Meat Training 2

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hi I'm Ken Houser meat specialist from the Nashville division along with fellow meat specialist Stephen patch Oh Stephen and I are here today to show you how to take three widely used primals the bottom round flat the peeled knuckle and the shoulder clod and show you how to merchandise them to get you more variety more sales and more profit in your store the first one we're going to start with is just the basic way to cut appealed knuckle first you trim it up [Music] first take a roast off [Music] we are going to take a couple of sirloin tip steaks [Music] and then one more roast the rest we will make take this piece and make stew meat or cube steaks out of it get three roasts a couple of tips takes a pack of stew meat and then the trim for the grinds when you was all said and done this yield out at ninety nine percent are based on today's cost that's what we did we did today's costs and just regular retails that we have now the true cost was 275 yielding out at ninety nine percent and this actually would have brought you forty seven percent girls profit just if you just did this basic [Music] okay we're going to take the second peeled knuckle and show you how to merchandise sirloin tip side steaks and sirloin tip Center steaks to merchandise those out get a little more variety and a lot more profit out of the peeled knuckles the key to this is to trim it up really nice trying to get a lot of that connective tissue and product stuff off of there so it's merchandisers out nice to kind of make a more of a premium looking steak when we get done with it okay I'm gonna trim off the bottom part of this sirloin try to just kind of follow that seam we'll take that will make cube steak and stew meat [Music] okay now what we're going to do now we're going to seam this sirloin tip it is called a sierra steak a sirloin tip I a sirloin tip Center steak but we want to take that and peel that out and then trim it up [Music] we'll make sure you get all this off this thing needs to be cleaned up just take that square that little piece off and just take these and cut these half inch to 3/4 like I said before I've these are commonly referred to sirloin tip Center steaks or Sierra steaks this is a very tender piece of meat does well on the grill does well marinated then put on the grill and it's an alternative to those premium steaks like a ribeye Flay New York Strip you can get a good good margin out of this but it offers that customer an alternative to having to spend the money on the premium steaks I have had these these are very flavorful good beef flavor and very tender and you could also drop through the tenderizer once get another 20 or 30 cents a pound of them to get your margin even higher on these but again very easy to cut and the stores that do have them now are doing really well with them so let's get them out of our way and get into this part here this is the sirloin tip side or once we cut them into steaks they're also referred to as breakfast steaks again all you do the same thing you just trim this up and all that connective tissue and fat and all that stuff off of it you want to make these lean as well the Rito's that you can get out of this will allows you to trim these up really nice make them look really nice and get you a good profit out of them [Music] [Music] these are also good on the grill but they tend to meet need to be more marinated than the sierra steak does but again they are very good on the grill good beef flavor nice cut so there you have it you can merchandize the knuckle out get two different things again an alternative to the premium steak for the customer offer more variety and get you more profit out of these so this here is where the second field knuckle we did where we merchandised out the sierra steak or center a certain lean tip center steak over the breakfast or the center sirloin tip side steaks we also took it one step farther on the trim than where we could got all the cube steak we could out of it and then this here will be in the end of your ground beef the trim is but this here also yielded out at a 99% but merchandising this way here actually gave you 49 percent girls profit versus the 47 even if you were to have the sirloin tips in a in a front page at 299 if you'll take some of those knuckles and merchandize them out and put these out there you can bring up your margins and kind of help you kind of offset some of that loss leader we call it out there but again like I mentioned before these steaks are very good on the grill very tender good beef flavor great for marinating and I think you'll know this too that the size of these the retail the total retail won't be sticker shock to the customer I think you'll notice if you put these out there put a sign on them new items or whatever talk to the customer about it you'll be surprised of how many of these you could sell the next primer we're going to do are the bottom round flats the first one we'll do we're just going to trim it up and just basically cut it into roast like you would if you had a front-page item for $2.99 just just the basic easiest way you can do it and then we'll do a second one merchandize it out and show you how you can make more money and have more variety on all of them though no matter what you're done to them you always want to trim them up really nice and get all this off of there make them look good because when customer gets at home especially this stuff here it's real chewy tough no matter what they do to it it's it's just not a good experience turn it over you don't want to skin all the fat off the back you just want to knock the high points down pin on what your trim policy is that piece this kind of stuff like that I would just throw that away as well [Music] okay it's not too bad don't want to trim it all the way down or you're hurting your own self with profit and sales so alright a lot of times what a lot of people do when we have bottom round trunks or whatever and they're cheap they just basically just chunk the whole thing so that's what we're going to do for the purposes of this training [Music] I'm out here sorry that piece out of there [Music] and over you get that little wedge of fat out of there okay [Music] all right okay that's the basic way easiest way and we will do another one here that shows a very more profitable way okay the very first bottom round flat we did we just did the basic we made just made it all into roast and then the trim for the ground beef this came out to a 95 percent saleable yield cost of true cost of 257 and this actually was about a 53% gross just on this basic cutting it into roast which is not all bad so anyway let's look at the second one here [Music] okay here's our second bottom round flat and for time purposes we went ahead and trimmed everything up so now it's ready to show you how to merchandize this in a couple of couple of ways to kind of get you some more variety and some extra profit first thing we're going to do is we're going to take this muscle here off we're going to seam this off the side try to stay as close as you can there like that and then that there can be merchandised as a bottom round roast or cube steak or stew meat then just trim this part off Treena okay now do you wanna do you want to take this point and cut it back about right into here just like that then this part here I'm gonna do something with that this part here will merchandise in two bottom rounds or London broil but this here we're going to take square it off a little bit and we're going to make some go in the opposite direction of the grain and cut them about 3/4 inch these are called western tip steaks [Music] it's a very nice piece of meat but I will say it does need to be marinated or tenderized or both but that's just another version of what you can do with this bottom round and get you some extra profit again that is more of an economical steak more affordable for a lot of people that don't want to buy the ribeye or the t-bone or whatever but merchandize these in a couple in a pack I would also encourage tenderize them drop to tenderizer a couple times get you another 20 20 to 30 cents a pound on that that's called the western tip steak and then the rest of this we will just take it and we can make bottom rounds steaks out of it or I'll make a thick one where you can make a London broil put these in a 10 s or you can cut them in half and put them in at 20 whatever you use it in your particular store [Music] it's another way to merchandise a bottom round and these are very nice-looking when you cut them I see a lot of stores that just take this and instead of taking that that point off they'll just start cutting bottom round steaks and then they kind of the grain gets all where it shouldn't be and it's tough and you can see by the looks of this that by cutting it against the grain like this how much better it looks just trim whatever you can it quarter into eight-inch whatever your policy is there you have it the second one we did also was a 95 percent saleable yield the difference with this we actually cut some western tip steaks made some bottom rounds London broil and then had a bottom round roast out of it as well as some trim for the grinds that came up to about a fifty five percent girls profit you could get even more out of this if you would drop these through the tenderizer and get you another twenty thirty cents a pound you could also do the same thing with the bottom rounds this is just basic merchandising from that but every time you tenderize or make it thin get you another 20 or 30 cents a pound out of it and not only does it increase the variety increase your sales you'll see your gross profit go up as well okay the final problem what we're doing today is the shoulder clod we're going to cut two of them up the first we're just kind of going to do it in a basic way and then the second piece we'll show you how to merchandise it out even farther so for time purposes we went ahead and trimmed this up pretty well so now we can kind of just get started then first thing we want to do is seam out this blade [Music] and then we can just start cutting some roasts here Square this up a little bit make some stew meat out of that and just start making some shoulder roast turn that up a little bit and you can also make shoulder steaks out of this about three-quarter inches on this that off there and then we'll just make that into steam eat this part here is called the top blade it's a it can be made into trimmed up and just left as a roast or it can be trimmed up and cut into top blade steaks this also where you get the flat iron at so in the next one we do will kind of trim this up and show you how to do flat iron but for now we're just going to make this into a top blade roast and some top blade steaks [Music] [Music] square that up we'll just leave this trim a little that off and just leave this as a roast [Music] okay the first shoulder clod that we did we did it kind of at a basic way with some roast stew me cut the blade roast off made a roast and some top blade steaks and the trim is for ground beef based on today's current cost this thing yielded out a saleable yield of 87% true cost of two dollars and 86 cents a pound but with today's retails if you were to do this the gross profit came out of about a 47% on this so very good but the second one we have should come out a little better so let's talk about it okay the last thing we have today is the second shoulder clod and so you didn't have to watch this trim and do all that we trimmed everything out seemed everything out like we did in the first one and came up with these these two sections here where we took the first one and made the top leg roast or top blade steaks we took this and got a flat iron which you just basically all you do is seam off that top part just like that from this connective tissue do the same thing on the bottom and that's that is actually your flat iron and you can just portion them into whatever size steaks you want there four flat iron steaks and this is the same thing the restaurant you so and do not be afraid to get a price out of that I mean there's nothing wrong with getting $6.99 $7.99 out of these customers are used to buying these in the restaurant so they will recognize the Flatiron steak in your store so that's one and then the other part here once you get it all trimmed down I went ahead and cut it just for time but the small end just take and cut off these little steaks like this these are called ranch steaks that's what they're actually called very very tender piece of meat just like that and when you get to where that that little piece of that tissue is in there stop and then just turn just cut those into shoulder steaks that's what these are here so again like we said before don't be afraid to tenderize them and add another 20 to 30 cents but cut this way these are very very tender flavorful pieces of meat again can add variety to your case add to your sales and then you know with the price you can get out of some of these verses just a regular old shoulder steak and you can maybe you call them something different maybe it's something you brand for your store but very very good piece of meat so that concludes what we have today with these three primals hopefully we have helped to teach somebody that there are other stuff and inside these primals besides just the roast or the stew meat or the cube to try to enhance your variety your sales and your profit as well thanks a lot okay the final piece of meat we did today was the second shoulder clod unlike the first one where we just basically cut some roast and stew meat we merchandising this and completely out where we did gets to me but we merchandised the ranch steaks and these shoulder steaks that you could brand it your as you store whatever you wanted to call them charcoal steaks or whatever and then we cut the flat irons out of it and also had the grinds this particular clod had 89 percent saleable yield and netted you a 52 percent girls profit so you can see if you take a little bit of time and merchandize these cuts down a little deeper it does pay off and again do not forget tenderizing everything another twenty to thirty cents a pound the tenderized these tenderize these tenderize stew meets a great seller now so anything you want to tenderize make sure you get that 20 30 % cents a pound more to enhance your gross profit that concludes our merchandising today of the bottom round flat field knuckle and shoulder clod hopefully find something helpful that can help your individual store add more variety to your case ad sales and gross profit to your bottom line thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: AWG Nashville Perishable Department
Views: 49,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWG Nashville
Id: pp8D8HV44iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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