KISS Approach - Greet your IELTS examiner like this to score high

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hi guys I'm Anita and welcome back thank you so much for showing all your love you support your encouragement and all the likes because it means a lot it shows that you are understanding my way of teaching and it's helping you in some way or the other well thank you so much my video on five words have done wonders I think it lasts two weeks it's crossed 200k views if you're interested have a look at it I will link it at the end of the video today we will talk about something which is really really important and that's that comes really at the beginning of your IELTS speaking section and that is how would you greet your examiner I would say it's the most important part of your speaking section because this is where you create a connect an impression with the examiner it also helps you because it makes you feel comfortable or it gives you an intention or it gives you a feeling of how your exam is going to be like if you're nervous in the beginning then chances are quite high that that nervousness will take a lot of time to go away and if you are pretty confident in the beginning then that confidence helps you to kick it till the end okay so my suggestion is right from the very beginning do everything right that is well in my opinion your impression starts right from the time you open the door to the and you enter so the moment you opened the door it's my advice please if you don't like it do not do it but I feel that even before the examiner sees you the examiner would hear you that is you would open the door and you would say it's always good to us for permission it's expected that you're gonna come in and the examiner knows that there is a next candidate but always good to ask for permission like good morning grieving good afternoon please check what time of the day it is and please say good morning and you would know there's a ma'am or a saw good morning ma'am may I please come in or a good morning may I please come in simple as that and of course you walk in that sound or that's toy in which you sleep good morning is very important it should be pleasant it should be at a comfortable tone it shouldn't be too low as good morning may I come in when examiner is hardly able to hear you or good morning may I come in where the examiner is like oh my god who's gonna enter don't make it dramatic okay it's an English language test it's not a theatre artists test or something like that so be pleasant like a conversational tone good morning may I come in okay walk it in of course after having you see the examiner would introduce himself or herself and then ask for your introduction my advice keep it simple keep it short keep it sweet okay and that will help you connect well with the examiner give to the point answers do not create stories at this point in time okay so it's as simple as if someone's asking you about your name how would you say my name is legit ah well this I would advise you instead of saying my name is Manjeera you can use a contraction here and say my name is Minh jito my name's it's a contraction or I am man jito instead of that you can say I'm man cheetah and it's a contraction well it shows that you've got a high level of pronunciation you are pretty comfortable with the language and of course it's an English language test okay so great it's very simple it's all about talking to a stranger for example how would you talk in your daily life if you meet a stranger how would you introduce yourself comfortably right you wouldn't get scared or you wouldn't run away or you wouldn't panic you just tell your name [Music] so you're the examiner is nothing but a stranger but the stranger will mock you so all you have to do is be normal natural confident okay do not we do not get nervous in fact the IELTS speaking section is designed in such a way it's so beautiful that in the beginning there are some easy questions like introduction it's like a normal conversation so if you go to a stranger and talk to him or her it's like initially you all will do an introduction you will ask each other's hobbies or would you like it stuff like that it's here the examiner will ask and you will answer please don't ask the examiner back so what are your hobbies remember so much which city are you from no examiner will ask you will answer you tone has to be friendly comfortable but please do not become all friendly you have to give that respect he or she is your examiner and you're in examinee okay so always keep that respect at the same time be specific where are you from I'm from swimming well if you are from a specific place you want to add something specific about the taste but really quick do that I'm from Delhi and that's the capital of India well great you give a tiny bit of information about it and that's about don't talk about why is Delhi or why if Sydney really famous or what is important about it because at this point in time it's just about where are you from wait for the examiner to ask you a further probing question and they answer to that okay it's very simple don't panic okay at this point in time my advice would be keep it simple to the point use high level of pronunciation if possible one up to a good vocabulary and always remember that your examiner is trying to check your coherence it's trying to check your presence of mind it's trying to check your command over the language which is English of course here okay and also see that how comfortable you are with it so the moment you're stressing about it or if you've learnt this answer and trying to remember and say it's not natural anymore right so it should come naturally that's why always remember the pointers because if you know the pointers you can build around that particular point okay well after introduction in the examiner when they come and say I'm so-and-so who are you can I have your name please so I explained it to you use contraction and answer that when the examiner will ask about your ID proof which can be called identification ID any of these things and of course you'll have a password here and simple answer sure here it is you have to hand it over to the person right I would advise that say something like sure here it is with a smile do not forget to smile okay and or you can say yeah you are yeah you are you know so this is the other way of answering that just add a little bit of tiny sentence around it and that will be really helpful it shows that you have a good command of that situation you're not nervous and you know what you're talking right you can even hand it over without saying anything but it's always good to add a few sentences there right so don't you worry I just mentioned that how you should proceed towards the beginning of your iOS speaking section I have done a detailed video of part 1 part 2 part 3 of IELTS speaking section I link it around please have a look at it and that will cover in tire aisle speaking section exam for you okay you are my rock star remember this please practice in front of the mirror sound natural be confident if you are nervous before entering the room that is right in front of the door you can just take some deep breath calm yourself down and go smash it it's that simple but I take care and you subscribe like comment and share and I hope this videos helped you to ease your tension and gave you some good tips and tricks of how to handle your first impression okay bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Manjita Osta
Views: 956,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: byXYqrajSw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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