A Conversation with GZA

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[Music] all right [Music] uh we recorded our own mixtape on a betamax um from the 80s and we wanted you to have it um so you can make sure and go spread that around yeah take a listen sign us I'm gonna have to find a beta cam to listen to this please yes that'll be five dollars too yeah wow the news recently was I I don't know if you saw but you know Bob's uh whole thing about the Earth is flat he went to Twitter and basically denied that the Earth is a sphere Bob who is that the musician he's a popular musician who sang about uh airplanes in the 90s was he serious or just playing no no he was serious he he actually got into a Twitter fight with Neil deGrasse Tyson about it he basically was trying to say that the Earth is flat you can't prove that the Earth is round and people were showing them photos you know it's ridiculous if you can't prove the Earth is I mean if you can see that you know you can you can see that when you when you're looking at the horizon or the you're on the water you know you can actually see the curvature of the earth I he can't he just doesn't have the eyes for it I guess if the Earth was flat then it would be a cube and it would be easy to just to fall it that doesn't make I mean oh we're on your side not necessarily a cube it can be a disc right just thinking of it flat in a sense that would be then you would come to an edge and then drop yeah um is there a reason why you've decided to become a vegetarian yeah for several reasons you know I mean meat clogs your arteries it plants open them you know and um why kill an animal to eat it you know why you don't eat dog I love dogs no no you wouldn't eat a dog no why I share emotions with a dog and you don't with a chicken no I agree with that sentiment I am wrong for eating chicken as well right I didn't say you were wrong I just I'm just saying I mean the thing about meat though uh it tastes awesome well I don't think meat tastes awesome I think really you season it you ever heard the song called beef mm-hmm but I'm gonna recite that lyric and we're going to end it on that note all right it goes like this beef what a relief when must this poisonous product cease this is another Public Service Announcement you could believe it or you can doubt it let us begin now with the cow the way it gets to your plate and how the cow doesn't grow fast enough for man so through his greed he makes a faster plan he make drugs to make the cow grow quicker through the process the cow gets sicker 21 different drugs are pumped into the cow in one big lump so just before it dies it cries in the slaughtered a house full of germs and flies off with the head they chop it drain it caught it there it is in your local supermarket red and bloody a corpse neatly packed and you're wondering about heart attacks come on let's be for real you are what you eat is the way I feel but the Food and Drug Administration would tell you meat is the perfect combination you see cows live under thin stress trying to figure what's going to happen next fear and stress can become a part of you and your cells and blood this is true so when the cow is killed believe it you preserve those cells and freeze it you throw it out with the blood and season it then you sit down and begin eating it and your body is structure becomes your structure or the fear and stress of another any drug is Addicted by any name even drugs and meat they all say well thanks thanks for meeting with us and um we hope you really have a great talk outside oh thank you thank you for having me here of course maybe next time we'll kick it longer yeah you guys you guys seem pretty cool yeah you know I'll break it down to the bone whistle it was speaking Scott missile heat seeking Johnny you know what it's yours go ahead yeah catch me in the bathroom or something what's the guy named Durst you know what I'm talking about yeah yeah thank you shot
Channel: TravestyTV
Views: 86,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gza, wu-tang clan, texas travesty, xavier, rohit, ut, texas, austin, interview, beef, b.o.b., betamax, the genius, gary grice, rap, hip hop, comedy, brooklyn, new york, music, wu tang clan, rotnofsky, mandalapu, animal rights, animal cruelty, peta
Id: T_TrFhDuPEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2016
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