A foreign cop fights for his life against a criminal gang / Action Hollywood English Film

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sh [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] look s f [Music] [Music] [Music] St hello there you've been a bad girl where did you think you were going I want to know what you going to do what you going to do now I want to [Music] know what you going do sun go down tada how do I look great Michael Michael I need you to pay attention to me tonight we've been in Bangkok for 2 weeks and all you've done is hang out with Conrad I'm not just hanging out with Conrad we're investigating unsuccessfully well it takes time he's been after this guy for over 20 years and he still hasn't found him so why does his problem have to become your problem cuz he's my partner look regardless this guy Draco is a bad dude we're talking human trafficking smuggling he has to be stopped then tell the Thai authorities you and Conrad aren't even here on official FBI business this is supposed to be my vacation baby is it really that bad yes really spa treatments shopping did you buy this dress today because you look very beautiful in it are you trying to distract me yes is it working yes I'm going to kill him no no just I'm going to kill him look at you guys I interrupted didn't I yes no come on draco's on the Move we got to go yeah okay sorry babe draco's on the move I'll be back Michael I'll be packing Conrad are you sure this is dra out look 100% wide open case like this has to be drop off what's on your mind ESP Charters International incidents TI prison system you know the little things drag goes by case and add weapons charges to that this is my battle and you got no obligations don't say that you know I got your back like you've always had one you even taught me how to choke a guy out sure thing kid hope you remember what else I taught you here here yeah they expect a new shipment today now expect what that's going to cost how'd you get that tip he's waiting for you inside take them in I'm going to go look around let's find another way in [Music] ah Mr corante so Mr D where's the gold where is my money first transaction 200 kilos of gold 5 million payable now no no we're not handing any money over right now I want to test the quality of the gold you check it out the gold that's a lot of gold that's a lot of guys monkeys in a barrel see what we have it's high density it's good so now my money give the money [ __ ] American here's your money all in use bills like you want it good it's a setup so Mr kante you tried to [ __ ] huh me oh yeah you listen to me you run I'm going to draw them in then put a bullet in his brain don't forget that man let's just get out of here and call the cops it's suicide I don't quit I don't commit suicide not get out of here a [Music] h con let's get out of here come on got the wrong guy [ __ ] the Baldhead of Russian with all the gold is one that you have to stop sir this is Bangkok you need to be more specific you have just described 100 gangsters most of which pay off my boss there is no file on him I know there's no file on nobody has a file on cuz nobody can stop him with a shipment I understand we aren't talking about Draco we are talking about you a tourist visa and illegal weapon there was no track no gold that warehouse found to be empty sir you are free to go to your hotel pack your things and go home thank your consulate agent Turner in Thailand when an officer is flam the whole nation Mourns we do not take it blad L human trafficking this ISS draco's name right all over where were these taken I only asked because [Music] Michael I'm sorry about Conrad I truly am it's over I have to go home now please come with me if you survive and you make it home I'm not going to be there waiting for you I can't watch you become him [Music] tomorrow we'll check the village hospital that kid survives we're screwed your boy messed up well it's it first he knows our location everybody's replaceable everybody everybody maybe you but don't worry I haven't switched you for a new model yet haven't you look at you oh you are physically impressive but you know what I like most about you you don't talk much ready for punishment are you going to stay here and look or attend to the guards at the mine your boyfriend will soon be dead and make me to report in 20 minutes now my pet you must learn the hard way to never try and Escape here again [Music] can I get you anything else I'm off duty offici ually I have no knowledge of your actions and you cannot rely on me for help eat up the place I'm taking you served lzy food I do want you to find your target whatever that may be living breathing or in the G unofficially the warehouse was far from empty it's simply that nothing was ever found do understand what you are up against obviously not how bad do you want him how far will you go whatever it takes so you are crazy Foreigner with the Death Wish I need help I don't even know where to find drao of that I have no doubt I'm taking you to Mr Bobby po who the hell is Bobby pal he's half highe half American great and that gives him the ability to take down an internet National Smuggler his former Special Forces Soldier part-time mercenary and part-time alcoholic why is he going me Agent Turner your wounded man with a vendetta Bobby is a man who needs one he's in a place called lucky cow across from Peep Show he will know you when he sees you I stick out that much [Music] [Music] bring it over here yo man what's up are you Robert pal what if I was what do you need anyway I'm supposed to contact somebody here really what's it worth to you maybe I can help you got anybody with you no [Music] [Music] yo guys hell is this crap hey hold on I know you someone's looking for you right there's even a bounty on you right how much 300,000 bot is that a lot I got an idea how about you pay me more and I'll pretend I never saw you here how about that for a deal Lee said you had a big mouth Bobby pal Michael Turner get down please don't Hur me listen to me now listen to me tell anyone who's looking for Michael Turner's here waiting you understand okay okay see I'm bait you chose to be bait you're going home kid excuse me Draco has a hit out on you so do most of the people in LA he's not just some ordinary criminal he's a connected warlord a warlord who's a mass murderer he needs to be stopped look you're in Bangkok Thailand you don't understand the language you're out of your jurisdiction you're all alone no Lee said that you would help me Lee just wants you to take out his dirty laundry you're way out of your league kid you don't have a chance I don't need your help that [ __ ] killed my partner and I'm not just going to sit here and try to drink that away Michael wait up for the damages okay everybody out of here L let's go let's go everybody out what the hell are you doing this is your plan we need information now are you crazy or just drunk if I was sober I wouldn't be doing this are you armed yeah yeah I got a gun what now we wait I'll wait upstairs okay you okay up there [Music] clear we'll need some supplies so the $68 million question how do [ __ ] American Agents come into my home and piss on my lawn how would I know think harder two people escape one come back one doesn't why he's dead I push him off a cliff really he's dead so you went down and double tapped him boom boom he's definitely dead undone right is that right Peter is that right I'll be back [Music] shortly hello auto recon gear for three arms and rations for a week we're pulling up now come down and help with the gear okay Michael this is auto he'll be coming with us Michael Turner well he's friendly we said you're FBI any experience out in the jungle just a concrete jungle well pay very close attention to what I tell you because Jo is going to be the least worries if you can't survive out in the bush don't worry about me all I need you to do is get me close enough so I can put a bullet in his head people get very Reckless when they're out for Revenge well don't act like you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart I know you want him just as bad as I do he's a bad guy and he's got to be stopped hey wear this to help you blend in a little hey who are these guys my friends hey are you sure I can handle one of those things better than you I might not have a lot of experience out in the bush but I know how to handle a weapon prove it auto Beretta break down assembly go you lose yeah but can you shoot Auto okay fine you could shoot okay that's it then let's go but I'm taller [Music] drugs and weapons can come from any place the conflict minerals blood gold silver they come from these mountains or one of these two jungles which one don't know they both run alongside the Tai bures border best thing to do is go here and see what the locals have to say what if they don't know anything well they'll know but they may not say deeper we go more control draa has over them they're afraid yeah hell Turner clicks out and I'm afraid Conor used to say that courage isn't the absence of fear it's just the ability to overcome it overcome it for the right reasons are you afraid no then you're either stupid or you're a liar try pissed stupid so what makes this guy so uh important to get for you Conor was like a father to me I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him he chased drao around the world for 15 years he just wouldn't retire unless he caught him can understand that feeling so he just couldn't let go sound familiar this place is amazing much nicer to Bangkok enjoy it now kid cuz where we're going is no vacation well this is the end of the road jump all Point you're kidding me what's the matter never humped a Ruck before we're in the middle of nowhere well where would you hide your illegal mining operation look stay close keep your eyes open keep your gear tight and what's wrong with the Jeep well Draco probably has men scattered throughout this entire region we stay off the roads and out of enemy sight right conserve your water still got a long way to go God damn it fcks love me that's because you smell like [ __ ] hold up hold on rest take a rest Auto your boss he drinks huh because something happened to him okay let's go what's wrong what happened damn it I told you to keep your gear tight centipede we got to go now we've got less than an hour to get you the antidote or what I die if you're lucky it's a village hospital two picks up [Music] a [Music] what happened you've been poisoned for [Music] look I'm very sorry about that but we're here on official [Music] business she wants to if we're here to help help how they have sick and injured are we here to help them it's not really what we're here for no doctor how did she get all the way out here anyway she says feel free to take one and leave well what was that all about it's not just us this Village is overrun with refugees and no one will help them look just tell her that we need to gather some intelligence you're showing very little intelligence now she didn't say that yes I did am I out a line here what do you want Draco a man named Draco she has to work if she understands what I'm saying how come you're translating I'm standing right here she doesn't want to talk to you no one can help us with Draco we need doctors not warriors fighting makes everything worse and who pays the local villagers all are hungry many are damaged wounded this is me wounded what happened to him a miracle drers men left him for dead in the river the current magically carry him to shore Mia escaped from draco's compound his woman was not so lucky wait a second that guy knows where draco's Camp is we got a question him what what do she say he's unconscious let it go it's just a dead end should be questioning him we're wasting time look being an [ __ ] is no way to get these people to help us we need them to get to Maya let's just do this their way hey you find anything over there I thought this was supposed to be a refugee camp what are they celebrating this is a typical Buddhist festival for this region relax enjoy [Music] [Music] [Applause] it okay so let me get this straight he knows how to put together Glocks move through the jungle and dance like Timberlake 's very talented he was TI military was one of the best and he can dance who you know they've been planing this party for a while yeah hey High hey oh yes hey there are many martial art moves hidden in her dance it's amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys you be in the village hospital just stop ahead and remember Draco said no guns for this time you're not getting away [Music] p uh s yeah that's the only word that I know In tha can I help you with something I might not be a doctor but I'm a good help cap cap [Music] this [Music] L IE for for Fore the he he behind [Music] WHYY [Music] [Music] hey St a ni help he are you okay I'm fine my Dee surgeon father taught me to fight cow he talks what'd he say don't worry it was good you impressed him he shouldn't be that impressed they killed private mine we were right there he was the only one that knew the way to draco's camp from private mirr he told me it was from the now mountains we are going to Drago's Camp no it's too dangerous dangerous is living in a world with Dro only I know the way [Music] [Music] stop what was that bur's land mine damn it I didn't think they'd be out this far it's pressure sensitive she have to keep her foot on it trust me [Music] see C you said that before what does that mean would you just tell me I might die you're not going to die what are you doing think positive you can't disarm a bomb from back there see cow tiger white what white tiger sometimes it takes a stubborn tiger like you to get a reluctant lion like me to fight and you're white Bobby no thanks man you owe me thanks what' he say stupid lion stupid tiger time to rest we will come here for T night how much further to draco's Camp really close 2 km I'm going to check the perimeter you are very brave you're the one who's Brave you've been dealing with Draco longer than any of us this F bring your luck it was my father's it keep him safe in combat thank you hey you okay this was a lot easier when I was your age well it doesn't look like he slowed you down much thanks man never would have made it this far without you we still got a long way to go you ever consider drinking less why would I want to do that can't Drown Your Past you're right drunk or sober I could still hear my men screaming I led my men on a black op to find Draco trouble with the black operation is somebody finds out it's not black anymore Draco was waiting for us we were captured tortured killed everyone except me that is it's not your fault who says listening to your own men screaming one after another this flask belonged to satat he was 21 years old just got married was looking forward to starting a family water I quit drinking when I realized we might actually be able to get Draco without you both of you I would have never attempted this so thank you Michael thank you are they burmes Army highly skilled mercenaries who used to be part of the burmes army that's drao is holding many refugees Jesus they're not refugees they're slaves what's the pr Michael and I will attack the compound from both sides provide a distraction when they take the bait you sneak in as quickly as you can and release the refugees out into the jungle then what then you and I go in Kill Draco try to get out of here without getting ourselves killed sounds like fun be careful to you don't want to shot at me [Applause] don't M go go come on get him get back get back everybody move back [Music] think I better back off stop Put the gun down surrender or the girl dies are there more are there more Let Her Go Mr Turner there are only two things I care of about money and power you have been playing with my money I will not let you play with my power so for the last time are there more of you out there go to hell let's go to the mine grab as much gold as we can and disappear here what about her she'll come with me Valerie in the back you stay with me come on and one for the road Michael are you okay looks like that's to I owe yeah you lucky bastard I'm okay they've got yui let's go where's aotto don't know I haven't seen him St [Music] ah hey he he you'd shoot a woman [Music] sucker hey stop TR forget her we have no time she won get far in the middle of nowhere sorry got to go I for out [Music] hurry hurry up let's go come on come on hurry up pack go go everything in the druck now you have to [Applause] pack let's go a what was that you two in the truck take some men and hold them on Boss we're getting [ __ ] hit hard over there we need more men come on go on and this time don't [ __ ] up go go go which way we have split up where's Roo that just hold it put your hands up too bad about your little man he put up quite a fight drop it I said Drop It come on let's go tonight oh [Music] [Music] back h a h you wouldn't [Music] [Music] Michael where's Draco I don't know there only one way left to go wait wait wait give me a weapon what no time for questions you want to fight come at me I Amo you are the slice of this [ __ ] come on you want more huh Draco give it up it's over no Draco Draco WIS drop your weapon you will never win I'm out so just Jam no more bullets you want to kill Draco huh huh [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] I thought you were dead now thanks to you let's get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] OT didn't have a long life but he lived it to the fullest so what about you back to the States I don't know I think I'm going to receive a warm welcome when I get back to the agency well maybe there's something right here you could do I don't think ready to be your mercenary partner either I wasn't thinking about mercenary I was thinking about something more along the lines of the medical field well look if it doesn't work out you know where to find me no I don't then I'll find you for [Music] I am i s s um I almost forgot to give this back to you it brought me luck [Music] hey you wanted me [Music] again to to feel feel everything feel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] be all right everything is going to be all right be all right it's to be all be all [Applause] [Music] right Phoenix [Music] [Applause] feel all everything is going to feel feel all it's going to feel all all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood movies, english full movie, movie english, movie in english, new action movies, top action movies, free action movies, movies action best, action films full movie english, action movie, action movies online, english action movies, full english action, full english movies, action movies full movie english, thriller movie in english, hollywood action movie, death fighter movie, english action movie, free movies, hollywood movies action, hollywood english movie
Id: DvV1u0CTVfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 57sec (5277 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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