Forest City Knit Girls- Knitting Podcast • Episode 49- All the FO’s!!

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[Music] hi hi we're the forest city knit girls i'm carrie i'm june and i'm patty and this is episode 49 yes it is yep crazy yeah so we're a knitting podcast and um here to spend some time with you talk about our knitting and our whips and all that good stuff uh we're from london ontario and june and i are sisters and carries our good friend and we love to knit together and do everything knitting together yes we do yeah and apologies if you hear dogs in the background for a second they're just going outside so they're a little noisy it's very nice yeah yeah nice evening um supposed to cool off a little bit tonight so it'll be good for sleeping heading into the long weekend yeah that's right i can't believe it's gonna be august i know july went way too fast it went by so fast it did yeah i feel like because we've been locked down for so long and now things are open it's going even faster because we're busy catching up doing things and that's true yeah yeah i went to the movies the other night that's awesome how was it oh my gosh it was amazing yeah like to sit in a movie theater and eat movie theater popcorn which is like the best thing in the world yes the movie wasn't that great but it was just like so it felt so normal even though there was barely anyone there because everyone's spaced out oh okay so like we were sitting in two seats and the next people available to sit in the seats in the same row were like eight seats away oh wow so you're so spaced out and then there was nobody behind us that whole road was blocked off and then in front of us there was like the walkway and then the seats and they were spaced out wow that's great that sounds awesome it was amazing i want to go i know even if it's just a crappy movie yeah i don't care i just want to eat popcorn and relax pop up the recliner chairs watch a movie eat popcorn sounds amazing yeah i really think that some of these restrictions like that should stay forever no one's kicking your seat i know yeah yeah yeah it's great we went to a restaurant a couple weeks ago like when it first opened up too and it was the same thing like we sat there was so much space in between all the tables and it was awesome it was amazing lots of room and we had fun yeah and you almost forget that there's anything going on that's true yeah yeah it was good yeah i felt i felt really bad for the servers though because they were run off oh gosh yeah because even though everybody was spaced apart they were busy yeah they were it was still nice yeah it was a good atmosphere too because like i think everybody was just so happy to be out yeah for sure yeah but movies definitely going on my list yeah i go it was awesome it was awesome it's been like two years since i've been to a movie so yeah it was amazing same here yeah anyways enough of that talk that breeze feels so i know been really humid today we had a crazy rainstorm in the morning and then it just brought this like sticky feet now the breeze [Music] as soon as you talk about that a breeze um so we don't have any draws for giveaways for this episode because we're still in july while we're recording this right so but we do have some cows going on we do um so our cows that we're running right now is the year of the sweater so we are running a sweater knit along and you can knit any adult size sweater whatever you you want there's no real restrictions other than that um and every month we draw a winner from that thread for a pattern of their choice and then at the end of the year we're going to draw from the fo thread a grand prize um which we're still gathering stuff for um so we'll figure that out but it's gonna be nice so we have lots of people participating which is amazing so there's lots of inspiration inspiration and beautiful sweaters there so keep keep posting your foes in there and if you like to participate in the chatter threads we have a chatter thread as well and we will draw a prize from that thread too um yeah so that's basically it you still have tons of time to knit a sweater um you can do like it's summertime now so short sleeve sweaters are fine if you crochet you're welcome to i don't know if that says in the right along um but it but you're welcome to post a crochet sweater as well um and double dipping is fine in all our cows always like if you're knitting for another knit along and it fits into ours you're welcome to post in ours as well yeah that's fine um yeah and then the other uh one that we're running right now is the um summer soft sock and summer accessories knit along so it's basically um socks and then any sort of summer accessory whether it be a shawl or like a light hat like anything anything that you think would fit is perfectly fine um and we're running that knit along until the last day of august so there's still a whole month to go and a lot of really nice entries in that oh yeah yeah yeah lots of socks yes which is awesome yes i want all the songs i do too i want everyone to name me songs that would be fabulous i like knitting socks but i just haven't been in the mood for sock knitting for a while i always been knitting on a pair of socks i love it me too it's just a really good time of the year for it too because it's not such a big bulky project sitting on your lap yeah yeah sure like a recent f-o a few yeah awesome yeah so that's our our knit alongs in our ravelry group make sure you go check them out and join and yeah and then the last thread that we always run is our pet photo and stories thread which we also draw a winner from every month so on the next podcast we will have um a winner for the year of the sweater and the pet photo and stories thread yeah and we love those too yeah we do they're awesome yeah oh there was one photo i don't know if you saw it of um it was hysterical this white dog big white dog and he must have been shedding or she oh yeah and they must have brushed them out and he or she is just covered in white water it's like you could like gather that and spin it yeah to make a sweater out of that it was so much fur it was so cute i feel that right now the dogs are shutting like crazy yeah every day i'm out here with them brushing them and it's just flying everywhere and then it's like stuck to my arms on my legs it's crazy that time of the year yeah yeah so like carrie was saying all our all the information is on rather ravelry so um just check out our for city knit girls ravelry group and uh everyone is welcome to participate absolutely awesome okay so the next thing we always do is what we're wearing and i'll start with me because i'm not wearing anything i did because it's way too hot um and i didn't have anything that i wanted to put on at this point no thank you what are you wearing oh wow i'm wearing uh the lounging top so in some okay so i think in ravelry it's called the lounging top but then the pattern says the lounging tee so it's either or anyway it's a lovely pattern by hovie lochitelli and i showed my whip on the last episode and it's honestly all i've been knitting on the last couple weeks it's so pretty it's really fun and i i literally finished it today i did um i did the neck at lunch and then after work i woke in the end yeah and i blocked it last night so it was ready for all of that but oh my gosh i love it so much it's very nice yeah so um okay so what do i love about this first of all i'm gonna stand up because i did mine a little bit different i um i used three skeins of yarn so instead of the pattern was written for all one color but i didn't have three skeins of one color so i just had these in my stash and put them together and i think it turned out okay it works perfectly yeah it's like a little bit of a hi-low sweater you can see the back um this yarn is um i forget the colorways but it's from sweet skin of mine emma's yarn and at the bottom it's from songbird fibers so it doesn't even matter if they're from the same no dyer like they just all went together yeah yeah and that's nice thank you and there's really no sleeve right it's just like a cap sleeve so you've knit this at the very beginning and then you're done with sleeves yeah you do like um a garter edge and it turns into the ribbing for the sleeve i really like the neckline oh my gosh it's really pretty yeah yeah it's like a garter yeah if you guys i don't know if you guys can see i'll pull it up see it's like a garter yeah that's real and same as at the bottom it's garter hem and it had short rows at the back to make it a little bit longer in the back and i was telling patty and carrie this when i came it is honestly the most comfortable well-fitting sweater i think i've ever yeah like it fits me perfectly it's awesome yeah and yeah it just it has a lot of nice details in it because she's hokey yeah and how he's a perfectionist and it show it it shows in her knitting patterns like they're amazing to knit yeah yeah i love it thank you good job june thank you i i recommend it thumbs up there's an all-knit one it's a little long knitting because it's fingering weight on small needles so it's but it's a t-shirt at the same time i mean you don't have to do something not too bad no sleeve island what size needle did you use um the pattern calls for 3.7 and 3 i think but because i'm i'm a loose knitter when i continental knit because it was like just all around i went down to a 3.5 yeah nice very nice awesome thanks how about you patty you have a cute shirt on i am wearing my have your cake and knit it too t-shirt which i think is so cute it is adorable i got this from little red mitten um i'm not sure if they're still selling them but i think it's adorable it's got like a yarn cake on a cake platter and i think it's very appropriate i love it yeah super comfortable like i it's nice yeah it's nice and comfortable it is i love a good tee yeah so do i so yeah this is my favorite kind of tea too oh it's nice and thin it is thin yeah but it's great for this kind of weather yeah for sure yeah i got a large size because then i can wear it over leggings and stuff and it's just super comfortable perfect yeah yeah they have a couple cute t-shirts don't they yeah i forget what the and then don't they have the knit like a mother or something yeah yeah yeah anyways cute i'm sure that they still have t-shirts if you're if you're interested um just go to the little red mitten and you'll find them on their website yeah awesome that's what we're wearing yeah so who wants to go first do we want to start with our giants yes oh but i forgot mine so i'll show you guys next week but you guys can show yours okay okay so um we were talking on the last podcast that we were going to we all ordered kits from nick collage and um we all got ours done although june forgot hers but i rushed to get it done too and then left it at home yeah that's hanging on the back of my chair disappointed yeah oh well next time you'll see june yes yeah but carrie and i can show ours um i can't remember what the name of mine is i'm just going to pull up russell too hot kaleidoscope oh yeah it's the kaleidoscope um sweater yes it's way too hot and this is how it turned out so cute i put it on before i came over and i just immediately took it off and was like forget it this is not happening but i'm sure maybe it's not cooler yeah we can all wear our yeah we'll wear them we'll wear them at the same time yeah but it was really fun really quick knit like honestly these kids if you you know had a lot of time on the weekend you could knit this in a weekend yeah it's so cute and i like all the little extras in it like the little flowers so some of the yarns the main color which is the purpley color is called orchid and i quite just look at the window one of the dogs is like hello spying um and then it came with a variety of other yarn um and some of it was fabric so you can see but it also has like little details like this little gold flower um there's like a daisy somewhere so which i can't see off the bat i see it oh the daisy yeah but there's one in the back oh there's like a little daisy there's a few of them throughout so cute and then the edging on the sweater is what is called the crochet edge which i've never done before so i'm super proud of myself for doing that that's amazing so good and nick collage has step fights step by step videos for your sweater patterns so i just went to the crochet edging video that they had right followed it and it was excellent like so easy honestly anybody could do it right like it's super super good video yeah can i see that yeah so oh my gosh it's so nice yeah it's really it's really cute um that's beautiful i did the crochet edging around the sleeves as well nice that's gorgeous yeah it was fun something different and yeah i love the colors it's like so thick though so thick for sure yeah i think it'd be good to wear in the winter too like even with uh like a long sleeve blouse underneath for sure or even just like by itself yeah yeah because it'll be really warm yeah yeah for sure but yeah it was fun to show yours carrie yeah so then june and i we mentioned that we like immediately ordered ours as soon as we saw paddy's um we got the pixelated cardi nice oh your colors are so pretty fine so pretty some of the ends are still sticking out inside but i left them because it says to not cut them cut them yeah yeah it says don't cut your ends just weave them in and then leave them because i think they like start nodding up and matting up and stuff like that um yeah i love your colors me too so pretty it was it is a quick knit but i took forever doing it because i'm not used to knitting on such big needles that my hands were sore yeah and this with the cardigan your knitting row purling around knitting and the purling was taking forever and then trying to get him like to slide these giant stitches down a needle and yeah so it took me a bit longer but still quick like you'd get through this much pretty quickly but then i'd have to take a break right for it so that's what i found with mine too and i found the sleeves took a long time because it was so i did my sleeves on a short needle so i was just knitting in a circle oh yeah so the sleeves actually didn't take long because i was just knitting in the round okay but the body took longer because i was knitting and purling on giant needles wow so it's gorgeous this color with the with the what do you call this a mustard see they call it corn or something okay took forever to dry after washing and blocking it it sat outside for two days drying in the sunshine very welly i'll definitely wait until the fall to be wearing this because it is so thick but i'm glad i have it for the fall the day that i finished mine it it was a warm day but i was working inside all day and i was freezing so i went for a walk and i wore it on my walk and everybody's looking like everyone's wearing short sleeves and shorts and i'm wearing this big bulky sweater oops but it was fine um one thing that i have to say though if you're going to thinking about doing a knit collage is there the yarn isn't stretchy there's not a lot of give to it and it's a great fabric and it it will break easily so you kind of have to you know be somewhat gentle with it um but i bound off my sleeves and they were too tight so i had to take it apart and use a stretchy bind off so make sure you know when you're doing your bind off to use a stretchy pocket yeah i didn't have to with the body but just the sleeves yeah and it does stay in the pattern bind off loosely but when you're again on giant needles that you're not used to and then yarn that doesn't have a lot of give yeah binding off loosely is a bit of a challenge so doing a stretchy bind off is way better it is yeah it worked out a lot better and also it's hard to gauge because the yarn is so thick yeah so so it looks big do you know that yeah yeah so i thought oh i'll just bind off like normal and no i had to redo it but it wasn't a big deal it was fine it looks awesome it does look good yeah i'm glad i did that june why don't you send me a picture of yours and i'll put it i'll pop it in here so everyone can see and then you can just bring it the next time too but yeah the beautiful pink one you made i will do that yeah thanks it's really pretty i have another tip too for needles i would splurge on a good set of wheels i cheaped out and bought loops and thread from michaels and they they're plastic the needles are okay and they're good quality but literally the wool stuck to it so i was telling these gals that like every couple rows i had to oil my needles at first i was using olive oil like because or else my yarn would just stick to it like it was hurting my hands so much so i oiled them with olive oil and then i'm like why am i doing this i have nice hand butters like yeah so smell nicer too so nicer so i have like a couple uh lush hand balm cocoa butter thing so anyway i was oiling it with that but i mean you could do that and it worked it did help but i think using metal needles would have been better yeah i used that old bamboo ones and they were still sort of sticky but not like horrible okay the metal ones are fine yeah yeah like it's still awkward because they're large needles but i had no problem with that at all like they slipped on the needles nicely that's good yeah no mine just wanted to sit there and i was like like pushing every stitch just frustrating yeah anyway but they turned out to be beautiful sweaters yeah because we're glad we are we're glad we knit them yeah a hundred percent yeah it was fun nice it was fun what other aphos do you have um who wants to go i don't have any others i don't have any other okay so i am uh the type of person that likes to knit on a lot of projects so i have a few fos this time four actually including the sweater i just showed um but uh it's because they were whips for so long and then for some reason within a couple of weeks it all came off my needles so one of them was the test knit that i was working on for lisa haynes and it's called summer i better just double check summer night sky it's a beautiful mosaic shawl using two colors uh you need two skeins of the main color and one skein of the contrasting color oh my gosh it's so beautiful and this is it daddy that's so crazy isn't that pretty i love it and i did have yarn left over from my skeins i think for the main color i actually used about one and a half skeins of which one the blue okay the blue is the main color okay and then i also still have some of the the corally color left as well um my yarns are from leo and roxy um the blue color is called king's treasure and then the corally pink is called geek in the pink it's really and uh it's it's so beautiful it feels good too yeah it's a perfect shot i love it it fits nicely like it's gonna be so snuggly in cooler weather it's gorgeous isn't that pretty yeah yeah i thought she had another test nip for another mosaic one come out and i'm like don't look carrie finish your whip i was i was camping and if i hadn't been away for the weekend i would have signed up for it because it was beautiful too it went by by the time i looked it was which was the next day oh yeah it was it was fun yeah yeah yeah so this is the summer night sky by um lisa haynes um i highly ch recommend to check out her patterns they're amazing she's so professional and they're all fun to knit too and so lovely like when you're chatting with her oh my gosh she's such a nice lady yeah she's very responsive and engaged and then of course the leo and roxy yarn is amazing as always yeah it's really nice it feels good yeah i think the mosaic gives it a feeling of squishiness yeah it does a little gives it an extra bounce yeah yeah yeah it does beautiful gorgeous good job patty thanks um oh yeah you guys don't have anything no keep going we're loving this okay i'll show these next i think i showed them on the next podcast but i only had one finished um so i finished i have a paper so cute um i just did a vanilla sock with the fish lips kiss heel and the yarn is from the cozy knitter and the colorway is called secret garden and it's lovely beautiful yarn i love it a lot her yarn is a little thicker isn't it it's got a nice squish to it it definitely does oh yeah yeah those colors are just beautiful i love the pink in there when you do your fish lips kiss heel do you do it while you're knitting or do you cut it in after no i do it while i'm knitting oh yeah i've never tried it mm-hmm it's working it's a nice heel can you cut it in after yes yes most definitely yeah i'm going to do it on my next i'll throw my whip but i'll show you yeah and i'm going to try that heel on them yeah you can totally cut it in after i thought about doing that but i already knew yeah you know what that where i wanted the heel and everything because these are for me so i didn't have to guess right yeah for sure um and there's no gusset with those right so is that why it works out really well with this with this like a short rope it's a short heel um but the way she does it it's got nice reinforcing yeah there's no gapping there's no gaps or anything um yeah i really i've been using this heel i think this is like my third pair of socks that i've used this heel on and i really really like it a lot i'm gonna give it a try yeah and then the top um for my ribbing at the top i did um a twisted rib and then you just bind off normally or do you do the stretchy binder i do the stretchy bind off okay yeah so my stretchy bind off what i use is whatever the stitch is next to knit so if it's a knit stitch i knit that um and if it's a purl stitch i purl that but then i go back and and either pearl or knit them together depending on what the stitches that i just used right and that's and it's nice and stretchy yeah but not floppy yeah no it doesn't yeah perfect structure yeah and that's important for toe-up socks too because i my first um the only top socks i made um they were a little tight okay um because the regular i find the regular bind off it doesn't have one to give in no and i also find the twisted rib also um adds to that stretch it it does and it it makes it look not sloppy okay sometimes when you do the toe up and you get to the cuff it looks a little sloppy yeah but i found um with twisted rib it keeps that stability nice and structured yeah yeah nice nice those are beautiful so cute okay one more f yeah this one is pretty spectacular it's amazing um i'll show you the yarns too because i brought them with me and everything is in my needle craft my needle yeah which i love this bag so much um so this was actually started off the pattern's fully released now but it started off as a mystery knit along there were six clues i got behind um but i finished and uh i love it oh my gosh the nutra wrap and it's by um sweater freak it's so perfect look at that yeah beautiful keep going look at how long it is right oh my gosh it's amazing i love the end how it is it's beautiful it's like how it began yeah totally it's so perfect that's amazing yeah i kind of want to knit one of these oh it was so much fun i would knit another one on it yeah i i love knitting it it's very easy too all right stitch in there yeah oh it's a different stitch here than there yep and if you don't like the steed seed stitch um you don't have to do it you can continue with the oh my gosh that's gorgeous it's so pretty i think the seed stitch really highlights yeah the kind of variegated speckly yarn even the structure is the [Applause] time like i and then when i got to the end because you knit each section separately and i'm like how is this going to work out but it did it's like totally you know a straight line wow it's so geometric i don't know it's it's hurt like is she is that what she does like she's she's smart she is very smart she is like too much brain power i know but she is she designs her patterns i think with a very mathematical mind you can tell yeah that's amazing they're amazing patterns and i i love it it's just going to be so snuggly this winter and or fall or whatever and i just think the the colors are so much fun so i'll talk about the yarn that i used um i use all the yarns that i used are for full moon fibers the light color is called where's my spacesuit and then um this jessica dyed an as it gets series of yarn and that's all the colors in here and that was all of them in the series right so yes six of them there were six of them and i so i can show you because they're i just like honestly and i have enough left to do like a striped sweater or something like i'm totally gonna do that because i love this yarn so much and as you were knitting this and showing this to me i was seeing more colors in here like yeah i didn't know there was so much pink in here yeah and there's pink even in here yeah that's as hot as it gets yes it is that's my favorite so this one is as bright as it gets oh i love that one too i don't know um this one is as hot as it gets so it's like a corally peachy orange it's beautiful yeah this one is as stormy as it gets even that's beautiful yeah this one is as cold as it gets and that's my favorite i know as purple as it gets and i bought another one because i'm thinking about making this into a ranunculus oh my gosh that was so nice and then the last one is called as fresh as it gets that is fresh gorgeous that is very fresh so that's amazing series wow and it's amazing and i don't know how much they have left of this in their shop um but i think there is still some of them they had a couple of times yeah but i couldn't not buy all of them i just fell in love with it so yeah it's beautiful yeah so yeah and how much of this of these did you need for this shawl like did you so the show i think called for 100 i want to say 120 yards okay per color okay so i started off with a mini set because i had a mini set of these colors as well um but ended up having to break in because they were i think 90 and i did have to end up breaking into my full scheme okay good to know but that's fine because there's still lots of it left absolutely something nice yeah right so something to keep in mind if you're making this is to go for the make sure you get the larger you need larger base skates or yours your scraps it says it all in the the okay yeah she has all the yardage and the pattern and everything fun yeah so that is my neutral shawl most of the shawls if you go on to her pattern page are much more subdued than mine mine's pretty wild and bright this is awesome yeah it is that's my favorite one i love it yeah yeah it's so much fun sorry somebody's doing some yard work next door that never happened before okay um that's all my outfits okay nice maybe i'll just wait a second and see if they go away from here okay sorry about that a little noise but we're back um and we're talking about whips so i will start with mine which i was trying to get done before we podcasted but i was not as far ahead as i thought so this is my painted pebbles wow you're getting you are you're almost there yeah so it's eight sections sectioned off into eight sections and i'm on section six right now and i think i have six more rows and then section seven is pretty quick and then section eight and then i'm done the color is beautiful so this is full moon fibers as well um sorry the pattern is by patty um where patty was trying to figure out a pattern to sort of let slub yarn be the star of the pattern which it totally that yeah it is so this is a full moon fiber set um that they put together and that's the as hot as it gets what pat patty just showed um and then the purpley color is called cherry bomb they're so pretty together good contrast yeah i never would have thought to put those two colors together but no i would have picked like a pink or something right yeah but yeah no it looks great yeah so yeah i love it it's such a great knit it's um you know it's garter stitch with some eyelet rows and increasing and decreasing on either side to make it asymmetrical which is great um it's good olympic knitting knitting while watching the olympics right now as i'm on my holidays that's so pretty yeah so i'm probably gonna have this done in the next couple days and cast it off and block so it'll show us an fo next time it's a really nice shoulder wear it's nice and light and drapey yeah it's easy to wear and i think the drapiness get it's even more drapey because of the slopes because when you're knitting with slub it kind of leaves extra gas more of a drape to it which i love yeah because when you block it it really stretches out mm-hmm yeah i was scary yeah yeah um so also about the painted pebbles um if you're looking for yarn for it full moon fibers has lots of nice kits beaut in beautiful colors and so does the little red ribbon yeah so if you're looking to to buy some yarn for it um those are great options to go look for and do they still have yours as samples so right now at little red mitten if you like want to go shopping and look patty samples are there too of the two that she knit which one is very similar in those colors so yeah it's awesome yeah yeah um so i can show a whiff i think we have the same bag we have the same bag um so i was working on this the last time we podcast and this is the uh love note so pretty yeah so i imagine oh my needle that by next podcast i will have this sweater done without those colors so pretty i love it it's a fun pattern like it it actually goes by pretty quick because i'm using size six needles so um yeah so it's been it's been a pleasure to knit i'm surprised none of us have missed this one yet but because everybody else has maybe that's what i'll cast on next yeah can you use do you have to use fingering with mohair or can you use dk or sure yeah like i mean you can do you can i think the jody on the grocery girls has done them in dkk okay yeah um i like it with the mohair it's like super soft but you can certainly modify your yarn and just gauge swatch to make sure you got gauge right um so the yarns that i'm using are barnyard knits and it's in the colorway orchid which i think is beautiful it's gorgeous beautiful and then the mohair is the nitpicks aloft and just the white color i love it with the white yeah it really highlights the yarn i think it's really neat how the the variation is going in this yes like it's i don't know it's spaced out yeah you wouldn't picture it with this no to go like that it looks awesome it does and it's very even and i'm on my second skein and i did not alternate oh wow you wouldn't even know and you wouldn't even know like it's so even yeah where did you start your second skein i don't know yeah it's closer to the bottom like i just added it but it's right here oh yeah no you can't go right about there i added the second one beautiful yeah this color man it's pretty yeah short sleeve or long sleeve i'm going to do short sleeve or no i'm going to do um i think it's like an elbow elbow length yeah nice that's what it shows in the pattern now with this pattern i did modify it because they call they ask you to do or in the pattern it tells you to do like a provisional cast on um and then knit down and then pick up your provisional cast on and do the neckline but my where i was joining the provisional cast on was super sloppy so i figured out how to cast it on starting with the neckline and then just continuing right down um i had a couple of people ask me how i did that so if you're interested in knowing what i did i actually posted a fairly lengthy explanation on my project page under pattycake knits um on ravelry if you want to know how i did it if you have any questions too like you're welcome to well i will go to it if i ever yeah yeah it's like a lengthy explanation so hopefully you understand what i wrote but i i there was no way i was going to be able to have it look nice with the provisional cast on it just wasn't working for me so anyways um it's all there on my project page thank you you're welcome i have one more whip and then we'll taco you have one more whip too right i do and then we'll jun could talk about what she's going to cast on okay so i'm still working on my socks that i showed a couple episodes ago um i don't consider it a hoe because the heel is not in yet oh oh it's so cute so cute the colors too are awesome so this is timber yarns they're oh canada i think is this yeah that's beautiful yeah i think it's in canada yep yep okay it just feels good too and then i just cast you can't even see it i just cast it on the toe okay this one the other night i'm going to do the heels last on both of them but this is the ones i think i'll do the fish lips kiss heel yeah for sure it's perfect it's so cute yeah i love how you got a little white down here yeah did you do that on purpose no but now i have to on the other one yeah it looks great yeah it's so cute yes what a beautiful colorway yeah so i made the leg a little bit longer usually my like if i fold mine in half they'll be pretty much equal okay so the length of the leg but i just made it a little bit longer so that i had the same the colors ended properly it looks amazing i love timber yarns yeah she's an amazing dog heather is an amazing guy yeah so i will be working on these probably this weekend and you're back we're going to get my my needlecraft sock bag with the little pouch in the middle that i love has my measuring tape and my scissors and a needle and everything in there just for a second but i'm going camping next week so i will be stock knitting next week um so that's a good idea awesome cute that's it um well since i cast off all those fos i decided i was gonna cast on something new and it's a sweater surprise surprise it's in my beautiful jenna rose bag i love that this is the medium size by the way i had a few people ask me so just so you know the sweater that i cast on is the isabelle cramer and it is the night groove and it's just beginning so i'm still working on the color work um so hopefully you'll be able to see it oh my gosh patty isn't that nice yeah i love it it's so nice this yarn is very nice yeah it's as hot as it gets no it's not um so just a little bit about the sweater before i talk about the yarn is um in the pattern she gives you three different sleeve options um so i'm going to do the short sleeve version nice and i think with the short sleeve version you knit to like t-shirt length and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a band of pink around seriously um so the main color that i'm knitting in is actually it's a nitpicks yarn in uh palette and the color is called asphalt heather oh it's a nice braid yeah it is a nice gray yeah it shows off the pink nicely look how much this is popping yeah like it looks like stained glass it's gorgeous yeah it's really pretty i could not wait to cast this on it's a perfect it's a really good combo and then the pink color is um by oink pigment oh my gosh it's so cute um so the the colorway is called overreaction oh yeah that makes sense yeah um so oink pigments they came out with a line of yarns and part of the proceeds went to the planned parenthood um organization so and all of i don't know what the other colorways are called but they all have to do with something to do with like the female anatomy or or something along those lines which i thought was fun um i didn't order this right from them um they leo and roxy or sorry little red mitten was carrying um this yarn for a little while and that's where i bought it oh is it an overreaction overreaction ovaries yeah okay i didn't get that either yeah i was thinking overreaction because like we're having a strong reaction to how pretty it is and so are our awards it's overreaction gotcha so i am so i'm going on holidays next week so i have a feeling this is going to be something that i'll be your vacation knitting yes quite a bit because i love it i want to separate from the sleeves it'll be easy yes visiting kind of knitting is it just the main color for the body it's just color work up here it is nice and then i think i'm going to add the pink around the sleeve and around the body very nice when i before i cast it off yeah that would look good like one row just one yeah i love that one yeah yeah yeah so yeah awesome super excited that's a good sweater yeah yeah what's your almost whip junior oh yeah okay so i'm going to show the pattern first you pass me my bag please uh which one um the little one the the one yes okay yeah in the mrs brown spaces yeah so i'm just gonna zoom this in this is a shawl i wanted to get this cast on before we podcast so i can have another whip but um i've been wanting to knit this so it's by um espace chico it's spring thing it's a free pattern thanks carrie on ravelry and last week i sh or last podcast i showed some yarn a sock set um that patty gifted to me from polka dot creek and i thought this would be perfect for it oh totally look how pretty that is look how pretty that is wound up and this is called graffiti is the main color and the mini skeins are neon pink and charcoal so i think i'm going to do like this as a trim and then tassels so i think i'm going to do the trim like maybe in charcoal and then maybe tossing sometimes cute yeah i'll see what it looks like but i'm excited so casting this on tonight that's awesome exciting i know i'm really excited this color is stunning that is yeah and i think that these two are really going to draw out the pink oh yeah yeah that'll look great yeah in my cute little bag and it kind of all matches it does it's another picture to show the sort of the shape oh thanks yeah it's asymmetrical and there's only one skein of yarn let's see oh i love it yeah yeah that's so nice i know it looks elegant doesn't it yeah yeah nice very nice very good thanks i'm excited thanks patty you're welcome all right um that's all the whips for me and thank you okay so now shall we talk about our big cast on that we're doing [Laughter] i'm sure lots have seen um this on instagram and people knitting it and when it when he released it we instantly were like we need to knit this we can't start it right away we need to like take a minute but it's stephen west's new cardigan the bobble cardigan bubble cardigan i think it's bubble yes bubble card again yeah so we're all going to cast this on like soon yes i'm going to watch we're just putting our colors we have to wind a lot of yards yeah i'm winding mine up tonight yeah so it takes actually else a picture it calls for seven contrasting colors and then one main color um it's a lot it's a big one i'm just gonna use six main colors wait it calls did you say seven contrast colors and two skeins it means yeah you say that okay i didn't say two skins in maine but i said i mean yeah so yeah so nine skeins of yarn so this is the monster yes look at that though yeah i think but you can you can improvise because it gives the yardage for the main color and i think for the size that probably we're doing i would guess is around 2500 for the main color 2500 yards so wow yeah no no not for the main color yeah no you only need two skeins of the main color no the contrast color so i'm sorry the body the body i'm like you're scaring me yeah we're getting hood we're knitting like pants to go [Laughter] it messes me up because it calls the body of the sweater the contrast color and the the yeah so the call the shawl collar and this thing is the name okay yeah yeah right who wants to show theirs first um you go okay yeah so i um had a few things in stash and then i ordered a few extra things so the what i had in stash was this grayscale from gingersnap so i'm gonna use these four colors in the contrast and this one's concrete this is silver fox this is silver lining and then this is sly old fella and then i ordered a second skein of the for the main which is these two which is onyx they're a little off because i ordered one separately so the dialogue's a little different but i'm not super concerned it's stephen west things are crazy yeah so we're just going to paint them to anyway well whatever let's not get back um and then i wanted some color obviously in there so i ordered some midnight cravings pretty um it'll go between all the grays that's all that's so pretty and this one is called lemon drop and this one is called larimar bluey and then this one is sherbert oh they're so nice i like how they're kind of muted a little bit beautiful yeah pastel so fun i'm not excited about winding all this no no no you may have to ask someone in your family to help or come keep me company yeah because my swift and wind are in the basement yeah i get my husband and wine yarn for me sometimes that's a good husband and i get them to unravel sweaters for me when i take them apart so this monster is going to be a monster sweater and i can't wait amazing okay so the grayscale set did you already have that in your staff i did how perfect is that i had it because i thought i was gonna knit another lava lake which i haven't even finished my first lava i need to finish that it's on my it's on my to-do list like my near future too yeah it's so pretty um but i was like oh my god this would be perfect for a lava lake just in the gray scale yeah then i was like let's be real and start using your stash and stop doing that so this sweater came about and it's perfect it's nice nice all right okay so i'm taking a little bit of a different approach same sweater um so my main color i ordered it from full moon fiber and i want i want like a woolier so this is um non-superwash everything here is non-superwash i want like something warm and woolly yeah um i've been craving that for a cardigan so they had this eclipse so i ordered um i don't know if they have a lot of it for sale but i grabbed as much as i could this is their natural color and it's i think it's a shetland yarn not dyed i'm sorry peruvian highland oh i was way off so i'm gonna use this for my main color so for the shawl collar for the cuffs yeah i love it me too and i'm also gonna put it in the body of it as well okay and then i'm going on the same as you carry i'm doing like a grayscale nice so i had these in my stash this is um briggs and little now this um briggs and little is the one that's not mixed with nylon so it's just well part pure wool single pie and i picked the black because there's black in the eclipse so i thought it really yeah i picked up on that and then i'm just doing i'm not doing all seven contrasting colors um but i also bought a variegated eclipse yarn from full moon fibers isn't that beautiful so it goes with all the the blacks and this one is this is again um this is the non-super washed one because they have a super wash one as well and this colorway is vanilla dip love it i just think it's so pretty it's so pretty and then i needed another color i was originally going to do a couple variegates like different colors but it was too wild so i had this in my statch which is the same as yours um the nitpicks palette oh the palette right yeah which is a nice it's also a non-super wash wall nice so i thought it would go well with it yeah yeah and i did a little swatch so in his pattern he tells you to do the swatch this size wow okay so he gives instructions for swatching and so that's what it's going to look like that's pretty good except i'm changing the variegated that was one of the other full moon fiber variegated colors i might go with that one i think that one is called all the feels but i think i like this better a little bit brighter a little brighter yeah yeah yeah but i mean this is gorgeous too so i'll use that for something else i'll probably make hats and mitts and stuff out of the other ones i got because it'll be nice and warm that's awesome that is really nice i know i'm so excited and this swatch was so much fun like you it's such a fun pattern to knit because you knit how you do the bubbles is you knit um three stitches and then for the fourth stitch you knit one four rows down oh so super easy oh cool yeah so it's three down three down like super easy nice i know i'm excited what you got um okay so i of course purchased yarn i was gonna go through my stash but it was overwhelming me trying to put colors together yeah so i ordered um midnight cravings um this is my main color and it's called wrought iron brought iron ready and then i'm going to alternate the rest of them i think like a green a pink and a blue green blue so this one is called um this one is called wildflower and this one is called whisk and those are all solids yeah oops i'm upside down and then this one is called edith oh that's pretty too yeah um this one is called wild rose gorgeous and this one is called skipping stones i love it wow your colors look so good i know and i'm only using six contrasting colors yeah have enough six skeins yeah so this is you could even do five skeins that's gonna look so pretty i really like it a lot yeah and uh midnight cravings yarn is so soft and so beautiful i know it's nice it is luscious nice it's funny because we all picked colors for ours that are really kind of suited for good for ourselves like you know like that's so carrie that's so patty and i think this is for me yeah totally the rainbow the yeah the like the rose and the blues yeah the muted the muted with the pops the pop color the yellow yeah anyway it's funny yeah so it's going to be fun yeah it's probably going to take us it's going to take forever but yep that's okay yeah i mean this was two and a half skeins and this took forever this is right how many nines games love it but it'll be fun yeah it will be fun i don't think we're going to use all every inch of each stain i think he i think he said he purposely overestimated a bit so you have enough yeah well that way you can make it like if you decide you want to make it longer i was looking at pictures of people's finished projects in one person uh made her super long did you guys see that i did it yeah no i didn't yeah it's like stupid it's like a long curtain yeah it's really nice nice yeah crazy for like to knit that long awesome so yes we will be casting those on soon yep gotta wind all that yarn first yeah you're ready to go yeah yeah june messaged she's like i'm winding my ear and i'm like we're starting already i haven't even thought about doing that but uh yeah i will get to that yeah awesome how about acquisitions um i have one do you have yours i have one oh oh i forgot about that no it's upstairs so um timber yarn sorry for the crinkle um carrie has the big bag and i i was too late to get the big bag so i got the little sock back um who did she collaborate with again delphinia is her name dylcinia delfina sorry um and they had a little collaboration and it was to do with buffalo plaid christmas in july christmas in july that's what it was and um carrie ordered one and she sent a photo and i'm like okay i need to order that um but carrie got the big bag and uh which is beautiful um from the picture anyways and i got this cute little sock back oh that's adorable isn't that cute i love the handle on it yeah and it's got like pretty little stitching across the front that's adorable what does it look like on the inside i'll show you is it like an embroidery stitch it's uh just plain black nice but the stitching is that yeah it's an embroidery stitching top it's beautiful so pretty nice nicely made bag i really like it and then the kit came also with timber yarns um what does she call this lens probably christmas and oh santa's boot cute and it's red and black i love it and then an adorable little uh reindeer stitch marker rudolph i can't believe i forgot that upstairs i'll bring it next time i'll show it next time it's a beautiful bag it's not focusing maybe i'll put my sweater in it yeah you should yes anyways yes so fun cute little collaboration i think yeah um and of course timber yarns i couldn't just walk away which is not buying something else so i got um this is her watermelon sock set and i got it with the that's really cute and it came with a little watermelon stitcher oh my god that's adorable it is adorable i love it i like this um and this is just the lime mini and then the mini on this is neon pink fun and this is called frosted berries and it also comes with little slits i love that that's still i know i love it so much i can't wait to cast it on both of them all i need like eight arms to finish and then timber yarns always send you some delicious hot chocolate cute um this one is maple flavored so it kind of goes with the whole christmassy yeah yeah yeah canadian canadian emma always steals the hot chocolates when they arrive no they're so good they are good yeah okay i forgot to open this before this just came in the mail today and i'm super excited to let's show it um so i came across a pretty twisted yarns is the name of the company she's based out of florida and she does self striping yarn i love her so i was like instantly cute i need to go see what she's about and i ended up ordering three skeins of yarn i'm gonna try to pull up what they look like knit up but this one is called the zombie apocalypse so it's her halloween colorway it's actually really cool when it's knit up because the grays is like a speckly and then it's these solid neon stripes between it yeah it's hard to see that when it's wound up isn't it yeah this one is rainbow skies and then this one is after the rain it's also a rainbow one oh i love this one she actually has a podcast as well that i stumbled upon when i was looking her up on instagram um called pretty twisted yarns and she's super sweet she talks about how she does her self-striping dyeing and she shows you some of her process and kind of talks about what she's doing um yeah she's super super cute so i'm just gonna try to sorry i want to find that zombie one if i can oh my gosh that is so nice i love that yes nice hair that's beautiful how cool is that yeah that is amazing yeah okay now i want to order some me too so and then the um the other one's okay pearl so that's what this turns into yeah and then the after the rain is like thick gray with the rainbow stripes oh yeah and then the other one is the other one the rainbow skies is blue thick blue with the rainbow stripes i really like when they show samples like i actually like yeah so um i've got these like these two i was hands down i want these and then this one's going to go into our giveaway pile oh nice that's awesome yeah great people can try it but anyways she has an etsy shop so pretty twisted yarns if you google pretty twisted yarns etsy you'll find her etsy shop i'll put it go to instagram yeah yeah so nice fun super excited that that came in the mail today yeah that's awesome she does pre-orders because self-striping yarn is is a lot to like make sure the stripes work out so most of her stuff is pre-order which is totally fine i can't wait for my arm yeah i got enough to knit you have enough oh yeah yeah yeah nice um i made a couple purchases from um artfill which uh artfield yarns which is a great um yarn dyer i forgot to bring mine so this one is a feathers and fade set i thought that was really pretty it's very autumnal it is yes yeah love it yeah i i i love art fill yarn it's um so soft yeah they're i think they're in quebec i don't know where beautiful but uh yeah and then i ordered this one from them to kind of go with that and this is called mirage and i've been eyeing that one so it seems like that kind of might go together in something we'll see but if not i love this anyway thanks gary you're changing the light oh it's getting dark and then this is my favorite they're confetti oh that's funny isn't that pretty [Music] thank you sorry yeah so i don't know what i'm going to knit with that but it goes with a lot of things that i already have in my stats i just think it's so pretty yeah so they um yeah i just i really like their yarn it's that so i always ordered the bell and uh yeah and it's like just nice and squishy yeah um it has a bit of a bounce to it and do you know what you're going to knit with it yet or no no i just wanted it i i do think i'm probably going to knit something with these together something like maybe a shawl or i'll just keep it did you wear a sweater for your girlfriend's party yeah i did right mm-hmm yeah yeah and it's uh yeah it's nice yarn and i think this is it is very nice yes that's it sweet beautiful june thanks i'm done too i'm done too look at that i think that's it yeah that was a lot yeah i think so yeah well thanks everybody um we've had several uh new subscribers lately so thank you for subscribing and and welcome um we hope you and continue to enjoy our videos and we appreciate our subscribers so very much if you enjoy the video subscribe like comment we love the comments yeah um we also have an instagram under for city nick girl so you can follow us there and that's where we always post when we've done a new video um and then also on ravelry we have a rebel regroup or we have our knit alongs and um there will be show notes for this episode and all our other episodes there as well so lots of good stuff there yeah for sure yeah awesome well thanks everybody um we hope you're enjoying your july now august and yeah it's crazy so crazy i don't want summer to end right now that's okay um and we'll be back in a few weeks yep see ya bye
Channel: Forest City Knit Girls
Views: 5,539
Rating: 4.9710145 out of 5
Keywords: Forestcityknitgirls, forestcityknitgirls, knittingpodcast, knitting, canadianknittingpodcast, podcast, knit, London, Ontario
Id: edbYvdLG2W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 46sec (4186 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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