Kings Of The Evening | Inspirational Drama Starring Tyson Beckford, Lynn Whitfield, Glynn Turman

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foreign thank you burn it UPS work on the wagon God damn boys moving going home for Christmas say yourself for me boys see you Homer don't  get any on you now y'all come back soon you here foreign foreign you came in with two and going out with two same thank you foreign got nothing hot up in here but uh maybe I can   spray a slice of bread no man  I'm looking for my mom Miss Hobbs couldn't make the rent he's a hard time babe you have a nice day man  wait a minute something here you know how to melt it to it but I just  didn't know where she was thank you man a little slice of bread you know foreign yes sir what will it be   how much for a grilled cheese sandwich  and a slice of pie and coffee mmm 36. you sure you want all of that coming up coffee grilled cheese  sandwich lots of Fire coming up oh my God how long you been out Mr clothes son what about him might as well have compliments  of the ward and Stitch across your ass you must not learned much inside see that lady by the door the one you've been looking at  see them hoes in the stockings   lady has holes in the stockings  receiving money they much in her purse Man's eyes talk real loud but here we go good hold on Chester yeah what'd  you say me and you have a little talk now don't   go beguiling me with those devil bones and you  knew I never win come on now ain't no sense of   predicting rain when you ain't looked outside and  what if I lose you treat me and my friend hit a   supper I'm looking for no charity ain't charity  you my guest watch close now yes speak to me just I've never known a man takes his pleasure to  lose it how about you friend you look like a man   who could use another dollar want to try your luck  not me gotta be finding some work no place to stay it just so happened I know  somebody looking for a strong back   I might even be able to hook you up with a  clean bed you don't even know nothing about me   how you don't know I'm not one of them big ass  Mobsters you'd be reading about in Sunday paper sign of you more than a small  time pickpocket I'm Joe DiMaggio Homer Hobbs Benny Benny Potter imagine manners boy if you look holding  I can get your room in Miss Grace's house   it ain't fancy but then my commission  only gonna be a quarter wait a minute   you didn't mentioned nothing about  no Commission there's a flat house   over Lincoln Avenue room's free if you can get  them tuberculosis free too all right a quarter evening Gracie evening this is my friend Homer  he started working tomorrow cement factory   your God-fearing man home yes ma'am you're  a musician maybe someday but right now all   I care about is a job and a place to flop  no drinking in the house no smoking in bed   no visitors of the opposite sex except  in The Parlor no dirty talking no cooking   in the room and no coming to Meals late  rooms a dollar week in advance yes ma'am any take home inside and show them what's  what Glenn said the Social Hall fashion night time to swing it up boys we're looking at  tonight's cake uh boys you boys and going home   so not tonight settle down now settle down  let's have it quiet please   it's time time to prove that a man can look  like a million even if he doesn't have a dime   it's time to show that when a man can stand  up to the Mirror he can stand up to life it's time to Crown this week's King of the evening the order was chosen randomly gentlemen  it is now up to you and the judge   contestant number one Mr Reginald  Crump please present yourself thank you thank you foreign who are you name's Homer well just what are you  doing in here Homa it's late killing bugs will   be no reason to raise the dead because you ain't  never had a cockroach in your bed oh yes I have thank you who's that what do you think like that on all four now maybe  your body can get some sleep   first thing tomorrow you get some roach powder  from Miss Gracie it don't make near as much noise this was a fine night and proof once again  despite the indignities of the world outside   there is still dignity Within These Walls and  now congratulations to our second runner-up   I know his wife is here this evening and  feeling very proud Mr Anthony Johnson our first runner-up Mr Stanley studs and Now ladies and gentlemen our  winner and this week's recipient   of the grand prize of five dollars our  King of the evening Mr Henry Nicholson oh all right I don't know what you're so happy  about you didn't win nothing all right save some for Lucy oh it's okay I'm running late   anyway because you're up all night  so undressers nobody can't afford   morning oatmeal's on the table anything you  don't eat this morning you eat tomorrow yes I gotta go get your eyes back in your head Please Mr Haynes I can't afford to lose please just this once I got my own ass to go back Lucy water we're late sorry Mr Cheadle won't happen again I have no  choice with 15 cents from your pay but Mr Cheeto   those of you who object to the policies here at  cheetah and Sons you're welcome seek work this way thank you foreign no sir strong enough I gotta go back show me hold on there a minute thank you when you get them arms son been on the  line two years with the CCC clearance swamp like kale pays 10 cents an hour  take it or leave it I take it   get your ass to work get that truck  loaded and get it out of here now special what we gonna eat Gracie oh hell no outside but then oh all right from now on leave your overalls in the yard  and hold yourself off before you come inside   oh now what are you laughing at you haven't  paid your board in nearly a month now I'm not   running a mission you know I'm waiting on  my relief Jack Grace oh yeah and while you   waiting on your relief check I'm getting  all sogged out trying to figure out how   I'm gonna afford a Christmas tree when the  price attracting going up four cents a pound ain't you something pretty you look like one of  those strutters over at the Social Hall Oh Billy   ain't got time for all that nonsense strutting  around like Bojangles Robbins I don't know   spicing up make a man feel good ain't nothing  wrong with that now ain't that just like a man   spending all this earnings on clothes so he can be  the best dressed peacock in the soup line if those   boys down there spend as much time looking for a  job as they do shot in their shoes it wouldn't be   a suit line I've seen some of them fancy hats  you'll be wearing maybe you want to borrow one oh you bring the brand oh I forgot  Lucy I told you this morning I'm sorry how about it anybody want to go to  the fights Homer not me I ain't got   no fool around money hell you flush boy  how much to give you when you get out you jailbird huh Penny are you  Plum out of your mind you know   the rules I don't let to know ex-cons  now Gracie it ain't what you think yeah   well what the hell is it then  I did two years on the line you killed somebody shut up Clarence my mama  wasn't doing so well and I needed to put some food   on the table so I stole some tires a couple main  GB Treads wild so bad I couldn't even sell them   a shame in your mama wasn't gonna help her oh man  I know that now I haven't seen her in two years where she at e get out all of you it's just  like Grand Central in here foreign to my relief check come in hell no and I ain't  lending your [ __ ] you already in over your head I was five minutes late and they docked my pay   it ain't right they don't pay a decent  wage as it is oh girl you're not the only   one with problems The Whole World's got  problems what counts is how you handle it you just keep working so you  can buy that dress shop some where some days a long way off evening man it's Miss Lucy Waters live here who wants to know tell her an old friend from  St Louis is here to see her all right can I help you remember me you're a hard lady to find I think it's about  time we settled our little business don't you   I don't believe we have any business Mr red you have three days  but I don't owe you nothing   you know I don't you know I don't three days that ain't Fair I paid you everything he owed  why can't you just leave decent Fox alone   we're doing good you got a steady job a nice house   you know it would be a shame if one night  this place caught fire and burnt to the ground three days oh that's what I meant I got five or one off  now who wants some of this action who want   some of this action cuddle now you want some of  this actions that's right y'all want something all right oh get back in there yeah come on man basket how much we win but get your hand off your  face let me pay the man let me pay the man   thanks for your business yes  sir how much we win Benny look at that we he's the king look  how he's swanking it up with that Gap who must be nice to beat again you want to tell me about it ain't nothing to tell   well Lucy this doesn't look like  nothing to me I'm leaving going home well isn't that just Sandy I have four miles   to feed and my only border with  steady work is walking out on me oh I'm full up with no way you think I don't know  about that man on the porch porch the world is   full of men like him you run now and you'll bump  into one just like him around the next corner you want to talk I'll be in the kitchen foreign if you don't want to talk that's okay too I had no business getting married at 17.  stupid honey stupid is what 17 is all about   he was good looking you know I  had a job study as a fence post then he got him with a drink and cried lost  his job started spending everything I made said he had it coming his wife  and one and what was mine was his and all the time he just kept  getting in deep and deeper never met a man with so much bad luck  take a look at Clarence lately hmm he borrowed money from that man on the porch then he nearly killed the man in a fight  and stole his car and ran off to Canada tell you the truth I was happy when he was gone but then the man came after me so I paid off his debts everything well now the man says I owe him two hundred  dollars for the car Lucy that's a lot of money it's everything I have everything if I don't pay him he's gonna burn down your house he's a house burner Gracie apparent the beauty  parlor I worked at right down to the ground I thought that if I moved  away I could get rid of him guess I didn't move far enough Maybe Chicago or California maybe then he'll let me be oh what's that girl you know what  this is one thing my mama told me   run and don't put food on the table three beers you buying for everybody on the  cuff your cuff don't frayed out five dollars and forty cents  you fought a sense over the top   who say Mr Edwards say well yeah in  the back tell him I want to see him   tell him Ben and Potter don't appreciate  being best in front his friends you suppose the government would buy me a new  set of teeth maybe you should go fill out one   of them forms of the Relief office you know a  man having the right done a new set of teeth   he could walk tall maybe get himself one  of them sexed up women that [ __ ] class   see that girl Over Yonder she ain't wiggling  that sweet little ass because she likes my tie   she's wondering if I'm cocked and loaded   I don't know I'm just saying a nice  Tire couldn't do no harm what about Lucy   you and her hell no God won't give me the time  of day makes me wonder if she ain't you know fairy lady I'm just saying most gals  can't wait to hop on the Benny Express Mr would say you can settle up you can get  your sorry ass out of his establishment   looks like the Benny Express don't jump the tracks how you know you don't use that to piss in if he do we gonna be rich evening gents tonight we have a very special  libation from the skid row region any partakers   Mr gamble is here is Homer Hobbs he's new in  town evening you should join us at the Social   Hall Mr Hobbs we are happy to welcome new faces  I don't know you ought to try it Homer you'd be   surprised with five dollars is due for a man's  social standing ain't that right Mr gamma damn   five dollars some serious money for just combing  your cooking bubs last Christmas the winner took   home a live pick that dude ain't high on the hall  yeah low on the hog and everything in between the hog I'm just thinking about  them fine ass boards that flock   to the king and porch on his arm maybe  we all could be Kings when a chicken a   hog and five dollars wouldn't that  be a Merry Christmas in my country tradition of a swingers it's not a matter of  prizes or of women but of Honor when a man   participates in those speakers feels beautiful  expected more importantly he respects himself that is the true prize all that Pride none of [ __ ] oh man gamma's still  warming his ass over all drawn with the rest of   the bombs a bum is a bum no Benny I bet you the  king don't have to wait for his relief check   maybe it's time for me to start swanking it up a  bit class you could never be king you too clumsy could too big I've been thinking maybe I'll  go into business for myself   that's good money in cars we gonna get  the cars at Hell there ain't no problem it's cars everywhere you  crazy already done two years gangbusters presented in cooperation with police  and federal law enforcement Apartments throughout   the United States the only National program  that brings you authentic police case history it's crazy next week look at y'all you know I  don't want no braless in here homie   you're bleeding not on my floor yet come on  let me get you cleaned up clearance I'm not   gonna wait forever for that relief check  I got a mind to just throw you all out well the United States government don't you  be sassing me or I just might shoot your ass you like it here I like it fine why you  ain't gonna be here long coming home all   cut up and fighting Miss Gracie doesn't put  up with that [ __ ] I wasn't fighting I was   running of course we was being chased at  the time must have cut myself on the fence   Claire's got in his head to acquire some new  Duds what is it about that silly ass contest   that's got grown men acting like fools I don't  know maybe there won't be something different   Clarence Figures it's a way to catch a lady friend  you want to know how to catch a lady steady job what do you do when you got work  your Barber fry cook bang present s what are you home I'm quite sure  never had a job long enough to find out   you better learn how to do something that's crazy says your own player and why don't  you get a job doing that how many men you see   one around here thinking they Louis Armstrong  besides I haven't touched that thing in two years what about you what do you do trying to save up on up you got a man Miss Lucy don't want me it's hard  enough taking care of myself volunteering just asking I'm next  in the bathroom good night Homer 's noise thank you go to Wicks Virginia you've been late three times this month  you'll have to collect your things better please I'm sorry good Christ woman don't you know you're not  to be up here it's about the girl Virginia she's solely needs this job Mr cheetah she's got  no money nowhere to go soft headed or something no   sir if you think you can walk up any old time and  tell me how to run my business you've got another   thing now go on back your machine before I put you  out too I don't need agitators stirring up trouble   maybe maybe she's got a point she does  not have a point she's got a big mouth are you going back to work unless you  want to join your friend on the soup line Now you listen to me boy if you ever cross  me again like that in front of a negro woman   you're going to find yourself in the ass  into the soup line look at the bottom of it if you want to keep softening  at the trough you just bit up pull   your head out of your ass and start  developing some backbone you hear me what in the world Israelis Gracie she's been  feeling poorly lately because she can't afford   a tree so I got her one damn Homer you  can't go stealing stuff just because you   want them I didn't steal it it was growing  on the side of the road isn't it a beauty well friend would you please speak to  your son it's making that sad face again   it's rude and upsetting what's the matter Junior still  feeling poorly about that Pollock girl   can't be soft on their kind just like them  bigger women steel material make themselves   fancy dresses they give them a false sense  of who they are for you know what they want   to join the union demanding a longer lunch  break better quality of soap in the toilet   Franklin you should listen to your father  your mother speaking to you boy huh Franklin good for junior about time that boy developed  some gumption that's the green beans what do you want home thought maybe we'd go  to the Social Hall I can't online I promise   it's just by them all come on you're gonna  ruin your eyes soaring all night in the dark just what do you want I want to get out  of this dump and have some fun I want to   go dancing I would ask Clarence but if I'm  seeing dancing with him folks might talk well we wouldn't want folks to talk now would we foreign yeah that was contestants number two Mr Reginald Crump and now we have a new comma 2D  competition Mr Clarence Brown thank you that's important just want to go let's call Clarence man don't deserve being  treated that way it's just me can't everybody win   Maybe that was downright embarrassing yeah it was  oh we shouldn't be laughing yeah did you see that   one oh catch me negative fool of myself maybe you  should make a fool yourself every once in a while   open up home and let people see who you are   well I reckon there's a it's like a style under  all that country boy shuffling I wish there was   trouble is I got two left feet or is it two right  feet I swear at home you really don't know who   you are do you and you sure don't know much about  women respect is not a man on this Earth who does   you know why all the girls swimming  over that man in the Social Hall   it's closed because they got I don't  know confidence nothing makes a girl   go soft faster than a man who knows who he is  a little flare in the way he walks the way here wears his hat the Clans are challenges a little more confidence little more stuff maybe he  wouldn't be sleeping alone tonight foreign I better go down the hall if you need anything good night home come on remember oh my gosh Let It Go Let It Go Gracie gracious go Al I came to tell you Miss Gracie there's  no water in the bathroom we can't flush Miss Gracie you don't know a thing about  me dude don't even know my name to you I'm just Miss Grace Miss Gracie the toilet don't flash Miss  Gracie my pants needed laughs well before   I was Mr Gracie there's no water in the  toilet I was Grace miracle I was somebody   I'm a stranger stopped me in the  street just to be seen talking to me and now the second set fire to my [ __ ]   it's a mother [ __ ] is telling me that the  toilet don't flush when you think I had the   water shut off cause the damn pipe was broken  or it's just no use messing with this no more oh I'm just gonna close up this [ __ ] and  go and live in Kansas with my sister look at my house Miss Gracie ain't no water in that toilet plants move out the way just move out the way good morning Mrs Bloom Lucy I  didn't expect you till Thursday oh my these are lovely you've been working  overtime I don't like to ask Mrs bloom   but things have been going so good for me  I mean if you could see clear to advance me   the money on these dresses I could really  use the help I'm afraid I couldn't Lucy   people just aren't buying even with the holidays I  put them in the window so they're sure to be seen   perhaps if we lower the price just  a bit thank you kindly Mrs Lowe Lucy Merry Christmas Lucy hey this is blue Merry Christmas I wonder if she's got any bacon in that sack I  can't remember the last time I had me some bacon thought you stopped smoking I did but the ladies like it  it said makes me look never now where you going you said you was hungry didn't he thank you she ain't got no bacon we have to talk not now Gracie what the hell  is this huh I gotta go I expect this kind of   foolishness from the boys but not you you know  better than this you're smarter than that Gracie   let me go I was doing the factory 10 minutes  ago do you know what will happen if you give   that man all your money I know what will happen  if I don't next time he'll Set Fire to the house Homer Homer Homa get your ass out that tub foreign not that stupid are you it's all there everything I have   something 10 hours a day too bad ain't it  should be more careful who you shack up with tell your husband if he needs any  financial assistance to look me up   Natalie settled our account  you tell him we're divorced I think you've got something that don't belong  to you no business here what are you gonna do   shoot me here in the sidewalk if I have to son  you shoot me and they'll fry your black ass let's just go please please just an honest man collecting  illegal debt who are you seeing you around I never forget a face you just don't get it do you I'm  playing stupid man got no right   taking your money all right crazy  got a big mouth and you got no right   stick in your nose in my business I just  didn't want to see you get hurt Mrs huh okay I don't need no one watching after me laughs foreign foreign foreign it's their usual tricks they'll be hiring again  tomorrow for less money that ain't right the   government says they're for the little guy says  every man's got a right to work every man's got   a right to eat oh [ __ ] they don't give a rat's  ass about the little guy that did they send the   Martian over here and make them open indoors yeah  sometimes I think we ought to just bust him down foreign thank you welcome mine my floor yes ma'am biscuits in the oven thank you man gotta go to work I saw you yesterday  with that fella from the Social Hall you following me thought you said  you didn't have time for that stuff I wasn't spying on you I  was just walking damn Homer   what's that mean doesn't mean nothing just  damn is he a special friend yeah he's special   he's got a job a real job which is more  than I can say for the men in this house   Jess is real fun when he takes a lady out ain't  nothing wrong with that Homer didn't say it was   oh you were just one sorrowful appears to me that you might be the fool we got a good hot homie I know that I'm not saying I haven't laid awake  nights thinking about it about you and me well then morning comes it's cold  the plumbing don't work and folks   can't make a decent wage and what  they do make is taken from them feels like there's nothing left sometimes nothing left inside don't you see Homer I better go inside before you get cold thank you how far I'm making from here then you went on the thumb four hours maybe what  thinking about going up there looking for my mom I've about had it with this science time  myself ain't made by move to Florida   and my talents can make our fine Down Yonder  doing what oh no just lying in the sun Maybe man don't have to do nothing in  Florida I'm too tired to go to Florida sleep 14 hours a day how can you be tired I me no work can't remember the last time I had a woman relief check won't come it's like the  government plunged a guy that I exist   maybe I don't maybe I'm not even here you know your trouble is class you like feeling sorry for yourself  always moping around always whining   well I tell you I'm tired of watching  you more tired of you whining with five bucks and little luck a man  could work as well the way to California if I had the money I'd pay you away you  want another sure he don't want [ __ ] listen this relief check just arrived I  bought you Clarence where you gonna go don't get none on your hair Clarence got to hit the job you don't need my permission two more trouble with you out because you got no faith   in your fellow man that's  cause all my filamental bums I never forget a face your black ass is not so tough now huh  without your gun Houma Houma were you in there get out of here Penny I got you that's for my dope hey y'all get on out  of here I got some cleaning up to do come on foreign foreign thank you clearance clinch in there oh my Lord Clarence what were you thinking Clarence I know what it feels like to be down foreign gotta get up cause that's all there is come on now come on you gotta get up can you help me decorate the Christmas tree why don't you come find a place  for that on the tree special pretty Clarence laughs I'll go make us some tea isn't that pretty I used to play yeah pit man a little  picky Morton boardville circuit then the talkies came and I did me some traveling too you Paris Berlin   you're not the only High  Step In This House you know you ever play The Martin maybe I was in the pit wouldn't that be just  something me chapson at the board and you down in   the pit playing the piano while I'm dancing when  that pizza sucked you remember this let's see oh   woke up this morning just singing a blues   papa gave me candy he knew just what  to do I got me a man will love me it's sugar in my coffee icing on the cake   ain't no better lover he got what it takes  I got me on my Who Loved Me being good I don't believe it was surprised foreign I didn't do nothing man did to himself  walked through the wrong door at the   wrong time you ain't gonna bother you  no more ain't about a nobody trust me it's like the man say better times are coming let's do this hey hot holders man pot holders pretty pot holders   just five sounds and if you ain't got  a pot and they'll keep your hands warm thank you bad man sir thank you sir have a good day these belong to Willard my late husband he was about your size oh Lord you can't show nobody nothing  walking like that you gotta walk like   you know where you're going you gotta make  people tip their hats when they meet you in   the streets you're walking like you just ate  a sack of rocks walking is walking ain't it   well that's just the point you can't  pay no red walking you got the traips   what you mean traips you what okay  see you got to gotta dip and slide in what you got that's right  okay let me see let me see okay now just stick your chin out a  little bit now yeah you got it you got it   let's stick your butt out all right I can do it now show some stuff you got it that's right uh-huh that's some stuff thank you foreign behind he's there so I wasn't aware that children  Sons make clothing for me it's from a discard bin Steven's  hardly in the spirit of the season please wait here quality Miss Waters is the  Hallmark of cheetah and Sons   feel friends with assault you want to  use the finest fabric we have to deal I   can't afford this if you object to the policy  cheating Sons feel free to see what else went you still mad at me I ain't mad I  know Christmas is a week off but   I want to give you a present early  but I can get you none yes you did you've been good to me I  haven't been very good to you it's like Benny says I've been so busy predicting  rain I haven't bothered to look outside you make me do that maybe look outside you know what it ain't so bad out I thought maybe if you were thinking  of swanking it up at that Social Hall well you can't show up in  that ridiculous prison suit Merry Christmas foreign thank you no no oh Junior you soup brain sack of [ __ ] foreign oh it's been so long since I went out I don't  know what I'm doing but there's something wrong   with this hat what are people gonna think  it's too fancy it's just fun it's crazy   okay what is keeping those boys all right y'all get the lead out you're  up there acting like a bunch of women you   know that'll get them down oh my my don't y'all look Grand PA stand back boys it's my night to shine  second number seven somebody better call   the sure cause I'm feeling dangerous tonight  you better get ready for the king y'all ladies and gentlemen please Sunday night it's time to show our friends and  Neighbors that a man can look like a million   even if he doesn't have a dime that when a man can  stand up to the Mirror he can't stand up to life   it's time to select this  week's King of the evening thank you okay foreign thank you foreign spirited competition our second runner-up Mr Anthony Johnson our first runner-up Mr Reginald Crump two tickets and now for this week's King of the evening Mr Clarence Brown if you were to invite me to Christmas  dinner I I sure would love to come peaches I can't remember the last time I  have some peaches I look peaches how I feel Clint it feels good okay did you see him yes I did this is Mr crumb he's got something to tell  you what's that Mr Crump has a new job from   now on he'll be wearing this suit full time  official dormant at Pete's Blackbird Club   well Lucy here tells me you are quite a horns man  that night you were spying on us at the cafe what   do you think we were talking about look at home  a club here's my introduce you to the proprietor well I don't want to keep the gals waiting he's not so bad he's okay to an older man Gracie tells me you honked  your horn to buy those shoes Grace has got a big mouth how you feel the girl asks you a question Homer feeling good you think that  pawn broker still has your heart ladies got something for you shall I read it to you Dear Mama it's me Homer I look for you when I came off  the line and you've gone away   I ain't proud of what I did but I had two years  to think about the things you and Papa told me   and I figured something I figured it's  what a man has inside makes him a man I found something inside that I'm proud  of if you was to give me another chance   I think you'd be proud too I got me a  job playing Papa's horn it don't pay much I don't expect I'll ever be as good as Papa and  I can feel him inside me pushing out them notes it's like Papa said find houses and fancy cars  are nice but the only thing a man really owns   is what he has inside the Last of Me still I'll keep trying make no  denying lady love don't know   nothing about me you can't let  these times get the best of me I'm Gonna Keep On boxing that shadow that hovers me while  everyone roots for the shadow including   the referee still I'm gonna hit at whatever  ain't there till I can hear that something   I can't see can't let these times these  are weary times get the best of me okay times is hard this is true sometimes I  ain't a damn thing you can do but keep   the faith fight the fight and keep your spirit  high as you can so Mr Gloom sister sorrow not   today maybe tomorrow can't let these times  these are where at times get the best of me oh thank y'all very much foreign
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 1,755,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Kings Of the Evening, Kings of the Evening Full Movie, Kings of the Evening Full Free Movie, Free Movies, Full Free Movies, New Free Movies, Drama Movies, Kings of the Evening Free Moving, Kings of the Evening Movie, Kings of the Evening Deep C, Free Drama Movie, Drama, Dramatic, Chain Gang
Id: RSLdG842bN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 39sec (5979 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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