Kitbashing A Chaos CORRUPTED SANGUINIUS: Dornian Heresy Conversion

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sanguinese the Primark of the blood angels He was slain during the Horus heresy but what a fate had trodden a different path and he hadn't met his demise aboard the vengeful Spirit what if he'd Fallen to the corrupting powers of chaos himself well in this video I'm going to be exploring just that as I explore another dornian heresy kit bash and show you how to build a of all corrupted sanguineous with any kid bash the most important step is selecting the base model it's decision that will drive the direction of the build and in the case of this miniature I selected catacross from the ossearch bone Reapers there are lots of directions to go when it comes to a corrupted Primark but for this build I decided to stick to more of a regular Primark size rather than the usual giant demon primarks that we've received so far cancer cross is perfect for this he stands roughly the same height as the non-demon primarks and his exoskeleton of bone meshes incredibly well with the stylized muscular armor of the sanguinor and the sanguinary god the more organic appearance of the armor lends itself to that chaotic theme too helping to set apart this model as being corrupted after removing and cleaning up the parts the first modification was to the chest catacross's cloak wouldn't be used in this build and so the small section attached to the chest piece was clipped and trimmed back to the medallions the three discs on catacross's chest gave me the perfect opportunity to both recreate the original sanguine's Bejeweled armor whilst also creating a symbol of nurgle but first the existing symbols need to be removed this was done by first drilling some one millimeter pilot holes into the dead center of each of the discs these holes were then expanded out using a three millimeter bit leaving me with three large holes were the medallions and Crystal once sat finally the chess piece was glued to the rest of the Torso to fill in these holes and to act as rounded Jewels three ball bearings were super glued into place these were each three millimeter in diameter so they fit into the pre-drilled holes perfectly to recreate the iconic feathered wings of sanguinous I took the wings from the stormcast and drastic they are the right size and are very similar to sanguinous's Wings but this is a noble corrupted version and so they needed to be modified slightly using a knife a few Nicks and cuts were added to the edges of the feathers these varied in shape and size in order to recreate that slightly more ragged look you'd expect from a chaotic version of the Fallen Primark but before we go on let's hear from the sponsors of this video enlisted step into the heart pounding action of World War II with Enlisted the ultimate multiplayer shooter that brings historical authenticity to life while keeping the gameplay Dynamic and intense available on PC Xbox series X and S PlayStation 5 as well as PS4 and Xbox One at least it offers cross-platform support so you can join the fight with 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build construct vital structures from standby qualifications to station machine guns anti-tank cannons and more as an engineer but best of all enlisted is completely free to play just follow the link download the game and get ready to experience the most immersive World War II shooter don't miss out on this epic experience simply use my link below and receive three days of premium and several orders for troops and weapons with the Knicks completed the wings were compared against catacross's back naturally they didn't fit particularly well and so needed some extensive clipping and trimming this is done not only to create a better alignment but also adjust the angle of the wing against the back once everything was lining up I broke out the old pin Vise to do a bit of pinning a couple of one millimeter holes were drilled into the Nubs of the wings and some one milliliter wire was super glued into each the small pins were then compared against the back once again which gave me a rough idea of where to drill the receiving holes once these were in place the wings were super glued into place giving me a much stronger Bond than if I'd use plastic glue alone next up was the head deciding on the direction I wanted to go here took a while should I tackle a bare head and look into the Soul by gravel's range or should I try to recreate that sanguinor death mask look I went through a few variations here but ultimately settled on a combination of this malasai head and Talos mask from the ducari range these two parts were joined by first clipping away the small knob on the malasai hair before gluing the two parts together and then into the back of the Mask creating the head shape the head was then compared against catacross's neck further trimming and clipping was required until the hair and mask could be glued against the neck however it wasn't until the head was in place that I realized that the spiky chin looked a little off so the head was carefully removed from the neck unfortunately the glue wasn't fully cured so this wasn't too difficult I was still really happy with the mask though it mimicked the kind of helmets you see on the putrid blight Kings and so help to build that link between the sanguinous and nurgle it just needed a little trimming the bottom of the Mask was clipped and trimmed down to a more reasonable size and the contact points were cleaned up before gluing the now better scaled head into place the removal of the cloak had exposed a few gaps in the shoulders while these could have been filled in with little green stuff some power armor shoulder pads would do the job too some sanguinary guard shoulder pads were selected for this task but first they needed a little trimming for them to fit against the arms Not only would these shoulders help to move the conversion away from the original catacross model but they would also bring back some of those design elements of the original sanguinous with the shoulders in place the Torso and legs continue to be assembled sangrinius is armed with a sword and spear catacross already came with a glaive-like weapon so this is not a problem however cat across the shield would need to be removed to make way for a sword using my clippers I carefully clip the hand away from the top of the shield before carefully trimming the hand until it had more of a partially close fist look to it the hand was then glued to its arm as the sword would be held points down I needed to select something that was long enough to reach the ground and have the arm resting on it the vanquishes from age of Sigma had the perfect blade but it was looking a little too pristine for a blade of nurgle using a pin Vise and a combination of one millimeter and two millimeter drill bits a series of shallow holes were drilled into the surface of the blade along with a couple of full holes these form the appearance of corrosion eating away the metal giving the sword that ideal nurgle look the handle would need to be replaced though so it was first clipped away the new Hilt was formed from a femur taken from the cryptical kit one end was cut away before yet more pinning was used to attach the bone to the sword once detached the sword was compared against the hand but wasn't glued to it just yet the spear on the literal other hand was a little more straightforward then the blade and pommel of the glaive were first clipped away before smoothing the contact points flat these would be replaced by a putrid blanking spearhead which needed a slight piece clipped away along with a death guard Noble symbol to ensure the best fit possible these were also attached with pins just make sure that you attach the spear shaft first to make sure that the blade fits well against the hair and the wings unfortunately part of castlecross's hand was still attached to his cloak the fingers were clipped away tied it up and then glued to the hand parts of the hand was still missing here but this would be resolved later on from here the overtask left were to add a few extra details to help bring in a little more nogliness a severed head and pipe were taken from the death guard kit and attached to the Torso this was fired up with a couple of blood vials which were sourced from a swamp cooler Shane's backpack after clipping and trimming they were attached to the rear of the sash another Nogle symbol this time taken from the ogre theradons was also attached after a quick trim to the rear this was followed up by a final weapon in the form of a Cerberus Raiders pistol the mechanical symbol was removed and this too was added to the waist completing the model which meant I could begin work on the base the main structure was formed by layering up chunks of torn up Cork floor tiles these were layered up and super glued together to create the appearance of a rocky outcrop to work out how the sword should be attached the model and the sword were lined up against the top of the Rocks then to make up the height a little more cork was used to prop The Sword and then finally glue it to the hand in order to give the base that Noble corrupted appearance a few Tentacles from the Beast of nogo kids were trimmed down and super glued in between the gaps and the Rocks these were all positioned so they were raised up where sanguinous would stand the blank spaces around the Rocks were then filled in with a few smaller chunks of cork of varying shapes and sizes but to give the model a little adversarial detail a Primus intercessor forearm was clipped away from his shoulder and trimmed down by gluing this to the base with the hand facing up it gave the appearance of a Space Marine being swallowed whole by some vile sludge to make painting easier sanguineous would be painted separately from his main base but he would still need something to stand on to be painted so he was temporarily attached to a much smaller Base by a tiny amount of super glue the final details left to be added had to be sculpted on so a small amount of green stuff was cut up and mixed together the first details to add were a few extra panels around sanguinous armor a small sphere was placed over the back of the right hand before being flattened and shaped to mimic the armor plating around it similar gaps were then filled in around the wings helping to blend them into the model more effectively finally the putty was rolled up into thin sausages and wrapped around where the hand was reaching up from the base the rolls were smoothed out and Blended to give them the appearance of ripples in the thick sludge and with that the models were given a chance to cure before moving on to the painting the first step in painting was as always to Prime and for this I chose black specifically a gloss black primer from Vallejo this was chosen as the glossy surface will help to give the golden armor that extra shine and was applied across the entirety of the model however for the base I used a regular black primer there weren't any metallics here so the glossy surface wasn't needed to give sanguineous a bright gleaming gold look to his armor I opted to use some of vallejo's metal colors these can be applied with a brush but the best results are achieved via an airbrush the paints are also pretty thin for airbrushing so you can apply them without having to thin them out yourself for my first step I used some copper with my airbrush ready I sprayed the paint across the whole armor I did try not to over spill onto the wings and spear too much but these over spills will be cleaned up later on achieve the best results the paint is applied in one layer and it'll have to dry before applying a second combined with the gloss primer the result was a much more reflective metallic look the copper was an excellent starting point but the armor needed to be golden so a little metal color gold was mixed into my copper in a roughly one part copper to two parts gold ratio again this was sprayed across the armor but this time the paint was focused more towards the upper areas these created the appearance of a brighter armor towards the top of the model where the light would be the most intense this principle was extended even further with some pure gold by applying this to only the most prominent points of the armor the result was a more realistic transition between the brighter areas and the more shaded recesses sanguine's armor has lots of deep recesses and darkening these down would give the model a lot more definition a wash would be perfect for this rather than using a pre-made wash I decided to make my own by combining some Sigel Brown contrast paint due to its reddish brown color with some airbrush thinner this mix still benefits from the strength of the contrast paint whilst reducing the viscosity greatly the wash was targeted directly into the recesses over the smooth glossy surface the paint pulled into crevices here it dried and created the appearance of Shadows boosting that level of detail during the previous step a few spots of the cycle Brown spilled outside of those recesses and left a small amount of staining on the surfaces under normal circumstances this would be a bad thing but for a noble miniature this simply created a corroded and stained surface I further expanded on this by adding a few small spots of black Legion contrast paint around these areas in order to further emphasize that corroded effect with the gold details completed the silver metallics could be worked on the weapon blades and potion bottle hooks all painted with a base coat of surcoat silver from the two thin coat range as a base coat this was first thinned out with water and applied in unsurprisingly two Thin coats following this I line the edges of the silver details with a small amount of mithral Blade as a brighter metal it gave the edges an extremely sharp looking Edge but to add that corroded effect yet more cycle Brown was applied this time however some contrast medium was used to thin it out rather than the airbrush thinner the result was a little more viscous than before but this helped it to sit on and stain the flat surfaces to really push that rusted effect though I turned to some dirty damn rust a few small spots of this liquid skill results in some extremely realistic looking rust Effects by focusing this weathering to just the inner parts of the panels it gave the edge the appearance of having rust scratched away through use after this I cleaned out my paint water to prevent cross-contamination of those metal flakes in Twin non-metallic paints for the remaining areas I fold the same few steps of base coat highlight extreme height and then glaze the first area Focus was the hair normally this would be a light blonde but to give sanguineous that corrupted look I went with a grayish faded White this was started out with a base coat of wizard gray like with the surcoat silver it thinned out with a little water and applied it in two Thin coats for the first highlight some hard and gray was used to line the individual strands of hair before applying some small dots of white star to only the most prominent strands of the hair this is often to referred to as an extreme highlight and can really build up the sharpness of those details finally to help tie together those previous layers a glaze was applied this was created by mixing some Apothecary white contrast paint into some medium the resultant translucent mixture smoothed out the Blends between the three previous paints to paint the stitched skin Sash and severed head I began with a base coat of Barbarian Brawn before applying a chunky Edge height of Dwarven skin and then a finer more extreme High Edge height of Alvin's skin finally some Gilman flesh was applied as a glaze this helped to blend together the highlights and base coat whilst also giving those deeper recesses a little more shading following this the Staples holding together the flayed skin were picked out with some surcoats silver the next area of focus was the wrapping around the sphere these were given an initial base coat of Royal cloak an edge highlight of Sword healed burgundy and an extreme height of glistening gums two more prominent edges along the folds the wrappings were then coated with a glaze of velupus pink next up were the wings normally these would be white but in a similar vein as the white hair I opted for a black gray color Instead This would not only represent the more corrupted slide of this take on sangunias but it will also contrast nicely against the brighter gold of the armor for this task a few thin layers of death Reaper were applied for the highlights though instead of applying two I instead opted to apply three the first of these was cold corpse blue and this was applied across all of the edges of the feathers in addition to the edges a few extra lines were added running perpendicular to the edges of the feathers this just helped to give this large area of the model a little extra detail the second highlight covered the slightly more prominent edges but wasn't as specific as the extreme highlights for this I used wolf gray the highlights were then finished off with some small spots of gravestone blue the overall grayish blue created by these Heights offered a cooler Counterpoint to the warmer tones used Elsewhere on the model finally those heights were Blended together with a glaze of Space Wolves gray the next area of focus were the red details these included the gems on the chest as well as the bottom halves of the potion bottles all of these were painted with a base coat Berserker red rather than going straight to the hides though the next step involved applying some medium thinned sanguine Scarlet to create smooth gradients for the gems the application was focused towards the bottom right of the gem by layering up the paint and covering a slightly smaller area than before it created a gradient across the gem for the potion buckles the same technique was repeated but this time it was focused towards the top of the red area so it got darker towards the bottom from here more traditional highlights were applied using some Demon red again that same gradient Direction was followed with this brighter red helping to give the gems that's glossy translucent effect this was followed up with a few small spots of fnatic orange and then finally a glaze of blood angels red to help boost the intensity of the red and blend those layers together to finish off the gem effect on the chest some small dots of white star were applied to the upper left of each gem this mimics the reflection spot and how to build on the illusion of the gems being slightly transparent and slightly glossy usual service was then resumed across the leather details by starting off with curaca leather highlighting with bore hide and extreme highlighting with fur cloak the bone handle of the sword was then base coated with dust bowl followed up by a height of sandstone and then ivory tusk finally the bone was coated with a glaze of skeleton horde the final step in painting sanguineous saw me add a bit of Gore to the model for the helping to sell that corrupted aspect of him this effect was achieved by mixing together some black Legion contrast paint with some of tamiya's clear red the mix gave the impression of dried congealed blood and was applied around the bottom of the mask the weapons and in a few spots across that skin sash with sanguineous complete he could be given an all-over coat of gloss varnish to help retain that gleaming armor with sangrene is completed my attention could return to the base I began by using my airbrush to quickly base coat the tentacles with royal cloak before hitting them with a quick layer of sword hilt burgundy to give the Rocks an earthy green color I mix together scorched Earth and ethereal green and gave all the Rocks a base coat while I use an airbrush for these stages it's not entirely necessary it just makes the application a little quicker the Rocks were then given a coat of battle mod wash this flowed into the recesses and helped to give all those deep crevices a little more definition this definition was then built upon by dry brushing a mixture of ancient forests and ethereal green here the paint accumulated just on the raised edges offering a Counterpoint to the darker shaded recesses the highlights were pushed even further with a second dry brush of wasteland Brown and ethereal green to fill in the empty areas around the Rocks some texture paste was applied I selected the amply named playground from AK interactor for this the Lura green complemented the greens nicely whilst also firmly cementing the base as being in a garden of nurgle the protruding Space Marine hand was then painted up as an ultramarine a faction within the dornian heresy that are enemies of both the loyalist and traitor Legions painting this arm followed the same usual steps I began with marine blue heighted with Elysium blue and finally Celestial blue to paint the toxic sludge around the hand the first step was to lighten up the surface with a base coat of white star over the top of this a disgusting mixture of AK clear water and bad moon yellow contrast paint was applied this resulted in an extremely lurid looking liquid effect a couple of layers were added to really build up the brightness of this liquid by this point the texture paste had dried which meant it could be dry brushed with some yellow flame before being glazed with some Mantis Warriors green contrast paint the tentacles were then given a couple of highlights first with glistening gums and then a little Dwarven skin followed up with an all-over glaze of doomfire magenta to cement that purpley pink color the rim of the base was then cleaned up with some doom-death black before all the paintwork was sealed in with a coat of matte varnish a few final details were then added in the form of tendrils of slime between the tentacles these were created by stretching and pulling out threads off some Yoo-hoo glue using the tip of a cocktail stick as it dried it gave the effect of thick Globs of slime the tentacles and sludge pool were then given a glossy Sheen Again by applying a coat of gloss varnish before adding a little foliage to the base in the form of some grass toughs of various Shades of Greens and Browns finally Sangria's could be snapped away from this temporary base and using some pinning for one final time attached to his new base leaving me with this [Music] all right [Music] and here we have the completed Noble corrupted sanguinius from the dornian heresy this was my third non-traditional Primark build but it is the first one that hasn't involved using a different Primark miniature to build it overall I'm really pleased with how well using cash as a base of this build turned out there was a little hiccup with the mask but I think I managed to pull it back to something that is ultimately still recognizable as sanguineous but also has a strong corrupted aspect so if you enjoyed this guide be sure to check out some of my previous alternate heresy builds and leave me alone suggestions for which Primark I should tackle next but if you're looking to recreate this miniature and color scheme I'll include all the kits and paint she's in the sky in the description below along with some affiliate links to where you can pick them up for yourself but before I go I just want to say a big thank you to enlisted for sponsoring this video remember to check out the game with my link to receive some awesome bonuses see you on the battlefield my biggest thanks go to the patreon supporters and channel members who help keep this channel going especially my expert tier and above supporters who are Jonathan Hart matcha savitski Morgan Ryan Little swedsman Tim Daniel Dowling immaterial Creations johans Jonathan sunsteed Mr Grimm pale juice and the Googles and my sergeant level channel members who are fair statement Mr Jarrett Hess 95 knownington paints Mark Taylor World Hustler and Philip Pogo if you're interested in supporting me you can hit the join button below or find a link to my patreon in the description supporters get a whole host of benefits including ad-free access to my videos sneak peeks a private Discord Channel and exclusive merchandise speaking of merchandise I also have a few t-shirts and Mugs Up for sale featuring designs drawn by me you can check those out by following the links below or by going over to Pete the so until next time thanks for watching and goodbye foreign [Music]
Channel: Pete The Wargamer
Views: 148,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wargaming, Miniatures, Warhammer, Games Workshop, Tabletop, Tutorial, Guide, How To, warhammer 40k, warhammer conversion, warhammer 40000, nurgle kitbash, games workshop painting tutorial, nurgle conversion, garden of nurgle, dorninan heresy kitbash, dornina heresy conversion, nurgle sanguinius, chaos sanguinius, sanguinius kitbash, sanguinius conversion, blood angels, blood angels kitbash, blood angels conversion, nurgle blood angels, custom primarch
Id: r7GrvYyPh9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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