Talking Sasquach - PCB Build Live Stream!

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[Music] we are alive make sure I get this turned down so we don't get demonetized hey everybody new camera locations I look in the wrong spot get some people invited in here foreign how do I link this I'm new so I'm going to do everything wrong for the moment sorry I guess okay we'll just copy it this way sure thank you can I make a set audio what's up guys pop out chats all right got this going so yeah today we are building this guy up well again I keep thinking my camera's up here because that's where my ring light is but you guys are down here now so we're building this guy got my little setup down here gonna be put in the um the PCB header pins in there so you'll notice that I just have rows of these header pins and obviously this only has a certain amount of holes so we're going to cut them down and make them fit good morning just be real careful I got a bunch of these flush cut diagonal Cuts cutters all right that's okay although I launched him across the room but we get here thank you all right oh nice yeah doing the 8266 that one's got a lot more wires but this is um this one's gonna be a little fancier um yeah you have the extreme firmware on um squashware doesn't have any of the illegal files like the jamming files or the um the regions region lock it's just basically um Dev uh Dev firmware with some a lot of applications a lot of files and things like that so it makes it so you can use it right out of the box it's also got um a few things like quality of life changes like you hold the center button to change animations and we've got slightly different passport setup um there's a few other small things like that uh also like we edited the GUI so there's no the ribbon cable and stuff are removed so there's some of the main differences here hey Stefan yes is the Prototype board although I guess it's not really prototype anymore this is real do so we've got these headers set up so you can you can solder these to the front or the back of the board so right now I've got them set up on the back you can see there's like the black part so I'm going to set it up on the back of the board um on this one the yeti face is going to be facing us the TFT screen everything lines up because if you did that wrong that would be a big problem so I've got those headers lined up another row here let me grab my box I don't want to lose anything yeah so this is the first time I've tried honestly any live streams um the camera setup's a little different everything's a little different I'm doing my best hopefully this works out pretty well for you but all right now we need to cut these right here careful dropped it ah cool so the 90 degree headers are the easy part so we might as well get right into there I wish I could have this a little bit closer so you could see things but um I can't move the laptop and the laptop runs everything right now so just the way it's going to be at the moment hopefully it's good enough for you guys to see let's see those aren't these are not flipper Dev boards right here and an unopened bag oh I guess it I can open it these are the flipper Dev boards I've got there the Prototype boards technically the dev board is actually the the other thing so here's what these guys look like which is actually the same color and damn near the same profile you can see mine versus there oops okay yeah again I keep forgetting where the camera is but mine versus theirs so this is actually the um the one you can buy from them this is the one that we built I gotta say mine's a little nicer too it's a little thicker I think there's a there's there's two layers of printing on this guy so what's up zebra you hand shaking nah it's just hard to hold things up Straight Like That all right so let's get to soldering so first things first thing I learned flux use a ton of flux so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna apply flux to our pin lines we can always wipe this off a little bit later I don't know if it'll show up but you can see come on Focus friends yeah it hates this so much but you can see might be a little bit much for the flex the flux but more is more in this situation we're not gonna get screwed by it so line our pins up sit this sucker down and then we're gonna grab I've got the ts100 this guy love this guy best little soldering iron I'm not going to sing no this is I'm not singing I know you meant selling but I'm certainly not singing tell you that much turn this thing up oh yeah what's funny is I don't have a good enough extension cord right here so I'm using this from the um I still have this plugged in in my room from the the previous video with the making ir and sub gigahertz remote so I was wondering why this wasn't on because I didn't turn this thing on so now we have power to our soldering iron I'm going to go in at 360 degrees Fahrenheit or whatever this yeah I think Celsius I love how fast this thing heats up too I need a document camera I do yeah I I definitely do I do want to get a separate camera specifically for this so I could do a um a split screen two different cameras but for now this is what I got I'm doing my best I can um yes I will be selling the boards absolutely um these ones are kind of a prototype run we're smoking this is a brand new tip also one of the things to do with brand new tips that I know nobody ever told me is you're supposed to Tin them so I'm gonna apply a generous amount of solder to the tip of this and oh just clean it off although I feel like I'm configured a little I don't have a lot of space down here let's put that here is that going to be good yeah I can deal with that so we're going to add a Donna flux or a ton of solder to this yeah I haven't tried playing guitar yet yeah I gotta figure out a good setup for that I also need to remember how to play guitar so there's two challenges there all right so we're just gonna solder the crap out of this tip so now there's a ton of solder on it drip it all over my thing all right so that should be good that should keep this thing in good in good health hey thanks all you guys for showing up this morning man do your activity stream Health everybody seems good analytics so let's get into here we're just going to start soldering in our pins this might be I'm not sure how fun yeah I know I gotta um I gotta get a a extractor for some of these delicious smells soldering header pins finally started using the right bit for this or the right um tip and it works so much better but what's nice is the flux just kind of sucks all the solder into where it needs to be so you don't really have to do a good job the flux does it for you so now we just got a couple in there already sit I need the 3D printer so I can print the little thing that keeps it from moving all all right so actually those came out pretty good I'm not sure if we can see please pretty please Focus uh please Focus I'm gonna have this problem the whole the whole time because I can't really easily Focus this thing yeah we get way too close here we go so now you can see I got three of them it's that quick it's that easy just you know do a good job one of the nice things about this soldering iron is it has um an accelerometer so if I set it down for whatever amount of time 30 seconds it will um it'll turn off so I don't have to worry about burning stuff down but um yeah I was definitely somebody showed me the 3D printed little stand for it I definitely need to get that so I'm going to finish this row kind of like blowing on it as I go I don't know maybe it'll keep me from getting too much Dumber in this process who knows that's ugly there we go almost yeah the pcbs Orion did a great job on these this is the first run these are getting basically I might I might raffle one off um right now I'm running into a challenge where there's a whole bunch of cool stuff I want to give away but the international shipping part is a little bit of a logistics question that I'm trying to sort out before I get too into it um so one of the mods Benjamin I want to send him something and we're going to see how expensive that costs sending things across the pond to other continents hopefully it's not too bad all right so okay first row is done lines up pretty good too that's the whole thing so again let's see if we can get a little bit of I don't know why this focus is like absolute crap but yeah it's not going to want to show us yeah it just doesn't want to do it it just doesn't if I bop you in the face with this yeah yeah just wants to focus on me I don't know if it's if it's got facial whatever the hell that's fine not important oh you [ __ ] idiot okay nope we're good we're good I'm like did I not did I cut too many pins what the hell hello no we good all right second set of headers let's go all right yeah use pirate ship hey thanks on uh for 4K sub that's been crazy everything's growing so fast and I want to thank all you guys for absolutely everything okay yeah actually people watching the stream and stuff so I was nervous about even doing this because I'm like who wants to watch me like sitting around soldering stuff so much appreciated oh my ice melted all right second row this is all the easy stuff so it's banging this out super quick um yeah Orion's stuff is absolutely freaking crazy the dude is an absolute mad scientist I love him for it I saw his um his multi-board is absolutely crazy multi-board on Facebook and I was like that's [ __ ] nuts and then like uh two hours later he's in my DMs being like yo you want to make a PCB and I'm like hell yeah you're exactly the type of person I want working with this stuff because you're not afraid to make something that's absolutely crazy yeah yeah this is a lot of times I use a laptop I've got my PC that's hooked up here but laptop gives me three screens so I do like the three screens I need to upgrade this whole system this whole setup because it's not ideal because ideally I could be up on the top of this desk not down here on the old keyboard camera Milt two more one more like that there we go clean clean shiny tip all right headers are in excellent day cool cool we're good whoops I'm all over the place again there's no way it's going to focus because it wants to be a piece of [ __ ] Focus my friends Focus yeah well you all know what they look like nothing's crossed I didn't get too Gloppy on anything so then what we're going to do is we're going to make sure it fits cool actually lines up pretty good like that's not a bad job all right cool cool so step a is done so the way we're doing this is going to be a little bit interesting so we've got my two esp32 room mini Guys these are already flashed they're ready to go um no these are all through uh through holes and on this one I'm just being a glutton for punishment today we are going to socket everything so this is the first one this is the Prototype board I don't necessarily want to risk um anything going too wrong so I've got a ton of female plugs we're going to use these to mount [Applause] but it's going to be a lot of soldering let me throw all these things in here I'm three four and then we need one two this is going to be so much soldering it's insane three am I missing now so let's headers there we go this is just for one ship holy [ __ ] this is a lot of [ __ ] work ah man this is why I'm thinking about getting the uh the whatchamacallits attached it's getting the the esp32 is already attached so these are all the bits and bobs for one chip we have to do this for two chips and then I'm also uh gonna have the TFT screen hooked up the same way um sub packs what's worth it what's the question more screens can I have too many screens um I also picked up these guys which are good they're the same size but a bunch of these full long plug pins and we're gonna start cutting these so we gonna see how this goes my guess is poorly so I think the first thing you do is to start soldering on the female pins here so I'm just going to dry fit this so I'm going to make a little like a table I guess I'm gonna call it uh well that went poorly I'm gonna make a little table so that everything will sit nice and flat theoretically let me look at you all right one of the things too if you're being really careful about trying to make sure everything lines up and everything's sitting parallel and flush and whatnot um oh [ __ ] I almost made a huge mistake cool cool thanks PCB does look amazing I agree I sure can measure man I'll sign yours for you um I almost put the uh the plugs on the wrong side this is the front the esp's mount on the back I know this Orion told me this 10 freaking times if you watched me solder these pins these these freaking uh female plugs or whatever the [ __ ] they're called if you saw me put him on the wrong side he would absolutely murder me uh yes I'm making it like um I didn't see kerbals but yeah this is all going to be removable because this is the first one there's a very very small possibility something doesn't work here I'm not too concerned because Orion seems freely on top of everything and it's just not his first rodeo but you know I hate if this thing didn't work so uh let's go in here so yeah I'm basically just tacking this down to make sure it's you know sitting right so [ __ ] forgot flux I am the worst at this let's Flex this whole damn thing first look see foxy yeah my first boards I made without flux and you can see how badly I burnt them Flex all of this stuff now FedEx is an absolute trash company and they lost my SD card so I'm not gonna be able to put the SD card on it but it'll still work so not the end of the world fluoxy flux all the flocks reflects and mother flux all right yes that's on the right side of the board I'm accurate I'm doing this the smart way I'm not [ __ ] up if anybody sees me mess up it's up on you to uh to make sure that uh well yell at me if I'm screwing up because I'm sure I'm doing that so what's up voydra now I have to not touch the flux don't want to [ __ ] up eh Leanne we good did I do it so here's the thing I do have tons of SD cards yeah the sockets I have a shitload of them like I have a ton of them in here like these are all my let's see if I can just not dump it out but yeah these are all my parts um I have two different configurations but the ones that I have don't match um the pin outs unfortunately so not a big deal all right this all sits flat now yeah if I pick up my soldering iron it's gonna turn back on because it just turned off because I I was [ __ ] around too much this is leaded rosin core solder yes so I am probably getting Dumber every time I saw her foreign go over to here and we're going to tack down this other rail so that this thing's not rocking and rolling all over the place plus hopefully it'll make sure I get things nice and flush otherwise it's really easy to change two solder points that are holding something down as opposed to trying to re-float all of them okay so that should hold him on okay those look pretty good because what I'm going to do is once I get both of those female parts parts on I'm going to hook up the chips and then we're going to solder the chips on while it's plugged into the board because the theory hopefully I'm not wrong about my theory but the theory is that um everything will line up if I solder it all together it'll line up if I solder things independently and something's not quite right it's just not gonna not gonna work well so fingers crossed there make sure I have Discord open uh all right so yeah I should get an I have an old clearstone computer right behind me right yeah I can't I don't know angles but yeah right back there it's got everything so I could easily do that that's a very good idea because yeah sucking in all these Vapors especially this room is right now closed so my cats don't come harass me uh Rogue responder you get to Clara's former I don't care there's too much drama about all of that I think everybody's over it maybe maybe people want drama alert I thought about like being keemstar of uh flipper zero but uh I don't think we need that drama alert man I started using the uh the spade bit or the flat bit for soldering pcbs holy crap what the hell I was using the little pointy one that came with it even though I spent a bunch of money to get more tips but this flat little chisel bit whatever the hell they're called is like just [ __ ] god this thing's so good come on like not to toot my own horn or anything but like the work what I'm doing now with good tools as opposed to the first things I said like let me show you this oh [ __ ] it we're in here we're all friends let me show you some how awful these things are so this is the first board rocked out of Discord how are you locked out of Discord yeah so the 2K lines of code that she was referring to um a lot of that was official firmware Dev stuff some of it was rushed some of it she thought was worse than it was I don't know again I don't want to get involved in all that all that crap but um it wasn't all stuff that he wrote so there's a lot of misleading [ __ ] going on out there oh yeah Lucid uh yeah well here let me show you what I'm trying to show you so I can keep moving forward but if you look at the top row on the white we will get this to focus I'm determined you're gonna Focus you're gonna get thrown out the window come on friend like why why won't you focus like can I block everything yeah man I hate I hate focusing this camera is awesome but like it does not want to focus 95 of the time but either way yeah you can see it's burnt to Hell on top of it I wonder if I can go into preferences hold on quadcast webcam preferences properties configure video Zoom do I not have yeah Focus so I'll just do this for the second and then Focus I can Auto auto focus this there you go so you can see that whole top right looks like absolute death because I burnt the crap out of it so yep that's how that did it so now I use flux and I do everything a lot better so it's good to good to see but yeah uh lucid's video had a whole bunch of completely wrong stuff on it the first one and I know there was a few people that were upset about that um and then the second video that he had made about de-authing the video camera um I actually walked him through like that whole process of doing it I gave him the idea for the video I'm like dude you should de-auth video cameras and stuff like that I'm like just throw me a throw me a link if you if you think it's cool um obviously you can do that but I don't care um I actually think that's probably for the best if we're being honest uh why won't you plug in dude is this [ __ ] crooked what did I do oh did I fill a hole so sometimes when you're soldering you can um hey stop that Benjamin you can um accidentally fill one of your holes with solder like you're just getting [ __ ] messy but I'm not sure why this won't plug in what the [ __ ] yeah I think something's not quite lined up here eh it'll work it'll work just gotta give it the old business what's up flipper Zero Man bill and I using my Wi-Fi by the way what's up buddy glad you made it come on just go in you've you piece of crap uh like these fit in other holes right yes so why are we why are we doing this yeah I think I did melts a little bit of solder into one of these so I've got V absolute tips this is the engineer um solder soccer is actually all aluminum like super nice stuff so let's see if we can't just clear this hole out should do it Oh shoot that's right I gotta wait for it to heat back up yeah yeah definitely cider in that hole all right see if that does it I hate when that happens and you get your holes plugged with solder when you don't want them to never any fun okay let's just be like the wild and crazy kids okay almost these are the infamous Yeti boards yes yeah so I've got I've got the stack of them over here of 20 of them thank you I touched my flux I'm going to make so much of a mess doing this but whatever it's cool this is just the uh this is the first one so I'm allowed to make this like crap but yeah this is why I'm like if I people want these things pre-built oh my God the amount of work involved in it and then like if I make one of these like not up to my level of expectation and ain't getting shipped so yeah I gotta figure out the logistics to actually sell these things we're gonna do them built it's not that hard of a build you just got to make sure you get all the right parts I know a walk sold some built some not built okay dying now cool there's three or four less brain cells it's a good start for the day yeah cause today is going to be a busy day today we've got a lot of learning to do because I've got some really great people that want to help me with some stuff so we're going to take advantage of that hopefully Delilah is going to help me um make up a esp32 gif player with um the new screen thing that I have and uh yeah Betsy is going to show me some other cool [ __ ] too all right so that's good that's good might as well finish soldering this row yeah I would love to actually let you guys see what I'm doing right now because I don't know I think it would look cool we got to get like the um like the Spotify glasses where I've got like a little camera in my glasses so you can like see I'd be so nerdy ow l okay so that's a bunch of stuff right there get out of here head cam yeah exactly so you can like see well granted you're gonna see me looking all over the place and looking where we are really wacky so you know um I think we're gonna go this way so now another another header pin has entered the arena whoops is that look yeah I think that looks okay that looks okay so let's start soldering this row and then I'm going to start sizing custom ones um yeah okay I can do that um stroll up where's my stream link here that's a good idea I see if anybody else wants to join the party copy link announcements broadcasts Spirit everybody streaming build of the first yet e board Mark III on YouTube you two yeah I don't usually use the keyboard on the laptop um there's a keyboard down here too that you can't see so this is like the most awkward thing so now sending a mentioned at 2 or 723 people 723 people in Discord you guys are absolutely crazy oh you click the Bell swoosh what a hero what a hero yeah I put the Mini screen I don't know I feel like I'm not sure if I want the what the main focus to be is you staring at my face like this or are you staring at um the actual thing that I'm working on I'm not sure what you guys would like more obviously that's easy to change I can change that in OBS in like two seconds but yeah this is our first live stream so so far nothing Terrible's happened whoa okay that's terrible stop all right cool it was like rocking and rolling on me and like that's not a good sign all right we're gonna pin this down on both ends all right cool that should be pinned down actually let me clean you yeah get in there yeah see that's not right that one's crooked that's what I was afraid of so that's why I've been like checking these things have I been in any trouble with Tick Tock no I haven't gotten in really any trouble with Tick Tock um mine have been pretty okay but um I know Jacoby's gotten some issues uh because of you know not not questionable content but it's tick tock tick tock's [ __ ] stupid um they will ban you or well not really ban you but they'll pull your videos for no reason um like Jacoby got pulled for um like abusive content on a video that shows how to reveal your passwords it wasn't even talking about stealing passwords it was just talking about see your Wi-Fi credits and they're like nope abusive Behavior [ __ ] off so yeah that was that was [ __ ] dumb all right so we're just gonna keep on with this one I think we'll be okay like yeah once I get the next row on this will be fine so let's go 366. yeah again uh Tick Tock is just stupid fix through it come on there we go dude yeah I love this chisel bit so freaking much holy crap I thought I was gonna have to trim down these header pins but because the screen goes over the top of these this is the back every one of these solder points I'm gonna have to do again because I have to solder the esps to the headers too so like [ __ ] hundred or so solder points now and that one's on cool all right so now we've got one two three four we've got four of these attached and that's the end of my pre-cut ones what's up Evan weeks so now we're gonna have to hop over to these and I'm a little they're new to me so let's hope this all goes well all right so I did watch some videos suppliers gotcha I did watch some videos on how to size these guys down so let's make sure we have the right number of pins we're just going to immediately line this up to my header that I know which is the right size and then what you're supposed to do is grab oops make sure you have the right number grab the pen that you don't need so this is the uh the pin you don't need so this is the little teeny tiny I'm not even going to bother I know this won't show um let me just I'm just gonna throw this out I'm going to drop this in the trash because I don't need my cats eating this [ __ ] so there's that so now we have one pen missing uh yeah yeah you can kind of see it maybe not but there's 110 missing on there right where my thumb is and we're going to cut it with the same diagonal cutters we used last time and if we're lucky this won't explode into a million pieces a okay cool cool cool it's not that pretty but it's it works so I need one two three I need four more of these so let's just make them make it right now let me check this the last thing you want to do is make one measure the rest of them off of that one and then find out they're the wrong number so all right we're good we're good we're good we're good can you link me the video oh what to try to size down these these headers decks I can do that it was just some random dude that was like yeah do this do this and yours should be good so line this up pull the pen I don't need Boop drop him here for the moment and then cut actually I'm going to cut on the other side I don't want to risk damaging one of my pens yes another one line it up uh I'm gonna have that's all right I got at least 10 of these because I think when I'm going to be left over with isn't going to be enough for a row but again that's what's good about saving all this crap yeah that's too short for the next run no big deal this will go into the box of holding um [ __ ] it you go there works for me hey Bill's back here um yeah remind me later Dex I'll find the video for you 24. um yeah the NRF 24 is something that I could I could do um the problem that I have is just they're super inconsistent and they don't always work super well so they're you know kind of a pain in the ass in a lot of ways because like I've gotten it to work on a mouse before and then um just it won't I won't be able to connect to it again and I won't know why it'll just be one of those things that's kind of annoying but either way let's size this guy up and this is going to be my last one for this board so there we go pull our pin Ed up lined up there's my pens bam and then we're just going to cut it I actually love these things now this is awesome oof ugly freaking cut but we can always clean it up hopefully and nobody's gonna see this and so it's going to be underneath boards so I'm not too concerned cool cool cool we'll see you over here throw our trash out one two three little tridents [Music] all right let's move forward another row fits like Anne glove I want to clean this up if I [ __ ] this up cutting this I'm going to be gonna whatever I [ __ ] everything up why would why would I stop now clippy Clippy I wanted to go through and do this with a Dremel but that's just too much too much too much cool another row pop this sucker in there and then let's get to getting make sure it feels flat alrighty all right I want to close my car key go for it at this point I just tell everybody go for it you want to do something stupid absolutely go for it it's fun to find out I also can't really say much because I desynced my car key so foreign The Goonies going in the background but I have to have it super super quiet so that uh YouTube doesn't [ __ ] demonetize me or do any of those silly things but I love having like old movies and [ __ ] on in the background when I'm just not paying attention but I want something to manage my ADHD works great for me uh oh Andy squatchware 2.0 [ __ ] he's a super villain don't mind him all right let's flip this around yeah we're [ __ ] we're cooking We are booking along right here yeah like I'm not even paying attention I've seen The Goonies like literally probably a hundred times but it's great background I have like the Matrix or some [ __ ] on this is like always what I do or I'll put on like a show I've seen a million times like Arrested Development I've probably watched through that like a hundred times in the background of things when I say Arrested Development I mean the original run the new run was a bit questionable all right we're cranking along here thank you well they're at the wishing well scene these are somebody else's wishes there's someone's hopes there's someone's dreams you're so sad yeah the NRF bad cap thing and just yeah I've seen that a lot so it's definitely something I should try because I mean I've done I've done a lot and you know there's always more to do but am I did I do it am I done why do I have extra oh I missed my whole rail I'm like did I am I finished moving along good though we got some plugs we're doing the thing two more and we're good to go these are the more annoying of the two to do because um well I guess it doesn't really matter [ __ ] [ __ ] up God I hope this all lines up you get him I got him definitely um earning some uh some fun smoke stuff here what's what's up in Discord yo yeah okay and we're popping out I'm glad y'all watching this is awesome like I know it may not be the most uh entertaining thing in the world because again you can't even really see what I'm doing I do want to make sure that works in the future I want you to be able to see because I want to be able to show you guys how easy this stuff is if you buy the right stuff like crunchy crunchy was in tech on the uh the tech channel on normal um official firmware asking about soldering irons and they were doing the same thing I did where I'm like all right well like for 50 bucks I could buy this kit on on Amazon and it's got all the stuff you need in it well put down my knife soldering iron this is the kit this is what you get for 50 bucks okay Discord invite um Can somebody grab that it's just um uh Swatch Topia hangout uh I think it's just uh Discord slash swatchtopia I don't even have a soldering iron in here I think I threw it out it's just trash it's literally just trash like this is the solder sucker like what is this is just like what is this trash just Just Junk let's throw this out this guy like this is made out of aluminum this was like 25 bucks just for this but like it's amazing it's got so much suction in it like if you hold a button down it like doesn't go all the way that's how cool this thing is buy good [ __ ] don't buy trash is trash I mean yeah you definitely can you can use the trash stuff I'm not don't I'm not gonna say you can't use it but it sucks all right here's yeah here's Discord paste um and you're gonna do a bad job like especially with bad soldering irons like you're just you're gonna do a bad job or if you do a good job it's going to take you five times longer than it needs to like I'm literally just banging out um oh yeah ewok's got like the real [ __ ] yeah all right almost there got my soldering irons up the temperature because again yeah I love the idle turn off so I can just leave I can just put it down and like nothing bad happens if you do get a ts100 or a pencil definitely find the um Iron OS firmware uh you can put custom animations you can do custom timeout timers you can put just absolutely anything you want on there I'm gonna clean this up a little more um but yeah so many cool things I also need to find the battery for it or at least get a adapter for my drill battery I know they have a bunch of those uh because that would be sick I had to um when I was putting out my Christmas lights I actually [ __ ] um I dropped a as I dropped something on it and it screwed up one of the wires and I had to go fix the wiring and obviously this is outside so I had to run 100 foot extension cords to solder my things on it sucked all right sorry all right so I filled another hole with solder so my my this guy won't sit on there all the way so let's see if I can just heat this and get it to push in this is a little bit Cowboy a little bit stupid but that's what we're doing today I'm gonna go there it is cool fixed it yeah if you get a little bit too hot and well I'm gonna say hot and heavy no that's not the word at all if you get a little bit too wild with your uh with your solder you can yeah pop over and fill other things get a link in the description doesn't work that's a problem um I'll have to figure that out it's a problem for another minute soldering soldering soldering whatever soldering can I know conda kinda specifically was like yo can you if I buy you this stuff can you build one for me so now I have like a backlog of a few things mods get special special stuff sometimes you've known conda for a long time so at least long time for this kind of [ __ ] seeing as I just got into it like September alrighty so now we have all of the sockets on there bam so now what we're gonna do is we're going to start pinning these on so cool Orion of being the absolute goat was oh [ __ ] some of these are [ __ ] wonky this is gonna be a problem hopefully not but um Orion put outlines on it so again it's never going to focus but you can almost see right up on top come on hey uh I had you for just a second but right on the top of this thing you can actually see he's got it so it says USB so you know the orientation of the chips on the board [Music] come on you piece of [ __ ] are you gonna are you gonna do this all day whatever oh yeah that's awesome data won a Golden Globe that's cool as hell all right so let's see if we get this to line up this is what I was kind of mentioning before because um I knew these weren't gonna line up perfectly so I'm gonna put the pins into the female plugs and then line it up to the board so this should all theoretically line up when I solder it if I solder the headers directly to the chip first it might not line up flux go absolutely Flex yourself I did also go through here and um what did I do I uh uh I pre-programmed these just in case so these are all ready to go I'm just gonna flux this a little bit good use as little as possible because I tend to over apply and it gets a little messy so we're going to try not to do that fluxy looksie we're good all right make sure orientation is correct and then see if we can't wiggle these guys in place oh God this thing is just wacky I love it anyway okay so now we're gonna have to wiggle them to get them to plug in that's in okay it ain't perfect but that's plugged in so so far so good so let's get to soldering this guy on here now this guy's a little bit more challenging because I have um I have I'm a lot closer to stuff here on the inside so I gotta actually be a little careful um I don't want to bridge onto this board or the actual chip on here so let's uh let's see how this goes okay my tip fits in there okay yeah this will be fine oh yeah oh yeah this is no problem no problem all right the solder smells kind of like syrup or my brain is broken now and everything smells like syrup foreign yeah never double down on fans I see that all the time where people are like even when they're wrong about something sometimes you just gotta like Let It Go man I see it all the time in the official uh the official Discord there's guys the mods there deal with so much [ __ ] that like if you do something questionable and you double down on it they're gonna like meet you for a long time just because they're so sick of dealing with it I know it's rough but I I being a mod for anything like sucks so that's not fun soldering soldering now I doubt anybody here hasn't subbed already but if you haven't please do keep you in the loop for some cool stuff because tomorrow's video was going to be a little bit different I think because we're doing some some maker stuff because we've got this chipset we're doing um I don't know how I'm gonna integrate it into the video but I think this is cool uh we're doing um yeah the esp32 and um we're gonna do some cool sub gigahertz that sub gigahertz RFID and NFC stuff so yeah it could be pretty cool yeah I read it's a cesspool anyway same thing with Twitter like I don't know why people still use Twitter well I don't know why people ever use Twitter so maybe I'm the one that's kind of out of touch but so if anybody wondered yes this is how you put the magic smoke into your chips so if you're ever you know using it and then this smoke comes back out you're [ __ ] so this is where we're we're charging up on the Magic Smoke come on flow slow what the hell there you go that's enough clean you I said clean the obtrusive thought just wipe it off with your finger just wipe it off yeah [ __ ] Twitter and Reddit and all those things granted well that's not bad all right so we're on a little wonky but I didn't want to socket these originally but um it's because I want to be able to take these off and work with them although we're going to see how easily this chip comes off that comes off just not easily We're Not Gonna worry about it it's good okay more headers I'm pretty nope I don't have those so and the same thing I got a shitload more headers we're gonna size them down just like we did the last ones except these are easier [Applause] these are straight header pins as opposed to the 90 degree header pins of what we were using before so we're going to figure these out size them up so these I can just plug in and cut what I'm saying is I can take these plug them into the plug hole right there and then just cut them so I know exactly where I'm at with them um I'm a big fan of of absolute weird sound absolute measurement so as as in like setting something practical setting something up practically and then cutting it so that I know there's almost no way of doing this wrong unless I'm just a complete idiot also I do reserve the right to be a complete idiot Just Launch my [ __ ] headers across the room there is all but now there's cat hair and dust on my headers don't kick cat hair and dust on your headers PSA guys don't get dusted cat hair on your headers it's a new jingle any luck the math lines up and this is all yep the math lines up so we've got another set right there esp32 let's get these plugged in a little bit how's it going this is the new board yes this is the new board yep and it's going well so far honestly I haven't well the problem is I'm not gonna know I'm not gonna know anything if I screwed up yeah I said I might not be yeah exactly see the fumes are catching it with me up and flux keep forgetting flux and you know flux I figured anybody doesn't know what flux does flux basically gets in all the nooks and crannies kind of I don't know if it distributes heat or what but it makes it so that the solder flows where the solder needs to go so all you really got to do is apply solder to the area that's heated up properly and the solder is just going to go ahead and plop itself right where it needs to be alrighty kind of line these up give it the old wiggle waggle to get them aligned there's side a side B we're on oh God okay oh that's right because it's not plugged in all the way I was like why are these so tall I gotta push it down oh hell yeah look at this thing this thing's sick so sick two standoffs headers that's cool uh my background thing went off oh [ __ ] that's the soldering iron saved it luckily it was on cooldown mode holy [ __ ] lost my soldering iron here we go a little bit more interesting in the background yeah so you actually you'll notice on my um my flux here the tape on it see that little spot right there yeah melted a hole in it so uh be careful soldering iron hot and as soon as you forget it's hot it melts [ __ ] so cool cool clean this off yeah especially since right below this is my power brick for the laptop which is like a 200 power brick I really don't want that to go broke so hey thanks all you guys for watching this is um yeah 27 viewers right now looks like it's wild watching the top of my head try to solder things hello where why don't you get hot here we go here we go oh yeah that's right I should pull this out so I can see better or so you can see better not that you can see anything but theoretically if you could see this would help stop moving yeah it would be cool I should get like a silicone mat for this or something it'll kind of bite a little more but we're doing we're doing the work we're making progress fancy smoke whoops so much fancy smoke holy crap all righty this is flux core solder I believe or uh right actually I don't remember rosin flux [ __ ] hell what am I using it's all in my Amazon link but I will tell you because you deserve to know solder this is oh this isn't even that what the [ __ ] am I using I don't know I think I'm actually just using some Rando ass solder that came with um one of my shitty kits yeah here's my random one solder wire this is increased safety oh my God it's not increased safety at all it's so soldering is not really expensive to get into you can do it really cheap if you want to buy like not great tools um but yeah it's just solder wire I don't know what actually this is um it is good to buy something it's a yeah micro soldering is really hard um I definitely um I wanted to do the LEDs um but that's just way too difficult so that's outsourced to I think zebra is working on that or it's got that set up for me so foreign but you can get a pencil for about fifty dollars shipped which is in my opinion probably a really good thing to do this is a ts100 which is basically a more expensive pencil um the bits are the tips are a little expensive but again it's worth it to buy something that's decent I had purchased at least two shitty soldering ions and I've used them before and they worked okay but like at least for me since I'm trying to actually do decent work because I ideally down the line we'd sell these things um I would it's a lot easier it's a lot faster and it comes out looking like substantially better all right that's not bridged yeah fixing up microelectronics like iPads and stuff like oh God I have so much intricate stuff all right now we got to get to the weird angle so these are the annoying ones and then we're almost done at that point shoot foreign you do have to be careful when you're doing this because if you over apply solder to your to your soldering iron you can drip really easily and if you're just doing wires and stuff it's not a big deal but dripping solder onto a PCB can definitely be a problem yeah raro shock is awesome yeah I actually sent him a whole bunch of electronics and stuff because dude lives in the middle of nowhere oh damn that's cool yeah I know occasionally Claire is showing stuff but yeah just call me Coco oh he shared my video on GitHub that's sick I know he um he basically made me make a a real Instagram because I posted the original board so like I dropped the link to this guy or the image to this guy on um and his uh uh in his Discord and he's like holy [ __ ] that's awesome can I put it on my Instagram I'm like sure so he does that and tags my Instagram which was not set up um it was just my name and some disc golf pictures and I don't think I had anything on there for um for the for for flipper so I was like holy [ __ ] so I immediately had to like drop everything and redo that I still have people like actually subscribing to my Instagram which has like no content like I was sharing the shorts and stuff to it but yeah it was crazy like I've been like it's been a wild ride because like there's all these big name people like just call me Coco and Jacoby and Rocky God and stuff and I got involved in a project in the lab 401 project super early from Uber and like all these guys are here and I'm like what the [ __ ] am I doing here with all these like literally people who knew everything I'm like I'm I'm no one literally I was no one at that point in time um I had uh basically a Dev roll on uh Rogue Master for making animations and doing the um the UI mod that I did with removing the top bar and I had a tutorial I'd written for um for making animations but that was it that's all I'd really done um I was hanging out in um you know in discords helping people with stuff here and there but yeah it's really all all I did um and then I'm in this in this this Discord group with all these people that are like [ __ ] literally top-tier uh content people and I was like [ __ ] what are we doing so I was the first one to make the video you'll see um because I was the only one with nothing better to do so I made the video and um yeah [ __ ] just [ __ ] it went from there and I was like you know what um if I'm going to go through all the hassle of making a video uh for stuff I might as well do it myself mainly because I mean the lab 401 guys are awesome and they're really doing um they're doing a cool thing with the experts thing uh but for me I was interested in trying to build something you know I wanted to build a community on my own that was you know you guys and uh just kind of ran with it from there uh but yeah it's been it's been a wild ride and I'm just psyched to have all you got like again we've got um 30 people watching right now or so uh watching me solder poorly uh so that's that's a cool thing that's a really cool thing oh I'm getting psyched we're getting close God I hope this works to have 30 people sitting here for like an hour or whatever watching me build something it doesn't work that'll be brutal if anybody sees Orion online [ __ ] Lexi let me um let me at him real quick just in case he's around that's I am all right so at least you can watch it later so um do I have a guide for this Gizmo um I probably will never I have a diagram for it so if you want a second check out the diagram you can this doesn't translate well to like showing people how it works this is just too much of a mess it's never going to actually Focus boom but yeah this is too much all those yesterday somebody actually built one they uh they they did all the work they followed the wiring diagram and it all worked and it went together and they they did it so that was awesome that was the first person I had seen succeed at it um it had been done on a breadboard that someone showed me and so that was pretty cool too but this was the first time somebody actually had it working which was really really cool uh mostly just because I don't know it's so cool that people want to like make the stuff that I made uh because it's all just silly mad scientist crap that makes no sense to actually do but it's just fun wacky [ __ ] um adding all those things together is just like gluing lasers to other lasers just because you can like I remember when I first posted that um yeah awesome seven um when I first posted the video of it someone's like and I get it they're like you're just using the flipper as a battery and I'm just like yep I sure am this is exactly what I'm doing I'm glad you noticed that this one's gonna be a pain in the ass because it's gonna be really hard to hold still oh I got it so this is what I've been doing this is very custom I've got this um this this pad of Post-it notes you know good old Post-it notes I use that to stand off when I'm soldering things that are taller so they sit kind of flat although this is too tall anyway I'm just gonna have to be Renegade let's just let's just get one pin on and we're gonna see if we can realign it because I know this is going to be a pain in the ass so let's just pin one down and hope for the best wait for my soldering iron to warm up again and get some slack on this because I [ __ ] it up 64. all right we're gonna solder one pin we're gonna solder one pen here's me soldering one pen and then we're gonna try to get it oh yeah see that's what I was concerned about not even close so now because I'm an absolute expert I'm gonna hold this with my little fingers upright Reflow it and try to hold it nice and straight that's better nice and straight now and now we continue gross oh yeah that's a good idea I do have a breadboard I could easily do that with headers that's a really good idea I'm not gonna do it right now but it is a good idea oh man I appreciate that idea you have 122 dollars to spend on soldering yes that is absolutely enough to get started absolutely that will get you any everything that you need to do a good job I don't think I spent more than that and I bought the ts100 which is a little bit more expensive of a soldering iron than the pencil but you can get the ts100 on Amazon which is nice oh I have to check this wiring diagram I might be in trouble um without the SD card depending upon how this is wired I might have to um to kind of renegade this SD card a little bit see if I can figure out the wiring pin out for it because yeah if we're using the SD for like our 3v3 run through that could be an issue I just thought of that I was assuming it was going to be set up kind of like the um the TFT screen um but that's a stupid assumption to make foreign from the picture you've seen thanks a walk because yeah the the SD is supposed to sit right over there again I don't know why I keep assuming that I can get this thing to focus and at all it's not going to it doesn't want to but yeah the SD goes right there so I think that's it um this board was designed in um [ __ ] I know the answer to this uh uh I just gotta check my things because I don't like giving bad advice this was designed and all right I want to say keycad but I could be wrong I was reading through my um my correspondences with Orion he's like yeah if you use this you can just change files here yeah I think it was keycad but I could be wrong don't quote me on that all right what esp32s these are the um these are just rooms um it's a D1 WeMo setup uh so these plug directly into the WeMo Sports um that's how you get the correct pin out for them all right let's get all this [ __ ] plugged back in good good um I'm trying to think I don't this should this should work I think this should work I'm trying to think if I have the right all right take care and I gotta take off um jeez this is so [ __ ] sketchy it's so scary I hate it I hate it it's not supposed to be stood off like this this is so sketchy um this is so sketchy that's all right I'm not changing it right now this is again this is proof of concept this is all set up so that if um if this breaks that we're fine I use my lab four to one territorial that's that's awesome also there's a written tutorial on my GitHub um it's apparently my GitHub link is [ __ ] up in here stream settings can I change that edits um Discord GitHub oh it's squatchware oh so my GitHub right now I only have it linked to squatchware um but you can just go to the squash where firmware go to my my the main thing and go to um go to my my normal GitHub the talking Sasquatch one all right so I'm scared I'm scared what are the odds this doesn't work um pretty high so we are on squatchware running scratchware and we're gonna plug this baby in and we're gonna cross our fingers let's see Analytics 27 people can watch me fail just join the Discord welcome welcome so eeny meeny miny moe up oh my god it works of course it works I knew it was gonna work I knew it was gonna work like when it was gonna work the whole time no problem oh that's sick that's sick all right so step two we're gonna make sure that the um the esp32 on the that's not running Marauder works so let's go to um applications we're gonna oh it's shorted the SD card out so it says no applications that's normal it happens to everybody oh man yeah sorry Benjamin we're good we're getting there um applications we're gonna do uh gpio into Wi-Fi Marauder I'm going to scan APS so I'll come over uh show something come on show something [ __ ] this happens sometimes let me go back let me do it again [ __ ] so this could be because of the skinny p all right this could be because of the SD card because um [Music] it could be the second esp32 is supposed to use the SD card to capture um handshakes so that may very well be with the issue I also want to do um Wi-Fi uh sniffers probe it's a tech Pony Galaxy scan APS this one works cool this one works fine reboot from uh the Morado menu see if it detects it okay oh yeah I got you reboot yep I'm currently scanning on this guy the top guy works just fine although we kind of knew that because if it turned on it turns on reboots scan yeah the second one's definitely not working so okay well we know how to fix that let's take this out let's add some more sketch to this mess what we're gonna do is we're going to wire in our SD card just going to be the wrong one so let's let's do this I've got a million of these yeah so I opened the marauder menu set reboot and it still didn't work but um should be okay move the esp32 yeah I should um where in my wire go I'm so disorganized no all right here we go another bag of stuff got all my big pcbs ton of buttons I've never used my 300 000 feet of freaking 30 gauge wire some uh LEDs which I have no use for whatsoever I do want to make I do want to make on one of the future boards kind of an Easter egg um sup Benjamin what did you do did you like I don't even know what you just did I'm so this is the first time I ever I've ever streamed before so um that was that a tackle box is kind of it's just a little divider box thing but um all right so now we've got this and we've got our wires yeah I've got tons of miscellaneous Parts um I don't have to remove the esp32s I can just be a crazy person that's fine wire strippers again if anybody's not sub please sub helps me out a ton I'm not even kidding all right so I'm just going to wire because I need to figure out what our translations are here yeah I'll use this guy because I'm never gonna use them anyway all right cdcs d-i-d-o clock which I don't need ground is that how grounds I don't need five volt yeah we're good we can do this so we're gonna cut a bunch of wires one we just get to be on stream longer now if this everything worked the first time then we'd have nothing else to do here thanks Benji all right I don't even know how many things one two three four five six seven eights let's go for Eights I'm not even counting one two three four five six seven eight this is gonna be so ugly because I'm literally gonna have to like tape this thing on so that's awesome I'll leave the wire out um let us what do I want to do do I want to solder to the baseboard or to the chipset first the baseboard we're definitely doing the baseboard definitely doing the baseboard let's strip these little [ __ ] out so there's no way you can see this but I strip like literally almost nothing you can see just a teeny tiniest bit um so I don't stick through the back and poke things um you never want to you never want to poke things to the back it's bad news boys bad news yeah overhead camera I'm definitely gonna do um I had I was gonna try to set it up but I've got this um webcam that I could set up to but it's just the it's a 10. it's not the best resolution so I kind of made a concession with the way we're doing it right now which it's okay but it could be better and I'd like it to be better but this is the first time I've done a live stream and for 11 43 and people have been on here for I mean damn an hour and change at this point I don't know why you guys are hanging out but I'm glad to have you strippy strippy strippy all righty as long as it's not four yeah 144p I mean [ __ ] I could probably even do that let's just for shits and giggles because I mean I can do it I don't think there's anything that means makes it so I can't do it I don't know how close I can get with this shitty little camera but can I clip it to can I do this oh my God this would be so [ __ ] stupid there's no way this is a good idea [Music] ah is this gonna work um camera two I'm gonna have to add a source we're gonna add a um a video capture device sure this is going to be camera two cam two okay not the Brio it's going to be the Logitech HD whatever the hell hello hey now is this is this gonna work is this a thing um configure video um let's set this at a manual zoom oh [ __ ] no not zoom what am I doing manual focus um I'm assuming y'all can see this on the stream right so we can do that let me um give me two seconds to configure stuff um don't switch don't switch don't switch my [ __ ] um out tab where is this there we go properties um focus is good pan tilt can I tilt this can I flip low light compensation that's not too bad um Zoom we don't want to zoom right do you want this close is this is this what you want anybody in stream just give me a yell do you want this close okay let me do um filters add can I do a rotation crop all right that looks good all right cool we'll keep doing that I want to see if I can get it rotated real quick scaling aspect ratio if anybody knows how to rotate a camera on OBS please please let me know um transform hey rotate 180. [ __ ] yeah hell yes guys hell yes we doing the thing might seem pretty well focused all right cool so we'll leave that here um actually let's put it over here I think that's a better spot for it we all happy we're gonna do focus it seems focused to me let me um let me yeah I think I would have set it to manual focus though so I don't think we need this to be able to change no Auto uh manual focus right there okay okay I see you all right cool so we're doing stuff again we're back to uh we're back to making things so let's move this over here man I wish I'd been doing this the whole time [ __ ] well welcome to my stream I do everything wrong until I do it right and I guess we're gonna start doing things right for the moment see how it goes let my soldering iron warm up oh man what a bootleg setup but this is great I didn't realize this would work like this this is cool I'm good with this I'm happy um cool so flux fluxes got a flux itself go flux yourself alrighty and all right so what we're doing is we're putting wires in the holes so um I got tweezers tweezers will probably work good for this yes oh my God I'm so glad I spent 50 on this absolute dog [ __ ] soldering kit so I can use these absolute dog [ __ ] pliers oh man I love this camera all right we're we're [ __ ] doing this [ __ ] we're like just like a real person doing real stuff here and the only thing is I wish I had more lighting but so we're gonna go that put that little guy in there rotate this so I can see it I can work on it a little bit easier alrighty yeah you're welcome for doing this this is awesome I'm so psyched that people are here watching this you know whoops are we on hello okay now we're on it timed out my soldering iron was on for too long or off for too long and 366 degrees ish what I've been doing I pushed down too hard this will in fact fall all right that's in fold them over a little bit do the next guy yes get in there whoops is that nope that's not bridged we're good hell you guys can actually see better than I can in a lot of in a lot of ways here soldering Academy oh man I don't know if you should follow what I do but I mean it does work does it work well [ __ ] if I know but I do know it works Oops stop wiggling commence the wiggling nope we're good uh rocket God what's up rocket God oh that's sick um shoot I can't do anything I can't show you this but um yeah um rocket guy just messaged me he's like yeah my kid um kid found a show on uh on YouTube and he pulled up on YouTube on the TV is my my live stream so that's awesome yo let me go let me text let me message him real quick oh God this is gonna be so cool uh yo it's so hard to type like this that's awesome check it out uh there we go that's all yeah and just like [ __ ] rocket card rocket God just shows up so that's cool you can always use one of my helping hand Clips yeah I could I've got I got him sitting over on the floor now because there's just too many things in my way but yes I could use that right now I've found that these have just enough structure and so little weight that you can just kind of like jam them in there and they just kind of like [ __ ] of course the one time but they just try to hang out in there and they're normally pretty good where's my I'm losing my wire cut why why are strippers um my my movie's over I gotta go pick the new movie what's uh somebody give me another background movie I'll throw on whatever not that it really does yeah manual focus was definitely the way to go because yeah I know this thing's gonna be these things don't Focus super good let me know if I move myself out of the way I'm trying to like keep an eye on everything but it's hard foreign the cameras attached to the base here so uh if I move my keyboard thing it doesn't absolutely ruin everything that's I don't really know if that's gonna work whatever we're gonna find out if it don't work it don't work I'm gonna blow the Magic Smoke away not today lead yeah Age of Ultron we can do that I have like everything like literally I have everything there's like nothing I don't have uh I might want to pretend the wires yeah I might I might that gets a little tricky with out the extra hands I agree these things are so small that like it doesn't really seem to matter too much because these are in there these ain't going anywhere of course I have an extra wire because why because counting is super easy I just do it wrong also if I was smart I would have measured these so they're all the same size but we've already learned that I'm not that smart and I just kind of do things just to kind of do things nope and we're in okay so now we've got our Rasta board gonna roast them a pasta and then let's see about getting this Con this attached so again this is going to be pretty pretty me so it's going to be really [ __ ] ugly um ooh Dogma actually that's that that's that's the winner we're gonna do Dogma it's been a minute I agree I like that movie I'd show you what the rest of this room looks like but nobody's nobody's ready for that it is a mess this is the new angle which still like I had to kind of crop as good as I could Dogma [Music] sick good call Dogma oh there's only two versions just movies or movies remux cool let's do that drink my warm water all's good uh all good options here all right so what we're going to do is we're going to size this down ah do I want another hand I'm going to need the other hand for this [Music] oh [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] is that noise I can't tell if it's my movie or uh whatever my wife's playing but all right let me get another arm in here um dude this just looks weird foreign all right so let's get this angle down here get this attached as well as we can this is not the best thing in the world but it certainly works so squeaks like hell cool ah sorry about that hopefully nobody's using headphones yeah all right so yeah we're blocking my light though and I don't like this all right I'm gonna do something really annoying for me oh my lights already maxed out I don't have any more lights I need more lights whatever we'll be all right we'll live hello oh [ __ ] God uh Rocky guys like nope my my kids are watching unspeakable oh my God's fine that's fine nobody wants to watch me I get it um CD this is CD not CS cool cd1 is easy so let's just snip this I feel like this is probably plenty and then strip this I have to move oh CD flux let's get some flux let's make sure you guys can see what I'm doing there we go yeah we're on two different planes now so it's going to be a little blurry I've got Focus let's see if I can focus on this I have the the thing open Focus exposure can I turn exposure up is that going to help anything from your guys perspective oh God no that's just ugly don't like that and then all right cool that's a little better for the top part so y'all can see that fluxed we're fluxed and then move this over we're just gonna do one of these eh holy crap this is [ __ ] finicky are you in the hole I swear I've never asked that before this is so hard to do hey what's up Canadian good morning there good to see it now we actually have a moderated chat God damn it this is so hard to do upside down are you in are you good [ __ ] you all right this is gonna be Struggle Bus for me now so this is what we came to see there it is got him [ __ ] got him as I drop everything everywhere cool all right hey we gained viewers by watching me struggle so that's that's what I know we like here tweezers might help tweezers I have but you're right God this is awkward oops yep we're the right temperature I love the soldering iron it has an auto rotation feature on it so it automatically rotates the um the display to match uh the orientation of the soldering iron so it's always the right side up are we good can't even see I think we're good I'm gonna I'm gonna say we're good so that's that one number two here number two is this guy where are my tweezers you're right give me the [ __ ] tweezers that's do that's my do button all right button what the [ __ ] am I saying it's the do wire snip that strip you which I'm gonna have to do down here with any luck I actually attached this well enough so that this will kind of be okay yes we're good and this is d0 or d o use tweezers they say they are absolutely right listen to chat chat makes you succeed sound like vain make sure you succeed it's the worst Bane ever I know I just don't let's say I don't want to get in trouble for such a good copyright that they're like man are you sure that's not Bane you sure that's not the real guy alrighty yeah stream of Consciousness soldering is definitely what we're doing here you're in right you're in art d-o d-o-d-o beautiful I'm gonna assume that that's good everything I do is based off of assumptions cool that's good there um alrighty and now we're on to round the sucker's ground chop this little moth crates let's say here we've got all these little teeny wires this wire is like I think it was like eight bucks nine bucks and it's literally like 300 meters like I can never ever actually use all of it good here Benji's playing chess and watching my live stream one thing makes him smarter one thing makes him Dumber so hopefully I don't ruin your future chess games with my dumbness oh man whoever said tweezers at least tweezers Gary Briggs thank you very much for pointing out the fact that I'm a [ __ ] idiot much appreciated someone needed to do it I'm glad it was you a [ __ ] Dogma also great great suggestion great background all right now so I'm not gonna be a complete idiot I'm actually gonna clip the end of that guy I'm gonna clip into this guy too because I'm gonna have to tape this to the board I can put a piece of electrical tape over that or something and make sure I don't completely [ __ ] myself over all right so what are we at now sck I don't think I oh we do where's my sck oh [ __ ] where's my wiring diagram SDK goes to um [ __ ] what does that go to uh I only made this diagram myself I should know what it looks like um s c k sck goes to io18 SLK um yeah it doesn't have S uh SLK on it why am I so confused by this right now well huh I'm gonna keep going all right VCC is power Cs and D1 and Di are good so let's just hook the rest of this up yes it is silk it's okay that is clock that's I always forget that one you're right that is clock if anybody knows better or anybody thinks that's wrong let me know clippy clippy stripy stripy try not to melt myself whoops there we go so we're gonna go into CLK she's in wake this guy up ah [ __ ] touch the hot bit I keep touching the hot bit because again idiot yeah that's almost good got him clean clean mixed oh I know correct is bad on this thing yeah all right VCC is power so that's going to go to 383 a little tiny bit longer so I don't have to worry about stretching stuff pull that's too short oh you [ __ ] idiot I clipped it okay now it's gonna be dicey because this is gonna be really short so let's not [ __ ] this up too bad I think I can I think I'm okay I think I can I think I can uh VCC goes to three volt yeah 3v3 stretch all right that'll work that'll work that'll work this is why you go a little bit long on things because sometimes you make mistakes because you're dummy ah all right all right funny weights come on flow my dude oh he wants to push I gotta do this I love if that was a little further in there you're gonna Reflow oh yeah you're good stay oh [ __ ] no it's too close now yeah that's lifting the board up [ __ ] oh no oh no we're fine this is fine this is supposed to happen this is this is how we learn this is how we do this is fine this is oh God it's so [ __ ] low all right we're gonna move even lower D1 or di I always do that one so this is gonna have to come all the way over here so let's go to about there clip clip and snip there we are tweezers Di get in get in it's like completely blind foreign solder iron let's go we're in that's a little bit more I get a little more flush not that it really matters but makes me feel a little better about myself stabby stabby cleaning and now we're stuck with cs which is my last connection and I know I don't need five volt because we're not doing this five volts no get down down I say so that's gonna have to go over there so um [Music] there I'm glad these solder points are solid because I'm literally just yanking these wires against the board and if they were [ __ ] they would pull out so apparently that's being done correctly there's probably somebody out here that's an actual professional at this or like you should size these wires and do all these things my answer to that is yes yes I should am I going to unfortunately not today who would like to buy a flipper zero mine was retail for 160 whatever dollars all right so that's the SD card slot so yeah theoretically this should work there we go pull my SD out of this guy because I don't need it the moment disconnect this without breaking it hopefully oh yeah that's [ __ ] gnarly perfect um the [ __ ] why do you not [ __ ] plug in there it is there it is oh yeah this looks exactly like everything I build let me actually Focus back to the base here Focus one click over this way there we go so yeah this looks like everything else I've made which is like crap but that's okay um since we're doing this let me actually zoom out to here so you can see everything we'll plug this back in plug this back in and then we'll open our flipper again well that's not good huh what have we done we've made it worse um both of the esps are on the [ __ ] did we do hmm let me make sure I didn't plug this screen in wrong oh I plugged the screen in wrong thank God if you can see right there you see that shiny bit is the pen that's not the real socket I knew when I [ __ ] cut this that I cut it like an [ __ ] I knew that was going to be a problem and then I just [ __ ] did it anyway hey right screen full restart this is just a white screen this is still bad this is still bad so what have we done something's definitely not hooked up right [Music] this is what happens when you build stuff with the wrong boards the esps have got to be fine come on tonight yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] a walk thank you I almost pulled the damn thing apart failed to initialize SD card though so that's not a good thing so that means there definitely is something wonky let me check to see if this works though yeah y'all can see us yeah we're good applications gpio Wi-Fi Marauder scan still doesn't want to scan but it doesn't read the ape the the um the [ __ ] um Whatchamacallit anyway so that's fine so the SD card should be wired to the um the spa for The Flipper only wait is that right I think so yeah I think that's the way it's set up right I could look at it oh God that's right you can't see anything let me pull up the actual wiring diagram so I understand again um because yeah it's supposed to be hooked up to the one um no should we hook up to the to the screen I believe scan APS yeah it definitely doesn't want to work let me trace this back let's figure this out whoops let us figure this out so oh you [ __ ] idiot I know what I did wrong so I don't know if you can see see that little wire right there whoops that guy went way too far that ain't gonna work who are you [ __ ] what an idiot who did that why'd you guys let me do that [ __ ] ah what a [ __ ] dummy move all right let's figure out which one this is you absolute [ __ ] meatball um here let me grab my flashlight oops make sure I'm not gonna like I've just unlocked live streaming no [ __ ] I'm live in live streaming for like two hours unlocking what did I unlock shut up one two this yeah that makes sense it's [ __ ] power it's got no [ __ ] power oh what a chad all right let's um let's extract you that makes sense I was like why did I why am I so short now all right all right bud you gotta come out of here how did I even do that without actually melting the um melting the wire into working like this I would think actually would still kind of work nope look at that uh what an idiot look at the [ __ ] idiot what a [ __ ] idiot yeah it didn't it didn't even melt it it didn't even melt it Zoom how far can I is that better than it was before no I just have like basically two zooms right yeah okay I have three zooms it's three zooms [ __ ] nope I can Arrow key this that right yep I can make it worse that's pretty good all right now let's get this [ __ ] back in here absolute [ __ ] hero I am you alive okay this is so [ __ ] unsteady work for me because I've got nothing to support my arm on up I think that's in the right spot man why is this focus is just so close but just not quite there it bugs the crap out of me nobody seems to care that much but I think I I care more than everybody else does Focus yes I mean it would have been a lot cleaner if I hadn't had the med all this [ __ ] mess but that's FedEx's fault they deliver everything to the wrong house in my town they have a um I live on a a drive but they also have a road with the same name they deliver all their [ __ ] to that house and nobody lives there uh so normally I get in there and like grab [ __ ] but they didn't have it this time all right so okay let's give this another whirl look I'm gonna put screen on and here I'm gonna cut this so yeah you can see the problem that I had before whatever the reason why I was being such an idiot is that this is also why it's a little blurry is that the lighting sucks if I bet you if I light this up uh nope still looks like [ __ ] but you can see right over here there's some like hang off yeah this is impossible to see sorry guys but um yeah there's a little bit of hang off there so I'm gonna chop that off so I don't plug it in wrong again this is where I break the whole thing there we go I won't do that again now we plug the screen back in good good good SD card initialized let me just turn this [ __ ] off one of the animations I haven't changed yet off uh let's Zoom back out so we can see this whole thing plug this [ __ ] in all right now with any luck when this turns on it's going to initialize the SD card for the marauder itself so this is going to say SD card read hopefully hopefully yo why does it keep doing that I'm so confused as to why it wants to like hey the light on the SD card's lit so that's good why does it not show Marauder sometimes like yeah right now it doesn't want all I did is hook up the power on the SD card which looks it's blinking a lot what is it what is it doing I'm a bit confused what is it doing uh all right keep in mind this is again the first time that we've used any of these it is possible there's an issue with this setup this doesn't work and now Marauder doesn't work I'm like super confused oh sweet oh cool Orion just set me up he's like I'll be around later uh oh yeah sis something's something's [ __ ] it's an inconsistent connection I soldered something like [ __ ] surprise I did something poorly I forgot the hot glue trust me we'll get there give me time we'll get there so something soldered poorly is what it sounds like to me man those all look pretty [ __ ] okay though but yeah that flashing the flashing light is not a good look for it so if I power all this up I don't understand I don't understand I can always Reflow yeah definitely can Reflow because I know this should all work esp's are still lit that's all good and the screen still doesn't want to show Marauder though hey and now it shows back up what the [ __ ] what the actual [ __ ] failed to initialize SD card as well but that works again so I'm like particularly confused my guess is that I'm wiring something incorrectly because of the difference of these two boards uh Wi-Fi Marauder scan APS huh attack let's do um Rick Roll does this work I mean I still have to assume it doesn't I'm watching my wireless stuff yeah because actually theoretically you could watch this on its own huh so what's different what's gone wrong here actually here's another thing I didn't ask um maybe this is set up this way I'm not 100 sure so maybe you set it up to work with um with five volt instead of 3v3 scan nope swap the esp32s yeah yeah that's the thing we can do that yeah maybe if maybe I [ __ ] up on flashing one of them God damn this thing is so [ __ ] fragile oh these ports make me sad they're also like so hard to unplug these things everything barely fits one two yeah everything looks good from the back side um whoops let's see they don't like to plug into the other ones really because they're kind of set up angled for the other one but I guess this works yeah they're still ah get in there okay Switching the esps because that would be great I would be psyched if I just flashed it wrong because I mean that's easy to fix I flashed them both in a row so it seems unlikely but Marauder loads up right away great sign failed to initially SD card but I'm not 100 sure if that's an issue no s no database is found no kidding restart it does start a lot faster now I'm really confused what's going on here but settings or settings applications gpio Wi-Fi Marauder scan yeah because it works now so something's weird did I see SD always lose his power anytime that you restart it um or anytime you plug this thing in did FC lose power now I don't [ __ ] know why is this off now oh yeah I'm just making sure I'm not [ __ ] doing anything stupid huh so confused like the one thing is s sck and CLK it's the one thing I'm I'm debating about but I know all these pins are used so this has got to be right this SD card I worked on used on the oh you [ __ ] idiot first of all that wasn't plugged in all the way because I'm a [ __ ] idiot oh [ __ ] we knew this hold on hold on we knew this we we [ __ ] knew this we designed this into the board hold on hold on I am being an idiot and I completely forgot that [ __ ] Orion said that this is an issue when we can fix this we made that we designed it around this so let me guess the SD card works now yup SD card Works couldn't [ __ ] clip it in hey Google yeah so the SD card doesn't just push and you need to click it Clicks in and clicks out I just had it jammed in there um sorry okay so that works um okay so we knew the TX and RX might get switched we have a bridge that we can do for this I just need to figure out how the bridge works that's Orion Orion's the smart guy not me so let me see if I can reverse engineer Orion's work and figure this out so yeah this is a txrx selector on it so I'll Zoom back in so what this is right here is a txrx selector that's what's gone wrong is that we don't have it's either flipped or it's not connected I don't remember how we did this so we're gonna Bridge it and see what the heck happens I have wires there we go wire and we're going to make ourselves a little jumper and we're gonna see what happens because I'm [ __ ] determined to get this to work I'm almost positive what are you trying to do with the screen the screen is going to run more order um the full full fat Marauder that just caught me Coco has on his like actual Marauder boards um that's what that's gonna do so um how does this work so I have to reverse engineer the smart kids work I had I contributed the theory the idea Okay so I definitely need to be in this pen so this pen needs to get soldered in there's no doubt about it because that's the only thing that runs the TX yep so what I'm talking about here and again we're like just in between focuses so it sucks a little bit because I know it's hard to see but what's going on is that um this pin whoops getting messages again it's a walk yeah see exactly so we have a selector pin that we didn't hook up so this pin right here runs to TX and if you flip it over we can see that there's a jumper the selection jumper so the first thing we need to do is get in when we put my ESP back on so I I'm soldering Flats man it's oh my God this is why this is why I'm a dummy this is why you guys watch me right so you can watch me do everything wrong hey what's up navel it's gonna work it's gonna work I swear it's supposed to work um so ground [Music] TX selects yay so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna do a big jumper we're doing this the easy way because you can because once we figure this out I'm just going to flow across it so this is just basically proof of concept so we're gonna put a little bit of flux in here we're gonna do this the easy way then we're going to pull it out and we're gonna do it the other way so so this is TX I'm gonna be a renegade [ __ ] it I'm just dumb I'm gonna just be dumb we're just gonna go ahead and plug this in and I lost my wire what ah [ __ ] [ __ ] I lost my wire hello oh it's crazy it's been a long stream I haven't had my coffee this morning I haven't actually really eaten anything um so theoretically so let's restart this I don't need the screen because the screen's not doing anything for this chip anyway foreign Ty so gpio no not gpio we're going to go to Applications all right let's zoom out a little bit for you there we go um gpio and then we're gonna go to Wi-Fi Marauder and then we're gonna just go ahead and jump here let's say actually this would be the easiest one I think this means everything works normal yeah Stay Stay scan okay no luck that's cool stay it's good so we just back out of the program in general so I don't remember how this was set up anyway so I'll have to jump the two at the same time that's right that's right I remember now um all right so yeah you're right we did this because we're smart I forgot how it worked because I'm not it's cool though it's cool so let's assume that this is working the way it's supposed to work [Music] this would be the easiest way because then we can just do um we can just flow through it some more jumpers yeah it's a walk making sure I'm not a [ __ ] idiot a walks goat here the challenge is so this is this is again it's this is a Orion setup not mine um and it's over and not over engineered but it's very well engineered so uh I'm remembering because this was the this Scott designed almost two weeks ago guys almost two whole weeks Jesus Christ things go so fast all right scan so this is the um the normal setup I'm not surprised back scan eight clearing ap7 that's actually interesting that might be right it's weird they didn't say clearing APS last time there it is [ __ ] yeah okay let's go that's the that's the right way so let's glue let's glue let's um I don't know if I can do this I don't know because what I wanted to do is just um solder glob across but I don't believe I'm gonna be able to do this well or I should just solder the jumpers on um well let's see what happens let's see if we can start our glove across this is not something I do very often it's not something I recommend anybody does because it's probably going to result in some really bad [ __ ] solder work but we're gonna try it yeah we're gonna solder Bridge we're gonna Bridge it Bridge to Terabithia gone so we just need to go to two diagonals so let's just fill this fill this yeah I know it's gonna be really hard I don't think it's gonna work well for me but yeah it just it doesn't doesn't want to do it um I might just yeah it's not gonna work all right that's fine because now that I've got actually let me just I might as well fill both of these yeah there's already enough solder on this thing to fill stuck in everything that's fine because I can just cut really really short jumpers for these and then just flow them flat that'll be okay it's going to be all right so basically I'm just gonna go like there and just clip this right [ __ ] here like so and then just do like actually I might as well let's do this as small as possible right I only need like this [ __ ] much all right tweezers tweezers uh I wouldn't solder while it's hot yeah you're right I probably shouldn't that's a very good point I'm like not even thinking about it I'm like just like dialed into [ __ ] soldering [ __ ] but you are 100 correct do not solder while attached you [ __ ] idiot what an idiot actually let's see if we can strip a little more off of this thank you chat for making sure I don't do stupid things ah [ __ ] I need to strip a little bit more but I've got like no [ __ ] purchase on this anymore all right cool perfect this is good playback error what the hell retry come back come back Dogma I love these little tweezers tweezers these little Flush Cutters because you can just cut like little bits off they're really sharp they work really well all right so I'm just gonna sit this thing in here get off my tweezers all right so we can still see barely but we're just going to go ahead and sit that right like here I'm gonna have to curve this a little bit maybe all right let's do this I'm gonna left-handed solder because the tweezers are the hard part oh he's he says is he barely can hold the [ __ ] soldering iron with the wrong side oh oh God I yeah I don't know if I can do that I am not left-handed in any way let's just use the things you can still see you can still see he's still good good oh so [ __ ] fidgety it's so little so [ __ ] little here we go whoa oh cool well all my everything's melted off of it bare ass wire it's fine he says uh Plan B that's annoying me we're just gonna do it the old-fashioned way this is like the last step and it's like absolutely brutal [ __ ] you man that's bridged God damn God damn why is this so [ __ ] hard what about this [ __ ] plunge that [ __ ] in there can I just do that you're in cool there you go clean clean and I'm just going to go ahead and do the same for this other guy I really wanted the solder bridge but solder bridging a diagonal is just not a good thing cool cool cool and then we'll snip yeah I've been straight up like first thing for today was coffee because you know you got to get ready first live stream shit's crazy no depth reception at all here two little wires you can't even see them strip those guys without breaking anything oh that's gonna be oh fantastic all right so there goes [ __ ] nothing it wants to pull the whole thing off like I hate this so much [ __ ] easiest way to do this hey conda let's go man this is just [ __ ] brutal let me take this back out let me try this one more time yeah down to 14 oh wait no that's fake that's we have more than 14 viewers but makes it look like that because weird stats there strip you that's done while I'm in here see if I can strip this guy yeah there's like 30 viewers that's [ __ ] crazy all you idiots watching me ruin stuff they're just here for the Carnage and now you can't see this but nobody needs to see how [ __ ] awfully I'm doing it trying to get this wire stripped got it thank God all right let's get this wrapped around cool this is gonna work he says got a whole bunch of people yeah judging me on my soldering all I've got to say is I'm not a professional I've never claimed to be a professional God damn this is so [ __ ] hard and whatever the [ __ ] insulation comes off whatever what we're gonna do is we're just gonna push this wire in so far that um it's not gonna touch anything else that's exactly what I say I'm gonna do all right I think that's okay I'll have to pull out the esp32 behind it and then trim that but I think that's going to be okay come back here tweezes let's get this into here we go squeeze it into the other one yeah I know The Helping Hands are good for some stuff but this is like this is [ __ ] tricky okay all right cool that one's in that one's in clean the tip of this pull the ESP on the back off trim that [ __ ] yeah oh man look at this this is gonna be so when you keep adding solder to a through hole you end up with this [ __ ] mess yeah you can it's hard to see but like yeah see that big glob you can break them off actually uh but let's clip all this stuff so that none of this causes any problems flush clip flush clip all right drop that in there so this should work right that's what we're saying this should all work plug this in plugged in we're going to add the screen too and people enjoying me watching me do a terrible job soldering I don't understand it either man all right let's zoom out so we all can see this luckily I didn't [ __ ] fry my flipper because yeah soldering while attached to the flipper I think is probably voids my warranty Marauder let me just restart this whole thing anyway all my little failed pieces of wire and [ __ ] SD card actually picked up all right so alrighty um applications gpio Wi-Fi Marauder scan APS oh hell yeah it's doing the thing we did it right he says while it's not doing anything oh it's working you guys can't see though it sucks but yeah it's working so here actually let's do this this will be fun I don't think I've ever actually done this in a way that anybody's seen Wi-Fi General oh God this is so [ __ ] flimsy oh that's not what I wanted to do uh clear back back sniffers and we're gonna do scan APS what we're gonna do though first of all we're going to do a Rick Roll freaking massive yeah this whole thing's massive but um once it's on right it'll be fine so they're nothing supposed to be socketed except for possibly the screen um the yeah printing a case would be interesting but so the nothing they're all supposed to be flat mounted so we shouldn't have these issues like you can see if I did this all on this board I mean this is pretty thin and I'd just be attaching a couple esp32s to the back of it so this wouldn't be as big of a deal um so it should all be good so let's do the Rick Roll attack and then we're gonna go scan a piece and then yeah you can see all of that is all the Rickroll APS going through here um I know it's hard to actually see but whoa I broke it that's awesome so there's so much information going through there that I actually crashed the uh crashed the whole thing um let's see if I can show you what is actually happening there so Wi-Fi is off off the screen you don't need to see any of this but scan AP is yeah it's still running yeah you can you can read it that's pretty funny that's really funny Focus I don't think my focus is going to get any better here I can get make it worse but yeah and then it just overloads the um the actual Marauder memory so it [ __ ] goes that's sick it [ __ ] works so yeah I could basically go through here and now we can um we can d off cameras or whatever you want you can do off to anything on 2.4 and then we can capture handshakes on the back and still passwords so that's going to be a future video for damn sure I'm just bummed that I had to put this stupid SD card on like that um because that's obviously not what I wanted to do uh yeah so yeah that was that was quite the process um I'm glad it all worked I knew it would work I knew I knew it I knew it would work right uh but that's super cool and this yeah this setup seems to be pretty good you all seem to be pretty okay with this I will um I will try to get more light um especially because my ring lights doesn't really reach down here very good because it's up here I don't want to move it because it's kind of where my ring light is uh and I don't want um I don't want to have to reset every time I need to film I'm already moving my camera um to a side a side area so you get a little bit better view of what's going on although maybe now that I've got this camera maybe it doesn't matter I'm not really sure um esp32 who's bad at Dr thing I mean I don't know it does what I ask it to do when I ask it to do it usually so it's not too big of a deal for me I'm not really sure I'm like oh what if I manually move the camera if it actually makes it easier to see actually it's a better frame anyway but now that I'm like done I'm like hey maybe I should put some time into figuring this out but no this actually works out really well um video proc amp trying to see if there's anything I can do to this to actually makes it like even better from a visual standpoint but that's pretty cool um and just for the sake of shits and giggles um properties auto zoom is not Auto autofocus is not going to give me anything better right um configure oh this is still open Zoom or Focus Auto foreign yeah I'm not sure if that's any better or worse but I can't tell uh smaller form factor breakout yeah so I just used this one because it had the right pin outs um that matched what's on here I have the right board for this on order it's just FedEx delivered it to the wrong house so I don't have it um so that kind of sucks if I'm being totally honest um man this was fun I want to build some more stuff so I know that Orion's got a bunch of other boards and stuff and we want to figure out a way to get them sold on um on the the Squatch not squash where but talking Sasquatch e-store which I need to set up um but yeah no this is not the one with the full well the screen has the full SD on it that's why we're not using it so we could set it up to use this big ass SD on the back that's just not being used right now but you can see on my other build this sucks like I hate that so much now there are smaller adapters um that work on this so we could initially the way I had this figured out and I'm glad I didn't do it this way because I would have sized it wrong and it would have been huge with this thing was I was gonna actually have a socket on top so the board would plug into the PCB but you can see that PCB now that would have to be like this tall it's huge so I think just completely bypassing that in general was a good idea these will be flush mounted again this is all just set up so that um this is proof of concept this is literally the first time this has been put together this has never been done before by me at least um so yeah um stronger with the overhang it's always with the overhang yeah oh that's cool um so yeah that's that's it that's what we've made today um if you want to see more of this please let me know awesome take care uh but yeah definitely um if you want to see more of this let me know uh it's pretty easy to live stream as long as I have something to do you guys seem to be watching it which is awesome because yeah we've been sitting around 30 views um for for a while now and you know average view duration is like 13 minutes so that means people are shuffling in and shuffling out so that's pretty that's pretty cool um the second camera setup yeah this was a way better setup than I thought it was going to be um I was gonna actually use the old webcam this guy to do the face cam stuff and then use my Brio on this um so that's pretty cool um yeah q a video would be cool too to do a stream again live streams are super easy you can watch people solder all day yeah I mean I'm good at just talking about stuff while we go and you know you guys have been active enough in chat that um it's been you know fun talking to you guys so yeah this has actually been this has been a good time I had a lot of fun doing this uh let me kill my soldering iron but yeah in case anybody uh so this is the ts100 and oops actually I can flip the screen if I just oh wait I forgot the camera's flipped yeah yeah you can just flip the screen on it and then yeah it will um it'll automatically turn off if it sits and isn't moved for long enough it heats up in like 10 12 seconds whoops it's coming unplugged um I think it's like six seconds from from cold these things are awesome and uh yeah it's you can see like it actually did a really good job like now that I've got this thing focused in let me unplug this but again not to like completely toot my own horn and I don't know if I can actually get this focused I'm gonna try again um supposed to be on autofocus which ain't [ __ ] cutting it I know I can get this close so dude there we go and with the lighting but yeah it actually does a pretty nice job like I can get pretty good solder um solder points on here and this was a lot I mean this is this is more soldering and this one board than I have done at all in flipper stuff like literally this is more soldering than done at all this is a lot a lot a lot of stuff um but yeah condo when I when I make yours up it won't have all the sockets on it so it'll be a little bit you know better the one thing it's a little bit of an issue um and we're gonna see what it looks like is that the uh the the SD card whoops let me get back into Focus here whoops let me get there and we get away from it I think that's I think that's the one A or B um this [ __ ] mess this is gonna get taken off or this whole board might just end up getting scrapped um yeah I'll probably scrap this board uh just because um well it's it's [ __ ] useless and it's just a prototype again it's it's huge so I'm not really sure what we're gonna do with this one but it's just proof of concept so I'm psyched it all works um so yeah believe it or not I've actually got two more projects to get into today I gotta make some lunch um but yeah thanks for hanging in there um notifications on just yeah so again yeah thanks for hanging in there thanks for watching uh it's been a lot of fun and yeah give me uh ideas from what else you want to watch I mean obviously I'll be making a bunch of these boards so I can stream just soldering them if you guys are don't care about watching me do the same thing over and over again that's cool to me um and yeah we could do a q a we can do pretty much anything I'm also messing around with camera um locations and stuff because uh this is the the the challenge that I have right now is hey I'm looking at my screen because this is where like I can see the chat chat's here and actually down here um although I guess I could put it over here which would make it a little bit a little bit easier if I do this is this make it seem any better yeah well actually I guess that works from there because I'm looking actually at you so that's not a bad idea I can leave the screenshot over there um uh Canadian custom header setup what do you mean by yeah um yeah squeaky arms yeah because I just want to make sure that you guys feel like I'm actually talking to you so I'm not sure where to put the uh put the camera or anything I got this flipped upside down just so it stays out of the way I actually kind of hate it upside down it makes me uh I don't know I don't know why but now I'm just babbling on about absolutely nothing and again people are still watching so I need to disengage um and get into some more projects and some lunch what firmware do you flash on the esp32s so um this is I've showed before in my video it's uh just Skeleton Man script it works really well um and it allows you to I mean easily flash Marauder on literally any esp32 including the S3 the new one um so it makes all that work really well uh yeah and all of that worked so holy crap we made it we made it and the only thing I'm the next because these these prototype boards I'm not sure will ever actually make it to sale um giving a bunch of them away I might raffle one off um you know do a giveaway just for fun because I've got a bunch of them but I'm the selector switch we might be able to do away with and [ __ ] I might be extending my stream for a minute and if I have the right parts which I don't thank God I don't have the right parts yep all right because I have I have switches I have these two-way selector switches but um would this work for this if I clip the ends off no no it won't no these aren't the right switches I forget yeah can I get one of the first builds yeah so we got to figure out the build situation too because uh if I can get these with the esp32s attached already from the um from the factory that would be awesome and save me a ton of work and it would be a lot more streamlined because it would basically be um just attaching these then I also have to run the the USB a walk did it on he's got a board coming out which is really really sick I'm super interested in it um but he's got one where the P the the uh actual chip sets directly on the board and that's pretty cool uh it's a lot more streamlined and it's an awful lot of soldering it doesn't need to be done I feel like I could probably without putting all the sockets on I think I could build one in 20 minutes I think I'm also probably being overly ambitious in my soldering skills and probably will find out that I absolutely cannot do that but we will cross that bridge when we get there um so yeah I still gotta do a bunch of stuff today so we will uh we'll leave it here and uh we'll see you next time whenever that happens to be um but we'll we'll find something cool to do all right thanks a lot guys much appreciated
Channel: Talking Sasquach
Views: 17,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flipper zero, flipper, hacking, technology, watch dogs, deauth, roguemaster, unleashed
Id: 3KTG-ZbB6wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 15sec (9795 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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