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hi guys so today I am joined by my husband Sean and for this particular month that we're filming in every week or so we're gonna be doing a Valentine's Day themed video and today we're doing kiss marry kill the way this game works if you've never seen it before is we have a bunch of characters from movies TV shows video games books and we put them in this kiss marry kill jar and then we're gonna draw three at a time and we decide who would we kiss who would we marry and who'd we kill I would go first by Elland from Miss borne by Brandon Sanderson he is kind of a rich snobby noble boy who likes dicks who it Wayne from Wheel of Time I know a farm girl who they learned that there's power within her that she never knew she had and in the third one we have kill OA from Hunter hunter oh I'm very excited for this cos kilwa is awesome and grumpy and grumpy and hmm so sorry Egwene I'm gonna kill you oh and I'll kiss we'll be quick and brief in America I'm gonna marry he'll away because he's gonna protect me with his life it won't just like be friends you know we're hanging out all the time he looks he has a skateboard I was gonna say you guys can't escape my cancer board we can teach me and then you know protect me if I'm ever in danger okay so I have dr. strange who must be know from the Marvel movies and then I have chillon from the Stormlight archive and she's this kind of book-smart character everybody's like you're so witty you're so witty and then she has some interesting problems in her mind and then Titus from Final Fantasy 10 I don't know Titus I feel like I like Titus as a character in the game but he's kind of so annoying I know that laughs well that's like a potentially fake laugh but oh geez I don't know hey are we just gonna kill all the girls I think I got a kill chillon oh but we could draw together I'll marry her and we'll just be like drawing that easy she can teach me how to get better at drawing I think I'll I'll kiss Titus and I'll kill dr. strange use a time stone and come back but I'll take cage comics the Netflix show hero of Harlem mr. peanut butter from back courses oh you have to kill him so enjoy dandelion or yeah skier depending on whether you saw the Netflix show or from Witcher so dandelion is a bard poet who's like kind of really annoying yeah I mean if you picked kill OA because he's gonna protect you Luke Cage that's true but I think we go a different direction here I think kiss Luke Cage interesting thing to say we're gonna kill mr. peanut butter as much as I enjoy him and I think I'll marry dandelion will travel the country singing songs playing instruments and we'll have a good ol time that's true be homeless but you know yeah we'll have fun yeah there you go grand adventure you guys play music together yeah alright daredevil hmm good one heron oh this is tough I liked Peron from real time from we love time and Wolverine oh my gosh I got some really great ones so Peron for those that don't know it was from real time he's like a blacksmith and he's big and tough but actually he's a softy deep dad's got a good heart yeah he's got a good heart but I think I got a kill Peron I'm gonna marry daredevil and then I'm gonna kiss my ring that's very that was too many like hunky dudes in one good one round in one round [Music] you got three you have four I had one back for me all right we have Swamp Thing from DC kind of a lesser-known character there was a brief TV show on the DC Universe but Swamp Thing is what you would imagine is a plant man man he in injustice yesterday the video game pod from getting all the photo it's so from Aaron Paul yeah from breaking up Breaking Bad does his voice but he says goofy kind of stoner lives on someone's couch sort of character and he's always going on crazy crazy adventures yeah Daenerys all married an heiress and will rule the kingdom's together and your dragons I don't want to kill Todd does to innocent all kissed on this one thing he's a plan so she'll probably grow back you know kill to bed I don't feel too bad pretty easy round on that one I feel like for me you need to get like three really sexy ladies or like really all dangerous okay yeah okay um so when he was making names he's like who's somebody that you would just kill instantly and I was like Kip from black prism I hate that guy and I got kicked so just he's dead he's this kid that he just in the file you read the first one and I hated him and he's just constantly like oh I'm like I hate the way I look I'm just so gross I'm so gross and I'm a loser and then he's also like constantly looking at girls anyway Oracle from Finland saga thorkil the tall is what he's called right it's just like this giant yeah based off of a real person in history and he's crazy like okay the show watchin the manga too doesn't throw like a tree and like just like kill people yeah he's unnaturally yeah what is this day Venus yes Sailor Venus Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon okay so I'll marry Sailor Venus and then I'll kiss thorkil it'd be really funny to try it's like so much shorter than in I have Cersei Lannister Princess Peach exact opposite characters whoa and Sephiroth now I'm not really familiar with him but I thought he's not a villain in Final Fantasy 7 the remake comes out next month I'm getting it for my birthday because oh my gosh I can't wait but he's like the villain in all Final Fantasy I feel like he's everybody's favorite villain you know I thought when I saw Cersei this would be easy but I'm gonna change it up here I'll marry Cersei for the power because she'll find another man actually not sure she'll kill me she what are you gonna do I want to kill maybe like hiss peach you're gonna marry saffron well I don't know much about him that sounds like he's a pretty cool dude like is he taking over the world or destroying the world wanna spoil people well I guess I'll kiss and then I'll marry peach fit how about fun live I didn't like that run past you hard I thought living with Cersei would be the answer but clearly that's not she'll she'll have me die you're too nice yeah she will kill you she'll find a way to kill you or you zero she'll manipulate maybe she wouldn't can we just use me and you'll be miserable all the time I got an ice palace peach is a princess though I know and you did kill Swamp Thing earlier so these mushrooms are gonna like poison you all the time all right Yes No from Stormlight archive she's very blunt and kind of mean but she's supposedly very beautiful and intelligent and we got waka from final visit and who is like kind of racist and an athlete yeah yeah okay so let's take a second here everyone in that game has weapons except for as a ball he has a ball it's basically like a volleyball and it's ridiculous well but the other ones a naive yeah I got Mary Asuna I mean I feel like she'll constantly belittle me and tell me how dumb I am but I'll be like I mean but you learn something yeah I would learn something from her yeah I guess I'll kiss naive and I got a kill Wacha that's the right choice it is the right choice I'll kiss naive right after she talks she tucks her braids just us being married also she tucks her brain a lot so she's like well so what she does Sailor Mars he lets his favorite sailor so she's the she's kind of mean Legolas like this got harder for you and Ganondorf let's kill her Ganondorf easy I kiss Legolas and I'll marry no more so that's an easy round that was easy for a second I thought this was just a blank piece of paper balthier and I agree fall tears from final fantasy 12 and my little child little girl frame loved fall Theor like loved wealthier so we're marrying him musashi I'll probably end up kissing him from a vagabond Iron Man I'll kill Aaron man so Musashi is like this kind of he's this guy that's determined he's in fact everybody always asked what the white ones with the red numbers are they're behind this chair it's vagabond and it's about this guy who wants to be the greatest samurai who ever lived basically like invincible Under the Sun yeah and like I can't marry this guy I'm gonna be constantly worried about him he's off that's true trekking through the countryside trying to be the best samurai doesn't have time for that but it's time for a quick kiss just blowing one down on the ground mangy four-bladed immortal Otsu from vagabond oh you'll marry her and orphan this card i think you killed you know yeah okay mangy blade of the immortal hey the more just come right back I'll kill him and he'll heal it's fine he's basically Wolverine did you kill over it no you kissed well I guess yeah I remember like Thor Fionn I'll kiss in Otsu I'll marry see this life has just been too tragic I'm concerned for why you married me now Jon Snow be a really exciting life with him magneto and Wilson Fisk oh no I mean is it just all so boring see kisum yeah kiss John's now now are we talking Michael Fassbender Magneto or are we talking any magneto you want I feel like you kill Wilson Fisk yes yeah so yeah you kissed Jon Snow and you marry magneto gone 400 I'm gonna find my dad going as a little boy who's trying to fight his dad that's his character Winry from full middle also a young girl another young person Smeagol okay well that's easy uh yeah what kills me all marry Winry she's not my favorite character but she's okay and gone I will give him a kiss on the head and in like a brother Lee's father figure while he looks for his real father I don't know what this says what does that say it's a sound run okay won't kill him okay think about that kill monger and Thor okay well you marry Thorin you kiss kill monger that's crazy yeah I guess I was thinking like sour on like it's really have a body you know so the kissing thing to be it's like whatever an entity all right Bowser from aria Harley Quinn oh you're gonna kill her Zelda that's pretty easy I you know Bowser's you know he's not the greatest guy we can also participate in races and tennis and all sorts of sports so yeah I'll kiss Bowser I will marry Zelda and I will kill Harley Quinn because she is so obnoxious lieutenant hawkeye um he wanted that one he was gonna marry her instantly so the Senate Hawkeye is this awesome chick in Full Metal Alchemist who's super loyal and just a good person and a good shot and a good shot then we got Thanos from Marvel wants to kill half just try a few and then Matt from stupid real time I don't even want to give him a kiss going around pinching women's bottoms all the time like killing maybe you kissed an ass yeah you know what I'm gonna kiss vanos and then I'm gonna cuz you know it's got a good voice he does have a good voice maybe I can pull that typical trope of the girl trying to change the man and I'll be like don't destroy half the universe kill Matt cuz I can't like everybody think he's still cool and then I started reading the books and I'm like this guy's super annoying and then he's like well he gets cool I'm like it's been four books how many books does it take for this guy to get cool in lieutenant Haught guys awesome marry that chick jeez yeah Sailor Jupiter snow from Babel so Sailor Jupiter is from Sailor Moon your favorite she's she was my favorite sailor growing up and she is really good at fighting and she's just like a good friend but she's also really boy crazy that's true yeah snow from fables he's gonna marry her awesome and the last was bullseye bullseye yeah bullseye was in daredevil he needs some help but he also can be very dangerous so that's the right call just no that wasn't easy so I am always actually kind of flattered because whenever I see snow and then I see myself I'm like he clearly has attacked oh it's my turn Caesar yeah I just was talking for how long I thought it was mine you're talking so long he thought it was yours I mean I thought the last one was mine because I was talking so much it's really important we figure out exactly what I meant when I was wrong haha hi I knew you wanted this one okay I have Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption to mr. Arthur is kind of he just does what other people tell him a lot like the people in his yeah his outlaw gang he just does whatever but like there's potential that he might actually be a decent guy if he could just get away from that life so and then I go and ruin him by like robbing every single person yeah he hogtied people and robbed them there's that guy Sam from Lord of the Rings yeah oh that's a good point yes more earrings not an offense okay so it's kind of a big difference this is very different and Thor's we married Thor Thor's is from Finland saga he is Thor fins the orphans father he's like this ex Viking who left that life because he wanted a better life and he's he's a family man he's a fairy but what is how do you usually word it he's a what hung sickle man cake something like it's a hunk of a man yeah he's like yeah you marry that guy marriage material yeah all right I mean I'll say I'm so nice you got I guess I got a killer I can work it more than I kind of wanted to give him a little kiss he'd probably some melt like a booth though black panther mm-hmm holla most of you guys I think Batman oh you got hard right now Tywin Lannister all that made it easier kill Tywin Tywin's from Game of Thrones he's a terrible father I think I kissed Batman I kind of want his fortune but the challahs got one tissue but I feel like T'Challa his goals are more focused on like I don't wanna live in Gotham I'm getting at like I'd rather live in Wakanda and I think he's he's more globally aware better it was just like he's perhaps more stable yes yes Ned Stark oskol odd so Ned Stark is like the only decent person in Game of Thrones basically and one of the only decent is Oscar lot is not a decent person he's a terrible person but he's interesting and then nebula the Marvel character I don't like her okay I marry Ned Stark I kiss ask a lot even though he probably should die and I'm gonna kill nebula I approve yeah I Professor Xavier from the x-men Laura Croft and Lincroft and Wow kiss link I don't wanna kill professor AK season so much I will kiss Professor Xavier I'll kill link he'll come back he'll come back it's yes and what is it that word that shouldn't be an out you can't cause I'll kill people because you're like maybe there's some way they'll come back oh this one's harder I think hold on Loki wait Edelen you know how I feel about Caitlin yeah and Kelsey err so Kelsey ran adel and are both from sanderson books kelsey is this person who's trying to make the world a better place but he's a little intense and then Edelen is a frat a frat guy basically who's like I always describe him as like he's wearing some bro tank and he is probably in a frat and thinks he's good at volleyball but he's pretty good but like not that good you know that's how I think of a twin most people love him though I feel like they need to say it most be probably he's just a likable and then and then I'm like Loki who people love even though he's kind of evil I think I kiss Loki I marry kelsier and Kilian Wow Edelen it's not the brightest boom but he's not a bad guy no he's not bad he's annoying though you know what I was thinking about it about this whole game or that one term I don't know you're for another one man Bane from oh jeez that man Rin from brave the immortal in a brand from we all time and it got too many lovers and his life already randa's from wheel time he's the person that they believed maybe like the chosen one but he made go crazy all sends me to a train journey they're taking him out you're gonna kiss Bane yeah he'll kiss me I guess I'll marry Rin but I'm gonna wait she's a little older she's like sixteen oh seven did you marry Winry yeah so you just look like a creep pretty much I guess you don't want to kill him either yeah Yuna from Final Fantasy 10 she's just a sweet really nice girl who wants to save the world and then we have Lazlo from strange the dreamer who I always think is like every girl's fictional boyfriend because he loves books and he's like interests like I don't know how to word it his nose so it makes him like not perfect but like you know he's like pretty perfect yeah then spook from Miss porn who's super awkward yeah sorry spook you gotta go spook is just like his character arc is cool throughout but yeah of these ones I feel like kiss Yuna she's sweet but like she can find someone someone better than me for her cuz she's a little angel and I'm Laszlo yeah that was a good guy I'm getting a lot of great spouses out of this frodo baggins killer Bojack horseman Shh so he's so throat o is from one of the Rings chosen one Bojack is like this X famous person who's just a drunk now basically Oh from horizon zero dawn you marry a boy she's awesome yeah yeah I guess I'll kiss for it I can't I do feel bad about killing Bojack though Voldemort Catwoman and Colonel Mustang this is a great one to end on cuz it's so easy you just kill Voldemort you guys know who that is you kiss Catwoman look at her then you'll marry Mustang cuz one look at him - he's great that's it you got a Hawkeye and a Mustang yeah I know I feel like we had way too many easy ones maybe we should do a villains one like we should specifically have all terrible people or specifically have all really good people Wilson really good people it would be a lot harder yeah but let us know if you have suggestions for us doing this kind of thing in the future I really enjoyed it I had a lot of fun I got a lot of good spouses out of it and I killed some not-so-great people so I'm feeling pretty good I shot Swamp Thing well anyway thanks for watching and we'll see you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 9,187
Rating: 4.938343 out of 5
Keywords: elliot brooks, elliot, brooks, booktube, booktuber, fantasy, kiss marry kill, kiss marry kill game of thrones, kiss marry kill witcher, kiss marry kill marvel, kiss marry kill dc, elliot brooks kiss marry kill, elliot brooks husband, elliot brooks sean, kiss marry kill fantasy, fuck marry kill, fuck marry kill elliot brooks
Id: 4ha76qXD6Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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