AMAZING Method Man Interview!! Too Good To Title!!

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ebrill in the morning rosenberg lord styles hot 97 the legend is here you like that Method Man give it up yeah yo bro don't come in making jokes we were a collared shirt and a button-down sweater you know mathematics carnegie's York today rosetta Scott I Rosanna Scotto and Kelly's kid and he's off the scription by the way okay wait Method Man your eyes going bad yeah I can't see I gotta wear these when I Drive that's crazy right because the glare from the lights be blinding the crap out of me I thought people had the high beams on who's [ __ ] with know you can come all right Babu he's almost [ __ ] with me but it was actually my eyes catching them glares and I can't see [ __ ] now methods in a different space yar he's in a movie with Adam Sandler that's so big called the cobbler which comes out or when Friday comes out Friday the 13th March 13 make sure y'all get down to the movie theater early because I'm going to everything and piss on the first 10 people that walk in it that's so nice you're gonna pee on everyone who goes to movie makes everything more pinic you know what's a cobbler about it's basically about a well you know anyone who knows what a cobbler is said black people they think is dessert well basically a cobbler is a shoemaker and this guy Adam plays a shoemaker who who you know kinda hates his life and one day my character comes into the store has to get my shoes repaired and his soles fixed and as he's trying to fix them machine breaks down and he has to use one of the older machines that you know that's been around for centuries I guess and it does something crazy to the shoes so when he puts on a person's shoes he actually actually becomes that person which i think is brilliant because who wouldn't want to walk in somebody else's shoes literally they don't so you're you're on you're acting swag heavy though like that's where you what you're doing this year we were just talking off the air you say you were rather gonna chill for summertime you're gonna focus on acting yes sir Oh most of most of it is because of you know the agents and people casting directors and people like that like Alexa phone go first and foremost who said uh you want to be 50 years old rapping on stage and you don't you not wants it no you don't maybe a show here named - oh here and there it's cool but not because I have to write because I want to you know and I mean she said I'm talented and you know a lot of people when you get a lot of people in the room saying that you're talented and these are people that have been in the business and know what's good and what's bad I mean you're gonna take their advice and get serious about it plus I mean it's fun no fun I mean you can be anyone you want to be at any give them a lot less stress their rap - as far as getting a check it depends on your director sometimes because sometimes directors are demanding and they they bring a lot out of you but it's it's all about character development can you what's the what's your recount your besides how high the stuff with red what is the other film stuff you've done jeez you've done a bunch of stuff now stop playing 187 with Sam Jackson great white height was the first one man like scary movie but what rapper didn't do escape yeah I mean my baby's daddy would Anthony Anderson and most of my movies are below the radar I'm not doing common numbers right now but I will be doing common money in a minute that's that's the plan yeah what's it like working with a guy like Adam Sandler you're talking about this is a true one of the great well comedic actors of the last 20 30 years anybody that knows Sandler knows that I'm not lying when I say just regular you know the guy dresses like you know the average you know he dresses like a hobo let's be on board oh I hope he's jeans his dad Jean game and a t-shirt and by the way the man I've seen him doing thousand interviews on TV man never wears a t-shirt with a good collar he's just a regular dude huh regulars ever man and I mean like like I said kind of guy you can go to a bar and have a beer with and just chill with all day it's like sometimes you forget he's day on set because he's just so you know no extra not lots of people running right after him and things like that suppose the Anthony Anderson who cracks jokes from Sun up to Sun Einstein non-stop but if he wasn't funny I'd be annoyed Method Man is here I'm happy birthday you just celebrated a baby we're out of it too very proud of it why are you proud to be fully overlooked 44 no you know I got that I got this four I don't have any felonies I've never been shot you know what I'm saying yeah that's pretty much a win for me when I made it I made it well family kids everybody think Oh prosthetic over the kids why what's the matter you know they don't make teenagers anymore they're not teenagers anymore these this new breed what it was mean ages that's what they are mean ages take the T off of it put an MVA n in the front they're mean ages I mean these teams Road car they're trolls in real life not just on the internet they troll you all day yeah do they do your kids recognize how I mean listen you're cool now myth but do they recognize the level to which you were the standard for cool women thought you're one of pause sorry he's regarded as like one of the most sexiest artists they've ever had Laura say that but you know something he likes to say it Laura my wrong though no no women have always loved me I remember in high school all the girls loved math are they aware of the kind of stature you truly have had in this game no no and not and I love my kids for that because even my oldest son I remember he had an episode in high school cuz he used to have his favorite hoodie used to wear and the kid was like ain't your father met that man how come you always wear that same hoodie every day and he looked at and he was like my parents do a lot for me so I don't have to ask him for everything that I need when I want it all right that's why I wear this hoodie every day basically he was just trying to tell the kid that he's humble and it doesn't matter who his dad is he can dress any way he wants to dress and judge him for who he is not who his dad did you teach him how to keep a razor blade under the stuff my kids I got my young younger dude rate Raekwon who I named after chef he's the one that ain't seen no pasa to her but he the most uh what does that mean so he's a totally suburban kid yeah but he just has her tendencies you know what I mean like he's the one that probably get caught stealing from a store I need to be something like a parrot or handcuffs I mean that was a dude that was that the young man who I had to look for on the stage that something I was God I remember well cuz they know my back - that's my baby right there for one and he's good for that when I was a kid my mother tell you I she had to deal with me at eight years old coming home at 10 11 o'clock at night and you know I would get screamed like the first few times but after a while I was like okay that's just shotgun shotgun gonna be home that's my nickname by the way shot gonna be all mine worried about it same thing with my boy ray like I'm not worried about him the boy just even though he hasn't grown up in the hood he got hurt to know everybody's on stage whoo tang 20th anniversary's about to go down yeah everybody's on stage I mean everybody from the wu+ cousins every I mean it was a mess up I see MEF walking in circles I'm like yo bro we bout to do this he was like y'all we ain't doing none time fine my son I know I boy and Ray I'm telling you you want to know he's the only one wants to be an entertainment business that's why soon as we cuz we we got stopped I got stopped at the gate and I turned around to talk to somebody and I turn back around and he was gone on stage what that's where he was jeez daddy's day to go does he want to rap it is you want to act ray wants to rap but he want to do anything involved with the entertainment business you know he watches a lot of snoop and Sun but does he play football yeah he's good he's good football coach from st. Joe's by the sea that's a good school and Staten Island they want him and he's eighth grade he's gonna be a fourteen-year-old eighth grader because you gotta let back once so you know he was out there playing with these kids Staten Island boys Football League shout-out to y'all out there playing with these kids and it was like they got a lot of good kids out there don't get me wrong Ray's just another piece of the puzzle but he was just out there making it look so easy superior yeah yeah but you were a good athlete you were a football you played football you came across to the gym four years of lacrosse five years of football name another rapper who was a known for a year lacrosse player no idea me neither he probably knows anyone else there's not another one I know about only people I know that play lacrosse besides myself Jim Brown and Jim Brown play lacrosse did you deal with any um any racist stuff playing lacrosse was like walking from Nassau Coliseum sometimes cuz we go there to see like low events or they had the carnival or whatever there and that's my said Nassau Coliseum I mean Hofstra University Park me and we will be walking back from Austria I mean five out of ten cause we 88 years once upon a time and Shaolin yeah an album that is being auctioned in a private auction RZA and the producer silver rings have come together to make this and you've been quoted as saying you're not happy with the 88 year yes concept yes um what what my biggest thing with that was I was misinformed first of all even though I feel I still think 88 years is a little ludicrous anyway but that's not for me to say I don't like silver rings by the way I just put that out there um for me to get that information secondhand like that from somebody that's interviewing me I thought it was insulting first of all because there's always going to be room for misinterpretations and all kind of stuff and my my only fault in this was speaking before I spoke to my brother his fault in this was not speaking to me at all about what was going on with that album so if a question like this was posed I would know how many right now as far as double-xl went double XL double XL double XL maybe now your magazine a sell look add a burnt me in the past I didn't want to do the interview in the first place but I did it for you no team player I've always been loyal team play and this was for the cobbler and Tom I mean he didn't have to give me this part and he put a lot of faith in me too so you're on promo making sure the movies reps right first thing comes out of our mouths so how do you feel about people not being able to hear once upon a time in Shaolin 88 years I said what I mean you guys could read the interview I guess just read interview but at the end of the day I think a minute and 30 seconds was used in that interview out of ten minutes for the interview a minute and thirty seconds was wasted talking about that and then the rest was about the movies and what other moves I was making that article went up I say two hours after I did that with her and she only put up that part of the whole interview I thought was tacky taste dirty now if people if people pull that out you could even lead with that as a headline but you don't want to tell other journalist you don't want to cut the other content a man's trying to promote a movie actually don't say that I told her that I was like she's like but no cuz I called her Miranda oh you called the press called Miranda Johnson yes and they were and I asked and toughness I commend her for even picking up the phone and taking the call Daenerys too I commend you for even you know giving me the number even though I had it already and was gonna call her um she she got on the phone and I mean y'all was like yes I do I smoked marijuana you know I'm saying but I don't smoke marijuana all the time and I'm not a stupid dude you know so she's trying to slow Jedi mind-trick no man we're running the whole story I was like no you ran part of the story but man we're gonna run the whole sounds like are you insulting my intelligence right now you know what you did yeah alright only thing that you should be saying to me right now is I apologize but this is what I wanted to run water be 100 oh I ran I ran with that cuz I knew that was gonna get us on our side but at most the rest in amid a cliff that was the story you wanted to run with at least that MIDI she didn't she wouldn't admit it she just kept running beating around the bush and things so you know I think the fort I'm told I have a nice day and she asked me if there was anything she could do to fix it no after before you blasted her on your social media this was before I blasted also say I came later and that's only because someone so much it'll blow back that res is getting and RZA basically don't know [ __ ] Eva about it you know that's why I can't stand this [ __ ] dudes silver rings yeah now mouth I'm sorry real quick I know him right I met him the night at the art thing you know you're best friends with him so good I just met him for the first time with RZA this was what was his last week yeah I went and I listened to a 13-minute excerpt of Once Upon a Time mashaallah and there was tons of other media there they talked through the creation of it how it was created and Reza did say that you all wu-tang did not know what you were making when it was recorded yeah he went on to saying I'm he's supposed to come up when he's got some other things going on but he wants to come up and talk about it he went on to say that all of wu-tang was on the same page with this being a piece of art that was going to be kept as a piece of art and cherished as a piece of art because the issue is is that music doesn't sell and it for whoo tang album which one just recently came out it didn't sell that great that doesn't mean wu-tang fans didn't love it they loved it it's just people don't buy music so the concern was let's create something that's a piece of art that can't be commercially produced I get it so that was the idea and that's what eighty-eight years came from is like listen if anybody wants to mass-produce this piece of audio they have to wait 88 years that doesn't mean people have to wait 88 years to listen to it but the owner of it whoever buys it and it's a private auction where this is everything I understand I've talked to our gallery the owner of it can take it and play it for people right but they can't mass perdón they can't give it away and they can't cannot give it away and he could only plate for whoever he wants yeah and it's a private auction so that means any old Joe Blow can't go bid on this and this is the thing that Miranda didn't tell me when she presented it to me and I'm pretty sure she had an idea and she didn't present that to me a lot of people don't understand it does it is weird right then it shouldn't be in an interview especially if you haven't fat check right you got to I don't know what it is maybe there maybe her question should have been hey math do you understand this 88 years thing which I always said not really yeah yeah and I mean yo honestly I don't like anything that seems like a gimmick associated with wu-tang at all I don't like bad press with wu-tang and I could take bad press I don't care about it but when it comes to my crew and my group I'm very protective like my kids you know it's like I can say whatever I want to say out my mouth about RZA but I don't like other people family yeah you know I gotta tell you like the hairs on my neck I've read some of those comments and it's like rings you better step up and take the blame for that because it's not Reza's fourth I'm putting that out there right now is not Rizla's 14 I don't think Brazil even knew about that 88 years to later on and he climbed on board with it real talk this is this dude making weird old moves and this is how it goes when you dealing with like like for us the beginning of whatever turned people off the wu-tang was allotted to be artists and a lot of the be artists taking liberties with the W and doing all kind of weird stuff with it and the music wasn't up to par and you had woo south and woo Midwest and address common daddy was my favorite stuff popping out right it was even an episode where you know we're we're working on an album and we got overshadowed by do cutting off his dick and I'm telling you honestly I know what a dude I know - dude but has he ever been oh he's probably been around the whole crew 3 times the most the whole crew I've been around more than the visuals right number of times and stuff you know but as far as wu-tang that's not walking but he forced you know he always everything that we was doing at that point topper cutting his dick off really I got to tell you it is pretty bold I mean Lucy he didn't just cut off a pinky do it it was his dick so yeah you gotta give incredible treasures there but you know I believe me I understand completely you know what I don't like for people to take I mean if we're gonna [ __ ] up let it be us you know if Shep gonna come up in here and badmouth Britt all day and or go come up in hand talk this that and the third about whoever and [ __ ] they could do that they part of the crew but I don't want no outside dudes taking liberties and doing this that and the third and saying that's wu-tang but you know what I mean because that reflects on all of us and by rings doing this thing with this 88 year thing I'm glad I said what I said even though it was out of context I'm glad I said what I said because they're not gonna sit there and blame my crew for this we ain't with the gimmicks have you had a conversation where is about all of this oh we spoke briefly about it you know I'm saying that after everything that happened I explained to him exactly what happened and told him to do the knowledge and read the article closer and he did and he hit me and he was like I understand and understood which to me it's the ultimate elevation of love right there you guys I got to tell you my fear you guys Mike this might sound crazy to you I love wu-tang more as time goes on you guys are the most loving dysfunctional family ever and when I say it when I say that it's to say there's always something going on there's always a thing yet it's never it's always family beef and I love it because it's like no one says anything nasty about each other it's just basically the equivalent of like well mr. dick yeah you guys are like brothers who are just like I love it yeah and we only was gonna get away with that play exactly if I will tear somebody head off thinking they're gonna come around me and be like yo what's up with RZA what's up with him exactly don't even mention Prince Rocky I said that's my brother now when you look back at the wu-tang history are there projects that you do think of as being true affiliates to wu-tang like army kill army that's because they have blood brothers and they're you know night Prince you know I mean there's versus blood brother right there and kill us and that's the powers my brother right there you know so they were direct class direct ties plus we watched him grow up what about sons a man sons a man those brothers dirty on dirty socks dirty grew up with 60-second you know what I mean prodigal son been around since day one from when we was recording the album you know Hellraiser all those brothers they Brooklyn you know so yeah that's without that those ones you consider this yes yes yes plus we love what they stuff for sons a man come on man what are you gonna do with that five arch angels are still single that's Hegel was so the psychopath on the after blast killing something more paprika habit best what up six he said I love you tank we're hanging out on throwback Thursday with the legend Method Man he's got a movie coming out Friday the cobbler Adam Sandler yeah you smoke weed without him saleable new I don't smoke when I work yeah you don't smoke on cent more anymore no I started with how high I hang a lot cuz um when we used to in the morning I can't smoke in the one I get nauseous and [ __ ] so we used to go on set in the morning hold on the other policies everything I guess a map the man is 44 years old and we all longer can wake and bake you're the reason that kids are waking and baking to this day they're still but for the morning poop but um no you say you're smoking with how high but when we come when we still come in the mornings we want point hitting marks everything performance everything go to lunch come back it was like a laugh fest that could get any work done and um Stacey she remembers she pulled me to the side was like you guys are so much better in the morning than you are in the afternoons that was her nice way of saying it smoking yeah yeah yeah yep and she said um I'm not the one that's gonna be on camera looking crazy think about that you know it's like you know what you're right right I heard you're in the Game of Thrones mixtape yeah are you big Game of Thrones fan yeah Logan I mean I didn't catch you on to like third season because I tried to watch the first season and I don't like talk talk talk chatter too much chatter would you charge both you want what yeah it's a humble but as you picked up and the story goes on cuz I mean I saw a Lord of the Rings the original one that was animated in the movies you know I'm saying not too many people is up on that and I remember watching The Hobbit on TV the cartoon an animated one so medieval stuff has always been like corn my family my father was a big Sinbad fan you know that's not exactly medieval but you know it's sward and swashbuckling and you know sort of same genre now for me I just if I could get a movie like that you know something like you pitching yourself right now and I get a movie like I've been working out to go do what Carol what character if you could place and bad backs and bad should have been black anyway of course all it should have been black anyway Sinbad is black what are you guys talking about not so Larry's time nine seven Method Man's hit what can you tell us about working with Tupac any stories from that experience none goes to pop wasn't there but I'll tell you this people want it right because if you know pop was locked up right yeah when pop came home this high 100 death row kept it with him when pop came home whatever material dogpound had Dre had snoop at any of them had they gave to pop so he could do his album so that's why when you listen to the album California love was supposed to be Andres out right I'm saying the one that I'm wrong with reading that's what we for the Dogg Pound album and rage was in the spot that pop was in and Dec was on the record also but by the time pop got on it you know but when I met the brother later on down the line it was that uh when all this east/west crap was going on but it wasn't no he's West crap when bad boy in there or whatever wanted a little [ __ ] I remember because I was hot and I was you know I'm big but I'm in LA it's just me I ain't out there with nobody you know y'all had a mansion out there we did but we didn't have no mansion and it was just math out the alive boom I'm in here right so I remember sitting up in one of the books you know House of Blues is set up I'm sitting there and this is the pre Soul Train party so I'm sitting up in one of the booths and I'm just like looking around and everything and I'm starting to feel the tension before I wasn't feeling the tension I mean we was even the plane coming to LA Suge was all our [ __ ] line know them saying so it's all love I'm in there just tension it just felt weird and I remember seeing puff come through that's where it started for him yet cover me was seeing puffs come through and puff that like fire bodyguards with him and this is like one of the only times ever stop to speak to me you know what I mean like yeah yeah back in those days you know big we saw a lot right whatever middle one is up first stop speak to me and [ __ ] so you know I fell off he's like what the [ __ ] was that about puffs don't do that [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] so I had to shake it off and I'm sitting up in the booth and I remember somebody snapped me out of funniest thing for the funniest person ever snapped me out of it loctifas camphor for dolo and you know la got that bop [ __ ] you doing in that corner what the [ __ ] am i doing in this corner got up you know what up and uh after that it was just cool ENT him make it to make a long story longer we on our way out lights come on at the end of the party party over lights come on I'm blow now I'm like fill the tap on my shoulder turn around his paw class but I ain't seen this [ __ ] all night I ain't know he was even in there I turn around pop day like yo you know anybody wanna [ __ ] with his won't take next you got no cameras every [ __ ] way so while he's saying this I remember some an altercation have more resident veggies something happen with the chain and pop was trying to tell me you know if I was there that [ __ ] would have never happened boy I'll be back and I remember looking up and sure was looking at me crazy right now [ __ ] you know so then I look at pop and pop got a whole different face his face looked like that that picture before he died that that face he is that that that yeah that look he had that look on his face is [ __ ] you know on the main and I remember looking back down and I couldn't understand anything he was saying after that cuz man [ __ ] was going through my head and I'm looking at the death row piece on his chain and he was like yeah we gonna meet up and I was like yeah you know I'm in do it within our business walked out soon as I walked out the club be Tracy waivers love tre whopping possession of a black jacket yeah work behind say for a long time she outside in a Benz like map come on get in the car I'm making a connection here no my oh that's puff call that puffy call hey no way I'm getting in that [ __ ] car no [ __ ] way even though you know I ain't gonna be for puffing no but you know my [ __ ] but there's no way I'm good and it looks like you picking sides I'll take a cab thanks son we went to pink dot right down the block got you a little hot dog we were still reading the goin big dog we started in the alleyway rehashing the whole night now paranoid this [ __ ] we was behind ya and I mean we must have been there for like a hour before we left like you know but it was a bug that evening that was when I met Tupac hello it was home and for anybody watching listening is right now it was a time it was a lot of plotting going on yeah it was a lot of like if this one moves like this I'm a move like this because there was so much money being made on record shelves it was so much money being doled out to puff Suge these labels to develop acts to take over the charts to do this to do that the cats was really playing chess like who's moving with who how can I make this look like this like nothing makes me happier than hearing street smart and smart generally New Yorkers talk about what what's happening and looking at a situation out ciders would have never thought that puff my hat didn't have a relationship like that I'll be there for you that dream extent that you guys want to grab me together I gotta understand okay puffy puffy the man like you know Sean or whatever and [ __ ] you get on one on one puff is the coolest [ __ ] on the planet play torture with her when I did this wrong with big butt puff the puffy P Diddy and you were bunched around a bunch of other [ __ ] that's Showtime Showtime baby and I don't blame him cuz you got to live up to the persona you know what I'm saying and maybe that really is his persona but like I said he wasn't the type of person go out his way to speak to you type of what was there was there any everyone always asked about and talks about the weird that was there ever anything weird between you and big at all everyone's like they were going at each other on [ __ ] the world cuz the whole after world [ __ ] and big dick write his verse I saw him write it and people saying he ain't right [ __ ] I saw him write it but um no I mean Ray had you know did the scared or whatever about big or whatever and stuff and that's because Ray felt like you know [ __ ] was big on not [ __ ] love NAS you know I'm saying to this day [ __ ] still love NAS and [ __ ] my crew like NAS is unofficial movement book girl but um chef felt like it was disrespectful that big would take that cover art like that and do that and I mean honestly in the 90s everybody was biking and I'm gonna put it out there like like people said I sounded like buster and sticky and all these brothers and these are artists that I admired so yeah everyone know everybody did it so I mean credit credit where credit is due big didn't do that chef felt some kind of way said whatever whatever he said about it but big being who big was cool individual he was he took it he didn't take it like all of those [ __ ] is my enemies you know what I'm saying if anything he wanted to embrace brothers even more and there was times where we had shows with him where dudes would walk in didn't necessarily feel the same way chef in ghost it but it's a family thing so they walk bright bomb not say [ __ ] to him whereas me I always stop and kicked it with him like so big and popping in and there me and C's you know well I mean also me we also can't overlook you can't overlook the importance of [ __ ] the world the what as it became known for you I mean that record at the time that was like getting the two hottest underground cats on one record and it was random and it was a made out that's a big moment but I didn't see it like that when I was going in how did you think of it my homeboy radio ruckus was like ruckus I mean I shot a model I've heard this dude is number one for bootleg movies bootleg CDs Boop I mean yo he music he got it and he told me about Big Dance Moms had already put me on to him about you know party and [ __ ] at some convention or whatever but um raid played some of his joints I don't know how we got these shits but he had them and I remember me and my [ __ ] and he was like yo you ever get a chance to do a joint with this and they could do it then ray got locked up we know when the [ __ ] was coming home so when I did me big and approached me about it jumped on it right through the net Tracy wait books came and picked me up from my crib and we went down to go do the damn record and it was cool and [ __ ] I think that sticks out most of me is that gap between easy mo BT kept staring at it needs a smiley face happy humble dude you can't help but see it you know how to be loved easy moment up by the way Method Man is here and we were talking about a lot of things yes 70 brought in the morning Rosenberg we were just talking about movies and TV that Method Man left out of his his resume when we were running down earlier because he's got a movie out this weekend called the cobbler with Adam Sandler yes and he left out the fact he was in brown sugar and the wife yeah well I don't understand you got left on the cutting room floor of brown sugar that's exactly that you should have a prominent role in the I mean if you look at the DVD though I was on there but one of my favorite rap actors was in there most death motions more work most needs more work can he come back to the United States yeah he's not bad I saw him when I was over there so that was only some [ __ ] he's not bad just chose to be over there yeah just like he wants to be gone so we don't throw back doors they go ahead loss down no um I read that Raekwon is where he just did a Kickstarter campaign for a documentary did you hear about that Ray is such a boss yeah I think it was very only built 4 Cuban Linx for the documentary for an anniversary for the purple tape a documentary you alright well chef is such a boss but you know what chef lead a purple table own it just dance bid I mean everything comes back to the purple tape it's like us always before and it's like that person that been to the war and every conversation even if you talking about going to get something to eat - just he refers back to the war you know I remember we didn't have McDonald's we uh we had eat grubs and shrubs and things that you know I was talking about the war hold on the plate that was advocate but mad are you saying that because everyone tends to say that purple tape is the crown jewel of all the wu-tang solo albums yes I like supreme clientele I think well that's always right their supreme and liquid swords right there there's the other idea you know what you got the wrong person because I like so much of where do you put where do you put yours in those in those woods I feel about my first solo it was a lot of turmoil and snow going on I had to record like on the fly we were on the road our first road trip to LA and all that and you were out first you came out first right and a lot of the music got lost in the flood so we hear he had to redo a lot of stuff and some of the beasts didn't make it and yeah it was a little [ __ ] I mean by the way it's doing I was in the studio literally with my spikes running around certain studios in the Papa stop ahead like the woman's stocking so there was a real benefit to the guys who got to wait a little bit longer chef chef went to the Bahamas him and ghost went to the Bahamas for like two weeks before he even recorded in retrospect okay Method Man the single the b-side was was became the radio hit yeah now all of a sudden out of the camp here comes Method Man as they're pushing you to be a solo artist it comes to Def Jam with the check to make Method Man the solo artist what I hear you saying right now is that happened a little too fast because you were still touring with wool and you had the pressure of Def Jam and Method Man being a solo artist and all the other [ __ ] happening but I didn't know the amount of stuff on my plate until they got too deep because that first I was just happy to be off the block I mean I first interview we did with the sauce where we took those pitches with the air the class Columbia suits on and [ __ ] like I think I wasn't making sales in between them shots like a minute you want I mean you know what I'm saying real real like real rap no no filters no nothing man like bummy ass [ __ ] trying to [ __ ] do something right and it was to the point where I didn't careful he's making money on the road because I wasn't there on the Block I was not whatever gets me out he gets me off the block and the funny thing is being on the road for months I missed the block I want to go back this [ __ ] [ __ ] did relationships get hard to manage when you became a breakout superstar and you have other affiliates even people who are in the original 8 or 9 members of wu-tang who are on a totally different financial level than you a different celebrity level was that complicated to navigate those relationship I could be told now I mean when I used to come back off you know doing certain things movies and TV and stuff like that or certain award shows and stuff like that I was made to feel like I couldn't talk to brothers about you know cuz it was it was not you know you come in with a certain energy you excited yeah you know it was like and you wanted to be like yo you're not gonna believe what I just did exactly but it wasn't like that and I'm not saying the brothers with jealous that far from it cuz you know everybody was eating I'm just saying like they wasn't as happy for me as I was for me kind of like when I lost my when my money was taken or whatever and stuff brothers felt for me but they couldn't feel for me meaning like if you if I said didn't told you my grandma died you only maybe you knew her but you wouldn't feel it the way I felt it you know it's like oh man your grandmother died she filled it for that second but it doesn't last with you for months lingering yeah and I mean stuff like that Lincoln how much money did you lose it was a lot what turn lose it taxed up not one taxes no it was it was some shady stuff going on but like I said I'm not you know it was some shady stuff going on and some money was taken and I never got that back so you know that's why I'm f I keep everything regular I don't own 2/3 caught man how many my own a car like that a car but I don't even only caucus on feel like driving after my car was stolen I said the hell with the whole thing um one house you know in New York in this area you say this area is that not stayed in Staten Island and um just regular just wreck I mean I remember being an airport and these dudes just staring and things like you why you so regular like that's a bad thing you know they don't make Gucci in my size Louie know that stuff in my size you know but he did that Gucci bag where you walked in yeah you understand something look I take a lot of airplanes right and when I dress like I usually dress and get on the plane I don't they don't even say you know when you get on the plane and say hi to everybody and when you get off they say goodbye they don't say goodbye to me and [ __ ] I'm like what's the problem you know I don't get that same service but I dress up I throw on a shirt ya know that the glasses glasses a whole different sir I mean we take your coat for you sir how are you today you know let's go on stand down the real quick I'm gonna have a conversation about Eric garner you lived in that area for your entire life yeah um a lot of people don't know the world of Staten Island and how different it is in the rest of the planet right right and even the rest of the tri-state and New York City yeah so that incident happens um the whole community over there is up in arms for people who don't know Staten Island can you explain the economic racial divide and also the gentrification that's taking place okay well Staten Island man it's like the rich get way richer the poor stay poor we we've always been under the Boot Hill of um you know politics the police force everyone no one's ever threw us a bone gave us any effing thing and you know as soon as we step outside our realm I remember Halloween we used to go to like Rose baked and stuff like that we see a police escort cuz they want to stay and think us leave the the get you out right as far as the AeroGarden the thing is it's nothing new to us I hate to say unfortunately um my man case when it was same thing happened to him to chokehold everything they killed him that cop that did that killed a murdered him the cop that murdered him Donald Brown is the same reason I'm not on the wu-tang album any of the pitches in the first full tang album because he locked me up that day smoking a blunt now it was cool I mean I was smoking he said put the blood out I put the blood out he said no throw it in the water I said I'm not going in the water okay lock me to [ __ ] up um months later and breakfast cop Matt [ __ ] reckless he made it so I couldn't leave that day he said I was under the influence keep him overnight had to stay overnight went to Brooklyn bailed out whatever he months later or maybe a year later kills my plan journalist again being reckless again over a firework that my man didn't even throw you know what I mean they beat them strangled them Eric Gardner all over again so and and because it's a small community there yeah the cops know the individuals they know the young kids that hang out they know the rapper's they know anybody coming out of that area whether they play basketball or whatever they're in the areas to know who's who and what's what um like I had like certain cops have their dude that they [ __ ] with and I think that dude that did that with Eric garner he [ __ ] with Eric cuz you can tell in the video eric was like you [ __ ] with me today exactly and for me it was a cop named Elvis my vindication came we used to call him Elvis oh look like Elvis forgot he got it wasn't actionable basic no no all right at the end the day I understand not to go dudes just trying to do his job but he's come through the block shaquan what are you doing with your money you're a bum on the loudspeaker I'm thinking this [ __ ] cool all the cops know my name so somebody put me on again [ __ ] it's bad they know you're [ __ ] down you next yummy yeah well my vindication came when I was going MTV Awards and they blocked off the street Radio City block off the street and whose open pulling back the police barricade to let my car through Elvis but I gave him credit because he had the white shirt with stripes now so he had moved up in love he had moved up and I rolled the window down I was like Elvis was good he looked at me gave me a nice little knowing nod and I gave him a nod back this this isn't sane all Staten Island conscious a lot of cops lived they actually live on Staten Island all cops all the cops aren't [ __ ] there are a few more than a few that are cool I myself personally have been pulled over by cops who have maybe a smelt marijuana in the car who knows look at me and say Method Man grew up on your [ __ ] go ahead you know I'm saying I won't get nobody in trouble but yeah cool about [ __ ] you know I bust my balls am i doing nothing you know and I heard no point eight point B in that area where Eric garner was choked and killed yeah that area is changing I'm told this waterfront they building buildings now they trying to push those those people in that lived in that community for decades I was part of it push them out and I think that was definitely part of it them gentrification and satin Island has always had the potential to be a big-money place they been trying to separate us from the five boroughs since I've been in Staten Island we could be our own burrowed under then if you look at the tolls they should be caked up tolls almost $20 to get home it's just we remember when the Navy guys just come prices go up all the stores and stuff down at now they're rebuilding they're making it look like a mini like like like over there we're in Jersey Jersey City there you go over there when he got every financial babe presenting a big bad bill they're doing that now we're setting on which i think is good but I just want to see that trickle down to well little guy exactly exactly because I and there's plenty of people in New York know about this I used to hate not having when I didn't when I was off from work it's wintertime I'm off from work and I'm trying to rest the whole day and the super down there beating on the pipe Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing I used to always wonder what the [ __ ] that was for why was he beating on them pipes you know I'm talking about anybody from the hood noise that most annoying sound in the world I could deal with their sirens all that but I could not stand the superintendent banging on them pipes trying to get some [ __ ] to work worth [ __ ] to get Oh ever I forgot what point I was trying to make I mean this is it I'm gonna just go out make sure I support and see cobbler in theaters tomorrow with Adam Sandler very excited Oh real quick when little C's was here he did mention that big said that you were his favorite rapper that's what he had with little C's was here busy when he did the anniversary that shouted amount on Keith watch he's always been my man
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 1,843,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Method Man (Musical Artist), RZA (Musical Artist), GZA (Musical Artist), Wu-Tang Clan (Musical Artist), Ol' Dirty Bastard (Musical Artist), Method Man (Musical Recording), East Coast Hip Hop (Musical Genre), Staten Island (US County), 2pac, tupac, Tupac Shakur, hot97, interview, Ebro Darden, peter rosenberg, laura stylez, family, the Cobbler, movie, actor, rapper, staten Island, Shiloh (City/Town/Village), thatvideochick
Id: UCp1igC1MK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 48sec (2568 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2015
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