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hi guys so today's video is going to be a non-spoilery book review and then a spoiler each at for the hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson of the three books in the first Aramis Bourne trilogy I find this one to be the least exciting that's not to say the story is boring or that it's bad it's just that the characters themselves have had to endure so much in the first two books if they have persevered through so much hardship and it's starting to take its toll on top of all that there are so many reveals so many discoveries our characters are truly pushed to the limit to the point where they feel so hopeless they don't think they have a chance the antagonist is one that they feel like they're fighting blind they know nothing about they just don't think they can do it and reading that does not make for the happiest of reading experience necessarily but it is the kind of story that by the time you get the end it truly feels like the end of something epic that's it that's all me to say for the non spoiler portion I'm gonna jump into these spoilery chat now so if you haven't read it please stop watching now before I get into all the mushy gushy stuff because this book just destroyed me before I get into that stuff I want to ask two questions first off I'm gonna put a little poll up at the top how many of you guessed who the hero of Ages was if you guessed it say yes and if you didn't guess it say no the other question I don't want for anybody that clicks on this that hasn't read it all I don't want them to accidentally click on it and get spoiled so these questions are gonna seem very vague but how many of you figured out that Vin's earring was how ruin was affecting her you figured it out say yes and if you didn't figure it out say no so my second time around it seemed so painfully obvious that her earring was causing this the first time I did figure it out I think I figured it out right around when she was being held captive and then she fought against Marsh I was like wait a second she didn't have her earring in and all the stuff about the team allergic spikes and everything I was like oh I got it I got it and then when I got to that part I was so proud of myself when it revealed that it was her earring as for saison being the hero of Ages I didn't call that looking back now having read it before I was like oh my gosh it's so yeah he's the hero of Ages you see it and all the little things that he's quoting from all these different religions and you're like oh my gosh it's you and the he'll have it on his arms the fact that they don't use a specific gender and man reading it this time I think says--it's plot line upon reread was so emotional for me and the first time I read these I was very consumed of course with Ben and Ellen's plot lines and this time I knew it was coming I knew it was coming when I got to the end Oh made me so emotional I'm sorry it's gonna be all over the place because I've told you guys this book is just my it just destroys me so I'm super sorry so all over the place okay backtracking then an ELINT the first time I read this story I was so engrossed in Vin's storyline I relate to Ben so much but then when she sees him die I was like no I remember the first time I went through this I was driving I was stuck in traffic and I was listening to the audiobook and when his head gets cut off I was like no no my husband kind of teases me about it and I'm like okay but that's the thing is like I imagine being Finn and seeing your head cut off it impacts me so much because the trust and the love that Ellen didn't have for one another by the end because they had to go through a lot of frustrations in that second book but when you get to that end and VIN has to see her husband die I'm sorry I feel like I'm shouting at you guys with my emotions here but I actually do want to read a certain passage cuz there I tabbed a few things up in the book and Ellen and VIN and says--it's plot lines to me are some of the most significant throughout the course of this trilogy and there's a certain passage that I think is just so tragic about VIN and her life and what she's had to go through these past three books so I wanted to read it to you guys because lets you know just wallow in the sadness but is this trilogy to give this passage some context this is when Vin is essentially reflecting on the fact that they thought they had it bad before but they just didn't know that's kind of the setup for this particular passage and it says yeah during those months she had been content perhaps more content than any other time in her life she loved Ellen and was glad life had progressed the point where she could call him husband but there had been a delicious innocence about her early days with the crew dances spent with Alan's reading at her table pretending to ignore her nights spent learning the secrets of allomancy evenings spent sitting around the table at clubs a shop sharing laughter with the crew they'd face the challenge of planning something as large as the fall of an empire yet felt no burden of leadership or weight of responsibility for the future the reason that particular passage really stands out to me is because of where Vince story ends up so when we first meet her in the final Empire she's just so broken and beaten down and timid and afraid and the the place that she gets put in when she gets kind of swept under Cal Sears wing and his tutelage she finally has a chance she has a chance at having enough power and enough confidence to not be so afraid and she finally finds people that she can trust who love her and that she loves to and you just want you want a happy ending for her you want to know that when the fight is over she can finally rest she can be with Ellen and she can enjoy this love she has for her husband and her for her friends and she can live in the world that she saved gosh dad I've tried so hard not to get super worked up so she she never gets to be a part of the world that she saved and it's like ah that passage to me it just it kind of reflects on on that the fact that she she went through so much and then she always still was thinking about the good of the people you know she found glimpses of happiness through all of that and it's like what are you doing today sad you said that's what it feels like when I read that passage and up upon a reread I got I got two tabs for that cuz I was like I have to remember this passage because it just it really really for me is why this book it's so beautifully done why the stupid stories so good to me I know for those of you that don't love it this much you know whatever I'm sorry because I'm freaking out now you guys understand I wanted to make this video forever ago when I first the first time I read through this and I tried so many times like think you're always gonna say and I couldn't do it I couldn't do it because I was it was just too much for me and it's all clearly I'm still not making sense it's a bunch of jibber-jabber okay composing myself what I'm kind of trying to get at here is that VIN is not somebody who has had a fantastic wonderful life she is somebody who has had so much happen and she has had to go through so much she has has endured so much loss but she lives for these glimpses of joy these glimpses of happiness and of love and those glimpses are enough for her to constantly put herself in danger to put her husband and danger her friends it's all enough for her because she wants to ensure that the world that she loves and that the people of this world are able to someday not have these and glimpses but to have these as their lives that's kind of that's kind of my take away for from VIN and that scene at the end when they went spook and our side characters come out and they see VIN and alland and says it has a little thing that says he thought he can't figure out how to bring the soul back but he thinks it's okay because they they may need a little bit of a rest it's like they never got that peace in their own world but they get it through death and it's just I'm trying to I'm trying to keep it together guys it's just so beautiful to me it's so beautiful but so sad and and I'm glad for VIN and Ellen's that in the end they they do find that piece I'm also happy that they got their dance before they died huh every scene like that was so much worse this time around because like knew for a fact what was gonna happen and so that danced between the two of them was just so sweet and so silly and just so I'm so happy they got to have that moment together Ellen's plotline L character grow throughout the story is also one that is extremely transforming the person that he is at the beginning and the person that he is at the end is so drastically different and for a lot of people they actually don't really like where Ellen ends up because he's this kind of sweet idealistic boy who has these dreams of being an amazing individual who can help the world for the better and the person that he has to be to truly help the world for the better isn't the person that he strives to be and what I think makes this even more sad is that he thinks it too so as a reader you might be sad to see that he's not quite the same even VIN thinks at times like I kind of missed that boy that he was but Ellen's knowing that for himself Ellen thinking this isn't who I wish to be but it's who I have to be poor KY the passage that stands out to me that does a really good job of showing this is actually a passage from Vince perspective not even from Ellen's perspective and it says the old Ellen had been a man who was easily dismissed by many a genius who had wonderful ideas but little ability to lead still she missed some of what was gone the simple idealism Elland was still an optimist and he was still a scholar but both attributes seemed tempered by what he had been forced to endure there are so many things that we could dive into with this story but I wanted to focus primarily on ving Elland and saison so getting into says--it's story for this particular book and the three books all together say is its storyline is one that a lot of people get really frustrated with in this story they get frustrated with him they kind of want him to just snap out of it and be his normal Pleasant calm self and have this faith again and be nice again and instead of being such a downer but I'm grateful if you will that that isn't how Sanderson wrote him I know from a reader standpoint when it comes to being entertained it is not the most entertaining perspective to read about but depression especially depression stemmed from loss and grief I shouldn't say especially depression affects people in different ways and stems from different things but given why says it is depressed given that he is depressed you don't just snap out of it you don't just get over the things that you lost you don't just get rid of your sadness it's lingering it's with you and there are so many times that I think Sanderson has lines that really portray depression so well and I just found that say is it being a character to go through that it's so impactful to see somebody who should be the one to always have hope to see that character go through this it's just one of those things where in real life even the strongest people even the best of us you know those people can succumb to these kinds of things and I I really appreciated that Sanderson had his story pasted as it was the line that I wanted to read for says it is when he's talking to somebody about faith so that's kind of a setup for this one and it says the sense of despair inside say Zed wanted to snap that simply believing wasn't enough wishing and believing hadn't gotten him anywhere it wouldn't change the fact the plants were dying and the world was ending it wasn't worth fighting because nothing meant anything I think meant anything that is that shows it so well it Ellis traits so well what it's like and there's another line where he's talking to spook and he's looking at spook and thinking about how much who cares and how much spook is trying and he thinks spook cares and I don't that's just his that's just what it is and to see that and say that I know I'm kind of reiterating the same points over and over again with his character but I just personally I really really felt that Sanderson did the mature thing if you will he didn't go for the gist oh isn't it sad well he's better now I'm glad it wasn't that and that he really let us feel what says it was feeling and says it is just such a sweet person we little soul and at the end of the story when he sees then an Elland and he is thinking like oh no it can't be me and he thinks like I am no hero that line I'm like you a hard though and he even at the end thinks about how VIN was of all the people that held preservation that VIN was perhaps the most worthy which I love in but also say is it is such a good kind soul and for him to even in his basically godhood to think that is so sweet and so telling of his character anyway I'm gonna cut it off here I know again that there are so many things that we could talk about we could talk about spook we could talk about the Kandra and ten soon there's just so much that we could talk about with this story but I want to leave some of it up for conversation with all of you let me know what your favorite parts this story where let me know if you didn't love it and if it was impactful to you if it wasn't packed full just in general let me know your thoughts thanks so much for watching I hope you guys have a great rest of your day and I'll see you all later [Music]
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 31,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mistborn, hero of ages, mistborn trilogy, brandon sanderson, mistborn book review, mistborn book chat, book review, book chat, the hero of ages, hero of ages book review, hero of ages elliot brooks, elliot brooks hero of ages, mistborn elliot brooks, elliot brooks mistborn, brandon sanderson elliot brooks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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