Hi guys! Today we're gonna be talking
about how to use the butcher's steel. As they say in the meat industry,
bottoms up heads down, let's crack on! [click] The butcher's steel. Without this your knife isn't sharp, you can't cut the meat. So I'm going to give you
step-by-step instructions on how to use this one. First of all, we take the
butcher's steel, nice firm grip not overly firm but comfortable. Okay you
want to hold the steel, just about chest height so this guard here is roughly the
same height as your chest. Alright? And you want to be a roughly a good foot and a half away from yourself. Good! Now we're gonna take our knife, now this is a big steak knife. I wouldn't advise using a big steak knife at this moment in time What I would advise is nice butcher's knife Either a five inch curved or a five inch straight Now we're looking at the base of the knife we want the base of the knife to touch
the point of the steel, okay? Now what I want you to do, I don't need to watch
the knife, okay? What I want you to do, I want you to watch the point of the steel,
if you concentrate on the knife what will happen is you'll do this and you'll start to hit the guard So start at the bottom of the knife put it onto the top of Steel,
you're gonna watch the top of the steel and come down, and if you see my
elbow comes up, and the reason for that is, that when my elbow comes up, the point of the knife comes down the steel that means that all of this blade is going
all the way across that steel. Do it on the other side, base of the knife down and down now what we're gonna do now we're gonna put them two actions together Start at the top, down we go Start at the top, down we go! So what I will say is to
continue to do this for a good couple of minutes really Once you get into the
practice of doing this, you'll be able to tell whether you've got the right angle
of the knife on the steel so if you listen you hear that nice fine,
high-pitched sound? That's telling me that this part of the knife is hitting the
steel not the edge, okay? Now that tells me that I'm at the right angle because
that lovely swishing sound You will see a lot of people on TV doing this sort of
thing. It's an absolute load of rubbish that It does not work. So nice and smooth listen to the edge of the blade, going across the steel Once you get into the rhythm of it you'll get to this stage, okay. Nice and
relaxed And that's how you steel your knife It's as simple as that. What I would do is practice
for five minutes put the steel down put the knife down
go and have a cup of tea, then come back to it and do it again. And I'll go into you the
next day you'll have it in your mind A skill for life, from The Urban Butchery
Channel I hope you enjoyed the video if you did enjoy the video then please
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catch the next time remember Bottum's up, heads down, let's crack on!