Knitting Podcast Episode #3: Reclaiming My Time

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hi welcome or welcome back to my channel my name is felicia i'm a knitter crocheter and overall urine enthusiast living in washington dc and this video journal slash podcast is where i share all the things that i've been working on and all the things that i'm loving if this sounds like the type of video that you would enjoy please take a moment to subscribe to my channel and follow me on my new knitting dedicated instagram at thelena knits i will have it linked below before we start i have a couple of things that i want to administrative things that i want to touch on before i share some whips and a finished object and some yarny goodness so first of all i want to thank everyone who has watched one of my videos who has subscribed who has liked it who's left up a nice loving comment i really really do appreciate it and thank you so very much when i started this channel when i started uploading these videos it was a way for me to connect with the knitting community because i don't have any fiber friends in real life and it has been amazing being so welcomed and seeing the response that my videos have gotten so i just want to thank everybody who has watched my video i want to especially thank yolanda over at happy knits who brought up my podcast and shared it a few months ago and i haven't had an opportunity to get on here and thank her i've already thanked her in private and on video but i did want to thank her again and thank any new viewers who came as a result of yolanda shouting out my podcast that means so much to me i love her i love her son i love her videos and it's one of my go-to staple podcasts that i never miss so thank you thank you thank you again third i am so blown away by the fact that there are over a thousand subscribers to this channel um i started this channel with no videos no subscribers started from zero and to have over a thousand of you here is crazy to me and amazing and i'm so thankful and so i am going to do a little giveaway at the end of this video so if you want to hear more about the giveaway what you can win and how you can win it please stay tuned until the end i think that's everything just checking my notes that is everything that i wanted to say at the beginning so now i will get into my one finished object but it comes with a little bit of a story so i lost my knitting mojo about four months ago and i just now got it back and for those of you who don't know i am a civil rights attorney and there was just a lot going on with work and the world and then i injured myself roller skating and it i kind of like didn't spray my wrist but i hurt my wrist and it was a little difficult to knit for a couple of weeks and then i had an incident with a whip that i'm gonna bring up and i just stopped knitting for like two months and i didn't i had zero urge to pick up my needles to knit to do anything and part of the disconnect i think in a lot of ways was that my social media my main personal instagram account i follow all of my areas of interest i follow knitting i follow crochet i follow sewing i follow pandora i follow just everything roller skating all these things and a lot of my knitting content was getting pushed out of my feed and so that was part of the catalyst for me starting a knitting only instagram where i could really curate my explore page and my instagram feed to be miles and miles miles of knitting and once i did that i really felt the urge to pick up my needles again and start knitting and my mojo came back with a vengeance so the only finished object that i have right now is my half and half triangles wrap it's huge from pearl soho that's one triangle and here's the other one and to give you a sense on my last podcast episode i had gotten very far i think i was probably here somewhere i did all of this in under a month like i could not put it down i could not stop i love it so so so much and if you watch my first episode which i will link i talked a lot about my plans for knitting more and more half and half wraps and then i got to a point where i was like maybe i over committed maybe i don't want to knit any more of these and then i finished it and i was like i want a million in one of them so i think it was just one of those things where there comes a point in the project where it's tedious and you don't want to work on it anymore and i got there not because of losing my knitting mojo but i think i just i got there and then i pushed myself to finish and i'm so grateful that i did because this is such a i mean it's amazing it's huge it's huge i cannot wait to wear this in the fall now i knit mine in dark denim and then i think this is like light gray denim i'll have the colors that i use link below i did use the pearl soho linen quill um i've seen a lot of complaints well not a lot but i've seen people say that the wool is itchy or it's not super soft it is a more rustic yarn it's not the most rustic but it is a little bit more rustic i will say that blocking it makes a huge difference i blocked mine in tuft woolens and i used the fragrance 5th and 57th it's one of my absolute favorites i will have this link below as well but you can find this in local yarn shops but i will link to this exact fragrance i blocked it in that it smells so good and it is so soft like just look at the drape of this it's so soft and squishy now so if you are somebody who is worried about the softness or the next-to-skin of this i would maybe try to buy just one skein knit up a swatch block it soak it and block it in actual wool wash not just water and see how it feels i love this it's so warm it's so great i love this um so this is my one finished object and it's been great i loved it and it really did help me to get my mojo back which i really really needed so i'm going to talk about a couple of whips the first one is the one that i think broke my knitting mojo and i'm reclaiming it as a whip because i am not a person who likes to have a lot of projects going at one time i've talked about this before and i want to be released from the reigns of this whip if you watched my last episode i talked about this sweater it's the chatted sweater by alma bali for brooklyn tweed i'm knitting it in brooklyn tweed perry in the morel colorway it's a great yarn it's a merino yarn it's beautiful it's soft it's clumpy it's juicy the pattern is great it's it's a little confusing in places but overall it's a very well written pattern it's a beautiful sweater the last time that i shared this sweater i think i was here so i hadn't fully i had done a lot of the body but i i still had a little ways to go i did about three inches of one by one broken rib see here i bound off i did a tubular bind off i went to try it on the bind off snapped along with my sanity and i i was unwell i would just say that i was very unwell for a while i spent several hours uh ripping back the one by one ribbing slowly reclaiming stitches and reorienting stitches and now all of the stitches are safe and secure on a cord and then i balled the sweater up and i put it in a bag and i didn't knit again for like two months it broke me it broke my knitting mojo i think it was like the final straw where i just was like i can't i can't i just i can't so i am reclaiming this knit i don't have very much left to finish i just need to finish the ribbing i haven't figured out or decided how i'm going to bind it off but i at least want to get the ribbing re-knit and then i'm going to think i really do want to do a tubular bind off but i need to figure out a way to make it stretchier um because mine was not forgiving at all and i have a big head it was just going over a lot of body and it didn't work out but i wanted i want that the the quality of the tubular bind off so i don't know if maybe going up a couple of needle sizes when i do the setup rows and then really really concentrating on just binding off loosely will make will make it stretchy i i hope that that will work and i think what i'm gonna do next time is before i do the setup rows i will put in a lifeline just in case it doesn't work and i bust the bind off again i will at least have a lifeline in the the ribbing so i don't have to rip back i mean i ripped back probably an inch and a half of ribbing in order to get all of the stitches back on it was devastating then i have one vibra one by one twisted rib again for the sleeves and then a edge finishing detail so i don't have a lot to do there's still work to be done but i think mentally i'm in a better position i feel more healed so i feel a lot better now about about picking this back up so i am moving this back into the whip pile and i am storing this in my plaster project pouch which i will also link below another width is my second half and half wrap in my first video i talked about how my mom and i picked out some colors for half for a half and half wrap for her and these are the two colors that we picked uh this book i think it's begonia pink and peach stone these are the two colors i have posted about this on my instagram again it will be linked below but these are the two colors that i'm using they're so beautiful they're so stunning and they're so pretty together and it's very in line with i've been seeing a lot of people do these more like bright bright pops of color with the with the neutrals and i'm inspired to make one like that next even though i have yarn for a different one i'm inspired to switch out my color to do something that's more of a neon pop type of color because i think it's more four seasons that way where you can maybe use the pop of color to brighten up some of your winter wear if you're like me and you are a lot of tans and neutrals in the winter or you can use this color in the you know spring and summer when you are using when you're wearing more pops of color like neons and things like that so those are the two colors it's not very far it doesn't really look like anything now but i will share with you a few modifications that i'm doing so the original pattern calls for either 190 or 260 stitches depending on which size you want to do the one that i did is 260 stitches it's huge my mom is much more petite than me and so i was worried about it being too big for it to even be functional for her and i've seen a lot of people say that the 190s stitch size is very small so i decided to go right in the middle and make like a medium so i cast on 220 stitches hoping to get something bigger that obviously bigger than the 190 but not as massive and blanket like as the 260 stitch version another thing that i'm doing and i did not do this on mine is that i am doing this i-cord edging see if it'll pick it up there we go where i'm just at the end of the row i am slipping the last three stitches with the yarn in front and then when you start to knit on the next row it folds over those stitches and creates an eye cord i did not do that on mine um as you can see it's just garter stitch edging but for my mom i want it to be really really nice and a lot more professional looking than mine is i don't really care about that that feature and i kind of like especially in this color uh combination the more rustic kind of feel of the shawl that way so what i've been doing my goal is to finish this for her by christmas so what i've been doing is in the morning when i have my morning tea and i'm watching the news and just kind of getting myself ready for the day i will knit on this for about 30 to 45 minutes every morning and i'm making a lot of progress and the thing about this is you start with more stitches so it takes me a lot longer to do rows but i can already feel them getting shorter and shorter and so that's really really nice so this will be done by christmas just because i've been working on it so frequently so i'm really really enjoying having this on the needles and i think once you make one half and half wrap you kind of get addicted to them just how easy they are how kind of a how much of a mindless knit it can be but also how impactful it is and you can play with color a lot you can you know play with just with i've seen people do ones with striping and variegated yarns and all of these really pretty things so i think it's a really great way to play with color to play with texture and to end up with something that is so squishy and soft and like a big warm hug when you're done so i'm very excited for my mom to have this and i am also enjoying the process of working on it the next thing that i've been working on is living inside of this old estee lauder makeup bag which i use a lot of makeup bags as project bags because they're small and they're perfect so i talked about on my first episode that i wanted to explore sock knitting a lot more this year and when i lost my mojo i wasn't knitting socks either the the warm weather did not help with losing my mojo either i just literally physically could not stand wool being on me and so i had ordered a sock set from q loco and when i got it i was like okay i'm i'm ready i didn't cast it on i'm going to show you the yarn and the project that made me that helped to really speed up me regaining my knitting mojo but i cast on this vanilla sock and this again is the yarn is from hue logo it is their backyard chicken collection and it is i'm not even gonna try to pronounce this because i know that i can't but it's this one right here this top one and it's a beautiful cream with like yellow orange and red speckles it's so beautiful the variegation on the yarn is so beautiful and then it came with this mauve and rose hip minis they were 220 gram minis that i'm using for the heels toes and cuffs i'm going to talk a little bit about a little bit about this sock it is an experiment for me in a few ways so one thing that i wanted to do was have a sock that i could cuff over and have it have a little bit more visual interest and texture so i did do a provisional cast on knit the ribbing then in the light color and then attached the dark color knit the same number of rows of ribbing and then stick knit two together to attach it so i did that for the cuff and i really like that the other thing that i did is i knit the leg of the sock a little shorter than i normally would because i wanted to just peek out over the top of some of my winter boots and i don't want to scrunch my sock down to do that so i did a little bit of research not the most scientific or even the greatest research just about the height of a couple of pairs of boots that i really like and i knit this so that i can either have it up like this or folded over for a different little pop of color and i really like the way that it looks when it's folded over because you can still see a little bit of the darker color at the top and the bottom and that's really really pretty in terms of the recipe that i'm using i'm using just my regular vanilla sock recipe which is one that i have knit this gauge of sock before so it's a little bit of an experiment but also not so normally i will knit with and i have a pair here i knit a lot of socks with the patins croy sock yarn which i really really like and i highly recommend if you want to be able to make just like affordable pairs of socks you can knit a pair of socks for less than 10 bucks and i these socks are not precious to me i wash them i dry them they are not felted but they are a little fuzzy but these are my just around the house everyday warm socks but they are too thick to wear with shoes or boots or anything so these are just around the house socks so i used the same method and number of stitches for this but i am knitting it on a smaller needle so i cast on 64 stitches i am knitting these on a us1 and i think for this particular height i did 40 rounds and then i started my heel i did an eye of partridge heel for the heel flap i turned the heel and then i've already done the gusset the other thing that i really personally like to do when it comes to sock knitting is i knit my socks in tandem so i have two i like to do this for a couple of reasons one is that it eliminates second sock syndrome because you're just working on everything at one time two it helps me to keep my tension kind of the same so i will cast on and knit the ribbing and then i will cast on both and then i'll knit the ribbing for both and then i'll just like move through each step the same so that my tension is relatively the same and it also helps me to make sure to keep track of things like row count things like that it's also easier for me to do things like the heel flap and the heel turn just because i'm not a frequent sock knitter so i don't have those things memorized they're not fully committed to memory and so i can look down at the pattern and i will link to the pattern that i used for this vanilla recipe below and it talks about the eye of partridge heel blap and the heel turn and i will also link to a video series that i used when i knit b socks and a couple of other pairs that go along with the pattern that i'm going to link i will have everything linked below so that if you are interested in knitting a pair of socks to just kind of understand the structure but you also need the visual you will have that and the video tutorial uses nine inch circulars which are my favorite way to knit socks it's my favorite way to knit small circumference things in general i like circular needles i don't like dpn's i don't like magic loop but it helps me so that i can just look at the pattern for the eye of partridge do it and then do it again and then i don't have to think about it and frankly the heel the heel flap and the heel turn are the parts where i am the most nervous and i i frequently look back at my pattern so it kind of gets that out of the way and then i don't have to think about it anymore and i'm trying to think if there's anything else oh i did do i do the heel flap and the heel turn on dpn's i do that because it's just easier this is it's a little fiddly if you just use the nine in circular so there's that and i am storing one sock in this little pouch that i got with a an old french supply co order and it's perfect for storing socks and then i can put this in my purse on my handbag or anywhere whenever i'm going to brunch or to a picnic or something like that and i have a sock with me that i can knit and all of them and it keeps the yarn from getting tangled because i have two different yarn balls so it's all just living in this bag so now i kind of i understand now why people love socks i knit on those a lot during work meetings during zooms because it's so small and i can just i can really start to fly when i'm working on that especially once you get your attention in your grip right it is amazing to knit online in circulars or to just even hit a sock so i highly recommend it if you have a lot of work meetings and things like that it's a lot easier i think to work on a pair of socks than even working on something like my half and half wrap but that's me my final whip uh is actually how i got my mojo back and i'm gonna talk about the yarn because the yarn inspired the knit so i went to my local yarn store which is looped yarn works i'll link it below here in washington dc when i was not feeling the great the greatest about knitting and it wasn't even anything about knitting i just didn't like i said i didn't have my mojo and i found this malabrigo suserio yarn which is 50 silk uh 25 wool and 25 linen or i blocked it it just is so drapey i think uh in large part because of the silk but also because of the linen and it feels so good close to skin it is just a gorgeous yarn and i really i saw it and i instantly was like i need to take this home as one does in a yard a yarn shop and i initially was going to knit the streamline tank by two of wands which i will link below it's a beautiful pattern it has this beautiful pattern just right in the front of kind of it looks like some sort of broken rib or fisherman's rib type of stitch right in the front and it's beautiful and i swatched for it and this was the swatch that i did and i i do the trick where you do yarn overs and knit two together for your millimeter size and this one doesn't have it but if i have something that is say like 4.25 i'll do a purl bump for each 2.25 i'll do a purl bump for each 0.25 so i knit the swatch and it's very open not in a revealing way but i just worried that it would with the weight of the garment that it would just be more open than i wanted and i wanted something with a tighter stitch definition i also realized looking at this swatch that i felt like the pattern of the streamline tank would detract from the beauty of the shine because it's so beautiful it's so unique it's just such a beautiful beautiful color and i didn't want a pattern that was going to take away from that so i went on ravelry i went on instagram and just started looking for design ideas and design patterns i wanted something very simple stockinette a very classic yet modern kind of cut and something that i could wear to work or out with friends and it would serve both purposes it would be a more dual purpose top and the pattern that i landed on is petite knit cumulus top this is not the best picture but it is a stockinette spaghetti strap tank i guess the tank is almost like a camisole like a knitted candy and it's a very very simple pattern which i also kind of needed as i'm getting my mojo back and getting back into the swing of knitting and you knit i will show you i cast this on last night i don't know if it will be last night for you by the time i get this video up but i cast it on last night as of the recording of this video and you knit four of these triangles so you start at the point you cast on and then you do increases and you do four of these triangles and then you join the triangles you knit in the round it has a folded-over hem and then an i-cord edging detail and i-cord straps so i have one triangle done and i have a pretty good amount of weight on the second triangle i am really enjoying this knit it's very simple this is what i work on at night when i'm watching tv and i want something that i can concentrate on but not something where i am gonna lose steam while i'm watching tv so this is really really perfect for that it is not the most size inclusive pattern but once you know how the how the piece is constructed it is very easy to modify and add more bust circumference if that is something that you need so while it is not written to be size inclusive if you understand the overall construction of the piece it can be very size inclusive and it's easy to modify to make it be more size inclusive it's also a good beginner pattern um you will learn some increases and some finishing details but you just need to be able to knit and purl and the biggest sort of skill set that you would be picking up is doing the i-cord so it's a very easy knit and i've been really really enjoying this and i'm storing it in my fringe supply coat bag this is the natural color that just has a bunch of different enamel pens that are knitting related you cannot buy french supply coat bags anymore but i do have an acquisition to share if you are somebody who can sew or know somebody who can sew so that you can have your own french tofico bag stay tuned so when i purchased that yarn it set off a wave a spark in me and i started picking up so many summer yarns for so many ideas so i'm gonna share just a few of the yarns that i picked up that have really interesting fiber content at least i think interesting fiber content and are really really good if you're looking for more warm weather not only yarns to work with but like to be able to make warm weather objects with your yarn so that if you're somebody like me who is currently in 90 plus degree weather you're not having to worry about wearing your hand knits or like passing out from having on so many knits so i have done a lot of yarn shopping but i'm not going to share every single thing that i purchased i'm just going to share some of the things that i bought that have pattern ideas attached to them and then i have one that it's not a warm weather knit and i have another one where i need your help with an idea of what to knit with it i don't know what i'm gonna make so i might talk about those i might save them for another podcast we'll see so the first yarn that i bought and this is living in again just a little linen bag i don't even know if this is linen i don't know it feels like linen bag from when i bought a french supply coat bag and these are great for storing yarn they're great for project bags honestly so pearl soho was having a sale and i picked up a bunch of yarn but i picked up this spectrum silk in the colorway lilac petal this is a really accurate color it is 100 silk and i picked up 200 grams i think yeah i picked up 200 grams of this and my plan is to make a ranunculus i know that a lot of people have made this it's very open and airy and they're they're so beautiful and it's so easy to modify so i think i'm going to make a a excuse me a tank version of the ranunculus out of this silk and i think it's going to be really really pretty for spring uh even though it's summertime i want to get to this so hopefully i will start this after i finish my tank if i don't start working on something else but i think that this will be my very next cast on and i'm excited to work with that i've never knit with a 100 pure silk yarn before so i think it will be really interesting to experience what that feels like to experience what that feels like in the hands and on the needles and just learn about a new fiber that i haven't worked with another yarn that i picked up is this santolina from pearl soho it is 70 organic cotton 20 rayon from bamboo and hemp and it doesn't feel rustic it doesn't feel hard on the hands i knit with 100 pure cotton and i did not love it this does not feel like that it feels very soft like wool actually so i'm thinking about making the camisole number i think it's camisole number 14 from my favorite things knitwear it's a really beautiful ribbed camisole with a high neck and i think this would be really pretty in that and i think it would make it a transitional item something that i could wear to work something that i could wear out with friends something that i can use in the really all year round just because of the neckline and because of the fiber content so i'm really excited and i think this will actually be my next cast on just because it's something that i can wear a little bit more readily than the ranunculus but we'll see it'll be one of the two of those once i finish the cumulus top but i really do enjoy this yarn and i love the color of it i just love this sort of neutrally beige color that i think is going to work with a ton of different items in my wardrobe the other yarn that i picked up for a more warm leather knit is from espostrico it is their grace it's 75 marina 15 cashmere and 10 silk and it is in this beautiful yeah this is color it's in this beautiful lilac mobby color that i think again is going to just be really really pretty really neutral and like a year-round kind of way and because it is merino cashmere and silk i think it's going to be more of a fall and spring item but i do want to make just like a plain stockinette tea out of this i may look for something that has a little bit of interest in terms of the neckline or something like that but i don't want to do i'm sure that this would have great stitch definition it is a single ply yeah it's a single ply yarn so i'm sure it would have really really pretty stitch definition but i just think for the color and for just the way that it feels i want it to be something that is classic and clean and streamlined so i'm gonna look for some pattern ideas for this but if you have any good tea ideas i'm listening leave a comment below and help me out so those are the summer weather knit somewhere with our yarns that i picked up and like i said i'm still trying to figure out what i want to do with that grace from especially go but i don't know i was thinking about the rift t from um jacqueline c slack but i know that it and i know that it has some sort of pretty detailing in the body and along the uh what is that called the ribbing the bottom hem so that's something that i was thinking about but i i'm not a hundred percent certain that that yarn and that yarn in that pattern are a perfect match so i'm going to think about it a little bit more because that yarn was a splurge and so i want to make sure that i pick a pattern that is going to really complement the yarn the best and that is going to be something that i i'm really gravitating towards wearing even though i really do want to knit a ripped tee and i did buy some yarn that i think would be a good fit for that but we'll see we'll see okay um i lost track of my things that's okay so a couple other things that i picked up when i was on the reason i even went on a splash streetcars website is because i had seen a lot of people talking about the lane magazine 52 weeks of socks book and so i picked one up from aspastrico um it was one of the few places that i could still find one but i would definitely check your local yarns your local yarn store to see if they have one it has this beautiful like dust it's not a full dust jacket i don't know what it's called when it's only half of the book but it has this beautiful cover on it and there are so many beautiful sock patterns in this book if you are not a sock knitter i still highly highly recommend this book because you may one day decide that you want to be a sock knitter and i think it's really important maybe not important but giving it too much weight i think it would be really nice to have a book with a bunch of different types of socks they have toe up they have cut down they have different types of heels they have different they have some with color work some with lace some that are chunky you know with rustic yarns with super wash yarns there's just so many different types of socks in here and i bookmarked a few that i i'm really interested in knitting for myself and for gifts but this was a really really good book and so when i went on their website because i saw that they had it in stock then i saw that yarn and i did buy some other yarn but it happens to the best of us right i also picked up 52 weeks of shawls i'll show you the cover and both of these are just really beautiful books they're so beautiful that you can leave them out it's like coffee table books they just have such a clean aesthetic the paper is super duper nice and the cover is like a beautiful like linen type of material they're just really really well put together really well thought out books and again there are so many shawl patterns in here that i want to knit not only for myself those items that i could see myself wearing but there are also shawls in here that i personally wouldn't wear but i think would look really beautiful on some of the people that are on my hand knit list so again even if you're not a shawl knitter i highly recommend trying to track down a copy of this book because it is it's worth it the photography is beautiful let me see if i can excuse me the photography in this book is beautiful the models are gorgeous trying to find one where i'm not going to be giving anything away let's see there we go the models are beautiful and i have this one earmark marked as one that i want to do it is the silta pattern by tiff nieland um but beautiful beautiful patterns in this book and i highly highly recommend it i picked my shawls book up from farmer's daughter fiber but once i after i bought this i went back to my local yarn shop to pick up a couple of back up back issues of pom-pom and they had these in stock so i wish i would have known that because i would have purchased it from them but i will link to my local yarn shop below but reach out to your local yarn shop and see if you can find it to support them and to get a wonderful book the last thing that i want to share i mentioned that i had this french supply coat bag french supplies one of my favorite uh bags i think partially because they were kind of trendy but they were also just really well thought out this is my yellow one from lobby anime that has my lobby anime pins that i ordered from their website and it's holding lobby anime yarn but i just love that they're drawstring i like that they have pockets on the inside they're so roomy they're so spacious this bag right now is holding two caked up balls of yarn you can't really see that and then i think like four skeins of yarn pattern the needles everything this is my vertices unite that i have not cast on yet but i love that bag and so i got an email one night from i think it was from fringe and they said hey you can buy a pattern to make your own fringe supply coat bag and i immediately clicked on the link and this is from grainline studio i will link to this kit below and you can buy the pattern the kit you can buy a full kit let me pull this out that comes with everything that you need to make the bag it comes with grommets you can choose if you want a leather strap or if you want a another type of strap i did leather so that all of my bags would match and i picked this beautiful bright orange fabric which i believe is yeah it's pre-cut the fabric is pre-cut you do have to make a few smaller cuts to the bag but it's pretty much pre-cut and it comes in this beautiful canvas bag and it comes with either a pdf or a printed off pattern i bought the printed off pattern because i didn't want to worry about trying to print it myself but if you are comfortable with printing patterns then you can buy the pdf version and print the pattern yourself there wasn't a big price difference between the pdf and the printed version i think it might have been a dollar or two more for the printed versus the pdf they're also doing a sew along because they know that a lot of people who are knitters have purchased this so they're doing a sew along i will link to those videos below as well um my mom is coming to town soon and i'm hoping that she and i can work on this together that she can assist me with making this project back but i'm so excited and they had the natural color like this i think they had a yellow i don't know if it was this exact yellow but they had a yellow they had a brown which i already have and so the orange was the only color they had that i didn't have but i also love the brightness of this orange and i think it's going to be just like a beautiful project bag so i will link to all of this below if you have wanted a french supply coat bag but couldn't afford one or couldn't get one because they went out of business then i highly recommend picking up these kits they were a little on the pricier side i think it might be a little but it's not any more expensive than any other project bags that i've really seen on the market and if you know how to sew then you'll have the pattern and then you can pick whatever type of canvas you want and make as many fringe style bags as you want because you'll have the pattern so this was a really fun thing to pick up and i'm really really excited that i purchased it i think that's it for what i want to share now i want to talk about my giveaway so if you have been following me for any amount of time you know that i am a lola bean yarnco stan adella could dye air and i would buy it at a premium i love her work i love her color combinations i love her aesthetic i love her inspirations like i just i'm obsessed with her yarn and in my mind she and i are really great friends even though she has no idea who i am i just really am i'm inspired by the way that she runs her business i'm inspired by the way that she her transparency and her openness and just everything adella i i just she's amazing to me and so i want to share my love of lola being yearnco with you all as a way of saying thank you for subscribing to my channel for supporting my channel it is amazing to me that there are over a thousand subscribers that the view counts are what they are it blows my mind honestly and i'm so grateful i'm so thankful i just i can't say thank you enough and so i wanted to do something it's a small token but hopefully you like it it's something that i love so i want to share what i love with you a few months ago lola bean did a collaboration with spin cycle and came out with a custom colorway called tray bean it's red black and green beautiful beautiful colors i love the green i love the deep red and so when i bought some for me i picked up an extra skein for one of you i was hoping that i would get to the to the place where i would do a giveaway and this actually came a lot sooner than i anticipated so i picked this up and i'm really excited to share this i also picked up uh on a recent order an extra pack of these overcast stitch markers which i will show you what they look like so they come in this beautiful wax packaging which i love and i don't know if you can see that but they are tear drop shaped they are tear drop shaped stitch markers which i love and they also come with this really beautiful umbrella progress keeper there we go comes the beautiful umbrella progress keeper this is from my personal set you will get a brand new unopened set of your own and they're by the company firefly notes online um but i bought them from a different website so i will link both where i bought these from and the main website i'm interested i picked up another set of stitch markers from this company and they just have beautiful stitch markers i feel like i will be buying more and more from that company as time goes on because i may be a new addict anyway so the winner will win this died in the wool and these overcast stitch markers and in order to win in order to enter you need to live in the us i will only be shipping in the us for this particular giveaway so in order to enter to win this giveaway you need to do the three following things one be a subscriber to this youtube channel two follow me on instagram at felina knits i will have it linked below and three leave a comment on this video telling me what your favorite summertime knit is what is your favorite thing to knit in the summer or your favorite thing to pick up and knit when you're in a little bit of a knitting rut i have discovered that for me it might be socks i think socks are the way for me to re regain my mojo but i didn't know that until recently and so i'd be really interested to hear either what you love to knit when it's warm outside or what objects that you knit help to get you out of a rut and if you do those three things then you will be entered to win this yarn and these stitch markers i will use a random comment generator to pick the winner and i will contact that winner through youtube and i'm trying to think what else i need to say about that i think that's it please don't just put enter me or i want to win i want there to be dialogue in the comments and i also want to know the answer so i will only be accepting as entries to the giveaway those people that answer the question and are followers of me on both instagram and youtube so i think that's it thank you again so much for watching please comment please like please subscribe please follow me on instagram at belindanet everything will be linked below everything that i've talked about in today's episode will be linked below i think i have figured out a new way of recording and editing that will allow me to also produce my videos a little bit quicker so hopefully i will be able to upload a little bit more often i also have a couple of non podcasts but still sit down and talk style knitting content videos that i am working on putting together and so you should look forward to those videos and yeah i think that's it i think that's all i have i hope that you have enjoyed this video i'm looking forward to reading everybody's comments below and for people to start interacting with my new instagram account i'm very excited about that and i'm looking forward to talking to you all more often and uploading a little bit more often now that i'm kind of out of my knitting rut and i have a lot of things that i'm really excited to work on and a lot of things that i'm really excited to share with you i have so much more yarn that i didn't even share but i'm gonna wait for some of them to talk about future knitting because i kind of already have an idea of what they're gonna be and but they're they're winter projects and i'm just it's too hot i'm not there yet so anyway i hope that you've enjoyed this video i will talk to you soon i will hopefully see you over on my instagram account and until then happy knitting stay safe be well bye
Channel: Phylena
Views: 2,212
Rating: 4.9848485 out of 5
Id: 8xepvp5otnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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