The Legendary Method Man (Extended Cut)

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don't show a late night nothing but illustrious guests we've done this 172 times last one of the season give it up Method Man rapper Rodney on HBO's new shoulders dues to cow and upcoming film Wiz and we just look like we're in different stages of our life you're very told like I always assume that I'm gonna be taller than things are we interview about you right oh no everyone was actual right six three and a quarter oops I thought was six four to our branded snoop was actually true six four and he's taunting me whose overtones rapper you government game do you how far and to change game I think it's six six yeah I think game like six six six seven yo I'm like what do we even ask you who tank come on got the got the tattoo on the hand woo tape and one of the greatest rap groups in the history of New York City and or hip hop music period period what was your experience like when you were in Wu Tang cuz how old were you when you guys first started I was uh between 21 and 22 and I don't know it was just fun it was better than what I was doing at the product at that time was all hustling mm-hmm you know that was stressful every freaking day I mean even our first interview we did I think was for the sauce like a little piece and the sauce in between questions I had to go make sales she's had a case and he was running around with a I'd like to say that case is over though but now I like that I like to spin it they put on it you know that case had been overdose was good yeah yeah go through bullets for this man meaning like II they were trying to make money in order to put you know to even start this whoo tang thing and you know every now and then you get people that want to take what's yours and he fought for what was his and why no getting shot in the shoulder in the neck and wound up taking the gun from the dude and shooting them with his own gun gangster bags you're the first member of routine to have a solo album yeah that was my fault Bravo yeah because dirty couldn't finish it he took the money the budget money and ran with it went spent that [ __ ] up bought this little piece of [ __ ] as car and [ __ ] but he loved that car it was something read some rad type of a hande some type of [ __ ] something that wasn't worth the money he bought a big ad the system cost more than the [ __ ] car and I remember driving that song [ __ ] from this like my first time driving most second time driving I drove it from North Carolina to New York me him and Rizal and the car had a pull to it so it was pulled to the right so the whole time or what no relax and then one hand and if you have none to like keep this car straight you did what we're notorious b.i.g wasn't like working in the studio I had to sneak to go do that [ __ ] there's funny to know what no animosity I mean at that point in time Jeff didn't even have any animosity whatsoever big it was just the fact that we were building our own brand and we didn't want to share that money with anybody else so why would you let one of your hottest MCs go over here and share this money with these dudes with me being a fan of the music first and foremost I got put on the big early by my man dance moles he had a joint he had the Uptown MCA whose demand soundtrack yeah MC uptown MCA and big had a joint on there called party and [ __ ] he gave it to me like a bullet you think a big then you know I didn't think nothing of it at first you know the song was dope but you know get a lot of music and [ __ ] who my I was on at that time as I got a little sample of tape with Redman he had a song called how to roll a blunt and on that same one with onyx in a song called black vagina find it right now I'm town whose master track i dinner my boy radio ruckus was like yo you need to do a song with that dude biggie he got this joint called me on my [ __ ] and that that right there is in the same vein of you're all I need said okay let's do that I went so when I ran into big it was all up it was like he was real cool [ __ ] he had to be IG shirt on and [ __ ] that famous b IG shirt back then we all wash it like 100 times and [ __ ] because we would new new famous so you want them to see what they seen in the videos or whatever you want a video you wore - hmm mmm what is the triumph reel so no big me and big kicked it for a minute not lose really really really brief cuz there's a lot of tension at night because I remember uh yo-yo was performing in king's son was then he got some kind of beef with uh Ice Cube and it's like it's a girl up there why you why you [ __ ] with her let her do her thing that ain't even ice cube up there that s you know she may run with him but leave her alone right and I remember her saying that night oh I just I just wish my boy Q was here right now and I was thinking to myself [Laughter] and if it was just Q by himself now an but long story long ago big perform that night he performed the song party and [ __ ] and I remember because I forgot that there was a breakdown in there where dude stop fighting broke out and on stage [ __ ] gonna fight him and [ __ ] and they killed him because it really looked like a [ __ ] fight just like they did in the [ __ ] movie but it didn't happen the way it happened in the [ __ ] movie they got a lot of [ __ ] wrong I should have been in every goddamn performance scene because I was at all the [ __ ] show who else you think was on that bill [ __ ] ass non-playing but all at all they killed that [ __ ] because they really like a fight broke out and for people that wasn't familiar with the song you know it blew their [ __ ] mark cuz then he just broke out of that life yo chill chill can we did this all get along he's like yeah man yeah man this dude's got it so when I got the opportunity to do - what Tracy way pools came over and scooped me from my crib nobody know who's just me and her she came in and scooped me brought me over there was puffs big and easy Moby who produced the track nobody else in the studio nut puffs starts in on me early I [ __ ] I [ __ ] won't play torture and [ __ ] all night we write this verse first then we can play torture contrary to what people thought big Rody's birthday night to my verse that night he rolled his birthday do you have any wounds where left yeah I got some that I was just talking about that earlier Yeah right I might try to I know I get at least four figures are you guys thinking about like reissuing it or bringing them back out of like a vent of vintage grand mmm cuz there's a lot of people that cost the waiver you can find this right now in China they make it all kinda like [ __ ] you can get all kind of I see images of Gucci shirt no no gasps but you are a very good like I would call you a thespian you played a pretty pimp on HBO's The Deuce yeah I'm saying when do you realize like like when I get to me it's not a real stretch no actually you know what um I I think I'm never fully there you're always growing that's why I always get butterflies before I've always said that means growth um you I don't know it's just I'm gonna take it one day at a time and continue to learn the craft I want I want to be able to stand up there with some of the greats and and you know be validated by it and you know and I'm not doing it for the awards anything like that money but for the accolades movie the accolades mostly for my peers there's somebody that you've worked with that's like giving you game or like an experienced actor that you like you know they play put me onto a lot of [ __ ] mostly you know you know what not really I mean you you just watch them and I was usually doing it doing it off instinct not a great actors they'll see that you're doing it autistic and they can just guide you by their attitude how they approach the scene and [ __ ] so you're gonna match their energy you know what I mean that's uh that's somewhat what Maggie did and uh in the do she's she's brilliant by the way and she even took a day off to come rehearse with me for our scene together which is not which wasn't the first seen what you've seen in the pilot it's a scene further down in the series that we have together and I mean she had worked that they are at least 12 hours yet probably have been there about 5:00 in the morning and I got there about two three but she stayed in order to rehearse this scene with me dedication yes sir she didn't have to you know we could have just went up there flub the hole [ __ ] right but yeah she did that rehearsal with me and she definitely deserves an Oscar I'm you know Oscar I mean an enemy I mean you were in the cult classic how high mm-hmm very near and dear movie to my heart we talked to read about the shitty little cult classic what does that mean I gotta call it ass it wasn't good enough to to merit at the box office but a lot of stones like you said that the 1% kids that were around when you're filming how high yes sucked ass what do you mean like oh you mean the college kids yeah when we want to camp you know no I won't put everybody in the categories just these two idiots and two girls I'm like oh my god do you know what this movies about if she was like no I don't it's like it's just so stupid why are they even here and I was all my my what do you call those things that you can do you stand on him please screw this little school that little motorized school that [ __ ] and I'm right behind him and I'm just listening to this [ __ ] and I'm like I wrote it in front of my was like do you guys even know what the movie is no I asked the girl I was like do you even know what the movies about and she was like now I was like that was like my first taste of what Instagram and Twitter was gonna be right there it's so stupid right have you seen it no now did you know that you were gonna be part of the most iconic black love songs ever in the history of just recorded music that every relationship has to be measured if you're not going to the store get maxi pads for your girl I even love her these were like a fake contact with the love I love it I love with that spin on it and no nobody ever writes a song thinking this is gonna change the world or this is gonna make not saying I change the world but it's gonna change the world it's gonna make people fall in love people gonna make babies to this oh well our Kelly with the exception to have been Bobby Bradley they don't you know this is I love you want from the DS with maxi pad for you for me it was it was based off of I was a lot of emotional [ __ ] going on at the time risen Lord all of his music and a flood in the basement while we're working on my album so I had to work with a lot of things that were made right there on the spot and I remember missing my woman so I flew out the first time on the plane she came out and you know just being caught up in a moment and the pin hit my hand I was writing on the pad and just put my feelings down on paper that's why I didn't want to want the song to be brought to the forefront like that I didn't want to put the song out and I remember Lior and them they had to pay me to put this all out hmm I forgot what I did with the money but yeah right there to pay me put the song out and I mean it did this numbers and contrary to what my woman thinks she thinks that you know I don't like the song and stuff like that because I don't I didn't like what was done with the song I didn't want to get put in the forefront of I didn't want to be seen as any kind of sex symbol or I'm trying to get the girls and things like that because that wasn't what I was about the same thing with the marijuana I don't want to put that in the forefront because I don't want people to just associate me with that because there's so many more layers to my smoking weed and ramen you know mm-hmm hopefully people will learn that so you didn't want this to come in at all you wanted to just be like Helen cut exactly I just want to be album codes like personal it's like open mothers who not a single mobile know everyone that stole a lot from it and told the girl that she didn't realize this it was a crazy it's not you ever had in a recording studio cuz you've been doing this for a minute with some borrowed a lot of different character that you can remember and won't get anyone in trouble oh it's [ __ ] four dudes my producer Josh still my [ __ ] sneakers just a weird story I know it sounds weird right true master you producers yes all right and right and we were on the road for a long time so when we came off the road we still had a few things we had to do so the tour bus dropped us off at the studios everybody kept their stuff that they had on the bus at the studio me I didn't come back for a couple of days I'll come back we're all up in the studio whatever whatever we come downstairs after the studio session is over and I see the small folk carrying the box and I recognize the box because it's my box of sneakers so I'm like it when you get them sneakers from her he was like yo this is mine I was like don't Saints dogs by sneakers right then he was like open him up oh yeah I mean I told him open him up he opened them up I seen it was a light blue and white [ __ ] Air Force Ones I gave my [ __ ] he was like no power gave me this I was like what power couldn't have had no [ __ ] proof nothing at all tried to walk over my [ __ ] funny [ __ ] I just paid this [ __ ] man for doing all them beats on my second album you are stealing my [ __ ] sneakers and did my road manager beat them up no let me see different reason you all on the light you out here bright like the wire another eye kind of gets real so what was that experience like the same like on the deuce I mean David yeah David um they dislike something about this sets David is more of a people person Nina is more reserved she all sits back I guess she watches things more you know she's a bit more introverted than David is and it's just something about like it's like being in their their [ __ ] like someone welcoming you into their community as a new neighbor and all that [ __ ] and you just feel like I'm a part of this and you just feel comfortable and you don't want to go back to your trailer in between cuts because you're just right and they've always had sets like that even on the wire where it's like there be days where I would come and I'm signing autographs not even going to lunch with signing autographs and things like that David would be over there you know conversation with the locals he probably knew some of them you knew some of the old G's or whatever and stuff like that and no lie the next week some of those people that were on the street kids especially would be in the show and whether there were background or got a couple of lines here in there and that's that authenticity that I think that's very important which gives David his kind of uh his niche in the in the business as well as George cuz George - George is definitely on it and when you bring those two together and the error that they're trying to bring forth it's going to be a slippery slope you're gonna have people that are angry about it you're gonna have people that love it then you're gonna have you know the feminists who I love don't give me I love y'all ladies I love you I love the feminists do your thing whatever I don't don't hurt me don't hurt me and [ __ ] you know they're gonna they're gonna see it from a certain level - everybody I say look at it the same way I look at it it's a frickin TV show - yes press play enjoy don't bring your political views to this one hmm just watch the news mm-hmm we got the illustrious podcast we'll think of words number one items we have a cage that we do every episode we add more a cage and that was based off the whoo Gambino names how you guys would put more like everyone had like you know like noodles you have two different you have a favorite a key that you used because it was worth those meth to cows not beating the B&B double D mm-hmm big dick daddy can you explain what the cow means that it took all the 90s babies taking into consideration all lives yo how many yah has just explode [Music] is that ooh you still keep in contact with like the other members of wu-tang cuz you guys did you guys all come from like the same area staple children everybody no no ghost was Stapleton I was Park Hill you got Park Hill gray part the majority of us with Park Hill goes to stables here Rizal lived in Stapleton as well as Park Hill gently used to live in Park Hill him and dirty are the Brooklyn side mass killers the Brooklyn side we all arm you know the common denominator was Rizal right and you know he knew the Park Hill [ __ ] Seenu - Stapleton [ __ ] in we all would congregate at his house and make these tapes and actually whoo tang was supposed to be him Oh dirty and jessa that was supposed to be mu tag and the joint the protected neck joint was supposed to be the posse cut right after the after you know Molly Moll did the symphony everybody had to have a posse cut on this joint and that was supposed to be their posse cut right there but you know Reza being who he is and you know always thinking four or five moves ahead and being a chess player he was like you know what yeah and the rest is what it is yeah growing up on Staten Island cuz the rest of us in New York was just like yo you gotta take a boat out there but you guys are out there and for you y'all are self-contained I had your own like where was the influence cuz I know you guys are coming to town square and watch like the kung fu movies but like where did the whole hip hop and the mixture of diffusion and hip hop and Kung Fu in Staten Island come from well okay like this I'm gonna tell you like this for one we wanted to fire boroughs just forgotten about you know a lot of people who were living in Brooklyn in the 70s early 70s mid 70s were moving to Staten Island from Brooklyn because they felt like they were going to get a better life there not knowing that Staten Island was just as Brackett Brooklyn Queens Manhattan brought wherever you at um the way we became entrenched in hip-hop is the same way the guys in Brooklyn and Queens except they could touch each other because they had a transit system we didn't have a transit system so we would have to come all the way across the water on a boat get to Manhattan and a lot of times there was stuff happening in them clubs and people would scream in Brooklyn and they was knocking people out those were Staten Island [ __ ] the tunnels legendary New York City nightclub you already know who Tang was having their mouth deep all these crews mmm man what borough was the heavies in there you just said that a lot of Brooklyn leaders were actually Staten Island world yeah Brooklyn [ __ ] was happy in there depending on what night she was dead who was performing I thought I'm saying especially like it mob deep with their Queens was in the build heavy heavy you know I'm saying is somebody from Harlem in the bill were big big would bring out Harlem and Brooklyn so you got that dead but when we perform I'm if I had a um not taking nothing from Brooklyn love BK but I did a grammy-winning party in Brooklyn and all night long Staten Island was taking potshots at Brooklyn maybe it's me yeah Brooklyn's credit/no live when they would over [ __ ] just walking outside the club Jersey cuz you know being from Staten Island being from Long Island it was live [ __ ] in Long Island biggest slept on Long Island so I knew Jersey had some live [ __ ] man in one night when I compadre cha he got jealous I got jumped and [ __ ] right and and and and you know they was washing them up and I don't think I beat that bad but it's pretty bad came back in Staten Island linked up we had about 30 deep one that deep and [ __ ] we walk outside and you don't see nothing but silhouettes but it looked like a thousand [ __ ] Jersey [ __ ] hmm it [ __ ] stood there for about two minutes and that's when I just walked away to like I really wanna do it what do you want your rainbow to see okay this one I want my way able to say at the end of the game the pawn and the King going the same box right the game the pocket man in the house [Applause] you're watching the deesis and Miro YouTube channel so subscribe it's like the buttons all the buttons right here this is a really - [ __ ] you know saying out here geng geng soir
Channel: Desus & Mero
Views: 389,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Desus & Mero, Desus, Desus Nice, Mero, The Kid Mero, VICELAND, VICE, Late Night, Talk Show, Late Night Talk Show, Action Bronson, Eddie Huang, Bodega Boys, podcast, Bodega Boys podcast, Comedy, Funny, Humor, TV, television, TV show, sports, politics, music, hip hop, the Bronx, Bodega Hive, The Brand is Strong, The Art, BX, method man, wu, wutang, wu-tang, wu-tang clan, wu tang clan, ghostface, ghostface killah, tunnel, the deuce
Id: NRiyjU9wdPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2017
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