Knife Skills Training at Silver Fern Farms

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ongoing training of employees is an aspect of many successful companies well-prepared operators are more likely to perform to a company's required standards and they're less likely to make mistakes or will suffer from acute or chronic injury it's all about teaching them the correct way of doing their job so we teach them ofx pursuing your job correctly but obviously a knife sharpening a disposal part of the lot that going to fill in deciding the health and safety is obviously fixed so we've got a project or the project for now we just run or as part of our relationship so it's all about people providing the tools that everyone can do their jobs safely and we am part of oral we have a thing called make till be late so that everyone works together as a team so that you won't make goes home safely as well as a go-go area being known alone all that sites you've got nice shutteth some of the smallest types obviously it's very hard to have a full-time no sharp 250 the signs it on their figure site Erol and that our debts gifts all focuses getting around training people making sure that staff doing the job correctly try that and see how it goes we normally try and teach people to do it right but everyone forgets things or they try to get smart and they try and cut corners but part of these these knife sharpener role is to actually get out there what's the people continuously and always looking to help them improve and next to run over many years hi guys we're just going to go through the butt of the knife training today that we do here what we're doing first on the cedar is creating a feather on the knife by pushing them from the back of the blade over the cutting edge okay once we've made a feather body's edge is coming together being returned that over and take that feather off okay we remove the feather we're going to go do a little demo here in a minute to show you and then we do the finishing stroke and its most important and probably this is all you need to do each day are these finishing strokes which are full Suites coming from the cutting edge towards the back of the blade okay some people think that you push way to make a knife sharp no you come from the cutting edge back from the cutting edge back the same as you're stealing the stealing goes from the cutting edge towards the back of the blade now when you come off the center your knife will be fairly sharp okay well it should be if you follow those procedures that were just showing you it certainly sharp enough to cut paper but not sharp enough to do the work we want to do with the knife okay and that's where your steel comes in to finish it off so we're going to steal it at an angle that is slightly wider than the bevel so that's what we've got to practice a little bit when you get it right you'll feel it on the bevel or a little bit wiser than the beetle you'll be able to feel it and that's about all the strokes you will need as I'll show you what happens if we do get our stealing wrong okay so that time I wasn't feeling very well was I okay she's not quite as good as it you can still cut with it you can still do your job but you're not going to be able to do it as well and you're going to start heading after a while and that's what we're trying to avoid what we're trying to do here is give those two bills to come together and we've found that a works best with about 15 degrees per side giving you an angle of 30 degrees that gives your knife some strength on that cutting edge okay but it's also narrow enough and fine enough to be have a very good cutting edge so that's what we're trying to do there when I'm coming backwards like that creating a small bevel on the knife okay so we do one side until it booze over turn it over do the other side to make the other people the same okay once you get the bevels to come together and they start to be over you know then that you're going to have a sharp knife because all you've got to do is in is take that burr off the knife so then we go round and round and round like that each side taking off that little bit once you've got this bevel developed then we do our sharpen these strokes the same as we did on the theater from the cutting edge towards the back of the blade now you have to practice this and get it right so that the 15 degrees stays the same the whole way and it takes a little bit of practice to get it right mechanical sharpness are good for putting the bevel back on but it's not going to get it anywhere near sharp enough for what we want to do it's okay for at home cutting your Tomatoes just another training aid we use to get those angles correct as we look at the mirror at your angles and you say hey I haven't got one of those pins on my knife at home so what I'll do for you to show you a little trick just put the oil pin on the knife have a look in the mirror and that'll show you your angles knife cuts used to be one of the biggest injuries that you had but snow runs going to cut resistant gloves so now strains and sprains have really shown that as an industry-wide issue that we've got to get on top of and of course using knives you've got to have a sharp knife so that you don't get those strengths so we've seen that those that it actually by teaching people that helped set awesome need a nice sharp knife to get the meat off the bone as well so it's all about yield for the companies to make money which obviously goes back to the farmers you know we need to get meat on many cartons just you know help supply meat or pay for the cactus meat submitting the bar on the floor or full-on doing that doesn't help anyone so and I shot nice to help us do that and it also helps to get the customer what they want to eat this program was made with funding from New Zealand on ear
Channel: Rural Delivery
Views: 106,719
Rating: 4.8617282 out of 5
Id: diiveY5IuVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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