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welcome back to yet another Rhythm video where I'll be showing you yes you the absolute Mega guide on how to use your new flipper zero for hacking alright roll the intro screen okay so let's get straight into this now so our first step is to actually prep our flipper or as I like to call it flippy for the first stock firmware and adding uberritos files this brings up the question about micro SDs which is actually more important than you might think and quite surprising as well now I'm going to be talking for a little bit here but you do need to know this information so please stick with me so your flipper zero can take and use any card that you want as long as it is below 256 gigs however it's a whole nother story when trying to access the micro SD that your flipper formatted your computer cannot actually access the MicroSD unless the micro SD is SDHC now you might be thinking Nick that's old technology um well that makes it more simple and moddable at least I think I'm not actually quite sure why but this is what I have come up with after tons of trial and error nice SDXC SDS have too many bells and whistles I'm talking Samsung Evo um SanDisk gold and all those micro SDs that you might know when you take a Micro SD like that and try to make it accessible for multiple devices it becomes too good in a way because it becomes confused with all of its Tech it essentially corrupts the SD for use only in The Flipper now on the other hand with SDHC they have more Bare Bones features they are made by lesser-known companies such as SP PNY Lexa and in the rare instance of an instance of it being made by like a well-known company like SanDisk or Samsung they're normally their older style micro SDs these SDHC cards for some reason make the info accessible with multiple devices we still have to set the partition as active every time but I'll go over that in more detail later alright now that I am done gibber jabbering about micro SDs it's time to continue the process you're going to want to grab your SDHC card and plug it into your flipper now you might get an error message like this when it comes up but just click OK and you can get on with the next process [Music] so we're going to want to go to settings and I'm actually using an old SDXC card but that's because I have modified my flipper internally so hopefully this works um so now that we've gone to our settings you're gonna see this big beautiful storage button underneath the LCD and notifications button click it and go down to format SD card you're going to click format with the right arrow button and um I'm just gonna wait for it to complete now this does take just barely any time actually as you can see there we there we go um all right fantastic now we're ready to plug our flipper into our marvelous computer as you can see I already have it plugged in because I'm running qflipper and I'll show you those how to install that in a second let's make sure we use the exact same cable that came with our flipper as we know for sure it can transport data and not only power but before we um we update we obviously need to install Q flipper this this cool application here so uh let's head over to the flipper zero update site okay so now that we're at The Flipper zero update site which is flipper 0.1 update or update.flipper 0.1 uh now that we're here um we're just gonna click on the download Q flipper button here and in this case it's for Windows but for you it might be Mac um but this um tutorial today is for Windows so let's click download qflipper and I already have this set up however I'm just gonna run this but anyways um we're just gonna open this up click uh the setup obviously and just wait for this to load here click the next button then next again [Music] and then you're going to click the install button I've already installed it though so I'm not going to click this but it should only take a couple of seconds anyway okay so once you've done that um just click on the desktop shortcut or search it up and open it up and since we've already plugged in our flipper you should see this on the screen if not just click on reload or unplug and replug in your flipper so we can see that it says databases not found and SD card not present so if it does say that which it shouldn't actually um just go ahead and reload Q flipper there we go so now it says the SD card there is there but the databases still aren't found so we're going to install them now though navigate over to the second tab shown with a wrench icon and click on the drop down and click development I like to choose development because it always seems to work a tiny bit better for my use cases but you can click release as well however stay away from release candidate though as I'm not sure what that does yet now click the nice Orange install button which in my case is not actually orange sorry about that but it is update what did I just say oh my God it's a green update button there get that correct all right but we're just going to click update click update and it will begin um installing uh first you're going to see the loading bar and the Q flipper screen and then it will transfer over to the flipper screen you might get some error messages on qflipper but those are always incorrect so don't click anything and wait for it to complete on your flipper not qflipper I can't say that more I'll be back when it finishes [Music] okay success so in my case I didn't get any error messages um that's pretty normal just click the continue button and I'm just going to click here so you can see my screen and you're gonna click ok and then you get these cute little enemies animations here of uh um your flippy I don't know what is I don't know how to pronounce his actual name it's abs 4le abs all I don't know anyways um it's time to complete the next step which is installing our Uber guidos files from The Uber Guido's GitHub page so let's navigate over to the storage settings page down here by clicking on the middle button I can't uh show you that but it should show up over here on my input and you're going to click unmount SD card [Music] okay and now we can safely remove the SD card you can also turn off your flipper and unplug it to turn it off you're going to want to go down to power off off and unplug it okay so you're going to want to plug in your micro SD using one of those converters that comes with your micro SD or some other kind of converter like a USBC to MicroSD or just USB 3.0 or USB a I mean and you can see that I don't have any problems but if we if you look at your file explorer and see that nothing shows up there that is because we must mark it as active in a partition manager now if it does show up like mine did then you can disregard my next mini step here um and we can uh um just use it as this but as I have this video marked and uh you can find the next step if you go forward in the video but I'm going to show you guys how to fix it if you do in fact um have a problem so we actually cannot use the normal partition manager that comes with the nose and we must use a third party uh one in my case I'm going to use mini tool Partition Wizard which you can find the description of the video and if you have any trouble installing it leave a comment but I feel no current need to show you how to install it once installed you're going to want to open it up I'm just going to search for it over here and you're going to want to right click on the micro SD and click on the button that says set active click apply [Music] um and wait for it to complete now if it says set inactive that'll most likely do the um same thing um but I'm not going to apply it because I don't want to ruin my SD card because it did work for me in the end so now let's close this and if we open up your uh file explorer you're gonna see that it should show up now if you did have that problem originally um reopen your final Explorer obviously and if you have any problems whatsoever don't worry go ahead and comment or email me and I should get you back to you very soon now that we know for sure that it's working open up your browser choice and go to the first GitHub Link in the description which will bring you to the install page for GitHub desktop go through the install proc process and create an account if you haven't already if you need help once again comment or email me or find another video on YouTube there are plenty once it is installed go to the second GitHub Link in the description which I'm going to pull up right now it is uberritos GitHub page click on the top repository that says flipper and click the code button up here which will give you a drop down copy the link now we're going to open up GitHub desktop which we installed earlier and click clone a repository from the internet foreign URL and paste in the repository that we found earlier [Music] now select a download area I recommend putting it in another um oh sorry I recommend putting it in if possible on your computer in a separate folder but if you have to you can put it on another external drive if you need I'm going to go down to my other disk which is a partition of my desk it's about 30 gigabytes and I'm going to put it in flippy stuff sorry for the name click select folder if you have any problems once again just comment below and click clone this can sometimes take up to 15 minutes so I will be back when it is finished okay guys so you can see that it's done but I have threats found so what you're going to want to do is click on that button don't worry the only reason this is happening on our computer here is because Windows is designed to protect against Bad USB excuse me bad USB scripts and um obviously that's not a problem for us [Music] um so what you want to do is create an exclusion add an exclusion and click folder and then select the folder in which it was in in this case I'm just going to select my entire Drive [Music] click select folder and once you've done that you should be good you're going to see all this stuff here there's that's really not a problem just click allow and just get rid of all these because we need you want you probably want these on your flipper so let's just get rid of these here and I'll go forwarding and see current threats is zero so now we are done um so we don't need to touch this anymore okay so um as I just said um we are done with all that stuff with GitHub desktop and now um it's time to copy over the files that we want onto our flipper so you can follow my exact process or you can choose your own I recommend following my exact process because you get every file possible anyways so let's get this started so our first step is to open up the place in which we installed excuse me the files which is going to be on this PC then other disk and then flippy stuff flipper and I'm going to rename this just so I can know what it is a little bit better we're guidos and you're gonna see tons and just tons of files in here um it won't Within These folders there's tons of files that's why I was gigabytes of stuff um that's not a problem we're gonna just get the ones we want and remove the ones we don't so open up another file explorer window and head over to flipper SD and this is what we want to do let's go go ahead and make this a bit smaller so our first thing we want to do is open up our applications here sometimes there's some stuff in here sometimes there isn't so we don't need anything in the applications uh but we can X out of there and open up bad USB and we need everything in bad USB so we're going to open up our bad USB folder here and you're going to see you're going to have assets and all that stuff just click over here do control a and then control C that's going to copy everything and now you're just going to do control V over here on this window make sure you're not in this window anymore just open this one and click Ctrl V and this is going to copy over all of our items over here I'm going to cut to when this is done okay guys so our bad USB scripts are done copying over here you can see if I reload this if they're all there um I did get a couple more problems um with Windows Defender you can either turn it off or add another exclusion to exclude the flipper SD that should fix everything other than that let's continue adding over our other files let's head into the infrared folder and we're just going to copy this stuff into our infrared folder this is also going to take quite some time so I'll be back when this is done already so as you can see if I reload this again everything is in here now so our next step is to um drag in our NFC files so enter the NFC page and drag everything in here this might also take some time and you can see he also included the amiibo files so you don't necessarily have to scan them at a store if that's what you're going to use them for but um I'm not going to recommend that in this video so this one doesn't look like I'm gonna have to cut the video so we're gonna go right on as you can see to our next one we have to copy over which is I believe RFID so if you don't have an RFID folder already you can um go ahead and drag it drag the whole folder in there already so just copy it copy the entire folder there you can see that he does have a Brute Force inside it but not really anything other than that we can go ahead and drag our sub gigahertz files into there now and this is the big one um I don't believe it takes too long to copy over um but it will take probably around 10 minutes so oh I was right it does say about nine minutes all right so I'll be back when this is done okay guys so you can see that everything is basically done here anyways that's all we really need as far as uberritos goes so uh now that we are done copying our files it is time for the main step installing our custom firmware now I will leave a disclaimer do not use the custom firmware's features on anybody's items or personal belongings including their cars houses or private jets unless you have their permission this video is obviously for educational purpose only but is it really hmm I personally believe that Rogue Master is the best as it is just an amped up version of Unleashed extreme is fantastic however it has watermarks hidden pictures which are pretty bad and some other stuff so for all around use I recommend Rogue master or Unleashed today I'll be showing you the install of Rogue Master though so obviously unplug your micro SD from your computer do not do not eject it that does leave a problem sometimes with the active and inactive features so once you haven't plugged it go ahead and plug it straight into your flipper and turn your flipper back on and everything is looking good now click on the third GitHub Link in the description which will bring you to the Rogue Master GitHub page okay so now navigate to the button below the releases button and once you scrolled down to where the install files are select the tgz file and download download it there are also no animation tgz files normally in the releases um but in this case I recommend otherwise so just click it and tgz files are extremely compressed so that's gonna be very fast um from here it's simple open up our trusty qflipper software and click install from file foreign over to where we have saved or downloaded our Rogue Master tgz file and click Open click install and now this will uh install everything that is in there now once again do not click anything while it is installing and I'll see when it's done hello again as you can see it has finished installing so we are basically done I did get a success update installed um pop-up that happened way before it was done so don't click anything if that happens to you um but anyways as you can see we can just navigate through our menu here um disable animations and stuff like that through here if you go into CFW settings and go to interface I have um a short YouTube short on this but you can change the app list to regrid which in my personal opinion looks much nicer but obviously don't get confused between sub gigahertz and the other ones to say some gigahertz because one of them is a playlist once the remote as you can see this is the playlist that's the remote so uh yeah don't get confused between that uh you can obviously as I said modify animations with which I'll make a video on soon and do many more things which I'll also make videos on as well well thanks for watching and I hope the process was nice and simple for you I appreciate the support lately especially for my new subscribers as I've gained an awesome 22 subscribers which I'm really happy about my next goal is a thousand so I'm gonna start pumping out a lot of content especially my shorts anyways I have new content planned about retro gaming and more flipper zero stuff so stay tuned for that so please subscribe as I'm trying to grow like the video as it really helps out and leave a comment if you need any help as well once again thanks for watching this has been Nick with the channel Rhythm and have a wonderful musical morning indeed see ya [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Rithim
Views: 26,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FlipperZero, Flipper Zero, Flipper, Zero, Educational, Hacking, Pentesting, Guide, Tech Gadgets, Gadgets, Tutorial, SubGHz, RFID, NFC, TV, Easy, Simple, Privacy, Privacy Tips, Learn, Flipper Zero Hacking, Hack, Programming, Technology, Technology Education, How to use Flipper Zero, Hacking with Flipper Zero, Ethical Hacking, Turn of TVs with Flipper Zero
Id: zQUm1eThSAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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