KLIPPER Installation Guide for the Ender 5 Plus w/ BTT SKR Mini E3 v2.0 and TFT35 v3 Display

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this is evan with eb 3d printing in today's video i'm going to go over installing clipper onto the ender 5 plus with the skr mini e3 v2 board along with the tft-35v3 display this is not going to be an all-encompassing guide but i am going to cover most of the installation process this video will not go over uh tuning or anything like that like pressure advance resonance compensation i'm going to try and save those for a separate video to keep this one a little less likely than my typical videos i will however try to cover as much as i can in this video but that's enough for me let's get into this installation so before we dive into installing clipper onto the android 5 plus there are a few things we're going to need to download in order to complete the process first up is some sort of web interface to interact with the raspberry pi and clipper for the sake of ease of use of this video i'm going to be using octoprint mainly because it is one of the more larger more recognizable web interfaces out there for 3d printing on the raspberry pi while octoprint is a great web interface it's not the only option that's available two other options that i would like to point out that i won't be covering any further in this video are fluid and mainsail these both perform the same function as octoprint but the difference is where octoprint you have plug-ins that you can download and install to kind of customize octoprint to your liking these have a lot of those plugins built in like one example would be customized color themes another example would be a bed mesh visualizer again these are great options if you want to look into them further i'll provide links to them in the description but for the sake of this video i won't be diving into them any further the next program that we're going to have to download is some sort of ssh terminal to allow you to remotely access the raspberry pi in order to perform some of the command line arguments that we need to input for installing octoprint clipper as well as the display firmware for the tft-35 for this video i'm going to be using putty it's a very bare bones straightforward easy to use terminal program i'll provide a link to this in the description the next program we're going to need to download is some sort of file transfer program since i'm on windows 10 i'm going to be using win sap there are alternatives out there for linux and mac os one example would be filezilla i'll provide a link to both of these in the description we're going to need a file transfer program of some sort in order to access the files on the raspberry pi the main files that we're going to need to be accessing are the clipper firmware that gets built during the installation process as well as installing the configuration file the printer configuration file onto the raspberry pi that clipper interacts with in order to get the main settings of the printer the last thing we're going to need to download is the no touch screen firmware natively clipper does not support the big treetech's touchscreen modes but the bigtreetax tfts have an st 7920 emulation mode the st 7920 screens are supported by clippers so basically this allows the clipper to interact with the st 7920 through emulation drivers for the sake of this video i'm just going to download the pre-built binary you can however download the whole zip file this allows for some slight customization of the um no touchscreen firmware like taking it to full screen mode versus condensed mode and a few other things like changing the the colors of the screen from like a black background white text to like yellow text on a black background simple stuff like that but like i said for the sake of this video i'm just going to download the pre-built binary um a link to this will also be in the description well one last program that i forgot to mention until i started going through the process myself and realized we need it is some sort of disk imaging program this allows you to write the octoprint image to the sd card that you plug into the back of the raspberry pi for this process i just use the raspberry pi imager the good thing about it is it's available for all three major operating systems so a simple download install which should work on every system i will provide a link to this in the description so now that we have everything downloaded and installed we're ready to start the installation process first up we're going to need to put the octoprint image onto the sd card that we're going to use for the raspberry pi in order to do that we're going to need the octoprint download as well as the raspberry pi imager so you're going to take your micro sd card that you're going to use for the octa print and install it into the computer it'll pop up oh i got firmware on there you want to delete everything and it's on there because or back it up because it's going to be deleted when we image the sd card anyways so we'll go over the raspberry pi imager we're going to choose os we're going to scroll down here to use custom if we're going to want to select the downloads folder and then select the octoprint image that we want to put onto the sd card so click open now we have the image uh chosen we're going to choose the sd card it's the mounted sd card in e and then just hit right you're going to get this warning that you know all existing data will be erased like i said make sure that the data is on there is acceptable to lose or you have it backed up so you click yes and then this will take some time i'm going to cut to the end once we're done so now that raspberry pi imager is done writing the octoprint image to the sd card it does a verifying process once this verifying process is complete there's going to be a couple windows that pop up this is typical um what's going to happen is the imager is going to eject the sd card so we're just going to cancel this close everything out uh and hit continue there's a few things we need to set up before we install it onto the raspberry pi so take your sd card out and then install it back into your computer that way it pops up you're going to have two windows pop up this is like format this we're just going to close this one out and you don't want to format the disk alright so the first file we're going to be looking for is this octopi wpa supplicant what this does is it allows us let me draw this over here this allows us to connect to our wi-fi network what we're going to do is we're going to look for these this these lines right here the wpa wpa2 secured we're going to need to remove the pound signs before these lines to uncomment them out then what you're going to do is you're going to put your ssid name here example ssid and then your password for your network so password example or this let me spell example you know so you put your ssid name here and then password down here if for whatever reason you have a hidden wi-fi network you're going to need to add an extra line of scan underscore ssid equals one what this does is when the octa print or raspberry pi boots up it scans for the network of the ssid name and then you know installs the pre-shared key the next thing we're going to want to do is we're going to come down here to country of origin whatever country you're in you'll either need to add the line of country say like australia or new zealand is not on here you're going to need to copy one of these lines and adjust it to your country but i'm located in the us here so i comment out uh great britain and then uncomment us and now you will save this file and we are done with that one the next file we're going to go to is octopi what this file does is it sets up your webcam we're going to go to this first line here camera auto we'll uncomment that if you're using a usb camera you can just type in usb here if you're using the rise by camera you can type in raspberry i use the raspberry camera and i just leave it to auto this allows me later on through octolapse to access customizable options for the raspberry camera the next up we're going to do camera usb options we're going to change this to 1296x720 i think it is your your camera will be different but for my uh raspberry pi i just do a four by three um 780 i think it is 926 by 780 and then just bump the fps up to 5 or 15. uh the last thing to allow customizable camera options is we're going to scroll down here to these web root options we'll uncomment these two lines and then backspace so it just looks like this this allows the like i said octal apps to access a raspberry pi camera to allow for customizable camera options and then we are done with this so next up we're just going to eject the sd card and install it into our raspberry pi so now that we are over at the printer i'm going to take out the raspberry pi slide in the micro sd card with the label facing up plug in the usb cable plug in the power cable and then make sure to power it on so now that we have the sd card with the octa print image installed into the raspberry pi it's now time to set up octoprint so you'll want to open up a browser tab here and there's one in two ways you can go about doing this first is if you only have one octopi instance or raspberry pi on your network you can just type in octop and this will take you to the instance of octoprint the second is the way that i'm going to go about doing it is typing in the dedicated ip address for the octoprint instance um since i have more than one raspberry pi on my system and more than one octa print running i just type in the dedicated i p you'll have to find this through your network settings so after we found it we will type enter you'll be displayed with these uh setup wizard screen um it's basically the introduction so what we'll do is we'll hit next you have the choice to restore from backup so if you already have an octoprint instance set up and you're setting up another one or just re-flashing the octoprint instance you can restore for backup access control this is where you enter a username and password and then we will create an account login successful next anonymous usage tracking i enable this that way you know it provides them some feedback uh to help hopefully make octoprint a little bit better next is the online connectivity check this is to check to make sure you're connected to the internet and if you're not it prevents you it prevents you know the raspberry pi from using resources trying to connect to the internet if you are not connected so you just test the host port here test name resolution you know both of those are enabled they work so i'll enable connectivity check hit next plug in black listing i i recommend enabling this as well this prevents you from you know potentially installing harmful plug-ins that are on the octa print plug-in manager so we'll hit next default printer profile this is where you go through and name your printer enter five plus we'll name it there it's a generic right wrap um this is where you set up print volume um since we're on the enter five plus it is 360 by 360 by 400 or 400 500 would be a little uh excessive uh axis the only one i recommend changing here is the e we'll drop that down to 100 next it's a 0.4 nozzle with one extruder so we'll hit next that's all these steps we click finish so now we have octoprint all set up we're not ready to go yet we probably will not be able to connect to the printer there's a few more settings that we have to adjust when we install clipper but i would go ahead and um just install these updates now so we'll get these updates out of the way now that they are installed it'll um the raspberry pi will automatically reboot you'll get this server is offline warning that pops up so once it's back up and running we just hit reload now now that octoprint is back up we're actually going to pause our octoprint configuration for the time being we will come back to octoprint after we get clippers set up and installed onto the printer and then finish configuring the last few steps we need to in order to have octoprint communicate with clipper before we get into installing clipper the first thing we'll want to do is update and upgrade the raspberry pi os this is fairly simple pretty straightforward to do so what we'll need to do is we'll need to have putty open and i will provide a link to this webpage in the description so we'll type in the ip address that we accessed the raspberry pi from earlier and then click open now we'll be presented with this um potentially potential security breach this is just the ssh certificate um so you want to click yes here now bring this window open now it'll ask you to login as if you've never set this up before the default username is pi and the default password is raspberry so we'll be logged in and now we will have the octa print instance up so what we'll do is we'll highlight this sudo apt update right click copy now to paste and putty it's as simple as a right click right click hit enter it'll ask you for the studio password again this is raspberry and then it will go through the update process now that that's done we will do the full upgrade this one will take a while so i will cut back once this is done upgrading well before it's done upgrading it'll prompt you with this do you want to continue yes or no just hit y and uh continue and as i said it will take a little bit to go through this so i'll cut back in a little all right so now that that is done installing what we're going to do first before we move on to installing clipper is we're just going to reboot the system to do that we do sudo reboot won't be prompted with a remote side unexpectedly closed that's okay so now that we've updated the raspberry pi and rebooted the system first we'll have to log back into the raspberry pi before we begin installing clipper we will log into the session we'll be prompted with the screen login this is pi and raspberry again all right so now that we're here i will provide a link to the clipper docs um webpage click on install in it and we will begin installing clipper so again we'll just start here with these first two lines to clone the github we will copy this go over here to the putty session and right click and this is the install script all you have to do is right click and or not right click but just hit enter it'll ask you for the pseudo password this is raspberry again again as with the upgrade the clipper install takes a little bit to get done so i'll cut back when it's finished now that clipper is done installing we'll move on to the next step which is flashing the microcontroller so now that clippers installed and it has restarted we'll move on to building and flashing the microcontroller for that we're going to switch over to this other webpage which is the voron design webpage i'll provide a link to this as well and we will follow the steps for flashing the firmware on the skr mini e3 v2.0 uh first up we'll just we're going to install the make command after that's installed we will cd into the clipper folder now that we're in the clipper folder we will go ahead and begin to make the config file will be uh sent or transferred over to this screen um and we'll just pretty much follow the steps going along we're going to have to enable extra low-level configurations to do this we press the spacebar and use the arrow keys to move up and down here for the microcontroller uh architecture we're going to have to select the st microelectronics so that is selected for the mini e3 we use the stm32f103 that's already selected uh bootloader we scroll down to 28k bootloader hit the spacebar for clock reference we keep that at eight megahertz communication interface we keep that as usb usb ids we don't do anything with specify custom step pulse duration we don't do anything with gpio pins this is where we customize the gpio pin we type in exclamation point pa 14 hit enter and once we're done setting up the firmware configuration we hit q will be prompted with yes and now we scroll down here to run the make command right click make clean right click make and what this does is once this is completed we'll actually have our firmware file that we put on to the motherboard the skr mini e3 now that this is done building the firmware file you'll see it's uh located in the out folder and it's labeled clipper.bin what we're going to need to do now is we're going to need to open the winscp full size this so we're going to log in hostname is the ip address for the raspberry pi username is pi password is raspberry again and we will log in we'll be prompted with another certificate warning uh just click add all right so now that we are logged in we want to make sure we have our usb drive that we're going to the micro sd card usb drive that we're going to put the clipper firmware file on so we will go into the clipper folder go down to out and then select this clipper.bin file we will right click copy paste that onto the micro sd card click ok here now just slow double click we'll be able to rename this firmware dot bin all right so now that we have the firmware file onto the micro sd card we can eject the sd card and take it over to the printer and put it into the motherboard all right now that we're over the printer we take the micro sd card make sure the brass contacts are facing up and then we place the card into the micro sd slot on the side of the printer after the card is in the slide on the side of the printer we go ahead and power it on the screen will pop up and once the screen pops up the motherboard will be flashed after we have the firmware dial installed onto the main board it's now time to configure octoprint to use clipper so we're going to head back over to our octoprint instance and we're going to log in to octoprint save alright first thing we're going to set up is we're going to set up octoprint to use clipper so we're going to click on this wrench icon and the first thing is the connection here what we need to check is we need to check to see if we have this tmt printer which we do not so we're going to have to highlight tmt printer copy that and paste that over here as additional serial ports and we're going to save that click back on the wrench icon and make sure the tmt port for tmt printer is selected uh we'll also check auto connect a printer on server start and bode rate we can leave auto because it'll just cycle through the bode rate until it gets the one that connects after we have tmt printer selected as the serial port to connect to we're going to go over here to the behavior tab and make sure that cancel any ongoing prints but stay connected to the printer is selected if it was not the default setting is disconnect from the printer just make sure you click on the circle here beside the cancel and then after that is done we'll scroll down here to save now one more time we're going to go back into the wrench icon and go down to plugin manager and we're going to select get more what we're going to do is we're going to search for the plugin that allows uh octoprint to use clipper that is called octo clipper our octo clip and once uh you don't have to type in the whole thing but once it pops up we'll just click install it'll go through the installation process and once the installation process is complete it'll automatically well not automatically it'll prompt you to restart clipper so we'll restart it and select proceed now this this dialog box will pop up attempting to reconnect once it reconnects we'll be able to hit reload now once it refreshes here we should be connected to the printer and that concludes the installation process for clipper uh just getting it onto the main board the next thing we're going to actually have to go through is setting up and configuring clippers so it works with the ender 5 plus now that octoprint is set up to talk to clipper we have to set up clipper to interact with the printer i'm going to do this a little bit different than what the steps are located over here on the clipper web page the first thing we're going to do is we're going to have to find out the serial id for our mcu so we're going to log into putty here open up a terminal window there uh this is a simple login as before all right now we're going to change directory into the clipper folder now we're in the clipper folder we're going to run this serial id command so highlight that copy come over here right click paste it in all right this is our serial id number we need this number uh for later which we'll actually put in the mcu section of our printer. config folder so we'll highlight this which will automatically copy it and then what we'll do is i've already done this step previously but what you should do is you should save this to a text document so we'll save this to a text document this is just a simple notepad text document but again save this for later use after we have that established what we're going to do is just close down this session of putty we won't need that anymore and now we will log into the raspberry pi through win scp next we will go into the config folder what this folder contains is a whole bunch of config files that are already preset up which we will just have to copy and paste now we'll scroll down here you'll see that there is already an under five plus config folder this is not the one we are going to be using because this is for the default um factory display and motherboard for the under five plus what we're going to do is we're actually going to copy this skr mini 83 up here from big tree tech so we'll right click that we will copy that now we'll back up through winscp to the default pi folder and we will paste in the configuration file once this is pasted in we will slow double-click backspace and change this name to printer.cfg now that that is set up what we're going to do is we're going to double click this to open it this will allow us to edit the folder or edit the file i should say so now that we have the file open we'll be able to go through and edit what we need to in order to get this set up and running on the under five plus the first thing we are going to do is we are going to change the mcu to our serial id that we just found out so we will take this serial id copy it go back to our printer config and we will paste this right where it says serial config and then save it control s after we have the serial id pasted in and saved we'll scroll back up and start editing our dimensions and steppers so first up we'll start with stepper x this we change the only thing we change here is the max dimension yours may be slightly different depending on which fat fan shroud you use and how much clearance you have on either side of your fan shrouds but for me i use 360 here for the max position and then down here for run current i change this to 0.680 so 0.680 and save after that now we will go down to stepper y again change this to 360. and this run current i bump up to 0.80 for stepper z there's quite a few things we're going to have to change here since the enter 5 plus doesn't come with a zn stop it uses the bl touch as the end stop the first thing we're going to have to change here is we're going to have to change the end stop pin to probe colon space z virtual end stop now we have that change we're going to have to change the position end stop to position min i set this as a negative value so it allows me to set the z offset a little bit better because if you if you have a position main set to 0.0 and you still have a gap between the bed and your nozzle you won't be able to set the exact probe offset the next up we have position max i change this to 400 after position max we scroll down here to the run current and change this again to 0.800 and that is it for the z stepper and save after that the next section i'm going to cover is the extruder now this section is completely unique to your printer so you will more than likely not have the same exact settings as i have i have a bond tech ddx b2 extruder so it's a three to one gear ratio your values will probably be different than mine the first value i'm going to cover is this rotation difference you can think of rotation difference as marlon's e-steps it's essentially the distance the stepper motor has to travel in order to extrude a set amount of filament i'm going to walk you through how to calculate or transfer over your current e-steps value to clipper um you've probably heard about the teaching tech github page of how to calculate your e-steps and stuff like that so go through get your e-steps either from your current setting or calculate those e-steps and but what you do is you take your current e-steps value so we'll do 96.88 and you will plug that into this uh rotation difference formula over here it's a rotation difference conversion formula so to give you an example we will take that 96.88 from the previous e steps value and we will plug that into this formula the first uh value is full steps per rotation so if you have a 1.8 degree step promoter you have 200 full steps for per rotation if you have a 0.9 degree stepper motor which is not factory um you would have to upgrade to this it's 400 steps per rotation so sticking with the factory setting we take 200 steps per rotation plug that in and then divide that by the microsteps the microsteps are controlled by the stepper motor driver which on the mini e3 their 2209s which have 16 microsteps so we take 200 times 16 and then we divide that by our current e steps value the 96.88 and that gives us our um rotation difference so we plug in we don't have to like highlight the whole thing but you can go out you know like four or five decimal places so right click copy that and then we'll transfer that over here to um the rotation difference from our extruder now for me since i'm running a contact ddx i have to include the line um gear ratio this is for any extruder that has a gear ratio the the orbiter is a seven to one the ddx is three to one the pontex bmg is three to one so you put that in and you uh basically insert your gear ratio next up nozzle diameters the same or as soon as you change your night nozzle diameter you you have to change that in the printer config file um pid auto tuning we will cover that later um run current this again i would keep 650 for your current setup my setup is slightly a bit different and still chopped threshold um you actually have to disable this if you want to run pressure advance pressure advance does not work well too well with stealth chop threshold enabled so that's it for the extruder section everything else is pretty much the same here next up is the heated bed we will not change anything in this section for right now we will get to pid tuning a little bit later so the next up is the heater fan don't change that this is the parts cooling fan don't change anything here mcu we already went over uh printer these are the printer limits um these i'll probably cover in a little bit later video once i go over pressure advance and resonance compensation but for right now just kind of set them to what your current settings are so if your max velocity is 100 millimeters per second drop that to 100 on the max velocity if your max excel is like 500 millimeters per second just change that to 500 um static digital output usb we don't touch this board pins we leave those the same the next thing we're going to do is i'm going to pull over my config setup here and we're going to cover the bl touch to prevent this section of the video from dragging on way too much longer i'm just going to provide the copy of my printer config on github and you can use this as as a reference if there are any sections or settings of the bl touch that you have questions about i'll provide a link directly to clippers configuration page which goes more in depth about what each setting has also if you have any questions about any of these settings feel free to ask about them below and i will try to answer them but for right now there's only one setting i would like to point out and that is the z offset you could take your current value that you have for marlin only under five plus and it put that into clipper the only difference though is when you put your current z offset in the clipper it is a positive value instead of a negative and now we will move on to installing the display firmware the last part of this video i'm going to go over is the no touchscreen firmware again this page will be linked in the description first up what we're going to do is just download the zip save the file once it's downloaded we're going to open up a folder now this is a zip file this will be need to be extracted so i'll use 7-zip to extract this once the file is extracted we are going to dive into it we're going to go to binaries these are pre-compiled binaries that are set up we want to select the big tree tft-35v3 go into that we will select this bin file up here right click copy we'll take this over to our sd card that is in a usb slot we will paste this binary in now before we extract it well after we extract this we will extract this that way it's out of system we are going to update our printer configuration file so in order to do that we are going to go back to the web page the no touch screen web page we'll click on wiki we'll go to clipper display configuration we will scroll down to the bottom and we will select this uh configuration right here now all we have to do copy this to clipboard go back over to the octoprint instance open up the uh clipper config file we will go down and basically just replace this section right here so we will highlight backspace ctrl v to paste and scroll down to save now that's it for setting up the clipper config now we will go over and install the binary file onto the display so now that we're over the printer we take the sd card put it in the left side of the display and then turn the power on once the power is on the firmware will flash to the display and then after some time it'll take the raspberry pi to recognize the display and then you will see it switch over to the ready screen that's it for installing the display firmware i was going to end the video with the display section but i figured i want to add this as well so it'll give you an idea of how you can edit and um set up the printer config file directly through octoprint so we'll log into octoprint here so we are connected to the android 5 plus we'll go over here to the clipper tab over here in the clipper tab you will see a whole bunch of options that you can have you can directly pid auto tune you can have assisted bed leveling uh set your coordinate offset you know analyze the clipper log you also can set up macros so you can have a uh pause print macros start print macro um resume print macro you can have a whole bunch of macros set up to essentially emulate commands that are otherwise uh marlin functions so we'll go up here to the open clipper config and this is the printer config file we just uh went over discussed and set up and if you need to make a change for whatever reason say your e-steps are off you'll come down here to your extruder you will just simply change your e-steps to whatever the new e-step value is so 33.5 you will save this and saving will actually automatically restart clipper and that is essentially how easy it is to modify and change your firmware you don't have to go into uh open up the configure configuration.h file scroll through thousands of lines of code trying to find the setting you want to change then change it recompile the firmware and re-flash it you simply just open the clipper config file change whatever you need to change and then save it and once it restarts the settings go into effect you don't have to re you don't even have to restart the printer it just automatically updates the changes to the printer to demonstrate how easy it is to make changes to the config file i'm going to demonstrate this by going over and doing a simple home of the printhead with our current configuration so we send the home command clearly it's moving in the wrong direction so let's just e-stop that now that is moving the wrong direction we will go over here to clipper open the clipper config we will go direction pin we will change this and take out the hyphen and then we will save that we will reconnect to the printer we will restart marlin firmware once it says this is ready we'll go back over to the control tab click home and it is going in the right direction now for x let's see if it goes in the right direction for y it's not so hit stop go back over to the clipper tab open clipper config go down to the y stepper take out the exclamation point there click save it it'll restart clipper will reconnect to the printer and just for safe measure we're going to restart the firmware that way it says it's ready it's disconnected now it's ready and we will home x and y we will see if the printer goes in the right direction the print head is going in the right direction so that right there is an example of how easy it is to set up and change the clipper firmware to modify settings on the printer well i tried to keep this video on the shorter side it just didn't work out that way there was a lot of information go over and it i dove into it a little bit more than i probably should have but at least we got clipper onto the under five plus with the skr mini e3 v2 board and the tft 35v3 display i would like to in the near future go over pressure advance residence compensation and the tuning i went through to get my under five plus printing really well with clipper it just all depends on how well this video does it seems to me that my under five plus videos don't do well on this channel so i i just i don't know what i want to continue to do with the enter 5 plus if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below i try to answer any and all questions i can and your feedback is greatly appreciated as it helps me improve this channel and produce better content for you guys if you like this content and would like to see more from me well you know what to do if you would like to support this channel and help me grow and so i can produce more better videos i have links to do so in the description as always i would like to thank you all for checking this out and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: EB3D Printing
Views: 10,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creality, CrealityEnder, Creality Ender, CrealityEnder5, Creality Ender 5, CrealityEnder5Pro, Creality Ender 5 Pro, Creality Ender 5 Plus, CrealityEnder5Plus, 3D, 3dprinting, 3d printing, 3d printer, 3dprinter, 3d prints, Jyers, Marlin, Jyers Marlin, Firmware, Bltouch, Manual Leveling, Ender 5, BIGTREETECH, BTT, SKR MINI, SKR MINI E3, SKR MINI E3 V2, TFT, TFT35, klipper, firmware, marlin
Id: T5TGLleu3MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 4sec (2524 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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