Kitchen Talk - Lord Jamar

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foreign [Music] you know what it is you know how we do big kitchen you know what it is you know how we do big kitchen talk big Vibes it is not a cooking show it is not a love show but it is a show that we have real talk big shout out to hollomon rock big shout out to my girl Georgie AKA your favorite tomboy oh you're the favorite tomboy or your favorite free Ricky Italy free Ricky I'm your boy Mano you already know Lobby boys be in the building and we got a special show today man I'm excited though cause uh we got somebody that uh I definitely got a lot of respect for um somebody that uh you know um I I listen to him speak um not only that but when you go back to you know very very long time ago listen to him you know with the brand new beings and stuff like that the one and only Lord Jamal man welcome brother peace peace thank you for coming man thank you for having me I'm great I'm great how you been man things been good no doubt okay I'm good you know um like for the last reason like like like the last couple of years I've been used to seeing you on Vlad right and um you know I've been used to hearing your opinion on a lot of different things let's stop right what why I mean at the time you know Vlad we all know vlad's a white dude right who um is in a black space right and so a situation came where one of our black leaders that we all know and love and and Revere the Minister Louis Farrakhan um had said a comment that Vlad misinterpreted what he was saying and reported it wrong indeed um and then when he found out he was wrong instead of apologizing for what he did he had personal feelings that he was harboring towards Farrakhan anyway even though this man you know he's Jewish but he claims he's not practicing Jew but then when it's time to side with some Jewish [ __ ] right it shows up here we are yeah now all of a sudden so um we was like bro you're gonna have to you know what I mean apologize to the minister type of [ __ ] right like my people's coming you know what I mean like you want to stand on code with your people what I got to be on call with my people so either you apologize or we can't [ __ ] with you you know what I mean me and my man on Godfrey came in solidarity on that right we was two of his biggest um interviewees as far as other times we get mad views and all that type of [ __ ] and we was just like go do it or we not [ __ ] with you and this is a [ __ ] that claimed you know he's your friend or whatever right you know what I mean so if you're my man and all that I'm asking you to do this like yo this is not culturally appropriate and all of that in this culture that you're benefiting off of and he was just like nah [ __ ] that oh he didn't want to apologize no he didn't want to apologize he's like y'all could not come on if you want like well bi type of [ __ ] you know what I mean wow so we was like all right [ __ ] you then cultural filtration since then I guess I mean basically you know when we put the word out stop [ __ ] with them but you know people still be going up there it is what it is like right I mean like right whatever they feel they benefiting from it but you know right I mean look sometimes we all have a difference in the past you know what I mean I guess his opinion was different right but there's a certain respect that you've got to have when you come in someone's home right you ask people to put you know what I mean [ __ ] on these sneakers and all that and they walk through your home right because this is your house right right you know what I mean so when you walking through the house of Hip Hop yeah I'm known for saying who's a guest in the house of hip-hop and all that type of [ __ ] cause we black people created hip-hop the house of hip-hop huh yeah House of hip-hop that's right you are a legend in hip-hop one for all all for one [ __ ] we just did that the other day me and Jim I don't know if you matter of fact I heard it on I need to hear the record because I got a call and I can't find a record you can't find it because you can't find it's not on it what happened was shout out to Swiss Swiss beats called me and was like um you know he got this thing going on with flex every Thursday so he was like yo listen I need a Lobby boys you know he sent me the beat and it was one for all now I called them back and told him not because you're sitting here on that album that was my favorite song that was one of my favorites that was my favorite song it was just something about that that song that spoke to me one for all for one and you know you know I ride my dogs it was like you know we all for one all for one you know what I mean one for all and that kind of Mantra you know had us going you know what I mean and you know it was crazy because when I think about the brand new beings and I think about it wasn't two years later that I really understood some of the juices y'all was getting right it was listening but not really hearing right one for an awful woman not really hearing the Jews you know um as a legend in hip-hop right there's a lot of talk you know about you know the OG's the Young Generation and it always seems to be a disconnect between the old General the older generation and the younger ones you you wanted a few that's been very visible acting um common you've been in movies you've been in television how have you been able to maintain you know um these errors when so many have it right um I mean I think you always hear about people that say they have to reinvent themselves or whatever and I don't know if it's fully Reinventing yourself like I'm not trying to be a different person every time but I think you got to be able to have different interests and be able to be brave enough to step into different Arenas right that you might not be known for stepping it you know what I mean and if you have that confidence um and you're able to shine you know people people appreciate that they appreciate the knowledge um that were renovate the Hazel can adjust to the times they get caught in a bowl of like what they do or how they did it they don't want to change it for it right nothing that's probably why you're so great at just being and persevering through the different times that we've we've come we've come to so with that um have you if you see yourself being this far in like being having this um honestly yeah like like I don't know I just always felt like yeah I was one I was gonna be somebody that was a chosen one yes like for real like one of these [ __ ] that's gonna go down in history for different [ __ ] like you know what I mean right and I feel like I'm gonna be appreciated more after I'm gone but that's that's how it always is yeah with certain people it is like that it's mostly that way question though right this brings me you know to you know as far as the Legends and and the house of hip-hop you know there's always you know talk about um the older generation maybe not being able to connect or appreciate the newer Generation Now recently academics came under um some fire you know for lack of better words for some of the things that he had talked they had to say about you know older generation of hip-hop and I think his tone was you know uh yo how you guys you know created hip-hop you look Dusty you're not getting no money you know I'm paraphrasing I don't really know right and I and I seen uh LL you know he said something that was very eloquent you know he was just like a lot of the guys that you know paved the way for for hip-hop didn't get a lot of the big money because there was no right in the beginning he said that it was just for the love of you right but which helped the newer generation being positioned Irma right so what do you feel about his statements though I mean I think it's part of that disconnect that you're talking about with the younger generation and the older generation like he's just a reflection of how a lot of young dudes feel like he's not the only one like I think they purposely have set up this um this opposition between the older and the younger but only in hip-hop right because in rock and roll they revered people you know the Young Dudes who sit down right listen at the feet of the old [ __ ] like like but in hip-hop they've put in this message where listen to y'all old [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] oh right like y'all [ __ ] you know what I mean I ain't [ __ ] with y'all no more y'all ain't getting no more I'm getting more money than you as if money equates to intelligence I know plenty of [ __ ] with money that's dumb as rocks yo it just was in the right place at the right [ __ ] time right you know what I mean like you just showed up and you got some money that don't make you a [ __ ] genius that don't make you somebody you know a [ __ ] growing up in the hood there's plenty of bum ass [ __ ] indeed that got mad knowledge right and you would never know right those would be the ones what those be the ones the one outside the store you you will learn some [ __ ] that a [ __ ] with money will never tell you so so the people with money are not necessarily our greatest thinkers and all of that like why are we acting like you know having money is good I mean you need to have it it helps um it helps you have options you know what I mean but don't equate the value of like the the older generation with the money because it wasn't for that at that point they didn't know right it was they were just buildings but the biggest wasn't built yet it wasn't it wasn't no multi-million dollar deals yet but it was hating on Hip-Hops right they didn't want this [ __ ] to even last they try to act like it was gonna only be around for a little while and trust me like this was [ __ ] Music like like everybody white people everybody was appalled to even oh you [ __ ] with that now they want to act like oh this is all the parts hip-hop is universal it started and it started with people just being creative it wasn't like monetizing nothing and telling your story well the basement implies that you live in a house you really started in like outside in the park or like in the rec center of the [ __ ] uh projects like so so is it is it a money disconnect or is it a time difference meaning or the younger ones saying man I ain't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] is too old or or the the older the older one saying man I don't understand that [ __ ] back when we had it back in the days we did it like this I think it's both It's a combination of both you got you got old school [ __ ] that's refusing to like even appreciate anything that's going on in the new school see I'm the type if it's good it's good I'm [ __ ] with it right I don't care if you're young old right if it's dope if if I could feel it if it touched something inside me then I'm [ __ ] with it I don't care how old you are um and I've discovered you know new rappers as as as recent as somebody like Soul God cooks and that's somebody that I brought into the game okay you know I mean um so it ain't like my ear isn't just on some old school right right like you know I think that that's uh sort of a uh a wrong perception of older dudes only thinking oh only thinking old school only seeing things from that perspective I think that that's kind of like a wrong well see what happens is a lot of [ __ ] comes into the mix and then the mainstream will like the [ __ ] and then we won't [ __ ] with the [ __ ] and then people's wondering like why are you not [ __ ] with everybody else like it and it's like hold up we have a little more with some of this [ __ ] we got a little more sense than to just go with it like you know what I mean like how everybody's going with it and for some people that seems like oh them [ __ ] is hating they don't wanna that's the constant they don't want to ride with the wave or whatever that's the constant thing which I think um for a lot of it is not accurate right I don't think that everybody's just hating I think some people may not be able to be able to relate you know but music is relative you know um it don't matter how old you are if it's good it's good if some people I'm it's something new that I might not like something older women I like like for instance like as a producer because I produce too yo I love a lot of the new beats like production wise where production has gone in the Sonic sound of it and the different techniques the Beats right now is [ __ ] trap beats all of these [ __ ] Beats being able to program them shits the way they're doing is I'm a new it's just somebody's [ __ ] that [ __ ] is saying on it right you know what I mean what are some things that people are saying that you're not supporting right now I mean one of the main ones that I could think of is This broad that just did a remix to the [ __ ] one where they're twerking on the car on the headlights this [ __ ] talking about I got murder on my mind talking about going to the abortion clinic and she got murder on her mind she said that some girl I don't know her name no no not that she did a remix to that so it's the same beat and she's like I'm a b o r t i n again and she's at the Planned Parenthood in the video oh twerking in front of Planned Parenthood and on the and and on the part where it's like let's go this [ __ ] like I got murder on my mind let's go now come on yo like like that's some [ __ ] right there I'm not I don't give a [ __ ] how popular that [ __ ] get I'm not [ __ ] with it I'm not recommending it to nobody like right now right old school [ __ ] if you want to but I'm not gonna [ __ ] with that yeah I don't think it's about school I think it's about the it like you know what I mean actually crazy hip-hop going on it's 50th year is it a young man's game here's the thing it definitely started right as a young man's game this was a teenager's right music right but as those teenagers grew up right for some of us the skill set didn't leave right so now what do you do right I think a lot of um genres grow as the artists grow again we got to go back to rock and roll and [ __ ] like that Mick Jagger and all of them was [ __ ] kids when they started and now these [ __ ] are still doing tours at 70 something years old selling the same thing and all of that type of [ __ ] so it's rock and roll a a Young Person's music again it started that way um I don't think you could put hip-hop in that box see Hip-Hop is so if hip-hop really is universal right then it's going to transcend age as well as that's right race so this is what I say to that right um it's simple math right 25 years ago you didn't have 30 40 year old rappers because the culture wasn't old enough right so the fan that bought um DMX album 98 Cameron's album in 1998 I think uh Jay-Z hard not life Big Pun those albums like that that error right there going to 98.99 if that fan was was 25 back then what is he now right these these these 49 40 something music to listen now right so so what I'm saying is that that fan didn't stop being a fan of hip-hop exactly all he did was just get old they still a fan of of hip-hop did the cultures you know so now it enables the artists to be older you didn't you couldn't you couldn't have a a a 40 year old rapper in 1990 it's impossible because our mothers was that age let me also say that being um from that hip-hop generation I feel like the grown-ups that came out of that are more cooler than any grown-ups that ever existed ever right because look that's why we could still do it and listen this is the first time because you got to think Hip-hop came out and right at least early 70s late 80s is when it got on you correct me if I'm wrong late 80s early 80s is when it got on vinyl right the mothers of that of of of of of of these kids who listen to disco and other type of music they didn't relate this is the first time where you had a father who grew up on hip hop his son grew up on hip-hop and maybe his and his baby is is is is listening to hip-hop right now you got three generations right now this is the first time that happened it is it is actually happening like you can get in the car my son is 20 years old he'll be 20. we listen to hip-hop all day long and they saw these new songs that that I like and his old songs that he likes right you understand what I'm saying and we all coming together on this hip-hop multi-generational right so what the [ __ ] are y'all talking about right exactly like my dad he used to rap back right right so he still have old snake teeth because that case that he put on his um iPod or whatever from when he used to do shows and they used to record them like in the community and stuff like that he still plays them in the car right for me like to this day right like so I get what you're saying you know they it's kind of like they teach us about what was going on when they were younger and we're teaching them about what's going on now so it's kind of like a cycle right but you see but the thing is that the artists don't have to stop working though right now so the thing it's like it's not it's not it's not like it's sports right where you have a and I heard um Dave Chappelle say this he said man you know I got friends it's athletes man they're not I feel for them because they only have maybe a five ten year window to be great right and after that your legs your knees whatever you know whatever's going on physically but when it comes to being an artist and being creative there's no timeline on that it's Limitless because this the the power is from your mind right you can't find your voice he has to be a certain age or or he's overall under qualified because of subject right he's it's art he still can can do what he can do you know whether he's learned how to paint when he was 16 or he's 60. see any other any other profession though you're revered for having right 30 years 30 years doing this right like and so now you want to listen everything that they saying and that but when it comes to this hip hop 30 years like you know like they just it's this [ __ ] it's this [ __ ] message that they send only to black people the same type of [ __ ] message they send so I'm an independent black woman I don't send that message nobody you know I'm an independent white woman I'm an independent Chinese one you've never heard that [ __ ] you only hear I'm an independent black woman [ __ ] you only hear uh rappers hey you know it's too old to rap but should we only hear that you know where does that [ __ ] even come from So You Think it's a setup of course it's a [ __ ] setup somebody's injecting that into the [ __ ] lexicon into the culture and trying to Puppet Master some [ __ ] from behind the scenes and if we keep falling for it you know what another thing they're trying to do and I just thought about this earlier today when people say [ __ ] boy yo that's trying to introduce some pedophilia [ __ ] what the hell is a [ __ ] boy who who [ __ ] boys you know what I mean except pedophiles like for real but they want to get you comfortable saying that [ __ ] you know why because they're trying to make [ __ ] think about gay [ __ ] back in the days you say hip-hop yo that song is hard yo that shit's hard now when you say that's hard [ __ ] pulls why why you the one thinking about some gay [ __ ] or whatever I'm I'm just talking like a man you did one say that like there's no space in hip-hop for for gays or facts you still feel that way why do you still love me because that's not hip hop it's not heterosexual [ __ ] is hip-hop [ __ ] with girls you know what I mean that's what the [ __ ] all we want to do is everything else because I mean they're trying to make it do that but but the essence of hip-hop is totally not about that this is a this is a music started by alpha males alpha male these [ __ ] was gangsters this came out of the black Spades and [ __ ] like that okay like this ain't for [ __ ] soft [ __ ] and soft [ __ ] wasn't running [ __ ] in the beginning of hip-hop only later on soft [ __ ] started running [ __ ] but they do say that there was a lot of things going on behind the closed doors right in the even in the beginning hip-hop you know and behind closed doors means that it wasn't accepted so you had to do it behind closed doors if [ __ ] would have came out on the mic and was like yo I'm [ __ ] with these little boys this [ __ ] would have never went nowhere indeed so so wish it so what is what is your what is your feelings on um uh African Bambaataa listen if he did that [ __ ] he's foul period now did he help to um promote a culture and all that you see what I'm saying people can have foul [ __ ] and then do good [ __ ] too that's not the whole dimension of who you are R Kelly did some foul [ __ ] but you can't tell me he's not one of the greatest [ __ ] R B singers of all time but I'm just being Devil's Advocate so it's cool it's cool to to do like you said you you you you're against the gays in the uh in hip-hop right so now it is alleged that uh African bambaata had had touched on boys you know had some had some foul [ __ ] going on right so it's cool as long as it was no I'm not saying that it's cool and what I'm saying is the reason why they was keeping it behind closed doors is because it wasn't accepted in hip-hop culture and so if that's some [ __ ] that he was doing personally that doesn't mean it was part of hip-hop culture he was just somebody in hip-hop that was doing some foul [ __ ] on the side there's plenty of [ __ ] was in hip-hop doing all kinds of [ __ ] um so that doesn't mean the foul [ __ ] that they was doing is okay just because we don't know about it it's not okay but some people argue that the platform or the the culture was created to express yourself and tell your story so but it was awesome it was also created to tell your story your survival stories or of alpha males from New York [ __ ] [ __ ] like that you know what I mean it was no [ __ ] when you think about it that's what our toxic masculinity was in it but when you think about it that's what first of all that's a [ __ ] word toxic masculinity it's a [ __ ] way to try to discredit just being a man first of all what what's the definition what's the definition of this is some white [ __ ] feminist [ __ ] yeah what's the definition of that go ahead um the real I don't know the actual death uh but you just used it um when uh masculinity is used to um undermine or devalue other groups so I feel like it's give me an example of that because I'm I'm lost on that I don't know what that means like guys can be hoes all they want and then girls oh it's like they get because it's equal it's not identical a man a woman cannot do what a man does a man is entering a woman is getting and then it's two different things okay but in for example in the workforce and it's you can get give the same example it's like women were always put down now that's some [ __ ] properly right that's but that's more part of white supremacy than it is masculinity that's more white masculinity than just masculinity as a whole see when y'all say talking toxic masculinity you're blanketing all men with that when it really toxic ones well the talk but but you have one type of mind because when I think of the toxic ones the ones who really present that toxic [ __ ] womanizer huh womanizers womanizes I mean a womanizer is what that's a bit of time right so what is it because he's like y'all got this to find but I'd like to know the difference defined it's so well a womanizer is somebody who just um I guess like takes abuses women takes advantages but that's kind of that's toxic you're the meaning but after but if a woman is actually acting like a hoe or a [ __ ] is that not and I don't want to get bleeper but is that not is that not like sometimes you gotta call the state like you say it well just the way you said uh toxic masculinity I felt like without the hole they both problems but I can't call all women Queens because they're not all right we can't call all men toxic because right or Kings like it's all individual in the Mystic right right as the person but when you speak in music and stuff like that you be like a [ __ ] did this or a hoe did that because these hoes this or these hoes but you talking specifically about who you're talking about you know who you're talking about when you say where the hoes at you speaking specifically for example when she's not you get no but you pretty much you know but why would I be fooled by that see Dave Chappelle said you know if you dress like a police officer and I'd come up to you for help and you're like oh no I'm not a police officer you know what I mean it's [ __ ] ridiculous so if you're dressed like a [ __ ] right and I can I [ __ ] yeah but if it start talking to you like a [ __ ] and then you're like oh I'm not I'm not a [ __ ] hold on hold on I'm not a [ __ ] I'm just stressing but it's all just like though [Music] maybe there's a thin line right because you know you got some women that feel like I should be able to wear this crop top I should be able to show cleavage though it could be because every action has a reaction so yes ma'am you can wear whatever you want but there's gonna be a reaction for what you do all right none of these women have poor [ __ ] on that I see right now A man tries to talk to a woman but how that's what the thought comes from it's like as long as it works for the alpha male it is good like it's good so that's why I brought maybe that's just him that person that just did that there's a lot maybe that's just who who he is that's a thing that happens right but the thing maybe that's just those people these same these things toxic males are the same [ __ ] you're gonna call if you need help if a [ __ ] is attacking you and all this type of [ __ ] you need somebody to defend you you're gonna be going for the alpha males not the beta man the whole outfits are toxic yeah nobody said that but but when I first said Alpha okay but I feel like Alpha brought that out like when I said only because you said that the culture should cater to just them really is there are men who use it and they really don't understand what that term means they think that it comes with certain characteristics that might not be those characters I hear you including toxic masculinity but you don't have to be but I'm not one of those men but why it was brought up is that you said that the um Alpha Male like the culture should revolve around what the alpha males because they were started by alpha males right therefore so that's that's alpha male right it's not uh agreeable with homosexuality in the the culture that he's created for himself he has a right to to to to feel that way this is the last Bastion of masculinity can we not happening so do you think female rap is taking over right now or you don't you don't even want to admit to that I don't think it's taking over I think it's you know females are having their time in corporate rap right now but at the end of the day you know again not and y'all could feel like I'm a misogynist or something but I feel like hip-hop again is more masculine orientated you know what I mean like like the the um you know the themes of just that whole energy of it is more masculine I feel like r b is the female more female energy even regardless who's doing it but when you think about it when you think about it that does make sense because back in the day when we had female rappers they all came more kind of masculine they didn't come off sexy and everything they were cute you know because they were like tomboys or they would you know they had like a little rough edger and how many hip-hop John uh jams you've been to where they playing all this hard [ __ ] and then the DJ go all right ladies we're gonna play some [ __ ] for you now right I think right because all that hard [ __ ] is for the dudes so much it's hip-hop we don't want saw to be hard that's the thing yeah I get it you know what I'm going to woman Kings I do agree that a lot of lines [Applause] now this you don't remember back in the 80s when they were like promoting okay I'm sorry for eating listen well back in the 80s there was like they were trying to promote a lot of androgynous singers and stuff like that Rogers so y'all don't know means like a blur between male and female you're not sure what the hell they are right this has been a long term goal for right some [ __ ] that they're trying to get to like they've been trying to get to this place of the little Nas exes they they have arrived yeah they've arrived like big time I just saw a coach uh ad that this guy's in now like he's everywhere I want to talk about it but is it but so so like them too so but it does feel like a little bit of an imbalance is it seems like there was an agenda but let me ask you is it hip-hop a reflection of society because when you look out outside you know you see the uh the movements the lgbtq movement uh become bigger you see a lot of things more accepted you look at Poplar culture you see um the movies you know you see shows just you know um man oh man scenes uh woman or woman and none of that is organic right so but is that true so it's hip-hop a reflection of just society as a whole hip-hop is now a reflection of the corporate ideals that are being pushed in the media so all of those things you said are media outlets and hip-hop has been taken over by the corporate structure and so whatever the corp Corporation is pushing at the time that's what hip-hop is going to push now and and mainstream hip-hop because again we we're putting a blanket on just like we said with the toxic matter we're putting a blanket on what hip-hop is you were thinking of you know if it's heard on the radio or you see in the video or if it's in the BET award but there's plenty of hip-hop out there that you don't get to see that you don't hear uh on the mainstream radio that's way more valid you know that appeals to people like me more than um you know a lot of this mainstreams but they don't get a visibility but but outside of of just entertainment right you it's nothing to come out and walk down the street in Manhattan and see two men holding holding hands and you know um anywhere you go to in the country you see um images that that you didn't see and I'm talking about outside of entertainment in schools like you see two mothers uh two mothers together dropping their their uh son or daughter right so so what I'm trying to say is that it's just it's hip-hop just responding to a bigger Society to um um uh for lack of better words uh societies is evolving and Hip-Hop is evolving with it I don't like the word evolving I'll say shifting you know what I mean because that's a whole nother topic evolution is some [ __ ] well [ __ ] species turns into another species but anyway um it's definitely a reflection of where they're trying to lead the society yes hip-hop is instead of being the more rebellious music that it used to be where now I'm not going down the road of mainstream hip-hop has now been co-opted to where yes it's gonna do we're at whatever popular culture is doing so a popular culture is accepting uh you know two moms dropping their kids off then we're gonna hear about that in hip-hop it's popular culture is is you know accepting the bing bing boom in your arm then you're gonna have people like you know DMC talking about you know I trust the [ __ ] and you should trust it all right you know oh yeah you didn't see you don't want to see that oh man it was horrible it was it was put the back side of that I got the vaccine you get the vaccine there was a song it was a cartoon video he said if doc says it's good then trust me it's good go get it these are the words pretty much I'm pretty much not paraphrasing Run DMC DMC the legendary DMC who's also pissing me off because as a legendary rapper why the [ __ ] you always win I'm sorry Dan why you keep wearing rock and roll shirts nah nah hold up hold up you're a hip-hop Pioneer right like you need to be wearing old school hip-hop you know who who wears a lot of old school hip-hop shirts Eminem so you seriously just joking no actually I really truly believe he's at home and and you know him personally I just feel like we haven't heard him speak in a really long time and he don't look the same and we I don't want to divert from this conversation no no this is exciting this is one big conversation I'm just trying to get started I don't have all the answers out there I don't know but but do believe cloning is really so you believe that that's not that's not him that's somebody else and you and you base your opinion based off of him not you're not hearing him speak he don't look the same he don't talk he grows be the older what do you mean you look like uh an nft or something that's like I think that's a clone unpopular opinion I truly believe this who else you think is a clone who else do I think is the club because it was a whole big rumor the whole big thing about Gucci being a clone you thought that too no I really didn't I think he was he was doing as a person or transforming I think Biden be a clone he's a robot Biden might be a [ __ ] yeah he's glitching yeah he needed to get him together though because he's going right when he's supposed to go left following up the bike all of that like glitching out yeah he's talking to people his hand is up when it's not supposed to be like yes guys it's crazy um that was wild but whoa [Music] is that so very much myself heard you um but DMC yeah represent hip-hop man stop wearing these rock and roll shirts the black people started rock too yeah but he's wearing like White Rock and Roll shirts like Judas priests and AC DC is that the music that he that he listens to I don't know maybe that's what inspires you know what if that is yeah yeah I'm thinking about that but at the same time come on be smarter than that like I feel like you purposely doing that you purposely every time I see you you got a rock and roll t-shirt you can't wear a Run DMC t-shirt LL Cool J Santa oh deaf jam jacket nothing like come on like give me something like you know what I mean like and he's the one that was pumping James Brown t-shirt right right now I follow that and he's the one that was pumping the whole uh vaccination crazy vaccine early in the game too I never saw that because it was so corny and non it wouldn't have resonated like it didn't do no he got some free money if if he got paid to do that he got some free money because nobody we don't hear about nobody can say that too much no more good good I mean I didn't take it I hope nobody takes it well I can always leave myself I didn't but uh you know I don't know about anybody else as far as that but you would you you uh I'm assuming that you totally disagree with it totally disagree with it was ready to do whatever to not [ __ ] with it right right seems like there's a a greater agenda absolutely like because you know I act and all that so it's like I was getting auditions during this thing and saying yo you got to have the vaccine in order to to work right so I told my manager like I'm not getting that so you know what I mean let me know and man I ain't had no call for the audition oh wow since uh what made you go and be acting now I was just something I always wanted to do and I felt like I could do it I was seeing a lot of rappers who I felt like couldn't really act and I'm like how's these dudes getting these parts how's they getting you know what I mean I was like I could do better than that so I was like yo let me yeah let me get inside but see nothing happens until you speak it out you gotta say it out loud right because this was in my head for a long time and nothing happened it wasn't until I said out loud yo I want to do something you know what I mean you're being something you haven't been um getting no roles lately I haven't even had any auditions lately since I said I wasn't taking a joint but now recently I think they um sent out thing yeah they dropped the mandates so now maybe they'll start sending me stuff I'll be tight if I got the vaccine and then they dropped the mandates like I lost my job in this and that I'll be honest I did the Tracy Morgan show like during the joint and I didn't have to take the joint but they made me take the test like three times in a week and I'm telling you yo my nose felt crazy like for a minute after that like I'm telling you the [ __ ] yo like to where I don't even want to take the test again like right right right right right and I felt kind of bad that I even did it but you know there's some say that they did it even when he was taking the test they was putting something up yeah but I was something like conspiracy theorists right but I feel like that's something that they really want you to get the job right you know what I mean so the test I feel like maybe they were trying to put something in there but they want you to keep taking the test so that'll it'll stick whatever they were trying to put in there I think if you get the test once or whatever that's why you should be all right at least that's what I'm gonna tell myself I mean I mean look they just want to make it as annoying I tried not to get it I tried not to get tested as much as I can I had to get tested the other day we was a apple I'm gonna get tested real quick just to go in Apple the Apple Store no on Apple music Apple music Apple music right and so they want you to come in the building you got to take a test right um hip hop today though right are you because are you satisfied with where the coaches at today are you are you happy you were the coach is at today um I mean I'm happy with the amount of money that's available for you know young people to get if they know how to responsibly deal with it it's just you know that part of it is good um but now I'm not really happy with the overall direction of some of the you know way that it's going like you know what I mean all this murder rap and horror rap and you know I mean we had that I guess back in the days but there still was a balance you had the the conscious groups to balance it out and bring something in a lot more conscious groups where's the con the only two people they bring up is Kendrick and J Cole that's it for this generation but again I feel like Society was different back then the streets was different back then you had you had the um the nation of gods and Earth you you had a lot of things that was going on in the street so hip-hop was a reflection of the street at the time so now you have brand new game for Righteous Teachers Karis one you know you had that and this was when the gods was strong on the street you don't have that in the world now like you don't have these organizations you don't have even well we still here but unfortunately right I'm gonna be honest a lot of the Gods on some opportunist [ __ ] turned to blood indeed when it was when it was time when that was powerful on the street right and went you know what I mean went down that route and now you don't think about knowledge so much right right with the music right so y'all spoke about knowledge wisdom you know understanding and it was a lane for that because it was the times were different right what what because what stopped that though what like what stop that was the they say it was a concerted effort by the record companies and all of that to specifically uh focus and support gangsta music and get rid of conscious music listen when you early Tupac first time we ever heard Tupac mad positive super positive super enlightened he was even the first time we ever seen him same song video he was dressed in African Gob all of that he changed facts why to you know I guess to appeal him trying to appeal or was it him really adapting to you know what he was going through I don't know man people sometimes can't say that or is it is it is it the person right is it is it is it the hip-hop is is responding and following the the the society and the things and the trends that's going on in society or weird or we the ones leading it it's always going to be a little bit of both it's gonna go back you know what I mean like hip-hop's gonna imitate society and then Society imitates hip-hop it's like it's it's a it's a symbiotic relationship oh imitating life like life imitation and it happens all you can't tell me that hip-hop songs don't affect people like don't make [ __ ] do [ __ ] like I seen Nick Jay-Z made [ __ ] take the jewelry from gold to [ __ ] Platinum just from his [ __ ] raps and his influence and [ __ ] like that had [ __ ] go from [ __ ] damn I keep crying I'm trying um he had dudes going from you know uh football jerseys to buttons is a fact and he'll influence the culture to do that what happened to brand new again I think we're part of the um part of that era of trying to get certain groups out of the picture you know by any means necessary and it was a combination of things with us that um yeah just your starters right with the DJ Yeah well yeah he was yeah and then I was too right why uh because after the first album Puba wanted to do a solo record you know um like the front man yeah well he was the OG you know what I mean he has been out already he had a group Master ceremony right he had been out yeah prior to that and it was his it was his energy and connections that even got us to deal and all of that so we had no problem with him being like the front man or whatever like what I mean dudes was just happy to be making records and all that right right um but at some point you know you know how it goes man like you know what I mean I don't know if you know people were saying something or whatever but all you know he ended up wanting to do his own thing and so that was cool we went and did our own see they didn't think we was going to be able to do oh [ __ ] without him jump up and get beat down that's the that's y'all two together yeah let me leave me alone all that type of so you know that just gave us a sink or swim you know what I mean and we swam right right right and then we came back together you know a couple albums later right different kind of respect right for each other and that's you know don't let it go to your head and all that yeah remember that damn Classics um so dot X is he yeah well he living on he live in North Carolina now man he's you know out the game I mean he's kind of in the game but he's a little bit out you know like he work at a hospital and all this table you know wow [ __ ] like that but he still you know still rapping he still do certain shows with us and all of that but a lot of times he can't just be moving like that common perception is that a lot of the older older older acts because they didn't they didn't acquire some of the riches and some of the lifestyle that that the artist nowadays have that they're disgruntled you feel like you you will be disgruntled absolutely not because you wouldn't pocket y'all see you you working yeah but but even if I wasn't I feel like I would be happy for you know these young rappers I just don't want to see them blow this [ __ ] though like that's what you know what makes you look at them and shake your head when you see dudes just blow through Mills and now they broke again right it's just like come on bro like what was a a nice deal back in the 90s or late maybe well let's see like a a high-paying show would be about 20 grand you know what I mean like that's a lot that's a lot on average what five you know what I mean 10. and it don't matter if you solo a group right so now that's what now split it makes people not want to be in a group anymore keep in mind some of the best hip-hop you ever heard came from groups but they influenced us to go be solo artists because [ __ ] don't wanna yeah it's more money for you ain't got wow why you want to split your money with those dudes but technically it's not more money for you if I'm helping you with more money for me because now you don't have to swear being more of your percentage one more percentage of your money thanks the record company he wasn't taking no seriously oh yeah well off the Record they wasn't getting 360 deals but if these less people I can get more of the percentage of whatever it is you made because you don't have to split certain like in so many ways what what what what was a record deal like though what was a a nice record deal on average like it would be a uh a budget of about 250 000. what was in advance you know in the beginning days I'll tell you with our first Advance I've been first Advance was like 15 000. it's a split to split wow to split wow but when you were young do you know what I mean and then you go to the bank and they give you five thousand you get on the train with five thousand in your pocket at one time you feeling feeling like a king but before music you were selling drugs right yeah but then you know things was getting crazy so I had to stop and work a job like real later in my life like for the first time I got my first job when I was like 18. first job lasted for like three days because you know man I'm not used to listening to nobody and also I quit after three days yeah that's like a whole mindset shift then I yeah then I had another job that lasted for like two weeks you know I was too busy though trying to you know knock this girl down at work yeah like so yeah I'm I'm just gonna stop on a record deal 15 000 it was it it was like uh would that be considered a healthy Advance or just like the average I mean that probably was average like if you know if we came in the game with super managers and you know but like who was coming in the game like that you was it was all about renegotiating things later like you just ready to get in the door and then you try to put little things in there to get little bumps and all of that so that we get to the next one we could renegotiate this whole thing blah blah blah it was never it was never designed to get the artist rich because even back then hip hop still had an image of of being rich they changed cause like we still saw those images but nobody was nobody was really getting money like that you know not really not really I mean Russell Simmons you know what I mean but not even you know look they say Jam Master Jay had to do some [ __ ] right which ended up you know getting him killed it's like why should Jam Master Jay have to do anything other than just be Jam Master Jay right and I just feel like the the game owes like you know when you think about you know some of the Elder Legends who weren't able to sustain our lifestyle so that's the issue like when you hear about some of the guys it's not able to sustain a lifestyle off of or for entertainment or from Office some of the music off of being a Pioneer you know what there's no safety for them there's no right and and as you get older you know people got get health problems and all of that type like hip-hop ain't got no health insurance and benefits and all of that type of stuff um so yeah you think about these older artists or whatever but these younger artists they're not thinking about that they're not they're going in the club throwing 50 000 in the air you know what I mean like think about uh you know artists from back in the days that you know could use that but you just I mean it's your money you got the right because that's what they saw like even if it wasn't real that's what they were seeing I feel but then these labels have like like these life insurance policies on these same artists so again another setup and that's some new [ __ ] because there was no life insurance policies on people back in the days like life insurance policy like that's becoming um I'm hearing about that more and more and that's crazy once again Noah a lot it was new there was none of these things that you didn't think about any of these things because it wasn't presented to you you know they just know when you they just saw money in this you've never seen this amount of money before so it's kind of like a distraction when you think about it because you're not thinking about the business aspect of it because it's not a business right you know so now you have people who speaking on our others but not realizing that their creativity is why they're here so everybody even tell me everybody got done dirty Rock him Big Daddy I mean I can't speak on everybody particular deal right but when nobody getting a million dollars to sign for their first deal you know what I mean especially your first year first you know what I mean dudes might have got bigger deals down the road once you proved yourself you know what I mean but when you was first coming in and a a label like cold chilling that's not even a major label bro right right you know what I mean so imagine the kind of advances they was getting like you know what I mean like again it might have been cool but the times but it's nothing like you know y'all looking at it now like wow pennies or whatever and keep in mind money you know fifteen thousand now 15 000 back then was the equivalent of you know now yeah maybe 30 something like that um well I I just think that is is interesting when you hear these stories that you know um our culture just like we wasn't able to capitalize on everything off the of what we created well again why would the money be there we wasn't going golden Platinum yet what but when you look at when you look at the executives um who who was who were there for it for the journey very rich yeah I think so I think so most of the executives are rich the ones that came during and after all rich I know the dude that signed us what we all signed to what we signed into a lecturer election that's showing your age right there you even know what that is well oh yeah but yeah man we have Pete Rock and see how smooth was on a lecture Buster and then was on the lecture leaders of new school um a lot of people was on the lecture Lords of the Underground oh but you know yeah a few people was on that joint digable planets but see by the time digable planets because they ended up going platinum and all of it so now yeah yeah yes he did at a lecture yeah Boston became a superstar um and so his renegotiation right even when he first went solo I bet you his first solo deal was nothing like when he renegotiated after the blower right you know what I mean what yeah that's how it was back in there and then then it leaves it leaves no doorway right so then after this like the game then kind of now from you and throw you away right so do we do we want to hear a new Grand Puba music record that's kind of like uh uh uh is the game receptive to that no it's not after so I mean the new school game is not I mean you know like these young audiences wouldn't even know who Grand Puba is you know what I mean it would be up to the people of that era to support the ones of that era that come out if you still claim oh I love you know real hip hop and da da da da and then you got people from that era that's putting something out and it's quality because I don't tell people to to mess with something just because like I hate when people try to make conscious music just because like I'm like man that [ __ ] got to be just as good as the negative music or else it's not going to be effective you know what I mean so don't tell me you make conscious music is it hot is it hot you know what I mean so don't tell me you are older rapper but you whack now because of plenty of people they're short their sword is not sharp no more they get whack when they get older it's you know and they can't they don't they don't have that Swag like they used to but some people some people still got it me [Laughter] just drop the Top 40 record okay okay I'm not from back in the days I'm not from I'm not yeah what are you talking about right now but you not one of these dude right but I come but I come in an error that we had a lot more advantages meaning the game was different by the time I get here yes in in the 2000s right you know it's it's a lot more opportunity it's a lot more money in this in this in because the coach is older is it gives us the opportunity to last longer right so we can me and Jim could team up and do the lobby boys and have success and have a top uh 40 Urban record which is super smart so you know I don't think that the generation you know from the 80s and 90s had that because the career right so let's think about Big Daddy Kane's ring he's he probably ranked for like five years six years that was it that's the average drink right now you've seen all this you know when you think of like a fabulous she's been able to mad years less yeah but we also have this thing I I can't recall um in that era where artists collapse with other artists so much like you right now we're collabing the older artist of 11 with the yoga artist is kind of like a fusion so it makes it a little easier it makes it a little better you didn't see that back then right but it's just more opportunities now though it's just the the game is more opportunities like like for instance you can we can do business in in other in other areas right we can we can have a show on TV on Fox so right we can we can have book deals we can we can have uh trucking business we could have so many other things going on in different components and still be an artist right you can still be an artist I think the game back then it was like you you had to just be an artist right because people only respected you for that as soon as you as soon as you put that Silk shirt on we was like oh you sold out soon as soon as we sing came with Madonna we was like oh man he ain't the same and then turn around years later everybody doing stuff like that with with the Madonna or or or white artist or you know putting different type of clothes on and stuff like that so I I just think that the coaches was so new and it was still developing and us as a as a as a as a people you know know we we didn't we didn't it wasn't there yet it wasn't there yet facts it wasn't gay yet because again they didn't believe in the culture this was something that wasn't supposed to last it's only now they're throwing all this money at it because it's like all right you're not going away actually I see that this is the top performing music at all [ __ ] it let me just now I'm gonna have all of these corporate sponsorships and all of that like where could we really get the money from outside of Music it wasn't at that time he wasn't there other than you know even the the you know making your own gear that was new like right Wu-Tang and all of that like was the precursor to the Rockefellers and all that type of stuff but before that nobody thought of brand new being where or something like that like nobody didn't even get into you know what I mean like now these Avenues exist so it's like if you want to get into something it's somebody probably already in that space that you can go talk to and help you yeah I mean now you got departments and now you got these different um uh uh doorways right so now you wanna you wanna you wanna do something in the uh you know clothing area you just somebody to talk to you know nobody would talk to nobody to talk to thank you so much appreciate you my dog [Laughter] I'm telling you this is hip-hop you already know it is it is hip-hop it is Fox so it is Kitchen talk it is real tall it is Halloween about your boy Mano and your girl that girl Georgie AKA yeah free Ricky man thank you bro appreciate you man thank you no doubt
Channel: MainoTV
Views: 27,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maino, Kitchen Talk, Maino Presents Kitchen Talk, Fox Soul, Lord Jamar, Brand Nubian, podcast, Maino Podcast, Hala, Georgie, Ricky, Drink Champs, Joe Budden Podcast, Talk Show, Maino Show
Id: nouHNvY6s0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 51sec (4191 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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