Know Who You Are Pt. 3 | Malcolm Smith

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good morning and that song we sang we're standing on the edge of our mind the more the more I delve into these truths that were sharing this weekend the more I actually do feel I'm standing on the edge of my mind there is the reality of passing through all that is human logic and entering into the divine logic we're standing on the edge of our mind and we're caught up in the currents of God's grace and we fly without activity to Heights that we've never known before I was sitting on my porch the other day and meditating on these things and there was a breeze and as the breeze touched my face I just remembered you know that he walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the garden and that word cool is more to be understood as the wind the spirit and as I was thinking that there was a large bird and it was caught on the up currents and I watched it that there was not a feather moving and yet that bird was carried and carried and carrots and then as if just for fun he got off of that upward swing and came gently down without a feather moving and up again on another up current and I I almost wrote that song I'm standing on the edge of my mind and uncaught in the currents of God and here we are that that's this gospel we passed through the veil and we've come into a world that we have never known in this world last night I called it the wonderful world of in and what I want to say this morning is really to finish what I was saying last night only it's it's sort of a almost a subsection of what we were saying in the darkness mankind and although I say mankind each one of us knows that the very individual and personal level we turned inward to self seems we were created to have the upward gaze but also face to face you know the Hebrew people had no word for being present so when you read in the Old Testament the presence of God that's 100% English translation the Hebrew his face to face and that's worried ever if presence was face that's how they understood it and and therefore the presence of God is we are face to face cheek to cheek and that we were created for that we were created for the upward surge face to face with our Creator face to face with him who is our Father face to face with God the Son in Jesus Christ held in the embrace of face to face Holy Spirit and in so it's face to face its embrace it's the divine hug and face to face as I say the up would look but in sin we had the downward we went inward to ourselves and we were hideously face-to-face with our own broken selves our own selves in the darkness and we made the origin of our life to come from these nests of pain and hurt that were in us and there we circled and there we made our homes down inside of us in the darkness and out of that came the behaviors how did that came our darkened like like gases out of the marshes in our thoughts and imaginations and and then we also we were I say again meant for the upwards face-to-face and we turn down and not only down into ourselves but down we began a sort of bent Ness toward each other because I couldn't take just looking at myself it was too dark it is too ugly it is too broken and so I look at you I bend over away from the god I was created to be face to face with I bend toward you and I say would you smile at me you know I do anything if you just smile at me and and if you smile at me I know I'm accepted unlovable I'm nice would you smile at me and I find my identity then in your face and and I've got another mask for your face and I'm searching for acceptance and that's the way it goes on and that's the way it goes on we have turned down we bent down and away from all for the approval and all we ultimately get in the end from ourselves and each other what our experiences you're not enough you're not enough you are the am not we rejected we reject ourselves and others and are rejecting us so we condemned and we live under the awful not enough you're not good enough and of course religion which is the very center of the fall religion is the very home other the satanic lie religion has taught us that real holiness is our not enough I'm unworthy as it grab a bit more meat keep on beating yourself you're unworthy you no good at Satan's accusation we were created to be enough a Christ we are created to be accepted we're created to be hugged by him who is eternal love but there it is we live in shame we live in insecurity we're not sure about ourselves or about anything inferior well the problem is ok everything I've just said it's really really one problem we have turned away from the righteousness of God and if I've turned away from the righteousness of God that's all I get inferiority insecurity condemnation accusation no good not enough am NOT the righteousness of God you realize that is the heart of the gospel it says that you know I'm not ashamed of the gospel it's the power of God to salvation for therein is revealed the righteousness of God the gospel isn't just happy news it is the specific news of the righteousness of God in which we come to know him face-to-face this was about what is righteousness you know that's I've been around some folks huh righteousness is often all too often depicted as this rigid this frightening cruel list of doing right and if you don't do absolutely right immovable right or then you're unrighteous and then you're condemned and if you do the right you become an arrogant religious prick and John I'm very serious I'm very serious I met them I've lived under that condemnation how do you possibly live this standard how can you possibly be righteous I was listening to well I just say a world renowned evangelist let's leave it at that because every one of you here would know his name he came to San Antonio a little while ago and I just went to hear what he had to say and and unquoted they were so hideous that it imprinted on my mind he said God the Father cannot stand the sight of you he is too beautiful his too holy to ever look as scum like you he's disgusted with you he's too holy to look on evil and you're full of it but he said Jesus were that's different huh that means we got a divided Trinity the schizophrenic and and Jesus you know Jesus and the father they're really at it and so so Jesus came and now I quote again he said Jesus like a hang and he pulled out his handkerchief and he said here you are father can't look at you and Jesus puts his handkerchief over you and he sneaks you into heaven while Father isn't watching god help us if you call that evangelism no righteousness is not that let's go back to the beginning of words let's learn a bit of English well it helps you know the Bible's written our translations are in English and they do attempt to say what the the Greek and the Hebrew did say the basic meaning of righteousness is that two parties two persons are standing face to face and they are finding likeness in each other and so as they look there is that harmony there is the likeness that exists between them and there is nothing between to upset that harmony that exists between and so there is no concept or no possibility of separation the two finds themselves in each other and there is no possibility of separation there is no consciousness of sin they cannot be it is wide open nothing to hide no masks I look at the other and I am looked at and we know as we are known and we are accepted and I say again there is a beautiful harmony the Bible word Shalom which is total harmony in every possible where you could think peace that that's a basic meaning of righteousness it's got nothing to do with piling up all the things I've done it is a relational word it means to parties in a relationship that has nothing between them in fact if you go to the the that'd be more a Hebrew way of looking I'm sorry the other way around if you go back to the Hebrew way of looking at the word righteousness it has the idea of balance which is the same same idea and so the fullness of God in the one scale he who is loved and mankind in the other scale and as God looks at man and man looks at God God sees in man his own image and there is harmony and man looks at God and sees the love from which he ever derives and receives and so the balance and the harmony that's righteousness but really maybe the best way to understand it is that and I discovered this when I was doing my studies in the covenants that a covenant person one who is in relationship at a covenant level with another person is called righteous righteous means that you are a covenant participant now that's fascinating it means that income you know do you know what covenant is you I think you should in this church but a covenant don't don't confuse it you see in in in the West here we have left covenant so far behind we don't really understand in the West what it is was fascinating to travel through all the third world countries and finally still live in a covenant atmosphere but in in the US and in the UK we've so forgotten Ed's that we've actually changed the word into another and contradictory words the word we use in in America now is contract and well that contract has got nothing to do with covenant in fact it's the very opposite of covenant covenant means I give myself to you it means I give myself to you for life or for deaths and thus it it's a covenant with a sworn blood oath I give myself with no conditions contract notice the opposite it means I don't trust you as far as I can see you huh we're gonna get this in writing and I don't care whether it's on a piece of toilet paper with a crayon we're going to get this in writing cuz I don't trust you that's right to tell you you will do this okay you'll do this and you do this I'm gonna watch you like an eagle I mean you're gonna do this right if you don't do that I'll tell you what I'm gonna do and that's in the contracts you'll wish you never met me if you don't do what you say you're gonna do but if you do do what you're gonna do then this is what I'll do I'll pay you this much and we stand like two gladiators watching each other you said you'd do this do it if you do it I'll do this if you don't do it I'll do this and on his side of the contract if you don't pay me out I'll give a this is you you are dealing here giving yourself know you're protecting yourself trusting the other no it's total distrust it's not a covenant I say again is the absolute polar opposite of contract covenant covenants it's beautiful to see in action in third-world tribes where persons do really give themselves to each other who go through a ceremony of blood shedding and oath making and saying I am yours and you can't move without me and I can't move without you and all that I am is yours and all that I have is yours standing covenant and that relationship and I emphasize it's a relationship it's not a court thing to examine you to see if you've done done done it is face-to-face eye-to-eye and seeing the balance likeness and a relationship that is stronger than life or death yeah and of course sin breaks that relationship and without going into everything I said last night it becomes a pursuit of a false and phony righteousness because I want harmony III I want to have peace but the very foundation of harmony and peace has been destroyed and so I dig down into my broken self and I tried to produce a phony foundation for acceptance as I said last night I don't know if you really got it but sin is trying to sin you got did you really get that sin is trying not to sin because it means I've turned within myself I'm drawing out of all the strength that I think I have and with my willpower I am going to prove that I can not sin I can do good and I come up with morality and I come up with virtues all dead things all those things are really the very being of God God is love love is not merely a virtue love is not just a sentimental no that was a person and all my self attempts as righteousness then that's where they stink the they're nothing like the real and they in no way produce a relationship no way they only produce a person who is arrogant in their feelings that they have arrived and they've done because the whole of self-righteousness is a matter of do I do and do and do and it's got all the elements of contract to it but because I've done then you do this and we invent a god of contract we invent this imaginary creature in our head and call it God and that alleged God says if you do all of these things then I will do this and if you don't do all of those things I will damn you in hell they don't start your contract no relationship don't trust you arm's length that's self-righteousness I tell you what self-righteousness is is trying to be like Jesus how's that going you okay you can't try to be like Jesus there's only one who can be like Jesus and that is Jesus you can't try to produce the image of God whatever image you do produce is an idol a false image I know this is upsetting it really is to think that all that I've been trying to do in my life within the church within religion actually ends up as nothing more than Ishmael of trying to produce God's promise in man's way I mean Abraham did end up with the Sun sort of that was gonna cause him nothing but trouble right up to 2019 it's man trying to substitute himself for God doesn't work doesn't world we actually have faith in ourselves we have an agreement with ourselves and we applaud ourselves that you're doing a jolly good job then we reject ourselves and call ourselves unworthy and stupid and unworthy and all this time while we going through this swamp of agony the real God never see is to love us I that always amazes me every time I say that I realize I should say that better but you've run out of words he never ceases to love unconditional love do you even know what it means do you realize there is no reluctance in God in terms of loving us not one microsecond does he back off and away or he's shocked he doesn't love you because of the way you will be one day it doesn't love you saying well when I'm done with you you're really be lovable but he sits down with us in the pit of our brokenness in our pain in our total screwed-up heads in the madness of sin and he looks us face-to-face and says I love you and we're blind to that and we deaf to that and we go back to our pile of trying to be righteous he never needs to be reconciled to us that might not be a shock to you but in the many churches not too far from here they believed that God had to be reconciled to us as my friend in San Antonio the Evangelist was saying God can't stand you so he's got to be reconciled to you no father and son and holy spirit with one United will and passion and desire loves you as you are and it is his love and His goodness toward you as you are that is the power that changes our lives he loves us and he brings us to this covenant righteousness and I don't know if you've read the chapter is chapter 15 of Genesis and if you don't know what's going on it's a weird chapter it's it's based on the covenants that were made at that time among the hittite people wherein this is the humility of God he didn't only give his word to Abraham he said I know you have him problem with my word so let me back it up in language that you understand the Covenant and and God the humility of God the student of God that he showed his heart to Abraham by using a Hittite covenant you know I hid side the Canaanites and all those other i'ts who were far from any understanding of God at all God came to Abraham and used the Hittite covenant in order to show him the unchangeableness of his love so it says in Hebrews by two unchangeable things he's given his word to Abraham but then he gave his covenant oath so that by two unchangeable things we might have a sure and certain immovable base he came to Abraham how I'm going through the whole story Abraham was having a little depressed time he'd been given the promise that he would have a son and through that son the one would come through whom all families of the earth should be blessed and that his people have become like the stars of the sky and like the sand of the desert well there's no Sun on the horizon and his little old wife he is getting more than old crone everyday and and there's not much hope of ever having a son and he's getting depressed over that and then he went to help the king of Sodom and there was a battle and they won and the king of Sodom said you had a big part in this so let me give you the spoils of the battle that would have made Abraham a very rich man and Abraham says no I'm not taking the filthy riches of the king of Sodom you'll never be able to say you made a brown bridge but then you know when when it's all over he's in like maybe should have taken a thousand dollars or two you know it was and he's depressed and it's at that point the Lord comes to him and says Abraham I'm your shield I'm your wealth I'm the one who takes care of you keeps my word to you and then the whole subject came up and Abraham said you said I would have a son there's no chance of that so I've already made arrangements in my will to pass it on to Eliezer my head steward and because there was always lot in the background his nephew lot he'd come along and they're their possible ones I could pass it to and I guess that's what you meant by some you know just pass it on to somebody the Lord said no you will have a son that you will father and you will have the inheritance stars like the heavens and like the seashore and the one will come you will have this land and it says right in the middle there abraham believed god and it was counted to him for righteousness what does that mean it means that god had revealed his word revealed his faithful self revealed his commitment to that end concerning abram and Abraham responded to that revelation and locked himself into that revelation and he believed what God believed his faith linked with God's intentional faith and faithfulness he believed God he rested in God he agreed with what God said even though it was just as impossible as it was ten minutes ago and in so doing that trust that commitment the scripture says it was counted it was reckoned it was a mathematical word that adds up to a face-to-face relationship but then he whose name is I am said I'm I take this one step further I'm going to show you what this covenant relationship really means and how it works out and he said to Abraham prepare a covenant ritual that is as the Hittites do it and you cut the animals in half and you lead them so there was a path bit of an animal on either side and a path of blood in between for every covenant is made in blood it is a commitment to life and death that is if if I have to to keep this covenant I will die and the flip of that is if I don't keep this covenant I present myself for death I'm no longer worthy to live solemn stuff and the two parties of the Covenant were to walk that path of blood they would meet somewhere some have it that they walked in a elongated figure-eight which has become the symbol of eternity or endless and infinity and you'd meet there and they're face to face you would swear with your own blood running down your arm you would swear to keep this covenant and you would be bonded laughs you would be face-to-face relational Abraham prepared the whole and he's getting ready for this he's getting the drift he's going to walk through the pieces and he's going to come face-to-face with God and as he's prepared to do that he is told go go and take a nap you're not needed now okay can you get this is very important he is told that they're a divine slumber sort of God induced trance is going to come upon him so he's going to see what happens here but he will have nothing to do that in fact he'll be sort of at a paralyzed state so he's just over there in the corner sleeping is he dreaming he's out of it is he having a vision whatever he is put down and in that state he is seeing what happens that he and he's the one that is going to be a party to the Covenant he's the one getting the benefits of the Covenant but he's not part of the making in fact the presence of God like a fire came and God of himself by himself walked the pieces so that God took God's place in the Covenant but God took Abraham's place did you get that you really get that - people walk the Covenant two people face each other two people swear on their own lives to keep the Covenant only God said I don't need you go lay down a watch I'm taking your place I'm walking this covenant trail of blood and I'm doing it not only for me says Lord but for you so that as I walk through I am swearing upon my own being that I shall keep my word of covenant and I am swearing on your behalf that from your side the oath is taken it all hangs on my shoulders which meant in plain English if he doesn't do this then God will cease to be the Covenant oaths that God made with Abraham that Hebrews really expounds on of course now we've gone we've gone through into this other world that God here is speaking of in and in that Abraham is taking his place inside and his face to face and yet Abraham is not contributing except to surrender and agree with all that God is saying and doing in fact that words in the Hebrew language believed it it's interesting because we use the word we you realize every time you pray you speak Hebrew when it comes to the end amen I mean that is the Hebrew word for this word believe it and it's not simply some academic thing or saying I believe about I believe in that it's a relational word and he comes out as this is the way it is this is the way it is and shall be I believe I commit myself to it I lay hold upon what he has said and I agree with my heart to his heart I commit myself totally to him Abraham said I believe but God has said concerning me but God has said concerning what he is and will do and that means him a covenant partner I say it again i - i cheek-to-cheek face to face we're in this eternally together if you were here last night remember this woody and it means that you are standing in the same place as i am but you're not displacing me you're standing where I'm standing but you haven't become me and yet we are so close we as seamlessly won and simultaneously won an abraham believed God and God's response was you are in me and I am in you and I fulfill my purposes and you receive the benefits this is the Covenant huh this a covenant you're not needed the blood of God himself in Jesus Christ has done it all depended on God alone in that moment more happened than Genesis 15 tells us because in that moment Abraham saw the coming of the seed that is one of his descendants who would be the one to include all of us the one who in him all the families of the earth should be blessed Abram saw that and he saw that it would be the act of God that would bring it about even though it would come through the physical genealogy of Abraham and Jesus told us what happened in Genesis 15 remember it nothing is John AIDS he said Abraham saw my day and rejoiced and of course you know the word rejoice it literally means to leap in the air and spin around or sheer uncontrollable joy so Abraham did a holy dance when he came out of that it's seen the day coming when God Himself would take the place of Abraham and fulfill his covenant his sorrow and he rejoiced he was righteous that is he was accepted not because of his track record he was accepted not because of a list of behaviors that were found in an interrogation he was accepted because he flung himself in trusting agreement with God in His Word and he received then as a gift this covenant relationship of righteousness and it all hung not on what Abraham did or ever would do it hung upon what God was doing and what God would do do you really get that okay so I start again let's try again see we have here in the West especially we have been religiously educated in terms of doo doo doo and even then you're not worthy and the more you do and the more you feel unworthy the more holy you are that is a damnable lie we do not do do do do to be accepted we sit back and give praise to God that he has done done done done and we are accepted by his done okay you get it righteousness is a gift it's a relational gift it comes to us in the done of God that depends on God alone Jesus is that seed of promise he is that god of the old testament who now has become flesh human and I think we pass over that too quickly we you know sing our Christmas carols and see the little doll in the manger and we some of them you know well that's Jesus yeah what do you I mean has it dawned on us the God Father Son and Holy Spirit so loved us and so willed not to be God without us that God the Son what are their words within creation to sing it the God became a speck of life in the womb of the Virgin and following the journey of the human for nine months grew God god creator upholder in whom all things consist became a speck of life in the womb of the Virgin and kicked against his mother's belly and came forth in a rush of water unto us a child is born there you got it that's the purpose of God that's it that's the desire of God from before creation that said John is the word you want the final word of God you want the will of God it's not that you go off to Timbuktu that's another will of God the will of God is that God is joined to human so there's did you understand this as a human in the Trinity do you realize the universe right as we speak he's being run by brother human God joined the human race one of us to stand in the same place as we do without displacing us rather the very fact that he stands in our place enhances us and we come more glorious than ever we thought humans were but the God the Son should join us stand exactly where we're standing without displacing us but rather glorifying us his love bestows Worth upon us that we never knew we had he puts a value on us that places us a gazillion trillion miles above the biggest ape where we are we're the beloved we in folded not just for a quick hug and folded into now this his life he represents us because he can course he can he's one of us another species cannot represent us you can't send your cat to Congress sometimes you might as well but yeah I was serious for a minute there that whoever represents us even at the pathetic level of the human and human they've got a P of our species but we can only send one of ours but when you really get to the meaning of the word and defined it in the face of Jesus Christ representation is much more than that see as I say he stands inside of us stands where we stand he knows us by name and not merely as the handle that was put upon us at birth but he knows us he's One himself with us and in all his journey through toddler to teenage to businessman to what he emerges in his early 30s as we know him in the Gospels he has forged a relationship with us but is not merely omniscience that God just knows everything so he knows all about you now let's get on to the next business no it took him 30 years to forge a relationship to see life through our eyes to face every challenge to face every threat every temptation and in every step like the hammer of a the the the the only Texas whether they make the horseshoes this isn't illustrations not gonna go over I can see that but they take I've got to go on with it now they take the iron and they put it in the fire and to this white heart and then they hit it and hit it and hit it until he bends and they turn it into a horseshoe they're on every part of gandara where I live and that's the exact word that is used of Jesus that he says he he went forward and the word in the Greek is with blows with blows he's he's the humanity that is now his own and he's converting it he's taking it and making it in line with truth the father with blows another way of translating your be advanced way with a machete through a jungle that there is no pass and with a machete or clothes you're making a pass Jesus took us and he brought us back to truth in forging a relationship it wasn't an imposition he got in the middle of our very guts and he stood among us is a genuine human and a human has always intended with God dwelling in the midst yeah a real human but at the same time he's God and therefore he is equal to his entire creation and that includes every body to the last member of the human race and so when he stood in our shoes and stood where we stood we have a representative that can hold us and carry us with him and his history becomes our history our history becomes his history we made one if you ever looked at John 3:16 as an equation for God so loved the world I said what does that mean what does that look like don't say too quickly what would you what do you mean so loved what was it look like well you could read it like this for God so loved the world then put a colon that this is the is gonna join the equation together that so what I just said looks like this that He gave His only begotten son so God so loved you that he put a value on you and that value was his very self God loved you as himself and said that he so loved you equaled the gift of himself in his son huh he takes our place he takes our sin not only the actions of sin that we might even remember but he takes the system of sin that a hideous system that twists us and binds us to the lie and he took he took on the lie our and exposed him and carried our sin and specifically your sin and the system of sin that made you what you have been and he carried it to death and is canceled and it's carried away and he is done done done and all we do is sit and watch well this is God business he so loved you he takes your place to do what we cannot do he does not demand we do he announces to us that he's done yeah and he gives to us righteousness face to face acceptance face to face embrace in which there is no possibility of separation it is a seamless union in which there is no possibility of condemnation or shame or guilt there is no sin con is this for behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin don't say that too quickly that it sink in cleanses lifts out of us takes out of us carries away from us behold the lamb of God and you are forgiven and now that's another words I'm sorry I had to do this sit on the porch and read the dictionary hits fun then realize how far our English words are from Bible words you say forgive mm okay it's I mean up to a point but usually if you forgive someone it meant that up until you forgave them you coulda murdered them then you choose to forgive them all right so if we use the word forgive does that mean that God just hated your guts he could have damned you in hell but then all shocked sigh I'm gonna forgive you I mean that's how we understand the word that's why I should be scorched out of the Bible it's is that's not what the word means we had two Greek words that translate into forgiveness in our Bibles the first word the most beautiful word it's a it's a word that means he is full of grace and then he is Grace gracious to us and for no reason except that which is buried in the love of God he releases you in fact never used the word forgiveness again the word is release that's what the Bible word means you are released you're released and why what did I do nothing of course nothing it's the grace the gracious to God he just is that way he forgives you not because of what you've done or haven't done if it gives you because that's the way he is forgives you releases you but the second one I don't know that that kind of excites me it's in fact I like the Greek word you know some of those words I just like them i fear most' a nice twist to it fe mo fe mo you know that word is used in many ways if you're divorced you've been a fear mode that's pretty strong Missa two persons have been parted fe mo if I sent you all the way right now and is the last one if you go through the door and I can't see you anymore I've a theam owed you it means to send away be rid of you'll never see again your divorce it's over it's finished all those words are from the one word fe mo but it's used to describe forgiveness you realize he has taken our sin and we're divorced it's gone he has released us he has sent away our sin and we shall never see it again as far as the east is from the west so far have I removed it I fear mo and all by joshiya grace release he was never mad at you he was never angry that was the satanic lie he's not the accuser that's the name of Satan so Satan means accuser divider you've got the gods all wrong the god of the imagination we thought was the real and we coward before him because he hated us and we had to do all these righteous things to get his attention and the lights came on we met the real God in the face of Jesus Christ and he said if you've seen me you've seen the father and we could hardly believe it cuz he liked us he loved us and it was always gracious he was never mad at us back in the Old Testament scripture after Scripture the one I just quoted as far as East is from the west so far if I removed your transgressions from you and I can keep going it's gone it's gone it's gone the New Covenant would establish it and he said in the New Covenant I'll never remember your sins and iniquities anymore they never come to mind you said God the Father oh that's satanic God said that God the Father had to beat up and torture his own son before he could find it in him to forgive you what kind of a God is that he tells me that I just gotta forgive you but when he would forgive says that ugly God he's gonna take it out on someone no what a lie God the Father is one with the son and can never be separated and one with the spirit and can never be separated which means when the son said father forgive it was the father saying Amen son and the holy spirit witness to your heart and said did you hear that God in his trial oneness loves you and releases you with nothing we have done he declares you righteous and he doesn't say well now I've made this possible it's a possibility that you can be righteous but here's the list of conditions you've got to feel if it says so so you're you're righteous if I if you really feel sorry enough I'm not sure about that I mean you did look sorry on Sunday night sort of I think you'd better try again on Wednesday is because we are presented with the possibility of righteousness but really it's not what God did you've got the trump card nothing happens unless you do the right if no your faith does not produce righteousness righteousness is the glorious blazing light that streams into our darkness and faith is created you don't change your mind about sins so that God believes that you're worthy enough to get righteous rather he did bestows his gift and the gift is so incredible it changes my mind and I don't want to go where I was to get it this is rest and what I hear from pulpits all the time is not rest it's agony anguish getting saved every week rededicating your dedications because I don't know if I did it right last time and I'm the one now I hold the trump card if I don't do it right I don't get it that is not a gift that's a mortgage he gives us and when he gives us he gives us himself which means that the righteousness is not something apart from him he earned the righteousness and when he gives the righteousness he gives himself we're back to that in in and he gives himself so it's seamless there's no sort of crack down the middle this as well that's the Jesus side that's your side no it's so seamless I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus that's real it's not religious fiction it's not saying well that that's sort of your that's how God sees you but we all know that's not right now no this is real this is real this is changing me from my core outward I have been awakened to realize that I am Wadden with him who is righteous who has given himself to me and I am the righteousness of God in him and that's the way it is it's real I tell you what isn't real yourself my righteousness if you want to look at fiction look at all the morality and virtues you piled up and all the times you've read your Bible through from end to end and prayed all night long thinking that's gonna give you a state with God that's the phony that's the unreal righteousness cuz it only exists in your own head the real righteousness which is really given which really is is Jesus running with us and he's already wandering the Father and so we are one one one we're in in in the Father Son and Holy Spirit and the son who has become one of us we're all standing in the same place where I bawled to eyeball cheek to cheek face to face and when the father looks at you and looks at mean he talks to Jesus but at the same time is talking to me because I am so one I'm accepted in him just as an aside you know in the Bible it seems to be very male gendered you know we're all called sons of God as tough on ladies I mean so we we have to say sons and daughters that's not in the Bible but we do it because we feel sorry for the ladies but you know what that's really saying don't you why are you ladies as well as gentlemen why are you called sons of God because you're one with the son and you are accepted as he is accepted and when the father speaks to the son he's talking to you and when he talks about the son he's talking about you he looks at you and says you are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and we say Amen only with a lot more exuberance yeah we are it's real this is the gospel the gospel is the power of God to salvation because therein is revealed the righteousness of God and they're telling me gospel means you'll go to heaven when you die where on earth is that in the scripture it's righteousness now and that's why it's the gospel but right now as you sit in your seat there is no sin consciousness there's no condemnation there is no separation there is nothing but assurance there is no inferiority but the rising of wonder that I am righteous and I'm declared the being Christ the Son of God now that sounds like good news if it just means you go to heaven when you die well how long have you got before you finally get find out what this gospel is hang out in church and be as bored as everybody else and pray pray to die is we love but that's where gazillion Christians are there's no prison hope the whole thing of hope is Disneyland of the future instead of being the throbbing dynamic reality that now the righteousness of God and it speaks in the epistles are the fruits of righteousness you pet this fruits and I say this honestly and I hope no one has been there but I feel maybe you have to live your life in sin consciousness it's a terrible place to be to live your life under threat you're always unsure of the Father your hopefully sure of Jesus but the father you never know the least he was the one who was going to damn you in Hell so you can never be sure he might change his mind of a sudden and yet Jesus continually continually said that his mission was to take us to the Father can you imagine such persons that I just described okay can you imagine that in of a sudden like now you realize there's no condemnation that you'll never think about sin again no sing consciousness no obsession with sin but to realize only the love of God who has graced you with release and not just release into nothing but release into this unspeakable relationship of father and Son and Holy Spirit fruits of righteousness this changes prayer totally changes prayer how do you pray see our word asking has gotten all mixed up with the kind of righteousness that counts for nothing so when people ask it's usually they adopt a religious wine have you got a practice then you then you'll be accepted in the church prayer meeting where everybody wins they don't talk like that over the dinner table but you talk like that when they pray because the mentality is a nun speaking I'm asking out of poverty I'm asking because I don't have I'm asking and I'll probably say this when I pray but I'm not worthy because we got we were told God likes you to say that and so they really asking becomes begging okay I'm going to the bank and I'm walking with great joy and authority because my bank account has got all the money in it that I need and as I go to the bank I'm passing one of those fellows who holds up his card you know will work for bread and he begs for a dime he's asking pitiful and then I go into the bank and then I ask I'd use the same word he asked I go to the bank and I'm asking I'm asking for $1,000 and as I do I'm just twiddling my thumbs waiting for the teller to get on with it there's no doubt in my mind I'm not asking out of poverty I've already got it I'm not hoping that the teller will have mercy on me Oh she'd get fired no she's not having mercy on me it's in my account I want it and I'm asking for it many many many many many prayer meetings are there with the fellow with the card they're begging they're pleading they're calling for mercy asking out of assumes poverty hoping they will get something by what they're asking for the prayer have you forgotten you are inside of Jesus and Jesus is inside of you and when you ask he asks for his inheritance and that's why you say in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus means that I'm speaking out of this union you know the Sunday school kid it was asked why do you spend a prayer with in the name of Jesus he said it means Roger over and out it's what you're into prayer no no actually you don't need to say it if you know that's where you're coming from you don't need to say it we live in the name of Jesus we are skin the name of Jesus we have the consciousness that we are in him and he's in us and we're there in the Father so so prayer then even in this traction is different cousin I was raised to think you know I'm here and God wherever I thought God was he's over there and the person I'm praying for is over there and so I pray and hopefully Jesus is in the middle here somewhere because I have to say in his name and it goes through God and hopefully I shouted loud enough or was enthusiastic enough for him to hear me and then he does something to that person over there you realize that's all phony I mean Christ Christ is in the Father so he's not up I'm inside of the Father as surely as Jesus is and the father's inside of me for Jesus inside of me and Jesus said father and son that Jesus said we will come and make our abode in you so father isn't up and over he and Jesus in me through the Holy Spirit I've got the whole jolly Trinity inside of me so I'm not up in an over in and where is the Trinity in relation for the poor fellow I'm brain for the couldn t is there so actually while I'm praying I can reach out my hands and lay my hands on his head I'm there and I'm saying who is Jesus who is one with the father so we're doing this prayer thing together this four of us but I'd like a video of your faces right now we're not separate this insisting the separation that's all a satanic lied came in with the lie so he's not up I'm gonna try to get to him not trying to convince him and by the way something goes wrong we're gonna pray about that no you don't not yet because if you prayed right now you'd be praying your fears you'll be praying your confusion just relax relax him to Jesus who could afford to let Lazarus died and say we'll be there in a bit no I'm not being silly about this do we you gotta realize that there's no anxiety in God there's no panic and I'm the righteousness of God so I'm face to face witching Tajik and all he is is all I am and there's that other word simultaneous I don't have to speak and then hear it go through a series of techies stuff until it gets to God and then he speaks and I have to wait till it gets to me do you realize this is faster than texting because texting does take time I mean but that took time see simultaneous means while this arm does this arm does all at the same time if any of you have you ever any you know anything about quantum physics there's a fascinating experiment in content physics they they divide an atom don't try that at home but they divide an atom and they take half the atom a thousand miles away and whatever they do to this half of the atom simultaneously happens 2,000 miles away and then it's faster than the speed of light they call that the the experiments called entanglement well I'm entangled all right now what you what Jesus does I do what I do Jesus is in the middle of it and so when something goes wrong the question is what's up Jesus you know what are we doing about this what's your mind on this matter how do we pray or do we pray or do we go or let's be still this question be still in the Holy Spirit until the mind of God is real to us and then we talked it over with father but it's done in peace it's done without anxiety done without panic without fear and it's done with focus but sometimes in a prayer meeting you get 20 different messages sent to father all the contradict each other suppose the one who shouts the loudest gets heard but why not get the mind of God and speak that mind and also there's many prayers you don't need to pray why would you need to pray for what you already got maybe you should pray eyes open to see what I've got and many times what you appear to need is but you've already got your in Christ and so the best I can pray for you is o open the eyes of their heart their understanding so that they may know the hope to which they have been called and know the exceeding greatness of his power who is in them which is the same power raised Jesus from the dead now getting close to prayer it's a confession it's the speaking of good words it's the announcement of truth over people and betimes is asking that the Holy Spirit make that plain but it's all righteousness cuz you wouldn't dare to do any of that unless you knew that there's nothing between and no guilt and no condemnation and therefore you come to the throne of grace with boldness not because you're putting on a front because you quietly know that armors accepted here as Jesus because Jesus is my very life well what can I say what could I say you know the Bible says to wake up awake you sleep now certain to the Ephesians so wasn't talking to skid row good awake you sleep Christ will give you light you ever realized you don't know that you're asleep until you wake up right and many times you wake up happiness even know what I am saying this weekend is the Holy alarm clock wake up and realize who you are you've been it the whole time you were asleep you just didn't know it when you're asleep and you didn't know you were asleep you thought he were having a jolly good time but when you woke up wow I've missed out on life I've been asleep
Channel: New Life City
Views: 9,378
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Id: 7SfO_-gKo6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 6sec (4506 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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