Kirby de Lanerolle | Debt Cancellation | 06th June 2017 | WOWLife Church

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] like [Music] you when you stopped in [Applause] [Music] oh crap [Applause] thank you lord thank you Jesus oh man oh man oh man oh man thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus come on god is good god is awesome minutes later and what I wasn't god I mean those testimonies with just phenomenal and the Icebreaker was just like I'm that really really creative really really good I mean it's on a not a different level in 2014 two thousand 2013 2013 31st night 2014 morning I woke up with a voice in my ear okay it's still small voice talking to me I started writing down what the voice was saying it meant nothing at the time and from that time onward it had started I had been able to interpret what now I know the Holy Spirit is saying at that time I you know where is the angel I didn't know it was Jesus I just needed a voice speaking and then later on I got to know the voice and I found out they with the Lord and sometimes he sends his angels to talk to me okay and so this happens every single day on 2014 onwards every time we wake up in the morning he starts speaking and when I put my head to take your light he start speaking and even though I will take for last couple days I've been on Puritan and correction oh I don't know whatever Corky's band announced a young culture of it and you see visions in as well yes but instead I rub in so well I do as you guys know one SoDo with the puritans and all that still it's penetrating through all that so I truly believe that even if you want drugs you can no excuse and to tell me that God can't talk to you or you can't hear God it's just that you're not listening okay I do not prescribe you taking drugs to hear God yeah it really God can talk to you without that but I'm just ready to be with the medication and stuff like that so so we're getting some serious attention for the prophetic serious attention people are taking some they're really saying like man what you guys are carrying is something unusual I need to tell the other guy who called me from the other place recently I had to say well there are young guys and while we're doing the same thing they gave me an accurate name the numbers and places and faces it's a flat and I said it is extremely transferable and it's the Lord Jesus who is speaking to me and said so how does it happen like I said very he speaks you know God speak god is will God speak and in collective evolution on the second interview we look at the end of the interview I actually watch it I actually she she's quite quite an alternate sort of person and she shifted if you saw it 11 minutes to sit yeah she shifts and she believes and she says I'm going to start listening okay and she understood that I was talking about Jesus because I'm invited as a priest okay so we are really not only becoming the largest denomination in the country the fastest-growing Church in the country but also internationally we are really really making a mark and taking what is happening here the doctrines that are coming out of all it's affecting an international audience and people out there they are they now have to take notice it's crazy what is happening so you have got caught to a revival you have been chosen very specifically for a revival of this nation but not just this nation it's a global phenomenon okay and it's you it's you I am just a person who's shepherding the special ones you understand you are the special one I the shepherd who is shepherding the Sheep so it's time that you guys really woke up to what is going on okay don't look here and there outside for a template of what is going on okay Oh has it happen anywhere else oh is it other doctoring from somewhere else or anyone else carrying the same thing preaching saving no one is doing it okay so that is why God has chosen you to do it through you okay God wants to do something unique with you okay so when I teach here the teaching that I have we are not getting off the internet don't you understand that right it's like it's a crazy thing I'll just pick the Bible up and I don't take a lot of time I just pick a Bible as I pick it up it just goes boom it's like it's been deposited in me so many years ago but like can I open then it like comes out so this scene is the hard culture I'm I want to prophesize but while I was going to prophesy while I was going to prop them I say Lord I want to speak over people certain people live today the Lord spoke a word to me I mean he said a little the word he said word perfect okay word perfect okay and I need to be obedient to him because word perfect means it means perfect the word perfect in the Bible means mature okay and he wants you to be mature in the world now what perfect was a software program I think was it long time ago huh long time ago so because you know as long as we're very gifted and people come because of the giftings okay everyone come how hard is getting though man like maybe the world you know all that the miracles happening money miracle them I mean it's crazy okay crazy miracles are happening all the things however the the giftings if we run behind the giftings okay we will remain immature okay and the giftings are awesome but what we need to mature in is the world why we have to give things we can keep God we can have the miracles the signs you heard some crazy miracles happen today why we can have all that is choice of word maturity WordPerfect so we'll see I might go into the realm I might profit I am I going to miracles but I just want to get this word into your heart today okay so can I have your best attention right and your your ears and your heart just given to me but it worked this word is a bit deep I'm just shifting gear on hard culture oh you do understand that I'm just shifting gear bit messy learn our culture we are shifting gear okay so can you can you can you open your heart right now whatever thank you just just leave your hand up into the glory father we thank you for your work last time we were ministering here and after we finished ministering people faces recovered it goes out how many of you went home and saw Goldust on your faces last time you just wave your hand if you saw Goldust on your faces last time yeah what did you yeah your toys there were people you have administering go back home and check your faces there people's faces and this is a new thing because generally it comes on our hand but they came up to me like are you wearing makeup and like I never buy a makeup like your face is glittering with gold and it was happening just last time so even while you're preaching miracle has happened phones get charged money gets deposited into your account okay press on the word everything comes from the world okay are you with me okay we got the best culture in the world I tell you this you guys are the best Church in the world I've been all around the world there is no bright like you I'm telling you it's a phenomenal phenomenal okay so here we are I want you to see something on top duplication okay let's jump into roman fiber romans 5 probably thank you for your word Romans 5 we're going to talk about justification say justification let me go talk about conscience hot link Google punchin okay all right okay I'm getting your watch because it's time it's time it's time time for you this time favor is now all the stories that you heard is because they powerful favor that is coming upon your life favor itself is a tremendously powerful gift it means that there's abundant grace upon you when you come to Jesus Christ the first thing that happens to you is that you realize that the sun is shining on you sun is shining on you and you realize that you're in tremendous favor and people tell you stuff like I've been the rules for you I normally won't do this for you you see that's the kind of stuff we're so used to hearing okay normally it'll take six months but now it's good to take two days you see that's the type of stuff that you start hearing when you have favor on your life okay so why because of this Romans five way with me so it says here in Romans five verse eight but God demonstrates his own love toward us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us there okay much more having died for us much more then having now been justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him is it there okay so he says you know scarcely for a good guy will you ever find someone dying like even if you're a good guy you don't want to take a bullet for you come on you know the story right okay when you're a good guy but your friends will leave you when think you're wrong okay when you don't have what you have everyone leaves you right even if you're a good guy okay so scary for good guy it says will someone die but while you were still a sinner and an enemy of God and didn't want to know who Jesus was in you came again see the same things again Jesus wasn't interested in Jesus he decided to pick you up and die for you okay your unconditional love is okay and now this is awesome okay so he says he died for us right so this is a key much more then having now been justified by his blood so say we are justified by his blood we are saved from rock the world rock there is we are saved from destruction in that context okay so if we are justified the same if you are not justified we are condemned and a man who is condemned deserves to the wages of sin is then so that means if a condemned we did we deserve poverty sickness disease and death but hey Christ's ordered you deserve death but he came and he gave you righteousness because you were a sinner he gave you righteousness the righteousness was something that you just that you can do righteousness is something that you can can work yourself to righteousness is a gift that you've got on him you understand that he gained he forgave him gave you righteousness and then he justified you righteousness justifies you okay I'm trying to go somewhere you see can you be with me on that okay so then he says this in Romans 5 verse 16 and the gift is not like that which came to the one who sinned for the judgment the judgment which came from one resulted in condemnation but a free gift that came from many resulted in justification say justification so there was a free gift of righteousness that came to you that resulted in justification Adam cost you to be condemned condemned means is the legal word condemned means you're a sinner is condemned to death intelligent Church put your brains on okay right so brace on yeah sure alright okay those guys are good brains are on brains are on Ray's on good okay brain size okay hit right so we need to go deep become eaters women these the you know the inspirational message and it doesn't have anyone okay now you see so therefore it says this very clearly that Jesus Christ has now justified us and taken us out of condemnation condemnation the legal word that you tell that someone who is condemned to a sentence ten years in prison for this crime he says he took you brought you out of condemnation and justified you that's why Jesus came to the world he came to justify you why because you were going to become poor sick and died there just get that you're going to be on poor sick and die the law of entropy is in play in your life and in every man's life the Jesus coming says I'm come to justify okay I'm laboring on this so you understand so let me explain justification just simply let's put it like this okay I come to RJ okay okay we take Ryan Ryan comes to RJ and take some money from him okay and he doesn't pay RJ he just takes the money he doesn't pay RJ and RJ now finds it difficult you got it because the money was taken okay Ryan now it's gone and busted money is going to casino busted all money here's no way of paying a Jay the money back okay Ryan and now comfortable he listens to Michael Kirby was speaking a message for justification he's speaking a message I mean here's the message for justification okay he realizes Jesus came into his life we justify him and it's like oh my god this is awesome because I was still condemned I can't even look at RJ's face and you know I've taken his money and you know I busted it I have no way to pay RJ back but oh thank God I because I deserve to die everything is supposed to go wrong for me my business is suppose a crash now but thank God I heard this message and now Kiwi pain the word repent repent repent means is like arminana Oh God Jesus if I want to receive this free gift I want to receive justification so repentance very important Jesus has already done it before the foundations of the world he didn't do it 2,000 years ago he justified you before you were placed on a planet that's what the Bible says before you were placed on a planet he died he's God he died that's what the Bible says because so that everyone can be justifiable they did okay so now he he Ronnie not getting something new he's tapping into the mercy and the justification that is already in existence throughout Chronos time your own Senate so what happens is Ryan here's the story and here's Jesus okay Jesus is here okay he says cubby the Jesus thing this justification I repent I need this because my business is crashing okay things are going wrong in my life I need to just create a crime man Jesus already done it's done for you okay here it is just occasionally businesses not to me okay RJ now can find fault with me that's the offense now you got it because I jaqen think hey you know what but I'm the one who got played out how can and that is why they constantly ask Jesus the question who are you to forgive sin when you're a man because when something like that happened he came and said I forgive you and then the person is gonna say hey hold on oh no the problem is with Mema he supposed to pay me how can you say that his debt is paid I didn't get any money I didn't get in the payment but now Ryan has believed because he was desperate and taken the justification run with it but now what does it mean to believe Jesus what do you mean to believe Jesus because now what does it really mean to believe Jesus along today you'll find out today you will find out okay so now if now say Ryan is doing what he's doing and it business is doing really well okay see are you saying oh yeah right no because you know you're doing understand he played me out this guy now what is happening is this situation where Jesus comes by the man okay and the man is a is a blind man and they say who has sinned is it him or his mother or his parents and he says yes that was son before that because the parents have sinned or that he has seen he has to pay now justice for his sin he says but jesus said but now when I've come I have come so that that proverb will never be sung again I become the justice material I become the propagation I place myself as the justice so that now he is justified think about it you don't get it you don't get Jesus you have to understand it so RJ now you have to get it justification because heating a babe but he has to believe now this is what it means to believe in Jesus this is what it means to believe in Jesus he has to now if he says I believe in Jesus he has to believe that he had got paid that's what it means to believe in Jesus religion that means he is my justification so I'll jaywalked around saying you know what I already got laid me out I know that but but he repented or not before the foundation of the world Jesus died and you know what justice has been done I am NOT looking i J says I am NOT looking for justice to be done I'm not looking for vengeance I'm a believer of Jesus justice has been done well well well what was the payment you know what payment was a I said it was the most innocent blood of Jesus and if he paid that meant sins against me but it's God so now when I deal and now i LJ go then please Ryan at a restaurant Ryan is there oh my god a change is here okay okay and Ryan is eating like a you know a hundred fifty dollar stake already business is doing well okay okay don't worry buddy pays him not not worried okay but she should be no free fall into this yet he should give your paintings up eating hundred dollar shake but that is not a J's problem you get your justice from the cross we are believers our justice comes on the cross so when I see that J trying to say hey buddy you know what hey Wow so you know you're doing well now this is good yeah yeah you know between the good again okay that's really great you know Ryan I want to tell you you know when you took this money for me I really got messed up you see now he's talking to him but he's not talking from a place of offense he says you know many do the money I really but really i got rekked man you know and you know whether you can pay me back do pay me think about me but you know what I'm doing well I am not offended with you my friend because the Lord Jesus Christ died for your sin and my justice is done justice is done so then you're tackling the problem and that's what people don't understand the way we tackle people people can do the worst thing to you then the reverse thing to you but when they come to us we are not coming from a place of looking for justice to be done we are not looking for justice to be done justice what's done you read it again I'll she read it again now he's married again okay I really watch it birthday but God demonstrates his own love toward us in there in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us come on man died for us you're the only looking at us no earth means both of them while they were sinners while I understand us Christ died so when I look at them I too look at them through justification believe me when you go and speak to people like that that's when their conscience gets affected and that's when they paid the money back you see that's what Russia did so euro in the car he never went to prison he knew that the conscience of the father we get affected because he understands that he's justified by the cross you see then the conscience change and the father call it the day you know what can I get a car because he so established in justification justice has been done for you and for me justice has been done justice has been done justice has been done for you and me all justice has been done we are not bloodthirsty the person who says oh this is happening because of this you see hey that might be happening because of that I'm not saying no sure when people do wrong things won't be happen but I should at that time say you know what I'm justified I don't need that to happen to him or me to feel good and justified I got my justice when Christ died for me he got injustice I'm done he will get into trouble believe me because he's in the cycle of the world so gently because the in determine cycle what they do they get and they their life will be destroyed in fact the life will be more destroyed if you stand on justified justification because you're justified you're not looking fight you get it are you with me okay understanding that let's turn now to Matthew 7 Jesus we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you thank you hey guys no one is saying this is easy the only way this stuff is possible is if you have the Holy Spirit if you don't have the Holy Spirit you only want to understand what I'm talking about because the Holy Spirit that gives you the ability to walk like this you got it that I say God give you a moderate speed Carly can handle but more of your speed that is why I said Lord build my faith give me more his speed give me more faithful I need you more I need you more with you 7 ok what is it sort of it is judge not and you will not be judged is it there yeah so judge not and you won't be judged right ok for with what judgment you judge you will be judged be there I mean the same measure you use it will be made it back to you how is that interesting what's Reem and why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye but do not consider the plank in your huh o'night how can you say that your brother your brother let me remove the plank from your eye when you have got one in your own eye Isabelle look at the word sunday's word what funny word keyboard hypocrite what the who the hypocrite so the problem is not that you're looking at someone who is fake that's not a problem there's nothing wrong in seeing someone and going up to your brother he trying goes see dodgy there he's having a hundred pieces of steak he's not paid the money hey brother meant that one fatal mistake good you know everything good for me man there's nothing wrong in that you're talking to your brother about his fault very important but you see it's not coming from that place you understand that because you're very careful that while you're talking to your brother about his problem the problem is you might be doing the same thing in a different context and if you're doing that it is now watch what you judge the same measure you measure will be back at you you get it that's where the problem is the problem of God has no problem in you pointing out to someone they're false in fact you're supposed to tell your brother their fault if you don't that you're responsible you have to say him buddy I don't think what I do it right but the problem is the way you say is it out of justification or is it out of accusation is it out of justification or is it out of accusation you see that's where the problem is and he says now if you're hypocritical the same thing that you point out we thank you these are beautiful mysteries on why people are suffering today why things that went wrong in their lives today why I think that goes wrong is because the same major you're measuring is coming back because somewhere along the line your heart is also aligned with the same thing is doing and therefore you can sleep you get it on are you with me okay today anything says first remove the plan from your own eye and then you will see clearly see clearly you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye let it say don't remove the speck from your brother's eye Liyana no no it says you need to remove the spectrally relative huh he's not we're not talking about or just let it be this is a great revival so we won't address the issue well it doesn't say that it is address the issue but when you're addressing the issue make sure that you're not caught in a hypocrisy because that's when things go wrong are you with me okay understanding that dumper Johnny favorite story what's a story that the woman who'd got caught in the act of adultery is it there the Bible you heard the story the problem that Jesus has is not that they were trying to pick stones and throw at the woman that was the law that was the law and they were holy men wanting to do what is right when they were strolling the woman under the law there was no other offering ladies and gentlemen that time the other said that was an act of worship that they were doing very important gated they were not wicked people there was no remedy at that time for the problem of intentional sin if you have intentionally done something there is no remedy at that time except for the law has to be fulfilled but it's adult but it's a pigeon whether it's your like given it but the problem was not that they were stoning God was not Jesus mother gave the law he was against the fact that the people were stoning but hypocrites okay now you get the problem was with the hypocrisy of the occupation now you see what I'm trying to say that is why the hard culture is teaching you all the time about scandal okay the same person who is accusing has been thinking the same thing come on you know we're looking at all Facebook and say no this kind of going on to answer is they're doing it the survey is doing that and all that but those same thoughts across your mind huh you can say that those sorting across your mind human being starts crossed our minds now for us to accuse is when the same major comes back to us now you've got you got it instead of understanding justification okay so let's put let's put a let's just explain to you better like this so when I see a pedophile let's take a really bad situation okay a pedophile on Facebook I see that he had done something wrong and everyone is about to now you know there are new laws coming in supplied and that's fine you need to protect our children you understand that we need to protect our children the pedophilia I mean it protects our children and it's wrong what they're doing but with that attitude of pedophilia it's a section it's a sexual thing pedophilia is a sexual thing okay pedophilia and adultery ain't no difference with God sexual thing is sexual thing do you understand so we can look at that and say oh my god I can't just believe that these people now watch it you see and your heart will rage against something when we are supposed to look at that situation if there was something happening address it but who are we to point fingers you see the spirit of accusation is broken because why even for the pedophile is justification that is why Christ died before the foundations of the world because you can see sin increase you got it so when you're looking at it looking at it we have to look through the cross why why because of life because of life because my god if I want life to be in my family if I want life to be in my church it is so important that I don't have an acute setting script you will die some of you guys the leaders in the space that is why I can tell you you can come to my leaders and you can tell them anything it can be the worst thing of sin believe me then I'll be shocked because they have been established in justification there is no condemnation in Jesus Christ and it is only when there is no condemnation can that person come out of the scandal that they have evolved in Jesus understanding that let's look at it teaching but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives now early in the morning he came again into the temple and all the people came to him and he sat down and taught them then the scribes and Pharisees brought to him a woman caught in adultery and when they had set her in the midst they said to him teacher this woman was caught in adultery and in the act now Moses in the law commanded that such be stoned but what do you say this they said testing him that they may have something which to accuse him but Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with his finger and though he did not like he did not hear so when they continued asking him so when they continued asking him he raised himself and said to them he who is without sin among you let him throw a stone at NASA yeah you see the see the problem everyone thought that Jesus is oh there's so much grace here much as or Jesus doesn't water to be stone no no that's not a problem the problem is the people who are stoning have got the same sin he's the only one who can stole her the wrong people are stoning her she there has to be payment for what she's doing there has to be a dick paid for what she's doing adultery is a sin you understand that and so he's not coming against the payment for the sin no he knows my god he knows payment for sin more than anyone else in the world that's why he came to the world to pay that woman sin he knows that if she has no criminal justice done for sin she would die the whole ladies and gentleman if there was no payment for the sin the east one nation will perish because one man thing affects many that's the way that's the way offenses passed down come on you be with me palatable season so he didn't stop the sin being played because guys as much as you say I love you know I love you see how can how can how can write with someone says God loved RJ was stolen from God love Dodger but when you look at what happened in Ryan you can say this God loved Ryan more you could say because Ryan ran away he took the money but he ran away but God says but that means we don't understand justification that's why we are stuck that's why we are measuring that's why we are stuck in our businesses we're stuck in our lives we can't grow because we don't really believe we want the book to be balanced we don't believe that Jesus has justified the whole earth otherwise we're going to think that God is better and nicer to run who done something wrong God wasn't Jesus wasn't nicer to the woman ladies general people think all she was or he was so good to the woman he was good because he's the only one who had a right to punish sin he was a provocation he was the complete payment for that sin he was the payment see the sin of the woman committing adultery was a million dollars he was the million dollars he paid so they all bought it was a win-win it come on come on come on come on it was a win-win and for eyes that can see they can see that's what calls your believer of Jesus Christ the believer means that you can see that finish work a believer of Jesus people are always putting themselves in the Ender in the shoes of the woman oh god it's forgiven my senior brother how did he forgive you sin he paid soil it's like it's like me telling RJ RJ you know what I represent Jesus how much do you take you came in Inupiat here's the 10 million boom that is how Ryan is free because I create algae and algae says I'm a believer I receive I've received it he might not have any is a cloud but a believer means I am seemed it I'm not not thirsty I'm not bloodthirsty and no blood thirsty I'm a believer of Jesus Christ God has justified ah and then when he does that that's when he prospers it's not going to be paid it is finished and when he walks like a man who's not victimized come on Jesus when he walks recommend he has the ten million that's when everything starts working out not going around saying can you believe there Ryan took my ten million no you know man what about the ten you know forget it have you gone and spoken right that's a spoken to the gentleman in pay you know now forget it walk your walk you have been justified there's a gentleman mark 11:23 says it like this he says not you can say to the mountain move but you just don't say them on a move you have a new boat about you to believe that you already received it that means it is a spiritual everything with Jesus is finished so therefore when I'm when I ask anything for my car for my healing to my business I don't say I will be rich then the weak say I am why because it has been justified let the poor say I am NOT I'm going to be rich I am that is why Jesus says when he says who are you I am the goal I am the shepherd it's a present situation we have been justified I have been just my goal I tell you man I've been played out by people you know family friends I mean you won't believe it but I'm not looking for blood I have in justified I am rich they could have taken million for me but I am rich now I am the best now people have rejected displaced I am the fastest growing Church now I'm not like a big denomination now I'm the greatest prophet now I know a between having I have been justified my friend I'm not victimized oh people are people that could be people rejected a doctor in this doctrine is the best doctrine now it's going to cross all the world now if I've been justified I'm not waiting for someone to say brother I agree with you I'm not waiting for acceptance people they are I was in that place waiting for acceptance then I have been justified man I don't need to work for justification I am justified come on you understand that you have been justified this is justification you have to believe it but it's tested it's you can came for you I've been justified now with that sinner I've been justified I'm free for my sin I don't have to pay for my sins now I'm in justified but it's tested when someone does something to you then you really believe you then you realize do I really believe that Jesus Christ is Lord because you have been justified but that person that person still has to pay and every time you hear a story about how to drink or it's not going to work until well your people come and tell me oh you know so-and-so your church is reducing and these people in reducing and that is happening all these things happen I'm not interested and nothing well that's because he said this he is justified as much as I'm justified you understand that we all justified in Christ how many say or do you know the business guy who robbed from you you know he's crashed like you know what that's his problem when I have an opportunity I will always talk to him but will not compound rate of accusation you understand he has been justified and I pray that he will wake up one day and realized his justification receive the finished work of the cross hand it's powerful when you live like that it's a powerful thing to live like that you're not affected you're not victimized by anything you have been justified to live come on man we can't even live on the other thing you know oh oh I'm sick because I ate too much of this now we can't even leave on that no no yeah you might be sick because you ate too much of cholesterol and you might be sick about about this thing yes it's true but you know what Jesus came because he knew you're going to eat so much of this and eat so much of that once you receive you can walk in a right way but right now just receive certification what is healing you without that now that you're going to start getting on a diet what is healing you is justification you are justified to live now get on a diet because you were idol-worshipping and because you were eating too much of ice-cream and because you know ice cream of your god just change your ways but your healing comes from understanding the justification of the Cross you got it that is why it says in this very clearly I mean we're going here it says then those who heard it being convicted by their the first time the word conscience reduced the first time the word conscience is used in the New Testament can you believe it that means the people listening to him suddenly for the first time their functions are affected the word conscious has never been used in the adjustment I mean it is there in a different context in the New Testament is used 33 times by for the first time their hearts got affected think about that for a moment why did their heart get affected can I should forgive why did I hug get affected all this time no one I mean only sign never being young children okay having been righteous people people who are fasting praying all these people would have told these people or stoning you know on Dianna the stoning us but what about Uncle Tom okay the little child when I said your sewing line but Uncle Tom is at home with Uncle Tom there they ask you a question from the from the young what that would mean righteous holy people saying it's not right that we should stone these people the people should die isn't there a better way no but there is no better way for sins people need to die for sin the price must be paid the price must be paid because otherwise not love like I told you love will look like justice just imagine if God didn't pay for Hodges that's not love the logic can always say I'm a friend of God because there was no payment you see and it opens we gotta carry the offense is broken when RJ Abdallah jure that he got paid its freedom RJ has knowledge that he's got paid that's when he actually justified the other thing and that's actually when everything works out for him you have problems in your life things that went wrong check this one out how bloodthirsty are you how bloodthirsty are you it says the blood of Abel is crying out revenge but it's a we got a better blood that that thing with more gracious tones then it's a blood of Jesus that is paid everything you got it so ladies and gentlemen here we are Jesus come many people have told at that time never have been righteous man good volume in and they will at all why are we stoning aunty Anna but you know what no one put the stones down no one put asunder on how come how come when Jesus spoke the stones came down how come the hypocrisy was broken when Jesus spoke that's the power of a mature conscience that's the power of a perfected conscience people say cubby you know we went to so many parties about a marriage but a marriage never got sorted out you know I couldn't I have is continuously cheating we couldn't sorta marriage out but when he came to Wow you may touch this price and then get what happened I stopped cheating on my wife but for 30 years I was doing but many pastors have I just been controlling you see how come when Jesus said hey are y'all being hypocritical when Jesus said it this is all right my heart is wide open you can see my conscience has just got affected for the first time man's conscience got affected because there was one with a pure heart that walked the earth never before was any man having a perfect conscience so now the power of a perfect conscience came in you see how Rachid attracted the Audi how do you know she does a cloudy the conscience his conscience was clear and because it's constant with Pierrot they know I want pressure is this is what I will do I know my inherence in my father and suddenly the father calls it says by doubting you see so you can affect people's conscience if your conscience is mature until and that's the way the New Testament work forgetting the conscience you understand that the way we work your New Testament is through the conscience now do you understand it so when Jesus who was pure of heart said hey you know what you guys the one who had no sin let him throw the first stone that statement would have been said many times before but it did affect the heart but when Jesus said it because it appear conscience he was set free they were set free and they knew their hypocrisy people did smoking drinking on drugs they come here and it will be saying they'd gone everywhere rehab and all these place when it come here the CTO for two-three weeks or three weeks the Te'o I want stop smoking I want some drinking not one movie set of smoking drinking not once do we say to stop smoking and drinking we preach grace but they stop smoking and drinking everything energy decision where is it coming from not not my pure heart it's coming from the place I believe that that person is justified so when they come to a sanitarium smoking and drinking and having orgies and having sex and all these things we are not holding them to their work they are looking at them through the eyes of Jesus that these people are justifying and because that conscience is mature and clear people stop smoking drinking and the rest do you get it that is why conscience is so important mature conscience a mature conscience will draw a mature heart will draw every good thing unto Him thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus okay I think you guys are doing well so let me go into one more scripture can I go into one more yes is it helping you see this up is not taught anywhere the problem is but the New Testament it's see the Old Testament what about laws laws meaning the law will tell you what to do so that's why you what's called a cuter do this do that don't do this don't do that so you can read a book and know what to do and what not to do even don't commit adultery is the law in the New Testament we don't they don't deal with the puter in the New Testament they want your conscience to mature in a New Testament if you are led by the conscience you are a son of God but if you are still wanting someone to tell you yes no good and you're still under the law now you come to a place like this and people will come to you and tell you you know what I've been doing it for so long but you know what it's time to stop I'd say who told you they say no one told me it just my heart is telling me now we're getting to maturity I said yeah I said but you know you've been in church for a long time it's it I've been in church for a long time I've understood the law I want to fit all in things but it's only now that my conscience opens up come on are you with me you see that is what is important we need to learn to allow conscience to mature some people will say chubby you know danger occupation against you you know about this and about that and you know the only thing should explain to your congregation about these things I like I don't think we should have explained about those things allow their conscience to mature why don't you explain where you've got your car from or why are you going to get your next album why don't explain how you say the Trump double by the experiment the conscience mature because we don't want to teach you like that you have spirit you understand that you have a conscience they say but you know it's when so did this and why do you guys cover them so much why do you protect them I don't need to explain that you let your conscience mature we are not growing people under laws or scandal and saying don't do this and don't do that they're growing people and allowing their hearts to grow in God you've got it okay let's see where's my job this is very important what 11 what 10 watch this when Jesus had raised himself up and saw no one but the woman what is it said to her woman where are those accusers is it there it is very dull to accuse you because each one who picked the shoulder patrol a turban it is if you have no sing what if I stone everyone left the stones and they walk to me because no one wanted wrote a stone you get a conscience got evicted suddenly the woman alone looking at Jesus life and Jesus says woman where are your accusers you see and what does what does she say well no one's here and then he says his women better don't to accuse you no one condemned you is it there you need a word condemnation is against justification it means you're justified you see now what is she said no one Lord I want you to see this a lot of people don't see it and Jesus said to her neither do i that means i can accuse you I'm the only one who can all others were hypocrites I'll show you that because if you jump into chapter 8 just chopping eight in the same chapter just after he let her go look what they are in verse 12 and the Pharisees therefore said to him you bear witness of yourself your witness is not true oh my god did you just see that what did I say what did I say raise it yeah you say you bear witness you remember the witnesses they're looking for the witnesses he says all you are falsely witnessing you remember witnesses story come on your detract with the whole series you see and Jesus says if I bear witness of myself maybe to 0 to 4 I know where I come and from where I'm going but you do not know where I'm going to come in okay and he says my father and myself witness and my witness is true that means he says I don't need human witnesses he says I am the only one right here who can actually witness include come on come if you just understand the theme of witnesses he says you need two or three witnesses to say establish something it is my father and I witness here against your witness and my witness is more true than any of your witnesses please remember because he has the ability to do that because of justification the it has been played the payment has been done that's why it's a court procedure it's like you bring the witnesses he'd like saying you got paid in code veritable get punished he's saying hey hold on we didn't see you getting paid your witness is not true he says no no no trust me my father nice for the payment see the pig that's what is happening anything the woman much well the Jesus spoke to the woman hey hey yeah and she says go and sin no more okay I think it's up there go and what that is very very important she didn't even say oh you're free because he understands that this woman sings just imagine it just imagine if I decided to pay all if anyone in this day I say if anybody's Church borrows money for someone else and that guy doesn't pay you I will pay that dick the pastor says it let means y'all can borrow money from each other if I wanted to pay the money back the pass through Peter did say I say just imagine how out-of-pocket I'll be right and so running and algae are sitting there and Ryan is taking the money 10 million rupees I just say it man you know come on cubby donate out okay and I like home and okay 10 million rupees Ida page just imagine how much but what happens if it was my life that had faded it when he's looking at this woman you have to understand what's going in his mind you must understand that he came to pay he's like it was because of you and me and you and you and you and you I came to the world why did you look at her it says woman this is very costly do not sin anymore so because the date it's so precious the debt is so precious that it justifies us or do you understand it justifies it all the stand your feet the sense of it thank you Jesus for your justification thank you Jesus for justification thank you Jesus for justification thank you Lord bank and have you up to Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I truly believe that this teaching on justification this one will get you out of your issues when you understand justification what Jesus did for all the world I want you to think about those people those very people that we are blood hungry about but very people that we are looking for a payment to be done it's now I am justified let's say I am justified I am just fine I'm justified I am justified you can be you can be in a relationship you know I miss you and I I was in a giving a relationship that in certain places I done wrong thing she could always live in victimization because you did that because previously in 1998 because in 2004 you did it again to see a hey don't you believe that justice has been done then you decide that justice was done for you you don't need this person to become good so now she's waiting thing I'd hurt her in 2000 and in 1998 now she's watching to see whether I will become a good guy why I'm talking to husband without you they're watching to see whether or not this body will prove himself if the company he'll become better every day or every time he goes if the way says you remember Oh 19 I did you see that means they don't believe in justification they're constantly living in victimization because the husband has to constantly live a life trying to prove now because of a pond maybe an employer might be an employee it might be someone in the church believe me just wrap it up we are not looking for any kind of justice outside the cross the mature conscience does not look for justice outside applause Mozilla game amateur function does not look for justice outside the cross is justice from now on the cross that means every believer many people of this method just find themselves that they were not believers I'm telling you many people finally oh my god I believe was a believer Jesus Christ will I believe it for me but really I really got three how many people have we played of you they don't pay them till later on people had sort of money from you taken money from you how much how much under thousand feet mala how much Demi Demi - roughly roughly roughly five billion can and I think we good how much how much I'm really not much maybe more man I die I need for there is more how much how much fun Alma choppy six million how much one revision excellent I love your fingers gasps how much 225 million dollars nominal good Manami not much 35 million under 50 million okay John the public um 40 million 40 million five and thousand dollars now here's the key on a challenge [Music] from today onwards if you really a believer Jesus you need to believe that your dick was being it's okay but what is the person already know it doesn't matter it really matter very Jesus in my death come on that's what it means that Jesus paid my debt repaid my debt you got it if you can live in that knowledge is and doesn't mean that when you see the person that you shut your mouth take the plank out of your brother's eye if you don't it means you're not a Christian it is first take the plank out of your eye and then go to the brother the hey brother nepotism people but you're not doing it out of revenge you're not doing it out of porting God not doing it because you're a believer and we have a confrontational culture so when we confront we are not confronting to accumulate in the gentlemen they're confronting to reconcile and to say we believe wrong so we need to say go and sin no more who's accusing you that's what you need to tell the truth hey I know you have example how many people who raise the hand the people who wrote from you have come and told you brother keep it how many of you what document the computers admitted it has the comment and said please forgive me yeah recommended it thank you but thank you but that's okay even if they don't come from a place that'll be big so when you're dealing with them when you talk to him their function is to keep the question gets affected if you believe that is a DP the justified your sacrifices the knowledge of communicative crik crik be breaking the french did you say I break the test or displace I'm telling you today you heard it's estimated American support a professor believe me you will see much more with your understanding yes not going to be censored in this place in Jesus name this is a name is a name or the kind of devotion just kinda just been down thank you lord thank you Jesus Thank You Jean thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus people on hand release release release release release Oh baby I would have got be happy with how it's laid out all 500 million no much more much more much no but I have got game I don't live in my life I say we are Ritchie they're a big Commission really well but the books will say then you know what it was made out to and told you so much it doesn't matter little book thing then the auditors day what it does not bother you let them say but I believe I got me I'm a page I'm sexy I'm degree I'm not looking for revenge a new menu you [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 6,891
Rating: 4.9124088 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek, Heart Culture Series
Id: swG-3LkSdDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 58sec (4018 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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