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flipper zero one of my salt after gadgets of 2023 so why would you want this cool little radio hacking device that pretends to be a Tamagotchi in this video we're going to find out what the flipper does what the flipper doesn't do and should you get one so let's start off with why would you want one of these things I think it's fair to say that there's been a lot of social media coverage of these of people doing stuff that they shouldn't be doing with these things and that has drawn a lot of attention and made this such a success in particular I'm talking about the popular test of the charge flap hack at the touch of a button you can emulate the signal that Tesla's use to open their charging flaps it's actually pretty funny but that's not the best reason to get one of these things this thing is a powerful RF multi-tool it's a bit like having a multimeter for RF radio frequency so let's have a look at some of the cool things you can do with this device look this is the home screen it kind of defaults to like a Tamagotchi dolphin is pretty funny but basically I've got a key fob here for something I'm not going to tell you what it is I'll show you that later all you need to know is what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to read the signal from the K4 so you can go into this thing here frequency analyzer and you can basically just push the button on here and it will register the frequency on there so that's pretty cool in itself you can test if the key fob's working if you don't know whether the batteries are flat or whatever but also more than that you can actually capture the signal generated by this and each individual Button as well and then replay it so you can actually use this as your remote so if you have multiple key fobs in your life you can store all of your key fobs onto this and then you've only got to take one device with you okay look it is a bit bigger than everything else but it's a pretty cool concept so to store the key presses you just go into the read section hit that it starts scanning and then when you push a button on the remote it actually grabs the specific code so each button has got a different code you can see Zero c c zero zero three and the final one it's incredibly cool to be able to do that now once you've stored those commands you can actually make them into a remote and then you can trigger those using the flipper without the key fob so here's the remote I made it's actually from my Renault Twizy to change driving modes and different settings it's pretty interesting though isn't it but before you go and get worried and concerned that someone's going to break into your car because they'll just literally grab your key fob code it doesn't quite work like that with key fobs fortunately there's a lot of security involved in those involving rolling codes and everything else what you can do with a flipper though and what some people shouldn't be doing is actually trying to do it with this device and there are ways where you can actually try to do it it won't work what it will end up doing is it'll end up most likely locking out a key fob for the for the owner of the actual car so don't go and try it on your own car because it will have a hefty Bill replacing the key fob for it and don't go and do it to somebody else because yeah it's just not a nice thing to do when the car thieves do it they do it a different way and that is why you shouldn't leave your key fob near your window in your house just basically tuck it away somewhere in a drawer or even better put it in a Faraday Box basically a radio Shield box and that will make sure that the signal from the key fob can not be picked up outside the house and another thing fortunately the car manufacturers are getting wise to this now so they're starting to put in extra security features to make sure this doesn't happen but I still don't think Tesla have secured their battery flap yet I will other cool things you can do with this because it's got NFC built in it's actually read cards so you can actually just read cards like this and then you can store that data even credit cards so it's a good thing A lot of people are using their phones now to make payment rather than cards right wrong it's crazy that on this particular Android phone that I've got all you've got to do is have the phone on touch the flip on the back and it will just literally take the card details whilst it is really bad that you can extract the long card number and the expiry date with a flipper on any phone that's got this enabled you can't actually use it to make payments because there is a missing security element so that is at least one good thing it's still bad that the whole number can be extracted though I think there needs to be some extra security steps Apple phones you have to hit the button a couple of times I think on the side to enable that card payment to happen so it seems like at least they've put measures in place another thing because this has 125 kilohertz RFID you can scan pet tags as well oh she didn't like that so so far we've seen a few things that the flipper can and can't do and I think it's fair to say that if you saw someone out about a flipper I wouldn't be too concerned because the bad guys are going to be using other stuff they're not going to be using this sort of thing you know this is what we call ethical hacking it's finding exploits and things to then obviously make them aware so that then you know people can kind of Manufacturers can fix those problems that is what we want the community behind this thing is absolutely brilliant look I've just literally just made a little temperature sensor just by plugging in this um sensor on the top and there's already a bit of software ready to go it's so cool there's so many possibilities with this thing it's a bit like a kind of new age Arduino so let's have a look at some more features so this has got infrared it's a blooming good infrared transmitter receiver as well it's really powerful so with this you can actually kind of go into what you can analyze infrared signals as well which is pretty cool um you can also you know use this as a universal remote now the way this works is it will literally cycle through all of the commands it knows um is used for the on signal on and off signal of um of TV so basically if we just let it Let It Go on its way it will just cycle through all the power commands there you go and the TV comes on and actually if you leave it what it will do is it will then get to the off command so basically it will just kind of turn it turn the TV off usually it's around somewhere around now it turns off there you go and it goes off so absolutely crazy so you can also change the channel change the volume you know mute all of that stuff and you don't even need to know the manufacturer or any of the codes for the TV it will just literally use its database that it's got inside it to just cycle through every possible TV in one Fell Swoop it's amazing and that worked for TVs audio devices projectors fans air conditioning how often have you been somewhere in this air-conditioned blasting and you want it to be turned off but you can't find the remote anywhere there you go The Flipper also has Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE so it can do loads of cool stuff like act as a remote control there you go I've just added a mouse pointer to my Android phone and there's also another spammy hacky thing that's going around on social media again which is basically where this thing can spoof out Bluetooth LE beacons and let iPhones know that there's devices in the area that aren't actually really there and it kind of locks up the iPhone it's really not good that one so we can see there's loads of cool stuff you can do with the flipper as a standalone unit in itself but where it gets really cool because this thing's got gpio it it's basically like an expansion Port so you can start putting on extra boards like this wi-fi development board so this is a board you can buy I think it's a copy of the original flipper xero Wi-Fi board but basically you can just pop that on the top there like that and then it can do loads of other stuff but we can go into the gpio section of the flipper here and then go into Wi-Fi Marauder now this is a separate part of the firmware you have to update the firmware to be able to do this but this allows you to basically pen test penetration test your network um and obviously other people but you shouldn't really do other people's but this allows you to do quite a few cool things if you're into testing like Wi-Fi networks testing penetration of Wi-Fi networks stuff like that so you can scan for IEPs you can do numerous things like you can actually attack Wi-Fi networks with this as well um which I wouldn't advise doing unless it's your own network now I'll show you that in action quickly I've got these lights which are one of the only things that is connected to my Wi-Fi network in 2.4 gigahertz my mode because this particular Wi-Fi board only works in 2.4 gigahertz mode it doesn't work in 5.8 so you can only pen test and experiment with stuff in the 2.4 gigahertz range that is a drawback what I can quickly show you here on my own Wi-Fi network is this flipper zero with the Wi-Fi board the authenticating my lights off of my network what does that mean well let's just see so if we hit that that will start the authentication you get a red light there and basically watch this so in a second you should see these lights basically just get completely disconnected from my network so you see it's just not one of them off now they've all gone completely if we just stop this and the lights are gone off everything's going kind of wild now but if we stop this now and you see they're pretty instantly come back the other one will come back in a second as well there you go it's mad that in it but this has been going on since the beginning of the time guys like since Wi-Fi existed so you know this is not a new thing you've always been able to do the authentication um pen tests on Wi-Fi networks um you know and obviously unscrupulous people can do it to bring whole Wi-Fi networks down now Wi-Fi has kind of evolved and the security measures on the latest Wi-Fi networks um are a lot better so he's quite an eye-opener that I was able to do this on my Sky Broadband which is just a very common Broadband setup I could knock off 2.4 gig devices um just using the flipper now obviously most things on a Wi-Fi network are connected to the higher band the five gigahertz band like for example when your phone connects to your Wi-Fi network at home it will try and connect to the five gigahertz band because it gets a bigger a bigger bandwidth basically to allow more data to flow but stuff at the limit of your Wi-Fi range so if you've maybe got like a doorbell or something like that that might be defaulting to the 2.4 gig band because it's outside hanging on the door and the signal is weak you know something like this could knock that ring doorbell out I mean obviously I think it's probably unlikely people are going to do this because if someone's going to try and you know try and avoid your cameras these days because it's cameras everywhere most criminals just stick a mask on so that's kind of covered some of the things that you might have seen on social media people doing um with the flipper and saying oh you know you'd be able to do this and it works and you're going to cause crazy Havoc you know yeah it is possible to sort of cause mild Havoc with this thing but you're not going to buy this thing take it out of the box turn it on and start you know causing massive problems for people um because you need to you still need to know what you're doing so why have one of these things then well as I said at the beginning of the video it's like having a multimeter for radio frequency and because I'm a licensed amateur radio operator as I know some of you guys are as well because you follow the channel um it's just an absolutely brilliant tool to have and one of my favorite features of the flipper that I keep finding myself going back to you on a daily basis now is the Spectrum analyzer feature it's absolutely brilliant so you can basically just pull up a huge pretty big chunk of bandwidth on here and analyze analyze the signal so you can see where where stuff is now for mostly you're gonna be a whole big deal what's all that about but for the hands amongst us you'll know how handy this sort of thing can be so here it is picking up the signal from my Icom id52 there unfortunately this won't demodulate FM so you can't actually listen to any audio Transmissions or capture audio Transmissions it's purely only capturing digital which is a bit of a shame but it is what it is and the quoted frequency range of the flipper is from 300 megahertz to 900 megahertz but for some strange reason I've found that this particular one I don't know why but it doesn't seem to be picking up anything in the 446 megahertz band so it kind of tails off at about 40 440. I don't know if that's a region specific thing I haven't really looked into it that far yet um but yeah it doesn't seem to go any higher than 446 in that band but then obviously if you scroll up to the other bands at the top it will actually start picking up um in I haven't tested this completely but but it's definitely picking up signals in the eight six eight megahertz like ISM band um and I've seen some signals in you know up up at 900 megahertz as well so if any of you guys have got one of these let me know in the comments if you you'll find in the same and maybe you've got a solution to kind of fix it so that just about sums this one up guys I absolutely love this device I think it's brilliant I'm going to use it all the time I am using it all the time um but yeah if you're thinking of getting this to cause loads of problems and start hacking stuff and yeah probably don't bother because it will get boring pretty quickly because once you've done the Tesla door thing and some of the other things on social media it's you're going to be bored with it so yeah don't be a dick learn to hack properly and I'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: andy kirby
Views: 147,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: afQfVOPr5CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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