Kitchen Talk - Method Man

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foreign [Music] yes indeed we back man kitchen talk big kitchen talk you already know what it is and we in the kitchen yeah and it's not a cooking show right not a love show shout out to holla shout out to Georgie free Ricky today free Ricky not every day do we have a legend man not every day do we have a legend so many things can be said about this brother Superstar rapper actor you know so many so many accolades man so many different things that was accomplished man man one and only Method Man what's happening bro maintaining respect yeah oh man yo look before we even talk let me just tell you this and you have to remember this okay but this this happened to me and I talked about this on the show before but I I never talked about it with you all right one day DJ absolute calls me he says yo I need you to do a young lady's I want to say it was a sweet 16 yes it was I want I wanted I want you to do her uh her sweet 16. yeah it says Staten Island here's the information when you get there you're going to meet the father and I'm like all right cool no problem no problem we get in the car we shoot up there we we chopping it up laughing about whatever whatever you know we get there regularly the father come out to follow this Method Man that was yo listen you don't understand what that did to me bro like that was crazy to me but that meant the world to me because the person we had did not show up and I was that I get he said man I'm like yeah look it changed right blessings yeah yes yeah bless the chicks man rest in peace that was crazy though that was as a fan of the music as a fan of what y'all accomplished in a game that was that was a big one and he killed that bro yeah do you purposely not tell people when it's you ordering stuff and people just I'm so regular they just be like you know like people don't I don't know yeah it just don't resonate I still walk through the airport and don't get into it but you always been like that though yeah yeah and foreign it was probably easy to say that you was probably at one point the most noticeable absolutely of the plan right use the probably the biggest artist of the clan and still moves like that right but you still move like I'll be dolo everywhere wow why you move like that because I get there faster [Laughter] a lot faster for real for real but no you know what it is I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that myself and Redman seem like we don't seem like a threat to whatever it is that they do or whatever we seem like the guys that you could either smoke a blunt with or go get a beer with that kind of you know Everyday People it resonates with people I love that though and you always had that though yeah like it's been consistent though like I'm Everyday People man right right from the gym right here yeah right from the gym right from the gym right that's what we do straight straight from the gym right on kitchen so one of the things that um I don't know if I've ever heard you speak about but it was something that that really resonate with me is the fact that um you one of the few artists that actually worked with big and pop yeah man yes sir well POC was more by chance uh with big that was an actual I wasn't snuck into that what you mean because um at this point in time you know Wu-Tang was still young we had a little ride going and A smart business keeps the money in the business so to have one of your hottest artists go and do records with other people and it's not even part of your business you know he's like well let's keep the money in the family and I was like yeah yeah you're right but Tracy Waples came and picked me up that night and I went and didn't get any wow wow that record I was supposed to get another single but I did the how high record with red man which just next to next single and I go I just put dudes like that biggie was my guy very cool dude and red man you already know what it is right how did how did the pop thing come about though Park was dog pound they was my guys anytime they came to the east coast corrupt ass snooking attest to this I used to take him Uptown to get weed and all this man yo for real The Dread I'm positive you're gonna see this you know your family gonna see it you know the spot Uptown The Dread never opened the door for me ever opened it put it through anybody in New York no you put it in the slot they put it in the slot you go about yourself I brought Snoop with me to this spot to open the door babies running around I'm like yeah all right man they come with a different kind of like with Snoop Dogg wow but the uh Park Record with the dog pound all the time when I got to the West Coast same deal they come scoop me if we wound up at Dad's house I ain't know we was doing the record I just you know that's what I do right you throw the beat on it was myself rage corrupt dares Red Man and inspector deck on that record right because at the end of him say iron that's the rebel yes sir you don't actually rap because I caught but you can hear him say that and you can hear his voice and if you want to hear the verses on YouTube YouTube but um pot comes home and at that point in time you know he signs the contract with death row he gotta do a certain amount of albums so pop lived in the studio and them being the family that they is and keeping the money in the family anything that they had on deck for Day albums they gave the pop so dog pound gave up that record so that record was already done yeah that record was already done they gave it to pop pop with this verse on there took rage's verse off the rest is history um same thing happened with uh California Love California yeah yeah came home Dre gave him the record it was supposed to be Dre's record so yeah they all fell in line and gave Park what he needed to succeed which I respected but when the record was being played I was surprised because nobody ever told me I still didn't get a plaque either death row Snoop Dogg you you president he came to address some things today need that plaque I wouldn't even be saying nothing if it wasn't a single but it was a single I mean I deserve a plaque for that you know I mean All Eyez on Me plaque Pronto but um on the radio at first it was like because you know it was a little uh not even East Coast West Coast that thing happened in between big and pop big was my man there was a lot going on back there right and uh you know I I didn't feel like I had to answer to anybody but it still felt weird because nobody on that end told me what was going on the record just happened to get playing on New York and you know Park was going hard I was like it's a pretty good record right here man yo big never asked me about it even nobody nobody on this side had any feelings towards that not that I knew all but if they did it was just nobody ever approached me with it like I said I behave well by myself [Laughter] make that clear that was that was a that was a pretty rough time though with the whole the question is we was in the West Coast because if it was we would have been touched because we was out and about we weren't just in the studio then back to the oaklands you're gonna stay in the oakwoods locals is where they keep all the well aspiring actors and entertainers they go there at cheap prices live in apartments like that when we were there and Studio but we were out and about hitting the clubs shopping on Melrose and all that and we ain't feel none of that heat whatsoever that people were right talking about because a lot of that was just media talk it wasn't it wasn't real life exactly exactly it wasn't the uh what people was actually feeling a lot of that was perpetuated by the media by the magazines and all that absolutely I mean they were putting it on their covers East versus West and we we looking like damn man hip hop is universal it's supposed to be for everybody man don't do that don't do that [Music] thank you did you ever get the meat Park after that mm-hmm I met park at free Soul Train Awards party and like I said we was in this in all this East Coast West Coast that they set was going on supposed to be going on and they used to do it at uh the uh House of Blues rest in peace now and I remember being in there by myself because when I flew out there sugar was on the plane with me so you would get on a Plane by yourself yeah I was going to show training Wars no no no manager no no no security no you've never had security wow you won it I didn't need it like so many young rappers is dying do you believe it it's because it's a lot of the energy that they that they present I think a lot of it has to deal with putting yourself in places that you know aren't high profile for yourself right you know I like to hang with my old friends and things like that but I know certain places I don't go because there could be a chance that something could happen right to that nature or if you in these places you ain't there for long that's another thing can't stick around too long you know what goes on in some of these places and even though you're a celebrity Redman said it best bullets ain't got no good name whatsoever yes even you can catch a bullet scar what's a fact so did you did you feel like a celebrity back then nah um you don't you didn't feel it like a celebrity no hell no I mean you feel like a superstar rapper at all at all and the attention was always what was easier back then because the attention was always on bars and I had bars right you know what I mean so I've always been looked at as somebody that had bars from the time when I was hustling on the block that's what I was I wasn't known for hustling I was known for spitting I used to hustle in front of the building that sold weed and Stat now like this was the only place to get weed so everybody from Staten Island used to come here and get weed and they would hit me wrong and next time they brought a friend back with them they'd be like on their way to get weed I'm like yo say that rhyme we said next thing you know I'm wrong that's how I got my reputation right but at some point you become a superstar amongst the oh well I mean amongst the group that was I leave it to the world I think that that that I'm not gonna even say charm is that everyday man that people respect right you know what I mean I never had myself or put myself on a plateau even when I'm on stage I used to bridge the gap between myself and the Audience by going in the audience I got choked out with my keys one time Wahoo but a fan like I used to win I was the last key kid so I'm used to wearing my keys around my neck and I was doing it for years even when we got famous and somebody choked out with them Keys trying to take them man I think a lot of it has to do with my uh uh performance the all-around Entertainer thing what's your order we we make music and we especially when you're coming up yeah we heard right yeah and when you get your song on the radio and your song starts to blow up that feeling that you get is like is it's an unbelievable feeling I felt that first we will have a Method Man they said they call Battle of the Beats on high 97. winning so much they had to retire it that was dope that was dope and then um once all I needed it's funny because you know my first single was bringing the pain off the solo album the solo album did fairly well when it came out Bring the Pain gave it a little light and I remember doing these shows in these bars and I always love clubs clubs get some of the best audiences right clubs and you know what I'm talking about so all I need drops and mind you I was getting like 2 500 to show wouldn't bring the pain and all it came out 2500 but um all I need drops and every day I'm getting these shows it wasn't that frequent it just used to be like a weekend warrior thing but every day I'm getting a show I had to tell the manager look up the price up the price so now we have the 10K and I started noticing that the audience started getting different because at my shows it was always bullet just uh the hood right the dirtiest Grime is you can find it it started to change everybody with more females even now when there's like a Wu-Tang show it's always like a bunch of white girls I'm like what well you know that come with the territory when you're first of all we a group that that transcended into a a white audience right and um when you get to that status right there people wear your or wear your shirt and don't even know who the you are they just like right represents and that was the whole point anyway you know living and learn but yeah with the white folks in the music transcended the the you know over there it kind of crossed over without y'all even trying like I don't think a lot of it had to do music it was um a lot of the Rage Against the Machine Tool help a lot but was but I feel like and and tell me if I'm wrong yeah I already had a foot over there as far as people like that white audience kind of already was embracing in a sense yeah in a sense especially uh like uh the suburbs because it was all new to them still even though this music had been around way before everything we're talking 70s into the 80s it was new to a lot of these little suburb kids because it was getting bigger and bigger to the point where you know they're tuning in the rap city they're tuning into you know all these hip-hop videos it's starting to get play on MTV we're getting on TRL and all that and it was like they never seen anything like Wu-Tang like this is what we see when we see a rock band then we can pick and choose which ones we like and they got solo albums never seen anything like that before and the fact that Brothers is still around and can go on tour with Nas and sell out almost each and every venue tells a lot right about what we stand for and what we do 100 and that's to this that's now so many artists you've seen in in that era come have a moment and that moment is not not no more yeah you don't see them anymore I I don't want to name names artists that came out in the 90s and there was an uh a recent or one of the newer Millennial uh artists that says something about you know Brothers always talk about the 90s in the 90s all of us wasn't dope and he was right but the movement was and the movement pushed that so far like I said MTV who wasn't really black music had to put us in the rotation it was like we're we're topping the charts we're in the top ten on the top 200 not top 100 hip-hop not top 100 r b but the top 100 singles in the world and you can't you can't put a fire like that out it takes too much water to put a fire like that and actually doing world tours yeah yeah was it was there many artists back then doing world tours like not really and I was hot I was hyped going overseas you know what I mean I barely been on the plane before right right it war on me real fast and this is before the internet this is before like before the internet that's all you need to know we used to bring that CD player with a bag full of CDs the PlayStation everything with us to entertain ourselves over there and the thing that people don't understand is and the people over there when we perform over there is those shows be like 10 11 at night by the time we get off stage ain't nothing open in some of these countries you can't even eat and then you gotta get up at six in the morning go to the next town and do it all over again and you'd be lucky to find something that you can actually eat over there or something you can actually do right over there to keep yourself in the team between these shows because that drives me crazy [Music] you never stopped touring ever um and that's what made me that's what made me go into the acting because I got tired man you know of of touring yeah man I knew I had more to contribute than that you know yeah early on you did how high you did yeah I made a conscious decision to stick with music I even called my agents to tell them I want to do music I'm gonna stick with this man they want they wanted you to do more acting back yeah yeah and I didn't know if I wanted to because I didn't want to do the work you know and uh a lot of people think that they can just jump right in and jump in front of a camera and nah it's not like that these are classes no I tell people because I've been on a a few movie sets you know not many okay and I sell people all the time how much respect that I have for actors that I'm like yo y'all yo this is great y'all y'all dude this is a a a long process what do you know Martin nah hell not um I had did uh 187 and great white hype yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got Martin later on and that was because a friend of mine was a writer for the show Kelly Buford shout out KB so so you get to a point where you say man I wanna I wanna really engross myself yeah in the acting world yeah and I'm not gonna lie I knew what the grind would have to be because I had my feet wet previously doing a little something and I knew what it took for me to be taken seriously and that meant no touring you know music no nothing because I'm walking in here as a method man I don't give up who I'm trying to portray or what role I'm trying to get in this audition when I walk in there they see method Method Man but Method Man the reason why I even got the so I'll take that right I'll take that but once I'm in the room I'm gonna show you that I can do the work period you feel like people will now really um because watching you play a lawyer is is a it's different for me than watching you play anything else I feel like people really starting to respect your acting look at you more as an actor yeah opposed to the rapper in the movie I hope so I work hard on them yeah you're doing great jobs yeah I do yes I do yes I do and I work with them when necessary absolutely he helps me with my uh anxiety so when you get your roles do you read the whole script or you just read your sides let me read my part right when they send me for audition you know they send you songs if I have to all right if I have to have a meeting with the director okay I'll read the script if I don't have to have a meeting with the director and I just got to go on and on I'm only reading my parts see if I like if I don't know I'm good on it where's the anxiety coming from you know you just want to do good it's butterfly like that but I've always had anxiety from when I was young probably PTSD so some childhood that I don't fully remember right it still affects you trauma I suck my thumb and peed the bed that's two stripes right there all right something wrong with this traumatized so when you read that they wanted you to play like a sheisty lawyer basically what were your thoughts well no it wasn't the shifter law it was just lawyer period when I initially when I got the call um I was excited because I was like power why they spin-off hell yeah but what they gonna do ghost is dead that was my which is basically what everybody said when they heard the series was coming so did you audition or did they call you that's your audition oh okay I had no idea they don't play that they still gotta always audition though all right the way them checks come because they'll give you your check them checks come true but you got to get the job it's not playing so um then I forgot where I was all right yeah uh I got the audition I mean got the call and I'm like yeah I get to shoot some I swear I know I'm gonna be a killer on this one I gotta be that's my little repertoire like nothing when you play a lawyer now so my first thing was to overwork over prepare so I'm watching all this footage on um Johnny Cochran but it's just courtroom I want to see Johnny Cochran outside the courtroom and I found some footage of the man talking at a church dialect was totally different so he code switches I'm like okay he code switches that's dope that Stoke let's see what environment he was in the church talking and sounding just like a preacher then I watched um and then I did this earlier from my class I had to I watched Philadelphia Denzel and um not necessarily watching his courtrooms I was watching his outside the courtroom and I'm like you see how they know like soon as they step out of the courtroom they're regular again I can do that's what it is now how do I make this into something that sounds like it comes from me and not written or read off a piece of paper how do I make it more of my own all right copy this this is what I'll do I'll take the parts of Denzel you know the the demeanor and everything in the courtroom and how he leaves the courtroom and I'll take the parts of Cochran when he's outside of the courtroom code switch back and forth back and forth all right let's go in and do this audition best note that I got was from Anthony Hemingway who shot the first episode he's an executive producer on the series he said when you're in front of a crowd you perform right all right what do you think lawyers do in front of a jury and judge they perform I was like say less went up in there did my one two one two thought out the whole audition up I got the call back that gave me even more good anxiety because now I'm like God damn I could only imagine courtroom scenes and all this you know how they talk in court right the pages it's like serious yeah and I ain't gonna lie my first full episodes that pages long but I wanted to show these people that I was dedicated sat down with my coach which helped a lot because repetition put in your head right and the best advice I can give people who even want to dabble into acting and things like that when you look at these scripts and you read these words on these paper on this paper yes it says what it says but you have to translate that and what I mean by that is how would you say it how would you say it how do you see this what would you do in this situation and that's how you do the work for seeing you find your objective and you fight for that with everything in your being whatever that objective is you know what that is yes and now I mean in life we all want to win right so that's the objective right there when people think Davis McLean's motivation is money the money come after the win is the most important part of it and that's what my objective is every time you see me in them scenes whether it's an an argument between me and sax or I'm talking to Tariq my whole objective in that an argument or in that conversation is to get my point across for my win and you talk differently to both of them damn right another thing that's funny is they say that I've been putting on my job my job boys my job that's how I talk no good what I had to do was lose the New York accent I still got it it's still there right but I had to change up certain words to make it sound like yeah like like pronounce them yeah differently and and what helped there was some spending so much time in California kind of helped me now not how they talk in the hood where they're hard on those R's but more of like how the corporate people who were born there talk and instead of daughter like we would say here that's my daughter is daughter daughter that's my daughter as opposed to I want a glass of water and it's not ours it's ours go to Seattle everywhere else don't call me nothing but killer I love it I love it it's dope it's fun but you gotta do the work yeah you have to do the work and I got a lot of respect for the for the people that actually that that's their lives man because those sets is long long hours yes I'll be right up in her dressing room now mind you don't nobody going married don't play with me don't play a man but I should be having the heat in it so I'll be going like what's good [Music] music is always there right and you you always can be able to talk but you feel like you have you reinvented yourself in this day yeah hell yeah I mean this is a great second act you know what I mean I couldn't have predicted this in my on my on my best day you know what I mean and the fact that it's working for me is even better and I'm getting more parts but the thing that I love the most is that I have more time now to do music when I want to when you want to not because I have to wow and that's what that's very important that's important yeah when you when you uh like you and Redman's relationship like y'all like this how did y'all pull off y'all being like camaraderie yeah and and power um um that that was a given right there Courtney Courtney was a very smart lady um there was a scene that I did with um Natori and I mentioned the brother just a throwaway line and I remember her calling me after the first season she was like how would you feel about red man and I was like say less because I already knew what she was going when I seen it I was like I mean watching that lately we'd love to see y'all together I think yeah like and it made it very comfortable for me on set too well I'm comfortable anyway though but yeah and uh when she brought him in it was Clockwork I mean I never seen the the the the crew fan out like that really they were cool about that but I could tell they were fair enough yeah two are amazing like I love to see y'all together I do man I mean the reason why that relationship works a lot of it has to do with red man because in the beginning he was already at Def Jam he had already had his album out here come this upstart youngin basically damn they look like him with the afro like that you know and um the month of the man the month of the man the month of the man he didn't have to agree to do this that was def Jam's promo Kevin Laos the month of do y'all know what that is the month of the man they don't know the month of the month of the man both y'all was was on the promo yep together month of the man yes sir I remember because Biggie and Craig Mack had a similar kind of uh Duo promotion when it was a big man the Big Mac yeah and uh if Red Man wouldn't agreed you know to go out on this tour with me it wouldn't have happened and there were times where because he didn't have to he didn't have to and there were times where he headlined and sometimes I would headline and it was Synergy like you know in all approach it was just me and him it wasn't the crews none it was just me and him for the promo there wasn't no tour bus we got 15 passenger van Wu-Tang had a 15 passing event I didn't even see a tour bus till like our second album wow let me think about that yeah wow that's crazy big ass passenger bands it wasn't even gonna talk about tomorrow he was in passenger vans so it's nothing to see artists come together and do albums right right it's like me and Jim Jones Lobby boys like there's nothing to see that Future's right yeah back then we wasn't seeing that no so to have Redman and Method Man doc was pawning for that from day one but like I said I had that conundrum where it was like do we keep the money in the Wu-Tang family or do I go in outside this and do that didn't want you to do yeah yeah and he's smart for that because I was taking the money away from us in other places but this worked out so so whose God did was to say yo listen let's do a whole album together right man that was even thought about doc Red Man red man but he was saying that from way back in how high and it took us that long to even get black out because right other there was a time where I was doing Wu-Tang album me and rat Man album and my album we talking about I never had a time like two years in the studio Non-Stop because I'm always working on music working on music and I ain't gonna lie I was in that jotting after a while like I'm just gonna get out of here go wow go on it's a lot of work man a lot of work and loyalty is there any music or verses that we haven't heard that may come out at any point in my lifetime let me get it started like on delay son of a gun for like Marvin Gaye on a Father's Day okay won't bite my tongue and these raps is blacker than marmalade a two-piece with a biscuit but this is different than Mama made your boy gifted in fact I'm probably your mama age preparing the page y'all don't pull the pin out of my grenade in my Brigade they all pledge allegiance to Johnny Blaze and my son parent the air parent like Barney James I ain't playing nobody gang tell these rappers pull up like they ain't been potty trained I'm gonna leave it there okay right here on kitchen show wow like the game now right so you talking about um you know not having tour bus you know riding 15 15 passengers Advance you feel like um a lot of opportunities that are afforded to all spoiled now I'm playing no no I mean we crawled in glass getting pissed so they could have that you know I mean the only thing that that really like grinds my gears is when the respect ain't there for the grind that came before theirs you know and I give these kids a lot of credit because they they handled their business entrepreneurs right I mean but it came from somewhere that game came from somewhere right that door opened because somebody kicked that indeed for real and that's it that's it you know but I love the fact that you know it's coming back to lyrics you got these girls girl code Contra you know what I mean it's coming back to lyrics and there's plenty more out there I just can't name them all right now but that's what I feel off the top of the head and I love it man it's always going to be room for Lyrics Always can we get into how you're such a family man like you're married you have kids you literally go to the football games and all that just being sat on I've seen you everywhere literally I don't talk about it much that's why I still got all that yeah [Music] and you've balanced that the whole the whole journey I got a strong Foundation man and salute to my whole family man and my wife for real like none of this should be possible wow so did you hear that yeah yeah you hear that man you my angel bro any any anymore I mean I know you you full steam ahead of acting yeah um and as far as music you can do it when you want to yeah right so you still want to be you still want to shoot get in the studio yeah a matter of fact um I just got hit up by uh stick man from dead press you know when you're running in it because we just did the BT hip-hop right so when you're running using my opportunities right you know I mean if you need a verse Holla At Me 99 399. don't Holla At Me no you know certain artists I I jump at the chance to work with not and I work with a lot of the battle rap artists I feel like that I owed them that because they truly inspired me to put my pen in the paper again and just watching those battles and stuff because I was like I don't know if there's an audience for lyricism anymore do I just jot what no I started watching that and I was like oh there's an audience well let me talk to them for real it's a fact yeah you know and you gotta remember the y'all y'all I got a back list up man I gotta watch Ozarks yeah and I did see that Mike I'm sorry Mike I had to watch it well my the Mike Tyson on Hulu episode I didn't like the guy's face yeah no disrespecting him it's just the way he looked he was he's a great actor too yeah he's got me angry like I just finished five minutes I'm late I'm up today I'm happy to say I'm too busy like I know people say that but I am happy to say that I am very busy any other roles um I just finished the movie in in Colombia with uh Joe Carnahan who did Smoking Aces Kerry Washington on my side uh action movies so I get to kick a little ass nice is there any rules You Won't Do Is there any rules like you're just like I'm absolutely never gonna do that um it's a smallest smallest it doesn't need you better believe it yeah you would like to like oh um I want to play Reggie Jackson I want to do his story wow Reggie I think I got a Reggie Jackson look about me throw the big glasses wow famous Yankee like Yankee you know what the Yankee is [Laughter] sure see the problem see the thing with the Yankees is the Yankees um they I think they're one of the few teams that never put the names on the back of the jerseys I mean when you see them in the store with the name on the back of the Jersey that's because it's in the store but on the actual uniforms that they wear they don't put them I never noticed that they do not put the names on them no at all wow I never I never thought about that team unity interesting that's really why I don't know I was like that's a great [Laughter] reasons you ever you ever did a movie and got to set it was uh felt a little nervous based on the caliber artist every day every time every time every time you know but um after a rehearsal and you start doing it kind of forget you kind of forget because you're in the scene and you know you're having the moment who was the who was like a actor that you got to set was like man I can't believe I'm in the movie it was a director he was a director and I was working with John and I you know this John Singleton John Singleton but John don't didn't make me nervous and I don't know why I I wasn't even nervous it was like I had an anxiety attack I don't even know why because I got off a plane and went right to set it was Sally Richardson by the way she was directed an episode of rebel and for some reason I could not get right in my head and I'm sitting here and trying to do the scene and just started sweating wow profusely and I had to take a moment actually I put a picture up on my Instagram of me and John and that was me uh in between the scene because I had had this as an anxiety attack and he's sitting there telling me what's wrong with you man you're gonna let her put you like that I know she pretty but damn but it had nothing to do with her being pretty or anything like that it was more or less of me being hard on myself trying to get this right trying to be perfect trying to be perfect and um going breaking the third wall meaning I'm sitting here acting I'm sitting there acting in front of Sally Richardson and then it all hitting you at once and I don't know I can't even explain the anxiety just comes in it yeah no one would ever think you had anxiety yeah do you go to therapy no you don't do anything about it just deal with it yeah I know what it feels like when it comes and you just you know yeah ride the wave yeah you have to yeah maybe going to therapy I didn't even hear you see now you just put that business out there but inside anybody has something from that just know it's normal you know what I mean it happens and just give yourself a moment that's what I do I give myself a moment I go collect myself and who am I give yourself a moment what am I here for right really back into perspective and then go back at it foreign [Music] do you feel accomplished not yet not yet you know with the group definitely but as a individual not yet I don't think my grade it happens yet but it's coming I can feel it I can feel it I just gotta keep working in what space acting or in general life because I said at the end of the day it's the same like these Scripts you guys watch these movies and you love a character in this movie or in a TV series even ghosts y'all knew he was doing but what did y'all want to see him do when mm-hmm I want to do that in life too what's the personal goal for you that you want to accomplish not to have any um do you have a bucket list nah that's for people that's gonna die would you go into space I used to love Great Adventures but then there was a certain time in my life where I got there and I got on the ride and was like I'm not doing it yeah G-Force [Music] uh uh uh descent when you come back down that's scary as even going up and breaking that sound barrier your ears popping I can't I don't know I I have pets I would do it I would I would I'd have to work up to it like I'm gonna take a picture so I can see I pretty much try I pretty much try whatever man bro I I like okay I've had Dream well dream yeah I've had dreams where you're falling yeah well I'm the type of that like I'll be in a dream standing on something tall first I do is jump off right I don't get scared the fun happens though I'll be flaw like I'm falling super duper fast and I'm waiting for it then all of a sudden I get light just start floating up that's when I get scared what the does that mean anybody that does dreams I know why I get scared because of the hype but why yeah it's all the dreams whiskers out there do you have to get that interpreted the reason why that happens do you lose a dream what's that what is that it's like when you're dreaming and you know you're dreaming foreign [Laughter] and if I don't feel it I reach down the dream and if I reach down and I don't feel I blink right about that yeah and usually I don't feel on the floor but what am I standing on right in the Darkness don't want to totally different whole different yeah yeah well I gotta I got an issue with one one of my dreams in particular every time I I have a pistol in my hand and I go to Fire and on fire what does that mean yeah it depends on how mad you are yeah that's how slow the punch gets do not mad and you punches but how mad you get that's how slow the punch goes make a soul wow no I really am active in my dreams I am too I'll be fighting in my sleep um I like sometimes I might I have a dream where like I'm drowning or like I get shot or something like that and I'll stop breathing in real life and I had to convince like literally stop but then it's like I know that I'm Dreaming so I have to like really consciously but sometimes it's not that easy isn't that called something that's like a paralysis or something the sleep paralysis is when something is like holding you oh which usually happens when you're vulnerable yeah stuff like debris [Music] [Laughter] I always do that happen to you for real question how high yeah was y'all smoking real weed at first yeah yeah oh yeah and they was like you guys are so spot on in the morning but after lunch you come back but the uh producer Stacy share I remember she pulled me to the side and she was like um you know after this I'm gonna still be a producer my face isn't on the screen but I'll get my credit that's your face on the screen how do you want to be seen right you're right I got you on this next one have you ever gone a period without smoking at all what like just stop smoking not in life so you've just been smoking since you were yeah even when I caught Corona I was still smoking wow they don't make up terms some people feel like they gotta smoke everywhere in every event do everything like you know like now I got smoke I gotta like are you one of those that's like all right I'm doing this right now I can't be I can be but I don't think I'm always like that there's certain areas where it's like man I gotta smoke something I do appreciate that you do smoke a lot but your lips are still pink your hands are still good like that's okay that's okay that's a real thing that's the real thing you see people like their lips don't turn it dark or whatever like that I got the Obamas I really don't when I say when I shave it off I'm seriously serious a lot of people these days are saying that smoking is giving them anxiety like no it takes it away if anything comes I agree there's just so many weird strains happening now that like it really is giving people like anxiety I see it maybe yeah maybe maybe but I mean if it's not Northern California this is suspect in my opinion because Northern Cali got the best weed best friends yeah but Colorado a close second Colorado coming up you got to go these places where it's always sunny ain't no winter you know um but Colorado they doing it in the lab and that's what it's all going to turn into in a minute you know but they are still authentic Growers out there that got that Ooey yes sir what about Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Sooners you play sports minnow school well you know saying go to school sports yeah not his thing not really all right I play basketball I think I was really good I think I was really good I wouldn't say anybody else thought that I I feel like I was decent dope you understand and um you know that's probably where it stopped at man how many years wow me one season yeah that's about it that's about it that's about it you play basketball no I ain't played basketball I did um football mostly definitely no football lacrosse definitely across yeah Long Island those are Staples right there you came to Staten Island wrestling one year you can't even stand up but how old was you when you came to Staten Island I was when I first came to Staten Island it's crazy and I was uh I know it was third or fourth grade and We Came From Brooklyn as a matter of fact we were in a uh place for battered women and we moved from there because you're going to say but for so long and the lady that worked there her name was Umi was from Staten Island and she got us settled out there and I remember because I had uh Kim from the umcs y'all know the umc's I remember you remember them yeah I used to that was my best friend in third and fourth grade no in Staten Island University Staten Island yeah I was back and forth from Long Island this is my story gonna be crazy when y'all see my Hulu series nuts are they doing it I don't know put in the universe yeah yeah well the Method Man story yeah Hempstead of Long Island once I moved back to Staten Island because I when I moved back to Long Island I was what eight nine peewee football Lacross all that wrestling when I moved back to Staten Island my mother had no money if I didn't know you had to pay for camp you know because they provided everything for us in Long Island and once I got there like 150 for camping I know 150 dollars got a lot of money back then that's why I never went to somebody that's right and that was it for football I started smoking weed and rhyming it was the first Clan member that you got cool with Chef Ray shout out to my brother used to walk home from school together I went I went on always been like that just so you know Ray is a real one always been like that yeah it's a real one remember a couple years the 40 belows came out and I um and I I think we was talking about it and he said on you you want those I know where they got them at and he went and bought them for me shout out to my brother Raekwon man rayquan the chef boy he left man I appreciate you for coming bro thank you thank you that's it thanks bro but but before you leave you know we break bread I don't know if you're hungry but we got you know I ain't gonna eat it Macross Monroe yeah wow and I don't eat seafood this is dope dope yeah this is a dope give it to somewhere and I gotta pee [Laughter] this looks amazing I'm pretty sure it tastes even better you know how much they would charge you in the restaurant come on man this is at least 50 to 60 dollar plate right that's right but you only get it on kitchens off that's right
Channel: MainoTV
Views: 105,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maino, Method Man, Wu Tang, Method Man talks about wu tang, The Wu Tang story, Method Man talks about becoming an actor, Maino interviews Method Man, Kitchen Talk, Maino Presents Kitchen Talk, Maino Show, Method Man talks about biggie vs tupac, The Wu Tang an American Saga, Maino and Method man, What happened to Wu Tang, Fox Soul, The Breakfast club, Joe Budden Podcast, Drink Champs, new show, Way Up with Angela Yee, Maino speaks on troy ave, donald trump arrested, troy ave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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