Kiwo Plays: Little Misfortune

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[Music] [Music] welcome to my game I'll be your home and humble narrator fabulous the rules of this game are simple played until the end and you will be rewarded [Music] okay mrs. fortune she's a wonderful child from a lots a wonderful family a little sparkle for you and a little sparkle for you a little bit for me Oh sad part is today is the day she will die oh you can mm-hmm are you insane my head or something hmm well okay yes all right I'll call you released it a voice well what do you say about me dying today die no nobody said anything about anyone dying today huh nobody said nothing you know I have prepared the game for you a game really for me if you can reach the end of the game I'll give you eternal happiness deal eternal happiness I guess I could give that to my mommy okay it's a bell wonderful fantastic ready to play yes your first mission is to leave the house okay I love the music how's it sound though by the way Benjamin look under this picture it's the folks I see outside my window sometimes I go him Benjamin here's a really cute Fox yeah I don't care much for foxes look this is my secret hiding spot Oh impressive but why do you need a hiding spot I don't like it when mommy and daddy are do too much then when I come here I can dream and travel far away I see this is my diary nobody is allowed to read it want to see did you draw all this I like to play with my toys I like to talk to them because it's fun hello diary at school I drew and home I was at my hiding spot talking to Bubsy and I heard I star fox walking outside my room he's got Benjamin I think my dad lied to me again not going out to the park today I made myself pretty but he doesn't care which one to reiax likes forever I feel sad I cried but told mommy I'm okay I'm afraid if I tell her I'm sad she'll be angry sometimes I don't know how to feel nobody is teaching me how to feel I wish in school the teachers where feelings come from but for reals no fairytales yikes forever thanks forever yikes forever hello diary is it okay to have feelings for a folks [Music] Benjamin the Fox came to visit when I was playing outside we looked at each other and my heart felt warm and like if it was about to vomit but in a good way then he ran away because mom mommy shouted that dinner was ready hmm there'd be a girl oh that's what it is hello diary my daddy hit mommy is that supposed to be normal should I hit people they love it doesn't feel right maybe daddy can't see he's hugging me too when he hits mommy I promise I will never be like my daddy I played today that I took a plane today a plane to Japan and so interesting things I know about Japan because my friend is Japanese he likes sushi I don't like it when that hits mommy holy my friend my Japanese friend speaks Japanese that's very problematic when we talk it's hard to understand each other it's confusing but I like him he has his pair of sweet boots and a cowboy hat his name is Hiro and he's a ghost I drew him a picture but I never gave it to him that's Hina my yapanese friend he's a ghost hello diary look I have beste from school it's super shiny we use it to make Christmas cards I think Christmas cards are pretty but I don't believe Santa is for reals if a man could give everyone a gift why can't he give four people for water and food that's our TV show where people from other countries have nothing to eat anyway I don't believe Santa is real but the glitter is amazing it makes me think that all that makes me sad and angry can just be sprinkled with sparkle to look prettier then it makes me my sad later I love my glitter I'm reading it hello diary I'm picking tomatoes with my grandma smells so nice I saw butterfly some other insects too I ate two tomatoes and then I was stuffed hello diary I was riding my tricycle we don't have money for the bicycle knock straight in the Sun and I started crying because it hurt my eyes my mommy said that one should not look at but directly at it the men are really strong there you see yes very nice I do their coloring too impressive hello Jerry it was fun today because I was at the lake and I saw birds flying and I'll say fish in the water I felt like when water came near my got him what I lied re how are you I'm good too I have to do homework but I can't stop thinking about Benjamin hmm I bet in the lake it was really warm I found a picture of me when I was younger time goes fast that cake looks yummy Halloween costumes wait little lady Fox look about picture I will such a baby very cute no I'm socially I'm a little lady that's what I am she's so cute and I'm a Clarion book [Music] what do you wanna do with the coloring book I'm just leaving here for a buck see you know the Toby this is Bob see the guardian of the secret spot you see his eye he got that from a battle against a monster a monster that sounds scary it was she looks like me I got creepy big eyes too I like to move my body it's the music that goes on forever [Music] [Laughter] [Music] look I made this paper dolls myself this is Kimberly and this is Steven they're on a trip fighting super evils [Music] [Music] [Music] I saw a monster in here once I showed it the finger and it never came back before you leave which toy do you choose ring with you can't they take them both no you can only choose one and remember your choice is much more important oh okay I shoes you think the rock or the unicorn yeah I'm taking the rock you take a rock I choose the stone daddy through with me was interesting what the I go him stony because he's a stone get up who stony the stone that's a very clever thank you this is really upsetting oh my god [Music] that's literally my face right now pulling up face ah and so you know I like to sprinkle sparkle on things so they become fabulous you know you on the other side of the screen what remember I told you she was going to die today let's keep that a secret between us all right this is grandma she was a paper - you still wear a diaper mm-hmm so last year mommy likes to collect glasses I broke a couple will I run too fast did mommy find out who did it no but I had a piece of gloves in my foot for like five days I find this like really interesting all of the way like the [Music] it's all broken though that was a beautiful example of course and effect please don't tell on me don't worry you can trust me okay thank you hmm maybe I could try to fix it I'll fix it I'm gonna do it I'm doing [Music] can I not like rotate it in any way I can't rotate anything [Music] [Music] [Music] okay mmm maybe I could try to fix it wait I'm gonna do it I'm doing math really you having a game right now like hello I look that's me mommy told me I have to smile even when I am son I am gonna cry I was so seen us nothing salty not sassy nacho who gifted this to me still sees like making these really cool it so I could show me some hams it's like a Lauren Foster a might thing and daddy's friend was a hunter and really smooth he's dr. Erica she thought his gun was a toy she said bang bang to her mommy and daddy then her parents died then she was so sad I didn't miss the pick of her parents at night mommy said she married daddy because she was expecting me she wanted to have an abortion but it's illegal I'm against the law that's kind of the same thing yes it smells like cigarettes in here yeah that's my mommy she also likes to drink juice a lot well are you ready to complete your first mission yes I am I'm gonna get that prize oh that's rabbits a gum when will body lemon like them alive [Music] ah that's right when will body alone and like them alive I mean this smells really bad what is it dead animal that's what it is yaks forever we had a lovely dinner last night mommy Wilson bad drunk and daddy actually said hi to me when I grew up I want to be just like my mommy I just drinker that's today [Music] good morning it's afternoon miss watching remember Benjamin love books this is where I first saw him he was hiding in the trash and we made eye contact he was really tough yes you've told me about that Fox already you shouldn't cross the Fox they're all criminals folks criminal that's silly these both smells like a toilet pickles I feel it that is disgusting notice disgusting I'll swear my body puked in me that was disgusting huh this is where daddy off don't flip daddy I never get to put the sweet animals so before we continue you need to know the rules of the game Miss Fortune all right remember you will be given choices on your journey there is no right or wrong only consequences okay only consequences when you beat the game the prize of eternal happiness is yours your next mission is to cross this road I can do that look to the left look to the way any course No [Music] what monster I didn't see anything it's probably just your imagination yeah that's true I have a very big one just keep going we'll have so much fun all right look a sleepy bird come on Miss Fortune let's go now [Music] now Oh [Music] you [Music] huh I used a little sparkle back there anyway we're on our way look there's a puppy what a cute party hat now focus misfortune you have to make very difficult choice regarding this puppy the pet are not aware of the concert pet the dog all right we're not gonna set someone else's dog free you play with it I will play with it so we come share a nice time together good choice now throw the ball at it baseball everything I touch breaks what's wrong with me there's nothing wrong with you sometimes life is just unfair but I'm here for you thank you well sadly the puppy will miss the party now the owner of this dog George is having a party I think you have to go and tell him about the accident what the oh yes the puppy yes let's go it's just a bit farther ahead alright ah red ball Papa killer I'm sorry I broke you papi I really am maybe we can play later you know when I'm broken - wait I can fix this there we go I'll take the party hot also symbol of our friendship puppy doggy it says no dogs allowed how her alley I'm steppin dog 800 oh I can see my footprint let's see what came out I feel lot of glitter around this is that rice pooping look I can't watch this anymore please let's keep moving what the Oh for D basta is it Swedish I mean it's gonna be like one of those what is this game this is misfortune little misfortune it's that sign doesn't work do you see all the crap lying around that's a good observation misfortune thank you so misfortune at the other side of this lake you will be one step closer to the prize of eternal happiness right ah yes not to you know once at this lake I got my head stuck in a plastic bag I remember falling asleep and waking up in the hospital hmm that's terrible yeah I almost died can't help I feel like you should give me Donnie Darko vibes wait what I think you're in big trouble miss fortunately yeah tell me about it what are these birds they give me I have no idea but you have to do something about it fast our glitter okay my glittery is Charlie so if I'm talking to up the bars they will always see Charlie and they will get confused and leave me alone that sounds like a solid plan misfortune all right here I go this is taking a long time we didn't even go that high up well time seems to slow down when we are in danger am I in danger Hey look a bird hello burden huh that was a rude bird why didn't I break my leg Simba you seemed very good at falling thank you so mr. voice is the party on the same line to their eternal happiness yes yes it is oh that's girly naeun have you thought about how to break the news to George about the Bobby yes I mean if you want to little George yes yes of course that's the least I can do for the sweet puppy that is very brave of you misfortune we just killed a dog how about hello are we there yet just a little bit farther away fish what should we do about it release it I would like to return it smells fishy my boss measure the shirt you I'm a danger to the animal kingdom hello everyone I am here yeah we are the house of George I'm a bit nervous about introducing myself you'll do fine you're brave telling the truth about the puppy stop it I'm doing it for the puppy your mouth new GTA character native note we already hate garbage George I did not mean to throw ball at his face and then he was crouched by three I got taken by the birds and I toast glitter in their eyes and they drop me on Zee dope nobody's answering I'll invite my soul oh my god time to check out the Potter hello I am here for your party your face she state I saw a man was floating in the lake girls like this fishing what the [Music] huh what a nice picture I wish I had a picture like this with my mummy um Bobby hello what is it misfortune nothing are you sure this is the right house what is the port hello excuse me are you George are you the owner of a Bobby because they bring really bad news oh no wait it looks like he hung himself hung himself like a pinata should I hit him I don't know misfortune he's dead dad but he's wearing a pair of sweet bought he can't be then oh hey misfortune I think this party's over let's sleeve I'll meet you in the back George you'll know now that you're dead your puppy is gone I like the puppy bye let's go into the woods and get that eternal happiness yes the innocence like this you know what it reminds me a little bit of the movie Pan's Labyrinth there is horrific and I'm loving it ah I love the woods with the trees and the birds and the animals dangerous animals misfortune you might run into a fox a fox right yes but all foxes are evil so keep your eyes open all right [Music] keep your eyes open for hooks what's this everything begins with the song of a jackdaw one everything begins with the son of a job alright that's number one everything begin with the son of alright hey what do you have there wild dangerous Fox I recognize that black tail it's Benjamin it doesn't matter attack it before he kills you is your name Benjamin do you want to play with me what relief we are safe now let's keep playing my game ok there's a magical cave nearby you need to find it Omar you go cave ok I do want to say thank you everyone who stuck around to watch me play this I really appreciate it it's kind of hilarious having role play role play a viewers watching me play a game like this cuz seeing everyone in chat like with the cat w's or became like it's just like there's no papaya here what's going on but who's this stupid chicken ah and sex a fan Jimmy likes to paint that's pretty cool I like letting the folks who focus misfortune we need to keep going okay you can't look away at this point see I love games like this where it is it's like an interactive story where there's not much gameplay we're just sitting back chillin and it's not watching a really scary film which reminds me you have no idea how excited I am for like the Amazon watch parties because that means I get free content and I can just sit in silence yeah oh is this the magic okay it doesn't look bad magical just wait until you go inside I have a question what does design me oh I don't know Sparkle cool so whenever you're ready let's get in the cave I can't wait to see them I can't get outside the narrator reminds me of a guy that did you he's a huge Stanley caramel well let's explore the cave it was me real comedian misfortune thank you thank you this is the tape on the trees what did I miss something I'm not sure [Laughter] what's this a hamster planet a magical hamster party I know you love parties I don't know let's go find out whoa fight are you going to do something about it yes stop talking don't fight you adorable things you have to give them makeup there you go oh please sweetie don't go you drop something no what are you on sweetheart [Music] [Music] well Ann Wilson I'm into refreshment are you all right miss fortune is having a bird come down talk about private excuse me home a little later get inside I'm not very important yes sir okay can you believe this guy mr. Voyles we have to find another way out now this tiny cutie cars are dealing with our cutemon so cute look at them with our tiny cocktail and their tiny clothing this is so cute for me lady out I think she's in trouble oh no I think I recognize her she's the owner of the club back there really yes looks like she was right it was that hamster with a black man yes you're right looks like you helped the criminal escape of course it does oh accessories robbery your secret is safe with me thank you excuse me do you need a system Hey Miss Fortune we need to find a way out now the eternal happiness is still out there ignore derpy good job Miss Fortune you found the way out she's so cute no getting out of there you mad ah this looks just like a movie I saw on TV these are the bad guys I'm telling you I think you're right we need to clear the way before I can proceed but how you see that fire alarm over there we need to activate yeah but how with a slingshot let's ring shut this slingshot that slingshot okay okay ah look I use these acres as ammunition that's really clever misfortune thank you oops that was close hi I'm Wonder almost there I wanna hit the gas cool dude I hate it sorry I wanted to hit the gas we did it well done misfortune [Music] [Music] this looks like the science project daddy house in the basement I don't know why but mommy was really angry about it that's a lot of cash if this year term happiness Oh No what makes you think that mommy said that mommy is the only thing that makes her happy well your mommy is wrong oh really you wanna stay this is hey you on the other side of the screen is amazin I know it must be hard not knowing much about our little lady's future will misfortune rarely die if so how will she die and when will the evil Fox kill her will she find the eternal happiness I personally hope she does act normal she's coming Oh Miss Fortune you made it congratulations thank you where are we we're one step closer to the grand prize of eternal happiness great because I'm not allowed to be outside this lake you know don't worry it's not far from here great look amazing kid I don't like this maybe I should go back home don't go now misfortune I can't protect you really yes alright thank you time narrator that was the creepy looking face in that car hello yeah smells like bullcrap misfortune watch your language my unicycle get out very clever misfortune phantasmagoria is coming to overfill that's so awesome maybe we could find time nah check it out later who knows what don't play with my feelings now let's focus on finding the eternal happiness first then we'll see if you ever want to hang out or something I'm available don't engage with that wild fox I told you foxes are dangerous and here are you a wild dangerous fox let that wild beast run off I don't want anything bad happening to you alright ah this is Benji stuff this is absolutely the best art I have ever seen it's a personal I didn't know Benjamin was so creative creative that looks like a smile has drawn it what did you just say oh I didn't mean it like that hey shouldn't we be focusing on finding the prize I'm focused and we going to the park yes okay let's fortune what language I love the music boys yes misfortune has only one reached the end of the day and gotten the eternal happiness yes of course they lived happily ever after that sounds nice you know I want to win this prize for my mommy I wish I could give her some happiness we sparkle doesn't work with her oh that's really sweet you're like to try my sparkle that's not necessary thank you anyway let's go find the prize and make mommy proud don't fit the bird there's a lot of sweet boys everything on the bench there it's a life and it's eating from you sign em huh interesting what do you think okay a misfortune do you really need to read those poems yes yeah listen to this one both hanging too low no signature where are they hanging from oh do we look like that come on misfortunate let's go all right look at the seagull it looks like nothing's bad who's that he used to sit on the thumb books next to school he didn't have any clothes on and the police over surveyed him with a stick too bad you don't have any fish to offer the seeker ah fish you know are you trying to make me feel guilty about the fish from earlier I'm in a hard decision back there and I stand behind it I understand misfortune I'm just saying well stop singing would you like to ride the Royal Horse of the park yes Royale horse you say I'm a little princess you know look at me on the horse ain't hard thing stop it ah those unfortunate are you all right okay are you worried because I'm such a little lay there of course you are really tiny and you could break I broke my arm once so you know what I mean shake out that back let's just go misfortune you don't want to get involved with ducks don't be silly ducks are protocol look he's carrying a boom box this could be my opportunity to finally does for real nonsense you like to show me some of your dance moves yes [Music] of course shake these down that was unfortunate what are you talking about that was normal Oh would you like to write this one it's like a tornado misfortune when the trees are naked when the wind is cold when the smell of rotten apples smashes against the stone we one tick sorry hello you're glued to your seat are you guys enjoying this enjoying creepy video games now you guys should have seen me play through Doki Doki literature club I did 11 hours fully voice-acted the whole thing and ended up on livestream fails because I said instead of saying cupcakes I said calm cakes when the cheese and make it on the cheese are naked when the wind gets cold when the smell of rotten apples smashes against the stone yikes forever what are you talking about misfortune this looks like the art of Benjamin don't you think I think it's garbage and it should be a raised with fire really I see great potential here he's honestly very artistic just ignore it let's keep playing my game the prize is closer than you think all right I can almost feel happiness good the last challenge awaits at the pet cemetery I bet Cemetery that sounds like the best place to end the game exactly my thoughts I'm glad you feel the same way so I was thinking while we're walking mind if I ask you a couple of questions sure I'm pretty good at answering questions great just answer as honestly as you can all right first question have you ever stolen anything I stole a pair of earrings for my friend when I was 13 some plaids accessories and Swiss Army knife ones I felt so bad I better eat it in the yard and never told him oh I'm so sorry for the both of you second question are you happy right now yes I mean nothing bad is happening right now that makes me happy well then the last question do you feel loved I do but does misfortune I'm pretty sure mommy loves me because she hasn't left me thank you for your honesty look we arrived at the pet cemetery Oh shake this out more kids are missing if I go missing how will I tell mummy you won't go missing we'll go back home right after we find the prize okay nice Oh ready to find the prize of eternal happiness yes what is it I have hidden it in one of the graves I have to dig in the grime which one I'll give you a hint it's where the goldfish is pirate the goldfish all right must i day with my tiny hands eggs forever no use the shovel shovel this shovel that shovel okay [Music] face one step then least died surrounded by her loved ones in a fire [Music] okay let's see Little Lulu the first bug together strangle a man I don't think this is the fish Stephanie quim writer of the erotic novel confessions of a cat hmm I wrote a novel talk about crisis this is obviously a cat it says Paul died doing what he loved it simple yeah yikes forever yikes forever I don't think so [Music] ah let's say roll your damn mat by never so that window coming huh I don't get it I don't think so I'll keep looking it says we still bubbles hmm [Music] congratulations misfortune you found the prize really yes you see the little box open it oh okay it's leaving is this the fries but there's only a note what yes it says I stole your eternal happiness happiness I knew the Fox was trouble he stole your prize what a disappointment I really wanted to surprise mommy with this what should I do now we must find the Fox and get your happiness back I'm sure he hasn't gone far away let's go find him yes let's do that Oh Sasha let down did you steal my eternal happiness cool tell me about my happiness run author him we can't let the Fox get away again he stole your prize you really disappointed me when I loved children in darkness search for what they have lost for why they're in pain time ah did you find something misfortune no you're imagining things this is so weird then we should keep our eyes open in case we see the Fox they know how to hide alright Oh shake up this thumb it's different from regular stones I'm telling you I think you're right oh this business loose I'll take it for me maybe it works somewhere else there's nothing here nothing at all I'll put it back the game of death is what feeds the shadows off the beyond huh what does this mean that looks like nonsense to me misfortune ah really maybe there's no more no those around aha there that hole looks very much like where the Fox would hide the prize you mean I should go down there yes don't worry nothing bad will happen nothing bad at all okay you sound very sure I'll trust you I wonder why Benjamin will steal my prize maybe he's not happy himself but I knew that happiness myself and for mommy hello anybody down there [Music] oh I was a pretty big full hello mister voice are you guys forever sweet I found a middle in a haystack Oh then I drop it Oh Fox repellent I can't online the bottle suite-style I'll take it Oh huh thank you are No what have I gotten myself into she's such a mess maybe it was a mistake choosing her for this I mean I saw her eating glitter who does that it's not natural misfortune you're alive and well that's great what happened the dangerous Fox attacked you and you mean attacked me so he really is a bad folks see I told you that Fox is evil yeah really I shall listen to you we still need to find a Fox and take back the eternal happiness maybe we could find out where he lives yes give me a minute to figure this out and I'll get back to you oh then I'll just hang around we didn't win but we had fun hey that should be the Morpho roleplay that's something that people need to look and listen to let's see what's new true well they're full you know with the early mouth I actually made a quick google search I found out the Fox has a cousin in the zone ah well we could go and see if he knows where the Fox lives but how do we get through the zoo it's like really far away why we take the bus of course there should be a bus stop nearby okay huh how did I get to the town center I carried you here but how you're just a voice in my head just a voice no I can do more than that you know proven I don't need to prove anything whatever you say mr. Boies fine you really want to see what I can do uh wait my Shirley that did you see I'm not just a voice in your head misfortune no what did you see I'm sorry I had a shoelace broke let's just keep going them hi you look familiar [Music] miss them wait a minute is that Daniel of Amelie you know this child yes from school she told Artesia to shove the homework up his mouths she's very Pauline you know who she probably ran away from home she will turn up Shannon you think so yes [Music] ah those people in the picture looks so happy drinking their youth [Music] mommy brings me here all that time it's really very good sometimes she sends me to buy cigarettes while she hacks strangers by the dumpster is that so [Music] I'd love to make a game that man just dropped his wallet what do you want to do [Music] wait sir you drop your wallet [Music] if that's for me a lottery ticket cool thank you well have a look is it the winner [Music] ah we win maybe next time when my mommy took me here L forgot me I got to play outside all night hello security mom found me he thought I was the raccoon well that sounds like it was a fun night for you yeah except for me crying a lot but it was fun [Music] it says let's face it sometimes we're just too tired to smile use happy face and stop pretending okay I know who is it nowhere who is it this is that who's Casey up front from scope haven't seen him for a while though [Music] look even more missing children posters so many I wonder what they're missing oh don't you worry about them I'm sure they will all turn up one day you think so of course I don't know mr. voice this is starting to smell mysterion [Music] here we are have you ever taken the bus all by yourself before I'm not sure what to do do we need a thicker let's find out there's an information board look we have to wait two minutes animal walks forever I can't wait to meet Benjamin squelching up this ooh I'm gonna tell her bubbly and Jimmy behind and that Benjamin should be ashamed that sounds great it says that all children under 15 years old can write the bus for free eight so I'm good great hmm I think about it maybe you mean above take it you sound old I'm definitely older but nobody can see me yes more or less should I sit down oh wait do as you please okay hey hello why did you take me to the Skype with your friends so you know because of you I can make you their part Oh Google shake this out that Street is cold they comes Road who get it pick down the road think me support you I'll sit I'm a bit tired from all the walk in your mouth I can't imagine you have a very small feet yes little Andy that's what I am check those small ladies out there a little scary don't you think honestly I've seen worse really yes you know my mummy also uses the same milk she likes to hide her smile tears behind would you like to have a mask like that [Music] hmm this must rip might take a while are you okay with that it's okay Peter is keeping me company oh yes you know he's my friend from yapen if a ghost you'll know he's always then periodically suka you have really funny misfortune there is no such thing as ghosts suka hey misfortune look there's a bunch of cows on the field did you see that baby cow ah unlucky things seems to happen all the time no parking I think we're getting close to the zoo now okay great Jordan pumpkin I guess that means oooh Wow here we are I can't wait to go inside so we just have the ticket right Oh what ticket Oh didn't I give you a ticket earlier what no you didn't oh dear I'm sorry I totally forgot do you have any ideas on how to get inside yeah without pain hmm I saw Mommy showing horrible beasts to the guy in the store and she got some free food but I haven't got any papers yet so that might not work I see well I have an idea what if we use hmm what does that mean well make the cashier look somewhere else you know fool him okay let me think what I can do no glare in his eyes I can laugh at them no he looks real asleep just wait and see he's fortune wait and see okay I'll wait and then I'll sleep huh they knew about the missing children here huh they knew about any tickets to the zoo oh yeah okay nothing that's only up there hello can I get inside for free I just not okay this is breakable like like with a rope or something like like a stone hmm I think I came up with an idea what if I break this window and make a hell of a noise Wow that's a wild idea but I like it thank you hey remember what does Mongolia what are you talking about isn't this wonderful we'll get to see so many caged animals by the way you did a great job not getting caught by the vendor very impressive but now we should find out where the wolf exhibit is why you mean Benjamin Scotty mr. wolf yes remember he knows whether Fox lives [Music] [Music] look learning a mountain no what what do you say to me get yourself oh oh misfortune I don't care this bird is Ming idea we need to get your happiness as soon as possible [Music] it says the nomnom Farah this kind of parrot lives across entire world they talk much but say very little they usually work together with human pirates natural-born thieves founders of the Liberation Front mean birthday madam [Music] this bird seems pretty smart it isn't trust me honest fortunately Boris book stores and coefficients although they seem incredibly smart they're huge self-centered lifestyle trust them together useless information they live off a pension me family burned somehow I feel offended by this burn don't be it doesn't know what it's doing okay it says you bills piss she feels this Bert's multiply that's a very high right with different partners living behind dysfunctional offspring they don't care about anything as long as they are occupied by mindless entertainment I don't want to steal things even if it's good for birds I'm a little Amy you know it's not when I little a do those simple as that okay okay let's fortune [Music] ah so much to steal don't find a wolf area so we know where to go I think there's do is about to close [Music] great job let's hurry up now [Music] you know I'm feeling really annoying Michael oh what's happening to me I smell homeowners waking up inside you where come on no hormones body's preparing to create life inside you you get a lot of new feelings that are completely normal and you'll bleed for three to five days from your vagina you will also suffer each month for many many years and society treat you like garbage are you for real yes I am I think name is some emergency later ah so much better true there are queens at the bottom of the mountain yes those are people's wishes come on favor wishes people nowadays think they can buy everything money I wish I could through a coin and ask for my happiness I also don't Benjamin transforming to a good book thing because I will totally go out on a date with him everything you've done here I support you yeah I wish I could write Japanese so I could sell my cute postcard to my friend hater but where does the ghost limb stop lying's for children ghosts are not real you're just jealous because you don't have a ghost friend look at those sweet flashes they could be all my babies don't get too attached to those toys [Music] this looks make their way to the wolf yes let's go them I'm sorry oh my looks like this area is closed to the public ah you will have to sneak past the janitor I'm like a sweet little Enya Michel hide behind those boxes right great idea hide behind a box until she turns her back to you all right I'm ready let's do this look there in the picture is sucking a popsicle it looks like it's strawberry flavored like a little bingo lady well done Miss Fortune now wait for her turn it back to you what no why that's what the ninjas doing oh I feel like all of them don't tell mommy well this isn't a movie so just do as I say when she turns around you can jump out keep moving [Music] who make a shadow ninja master she never saw me don't celebrate just yet there's one more box you have to sneak past you're better watch me when I rang these were we made it little means a lady instant baths darken we're getting pretty close what again please one looks like the other one but they don't look like the other ones you think yes for you mouth yes the path to summer study is twisted by the malevolent games from the island what a path twisted to where don't pay any attention to these silly rocks I need a minute give me one [Music] okay I go some painkillers they'll say like this sprite I like the back here throat you know anaesthetics throat spray yeah yeah there we go here we are and nobody saw us coming you really proved your ninja yeah I'll declare a 7x fortune but I'm pretty sure I was the best at hiding like that you're not a little lady like me you're just a boy oh you'll see by much much more than that however now you should go and meet the wolf the wolf Mamie paddock and get Benjamins a dress like a manga it's locked I mean that you've warned us yes you do it says Thomas Lucas also known as the big bad wolf his favorite snack is Red Hood of little girls that's silly remember the missing children mm-hmm maybe he's behind it all oh you think he's eating the children knows you're right we should call the cops on him no we don't want to get involved it must say what the Fox lives we need to take it I can't reach it from here we need to find a key to open the cage I'll find up GAID you see do you think there could be a cam there I don't know let's go and see quietly like a little me yeah got it like let a lathe a misfortune that in your lady [Music] lanolin lady has entered the room we need to find a key now I told you already I'll find it you'll say watch you learn how to find a key and they kiss and say that bucket inside look inside but you know these boots are made for walking and that's just what they'll do misfortune focus okay okay I'll shut those buckets look I found a paper with some numbers on it give it it might be helpful a guy 9 4 5 8 9 4 5 it says safe sterile for handling the big bad wolf if the wolf runs out you ready to attack and you shall not have any regrets about your life because you will most probably die who so if I don't have regrets the wolf will let me put it what a night for wait a you guys are the worst eight nine four five huh a secret inside [Music] [Music] Oh is there a cam here cool another dog for when broken hearts are chosen to receive the gift from the Bayon again no sir what's that nothing do I smell thick where do I smelt it [Music] [Music] [Music] you think we can find some information in here about the king sure I don't see why not check out my computer skills I bet the password is this one weight misfortune I think you're holding the paper upside down don't interrupt me I know what I'm knowing who kept quiet [Music] [Music] oh yeah misfortune Bonita Samantha's is a computer scientist you really surprised me whoo let's see what it says it's bitter cold huh talk about crazy - seven five eight one two seven five eight one toilet what the no need has the ear infection fine super we can talk about it some other time take care we could tell you about the smokiness at the save two seven five eight one get any now I already have one but thanks to seven five eight one two seven five eight one the best little Indian lady I got the key well done misfortune very impressive hello are you Benjamin still thing you know that's my physics with the most dearest equal Riley's mom I don't know anyone called Johnny who's that I'm talking about Benjamin here's this sweet looking that sum that up selling my happiness I'm not setting to him anymore maybe you should stop talking to him and find a way inside the cage misfortune all right I'll be back wolf and we'll sort this out about Benjamin uh-huh time to meet the wolf home I bet you a nice person ah damnit let's get him away what comes a little later expect a wolf oh that was unexpected animals usually run away from me that's too bad but hey the note is right there it says my able cousins are folks coax them fifth in open fields as Benjamin's address good now we can get that stolen happiness back right sleep it looks like the fastest way to the Fox is by boat from phantasmagoria are you telling me we are going to film this man Gloria it seems that way yes oh I always wanted to go yes are you up for another round of questions while we walk sure my question Katherine skills on or one arm up great great and as usual just be honest and you'll do fine first question have you ever heard this question before I have not heard that question before alright second question have you ever lied to friend I do it all the time in school Charlie still believes my body comes and picks me up after school as well behind the trees and Nick huh when she's not watching that's so sad if you say so now for the last question have you ever seen someone die other it's been I mean yeah movies they know you found the away sending your movies don't feel mommy so I want not something for your honesty again misfortune welcome we're getting really close to phantasmagoria now yeah exciting whoa this looks like the cripples please deliver exist so scary I wish I had a ticket to ride though really but hey what's that falling just in front of you don't play with my feelings it can't be a ticket are you sure it looks like a ticket to me I'll check it out thank you you're welcome miss fortuna now let's go find a boat to the Fox remember a ghost that's grouping misfortune please mind your language but I got scared it's totally understandable that's no excuse okay it says welcome to phantasmagoria thank you [Music] a creepy clue that scrapper [Music] Oh balloons I love balloons y'all say your mouth that I love balloons okay we support you hey you from the other side misfortune deserves to have a fun time so try to make the right choices for her all right hmm please have one ticket so I can just write one right I'm gonna look around first all right you know once I saw a documentary on TV about hot dogs and now I don't want to eat her hugs oh really you sorry about that I was just trying to pull your leg if you do it one more time I'll just shut my eyes like and say nothing this looks like Benjamin but creepier and angrier [Music] [Music] I mean children at school say that I have a Pumpkinhead I can see the resemblance then what nothing ah that smell of freshly made coming is delightful ah yes too bad we can't afford any Thurston County on the ground I could use the party hunt to make my own mix comic-con come on sport you don't even think about it I'm doing it la are you really gonna eat some of it [Music] Oh course it's right down the militias I need to stop eating things of the floor huh [Music] you what is it misfortune I know I think they come they make me feel bad well I told you not to eat [Music] [Music] before we leave don't you want to use your ticket ah yes my thicket of gourds horror house or carousel I know how to go on oh sweet that haunted house must be terrified is this the ride you want to spend your ticket on yeah yeah alright then have the pleasant ride I love those trains I don't feel so good don't really listen you think you're going to puke I don't want to but then I went too fast it was um alright good take a deep breath and you'll soon feel better okay good good now let's go find that boat they're not hater [Music] ah there's a bunch of games here can we play one oh of course you must play one before we leave on the boat I just love it here don't you I want to play a game mouth which game [Music] now the real bullets this one is free I want to play it oh please do played play it as much as you want really all right well shake this out man with real bullets [Music] it looks like it check this out I can get a reward ticket if I win I'm gonna play this please go ahead I can't wait to see what it's about are this thing you folks is like Benjamin they're dangerous foxes pretend they all stole your eternal happiness and watch them misfortune [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fortune teller come I thrive Oh [Music] hello I'm misfortune Ramirez and Amanda and I want to know the future of me well thank you once you see the beyond the beyond sees you and you can be sure it will be coming for you baby you knees coming for me want to try again shake those sweet rewards a golden chocolate clean a cold tiny hot Amado oh sweet let's see what I can get [Music] reality will transform and so what the shell desires the most oh really a desire would you say I like the slams what did you choose nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you gotta get the tickets I know who will look amazing this time you go hot shut up oh there you go Stoney you look like a rock star they're cool and sugar-white good looks delicious I'll take that [Music] it says you need one golden going to write that bow huh she is bowed out it's like a Black Swan how cool is that really really cool tell me about it anyway this boat will take you where you need to go you make the bank Emma's house yes and it's just one golden coin I got this sweet chocolate going to reward is that good I don't think that would it's fine oh look at that well are you ready to leave I hope we don't get outside by the iris below the Kraken what's wrong well if you cheat you tell me I'm curious now we don't have the time for that misfortune just forget ah I'll think about it forever [Applause] Greco they fill up here in front of me I will see you and if I see you I will know it is you what's a freaking creme is the Kraken available for betting you know like some tokens some kitties he was about the Kraken if it's possible well I heard you could use it out with fish with fish well I don't have any fish on me I guess I won my betting MacBride down was that the fish from the bridge hmm I think he's happy because I save him you remember I saved him from the bridge remember yes I remember did you see that gives he is me mm-hmm on my mouth because he was in love with me it goes on you stay with him somebody loves me hey mysterious are you taking me now to the house of Benjamin you know blue-eyed soft fluffy folks who happens to be a great artist and stole my happiness you don't seem to want to talk about it and the way I stopped to collect coins that's how you pay for your random food right misfortune just leave him alone nah he won't still here anyway do you like to eat sushi I know about sushi because I have a Japanese ghost friend by the way and you speak Japanese I need some translations kiri mother food Asuka so you don't know huh you know I've never been outside this light by myself do you go outside by yourself it's like every day I am going to eat my chocolate coin stop talking ah why should I stop talking nobody else has spoken hi mysterious where are you going blue can you swim hello that's what happens when lately ladies ask too many questions it makes people want to drown themselves a stupid I'm pretty sure he'll be fine look we have arrived check that out it's the toy graveyard I'm telling you whatever you say misfortune what time is it it's getting really dark mr. Boies are you there hello there's something wrong here something very wrong What's Wrong mr. voice what do you mean it's coming hide hide I don't know what you're playing but if you scare me I'll close my eyes hands up [Music] I was super tired I can stay out any longer none ill now Oh check this out stormy this is your family's food from the woods say hello and now say bye bye babies only because we're leaving Oh damnit my little foot got stuck [Music] [Music] running away from the Volks I'm pretty sure it was the Fox it's a monster I saw it again you don't know what you're talking about yes I do I saw it don't make any sudden moves so soft don't touch her with your filthy paws you beasts stupid you're scaring him away watching stop and listen to me there's something I need to tell you if you keep running you'll end up badly hurt and I don't want that you're too important you mean he was nice to me trust me he's dangerous stop running please really you don't remember me saying if you keep running you end up hurt oh I know I could have been more specific like there's a bear trap up ahead stop or you will be hurt but I felt by getting straight to the point okay okay thank you who left a bear trap here anyway I haven't seen any bears well I don't want to point any fingers but it was obviously the Fox also I don't like the Fox I have what you call Fox of phobia is that true yes I swear now let's focus on the eternal happiness again all right boy this makes me think about pop see you know dick did I show you Bob Seger today in the secret spot he will be very sad to know about this you know this better because he's a teddy bear he lives in a world of fantasy where there are no better crops and if he will go in the woods he will see this and not know he's dying a virus he got sick been killed by a bird riot that's how I live now he's dead after they died what are you wait so I thought what you don't you listen let's keep going now misfortunate by Bob see drop there in the bear trap [Music] let's see what this will serve it's duck huh the elimination of priming will this tone the filth of the band oh wow interesting it's duck huh I lost my rhinestone their games you enjoy' you can have them oh oh nice what are you doing so misfortune I have a couple of questions for you are you ready yeah I'm ready wonderful now just be honest and think about it before answering first question do you believe in magic oh she do she do but I've been answering them as me and she does yeah yes yes I do when mommy and daddy scream I go to my secret hiding spot and in my secret book they never drink jewels and never scream at me that's magic open you think oh yes yes it is my sweet child moving on second question do you trust me [Music] I guess I can only hear you in my hand and that draws my own hand so yeah that makes me so happy to hear misfortune well anyway now for the third question are you afraid of dying [Music] yes I don't know if I will like being them it's like too mysterious you'll know what if I can't bring League later well I guess you'll find out when you die looks like there's going to be a storm I hope it doesn't rain that much I don't like my faith getting with my little anything you'll know Hey look at that I think we're here Thank You Lee stay cool misfortune oh cool I'll keep an eye out here while you go inside and look for clues I'm sure that Fox's in the eternal happiness here make sure that cabin is empty and if you see the Fox run all right oh it looks like Benjamin's good at cutting wood he must be some ocular Hebraic misfortune okay I will look around we may I'm finally out there no habemus if Benjamin Hassan I asked him to share that price with us and everything will be fine is this Benjamin's he got some sleep style I like him ma I leave your player bumsoo let's say my Amazon TV the monster I'm willing to lose tip maybe I can fix it what a cozy couch is that bunny miss diary [Music] I won't buy him Benjamin's personal stuff it looks like Benjamin likes to educate himself I like but enough folks hmm that tea smells like roses and lemon I bet it's go Benjamins alone because I can almost smell his boss blending the ingredients maybe I shall try get out mister voice said that I shouldn't trust a fox [Music] look at that and you look so pretty in that hat I am in I'm really sorry I broke your video player but you don't the eternal happiness it was promised to me if I beat the game I really want it back we can totally share it if you want are you afraid of the Thunder Banyan don't worry you can hold my hand if you want to what are you is this a kiss is this really happening what is that is that your diary you want me to read it is that what you're afraid of I think I saw him too feel like my stomach aches only gas I go help missing victims in town Morgan I'm here more gameplay old trick trick for many times now but it make mistake only victim can hear it's a voice inside our head victim code mr. watt tune is nice code more go can't have her say boss she must be rescued by fully steps assume all go take shape scary you can't hide the children are you rescuing me Benjamin like if I was a girl in trouble bang Yemen why do you go there's the whole behind the painting hello Oh No is this manga me uh-huh Oh shucks clever little lady time to use my minion skills Shh a path crack be quiet this is a Lingam mission are you here so it was fun game plays in days but Benjamin seems so nice maybe he put them for that monster huh kind of fish boats this is like sushi balls hmm kind of fish this is like sushi Oh a picture of okay interesting my mingle senses are telling me to climb up on this chair hmm a real ninja lady always touches everything a secret button [Music] I'll write them I push the bottom that was easy alright time to fly minded oh those unfortunate I hope things get better when I got the eternal happiness okay miss Bertram what's my my stuff get up misfortune you are stronger than you think you'll be not done before did you let that stop you can up misfortune you can do it because big girls you are the little mm is for children okay I'm out but I'm only one ahem Bunji mr. Voyles that son alone Oh Oh baby they're so sweet dream come true but in the baby dinner veteran is that Benjamin's bug a new man are you around he must be in trouble I'm very disappointed in you misfortune there you are hey have you seen man you mean we think he's in trouble didn't you hear what I just said I'm very disappointed in you mister voice please stop playing games you have lights on me all the time and that's very sucky I trusted you what are you talking about bang Emma made it really clear with a picture he showed me you're no one taking the children and I I'm not the hero of this game right I guess the eternal happiness was all a lie stop this nonsense we have to keep playing my game you can't make me yes I can stop that then play with me you need to find your eternal happiness I'll give you a clue it's at home waiting for you don't sick of that eternal happiness I don't want anymore you can't say that that would break the rules you harm me I know one day eternal happiness anymore I won't tolerate this behavior I will be waiting for you at home no tell me what Bingaman is what do you do to him freaking monster let's see what's inside maybe a glue or to find Benjamin at the end of the road you will realize you already signed the deal I do it feels like is that the yamakasi baby oh so cute ah this is really mysterious is the University of Santo satis technology protected course three step guide staminate parasitic beings from the beyond as the octo reality forms in hand with the concept of time their arms outside the constitute huge free five realms of essential existent have a pair after the culture or thousands of beings were discovered by as byproducts of the war they created them they created for themselves a new realm we refer to as the beyond we cannot allow such things inside the free at the moment its foundation of our realities based in the energetic and ethical values of the ultra-reality before the ultra war the beyond us illness understood realm we have haven't yet found the thesis to connect with it in a logical manner but humans we recognize of the behaviour of some visitors also known as parasites they normally enter the third reality enter aka Pandora and seek fresh meats Lauren's are beyond and that's why we need protectors the protectively any ones with the capability of seeing the imbalance between realities news move tools available inside out reality and protectors will help the victims and guide them into senesin Center City the guidance provided in this book must be followed with great responsibility never skip a step for each victim the protector run return so nasty projector will be rewarded with new levels towards and more steps to follow step 1 protect the protects must locate the victim in the parasite budget parasite checked his parasite case more go valuate if the victim is in need of assistance if so then proceed to step two the victim seems to have forgotten his or her identity the victim is already dead but doesn't realize that the victim believes the illusions of the beyond are real the victims sympathizers with the parasite the parasite checklist parasite deforms reality into Sergi parasite seems friendly loss victim to play dangerous games shape shifts into a human animal creature it quickly learns about the environment language and culture language and culture are not an issue for the parasite large flocks of blackbirds will appear near the parasite birds have eyes of more go giving him an overview of his playing ground a protector can for example write and think simple messages and public spaces to increase awareness who is strictly forbidden to interact directly with the victim could lead to irreversible trauma inside the victims mind parasite kills the victim you'll need to receive step 3 immediately and I like to paint prepare for direct contact with the wood nowhere will never know [Music] all right I guess I'll take the train back home now when I look at this I can see what Benjamin tried to warn me about he knew all along Sasha folks a boy okay oh it's here weigh them weigh them but a little while oh okay I'm gonna talk to myself some is fortune how have you been okay I have this like weird as a monster I saw those I saw Benjamin and then I went to the zoo and everything was everywhere and then I realized mister voice had lied to me a lot and he took Benjamin and now I'm alone I don't like being alone Wow sounds like you had one hell of a misfortune the train is here it was a nice chat misfortune I'll talk to you later he'll go go [Music] busted biscuit thank you ah I wish I had my coloring book with me hello Hiro I didn't recognize you such a coincidence that you're on the same train as me you know I had a big fight with the silly voice in my hand I get the feeling that mr. voice is not who he says he is have you ever heard voices in your hand oh I know Hyrum what does it mean [Music] the allure of the pump the consequences [Music] I hope I get to stay here again I won the world of Muenster eatle him oh do we have to walk all the way back home alone this is the last time I follow up voice in my head if they knew me was here he will walk with me manga me was warning me all that time but I couldn't say it they wanted that eternal happiness so bad the most salient little and that's where I am Oh at least I had fun out phantasmagoria no no tell mommy about it excuse me I'm talking over here well it's that's how you'll trip a little like this then give yourself up huh where's the car is that it going down my sermon hole we got red lights [Music] hello hello bengi what happened here congratulations you reached the end of my game alone I'm looking for mommy Amman German there's no eternal happiness for you I don't even care anymore of course you care you know your mummy needs it it's your responsibility yes because you're right good good ready for a new game if I play alone will you give me back Benjamin I guess I will but only if you truly commit to the game okay splendid you will love my new game this is Miss Fortune she's a wonderful child from a not so wonderful family I know Sparkle for you Sparkle for you wait a minute didn't I do this already what no you're not doing this correctly then you say something about me dying today which is totally not true by the way wait stop talking please are we going to play another game Horace there's like what I don't understand if you can reach the end of the game I'll give you eternal happiness and then you say deal and I say yes stop ruining this wonderful fantastic ready - wait what No Deal how about this what if the Fox wasn't waiting for you in the hallway if the game is about Benjamin you leaving me alone I'll play along sure sure I promise you know the way [Music] is this our new bow song mr. Boies merely Cumberland hide in here is the master neato awesome okay I'm just gonna play this game one last time one moment on our moment dog place gonna go stick with kettle on I want another hot beverage you know this game now I just want to go put the cup on this game makes me want to play through what's it called it makes me want to play through oxen-free but I've been trying I've been trying to get dogbert's play oxen-free for the longest time oh my god well yeah see that's yeah no no well done I'm back also congratulations again dogbert and I could probably bring back Mir this week while I'm not my normal machine so when's when's Lauren gonna become an FTO cuz uh hello you imagine me with a nervous cadet perfection me with my paperwork Josh I'm sick so do it like my voice up I'm not really into oh damn you promised you would owe me like last bun that was a beautiful example of cause and effect fine let me come up with a new game to play with you anymore [Music] [Music] open this door right now Miss Fortune we have a new game to play I told you already I don't want to play with you anymore I'll slowly teach me how to be Brian so now we're playing hide-and-seek I love that game leave me alone all right just so you know my game is the only thing keeping you alive is that one more of your lies we will live forever with Benjamin and there's nothing you can do about it will you please stop talking about that Fox he's been trying to take you away from me all the time not you don't talk like that about my Benjamin you know what I'm done with you I want you to live right no you don't have a clue about what's going on this is not the last game you play with me misfortune this is only the beginning another toy for my collection your mind to play with for eternity I'm sick of you being a bully you'll see Benjamin will come back and save me no we made a deal you crossed the path and now [Music] [Music] how did you get here there's nothing you can do it she belongs to me No [Music] [Music] is everything back to normal now Benji will save me Maggie are you around I guess I have to reveal this i'll make some improvements but first I want to find Benjamin Benjamin did you go outside Marko is coming open your eyes he's the voice in your head driving you mad well now I know what to call mr. voice I mean where are you mommy mommy hi Mac let me donate an hour me are you angry my house like good on that the happiness for you oh no oh yo this must be a hot dream I knew it I knew this is gonna happen would help a punk Oh ping eat your bunk they thought I lost you too what's this what's happening we need to go alright I saw that coming thank you wait are you taking me somewhere else because I am nothing against it but I have to talk with my mouse so that coming mommy I'm going to go somewhere else with bengi okay she's the folks that I like come on little lady you know that's what I am I guess I was your little misfortune for a while but you need to find your own I love you forever Oh wait stop bungalow where are we going thank you oh I'm so happy to see you on ham wait for me papa so it looks it looks like a face at your dog like how many years ago wait wait I'm serious I drew a drop how many years ago did I draw this this would have been 2000 eleven [Music] got those eyes oh this place is really cold I didn't know all around his sisters seemed to disappear deep inside the fog you defeat him all around disasters deep inside the fog you defeat him hi - mister voice game is over now thank you I missed thought yes you know well that's still pretty good who are you oh mylanta Lainey misfortune that's who I am lady misfortune yes you could say that good step inside we were expecting you I'm genuinely upset that I saw the accident happening what is this blaze what miss glitter for the true ending you didn't get the sparkles [Music] Thank You karma Rita for the gifted service thank you that was beautiful I like that [Music] what's the true ending and see the thing is so what's the true ending or do we wait for someone else to play you I'd like to see someone else play Reid is gonna play it you want to watch the to ending together I'm fine I'm okay I mean we weren't for us we weren't far off okay I think like we did pretty good like some of the options I took like I couldn't do like the crack and I can help the duck another duck sorry this ego
Channel: Kiwo Archives
Views: 2,272
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: kiwo, kiwion, twitch, stream, playthrough, highlights, let's, play
Id: 3xS8Ew_kPfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 11sec (10391 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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