Know Who You Are Pt. 4 | Malcolm Smith

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good evening and it's a joy to have been here these last hours and to have seen how the Word of God has been empowering in opening the eyes of our understanding and pouring in his light in his lights we see all things that are as they really are and that transforms your life because he doesn't see the twilight zone that many of us live in and when he opens our eyes and we're flooded with light we see we see the truth and it's been a joy to watch that happening in a number of us here and I want to just give the text that is the anchor to this weekend it's in John chapter 14 now let me say that this is one of the most important conversations that ever took place on this planet it begins in chapter 13 of John and it moves right through chapter 14 15 16 and then in chapter 17 Jesus praised the entire chapter and sums up the whole conversation and remember that and coming back to it but right in the middle of that conversation Jesus tells us in chapter 14 and verse 20 he says in that day so he's saying there's something that hasn't happened yet but he's speaking throughout the whole conversation of something but it's going to happen very soon and so he calls that very soon that day and he's told them in that day the Holy Spirit is going to come to them more than calm is going to come inside of them and he is going to be their guide their teacher the one who opens their eyes and introduces them to an entirely new world that they've never been in before nor has anyone in the whole of the created time this is so new this is the new covenant you know in the Greek language there are two words for new we don't really have it sort of but there first of all the word new its new in in the sense it's the newest in a long line that is you you bought a car and you call it your new car well yes it is in that suddenly the one you were driving has become your old car this is the next one in succession it's new but really it's much the same as your other one except they've made a different shape to it and a few bells and whistles but it's more or less the same and when I began driving which is hundreds of years ago I I actually drove a car that was not too far away from the Model T Ford and it wasn't then an antique car it was one on a used parking lot and but you know that car wasn't too different to the one I'm driving today in terms of the engine work smallest the same way they've just done bits and pieces here and updated that it's new in a succession but this word new in the new covenant means it is new in kind that is you have never seen anything like this before if we were talking cars we would say it is a new way of transportation you've never dreamt of it you've never imagined that you've never seen it it is knew what Jesus came to give us is not a new in succession it's not simply the latest model Jesus did not improve on Moses it ended Moses you'll never see that again Jesus didn't come merely to give us what he did in the Gospels he came to give us something that we'd never dreamed of never thought of staggering amazing astonishing and he said it would happen in that day when he would have done something and the Holy Spirit would have come in that day and here he comes he says in that day you will know and the word he uses there is not to know about it's got nothing to do with academic education it's not knowing intellectually knowing about something you can't pass an exam on this and just have true/false and get an A this is a word which means an intimate a most personal personal observation personal experience of in fact it is used throughout the scripture as a word that describes marriage and marriage Union and so if you've got an older version of the Bible if you go back to Genesis it says an Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived and bore a son that's the word here it's that you will know this you will know it so much that you are intimately bound to it you'll never be the same again this new this new in kind this which has never been before in that day you will intimately personally know what that I said Jesus I am in my father in inside standing in the same place as my father I am in him such a union such a bond that they seamless and there is no separation yet in that union I'm still Jesus and he's still the father he doesn't displace me I don't displace him we're in and in that in we have a dynamic relationship in which he gives me himself and I give him myself and yet I never ceased to be me he never ceases to be he I am in my father okay and he says you will know intimately personally that you are in me so he said when this day comes the day of the new covenant you will know in that day that you are inside of me standing in the same place as me in that same relationship but you will not lose your identity in fact you'll be more you than you've ever been before and I will not be displaced we will not become a religious blob you will be you and I will be I and yet we shall be so one seamlessly one and I will pour myself into you and you will receive of me and I will live in you and while that's happening I and in my father so that means you are in him who's in his father and it's all in the same space he's in his father his father's in him and you are in him in the father and there's a dynamic relationship in fact it sounds crazy good there's a lot of room to move around so much so that the word that this came to be in the Greek language for is the would we get our word choreography that we're gonna dance together that there shall be such delight and rejoice and give and take and love and receive that it will be the holy dance of God and he who binds us together and is in us is the holy spirit in whom all this begins you will know I am in my father you are in me and I and in you in in in and the word means I say again in the same space so dynamically joined that is Christianity 101 that is the essence of the gospel that's and the holy spirit awakens us to that is and you've got to get that it is because I heard someone say how do I get in you're too late I'm sorry because the father already puts you in you're in he didn't say I am the vine and if you do this and if you do that and sign this card you will be the branches have you noticed that he said I am the vine you are the branches wake up you will have the branches and I mean this oh this is all I'm gonna say tonight I'm gonna keep this up this is this is it you are you you is your you are hearing him and that might be the first time you've ever heard him to that well that's okay I don't know how long it took before men discovered that there was oil in Oklahoma but it didn't mean that when they realized it and discovered it that it suddenly happens no it had been there for millennia and they just didn't know but it had been there and they were persons walking on top of oil lakes they didn't know it do you understand you sitting in front of me tonight spirit of god open her eyes you sitting in front of me tonight you are in Christ and Christ is in you and he is in the father and you right now are in the middle of the Holy Trinity love who wills to dance with you and take you into a life where there is no sin consciousness where you live in peace where you live in the divine Shalom of God the peace that passes human comprehension and when Paul spoke of this gospel he quoted from the Old Testament and he said I has not seen nobody has ever seen this before ear has never heard this before it is never entered into the heart they've never comprehended could never conceived of the idea of the things that God has for those who love and know him and that's where everybody stops and they said that means heaven of course you would everything means heaven no it doesn't it means now it says Paul see that's not the end of the sentence a comma there the end of the sentence is that that was Isaiah speaking that he couldn't come he couldn't conceive it the Pope wanted that and then he said but now God has revealed that to us by the Holy Spirit we're in it with the people but I saw a spoke about can I say it again this is you yes you I was down in the gold mines in South Africa and you go down and down and down and down until you begin to feel the heat of the earth coming up if you turn off your headlight it is so dark you can't see a finger in front of your nose how many millennia did it take four men to discover the gold down there well very long ago actually it had been there for it seems forever and ever and they walked on top of it and then one day they found it and realized what it was and I say this very carefully that it is more than likely that you walk into this meeting with no clue that the gospel is infinitely staggeringly more than you'd ever dreamed it to be and you've been walking on top of its promises you've been in the middle of the dynamic movement of the Holy Spirit and you didn't know it that's okay he loved you all the time and he just couldn't wait for you to get into this meeting it's because he loves you and now he would open your eyes not to give you something that wasn't but to introduce you to something that has been all this time I said this this verse is in the middle of a long conversation now take this in Jesus had gathered with the disciples and they are having that last Passover meal and in the Passover meal he speaks very briefly of this is my blood which is shed for you but that's about it conversation goes on and I listen to that conversation remember Jesus is about four hours away from the beginnings of his sufferings think about that this is in the evening and they were gonna go to the Gethsemane and they'd either be rested and then invite three in the morning he'll be in the fullness of the sufferings and he'll be taken to die on the cross all within just a number of hours of saying this conversation and I'm shocked my evangelical charismatic mind was shocked because in that whole conversation the longest conversation recorded of Jesus having that was given a matter of a couple of hours before his sufferings begin there is not one mention here that he's going to suffer it's not a mention here but he's going to die just that one hint that we get when he instituted the Holy Communion what what's it all about there the entire conversation was about this he's a saying that verse which I say is an anchor verse to the whole conversation but in just a few verses down he's going to say that my father loves you I love you and we father and Son and Holy Spirit we are going to come and take up residence in you you are going to be a residing place on earth and there's an excitement about it it's as if he can't wait to get that day what when was that day when Jesus rose from the dead when he ascended as the beginnings the first dawn light but it was on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came the one he's been talking about and on that day he opened their eyes and he inflamed their hearts and they got it we're in him and he's in us and we're dancing inside the Father Son and Holy Spirit do you realized when Jesus said it is finished he wasn't talking merely of getting rid of your sin please please as believers can we get beyond this obsession with sin that Jesus died for sin that's why he came they say that's right he came he came to die for sin and now you've got to keep on daily checkups to see if you sin because he didn't do enough and every time you trip over some sin you're gonna confess your sin and hope that God will start all over again to forgive you because you know God he's obsessed with sin - and he's eternally irritated with you because you keep on doing it and that's why we have all the church meetings so you can keep on coming forwarding trying to get rid of sin can somebody go back to the Bible and realize that right before the cross Jesus didn't talk about taking away sin he certainly didn't talk about going to heaven he talked about heaven coming to you and he talked about the Holy Trinity of God coming to take up residence inside of you I will be in you and I'm already in the Father and you're going to be in me and it would the word in means all happening in the same space with a relationship that is so real seamless simultaneous so there are times when I'm not sure who's doing what I live said Paul I live I live yet not i it is Christ who lives inside of me and we already know Christ is inside the Father but your holy pole who's living then you said I live then you said it wasn't you then you said it was Christ it gets very complicated sometimes Christ who is my life then whose life is it for he said I'm more alive than I've ever been before and yet another is living life inside of me so seamlessly but he can say for me to live is Christ and remember he doesn't displace you he doesn't get rid of you he rather exalts you that you have never known being human like this before I see we even get mixed up on that I was in another church long way from here and this girl she sang she sang like an angel and the blessing of God flowed and I went and I said thank you for that song she said it wasn't me it was the Lord Darkar sworn it was you you don't see blesser hubba she believed that what I'm saying meant that she disappeared that she's absorbed she's God knew just there was another song we sang when I was growing up all of him and none of me what do you mean the entire Bible is about God so loving you but he in all his fullness wants to live inside of you in all your fullness and it gets complicated but his glories but I'm standing on this platform but in the self-same moment the Holy Spirit of Christ is standing on this platform and in the same breath I say that Jesus himself is speaking into your heart now don't get sleep tonight try and work that out but that's being that's Christianity 101 when you go to your office who goes to your office four of you yeah you are included you're included you're included in all that Jesus is your you are included and he's included into the father so you're included - in fact you could reduce this entire gospel - that simple matter and you'd have to say it was great enthusiasm and lots of laughter to say I'm included yes that's what it is I'm included and there and you see that is why the earliest Church had baptism right at the beginning of the awakened life I've woken up in hearing this gospel I have woken up to who I really am that Jesus isn't someone over there doing something for me and giving me it whatever he did it's Jesus and me United to such a point it seamless and when he carried me he took all my sin and made it his own and he gave me his righteousness so that I would relate to him and in him relate to the Father and he took my sin and it was cancelled dismissed taken away never to be remembered again that was the beginning I I was one with him in his death and when he was buried I I'm Malcolm Smith was buried with him and when he walked out of the tomb I walked out born from above into a new world a new dimension of being and when he ascended he carried me of course he carried because I'm in him and he's in me he sat down at the right hand of the Father and I sat down with him or as the epistles continually say you are seated in heavenly places that's not poetry oh and that's the gospel she says you don't go to heaven when you die heaven comes to you and you go to heaven and you're meeting in one glorious union it's the passion of God to come to earth and we were all trying to get out of it it's we're didn't matter we even invent something coming up called the rapture let's get out of here let's get out well God is saying let me get in and let my will be done on earth as it is in heaven it's joined in to us and so and that was the beginning of the gospel and so in the early church you had physical faith faith faith certainly was a mental when you had I believe about that no it was your call being you'd seen that was the gospel you've seen it and that involved your your feelings it involved emotions it involved your will it involved the totality of you including your body don't leave your poor body out and faith that agreement with God that's a yes yes amen so so how do how do I do physical faith they said step into the water do you ever heard what they did in those early church days it's fascinating so he's oh you see you've come to this and they didn't say come forward and get saved they say come forward and begin a journey of enlightenment to see what this gospel is about and and you you came to it and now you've realized that I'm in Christ and when he died I died I'm a dead man walking but thank God I'm dead because what I'm walking in newness of life so they says step into the water and you would stand in the water of baptism and you would declare that that you're finished you're done with the world and the flesh that they was crucified with Christ you're a new creation and then and I love this they turn to the west where the Sun went down and they spat I like that yeah they spat spit it was called the holy spit and as they spat they said and we renounce Satan and all his lies and the darkness and they spat the holy spit when I baptized people would still do that that's funny and then then something happened to them that they couldn't do themselves they were put under the water for they not only died with Christ they were buried and you couldn't earn it you couldn't do something to make it happen somebody else did that God the Father put you in Christ so relax that was a symbol that somebody else has got to do that you can't baptize yourself and then God the Father raised him from the dead and you came out dripping wet but you've said it with your body that I am crucified with Christ and you would walk out of the steps at the baptismal pool and there in the earliest centuries of the church they would take a goodly flagon of oil and they would pour it over you dip drip all down you and we do the same when I baptized and we say that the first gift that you have is the Holy Spirit and now be filled with the spirit and there's sometimes a lot of joyful stuff going at the top of the baptismal steps and then they would take a candle and they'd light it and they'd put it into the hands of the newly baptized and they said now you are the light of the world and Christ the light dwells in you now be who you are and then they would give you a cup of milk and honey and said you have come to the new land of milk and honey and they dress you in a white robe to say you are in a relation to the Father Son and Holy Spirit of righteousness and they would lead that person dripping wet because that was done in Roman bathrooms that's where they met in houses so they come out of the bathroom and they'd lead that dripping wet person with a candle and a milk and they would lead them to the table of the Holy Communion where the rest of the church was already gathered and they would say now be bold to lead us and the person would say our Father who art in heaven and it was the first time in public that they'd ever said my daddy my father you understand they never had backsliders in the early church they they knew who they were and they were not they didn't give that physical faith until they didn't know who they were but it's it's a matter of knowing who you are it's in that day you should know it will be you know it it won't be something that you might forget because you merely had it or there's something on the refrigerator it's you know it in your entire being and what I've just said from the very beginning that's how father sees you I want you to get that this minute maybe you don't see it maybe you're just listening to but you see this his truth and when God the Father looks at you he knows that you're in Christ that's how he knows you and if you insist on talking about something else he won't talk back to you about that he just talks to you in terms of you being in Christ because that's who you are and if you haven't discovered the oil yet or if you're still walking on the gold doesn't make any difference the oil is there and the gold is there and you are in Christ that's how you are known that's who you are and Jesus knows that of course he's bound himself to you in his humanity it's what the incarnations all about the very fact of Jesus in the heavens in the very heart of the Holy Trinity is proof that you're there with him the Holy Spirit knows it Holy Spirit he's the most dynamic he's always moving can't you can resist a moment to open your eyes and to show you the love of the Father I say they the Holy they they know this is true and that's the only way they see it he knows that you are not of this world any more than Jesus's of this world and I'm not reading from another book this is what you have this is the Bible okay's it's the Bible and don't you remember jesus said you are no longer of this world any more than I am what did you do with that you thought it some poetry something now that's a report of truth that's more real than what is on your IRS form this is facts ah this is who you are you are not of this world you might be the shyest you might be the person you see yourself as insignificant you might even say I'm unworthy and all that religious stuff it doesn't matter little lady sitting in your one-room apartment thinking that you're a nobody let me say to you in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit that you are the residence of our God of love he dwells in you you are the most significant you have worth beyond description for you are worth the blood of Jesus Christ and you are worth the Holy Trinity taking up residence in you so stretched rise up and be who you are that's the gospel you see that's the gospel is it's the final fact to the gospel he's in us that that's and in us it means that we are actually participating in the gift of himself to us the gift to his righteousness the gift of his love in in in all our being in every part of our humanity he dwells there and the very fact he's in us is enough to say we're no longer of this world we don't belong in this world system you don't belong in the world of your cooperation that you work for you don't belong in the religious world that continually says try harder to imitate Jesus you don't belong there anymore don't belong you're not of this world Christ is your life you're not in that dark world of depression it doesn't belong to you anymore and it's not only what you're not any longer it is what he's brought - that his life the life of the beautiful Father Son and Holy Spirit he's been brought to every area of my person so that I am indeed the light of the world indeed for me to live is Christ that's it it is so so what do we do now yeah that's really upsetting he says no because I had one pass to tell me when I told it misses her up now I've got nothing left to preach he did that's the truth he got quite upset you know he said I every why do we come together on Sunday said this pastor is that we come together for me to tell the people how much they need and they all come forward to try and get in and we got another church card you know I I said no you gotta tell them they be in Christ Jesus they don't need anything you have all things you have a father who loves you and it said he'll watch over you and care for you and provide for you Jesus your very life Holy Spirit your companion your friend your guide your teacher your Revelator who's gonna walk you through this inch by inch but what what do you need you might need some help to see that but we've got to get this we we don't live in poverty mindset this isn't about what you don't have this isn't that you've gotta get something but he's way down the road and it's gonna take a long time a lot of Bible reading a lot of praying a lot of dedicating together now how closer to God can you get them being in Christ who is in the father so what does the future hold that we are going to increasingly see who we really are I am going to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God and that doesn't mean when it says knowledge of God it doesn't mean going to Bible School and learning all about God it is the knowledge that God has of you being imparted to you the knowledge that God has of you being imparted to you and I have to grow in that say you have to grow in that because yeah I mean the day but I realized I'm born from above through the resurrection of Jesus I thought I had everything well I was right I did but I hadn't got a clue how that was going to change every part of my life that took time it's taking time before I came here I spent a week just asking the Holy Spirit to open my eyes and I saw this more clearly than I'd ever seen it before and I've been on this road for 60 years no 65 it's it never stops the revelation of who you are and the application of that to your life and the Holy Spirit won't quit it's who you are it's who you are and we bring up all the evidence that that's not who I am and he laughs and keeps on telling you who you are Wow hi many many years ago I mean it is many years ago I was in Pennsylvania and there was a Methodist pastor god bless that man and his wife and they took in abused children and they took in this one that I've never heard anything never seen anything like it a little baby had been left in a closet fed like a dog never spoken to treated like a dog and so by the time he was a toddler he wasn't a toddler on all fours eating out of a bowl couldn't talk had no human feelings grunted and they took that child in how they could I must weep when I remember him they addressed that little human that crawled around and grunted and ate out of a dog bowl they spoke they treat it as if it's really human they never went down to the level that that poor child had been put to they remained at the level of human parents and they loved their child and they hugged that child and they talked to that child as if it could understand and they put his food on a table and it went on months and one day the child stood up on two legs he'd already begun to talk and he came and he sat at the table gradually gradually he became who he really was because somebody saw who he really was and refused to talk to him at the level II he thought he was to get that that child on that basis on that basis that child went on and he got degrees and master's degrees in a doctorate in MIT and he is a brilliant person today but he began in a cupboard thinking he was a dog let me say it again because person spoke to him as he really was not what he thought he was not according to his behavior but according to who they knew he really was they spoke to him and loved him and treated him as he really was and they drew forth out of him who he really was God the Holy Spirit is bringing to us the words of the Father and the words of Jesus that only will speak to us in terms of who we really are and we grunt and we say look how I'm acting look what I'm doing and the Father laughs and says you're my son you're my son come sit at the table come eat with us and you become who you are and that's the New Testament you read would you do this for me go and read through the New Testament beginning at Romans no let's make it easy on you begin at Ephesians let's do it that way read Ephesians read Philippians read Colossians and you will realize that those books are doing one thing they're doing what those two parents did it's saying you are you are you are you are and at every step when I first realized that I wanted as I am NOT and he never answered me just smiled and says you are you are you are in Christ and Christ is in you and all the fullness of God is in you you know that's what it says in Colossians 2 says that he Jesus it pleased God the fullness as a big word fullness of the Godhead fullness of who the father is fullness of who son and spirit are the folders of the God dwelt in Jesus bodily as Colossians 2 but the next verse says and you are complete in him which is the same word it means and you were the same that the Holy Spirit opens your eyes to see the Father Son and Holy Spirit live in you the same as in Jesus and I thought I was going a bit too far with that you know you wonder that sometimes this is too good to be true and I was reading in the Amplified Bible now you if you're if you're a Baptist here tonight or evangelical you know the Amplified Bible is okay right you know people say amplified is okay they're not a bunch of nut cases who wrote it oh it translated it in the amplified bible it says that the Holy Trinity dwells in you because you are in Christ so you are I say again we're not asking from a poverty mindset we're coming from a fullness we hardly understand so how do we pray we pray that the Holy Spirit may be to us the spirit of wisdom open my eyes open my eyes that I might see Who I am may be the spirit of wisdom the spur revelation in the knowledge of him that I may know the hope the expectation to which I have been called which isn't going to heaven when I die it's living God in Christ right here and now that I might know the exceeding greatness of his power which is toward me and that power is in Jesus raised him from the dead set him in his own right hand and he's included me and Natalie said all I can do is pray that your eyes will be opened to see who you really are when I see who I really am and I go on to be Who I am and this wonder begins to flood my whole beam you know you have well depends on your size but the average American male has 72 trillion cells in your body and those cells make up everything you are from your brain to your big toe it is really and the Holy Trinity lives in 72 cells every part of me every little tweak of my being is filled with the fullness of God Oh God Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see that it is so you see it is so we blind his pants but it is so open my eyes and let me let me enter into the Holy dare of being that so that I go back into my corporate worlds I'm not part of it but it means I am I am the landing point to the Holy Trinity in the middle of that office you see I'm not part of this whole system of Lies that make up the world in which we live but it means that now when I walk into that see none we don't escape me or God get me out of here no he says going to there as the father sent me so send are you and I walk into this world and I am the presence of Jesus I am in the Holy Spirit and when he works he works in me and in you because God refuses to be God without us and he refuses to do anything without us so that when the work of God is always called together with we are co-workers together with him you wonder without us and he sends us into the middle of it and says just be yourself because yourself is so fantastic you walk into a room full of bitterness and anger and you bring the peace of God you walk into the darkness and you are the joy of the Lord's you are the light of the world you where you go where corruption is and you are the salt of the earth that stops it this is the gospel and this is progress you are so you're not trying to get somewhere you're not working towards something you're working from it did you get that you are so I'm not trying to get it you see I'm not I'm not trying to get more love because God is love and he lives inside me what I'm seeking to do is to become Who I am did you get then I'm not trying to get more love I'm seeking to see that and know it and live it so that that love gets into my eyes and that love gets into my speech there was a word in the ancient church the Greek word to describe the that it was theosis theosis and very loose translation of theosis would be in guarded kind of like that God became flesh joined himself to me the humility of God and why did he do it to take me to be where he is so God joins me that I might join him that I indeed might share with the Holy Trinity and be that in the earth by the sheer grace of God as gift upon gift but that's that's what it is that's what it is and so the scripture says now put off Jared that in the epistles if you do what I asked Ephesians Philippians colorist Peschel Ephesians Colossians chapter 4 in Ephesians chapter 3 in Colossians and he uses it says you put off but why do you put off behavior you know is this put off anger put off bitterness put off unwholesome talk out of your mouth put it off why does it say that because he's already told you that because of who you are that doesn't belong to you anymore so I don't say Oh God deliver me from anger no I say thank you Lord you've delivered me for manga so now I'm putting it off did you see that I'm not trying to stop doing that please help me dropped up no I was crucified with Christ remember I was buried and this thing was buried with me so now I determined to put this away because it doesn't belong to me anymore for me to live is Christ this isn't we you know I come well I know I don't come I live in Texas I come from the UK but um I live in Texas and we got lots of snakes there that's why we have cowboy boots no they're not for show knickers snakes bite and you have boots where they can't get through and a certain time of the year there'll be skins snake skins hanging on branches especially if it's a tree with spikes attached and it's sometimes the snake is very good at it and you see a whole snake skin you just kind of slip it out of it rubbing up against the tree why do why does he do that because he's got a new skin and the new skin has grown under the old one so that the old one essentially becomes detached and it's just hanging around the body as a disgusting sight his poor poor snake is going around you know with it with this old skin hanging down and I don't know I've never had that experience but it must edge you know and so he goes up to the tree in stops and gradually gets out of the skin and goes away with his bright new skin that's basically what they're talking about here it said for goodness sake will you put off that old skin it used to be your skin and so if it was back in those days I would never a said get rid of your skin for you to have gotten rid of your skin then would have been a bloody mess but now now says the scripture that's not you anymore you have a new skin and his name is Jesus the newness of your life and the old skin doesn't fit anymore you look terrible in it it does get rid of your anger get rid of your foul speech get rid of that why so you can be better no because you are better you're getting you're not gonna get somewhere you it's because you're there that's the gospel and then it says put on and actually both these expressions put off foot on both of them are used of clothes they're sort of things you would find in a clothing store put off put on and it's as if well actually in Ephesians I think it is when it says put off the old self it's it actually if we give a very free translation of that from the original language it means take off that filthy flea written piece of cloth get rid of it look I've got this new suit for you it fits you to perfection it's eternal in nature it is woven with love put on who you really are this this is who you are so much so it says in Galatians put on Christ and it's interesting in Isaiah 59 it uses that same expression concerning God it says that he puts on a helmet of salvation but does that mean he that's the first time God has ever been a savior no to put on means be who you are assume your identity be who you are put on this behavior as God Himself put on salvation when he was going to do a specific act of salvation he didn't suddenly become it that's his that's who he is so the scripture says put off who you're not put it off and it's rotten is corrupt it's got a lot of fleas in it so I mean don't don't have any second thoughts put it off and assume who you are do you know the difference if you don't know the difference I don't know if I could explain it but if you attack your habits and your behaviors as if they're really part of you your whole being fights back but the moment you realize that isn't me I'm this is the true me and I'm just letting that go because it doesn't belong to me that's I was that until my eyes were opened to discover who I really am and now I just let it go do you know it will go well that's the truth that's the truth just let it go you put it on who do you end up being well number one you end up being a genuine human being because this is what humans were created to be but it's hard to say beyond that what you really look like what you are cuz I have to insist you are still you you're more you than you've ever been but but but but there's another you who lives in you who is your real you let me give you an illustration that comes from about 200 years after Jesus rose from the dead so this should be pretty close to how the early Christians lived and they describe this life as taking the sword see it's an old illustration so they had swords and they take a sword and they put that sword into the fire and they left it there until the sword was white-hot so they said now what is this is it fire or is it a sword because it has everything here all the attributes of a sword but at the same time it has all the attributes of fire and so you have a sword that century is baptised in fire you have fire but is taken on a sword and it doesn't III can't give one word it depends what you're using if you're using a sword it will be a sword that's fire and if you're lighting something it's fire but it's sword and you see that's how I'm seeing you right now you're human and you feel very fragile very weak human yet at the same self same time the triune God and the person of Jesus lives inside of you and it is to be known in your eyes in your mouth in your actions and within you the revelation of God is let loose and for you to live is Christ and so there again well we well you is you for you to live is Christ so all the attributes of you are totally ones with the attributes of Christ and you are an enigma you're a question mark that am i dealing with Jesus or am i dealing with you and I wink at you and say for me to live is Christ to deal with me is to do with Christ that's who you are so you are
Channel: New Life City
Views: 7,659
Rating: 4.7704916 out of 5
Id: NyGwThiNPno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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