Kitchen makeover on a budget | Less than $100 mobile home kitchen makeover | Modern farmhouse style

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to my channel or welcome here if you are new my name is carrie and today's video i'm going to share with you my mom's kitchen makeover so as you can tell um in these before clips her kitchen is very dark and just kind of just outdated so the plan is to kind of do like a modern farmhouse style but still have that country charm that my mom really loves so the plan is to paint the counters paint the countertops the cabinets and the walls and just give the space a nice fresh start so first thing we did was start clearing out this space [Music] so so now i'm going to go ahead and start prepping to paint and all i did was just take a degreaser and clean the cabinets and the countertops really well and now i'm going to go in with the kilt complete coat paint and primer mix this is sold at walmart i believe you can buy this at lowe's as well or home depot but it's just a pre-mixed white color and i like to use this on the countertops to give like a good base solid color and it also just blocks out any stains or any like different colors that might be on the counter tops now originally the plan was for me to work on the countertops while my mom painted the rest of the kitchen but obviously that did not work and go as planned so after painting all the countertops white i decided to go ahead and start knocking out the paint with my mom like on the walls and the cabinets and then i figured i could go in on the next day and do all the sponging for the faux granite so if you are going to do this project i recommend going ahead and painting your cabinets and your walls first and then do your countertops all in one day but because we did it this way i wanted to just show you guys how we actually did it so um i'm take all i'm doing here is just taking a roller and just rolling on the kilts paint you'll notice that it just covers up all the stains that you can see on the counter tops right there there's a lot of yellowing and this just helps steal all the odors and gives you just that fresh base to start with to start sponging on like i said we're not starting on that just yet i'm just showing you how i did paint the countertops so at this point we realized that there was a lot of textures going on so we tried to start peeling off some of this wallpaper to see what would happen and it just it kept getting worse and worse so we decided to just stop just try to smooth it out a little bit and paint over it we also decided to paint over the cabinets including the hinges and the knobs as well since they had already previously been painted there was no point in us trying to take the cabinet doors off and try to paint them the proper way we just decided to just go over them and paint everything solid white [Music] did you ever stop and think why spend too much time just getting ready [Music] let me be honest i don't know a single thing that i haven't done to make you notice me let me be real here when i see you my heart starts racing but i don't know if i like this chasing and playing and waiting around it's a shame that my hands start shaking all of the time when you're around me but this time [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know what i could say to convict you to hang around so immediately after starting to paint the fabric you can already tell just how much more clean and open the kitchen was looking and now i did want to mention that we did decide to paint the entire kitchen white first and then after painting the whole kitchen white a few coats my mom decided that she wanted to do the kitchen agreeable gray which is the same color that's in my house and since i had a whole five gallon bucket left over from it i decided to just let her use some of it so we didn't have to buy any additional paint um and we only needed a tiny bit to finish her kitchen so um after doing all this white we ended up painting it gray so it's totally fine it turned out really nice and honestly painting it white first gave it that really good prime so it was a lot easier to paint on the agreeable gray and then as far as the cabinets go you'll see that i'm just painting the areas that are painted green i'm not actually painting the whole inside of the cabinet just because they were already white they weren't pure white like perfect but we were just trying to make this kitchen look better than it did so that was the goal here it wasn't to make this kitchen look brand new or you know to do a full remodel if my mom owned this mobile home that would be a different story but because this is a rental we were just trying to make it look a lot nicer than it did and i did decide to paint over the light switches which you'll notice because they were really dingy and they were painted over from the landlord so i wanted everything to be really nice for my mom and i wanted her to love her kitchen because i know that she has been wanting this done for a while it's just one of those projects that just take time and that you just have to plan to get it done but i'm really proud of us that we knock this out in two days like that is awesome um a lot of work a lot of painting but we did it so just to make this easier than having to explain where each individual item came from i figured i would just list everything in the description box for you guys so make sure you check that out if you need to know the paint color where we got the rollers the paint brush all that and the prices i will just have it all listed there so you can take a screenshot to refer to if you need to so i'm going to go ahead and just speed this up and we are going to continue to paint like i mentioned earlier we did three coats of white paint on the cabinets two coats on the walls and then we are gonna go in with agreeable gray and start painting the gray color in the kitchen as well [Music] [Applause] so this is the color agreeable gray by sherwin-williams that i was telling you guys about that i absolutely love um this is the same color that's in my entire house so um i think it's a perfect neutral it's like not too gray it's not too beige it's just the perfect tone honestly um so we decided to do her whole kitchen this color and since we had already primed the walls it was really easy and it was a quick easy coat to do and it only took two coats of this color to get a nice smooth finish i didn't do that i did yes you did i didn't paint that wall i didn't either can you see can you so now moving on to my favorite part of this project it was painting the countertops so if y'all have been watching me for a while you know i have done this quite quite a bit i did this in my mobile home in georgia and then i also just recently did this on my kitchen island to copy the granite in my kitchen for a fraction of the cost so now i'm doing it to my mom's kitchen because it is so affordable and it lasts and it's just a great option if you are trying to save money but still update your kitchen so the first step is to paint the entire countertop with a kilt paint and primer or any paint primer will work so you just want to make sure you have a solid base and then you want to start layering on your colors so i'm just using a dish sponge that is cut into a circle with scissors and just going in with my first color that i created which is a light tan and i'm going in all over in no specific pattern and just trying my best to get into the creases and edges and just completely cover the all the white with the tan first [Music] [Music] so after sponging on your first color now you're going to go back over with another color the exact same way no particular order you're just sponging this on the more layers you add the better and better it looks so now i'm just going to go on with this elephant gray and do the exact same process [Music] so now i'm going in with the black um the goal here is to kind of just give some dimension so you'll notice that i have some really um patchy areas that are really really dark black and then i kind of just fade them out and that is to give the real natural granite look so i'm like with my real granite countertops that i have at my house there are areas that are very very dark and there's areas that are very light and that is just how natural granite looks so that is what i'm trying to mimic here so i'm going to go over the entire countertop now with the black doing some very heavy areas and then the very last part is adding on the white which completely transforms these countertops so don't skip now you have to see this because it looks amazing when i start adding on the white [Music] so now i'm going to go ahead and start adding on the white and to do this i'm using a balled up paper towel and that is only because i ran out of sponges i didn't want to use the sponge that i had already used so i just balled up a paper towel and this gave the exact same effect that the sponge does so if you have paper towels you might not even need a sponge this works just as good um and i am just adding the white paint heavier in some areas and then blending it out um and this is so important so if you are doing this project i definitely recommend adding four to five layers of paint the more layers you add the more dimension it gives and the more realistic it looks i have learned this over time because i have done this quite a few times so i've gotten you know pretty good at it and i think it's really important that you add those layers for dimension but i'm going to continue to add on this white and you can see especially in that crease that you can see right there when i add in the white it just comple that crease disappears and it looks blended which is what the entire goal was i was worried about how that was going to look you know finished but as soon as i added on those white like little specks it just looked perfect so that is how i got these counter tops to look like this it's really easy if this is not a hard project this is something anybody can do honestly it's a foolproof project if you are wanting to do this and you have been scared i've had a few subscribers comment and say that they haven't um gathered up enough courage yet to do it i hope that this video gives you that courage because it's not hard it really isn't hard and all you have to do is just start adding layers of paint and the more layers you add the more and more it looks like real granite so this is how it looks now that it is all done so now i'm going in with the polycrylic clear semi-gloss sealer and i'm going to seal these countertops now i do know that if you wanted like a thicker look you could totally use um i think it's called epoxy that is another option if you don't want to use poly acrylic i have personally never worked with epoxy so i was not comfortable trying to use it on my mom's countertops so maybe in the future i will practice with it and we'll see but i just love this poly acrylic it dries so fast you can layer it really quickly i don't even sand in between layering and i've never had an issue i did this on my counter tops in my new house and i also did this in my house when i lived in georgia on our mobile home and they are still holding up great so i just did a total of three coats the first coat was very thin the second coat i did really thick and the third coat was also extremely thick what i did was i just poured the poly acrylic on the countertop into a big glob and just spread it out as evenly as possible um but i did use a foam brush to do this because i personally feel like it gives it the smoothest finish it's gonna look so cute oh this is so exciting [Music] so another great way to save money if you're doing a kitchen update is to spray paint the original hardware that you have rather than buying all new hardware so it would save you a ton of money spray paint you can buy a good can of rust-oleum spray paint for less than five bucks and one can can go a long ways so after putting all the knobs back on we are now replacing some of the switch covers and plug covers that she had if you can't afford to replace them i recommend just taking them off and either spray painting them or just painting them with a coat of paint um and it will make a huge difference [Music] so now for the final reveal i just wanted to give you guys a quick reminder on how my mom's kitchen looked before we got started um and show you guys all the hard work and paint that we put into this project i think it looks so so good i also wanted to give you a close-up on how her countertops look before we painted them and just show you like all the stains and all the marks that they had so this is the final kitchen reveal look how much brighter and how much more new it looks in here just with paint nothing has been replaced in here all the cabinets are the same everything's the exact same they just have a fresh coat of paint and some paints on the countertops we also just rearranged some of her home decor and pulled things out from other areas in her house to kind of give it more of a modern farmhouse look and i think it turned out absolutely amazing y'all let us know what you think in the comments below i really appreciate y'all watching so so much and if you know somebody who wants to do a makeover on their kitchen but they don't have a lot of money to spend please feel free to send this video to them share it with a friend a family member i really appreciate it so so much and i will see you guys in my next one bye y'all [Music] you
Channel: Karrie Lynn
Views: 681,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen makeover, mobile home kitchen makeover, diy countertops, diy kitchen makeover, how to fix up a kitchen, mobile home makeover, modern farmhouse kitchen makeover, kitchen update on a budget, diy kitchen makeover 2020, diy granite countertops, painted countertops, full kitchen makeover, budget friendly kitchen makeover, kitchen updates, realistic kitchen makeover, $100 kitchen makeover, less than $100 kitchen update, how to paint countertops to look like granite
Id: Ax3KeNMg_KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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