Jonathan's Days: Knitting Podcast 005 - Man with a Plan

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we're good we look good we feel good hello everyone this is jonathan from jonathan's days this is a knitting podcast here on youtube and i am a knitter who lives in london and this is where i share all the bits and pieces that i get up to in my little knitting world this is episode five it's crazy to think that we've gotten to five episodes i feel very accomplished um to have gotten through this many so it's been a couple of months now and i apologize it's been a month rather than my usual three weeks but last weekend when i was meant to film was just really busy and i just didn't get a chance to like plan everything because i want everything to be very smooth and sleek for you guys so you can enjoy and i'm not scrambling to get things together for you and but let's jump right in because last time it was all finished objects i think so this time it's going to be all whips and plans because i've had a month to get a lot done so i'm very excited to share with you um so let's get into it and first of all i'm going to pull out the swatch which should be probably right at the very bottom of this project okay here we go so before i jump into this actual my first whip and i'm going to talk about my swatch first because i did a lot different with this swatch and this isn't the color that i you'll see that i didn't use for the actual uh piece the jumper but and it is the same yarn so it's just different color and so here's my swatch which you can see i did for the first time the swatch in the round which if you don't know is essentially you don't purl back you essentially keep knitting you use a circular needle so you knit across and then you slide the stitches to the other side essentially and then bring the yarn around the back which is where you can see there's all these floats essentially along the back and that way you're knitting the whole time so it kind of mimics knitting in the round because obviously when you knit in the round you're not purling that often if you're doing stockinette you're just knitting every stitch so it's supposed to create a more kind of accurate gauge for your piece and and i will tell you right away i don't think it did create an accurate gauge for my piece i blocked it as well i did all the things you're supposed to do and but i think if you can kind of see the way the edges like really do curl in um which is kind of the nature of stockinette in itself but i also think that these were too tight so that it kind of is pulling on the stitches anyway and then when i blocked it this is something if you watch andrea mari's wonderful i'll notify one two question and answers videos on youtube she talked about this and she first of all said you should make a much bigger swatch than the area that they call for in the pattern so if the pattern it's like okay 30 stitches over 10 rows or whatever don't do like 31 stitches over 11 rows like go bigger so you can get a really good snapshot of um your knitting so i should have done that number one and number two like when i was drying it i dried it like this side down so the the stockinette side down and i think that that kind of warped it as well so in the end i measured it and i was didn't get gauge but you know what i did i just cast on and just went just went with what the recommended needle size were because i didn't really feel like making another swatch and i know it's so bad and everyone's shouting at me being like no well the people who know know that swatching is the right thing to do we all know it's the right thing to do but um it was an interesting experiment i when i'm doing my next jumper i will swatch again in the round but much bigger and um do it properly so i can make sure that i'm getting a um an accurate gauge um what i will say one thing andrea i mentioned in her video as well is that when you're drawing the swatch you should an idea is to cut this so that you can lay it out flat and dry and kind of people say not to pin your swatches because then obviously you're not getting an accurate reading but it probably is good for it to lay flat but um i don't want to waste yarn you know like so i always kind of think of the gauge watch like worse comes to worse i can use this again for something um like this is a decent chunk of yarn especially when you're bringing the floats around the back so um so that was an interesting experiment i'm glad i did it i'm glad i you know with everything with knitting you do kind of learn something with every single project uh something small and yeah but yes interesting swatching in the round for the first time uh this yarn is the tila tilia color of um the grathenough beacons which is the yarn that i've used for the jumper which i'm going to show you now i spoke about it in the last episode and it's in my hide and hammer bag and it's very full now because it's been a month and you knew that i was going to cast this on like as soon as the other episode finished so um i'm very happy with how much progress i've made oh god it's rattling there's things going on okay cool so this is my let me hold it right back this is my beauceron sweater by vincent from buy dells and it is in the [Music] garther bacons and the two colors are marble and holly so the contrast color is marble which is kind of pretty a pretty natural color i think it's yeah it's mild with a little bit of grey but it's mostly just a natural kind of white color and then holly which is the green let me hold it up yeah there you go so it is a very dark green like being called holly you can tell it's when i hold it back it's quite dark but in sorry when i hold it back it's quite dark but in in sunlight in strong light it is it does read green and at night it does read black so i will say it's been interesting i think it's probably the darkest yarn i've ever knitted with and but it hasn't been impossible it's just been a little bit of a challenge um so i'm obsessed with this i have enjoyed it from start to finish i've really just kind of put a like any time i'm knitting at home i'm knitting on this and the fit is great i would do that thing where you try it on but i would need to take off the needles and i've got needles on both the sleeve and both on the body um but the fit is great i could already tell like it's that it's that fit where it's like just a smidge too tight that i know will block out so i'm really really happy with that um i won't talk like too much about it um because it's going to be finished by the next episode so i'll just talk it'll end up with me talking about things twice and so let me do some little bits about it now and then i'll kind of talk about the finish the next time because i will definitely finished it by next time and so maybe if i just talk about stuff like from the beginning and then stuff about the end afterwards um so it's not color work necessarily it is um like mosaic knitting's what they would call it so it's slip stitches so you never are and you're only using one color per round and otherwise you're slipping so uh if you want to like try something that kind of i wouldn't say fakes color work because it's still color work but if you want to try something um with two colors kind of just even having two colors going on one project hanging off one project as you can see i've got both yarns hanging off here and mosaic knitting is a wonderful way to get a fantastic color work effect without having to uh do like two-handed color work so i highly recommend that and i have made so many mistakes on this jumper and i think it shows my progress as a knitter because i'm not i don't really care that much and it's one of those kinds of things where like on the neckline the neckline is wrong there's ten too many stitches and i place my markers wrong and i only realized when i got to [Music] a little bit into the short rows and so the neckline will be slightly wonky nobody will notice and i notice and i was like you know what it's not that big a deal i don't wanna you know do the cast on again uh it is a tubular cast on which is beautiful i did it in my so basic sweater as well which i love and and it's actually interesting because the short rows are in ribbing so it's the first time i've done short rows and ribbing and which is really really nice and then the pattern itself it looks like so complicated but it's like so simple you really kind of get used to it it's not a i wouldn't say it's a memorizable pattern you do need to keep read the pattern as you go but it is a repeat if that makes sense and the other thing i will say and i will warn you is there's a lot of counting so it's not one of those knit to the marker increase knit to the marker increase kind of ones it is you have to knit this many stitches and increase decrease whatever so there is a lot of counting and then like when you get to the really long runs um before you split for the sleeves um it is like the numbers are so big i had to use stitch markers like you know i'd count like 30 and put a stitch marker so that i wouldn't have to count past 30 because fun fact about me i count my stitches in threes up to 30. i don't know why i go one two three four five six seven nine ten on top i don't know why it's my cadence do you have a weird cadence with counting i don't know and maybe some people do fives or tens who knows and so yeah so mistakes a go-go i would get to the end of a round and like with an an increased round or no i would get to the round after an increase round and realize i hadn't done the increase on the previous round and i would just anchor this and just keep going i was just like you know what you get you hit a certain point where you're like first of all in this pattern i don't think you're gonna notice it um and second of all like it's just one stitch that you need to increase and you can just do it there and move on with your life so um and i think with the nature of this like you won't be able to tell that there's some sort of um mistake in there and but yeah uh what else can i tell you that's not too much that i have something to talk about next episode and the iron it's my first time using the beacons which is a dk weight yarn um absolutely love it it does have like a bit of a halo let me get right in you can kind of see yeah a bit of a halo um which i think works really really well with this and and then the stockinette sections it's like super squishy and nice and and i just can't wait to wear it it's it's another one of those ones and it's you know max and vincent if you watch their wonderful podcast happy hour with lego song and you will tell that they have a like standard of quality that's you know almost unmatched in the knitting world and that reflects in their patterns and the designs that they have thought of every little detail there's small details that they put into things that make so much sense and it's one of those things that like not that i'm a designer yet um but you know it's so clever to be like oh that's makes so much sense to do that i understand why they did that and it's it's such a nice detail and both of their patterns always have that um so i absolutely love it it's going to be so toasty and nice when things start cooling down the weather in london has not been great it's not been summer like it's not been sunny but it also hasn't been cold if that makes sense so it's just been grey and stormy and wet and so it hasn't been the most sweater weather i've worn my so basic sweater a few times uh because it's fingering so you can kind of like get away with it and but yeah but other than that i'm loving this i oh and this is the other thing i did so you'll notice there's a good bit of the body done one sleeve and one other sleeve has been started it's because who laura from the knitting pickup podcast who just has her first design out so go out and check that out but she and she does the sleeves first because she doesn't like sleep or the body doing the body and then having sleep island and so i did most of the body and then was like um i'm gonna go back to the sleeves i did one sleeve and then let's leave and now i'll finish the sleeve and the body i don't know we'll see i like it it works for my mind i'm excited so yeah so that's the bose of wrong oh i do apologize if there's a bit of an angle change my battery was running out so i had to swap them out and okay next up in the works in progress this is actually a half finished object and and i am fully obsessed with this uh if you follow me on instagram you will have already seen this um my knitting preview my knitting rhythm and routine um really is a big project that i work on at home and then a sock at work usually a sock or maybe a hat would be what i would do at work and so this is the sock that i've been working on and so i finished one let's get in nice and close so you can see so it's a pretty uh vanilla sock it is pretty isn't it it's a pretty vanilla sock and it is the special thing about it is it's got a new heel for me so this is the shadow wrap heel by denise who is earth tones girl on um ravelry i think it's a definitely instagram and youtube and probably ravi as well regardless you'll be linked down below but um yes so i have i'm a usually a heel flap and gusset kind of guy this is the first the second short row heel that i've ever done and and it is much better the other one i've done was on my twisty boy socks which was a german short row heel which was fine but i didn't love it um am i gonna stick this on for you i am so this one is i've heard that i've never done the fishless kiss here but i've heard that it's similar there you go look how cute it is and um so so yeah so it is i've heard it similar to a fish kiss heel the great thing about it is that it's symmetrical on both sides so there isn't kind of a difference between the two sides and which is really really nice it's super comfortable in my like few try ons that i've done and um it's great because i've done this this sucked toe up and i like to think that i am a cough down kind of person but because my lunch time knitting at work is very like it's got to be like stockinette or stockinette adjacent because i have an hour i eat my food and then i just like to sit and chill and just do some some knit stitch literally for you know 45 minutes so um having doing top socks which basically i do a turkish turkish magic cast on which is like fantastic if you ever it's i've said it before it is magic it's the one you just like and then [Music] that's so technical you wrap it wrap the yarn around both needles pull out the back needle and it start knitting like it's the magic regular magic loop and then suddenly you've got this like perfect toe it's incredible um [Music] and then i just i usually do um so this is 64 stitches on 2.5 millimeter millimeter needles i start with 32 stitches and then increase to 64. knit knit knits um shadow wrap heel and then just knit again and one more end to even there and then this time i tried a three by one rib and [Music] uh what cast off did i do the surprisingly stretchy cast off and which is fine i tried to do it in pattern but it's kind of given a weird shape but this isn't block tip so i'm sure it'll be fine um and then i did it in this like color blocking style which is just you know i had some this is quinceaneko finch that i'm trying to use up and the gray i literally had like a tiny bit of gray and i weighed it and then split it into two so i can use up the gray and then that's another reason why i did toe up because i wanted to like finish the blue um so that's why i did toe up because you can just keep going until you run out of um yarn and yeah i'm obsessed with the look of it i think it's really cool i think it'll be really cool in birkenstocks you know the socks and stocks kind of people but um yeah i'm so happy with it i'm already on my second one this is a bag by bellroy they're not they're not knitting bad people they're just regular bag people and so yeah so this is my second one i'm just about finished with the gray i think i'm about a two rows away from the gray and then i'll start with the blue and the shadow wrap heel these are the adi the needles are the adi um i think they're called sock rockets they're addy 25 25 centimeter circular needles so one needle is longer than the other which i really like because i can hold the longer one in my right hand and it just it's way more comfortable for me and that's actually also the same needles that i'm using on the sleeves of my buzzer on and kind of all my jumpers moving forward um i really like the i'm fine with magic loop but if i'm doing stockinette i want the speed like i just want to blaze through it and having the the small circumference circular is just the way to go for me and so yeah so i'm just a bit done with the gray and then i'll do the blue and so i like i've gone through this pretty quick because it's just vanilla um and yeah so i think i'll be definitely done these by the time we get to the next episode um but i will talk more about socks and sock plans shortly uh with you guys because you know i i've gotten some things i've got some plans and i feel like i need to talk it out with you guys because i need to plan very carefully the next month of knitting for me it has to be very very well thought out but i'll get to that so yeah so those are my two whips which are like both very close to being done if i had left this podcast for another week and i'm sure they would have both been done but i wanted to jump on and fill you guys in on those because i do think it's kind of strange on a podcast to go from like you know one episode nothing next episode finnish jumper you know it's nice to hear the the process while you're in the process that's why i wanted to share those with you um but next is some uh stuff i've recently gotten for myself and some plans so you know me usually i don't unless i'm in a yarn shop which is you know we're all powerless unless i'm in a yarn shop i don't really get stuff unless i have like a plan for it and but i do have things i want to talk about just right over here i'm like reach okay so if you follow me on instagram you'll have seen this and it's just you know i feel like max and vincent are gonna think i'm like stalking them or like i'm weird but after the beauceron we're leaving vincent and we're going over to max to do the obesh show i'm sure you've heard all about it everyone's like freaking out about it and rightfully so it's a fantastic pattern and i've actually got it let's see yeah here we go i've got the pattern i'll probably insert a picture as well because it'll look nicer but if you can you can see it here and these are all patterns i've printed out by the way which we'll we'll get to there's a point to that but it's this fantastic shawl like super geometric design with slip stitches again similar to the way the bolts are on i think it's like more mosaic knitting so again it's not too two-handed color work or anything like that and it is so fantastic i've been exci i've been excited about this since max posted like a little like preview of it i was immediately like oh my god that's so me because if you've watched um earlier episodes you'll know that i you know i did the um the kinship shawl and like that again is like it's like super geometrical like i love those knits that kind of look not like knitting but are geometrical it's very cool so i i'm super excited about it and it's knit in the pattern calls for wall cut yarns opus and which if you've watched previous episodes is actually what i'm using to make the snowfield cowl that's also by max which i have not forgotten about and i put it like two or three rows in it the other day and i was kind of like i'm gonna wait for it to get colder to do this i do still love it but i will finish it when it gets a bit colder and so yeah so it's in opus so i've got opus here i've got it's four colors so it's one main color and three contrasting oh gosh let me arrange them so they're nice and pretty for you guys when i hold them up to the camera here we go so here it is the opus i'm gonna pull it back a little bit yeah there you go these are the four colors i've chosen uh the main color is splashed white which is the white here and then the three contrasting colors are love potion which is the pink castle rock which is the gray and then charcoal which is the dark gray bordering on black when i originally planned these colors i was originally i was very all over the place and you know me i love green and i love blue but i just like loved this pink i just thought it was like savage like it was so cool and it's such a pop so i really liked the idea of doing like the monochrome with a pop and so the splash white is the main color so that's kind of what you'll see the most and the three contrasting colors there's tiny little ridges that have that are the kind of smallest amount of contrast color and originally i was going to do the love potion is just the small little ridges so you'd have the the white the gray and the black and then just little tiny little flecks of pink but then i got then i got it in my hands and i was like oh i think this needs to like feature a bit stronger in the piece um and also i'm if i have more of these colors left over i'll definitely use them whereas if i have tons of this left over i'll probably struggle to find something to um to make so i think this is probably going to be the strongest contrasting color of the three or well the one that features the most and so i'm super excited to cast it on and i probably would have there is a cow going on with um a yarn story slash walcott yarns um and max and haydn hammer there's a cal going on which started on thursday and i was so ready to like you know put the paws on the buzzer on and just like put a few repeats into the shawl but then um i was kind of all ready to go then i realized i didn't have the needles and it's one of those things where you like just assume because like the needle sizes that are all in the kind of three to four and a half range i feel are the ones i use the most like a lot of dk and fingering and so i feel like i have them all like i have all varieties and i have an interchangeable set so like i assumed i had the size and i didn't and i realized on the day yeah i think it was on the day of the cow i realized and so i immediately ordered them so i'm still waiting for them so i can't cast on yet and i feel like it was the universe saying to me jonathan finish your freaking jumper before you move on to the next one um so that's the way it is now as soon as i finish this episode i'm going to wind up those so that at least they're wound and ready to go and um yeah so i will finish the beauceron before i move on to the opus shawl and the universe has made sure of that because i don't think the i've ordered the needles and they haven't even shipped yet uh and even in the back of my mind i was like ooh you know i can hop on my bike and go to beautiful knitters which is the closest yarn store to me and just pick up a set but no i am taking the sign to take it easy and uh cast on their shawl once i finish the poster on so that's the plan i'm so excited about it i yeah i'm i'm really really excited about it and i'm i'm glad with the timing as well because it's nice to like finish a jumper and then move on to another big project i feel like i like doing jumper shawl jumper shawl jumper shawl at the moment but i know that like as soon as the weather turns that's going to change because like i want to do mittens and hats again but that's for another episode and another plan the other the other acquisition i got was something i have been super excited about as well for a very long time and someone who i've been really really interested in since i read about them in lane magazine i'm gonna show you straight away so these three skeins i picked up these are three skeins i picked up from woolly mammoth fiber company who is emma and emma is she's based in ireland which is part of the reason why i really am i really connected and enjoyed that article i read about and then followed her on instagram and youtube and all those places and and so i love supporting irish irish people because i am irish and so she's base i'm from cork right down the south which is where actually hedgehog fibers and life in the long grass is based if you know those but emma's right up the north so she's the other end of the country and she is a natural dyer and so if you know me you'll you'll kind of get the sense that i tend to work with um non-superwash or like as natural as i can get yarns because for me knitting is like slow fashion and it's really you know meditative and we really take in every single thing we make and so i want to make sure that everything i make kind of you know is as natural it can as it can be so that it can kind of go back into the earth when we're all long gone and um yeah i don't know why it's just kind of something i feel about my um knitting so emma's work really like resonated with me because you know she's not only like using non-superwash she's also dying with natural dyes and i will say like her palette is beautiful it's like you know beautiful like pastel like really like dreamy gorgeous warm earthy like if you think like oh these are all naturally dyed like the palette absolutely matches i will say it's not like i'm not really a super earthy tone kind of guy so when this came along which was her indigo dye i was obsessed because obviously it's like blue which i love so this is her well these two obviously are indigo dyed and then this is um more i think i don't know if there's any dynamite the color is called jasmine so it's either a non like what the base looks like or it's just very slightly dyed and these are all and the natural sock 50 bfl 50 chevrolet wool source spun and made in the uk so the fiber origin is from the uk and then it's died in ireland and this uh indigo die is super special so it comes with like a special card um because indigo dying is it's different to like other dyes so there's like um a chance it can like crock which is means it can kind of come off on your hands or your clothing similar to like jeans if you get like a fresh pair of jeans and then you have a white t-shirt or even white socks it can come off so it's similar to that and so i got this color which is jasmine which i mentioned and then this is the um [Music] mid indigo and then this is dark indigo and i got them with no idea what i wanted to do with them but i just couldn't resist i thought they were so beautiful so i got the three and the plan for these which struck only recently is to do steven west's cafe knitting shawl which is a faded shawl and i i know these won't fade the way some other like fade kits or faded the irons will but i think it would be really freaking cool to have these go through the piece like this now i do want to make the tiniest of tiniest swatches with each of the colors because obviously we've just heard about the cracking from the indigo dye and this is obviously a very light color so i'm gonna do a tiny tiny swatch and just see um if like the dark one especially affects this one um worst case scenario i could steam block i guess and let me know your thoughts but the cool thing about the design as well is that you you see obviously it's like a faded design so you you knit the shawl pattern and then you stripe two colors together so you'd start with the say the jasmine and you go to the mid indigo you'd stripe them until you run out of jasmine and then knit with the mid and then stripe them together till you run out of the mid and finish with the dark so i also like the fact that to me this is really really special yarn and so the fact that you can have a project that you you're guaranteed almost to use the entire skein and is what i kind of wanted for the pattern so that's the pattern i'm going to do with that so i think that this will be after the opus i think i will do another jumper before i do this so i'll do the open shawl another jumper and then this and i have a plan kind of but we'll that's for another episode so i i think i've got enough planning done um with this but yeah super super cool and definitely check her out she's fantastic and her instagram is amazing and it makes me miss home and it makes me wanna like move out of the city and move back home to ireland where every where the air is fresh and clean and everything is beautiful and nice but can you tell i'm missing home it's been too long but hopefully soon i'll get home to ireland um so yeah so that was um a acquisition i was super excited about and yeah so that is more or less it for this episode you guys uh as regards knitting and in the comments in the last episode i well i always like to ask what you guys are working on so there's always you know something for me to find or something for me to look up or something that gets me inspired and from the comments but someone actually mentioned in the last episode that they were frogging so they were ripping something out and while they were watching which i thought was so funny that you usually expect everyone to be knitting along with you but someone was doing the opposite which is you know all part of the experience um and i thought that was that was really that made me laugh and um but it does bring up another interesting thing things if you're a long time viewer of all four episodes and in the first episode i had my i spoke about my flax the light sweater and about the fit and how i didn't really love it and so i think i am going to frog it i think that's what's going to happen it's going to be way down the line it's not something i'm planning on doing um this year but i think i'm going to frog it because you know between my so basic and my beauceron and my very first starter that i ever made i think about wearing them all the time but i don't think about wearing that flax light so speaking of vincent he in the most recent episode wore a woolen honey by andrea mowry and if you know that pattern that pattern is knit in the yarn that i used for the flax slice which is brooklyn tweed loft so i came i i actually came across it separately i came across vincent's project page for it separately when i was just looking up the woolen honey in general and he has done the most like thorough systematic breakdown of how to like adapt to the wrong word but like fit it to um like a more masculine body and so he's got this huge detail and if you see his in like almost a black and it's beautiful so i think i'm down the line i'm gonna frog back that flax light and make the woolen honey so it'll be in the original um yarn that the pattern calls for and it will use vincent's wonderful techniques because i know for a fact that he's very talented at um fit because everything you know both max and him this stuff fits me fantastically and so that is a plan that i have all the plans you guys and for frogging so there will come a time when i too will be frogging watching an episode of my favorite podcasts out there which would be great uh thank you so much everyone who commented on um liking like the fact that i'm zipping around london on my bike and someone uh millie from tribe yarns commented saying that somebody went to visit tribe yarns after seeing my video which is fantastic so you know it's really cool um that people are are going out into the knitting world um thanks to me so that makes me feel really special and i'm glad i can um introduce people to the fantastic community we have so we'll um we'll see what other yarn shops i get to in the future i think i've done most of them in london so we'll see and the other thing i asked in the last episode was about a newsletter and so thank you so much for everyone who responded on that a lot of people were so kind and were like only do it if it doesn't eat into your knitting time which is so nice um but so the plan is and uh when this episode is going live i will have a website launching so it will be and that will be my website so on that is going to be a blog and there'll be a couple of posts up when this episode goes up as well as links to um these episodes as well so the plan for the time being is to do the vlog and i will post any new posts in the description of this video and as they come up with a view to eventually start an up a newsletter people have asked for yarn reviews would be really interesting more shop reviews and all my coffee drinkers thank you for shouting out i love you we're the same we love it i can't wait to have a coffee after this episode so people were talking about coffee shop reviews and places to knit reviews uh or in london so i will definitely think about doing a lot of that stuff i think will be really good and to those who don't want it to eat into my knitting time i appreciate that but uh i think as long as i'm excited about it i'm more than happy to take some time to write up some bits for you guys to and peruse and enjoy if um if you like my thoughts and opinions because i have a lot of them and yeah so thank you so much for that guys do check out the website once that's up and the final thing is that the next episode will probably be a month away because god willing and i'm taking a trip to barcelona um in a couple of weeks time so i'll be there for just about 10 days and even though it's going to be scorchingly hot there are a couple of yarn shops which i've already looked up there so the plan is to um go over there we're gonna it's gonna be a lot of beach time and a lot of tapas and a lot of tinder but um i will make my way to the couple of yarn shops in barcelona so if you guys have any tips for barcelona i've been a bunch of times but if you have any tips like yarn wise or coffee wise or food wise please let me know and it does what i was talking about planning was that i'm trying to plan what projects to bring so um i have a fee even though it's it's two weeks away so i feel like i'll bring my opus shawl but i will have that sock finished so i don't know if i'm going to cast on a sock with a pattern or another vanilla sock and so at the moment i'm like struggling so tell me what you do when you go on holidays or trips it's going to be a pretty chill trip and i think there'll be plenty of down time so do you think one big project and one small project that's just like a stockinette sock is a good idea and i figured the open show will be good because by the time i'm traveling i should know the repeats of the pattern um but i do think just a plain vanilla sock is probably the way to go the good thing is as i said i've already bookmarked the yarn shop so worst case scenario i can go to the air shop we can't be without a project and so yeah so that's um what i'm i'm currently mulling over in my mind to try and figure out how best to do my holiday knitting but i am super excited to finally travel again and it'll be my first time in a long time knitting on a plane um which i've done before but um i'm excited to to you know make use of that damn time to get a lot of knitting done it's a it's the best hobby to have when you have a lot of down time on your hands so yeah so stay tuned for that um feel free to follow me on instagram i will post um updates from the yarn shop and just general kind of progress updates there thank you again for watching thank you so much for commenting guys you don't know i've had a tough time at work recently and you know i would just open up the youtube app and like read your comments and reply to your comments and it just really it really brightens my spirits and it really picked me up in a time that was really really tough for me so thank you so much for sharing the love and taking time to watch and so tell me what you're knitting on tell me what's going on tell me what's next for you i want to hear about it and i will catch you again in a few weeks bye
Channel: Jonathan Day
Views: 5,766
Rating: 4.9907193 out of 5
Id: 6LWHVz7-lYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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