What YOU Should Expect At A Rubik's Cube Competition! ⭐

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everyone we are on our way to a cubing competition sounds like a bunch of you actually have never been to a competition before we will tell you what it's like in this video and maybe answer some questions you have along the way and have a lot of fun isn't it right guys let's go in there have fun in this video we'll be solving the 3x3 2x2 pyraminx skewb square one and for the first time for my kids the rubik's clock so when you first arrive you head to the registration table where you get your name marked off pick up a name tag which in australian comps also has details of every group that you're in we were one of the first to get there so we had many seats we could choose from and ask demand the daily puzzles giveaway table every competitor gets a free cube which is pretty cool thank you daily puzzles once everyone was there the competition organizer and delegates introduce themselves and then they run tutorials for new competitors basically teaching you how all the solves will run and how to use a timer and stuff if you've never used one before and with all that out of the way it's time to start solving station number four hello so i'm gonna set my gopro right there which hopefully we'll get all my solves [Music] i don't know why that might be going that way too nervous with that yeah not as good but that's right and we signed the school card to make sure that it's official and then it gets given to a wonderful runner who takes it away two gas in a row so far on track to getting a pb average actually here's a miracle right here yep oh yes yes yes my friends yes your cubing highness thank you i'm not worthy you are worthy oh thank you okay here goes ting boy he's just starting now [Music] nice oh that's good i am really not used to getting it that might be his tv i got one minute nine seconds i saw good job mate that's so good [Music] some minute what that's good okay that's definitely nothing i think mike just got to stop one one he's literally never gotten to someone at home before that's good another thing at cubing comps is that you see famous people and here's one right there let's pass q master himself in the flesh all right this is ting boy's fifth and final solve so the way that averages get calculated they will take away the slowest and faster solve and then they'll calculate the mean of the middle three commenting boy yellow you got this mate 116. nice you didn't think you would get someone and i told you i told you you'd get someone you're a bit nervous ryan i don't get that nervous when you just go to phoebe that's the reason why you got the pbs right because of a new daily puzzle shirt i actually really can't i know i keep saying that these shirts are actually so comfortable it's gonna be almost 10 next let's go find out one minute one two by three yeah no way yeah ting boy is a reward for doing so well i don't actually know if they taste any good that's so huge okay ready at the same time three two one go oh that's weird i feel like i'm a tiny human that ate a normal sized skittle [Music] [Music] good job all over the 14 seconds hold she's pretty happy with that as you can tell [Music] that was weird [Music] i don't know what happened but it just rolled on today oh i just got a 13 seconds off that's pretty nice no way if i get another 14 i might be able to beat my bb average i believe this is the final solve for that's allah of my weirdest averages yet that's how it is in the world of cubing sometimes yeah good songs and bad souls but you just gotta go with it okay so we've got here apparently a really terrible method of making a checkerboard it's really hard that's like so many steps seven hours later that took so long see that's what comp's all about just learning new things even if they're totally useless pnl is number two just kidding daddy i made a water literally made a y what does w say i stand for that's for the world cubing association voice solving pyraminx for the very first time literally just um it's like two weeks ago is actually a really easy puzzle to learn it's way easier than a three by three hey good job my first one's my favorite is instantly his personal best [Music] nice very nice oh wait it might be a plus two yeah plus two sadly that's okay i think we're still doing great at least it's not a dnf team autographing for the fans good job ting boy what's the best daily puzzles discount code think carefully don't give the wrong answer i'm gonna say ting man yeah she is not impressed what's the best discount code answer wisely no the correct is ting man man [Music] four seconds is a good time but i think she's disappointed because it took a little bit at the end to figure out how to like finish this off i certainly did a year and then a year prime but and we are off to get lunch but it's really just one place i want to go to of course do you know where i want to go yes bubble tea [Music] yeah yeah lunchtime subway bubble tea and yes but yeah juice and sushi seriously though one of the most fun part of cubing competitions is just having lunch the best part is the vlog come on two months so one of the worst things about going to comps is when you're wearing the same thing as someone else it's so awkward this is tnl cubing a link to his channel will appear nowhere because you know everybody's already subscribed because i don't need it you're already subscribed that's exactly right now tom where do you get your cubes daily puzzles oh that's right and we live in australia so it sort of makes sense for us to get cubes and daily puzzles but if you live in the united states can you believe there's actually a bunch of reasons why it actually makes sense for you to get cubes at daily puzzles such as bailey puzzles has just reduced shipping to five dollars but actually to the us to the us yeah yeah and if you spend over 99 it's zero it's literally free shipping that's pretty amazing it is more than amazing you can even get express shipping by dhl two to five days two to five days how crazy from australia to the us i know and also most importantly if you use code tnl cubing or code sorry ting man you support our channel that's got to count for something right yeah one of us you should support i'm not going to say who really this guy this car so what we're trying to say is show up at daily puzzles [Music] his royal cubing highness himself if you can solve this curse cube in under 14 seconds i'll give you an easter egg sub 24 in easter egg [Music] where is it that easter egg is nearly yours lastly it's super easy oh no the egg crack totally oh no he's quick he's quick what do you get there you go so a lot of you guys have asked about like what to do with competition nerves how do you deal with competition nerves prepare yourself before the soul like when you're waiting just get into the mindset and think for good times oh that's it positive thoughts yeah positive thoughts so good that's exactly right sometimes you've just got to feel nervous and just i don't know be okay with it the more comfort you go to the better you feel i know you just get more used to it and that's why they removed it from the wca what a show-off right it is time for square one and look at this weird person over there she's judging station eight but no one's even there it's like what even is the point i hope you enjoyed judging that ghost hey don't touch the competitor so the square one is a very unusual puzzle so unusual that i decided to make a tutorial for it and i'm quite proud to say that if you search up square one on youtube one of the very first hits is my tutorial which is really cool and it might make you think that i'm actually good at it but i literally had to search my own tutorial up last night to teach myself again how to solve this one because i completely forgot the thing about juan is that it's just so i don't know it's so different it just has all these algorithms that i'm not sticky in my brain and they just don't stink like i learned them and then they just disappear and it's like but anyway we're gonna do this one now so let's see here we go i just finished my square one it's now time for olo to go you got this yeah square one square one square one what are you doing there can be a lot of waiting around in the comp maybe because they're running an event that you're not taking part in or you're in group five or something it's like four groups to go before you go lots of ways for you to pass a time you can volunteer and help out so you can be a judge a scrambler or a runner so much to do and of course you can chat to new people you know make new friends and actually a lot of you asked me um how do you meet new people at a comp and the secret is you already think that secret you go up to them and talk to them okay all right that's easier said than done i know see you already have something in common which is that you are like cubing and so i find a really really easy way to just chat to someone is to ask them what events are doing at the comp or ask them how they just went for like a event that they just did and then if they did really bad you can be sad with them and if they did really well you can be happy with them basically that and it's yeah it's a really easy way to just get to know someone your second one you were so close to making the cut-off you needed to get yourself under 45 seconds and you were so close but still 51 is really good clock is next that's all we have today what are you doing what's happening he thinks they're sunglasses they're the worst sunglasses they're like opaque he just walks straight into a wall stop it come back what is he doing every single competition has an organizer sometimes a few organizers and here's the main one here it's vicky this competition only happened because of you did you know that yeah i'm starting to realize you had to work really hard for that being up since 5am this morning and it's what time now almost seven if you've never been to a competition before find the organizer and say a big thank you buy them flowers chocolate give them money [Music] unfortunately i didn't like cuddle i did get a sub 30 which i'm still happy about of course mcdonald's why do we always seem to go to mcdonald's every calm you know cubing hopefully dnf's d and f oh no i got c d and f plus two plus two plus two
Channel: Tingman
Views: 2,473,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Olor, Rubik, Rubix, Rubik's, Cube, 3x3, Cubing, Speedcubing, Competition, How to, Funny, Crazy, Solve, CFOP, Qiyi, Moyu, GAN, 2x2, 4x4, Fast, Laugh, Cute, Amazing, OLL, PLL, F2L, channel, easy, guide, challenge, rubik's, cube, tutorial, pattern, algorithm, app, art, solve, method, magic, toy, complete, solution, animation, advanced, basic, record, speed, unboxing, review, beginner, vlog, explain, how to, expect, tingboy, brisbane, autumn, 2022
Id: 5szmjN7bKyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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