King's Chapel UPC Live Stream February 13, 2022 | Sunday Morning Service 2nd Session

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we pray our special blessing and unction even wherever they may be that they will feel your rich presence oh god take full control of this service even right now we pray your blessing on the praise team the musicians oh god we pray your touch upon the ushers all the workers god and a special unction on your ministering servant who will bring your word lord god you know the need of every heart and we know that you are going to minister to every need in this house help us not to leave here the same way we came oh god but we will leave with a heart of thanksgiving and praise i pray that lord you'll touch me lord from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet and help me lord to be sensitive to your spirit lord god as you as i moderate this service oh god have your way jesus and bless us richly we pray in the name of jesus christ our lord amen and let everyone say in jesus name let's say it again in jesus name could i see everyone lifting your hands and magnifying the lord isn't god good the songwriter says he has given us so many blessings undeserving but he has been blessing us thank god praise god happy to see you all in the house today hallelujah praise god we're going to be singing or opening him in the new jerusalem hymn number 270 and the praise team will be leading us in the singing of this team hallelujah when the turns of life are over and we lay your armor down [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] is [Music] forever [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah what a time that is gonna be are you looking forward to that day are you preparing yourself to be in that number hallelujah waving thousands lord of sinners as the king shall take his throne what a day that will be hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord thank you god praise god help us to be ready waiting praise god hallelujah thank you jesus praise god we're gonna be turning to our bibles to say john chapter 15 verses 13 to 27 i'm gonna be asking those who can please to stand while we read the word praise the lord i'll be reading in your hearing praise the lord please follow as i read so in john 15 13-26 greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends ye are my friends if you do whatsoever i command you henceforth i call you not servants for the servant know it not what is lord doeth but i have called you friends for all things that i have heard of my father i have made known unto you ye have not chosen me but i have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain that whatsoever you shall answer the father in my name he will he may give it you these things i command you that you love one another if the world hates you you know that it hated me before it hated you if you were of the world the world would love its own but because you are not of the world but have chosen you i but i have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hated you remember the word that i said unto you the servant is not greater than his lord if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you if they have kept my saying they will keep yours also but all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake because they know not him that sent me if i had not come and spoken unto them they had not had sin but now they have no cloak for their sin he that hated me hated my father also if i had not done among them the works which none of the men did they had not had sin but now have they both seen and hated both me and my father but this cometh to pass that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law they hated me without a cause but when the comforter is come whom i will send unto you from the father even the spirit of truth which proceeded from the father he shall testify of me and he also shall bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning thank god for his precious words this morning hallelujah praise god we're gonna be going into a time of praise and worship hallelujah i am a friend of god i am a friend of god i am a friend of god he calls me friend i am a friend of god i am a friend of god i am a friend of god because we're friends i am [Music] [Music] that [Music] isn't the true that you are thinking of me is [Music] [Applause] i am a friend of god [Music] i am afraid of god because we pray that you are my fruit of me [Music] is [Music] it's amazing it's amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i am a friend of god i am a friend of god [Music] [Music] i am a friend of god [Applause] hallelujah are you a friend of god [Applause] that's a wonderful privilege to be called a friend of god hallelujah hallelujah oh god and the special thing about that friend the word says is ticket closer than a brother so when your mother and your father and your friends and your family members are not there for you this friend is always there for you hallelujah glory thank you jesus praise god the word says when all the song says when all around my soul gives me hallelujah he still he then is all my hope and stay thank you jesus what a friend what a friend we have in jesus hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus praise the lord you may be seated praise god it's so good to be the host today i count it a privilege to be standing here in your midst and we want to welcome everyone to the house today praise god and we are thanking god that he heard our prayer and we'll be able to have more persons in the house on a sunday hallelujah aren't you happy hallelujah thank you jesus some persons you have not seen in a while you might be able to see them right thank god you heard our prayer praise god praise god so i just want to welcome each and every one of you every man every woman every boy every girl every baby all of you both saints and visitors alike and we want to welcome those who are with us online we welcome you don't be like that gentleman and go outside and pin up yourself on your land when that spoke spoke about being online you know and he didn't understand what online means he told him man that he must spin up himself on the land the close line right but i know that's not what we are doing our friends are online and we we bless you and we thank you for joining us and we know that we are going to have a blessed time in the lord i did not get any names of any visitor but i see a few persons here who are not members so i'm going to invite you to stand and let us welcome you in a special way those who are visiting for the first second or third time will you please stand hallelujah i see a young man over there another gentleman here okay this young lady with her baby and the little ones there anyone else please remain standing hallelujah we are so happy that you chose to be in the house with us today and we pray that you will receive a blessing from coming here today those who have joined us welcome as well and we pray that you will be blessed hallelujah [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] me come on everybody [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise god i would love for you to listen attentively as i go through our announcement for sunday february the 13th praise the lord and our services are streamed live on youtube it's sunday morning our first service from 8 30 a.m to 10 30 a.m and our second service which we are in from 11 to 1 or evening service from 6 pm to 8 30 pm and tuesday youth service will be held in the sanctuary commencing at 6 00 pm to 8 30 pm thursdays is the church's day of fasting and prayer and we invite you to join us in fasting and prayer we have a special prayer meeting in the center from 10 a.m to 12 15 p.m and then in the evening we have bible study from 6 p.m to 8 30 p.m prayer meeting will be held in the center from 6 8 6 a.m to 6 30 and the youth department will be in charge this saturday right so every saturday morning we have a time of prayer in the center and this sat there at 6 30 am the youth department will be in charge and reminding you that you are encouraged to have home prayer meetings with your families in the morning from 5 a.m to 6 a.m and in the night from 10 p.m to 11 p.m each day right we have to pray right we have to pray pray until something happens praise god just i'm reminding you that the funeral service for miss hilda miller she's the mother of brother christopher hilton will be held this friday february 18th commencing at 11 am praise the lord we have some special announcements for the national in preparation for our national conference we'll be having national prayer and fasting from monday the 21st to friday the 25th of february in preparation for our national conference which starts at 20 the 28th of february sorry till march the 3rd and it will be a virtual conference again this year for those who would like to join in the prayer sessions monday to friday 7 to 8 pm it will be via zoom link and the meeting id is eight five eight three eight two two two seven eight zero one i repeat it eight five eight three eight two two seven eight zero one and the pass code is number sign push in capitals right so it's p u s h in capitals right that's it that's the um the passcode for the zoom pro meetings just reminding you that our business meeting will be held sunday evening february 20th at 5 00 pm and you're reminded all the heads of department that today is the last day to give in your reports right and i said it already our conference or national conference will be from february the 28th um before i do the next announcement our youth department has a special announcement praise the lord everyone bless the lord everyone all the you to know let me see your hands those shorter praise young people come on young people shout out praise so now it's a week but i know that will get better over time we will be having a special youth service this tuesday night and we are looking forward to seeing everyone all this student for you service we're encouraging the parents to come out to bring them out if you don't have a right call up somebody and send about they cannot afford to miss your service this tuesday night also this coming saturday we'll be having our special rap session it's a time of um youth empowerment session for young people will be inviting every young person i know that you like to sleep in late on a saturday morning and we understand you have a lot of schoolwork and things like those but we're inviting you to come out at 10 o'clock on sun saturday morning come on you cannot afford to miss this session young people let me see all the young people in the whole stand all the young girls young people young boys where you are where are you and even the children will be having if you cannot you're using each other as essay because you don't have um somebody to take care and bring them and parents if you don't you cannot be a part of it because there's something for you to do we cannot afford to miss we've missed so much already you cannot afford to miss this rising session is i'm so looking forward to bring sean right mr robinson we have something for everyone so this is saturday very i mean if you can't afford me because if i tell you you're going to miss out on something so you've got to be here to hear it for yourself to see for yourself we're going to be also having a holy ghost rally my god and you know when the young people get together and pray and worship you know what will happen amen amen everybody where's sister then she helped me sister d t i'm looking forward to seeing everyone on this saturday we cannot afford to miss it we have enough space where we can properly social distance and all that so you can't afford to miss this saturday god bless you put it on your book cover put it on your study area you cannot afford to visit your people god bless you praise god all the young people in the house say hallelujah hallelujah i'm young at heart praise god praise god this is a very special announcement and after we have it posted as well so you can see but with the new measures where we can um social distance and you know persons can come in but we don't want to overcrowd the place so we have gone back to our alphabetical order right surnames so for next sunday the 20th and the following week sunday the 27th for the first shift which is 8 30 to 10 30 persons with surnames beginning with b c w r g j f p e n v x and z you will come on the first shift at 8 30. the second shift which is 11 a.m to 1 a.m 1 sorry 1 p.m and persons with surname s e i o d m h t k l q u and y so it's posted by the door there and at the main door and we'll have one on the notice board around the back and we will also be sending it out to the group just before we collect our offering ushers you can come we have a prayer request i don't know if there's anyone else but just to tell you that we have several persons who have are grieving they lost loved ones this week we lost sister jenny shakes so we wanted to remember the shakes family wanted to remember brother hilton and his family he lost his mother want to remember brother chambers he lost his mother sister alexander she lost her aunt so we want to remember to pray for them and special prayer for brother mccarthy steve mccarthy he's in the hospital he got a stroke so we want to pray for him and pray for the family when we pray for the sick let's remember to pray for the families as well praise the lord and um there are others who are not well happy to see brother morgan oh today welcome brother morgan praise god glad to see you in the host and some of our other senior citizens who have not been well we are glad that you are here praise the lord so oh sister morgan lost her father as well so we want to express our condolences to sister morgan she's in the house today and we want to continue to pray the strength of our bereaved families for god's strength and comfort it's not easy but our god will see them through and he will take good care of them praise the lord so i'm going to be praying at this time also we have one request for sister patrona armstrong she's at home but she's having a severe cough she's not well so we want to call sister armstrong's name when we pray so we're all going to stand we're going to pray pray for the names that have been called and others who you might know that i might not have called and we're going to be blessing our offering lord jesus we thank you today for your love for your grace your mercy thank you god that we can come bold to your throne of grace lord you are touched with the feelings of our infirmities hallelujah and by your stripes we are healed we pray your blessing even right now on sister petrona armstrong oh god brother steve mccarthy in the hospital we pray for the reef family sister morgan the shakes family brother hilton and his family oh god brother chambers and his family sister alexander and the others whose names we have not called but you know them and we have prayed for them already lord we pray your special blessing and your unction and your touch upon their bodies oh god lord touch reach over into the hospital even right now oh god we also pray for brother ezra shields who is not will touch his body god lord jesus hallelujah touch the bereaved families oh god we pray for the donors lord as well oh god strength and comfort oh jesus thank you lord you're a sympathize in jesus oh god touch and strengthen and bless and heal we thank you god and even though as we come to give up lord what you have blessed us with we pray your blessing on the offering and the tides that will be given even now oh god bless them lord those who give and those who have not thank you for your provision help us lord to give as you have blessed us and that you will use whatever is given to the furtherance of your kingdom because there are many needs in the halls oh god bless the orphan right now and bless us we pray in jesus name amen praise you first time the gods were the almighty [Music] which is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes praise the lord hallelujah amen god bless you you can be seated praise god it's so good to see you in the house of the lord amen this afternoon praise god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus welcome to all our visitors our members those who are watching online god bless you we're so happy that you have chosen to worship with us here at king's chapter and we are so happy to have you with us amen sister does rob has seen it for a while could you stand sister orchestra let's let's see you amen sister dawes yes you yes stand up stand sister orchestra can you put a camera on them let us see these stalwarts amen members who have been very faithful amen praise god glad to see them out in fact i'm going to ask all our senior citizens those over 60 60 and over the stand let me see all the senior citizens here amen give them a hand amen praise god praise god hallelujah amen i yes god bless you can you see there mr partisan we're so happy to have you in the house of the lord jim that gym floyd oh oh my floyd god bless you so happy to have you in the house of the lord all our visitors all our friends our members we're so happy to have you sister maxine we're praying for you we know you have lost your dad know how hard it is we're praying for you um praying your strength strength in the family amen you know russian it's so good to see you in church amen all our visitors don't stand visitors we're so happy to have you yes please stand please stand visitors yes we are happy we're so excited amen that you're here with us to worship the lord it's so good to see you out amen god bless you you can be seated and we are praying and hoping for the day when we will be back together amen um of in one service so we can meet each other we don't want to divide up ourselves this thing does divide us up amen and we're praying that very soon amen we're going to be having one service amen praise god where we can get back together amen we can have our leaders out i don't see much of our leaders um it's not the unbalanced we did you know the deacons we need to see out in all our services all board members i hope you're listening and watching if you're not here we need to see in all of our services we don't want to divide up ourselves amen we don't want any division all right praise god amen so i'm saying it publicly here that all our leaders or board members those who have a position in the church amen we want you to come out to all of our services amen praise god tonight everybody say tonight tonight amen we can go up until 11 o'clock tonight brother james 11 o'clock tonight we can go up until amen so don't worry amen um please be out to church amen tonight amen amen all right i'm gonna look it up for you amen tonight sister rob tonight even all our members tonight we will find space for you we'll work it out amen hello sister mckenzie god bless you we're so happy to have you in the house tonight from north miami penthouse god bless you so happy to have you in the house here uh today and i didn't know since this morning but let me just say it again we got a note from from the from youtube and he said that in the last 28 days king sharper had seven thousand 800 views amen and if you if you look at the 100 persons per service it would be about one year and maybe three or four months service in 28 days we are able to reach 7 800 persons amen amen praise god and so i'm going to ask you to forward the youtube services to at least 10 persons amen all your family members must be in church on a sunday sister master you're going to send all the service to all of your family members every sunday you're going to forward these services amen we're going to also ask you to subscribe of those who subscribe guess what youtube they have sent us a card where they send us money every month they are paying us you know that are persons who advertise in between our services and so they get they are giving us a percentage giving the church a percentage of the charges that they charge for us they don't charge us they their services are free but they are they're they are giving us back monies all right so the more you subscribe the more persons that are on the services the more funds will come into king's chopper so we can buy more equipment we need more cameras we need more of this we need more of that so we're going to ask you to subscribe and i'll send the messages out to your all your family members must be on every sunday is that okay is that all right amen god bless you god bless you we love you brethren you're so happy that you're here with us um today in worship amen it's no time for the words of the lord can you all stand with us right now praise god praise god praise god we are so happy to have our friend amen pastor robert barnett all the way from edmonton canada he's here with us today amen and he has become a friend of king's chopper um his son himself came by maybe two maybe four years ago preached for assad to catch a fire conference and i was able to go back to visit them in edmonton he lost his wife a couple years ago and so he's lonely i'm going to ask you to pray for him amen and god will strengthen him what did i say he's lonely no he's not lonely you're not lonely amen so i'm gonna answer the pray for pastor barnett and um to praise strength amen as the labor over there in canada his son is assisted i mean the church there and that's um let me get in there refuge temple outreach center um that's in edmonton canada please remember to pray for them as they minister the word of the lord there god bless you sir are so happy to have you with us today god bless you how rich and pure how much [Music] he shall foreign [Music] is [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yes lord can you sing that one more times [Music] yes hallelujah let those words get down inside of your spirit hallelujah yes lord holy ghost holy ghost [Music] hallelujah [Music] glory to your name oh great king of heaven lord give up righteousness spirit of the living god yes lord invite your presence father hallelujah glory to your name exalt yourself master show up king of kings lord of lords [Music] yeah there's no god like jehovah hallelujah [Music] yeah bread of life everlasting father great creator of heaven the lord give of righteousness glory to your name [Music] yes lord i would to god that you just reach back in your spirit and give your king the master your shepherd the greatest praise that you can never utter it out of your mouth hallelujah glory glory what a great god is [Music] he's exhausted his mighty battle his name is jesus ah the son of the living god is the breath that we breathe at this very hour glory glory he's our commander and our king bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name glory thank you bless the lord bless the lord in a matter of fact if you just give god up awesome praise i know that this must restrict some of us from praising god but it must be on the inside out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water glory glory glory yes lord there's a lot of impurities but the power of heaven must prevail the king of glory must exalt himself down in the recessive of your spirit hallelujah hallelujah bless the name of the lord hallelujah it's with great gratitude that i honor the king of kings the lord of lords the mighty god of my salvation the only source hallelujah that one can ever draw from and be blessed by the power of almighty god thank you jesus you may be seated bless the lord hallelujah to your great pastor elder pastor kelly and his dear wife bless the lord i want to thank you sir for allowing me to be here today to just give you a testimony bless the lord bless the lord i bless the lord hallelujah you know i'm a little bit different because wherever i go i don't want to be a spectator i want to be one that participate in what's going on in the house of the lord because you see this is this is my party this is where i get my pleasure from this is what i do glory to god it's the worship and to bless the name of the king the god of my salvation hallelujah glory so as i was saying pastor kelly and his beautiful wife and the church family and all the officers bless the lord hallelujah sister rose and her family and you know i'm going to show you something today how god is so great and almighty is and last night i lay down and as i close my eyes i saw deacon samuel that i've never met before glory to god that he came to pick me up and when i step outside i just about fainted because hallelujah the same person that god showed me while i was laying down he was outside come to get me glory to god isn't god an awesome god isn't he a great god hallelujah i don't know about you but i can't live without him i cannot live without him glory hallelujah i said i can't live without him glory to your name jesus hallelujah i heard pastor that said i'm lonely well from the human perspective yes but with god by my side hallelujah there's one thing about the holy ghost he has everything that you and i need everything i said there's one thing about the holy ghost he have everything that you and i need glory some of us might say well he's not a physical person god can be anything that you allow him to be in your life glory to god well i'm not really a preacher bless the lord um my son is a preacher i just tried to testify for jesus glory to god glory to god i dare you today to let god be god in your life and let his will be manifested inside of your heart and see what god will do in your life glory i was not planning to be here in this country at this particular time but god allow it to be so and i'm eternally grateful for the lord hallelujah we live in a cold country whatever time i spoke to our pastor is always asking me what's the temperature bless the lord hallelujah he has been there but it was springtime so the weather was changing glory to god but i say this to you uh i left alberta in 86 decided never to return there i was living in baltimore glory to god but god said not so not what i ordained for your life if you want to be successful and to be prosperous in my divine laws and precepts then you need to obey what i says and i pledge in my heart to obey god and to follow his footsteps so sir even though it get down to sometimes 30 below zero but within my heart i'm glad that i can fulfill god's will in my life glory to god because there are many of us hallelujah that want to lead our own path and want to do things according to our own will but if you're going to be blessed by god and experience god in a mighty way hallelujah you've got to be obedient to god in this present world where there are so much confusion ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters the government don't have the answer i said the government does not have the answer it can only be found in jesus christ of nazareth and if you dare to trust god and to let god be the king that reigns supreme in your life then it will be exactly what is his word prescribed to us as children of the most high god hallelujah well i'd like to go to scripture this morning hallelujah that is taken from exodus chapter 8 glory to god and from verse 20 down i like to ask somebody to read the word of god because hallelujah i was not there when it was instituted but i know this one thing whatever is in the book it must be fulfilled because god is not a man he can't lie and whatever i said he would surely do and that's the god that we serve hallelujah there are many elements of life and there's many people that come hallelujah in the presence of god but never attained from god that which he has ordained there was a moses and there was a fear and i like to ask the question today who would you like to be like glory well you know the story about moses hallelujah was out there hallelujah and he saw the burning bush and when he draw close to it god told him to take off the shoes off his feet because the place that he was standing on was holy ground glory he was curious about what was taking place and then god manifests himself in his life glory verse 20 sir please yes sir exodus 8 verse 20 go down and i'll tell you when to stop hallelujah the lord said unto moses listen you cannot be lazy to please god you must do what god come on you rise up early in the morning go ahead sir yes it's coming to the water ah glory to god go ahead sir my lord go ahead my god hallelujah now god has declared war with pharaoh you know the story very well hallelujah and if you just go down to verse 11 sir verse 11 glory from thee and from thine houses on from thy servants and from thy people they shall remain in the river only sorry sir no verse 9 chapter 9 and verse 11 sorry chapter 9 yes sir and verse 11 yes sir and the magicians could not stand for moses listen to what god's word says the magicians could not stand before god's people because of the boils for the boil was upon the magicians and upon all the egyptians and the lord are in the heart of pharaoh and he argued not unto them my god as a lord as spoken unto moses and the lord said unto moses rise up early in the morning and stand for pharaoh and say unto him thus saith the lord god of the hebrews my god let my people go bless the lord you can stop right there sir thank you sir bless the lord of my soul now god himself spoke these words to moses through his servant hallelujah and the magicians were not able to do you know the witchcraft doctor the ouija board and all the magicians and all the people that are conducting themselves in evil doing bless the lord who can stand before this god who can reign above jehovah who can prevail glory and if you can conceive in your heart that there's no one can prevail against the almighty god hallelujah then you and i will desire to fulfill the will of god and the word teaches us that the words that moses spoke god fulfilled them god allowed them to come to pass church of the living god people of the most high god hallelujah servant of the king of kings the lord of lords and this day at this particular hour at this particular time hallelujah what is your desire towards the king of glory do you want to fulfill god's will you want to be a light in a dark world glory and a part that god can direct that you can be hallelujah successful that your life can be fulfilled to the power and the anointing of god's word did you know that god himself took care of moses when he died he would not allow one man hallelujah to touch his body glory to god why was it so because he obeyed god he kept the word of god he lived according to the will and purpose of god now here we are in the 21st century we're baptized in jesus name filled with the holy ghost and yet in our lives the divine fulfillment of god's word hallelujah sometimes become very strange to us and we don't let the word of god take its course in our lives so that we can be led by god's spirit the divine action that come from the womb of the everlasting king the master and the shepherd glory hallelujah hallelujah and i'd like to ask the question today when was the last time the holy ghost unfold the treasures of heaven down inside of your spirit hallelujah hallelujah i want you to think about it when was the last time the spirit of the lord give you a visitation glory and you have an experience with the king that you serve the god that you're supposed to honor and glorify and to walk before him and be holy as is holy this day this day down in the recessive of your spirit god reigning king and supreme in my life i always like to take the word from myself glory to god and like i said i'm not a preacher because you know what i just desire to fulfill god's will in my life i just desire to walk in the path of righteousness just desire to obey the word of the lord his word cannot will not shall not return to him for it until it accomplished we are which he ascended glory to god glory to god psalms 37 said fret not thyself in any wise to do evil because there's something about evildoers they shall not prosper glory if you would sir psalms 37 from verse hallelujah 1 to verse 6 listen to what the word of god says you and i today hallelujah should be agents of god to fulfill the will of god to carry purpose in our lives hallelujah yes sir fred not thyself fret not thyself because of evildoers neither be though envious against workers of inequity for they shall soon be cut down like the grass and withered as a green herb trust in the lord and do good so shall we though dwell in the land and verily those shall be fed delight thyself also in the lord delight thyself and he shall give thee the desire desire desire desire commit thy ways unto the lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass yes sir and he shall bring forth the righteousness glorify the light and thy judgment as a noonday rest in the lord rest in the lord and wait patiently for him my god frighten that thyself because of him who prospered in his way oh my god because of the man who bring it wicked devices man who bring wicked devices to pass my god fret not thyself delight thyself oh hallelujah now if you meet somebody and you like that person and you delight yourself to be acquainted like when pastor kelly and us met maybe four or five years ago hallelujah and i saw something in this man when my wife passed away he was always there to give me a word of encouragement and it's with gratitude of heart this day sir that i say these words hallelujah and he took time out and came to the funeral when i was down you were there to give me a hand hallelujah to encourage me glory and i'm grateful for that but this day delight thyself in the lord so i delight myself to be acquainted with you sir and so many times we spoken and we always talk about the goodness of god we have a lasting king the righteous judge because we are of the same we delight ourselves in the lord to please god to fulfill the will of god to carry the laws of heaven hallelujah and more than all to be obedient to god yeah lord shut us up glory to god hallelujah glory spirit of the living god bread of heaven feed me till i want no more here's my cup lord i lift it up my lord and my god delight thyself verse 35 said the wicked spread out like a green bay tree glory to god hallelujah hallelujah listen to what god word said i have seen the wicked in great power yes and spreading himself like a green green nature yet he passed away yet he passed away although he was not and he was not why wasn't he not yeah i sought him i saw him but he could not be found he could not be found mark the perfect man by god and be all the upright my lord and my god for the end of that man is peace the end of that man is peace when you obey god when you do the will of god now pharaoh did not obey god and god sent plagues upon egypt and god turned around and he joined them in the red sea because they would not arcent to the will and the purpose of heaven glory what and who and how will you please god that he can destroy your enemies the wicked i see the wicked they spread out beloved let me just pause here for a minute the wicked the wicked hallelujah you might see them flourishing and like the word said they were in great power but when you look for them they are not there when you ask about them glory they cannot be found we often times look at people i beseech you this day that you will do not be envious of the workers of inequity because they shall soon be cut down that's the word they shall be cut down like the green herb but the righteous the righteous the righteous the righteous the righteous the righteous the end of the righteousness peace glory eternal life everlasting is living with god the fulfillment of heaven the bread of life that come down from heaven in fill you with his holy spirit call you out of darkness did you know that the word of god said no good things will he withhold from them that walk upright well you don't understand my struggles ladies and gentlemen there was a point in time in my life when i thought that life did not mean too much of anything we were poor we are nothing but i live to see the god that said let there be light prevail and manifest himself take me out of darkness play put in my heart his divine spirit when i receive the holy ghost i walk for about eight and nine miles you know why the power of god the ancient of heaven step down into a little country boy and engulf his heart hallelujah give me strength to walk give me strength to walk about eight or nine miles that's the day god engulfed himself in my heart don't think that there were never struggles there's always struggles faith that wait upon the lord shall it's not a maybe it's a shall if god said it it shall be so if god carved it out of his will for your life it must take place purpose cannot die purpose will the the survive of this life do you think the enemy has never me are put into place in a matter of fact one particular time the devil told me that i belong to him and he's never gonna let me go i said the devil told me that you belongs to me and i will not let you go but thanks be to god through the spirit of life to the everlasting covenant of righteousness through the laws of eternity god break forth in my heart and prevail against the prince of unrighteousness hallelujah hallelujah there's a testimony i'd like to leave with you before we get out of here not one of moses word fell to the ground hallelujah and as deacon samuel came and i looked at him and i thought to myself master your amazing god hallelujah and you're the king of kings and they all knowing god never met this brother before but sign glory and as i signed this morning something leap in my heart to say that to say to you today that if you can trust god if you can arch into the voice of god he will always give you direction he'll always be your shepherd he'll always be you if you only delight yourself in his law and in his love god meditate day and night you know what the devil does to some of us make us become so busy and the cares of life hallelujah and the things that you don't seems to have at your convenient the devil use that hallelujah one day i was at home and i was just going up the stairs and the devil said to me you're always praying hallelujah but prayer is not doing you no good and i knelt down right where i was and i started to pray and i said satan i want to show you that prayer work i don't care what you said i will not believe what you're trying to influence my heart with prior work i have proven god i know he's well able to do above all i could ever ask or think can i testify to you i bought a home custom built and i put 56 000 down on it and i paid for five years hallelujah and we had a recession back in the 80s and the bank foreclosed can i testify to you i left canada and i went to baltimore and was there having the best time of my life and god said robert hallelujah if you want to be blessed if you want my direction you need to obey me and i had to just turn around turn around and on my way back to canada i just about came to the border to go into canada and i was looking for a motel and when i turn in there my car just died the attendant came out tried to help me to get it moved nothing i put my head down and for about an hour or so and the attendant came back and he said sir i'm sorry but you cannot stay here and i just turned the key and the vehicle started when i went to pray god he shut up hallelujah said there was a drunken man up the road waiting hallelujah a drunken man satan set him up but god intercept hallelujah and from that minute until i reach ed mountain the car never give me no more problems i'm talking about the god that said delight thyself in his law and hid his law meditate day and night he said to joshua have not i command thee to be strong be of a good courage glory to god hallelujah and this word the word of this book shall not depart out of thy mouth meditate during night and day god want to prosper you're going out you're coming in hallelujah after losing that home within 12 months within 12 months i went back and watched god i rented a house and the owner says i will let you buy it and you can use we will use a part of the rent to be the deposit on the house oh hallelujah i said 12 months after losing what i work for and that was what i thought to myself that i would have it because it was custom built you know custom they put everything the way that you like it to be you tell them exactly what you want you tell them how to do it and they did it glory to god and turn around and the bank took it back but god but god robert delight thyself in the lord he shall he will he must because if he said it it cannot be forfeited because god is not a man he can't lie oh shaka satya holy ghost presence of god let's overtake your life carry on the shoulders of his covenant not only that but within four years god allowed me to hone two glory to god and pastor that building that you saucer when it came time the bank said they only lend millions of dollars and every bank i went to they turned me down and i decided that well i have a home and i need a church so i was gonna i put up the home for the collateral because in canada when you buy a building you must have some money or something that they can take if you cannot pay and they all turned me down and the man that owned the building he called me up i did not call him no matter of fact one day before i sign the bank says no and within two or three weeks i said okay i'll just forget this glory to god and said god if it's your will you'll make a way and the man called me up the owner for the building called me until this day he still carried the mortgage and he said to me whatever you have never ask for the maximum requirement whatever you have delight thyself in the lord delight thyself in the lord delight thyself delight thyself fear fought against god and god sent blade up in egypt none of the magician not one single one the witchcraft whatever their work were not able to exceed what god was doing not one word that moses spoke hallelujah fell to the ground god blocked him up he's a god of his word it's a god of his word he is a god of his word and i dare you today to ask god to let his word get a hold of your spirit and carry it to the next level of your christian walk with god you see once i had a out of body experience hallelujah hallelujah i was in florida and they asked me sir when the choir was marching around they said to me you're gonna deliver the word and i thought to myself how am i gonna deliver word when i were not prepared but when you have the holy ghost when god the father of heaven indulge your heart with his spirit he said the apostles open your mouth and that day i find myself going away in the spirit world hallelujah have an outer body experience with god can i tell you something else god show me what hell look like hell i don't want not one person to go there glory to god because it's a terrible it's an awful place it's eternal damnation is a place hallelujah where there is no repentance to take place there hell is the final destination for a human when you don't serve god when you don't do the will of god when you don't arch into the voice of god can i tell you something else god show me the splendor of heaven hallelujah and the beauty hallelujah you've never see you will never see anything on earth glory as beautiful as heaven do you want you and i want to go where are we heading for this day if god should call you home now okay shut hallelujah the next question is how long how long have you been walking with god what is your experience with your god hallelujah last week i lay down and the lord hallelujah visit me and he said there is a spirit that reigned over this area hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah not one of the words that moses spoke god allowed them to come to north and then at the end god would not allow no one there is no bible reference of where moses buried because god himself took care of him that's the god left the splendor of heaven came down to hurt hallelujah hallelujah enoch walked with god and he was not why because he was caught up hallelujah elijah said to elijah if you see me if you see me when i taken away from you glory i've got to go places in god i've got i tell you what i'm a senior citizen but i'm still of a hunger and a thirst down in my spirit to be like him to do his will to carry purpose to live holy to be godly don't tell me that god can't keep you he kept the fish in the salt sea and then when you take it out you've got to put salt in it hallelujah that's god we underestimate the god we always want somebody to pray us through what about the spirit what about the holy ghost what about the fire that god endures inside of your heart what is it doing for you he that hunger and thirst after righteousness do i have a hunger do i have a thirst glory am i satisfied hallelujah let me ask you a question how many persons have you ever seen going with the armored car when they leave this earth hallelujah how many persons you've seen you know those armored cars that spring struck that carry money to banks and different places how many of them have you ever seen be in a casket when somebody i heard mother just talk about the person that died god take pleasure in the death of the righteous hallelujah i'm not afraid to die because i have a hope and i'm making sure my hope will not be in vain by holding on to the covenant word to the divine word to the power to the anointed word to the word that delivers and set the captain of liberty mark a perfect man and the end of that man is peace peace let me take my glasses off so i'm not looking at any particular person hallelujah since i met jesus what is your personal experience with him hallelujah hallelujah but two months ago god told me to go somewhere and i did and i had some concern you know i'm concerned about the church sir and what's going on and around me and what hallelujah my heritage would be when i leave this earth and god sent me to a church and the pastor came up to me and told me be at peace god god the almighty the one that call you out of darkness knows exactly what your thoughts are and it will fulfill the word that he has promised you lay shabby sakura who is in this church are willing to act upon the word of god what is word declare proverbs 3 5 said hallelujah lean not to thy own understanding and in all of your ways all of your ways all of your ways acknowledge god ex god almighty we want to excel in the natural realm of life and we want to own this that and what of you do you have a place in god where you function from that when you lift your hand heaven respond to your petition this day this day this day in god's kingdom where are you and i what is our place in the kingdom of god is it just about the monetary things of life or is it about eternal life what can a man give in exchange for his soul if you gain this whole world look at the world billions of folks in the world billions of dollars can it by your soul out of eternal damnation hallelujah hallelujah unless we're about to leave this place this day who do you want to be like in god's kingdom you want to be like moses obey god you want to be abraham that was called a friend of god do you want to be like elijah ah follow elijah and desire the power that he had glory mashi kosak enduro kata are you satisfied but where you're at in the lord is a life reflect the kingdom of heaven is your walk hallelujah with god hallelujah that he can engulf you with his divinity and manifest himself hallelujah through your life glory pastor give himself hallelujah take on this great task hallelujah and people is not easy to lead people because every one of you of different temperament every one of you have different ways and god have to download it within his spirit hallelujah how to meet each person at their level glory hallelujah to encourage you to pray day in and day out do you know when you are sleeping oftentimes he's not sleeping glory why is it because his body does not need rest like you do look in this church today all the folks that are here and those that are at home and those who are in line glory to god is spoke about how many viewer that's online and what youtube said glory to god what particular part do you and i play glory to influence the last humanity out there those that are her god need peace of god that passeth human understanding to engulf their heart in their struggles hallelujah what is your place in god's kingdom hallelujah well my place in god's kingdom i'm on a prayer line that start at three o'clock in the morning until six each morning we've been doing that now for over 12 months and god worked all kind of miracles in there 49 folks received the holy ghost in one session hallelujah online and zoom line glory to god glory my place and there is to cover the platform to pray continuously that god's will be done and that the power of the heaven will come down hallelujah and hearts be delivered from the powers of darkness okay shabbat sakiya hallelujah i was up went to bed maybe something to ten i was up at two because i don't want amashi i don't want to walk into god's house and my heart is not right so number one i first have to repent i first have to call on jehovah the god that forgives sins and wash me from my iniquities ah shut up hallelujah the bible said he that have no sin let him cast the first stone glory to god i don't want to be like the five foolish person so i want to have my lumps trim ready when the bridegroom come i want to go with him glory to god i will not settle for the fish and the bread i need more than that hallelujah because there's much more in god to be obtained from god if you ever dedicate yourself if you ever give yourself well what do you mean i have a young family don't you think i've been there hallelujah then i'll ask you the question have you ever traveled 2100 miles to go to church services hallelujah from alberta toronto it's 2100 miles on the road to go to church hallelujah then every need that i have my god have an obligation to supply my knees because i give my shaka soto sakita secondary myself to god hallelujah no good things really withhold from them that walk upright if i tell you today that it did not cost me one red cent to be in this church you might said you're kidding god told me to call somebody and by the time the phone call was over they said your fear is booked and i said i beg your pardon did you hear what i said god told me to call one of the elders that i brought up in the gospel and before the phone conversation was over he had my fear book to be here glory to god don't tell me that this god don't tell me that jehovah does not reign supreme don't tell me that he does not honor his word he honors his word the god of your salvation not one dot tickle of his word shall return to him void until it accomplished we are with god ascendeth send me a word jehovah send me a word my hell should i send me a word my elohim king my everlasting rock my spiritual divine covenant yeah shut up yeshua one of the problem that we have we always come stretching out to god to bless us hallelujah have you ever asked god a question master what can i do to please you or to fulfill your will god is there a person is there one soul i can pray for to make a difference in their life hallelujah you know what i'm i'm gonna sit down but you know what i've noticed since i've been here at least 75 to 80 percent of the homes are unfinished they have an intent that i'm gonna build and some of us die and never fulfill that obligation that we've taken on but in the kingdom of god in the kingdom of god do you just have an intent to build hallelujah and not able to take on the task that you challenge yourself for why don't you make some challenges in god god i'll fast half a day god i'll pray i'll set up place of prayer we build so many different things do you know that the muslim of a place that they built to pray that's right the muslims have a place wherever they live they have a place do you ever play a prayer closet you have a place where you can go and kneel down sometimes we put so many things in our homes that there's no place for god in there hallelujah sometimes we become so taken up with the natural things of this life and the spiritual man is dying the spiritual man hallelujah is crying out i need thee oh i need thee o great god almighty i need a closer walk i need to know the god of my salvation chaos have you ever asked god about being transformed by the renewing of your mind so you can please he who died and calvary who suffer for you the god that reigns supreme hallelujah pharaoh would not argue and god harden his heart what a terrible place to find oneself in glory and in the psalms that we read hallelujah talk about the wicked glory to god you know that you can be baptized in jesus name and still have not the characteristic of the god that died for your salvation suffered on the cross they push a sword in his side hallelujah blood and water came spewing out okay online wherever you are today ask yourself the question hallelujah is god reigning supreme he's got the almighty king does he reign supreme in your life is he prevailing does he open up his womb and let you conceive his laws and his definition and the grace that passeth human understanding that prevail against the prince of unrighteousness let me look right in the camera can you command the devil to back up can you stop satan in his truck when he come against you hallelujah to them gave him power to become the sons of god hey shut up let us stand mandakushi the bible said let every man examine himself asante what is the holy ghost doing in your life ladies and gentlemen i went to a church and i made a choice to be the janitor i made a choice to be the janitor and i make sure that there was not one service that the house of god was not clean and properly maintained never thought about being a preacher never thought about hallelujah but the bibles tell me whatever your hands find to do do it do it do it with all all your heart whatever whatever whatever yeah shut up see your coshanda i tell you what i will never walk in a church and see something on the floor and i walk past it and don't pick it up glory to god because the god the house of the lord and god expect me to do whatever my aunt's fine to do for his glory i don't want to sit up here that's not where i desire to be i just want to be a child of god i just want to obey the word i just want to carry the laws of heaven i just want to hear though well done thou good and faithful [Applause] well i'm not the pastor so i will not do anything in god's house we have time for everything else but not the things of god hallelujah at first when they start the prayer meeting you know what hours i chose between three to six listen to me you want god blessings over your life you want to hear from heaven do you want god to say well done hallelujah stop looking at brother so-and-so stop looking at sister so-and-so and look inside my shutter say let every man examine himself you must know exactly where you are in the god of your salvation is your purpose being manifest please god are you aspiration it's the was the kingdom of heaven do you want to hear god's voice speaking down in the recessive of your heart god show me this brother i don't know him from i've never met him before but i just laid down and closed my eyes and god showed me and when he showed up this morning i said when he show up this morning i said oh my god master down to the very detail god god can you trust him can you believe him can you abide in him and let him abide in you so you can ask what you will and it shall be done you know some of you looking at me like i'm crazy and i don't know what i'm talking about i my son bishop barnett that preacher sir he was sick at nine years of age and the doctor could not find out what was wrong with him and i i was praying and god sent me to the hospital about 4 30 about five o'clock in the morning or six somewhere in there when i got to the hospital his little eyes were way down his head and he said daddy pray and i walk out the room and i went to the phone booth to call my in-laws and the lady came up behind me and she said jesus cares and i thought to myself i don't know if you know jesus but i know him so the tears seized immediately and i turned around and she was not anywhere to be found are you shut up what am i saying to you she was an angel that god sent to tell me that jesus care jesus care jesus care jesus scare jesus care oh yes he cares i know he cares is [Music] nice [Music] my [Music] oh yes we can you want more of jesus you want our experience with him glory is there one soul that leads the lord the king of glorious the god of your salvation the king of reigns jesus here yes he cares god [Music] there's more fear is more there is more [Music] now canada from here is eight hours flight eight hours to go where i live are you telling me that god sent me here hallelujah that no one need more of god hallelujah just this one person okay shanda why you said god don't know what he's talking about [Music] god cares yes he cares are you satisfied are you satisfied are you satisfied god bless you sir are you satisfied yellow yeah yes he cares [Music] yes [Music] when the days [Music] [Music] holy ghost spirit [Music] commander king of glory [Music] yesterday yes lord come on somebody pray somebody pray for you you need to pray that god will be done oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] spirit of the living god friend of heaven holy ghost visit with this young man [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] the lord is able god cannot go back in this world [Music] shaco jesus jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] holy cows fire of god hallelujah [Music] glory glory [Applause] glory [Music] yes hallelujah yes [Music] [Music] yes lord spirit of the living god spirit of the lord hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you need to open up the heart and let it be [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] my god my god [Music] [Music] how [Music] good yes lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] me [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] me hallelujah could we just lift our hands hallelujah we thank the lord for his words today hallelujah thank god for using pastor barnett to encourage our hearts hallelujah and sharing those wonderful testimonies i was so blessed and encouraged and i hope you were too god is in control we don't have to be envious of evildoers because our god has our back he will take care of us he will fulfill his words in our lives in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path trust the lord today you're praying for those that are here at the altar that the lord will do something in their refresh them revive them save them he's well able hallelujah god is well able praise god thank you jesus thank you god thank you lord praise god we're gonna be praying at this time praise jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord o god we thank you today for your love we thank you for your grace we thank you for your mercies we thank you jesus hallelujah for the way you have spoken to our hearts today god hallelujah let us not leave here the same way we came lord we will leave refresh revive and courage that you will never leave us nor forsake us hallelujah it is no secret what god can do lord you love us you love each and every one of us you are touched with the feelings of our infirmities you understand the pain the trouble the sickness anything that we are going through oh god help us to cast all our cares on you because you care for us oh we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you thank you for the world that has gone forth continue to bless and use pastor barnett oh god for your glory and to encourage your people oh god despite what is happening around us lord we can look to you lord you are our hope and you are our stay sweet jesus our hope is built on nothing less but jesus blood and righteousness we thank you today we pray that lord as we leave from this place your presence will remain with us you will go with us you'll cover us those that have been with us online be with them in their homes wherever they may be at this time minister to their needs and bless their hearts oh god thank you for your goodness thank you for your grace and go with us as we leave from this place fly the traps of the enemy and protect your people bless us lord as we go in the mighty and powerful name of jesus in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah remember evening you
Channel: King's Chapel United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 498
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Id: cFJWjrKlzlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 7sec (8647 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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