Install Custom Firmware and Hack Phones

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a few weeks ago I made a video about The Flipper zero and in that video I talked about how you can install the firmware and get started and I also demoed a couple of the little features of the tool but there are a bunch of other things you can do the flipper zero and there are also a bunch of custom firmwares available that you can install in The Flipper zero and those come with a bunch of different functions and different apps that are being developed by the community so I wanted to make this video to show how you can install some custom firmwares that are a little bit different than that basic firmware that you can get from the developer and also show some of the different things that those custom firmwares can do there are a bunch of different firmwares out there available in the community but some of the most popular ones are the Unleashed firmware and the roguem firmware there are tons of documentation on both of these firmwares and the communities are pretty active and they do pretty regular updates but there is a third firmware that I wanted to specifically cover in this video and that is the extreme firmware I believe this firmware has gained popularity recently because there are a couple specific features that have been implemented in the dev build of this firmware that has been getting a lot of publicity so for this video I'm going to install the dev version of this firmware and then I'm going to show a couple of those new features that were implemented for this firmware now if you want to look into this firmware and play with the most recent release version then you can just click over here down on the bottom right and click on releases and install it and you can also do the same with the roguem or the um Unleashed firmware just um go to releases and you can download the file and install it with the Q flipper application which I'm about to go over but to get the dev build of the extreme firmware you actually have to go to their Discord and they have a link to their Discord right here on the GitHub once you join their Discord you do have to give yourself the role to access the dev updates Channel but once you have access to that channel there's a bot in this channel that will give you a link to the new Dev build anytime there's a new one that's pushed and when once you see one of these build succeeded links then you just click on download firmware tgz and then once you have that filed then we can get ready to load it onto our flipper once we have that firmware downloaded we're going to launch the Q flipper application which I talked about in my last video I made about the flipper if you want to go back and watch that to see how to install the Q flipper application you can do that I'll probably do a link like up here in the card or something but also you can just Google Q flipper and you'll probably find it once I have the Q flipper app open on my PC I'm going to take my flipper and plug it into the USB cable and when I do that there is an option that it tells me that there's a new version of the firmware that I can update so if I wanted to I could click this update button and that would update the base firmware from Flipper zero but I don't want to use that firmware I want to use the dev build of that extreme firmware that I just downloaded so instead of clicking that update button I'm going to click install from file and when I selected that file from my downloads directory it's going to ask me install from file and I'm going to click install now it's going to go through the install process to upload the firmware and then apply that update and once that update is finished then we'll come back and we'll look at the firmware and see some of the things we can do with it a few minutes later so once that update finishes I'm just going to click continue now I'm just going to maximize The View so you can see the screen of my flipper since it's kind of hard to see what is going on on the little display with the camera and I'm just going to go through the menus a little bit and show you some of the things that you can do with the extreme firmware so when you first install that firmware it takes you through a little bit of a walk through of some of the features that it has but then you can actually hit the center button and you can scroll through the menu which is a pretty nice little UI for this little bitty screen and what they do with the real estate you have to work with but specifically one of the things that I wanted to demo for this video was under apps if you go to Bluetooth there is an option for blle spam and if you select that you can scroll through there are eight different options under B spam right now and the one that you may have seen it was kind of going viral a little bit on like Tik Tok and I saw a bunch of YouTube shorts for it and different YouTube videos and things and that is the iOS 17 lockup crash right now there's actually a bug in iOS 17 that as far as I'm aware has still not been patched yet and this bug allows you to use a flipper zero or presumably any type of device that allows you to send bluetooth load energy request and it allows you to spam the device and you can just send several different connection request trying to emulate a bunch of different Bluetooth FL energy devices and if you run that spam for a few seconds on iOS 17 devices it actually will completely lock up the device it essentially like makes it unusable unfortunately I don't actually have a iOS 17 device that is available right now for me to demo this but I have seen several videos of this and as far as I'm aware there haven't been any sort of updates or anything from Apple to fix this so I'll be watching to see when and if they actually fix this but there are other things that you can do with this BL spam option in The Flipper zero as well some of them actually just sends an alert for a specific type of device like you can send an alert to pair a Samsung watch a Samsung Buds and I have an Android phone right here that I can actually use to demo the Android device connect function I'm just going to hold up this Android phone so you can actually see what's happening on the screen and I'm going to start this Bluetooth low energy spam with the flipper zero and when I click Start now you see that there are connection spam happening for some earbuds and if I close that one now there's some different earbuds that pop up close that one some different earbuds and it will just keep sending the spam which will not actually lock up the entire device like it does currently on iOS 17 but it is very annoying and can essentially make a device nearly unusable because you're just constantly getting popups and you can also do the same thing with Apple devices with a very similar attack and as far as I know the only way to actually prevent it from happening on your mobile device is to actually turn off Bluetooth which is an annoying thing to do if someone is doing this kind of spam to your device but as far as I know the iOS 17 is the only version that will become fully locked up and completely unusable which is a pretty big problem that Apple should address pretty quickly hopefully they will be doing a patch pretty soon but this is just one of those little functions and new little tricks and things that have been developed by the community and depending on what you want to do with it you may want to look into different kind of firmwares and as I showed earlier it is very easy to install a new firmware you just have to find the source of the developers where they're uploading that source code for the firmware which is most likely going to be GitHub and then you just need to use the Q flipper app to install that firmware and anytime you want to go back to the original firmware it's very easy to just go right here and click the install button on the Q flipper or you can do it through the mobile app and you'll just be back to the base firmware that I showed in the first video I made so so that makes this device very easy to use and customize and try different kinds of things and if anything breaks or you want to go back to a different version of something it's very easy to just revert to whatever you were doing before or start fresh or whatever you want to do so I hope that was interesting and helpful to anyone who might be looking into getting a flipper for the first time or maybe they just got one or they had one for a while and it's just been sitting on the shelf and they haven't been doing anything with it these are just a couple things that you can do with it and how you can get started with some different firmwares so if you like this and want me to do more with the flipper zero maybe demo some other things that can do or maybe show off some specific types of attacks you can do with it let me know in the comments and I'll try to get some more videos like this
Channel: CorSecure
Views: 43,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flipper zero, hacking, flipper zero hacking, flipper zero review, flipper zero hacks, xtreme, xtreme firmware, xtreme firmware flipper zero, iOS 17 crash, iOS 17 bug, bluetooth, ble, ble spam, flipper bluetooth, flipper zero bluetooth, security, cyber security, mobile security, application security, pentesting, penetration testing, infosec, appsec, information security, mobile hacking, phone hacking, custom firmware
Id: 7FPx5L3xsdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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