Kmart sells GOOD Rubik's Cubes now?! 🥸 ADVENTURES WITH TINGBOY

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hey what is up ting man fam time for something a little bit different here in the car with ting boy right there it should be king boy fat yeah i guess it could be ting boy fam i found out that our local kmart has like a supposed speed cube in stock did i say speed cube so tingle and i are on a journey to go and rescue it yeah wait no why didn't i say rescue me it's not like it's being imprisoned or anything and i thought instead of just showing you the cube once we got it what if you came on us on our journey to go get it so yeah we can like vlog our trip to the shops what should we call this video ting boy you can't call this video hola ola is actually on a camp this weekend so it's daddy sun time which is pretty cool isn't it buddy oh yeah two letters what does i mean what i and are i are i am what's i are ah yeah you know life has actually been pretty busy recently so i personally have been trying to you know make sure that i'm spending time with everyone in the family hey ting boy what are some things that we like to do together yeah we've been playing a lot of world all together recently i mean it's fun to play on your own but it's really fun to play together hey hey ting boy what's your starting word he always uses the word great as his starting word or word and i don't remember the last time that it's full my second guess is usually what's my second oh that's right yeah yeah that's right boyle's is often my second i don't think there's any overlap there and it uses like most of the vowels i feel like in theory it should be like a really good combination but it doesn't often help me very much it helps me when i try it does it yeah great boils good chicken oh are you boiling a chicken valentine uh it's apparently like a moyu like i think it's called like next cube or something okay we're here just need to find a park now hey do you want to hear a joke ting boy yes what do you do if you see a space man ivana why oh what do you do you parking it man because it sounds like spaceman but it's actually what do you do if you see a space man yeah that's exactly what i thought you like plays on words don't you yes well it's not funny one it's so funny come on you gotta say it's a good joke right no anyway we're here let's go find some cubes oh it's a pet store hey can we go to the pet store before we get the cube [Music] that's a lot of fish hey very interesting colors crab right there oh he's trying really hard to get away [Music] what's this guy doing oh boy that's a stick a skink what's a skink okay we're not gonna get a new pet right but if you had to pick a pet from that pet store what would you get what when's it gonna end five years later here we go all right here we are let's [Music] cute go oh wow you found them really quick that's the one that's the one that's the new one whoa by moyu it's so weird this cute oh yeah i already got a bunch of those is there a three by three version of this yes there is sweet get one of each yes just for elasticity okay don't think they're magnetic world records sitting here of course they're actually pretty cheap all right we'll see how good they are do you like the poster yep that thing's not bouncing very well oh that one's not bad hey do you get the joke on my shirt yeah is it blind or something dogs are apparently colorblind so this doggy thinks that he's finished the cube all right team boys got his sushi and i've got the cubes let's open it you open it from the back when it comes to the stand that's kind of cool here it is the logo is on the blue side that's kind of cool actually it's definitely better than rubrik's brand but it is not magnetic at all you can really feel it yeah not the best corner cutting it's not terrible are you opening the other one you're breaking it that's not how you unbox yeah okay fine that is how you unbox teddy often tear stuff open that's got the logo on the blue side as well it would be much better i agree yeah do it deep don't throw it away do a t-pin see what it feels like well it's definitely a much better cube than what you'd expect from kmart but it does literally feel like a three dollar cube that you can get from how's your sushi and i mean at nine dollars like that's not too bad but for nine dollars you can get like a completely magnetic like pretty nice cube a daily puzzle so i'd recommend that over this but if you're in a pinch like you could just run to k-mart and buy this cube i don't know why you'd want to do that when would you ever need to just like buy speed cube in an emergency because you don't have any i like the competition coming in an hour okay tingly time for a race you saw the two by two and i'm gonna sell the three by three one-handed don't beat me oh that was nice oh that's kind of nice oh no oh no what did i do don't be on the teeth i'm ready what rematch i want to rematch you sure you want to go two-handed yes okay what would you give these cubes out of ten oh my gosh that's very low give me maybe like five i want to solve keep o h uh okay well thanks for coming on this journey with us any final words ting boy more sushi with no avocado team is so random bye
Channel: Tingman
Views: 1,072,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, Amazing, CFOP, Competition, Crazy, Cube, Cubing, Cute, F2L, Fast, Feliks, Funny, GAN, How to, Laugh, Moyu, OLL, Olor, PLL, Qiyi, Rubik, Rubik's, Rubix, Solve, Speedcubing, Zemdegs, advanced, algorithm, animation, app, art, basic, beginner, challenge, channel, complete, cube, easy, guide, j perm, magic, method, pattern, record, review, rubik's, solution, solve, speed, toy, tutorial, unboxing
Id: D7jBFO8iqS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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