're in this place this morning and you say i don't know him or i'm not where i need to be with him or i've never given my life to him then we want you to come to this altar have our altar team here and they want to pray over you guys and as you make that commitment we just want to believe for god's grace to set you free if you have any needs today as we dismiss i just want you to know that we want to believe with you so we have a team that will pray with you and walk this out with you because we love you amen amen come on give him praise as people come up hallelujah amen [Music] amen listen heaven celebrates evan celebrates over one y'all don't get it heaven's like throwing a party now over one [Applause] and now two so just for prayer so if you're out there we just bless you guys we love you six o'clock tonight for encounter stretch your hands towards me i just want to bless you guys i declare that the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you the lord be gracious to you and look upon you with favor and grant you his peace in the mighty name of jesus and everybody said amen bless you guys see you tonight go and sin no more you
Channel: Risen Nation Church
Views: 4,566
Rating: 4.9716311 out of 5
Id: pPI9VXdmIOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 6sec (3786 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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