I Bought Every Rubik's Cube So You Don't Have To!

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this rubik's filled video is sponsored by squarespace learn more about them at the end in the 80s there was just this guy and now what yeah and the problem is even though they look so similar some of them are terrible cubes to buy while the others are actually pretty great and i say that as a speedcuber so how do you know which ones are good and which ones are bad well that's what this video is all about subscribe if you haven't yet don't buy the wrong cube and let's get into it so you might be wondering why rubik's i mean aren't there other brands of speedcubes that are way better well yeah but there's something about that rubik's brand i mean this is that iconic original puzzle so here's the first rule of thumb basically the more recently it's been made the better rubix has really been upping their game in the hardware department just in the last few years you can really tell the problem of course is this guy says 1997 2020 which sounds really recent but unless you have this one to compare it to which you realize says 2021 how would you know is there actually a difference yes a massive one and i'm gonna show you why here are our beautiful two by twos that based on production date i believe go like this so the two by two oh look at that originally for eight years old and they were like you know what maybe from six onwards and then more recently like nope let's go back to eight why all the different packaging well the boxes actually give us a bit of a clue see back in the day they were run by goliath games and then more recently by the super sad baby i'm just kidding spin master there it is that made its way to the front of the box yes but i mean look at the cubes themselves do you see any differences let's go from version one to version two very very similar but look at this from two to three big design change there the cube is still the exact same size but it's much more rounded now it has this weird like white thing in the middle so is it any better let's unbox it and find out and here it is very light turns pretty quickly with a pretty clacky sound something's loose in that can you hear that now you might actually own a two by two that's even older than this i mean these are already plastic tiles and the old school ones actually had stickers on them but remember my point is to help you not buy the wrong cube because i believe all these are still on shelves rubix doesn't sell any more stickered cubes anymore now let's open version two and see how different it is from that guy packaging is pretty different and actually a fair bit harder to open wait what how are you ah whatever i tried so hard this is so impossible to open i swear opening this is harder than solving the actual puzzle oh my gosh it's still in there this is actually the worst finally it's born all right how do you turn oh that's very smooth and quite loose actually look at that quite similar in feel to this guy but honestly i can tell that some improvements have been made so definitely the yellow packaging is the way to go way better than that old white packaging it's still just about as inflexible as before the reason why i'm looking for that is that we actually want our rubik's cubes to be able to turn not only when they're 100 fully aligned but even when they're slightly off we still want them to be able to make the turn and if they're too inflexible that does not happen now this guy let's see what improvements this latest version has so this box is looking pretty similar on the outside with all the stuff it says on the back but it is so much easier to open oh look at that so much better so instantly some really obvious design differences much more rounded edges this thing is much more flexible and actually isn't as slippery it doesn't turn as quickly but that's honestly a really good thing now the litmus test let's see how easily this thing can turn when not fully aligned look at that hey but it's a solve that will give us that clincher so let's see how we go using my mat of course which you should totally get okay cube number one from several years ago honestly that was not a hard scramble but it was just really hard getting those turns done when this thing was even slightly misaligned plus that sound is super annoying puzzle number two this case that was honestly worse i think because it was like so much faster to turn and so it just like misaligned really easily and finally cube number three our modern one wow that honestly surprised me a little bit i mean it was definitely better to turn than these two other guys and if you're wondering i did do a bunch of souls with each i just chose the most average one to represent even so there is a clear winner do not buy these guys sharp edges difficult to turn while this one just feels so much more comfortable and smooth even if it's not going to break any world records look for the rubik's 2x2 that's got that open white center and you will not go wrong this guy and not this guy next up the 3x3s and we've got a bunch the 3x3s have actually been quite aggressively replaced in the last few years so these were all actually released pretty much around the same time but there definitely is a big difference for starters this is the odd one out if you see this guy you might be wondering why it's got such a larger price tag than the others and it's because it is an electronic cube it's got a battery inside it's amazing made a whole video on this which you can check out after this one it's called the rubik's connected and honestly it's actually a fantastic cube really really nice to turn and solve but i mean really only a cube that you'll get if you're looking for something really really special so a quick yes from me if you want to spend like 100 bucks go ahead and get this guy but if you're looking for a more regular 3x3 you'll see ones like these now i did a bunch of looking around in australian toy stores and i did actually find many older versions of the 3x3 they come in boxes they look like this or like this and they might have cubes inside like this that are still stickered or ones like this that are you know tiled but they're incredibly noisy so these are the guys you're going to see everywhere are they worth buying well let's open up and see for starters you'll notice pretty much identical packaging to the one that i completely ripped up so sorry oh this one's actually a bit easier to open maybe because it's bigger and it's free here it is the original rubik's cube i still don't know why they put their website on it it's got a little bit of corner cutting look at this there we go it turns pretty decently it's got some funny sounds plastic tiles honestly really quite light so should you buy this cube maybe i mean it's not bad it's exactly what someone would expect if you get them rubik's cube it's also way way better than once in the past but if if you see that guy rubik's speed so this isn't in every shop but it's becoming more and more common it's a little bit more expensive than that rubik's cube but let me show you why i am speed all right listen to this it's already way quieter it is much more flexible but not overly so than this guy and check this out the corner cutting on this is pretty amazing and because of that oh man it is so nice to turn [Music] yeah i mean again way way way better than cubes used to be i mean oh yuck let's not touch this guy okay like before let's do some quick solves so our modern classic rubik's cube honestly not a bad solve but 17 is not a great time for me i want to turn it a lot faster than i actually could there were just moments where like it's not bad but it's not good okay i'm gonna really regret saying that because i'm gonna end up getting a bat time for this but hey [Music] just to show that wasn't a fluke [Music] hey 12 very nice yeah the rubik's speed is so much nicer there is one criticism the one weakness which is that i think in rubik's plight to make this like really nice and bendy they also made it really really easy for corners to twist while you're solving the cube and i'm pretty sure yup there's no way this guy is twisting now as i said that's usually a strength because it means that it's nice and bendy and it can corner cut however for beginner cubers if you have a single corner twist this entire cube is not solvable they'll reach a stage like this and be like oh i did something wrong and then they were trying like to an algorithm and they're like that doesn't look right should i do this and they're like oh no what should i do with that and basically it's it's unsolvable so if you see a case like this you literally just need to twist that and then the cube can now be solved so hands down one hundred hundred hundred percent get the rubik's speed it's the best three by three that the rubik's brand currently makes but in the absence of this the 3x3 that they currently make good enough i guess makes the 4x4s this one i'm really excited about because i've heard i've heard about the updated cube i have never tried it myself wait that's a 5x5 oops sorry about that so once again huge differences in packaging look down there goliath and then spin master at least they agree on ages a pretty high challenge level what's with the color change but that of course is not the only difference check out the size this is a significant amount of shrinking that the new 4x4 has and it's honestly a massive advantage we're talking about a difference oh from of 65 millimeters down to about 57 or 58 millimeters which is a huge difference and okay you're not gonna go around the shops with a ruler measuring the difference but i mean if you're at the store you won't see this on its own right like you will see it's threes and twos as well and basically look it's nearly the same size whereas the old version yeah there's like a big size difference there once again i'm sorry yo this guy's resisting what i feel like jerry rig everything doing the iphone ben test even at level 7 you can still see scratches appear on the glass okay i didn't actually scratch the cube this is still just a plastic and yes i realized the irony of me saying you shouldn't buy this and then me actually going out to buy these myself oh here he comes yes just like opening a ripe durian that is one chunky monkey let's go ahead and open this guy too i literally bought this like three days ago it was the first time i saw this available in australia okay size difference turning what is this the crazy thing is i bought them at the same store this guy was on clearance while this was still like full price and i was like look there's some improvements but it can't be that different right the all 4x4 is actually the worst it is so bad it's like everything i hated about this stiff 2x2 now scaled up to the four i'm actually not making this up this is actually horrid meanwhile here we go first tense oh wow oh my gosh we even have some small amounts of corner cutting inner layers i don't know if i can say it's perfect though but i mean compared to this i can barely turn this with one hand oh my gosh where's this guy yeah but as always proof is in the pudding i average about under a minute to solve a good 4x4 so would you like to predict how long i'm gonna take with these guys i'll do a side by side comparison so you can see here we go [Music] my hands are still actually aching so much from this one i had to do like whole like palm turning for this whereas this guy could be turned just with like single fingers like you saw before of all the rubik's puzzles this is an absolute no-brainer it's not even a matter of like if you can't find this then okay fine maybe you can settle for this it's like do not buy the old rubik's 4x4 one of the worst products they've ever made i'm so sorry rubix you did so much better with the new rubik's 4x4 you maybe still have improvements in the bag that you can bring out in the future but yeah please wait for this guy to come out in your area 2021 as you can see on the back there yeah please please get this guy and not that guy so here they are these are the three cubes that you absolutely should buy from rubix and maybe this one if the speed isn't available okay okay you got me there is one more the 5x5 but there's only one that i could find that i believe you can choose from and do i have to open it why do you want to watch me suffer was it not enough that i already gave rubik so much for my own money just to make this video that you need me to oh my gosh just before i torture myself with the rubik's 555 let me tell you all about squarespace squarespace gives people a powerful and beautiful online platform from which to create your website they let you connect with your audience through gated members only content you can send email communications leverage audience insights all in one easy to use platform say you want to sell a fun product like rubik's cubes squarespace has powerful e-commerce capabilities to help you sell and connect to customers and what's more they recently added squarespace extensions these new third-party tools will help you manage inventory promote products streamline bookkeeping and ship items all across the globe it's a total no-brainer for e-commerce go to squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to squarespace.com tingman to save 10 of your first purchase of a website or domain all right oh wow this is spin master by the way so this is like one of their new versions the rubik's professor yo those are stickers this isn't even tiled for comparison this is my main 7x7 cube that i use in competitions it is smaller than the 5x5 oh my gosh i feel like i'm holding the past listen to that let's see how it turns [Music] now i'm done now here's the important bit if you want to move out of rubik's and into the world of actual speedcubing watch any of these videos where i review some of my favorite top speed cubes and show you the huge difference that a great cube can make
Channel: Tingman
Views: 1,112,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Olor, Rubik, Rubix, Rubik's, Cube, 3x3, Cubing, Speedcubing, Competition, How to, Funny, Crazy, Solve, CFOP, Qiyi, Moyu, GAN, 2x2, 4x4, Fast, Laugh, Cute, Amazing, OLL, PLL, F2L, channel, easy, guide, challenge, rubik's, cube, tutorial, pattern, algorithm, app, art, solve, method, magic, toy, complete, solution, animation, advanced, basic, record, speed, unboxing, review, beginner, brand, official, original, which, comparison
Id: Tbm2fjNmvCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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