What Is The Flipper Zero? Why You Might Not Need One.

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year is 2022 and the hottest Gadget is a Tamagotchi from the 90s that's all grown up they went to a stem college and got an electrical engineering degree and now they have a keen interest in hacking and RF stuff and kind of pranking and messing with technologies that we take for granted in terms of like securing our buildings and our cars this is a flipper zero it is a a Tamagotchi basically a little cute dolphin on the screen mine's called woo sculpt he's level two by the way and what you do with this device is interface with RF technology RFID technology physical things like called I buttons and infrared earlier this month I posted a video a short on YouTube here on me going to the local grocery store and in the parking lot using the flipper 0 to open the charging ports on Tesla vehicles laughs [Laughter] now while a couple people were very upset with the fact I did that I must let everyone know that the Tesla is smart enough that if it's not getting charged it then closes its door in relatively short order a couple of minutes so no danger there was no rain or anything like that although the connectors sealed and whatnot but that is that's what this guy does what I had done was I copied in a small script onto the micro SD card put it in this device and then used its sub gigahertz radio to transmit a signal that signal was picked up by the Tesla because the Tesla thought hey that's the charge door button on my owner's remote and Boop open the door that's what this device does it's basically a replay device so you could take an RF signal coming in it will copy it save it and then you can play it back with its infrared I can take a remote click it in front of it I can copy that signal and play it back that's what this does but with more options in regards to where you get that data from and which data you can push out let me show you another example the idea with all of this is once you have them recorded so again if we go back to this NFC tag right I can go back and record this guy and then at that point I can emulate it back and now I'm pretending to be this token and that's the whole point of this device is that it's receiving signals in Via its sensors whether it's the the little pins on the side for the I button or even the gpio to a degree but largely your NFC and your sub gigahertz receiver and transmitter The Flipper zero is available off of The Flipper website link is in the description I'm not affiliated with flipper they run for about 160 dollars they are pretty difficult to get on the website and that has caused a massive influx in the resellers Market that black model in particular I saw some listings as recently as a couple weeks ago for over a one thousand dollars that is insane further they've had recent issues in actually getting the devices into the United States for shipping to Consumers due to some government interest in what is actually all going on with this device in a lot of ways The Flipper zero is something kind of new to the market sure devices like these exist I would implore you to go check out the hack 5 Channel and the wonderful devices they make there's something called the ponagachi which I also have that messes with Wi-Fi and some other things there are a ton of devices that do what the flipper 0 does but this is kind of like the first one where it's a lot of these features are all put together and adds a really nice interface and easy to control nature plus it's just really a lot of fun and I think encourages particularly younger people to get into the world of what we Old-Timers I guess would call hacking in the original sense hacking used to mean figuring out how things worked taking things apart to determine what made them tick taking apart your dad's drill and trying to put it back together and realizing you have a couple screws left over was how I grew up in wanting to get involved in engineering and kind of my interest in trying to figure out how things work with the proliferation of electronics in our society it's just inevitable that kids and younger people and still me you know I also like to do this too want to understand how things work and devices like this allow us to do so through experimentation and discovery of what's capable when you have a device like this let's replicate an RF device I have a little transmitter that goes to a power supply that when I push power it turns on this RCA remote tuner control so if I click on you get the idea pretty straightforward well the flipper it can clone that with its sub gigahertz receiver and transmitter so let's let's first receive that signal let's figure out where it's at I'll use the frequency analyzer to do that all right found something there sometimes where you transmit from it can vary a bit okay so we'll take this one I am using a custom firmware which allows me to Center click the unit will vibrate now if I go back out of here let's go up to the read section so we're going to be centralized on 4.388 megahertz modulation AM 650 and we're in a transmit and hey it found it let's click the off Button as well okay so now we have a couple of different Transmissions B4 B2 B4 B2 I'm going to put this aside on The Flipper now I'm going to transmit B2 which I believe was dot off signal send and it turned it off if I go back B4 should be on we'll send it and now it's on you can use this to transmit any code you can save it off save it whatever name you want for a unit as long as it's one of a few modulation types and let me go back to configuration here we have a couple different frequencies that we can go through from 300 megahertz all the way up to 900 megahertz and there's four different modulation steps am 270 650 FM 238 and 476. so somewhat limited but it'll do frequency hopping it will detect it will try to do some things to make your life a little bit easier and you can always just receive raw as well so if we start receiving pretty low power transmitter this and we could do simple things like just copy an NFC tag so let's grab my little friend Cloud here this is a memo an amiibo I forgot Nintendo amiibo so you could have a whole list of these in fact there's people that just copy the RFID tags and you can save them and load them onto the SD card that way if you go to emulate later you can always just click on emulate and you're now transmitting Cloud's NFC tag if you're playing a game of Final Fantasy or whatnot or Smash Brothers now regarding the legality just like bolt cutters and even lock picks and simple drills you could use those things to commit a crime a physical entering of someone else's property there are some instances where you could use a flipper zero illegally to acquire someone's information like a credit card number or a room key for a hotel or a badge ID like one of those little RFID badges that people have yeah The Flipper zero could copy that if you like touched it up against somebody's badge so yes there is a legal tightrope that we're walking with devices like these but at the same time I wouldn't ever not want to have a device like this be on the market for legal purposes so that means parents if your child is asking you to get them a flipper zero sometime in 2022 or 2023. uh keep an eye on them with what they're doing with it they can actually get themselves into some amount of trouble you can also do 125 kilohertz RFID tags we have I button which is this guy so if we read it it'll tell me yep it's doing something uh this particular one is blank but it's acknowledged as being real so that's good and if we wanted to we could save that or we could write to it let's write it so we'll so if we made a copy of an i button we could copy it to something else very easily now to the title of this video do you actually need this device well just like anything you don't absolutely need it you need food Water Shelter that kind of thing but for most people I would argue that they don't need this device there are a few practical things that I find myself going to The Flipper more than any other device and that's honestly it's infrared capability it is one of the strongest infrared transmitters infrared transmitters that I have used or experienced that is actually quite fun for doing little pranks and stuff like turning off TVs in a Walmart and changing channels and that kind of stuff but I find it just really useful in my office for switching the inputs on my monitor and also turning off the television when I told the kids to get off of it and they didn't want to use Extreme Measures in emergency combat situations this is still wonder my precinct around it's even at my pillow fight the way home yes another reason you probably don't need this is it's not going to do things for Wi-Fi if you wanted to play around with Wi-Fi like you could with a ponagachi then you probably need to wait until the flipper 1 is released or you buy the Wi-Fi development board for the flipper zero and figure out how to play around with that those scripts do exist but the level of legality I'll let you decide on that one further this device doesn't handle rolling codes and what do I mean specifically by that well a car you can't just click a car's fob in front of it have it copy that signal and then expect to just be able to replay it every time and open the same car cars garage doors property Gates like in an apartment complex or condos those have a rolling Code system so that you can't just copy this signal off and replay it again all this technology has existed for a really long time people trying to copy codes and replay them so the flipper one doesn't bring anything new to the table there because it can't do rolling codes in that sense you know breaking and entering waiting outside somebody's house and recording it with a flipper so you can get inside really isn't possible out of the box that it sits in right now there are firmwares that you can mess with and reload The Flipper to run different software and obviously it has that development board that I mentioned before that you can do some more stuff with but just keep that in mind that's not really what this does right out of the box but if you were so inclined you could take your car's key fob and The Flipper Walk Way far away from your car point the unlock button at your flipper zero record that signal come back to your car and then replay that signal to your car and that would unlock your car but that's a one-time deal and that key is then expended and you'd have to delete that recording on The Flipper and do the whole process again so yeah there's a bit of fussing you can do to make it work but it's not really convenient or reliable in that sense now for me I'll give you my top three things why I like it is obviously the infrared that I mentioned the sub G radio of course is really cool that frequency counter being able to see exactly what the frequency is and then play with some amount of modulation is is really really handy and fun I do also like the NFC tag type of control that you can get with replaying those type of things like a hotel key card for instance that's quite handy badges credit cards it's actually quite useful on a personal level again that's where we start dipping into the lines of illegality so you know do the right thing right if you have a flipper zero or are in the world of lamenting your inaccessibility to get one post a comment below I'd love to hear your thoughts maybe you leave a little review in there as well if you are new to my channel the ham radio crash course The Flipper zero and ham radio have a bit of an overlap as far as a Venn diagram so if you've been thinking about getting your amateur radio license or getting more involved in the world of radio frequencies maybe just listening having some fun with the short waves and whatnot consider subscribing I'm posting a link right now to a video that you might enjoy and getting started in amateur radio thanks for watching I'll talk to you later see ya obviously there's games there's a snake game miscellaneous is a music player which literally plays the marble machine song which is kind of funny [Music] [Music] foreign yeah anyway you get the idea
Channel: Ham Radio Crash Course
Views: 56,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ham radio, Ham radio crash course, how to get your technician license, what to do with ham radio, having fun with ham radio, how to run a ham radio net, hoshnasi, introduction to ham radio, ham radio basics, amateur radio, amateur radio antenna, ham radio antenna, operating HF, qrp antenna, hf radio antenna, ham radio review, amateur radio review, flipper zero, flipperzero tesla charge door, penetration testing tools
Id: lQUC6d6_r38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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