The Heart of Wisdom

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] well good morning everybody welcome to church let's go ahead and stand up and get ready to worship and if you're watching online with us wherever you are go and stand and make your living room or wherever you're at a place where you can experience the presence of god let's go perform today lord we thank you for this day father we thank you for your this opportunity to worship you people lord we love you and we lift your name up in your name we pray amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone needs compassion [Music] everyone needs forgiveness the kindness of a savior [Music] savior he can move the mountains my god is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so tell me as you find me all my fears [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] he can move my god is mighty to save he is mighty to save forever author of salvation jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're singing for the glory jesus shine your light and let the whole world [Music] jesus [Music] for the glory [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are good [Music] you are [Music] anger in the way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are good [Music] [Music] you're never gonna you are good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] never gonna let me down [Applause] [Music] never ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are good [Music] we have a guy that'll never let us down amen he's always there in every storm of life and every situation he is there he's in the middle of it with you today we're going to go into a time of prayer and you have a situation in your life or whatever is going on that you need god's presence to show up in you need him to make make an appearance and do what he does best our prayer team is going to come forward and if and if you're online you're watching and you need prayer you can dm us you can drop it in the comments if you're comfortable with that but we have a team online that wants to pray with you as well so we're going to pray we're going to go into this song and if you need a move of god in your life come down let us join you in that let's pray lord we trust you we believe that when we come before you with anything and everything that you care about it that you are you have an affection for your people you want to move in the lives of your people lord give us the faith to ask you to invite you and to believe that you will come down and you will send your spirit you will send your presence and you will move in the lives of your church [Music] lord we give everything we're carrying today we came in with it to you in your name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] there's nothing worth more that will ever come close [Music] your presence [Music] i've tasted and seen how the sweetest of loves when my heart becomes free and my shame is undone [Music] in your presence [Music] [Music] the animals your glory god is what our hearts long for to be overcome by your presence [Music] your presence [Music] there's nothing worth more that will ever come close no fee can compare you're living [Music] is your [Music] presence and i've tasted and seen how the sweetest of loves when my heart becomes free and my shame is [Music] in your presence [Music] [Music] [Applause] your glory god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] your glory god is [Music] [Applause] [Music] your presence [Music] your presence [Music] let us become more aware of your presence this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us [Music] let us [Music] holy [Music] your glory god is what our hearts long for to be [Music] overcome by your presence lord [Music] holy spirit [Music] your glory god [Music] to be overcome [Music] by your presence lord [Music] let's just take a moment here church let us become more aware of your presence [Music] let us experience the glory of your goodness [Music] father god we thank you for your presence that we feel in this place today as we acknowledge your presence god we know that you're doing things in people's lives you're working behind the scenes [Music] scott we invite you into our hearts today into our lives to do something with us [Music] your weighing us today in jesus name amen can we give god some praise in this place today church ma'am [Music] well good morning and welcome to church so excited to see you take the next couple moments give somebody a high five next to you tell them you're excited to see him at church today and if you're watching online with us go ahead and like today's stream love it share it and tag someone in the comments you want to be watching church with today good morning church i don't know about you but it is good to be in the house of the lord this morning even if it's raining outside [Applause] if this is your first time valleyview can we let our first-time guests know how excited we are to have them with us this morning when you came in on your seats there was our worship guide and in our worship guide we have our connect card and we would love for you to fill it out with as much information as possible and if you're joining uh joining us online we have one on our we have a link that you can click on to fill one out there and we would love to send you something in the mail and then we also have another gift for you which is our right now media and if you haven't downloaded this app you really need to with school starting and i'm homeschooling so we i let the kids pick which devotions we want to do i'm doing my own set of devotion and there's just so much on this app and it's a great app so you can text valley view to 497 and also this sunday we are starting our connect class so if you would like to know more about the church and would like to become a member you can join us sunday after church until from today till october 3rd and learn more about that morton church so a little bit about me my name's kyle you guys probably see me back there in the booth all the time um basically uh attenuating the mix which is basically a fancy way of saying i take bars and i slide them down and i move them up so if it sounds bad that's my fault if it sounds good it's also my fault but we have our small groups starting pretty soon i'm pretty excited about this so we have it all on our website you can sign up online um i i encourage you to sign it up and i talked to a pastor this last week and i told them you know hey if i'm going to lead the men's group i want to be the one to announce it i want to tell everybody hey here i am this is who i am and unfortunately for him he gave me a microphone so that's that's his fault yeah he knows but if it as men as we lead this church as we do these things in order for us to have a harvest we have to prune some of the things in our life in order to take some of those things out so that we can keep moving forward and in order for us to have that kind of a harvest as men we have to be leading and the only way for us to lead is give god control so as long as we give god control and we move forward we're going to be able to do it so if it sounds like something that you guys want to be involved in you want to pull some of the things out of your life and you want to push some of the other things up join us we do it on saturdays go online sign up for it sign up out there tell pastor quinn tell somebody but be there thank you welcome us in joining pastor cole the stage [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i have to be honest right up front i can't follow that uh but i do want to say thank you to uh so many of our leaders our small group leaders our volunteer leaders the people that that do the greeting and the parking lot can we just give all of our volunteers a hand this morning [Applause] so amazing you guys are awesome and we're in the middle of this sermon series in the book of proverbs we started this last week and we kind of finished with this big idea that we came to this conclusion that wisdom that works moves the heart to action and it might seem kind of peculiar that we end this this uh first sermon you know on talking about the heart but i want to be really clear about something in the book of proverbs the word heart is used more times than the word wisdom or wise it's used 64 times in the book of proverbs the heart of the book of proverbs is the heart it talks about the heart a lot so today we're going to talk about the heart of wisdom because if you can't understand what the heart is all about and we're going to look at what king solomon said about the heart in the book of proverbs exclusively because it talks so much about the heart that i'm just going to go ahead and warn you there's a lot of notes and there's a lot of scripture today you can keep up with what's going on on the screens online or you know what you can just go back and watch this again later round two and get all the things that you missed okay cause we're gonna be moving and you know we'll be done by two or three o'clock today we'll be good the guests are going is he serious he's no idea but what we're talking about when we're talking about the word heart in proverbs uh and in the hebrew language lev is the hebrew word for heart live and this word is used in a variety of ways across scripture and we have so many good reliable ideas of of what they actually thought about the heart now what we're not talking about is a physical organ right now understand this though in old hebrew scripture there is evidence that they knew that the heart was an organ and that it supplied life flow to the body there's even an instance in scripture where someone has a heart attack their heart died within them and they became like stone is what it says so they knew that this was a physical organ but that's not what we're talking about when we're talking about the heart we're talking about something a little bit deeper than just a physical organ but in in scripture and in hebrew literature what we're talking about is the the place from uh because from the heart flows emotion and desire it's that place that is the wellspring it's the source of all your emotion all your desire and that's how it's described all the way through scripture that this place inside of us that you can't see you can't really quantify it's really hard to deal with but it's there and this is where the atheist atheist and the naturalist has a really hard problem they have to somehow quantify human experience the fact that we wake up in the morning and we're conscious and we're experiencing the world around us and it's more than just nerve endings and brain cells there is another component to us because if you really want to mess a philosopher up just ask them what is consciousness and then just listen to them for the next few hours just try to describe things that they don't understand because do any of us really understand what our consciousness is it's hard to pin down isn't it it's like while i'm asleep my eyes are closed and i dream weird dreams but when i'm awake i'm conscious and i'm aware of things and i interact with the world that's a hard thing to quantify philosophy has been trying to figure that out for ages but scripture is always well defined what this is this is our heart and from it flows all of emotion all of our desire and that's why proverbs wisdom deals with the heart from from the heart flows all human experience so if you're going to act wise if you're going to be wise then you've got to start with the source so let's talk about the emotional side of this first the emotional side of this uh we're gonna start in proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 and i can guarantee you one thing today we're going to stay in the book of proverbs but you're going to do a lot of page flipping all right you're going to do a lot of scrolling on your phone all right proverbs 17 22 a cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones and remember that contrast we talked about last week we talked about how he's going to give you what wisdom shows and then he's going to give you the foolish side of things but a cheerful heart is good medicine how many of you just feel better when you're happy how many of you realize that you have more control over that than you realize that's hard isn't it we are in charge of our cheerful heart and i want to say this your emotional health is a part of your physical and spiritual health because when you are down when you are upset constantly over time your body feels it doesn't it you you feel it not just in your body but then you start to feel it in your soul and we see things happen in people's lives and and finding a balance is something that we have to really be concerned with in our christian walk because any one of these places emotional physical or spiritual can affect the other two and i'll tell you i was speaking to a leader in our state just this past week about this very thing how convicting it is that we have to really manage all three areas of our life and some of the things that we we brought up was just things that have stuck in my mind for years and i don't know why they're just stuck there but i'll never forget i was speaking to a russian evangelist to america y'all processed that for a second he was conscripted in the red army in the soviet russia and then he was saved and came to america to talk to us about jesus think about it america is becoming a mission field church let's not let go of our own mission field longview kelso this area so what i'm saying is i'm not ready to outsource what god's given to us yet all right but i'll never forget what he said because i asked him i said well then what is your biggest critique on the american church and now you have to understand i am a teenager asking this guy this i may have been 19 years old i said what is your biggest critique on the american church as you see it and as you've traveled around our country for the last few years he said this he says i am afraid that god wants great revival for you but you are not physically well enough to do what god has planned for you and i went oh i'm like i'm going to go sign up for gym tomorrow because god has great works for us but are we physically ready for it now you have to understand i watched this guy preach and he could preach for hours and i would like i would start getting just kind of dripping sweat watching him preach it's exhausting but i'm thinking god has this wonderful thing for us are we are we ready for it are we physically healthy enough to hey if we got to go work and and win souls are we ready for that then there's the spiritual side of it and the spiritual side of it we look at like well you know am i praying am i reading enough and what happens usually is we get so distracted and we're so busy not saying that we're productive but we're busy because martin luther had this opposite take the guy that uh really led the the protestant reformation in the church martin luther said this he said i have so much to do today that if i don't spend the first three hours of my day in prayer i won't get to all of it we're just going to line up the convictions this morning is that okay she's like that is very convicting most of us are going i'm so busy today i hope i get done with all of it and if i have room at the end god i'll pray martin luther saw it through the lens of if i don't get my life squared spiritually first i am useless for all the other tasks that i have on my plate and then we come to the emotional health the emotional health of our heart and i want you to see proverbs 12 25 because it speaks to this more than just a cheerful heart makes you feel better anxiety weighs down the heart but a kind word cheers it up and i'm convinced of this more than anything kindness is the antidote for anxiety every morning before i drop my little girls off to the nannies and to go into school uh we pray together we hold hands and we pray and one of the things that has gotten its way in our prayers every single day is god help us to be kind to others even if they're not kind to us because what we might see in that verse that that kindness is the antidote for anxiety what we might be thinking immediately is well no one's ever kind to me but it doesn't say that does it a kind heart a kind word can make your heart glad it might not be them saying kind things to you it might be you saying kind things to them it might be your kindness that makes your heart happy it might be your kindness that cheers yourself up even if they're not kind to you because this is what i know when you're kind to someone else guess what it feels better it feels good try it sometime and i think if we were going to turn this into a modern day proverb it would be that the wise are kind to one another and the fools rant online just a modern day proverb for you we're just going to put it in perspective let us be kind to people and don't make it a requirement that they be kind to you first because if that is your requirement you may never be kind about your heart understand proverbs 14 10 says that each heart knows its own bitterness and no one else can share its joy and this is really really a unique thing about our heart and if you're going to start looking at your heart you have to understand first that new no two hearts are the same your heart is not like your neighbor's heart your life experience is not like your neighbor's life experience you've been through different things you've come through different trials you have seen different successes in life and or failures no two hearts are the same so what does that mean that means you need to get to know your own heart this is hard admittedly this is hard because we like to think things of our heart that might not be true this is why we're given instruction we'll remember that we'll get back to that that's why we're giving instruction that above all else guard your heart for everything you do flows from it you have to get to know your heart because everything in your life is going to flow from this thing the unprotected heart acts only on what overflows the unprotected heart acts only on what overflows this is very very very valuable information for us to understand what do i mean by that if you don't protect your heart emotionally then what's going to happen is that unguarded heart is going to just act out of an overflow of emotion if you're not guarding that heart from anger then you may just be watching your actions constantly be an overflow of anger or an overflow of fear and overflow of manipulation if you're not guarding your heart and you're not guarding the physical outflow of your life then you may be prone to fatigue or the opposite end over compensation working yourself into an early grave and if you're not guarding your heart spiritually then what you're doing is leaving yourself open for sin now remember getting to know your heart is really hard it's not a simple thing to get to know this very deep and personal thing that is the source of everything that outflows in your life that's not a quick conversation hi heart how you doing today you good or are you going to stab me in the back today let's get to know one another but what we do is instead of trying to understand our heart we try to justify our heart see justification is the enemy of understanding and how many people have justified instead of trying to understand the heart they try to justify the heart well he had a good heart well he beat his kids so maybe not getting quiet in here how many times well you know he had a good heart only god can judge the heart so god sees all the things in the heart that doesn't mean that he's the only one that can look at someone's life and judge a heart see because in proverbs 27 19 and this is really hard for us to face as water reflects the face so no one's life reflects so one's life reflects the heart as water reflects the face so once life reflects the heart you can tell what's going on in someone's heart by their life you can look plainly and this is the hard part to say because sometimes we do things that we hate and we go but i have a good heart and that's why you're going to continue to do things you hate because you're not really getting to know your heart your heart keeps having an outflow of things that you don't even like and you just keep justifying it it's okay heart you'll do better next time i know you're good really deep down inside but your actions are a mirror reflecting your heart it's hard to look in that mirror isn't it so there's something different than we have to do we can't just justify our heart and say well it's a good heart so i meant well what we need is someone that understands the heart better than we do someone that can shed light on this heart condition that we have because in proverbs 20 verse 5 through 9 it says the purpose of a person's heart are deep waters you know what that means it takes a lot to really know what's going on in your heart and this is not just others looking into your heart this is you looking into your own heart this is a self-reflection don't be looking at other people this morning going well their heart must be bad right i saw them on the highway coming into church this morning and they definitely cut that guy off and flipped them off their hearts bad look in the mirror first okay the purpose of a person's heart are deep waters they're not surface level things many claim to have an unfailing love but a faithful person who can find so it's not surface there's plenty of people like oh yeah we're friends oh man i love you i'll be there for you i'll do anything for you and then when you need them the righteous lead blameless lives blessed are their children after them that's a great that's a great thing to slide right in the middle of this because he's talking about how there is a righteousness you can be righteous you don't have to just have a bad heart so it's possible and then he gives us this insight when a king sits on his throne to judge he winnows out all evil with his eyes so what we need is a king who can see into our hearts this is why when jesus came on the scene this was so radical because the pharisees did everything right from the outside but he looked straight into their heart and saw their evil intentions and this is kind of the crux of the matter who can say who can say i have kept my heart pure i am clean and without sin the problem with that is no one can say that and that's part of getting to know our hearts how do i know no one can say this is because we were all kids once and kids are amazing their little bad hearts are on display their face is covered with cookies [Music] did you eat that cookie liar that came from their heart knowing how to teach them how to do that knowing how to teach you how to defend yourself and sin no one had to teach you how a lie but we've all done it so who's kept their heart pure nobody in here we were all kids once some of us are struggling with this as adults it's okay because i've got good news for you before we can apply our heart to wisdom we must acknowledge its failure god wants you to put your heart into wisdom but before you do that he has to make sure you understand the problems with this thing that that our emotions that flow out of us sometimes don't make any sense do they if yours do please come let me know afterwards i don't know about you it doesn't change like doesn't matter how old i get there's still just moments i have feels that i can't explain like why do i feel like that right now where did that even come from it's because i have a heart condition it's because that emotion flows from this thing i have desires that i can't explain it's it's an outflow and i have to acknowledge sometimes those desires are horrible sometimes a desire to clap back on the internet there's a backspace button though i think that's where the holy spirit hangs out right there over that backspace button in your life hit that thing delete because the opposite is just justification see in proverbs chapter 21 it says a person may think their own ways are right but the lord weighs the heart see before we know him before we apply our heart to wisdom we think we're doing things right like what's wrong but to do what is right and just is more acceptable to the lord than sacrifice he doesn't want your sacrificial piety he doesn't want oh you know god look at how much i've done for you know what he wants is just do what's right that's the only sacrifice he's asking for obedience because a haughty eyes and a proud heart the unplowed field of the wicked produced sin oh that verse stings you know what hotty eyes are how do you eyes are this there's two different kinds of hottie eyes that i see in the world today there is the eye roll the extreme eye roll the i know more than you and when you try to tell me something that is wise hotty eyes then there's the judgment hottie eyes this is the other one it's the look down who do you think you are anybody seen hotty eyes before you know what i are now right hotty eyes and a proud heart come from the same place but understand this they are the unplowed field of the wicked what does that mean that means all they need is a seed and sin grows that's what a proud heart is a heart that thinks it knows everything is just waiting for a seed so that sin may grow that's it but here's the beautiful thing god knows our heart don't overlook this this is bigger than it sounds you're like well yeah yeah i know i know god knows my heart yeah but if you want to get to know your heart you need to get to know him because he can reveal it to you if you're trying to search for your heart with your strength you are going to miss the mark because your heart will lie to you over and over and over and over again but if you want to get to know your heart get to know god who knows your heart because he says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight if you want to have open heart surgery if you want to see the source of all your emotions all your desires get to know god who knows your heart and then say god would you reveal it to me like when david sinned against god sinned against bathsheba uriah committed adultery and murder what was his reply oh god i have sinned against you will you create in me a clean heart if you want heart change then you need to get to know the one who knows your heart and i'll put it this way you will either submit your heart to god or you will spend your life chasing a heart you can't understand how many people are just running in circles because he says if you submit your ways to him he's going to make your path straight but how many people are chasing their tails running in circles trying to figure out what their heart wants in the first place and you think you found it you lock it down and then what do you feel unfulfilled because that's not what your heart really wants either and that's a tough place to be because what do our hearts do our hearts make plans for us don't they we have these desires it's more than emotion it becomes desire my heart is set on this i want to do all these things and my heart is driving me to this in proverbs chapter 16 it says to humans belong the plans of the heart but from the lord comes the proper answer of the tongue see because as you search for all these plans you have more questions after each plan don't you but if you want answers you search the lord all a person's ways seem pure to them but motives are weighed by the lord you might think you got it right and all your friends might think you've got it right but are you weighing what is right against how you feel or about what god says because he knows your heart so commit to the lord whatever you do and he will establish your plans the lord works out everything to its proper end even the wicked for a day of disaster oh see the lord detest all the proud of heart be sure of this they will not go unpunished that's hard the lord detests the proud of heart those haughty eyes that proud heart what's that god i don't need you i'm i can do it myself and he says well this is going to be a train wreck it's not that he hates us because his love for us is abounding but when we decide in our proud heart that we're going to do it ourselves he hates what the results are going to be because he has to watch us make our own mess that's just like when you're a parent and you see your kid about to do something really really dumb and you're just far enough away that there's nothing you can do about it except to know that once it's happened all you can do is console them how many times have our proud hearts got ourselves in a situation where god goes well when they land on their face i'll pick them up and consult them see because through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for not through our hearts but through the heart of god why because he loved us and was faithful to us and atoned for our sins through the fear of the lord evil is avoided see because heart transformation comes from heart dedication if you want the desires of your heart to change from the things that will wreck your life to the things that will bring blessings to your life that transformation will only happen once you say okay god i am dedicating my heart to you because in this world people will tell you just follow your heart just follow your heart i would ask how's that working out for you but i know from personal experience that's a dead end see god doesn't say just follow your heart he says your heart can follow me and if your heart begins to follow me then it will change your life and this is one of my favorite scriptures in all the bible just everything this is something i've prayed and kept close for for just so many years just i can't explain to you how much this has meant to me over the years in proverbs chapter 16 verse 9. we have this promise that god opens this wide open for us it says in their hearts humans plan their course but the lord establishes their steps and every time i feel like god i don't know what my next step is i remember this verse and i remember what i have put in my heart dedicated to him and i know his promises that he will make firm my next step now the other side of this verse is that it's your heart and if you plan not to dedicate it to him he is still establishing those steps you just may not like the end result he will do everything in his power to establish steps in your life that will give your heart an opportunity to lean into him and not its own understanding but if you do reject him those steps are grave but i want you to hear this when we give god our heart he gives our feet a path and it is so hard sometimes to know what that next step is isn't it it is so hard when you you just go okay god i'm standing right here sometimes i don't even do i ne do i even make another step god because if i make another step are you going to be there and his promise is yeah in your heart you've planned your course in your heart you have committed that heart to me so guess what my promise is when you take that next step you will land on foundation i have put there don't follow your heart don't follow your heart give your heart to god and follow him would you buy your heads today i told you last week this is a wholehearted approach that we give our heart over to him because he's the only one that we can trust with it for everyone that's had their heart broken by life let me encourage you this morning if you're watching online if you give your heart to him you don't have to worry about your next step [Music] father god for every person that's in here today and every person that's online god i feel like in this moment you are speaking to each heart differently [Music] i've got to feel like in this moment there's not one thing that i can ask there's not one thing that i can say that we're not all on the same page this morning god i feel like you are speaking to each heart by your holy spirit individually in this room and online right now god so i ask this that as you speak into our hearts we would be open to hear what you are revealing to us about our heart and that god that we would be moved to take a step of faith that god i i put my heart in a course towards heaven that my plan is to follow you from this day forward [Music] there are hearts in here in our long line right now god that are broken i pray right now that you there's nothing to reveal god i just pray that you begin to heal those hearts there are hearts that are anxious this morning to the anxious heart i speak life that you are loved you are cared for [Music] the kindness of god's grace is without limit [Music] their hearts that are heavy this morning [Music] it's okay guys i'm just gonna flow in this for a second there are hearts that are heavy this morning because of tragedy [Music] god is going to give you an outflowing of grief so that healing may happen there are hearts in here this morning and online that are just missing joy [Music] god i pray your holy spirit would fill them with new life fresh not working on what happened yesterday but god working not even on what happened this morning but god working on what you're doing right now in their life the joy might come forth like a garden [Music] [Music] god as you speak into each of our hearts differently [Music] we know that you are a personal god and this is not a moment where any two of our hearts are the same but god you are doing something unique something special in each one of us right now so god we embrace that and we accept it have your way in jesus name amen so at this moment we are going to continue on worship with giving and here at valley view we have several different ways you can give you can text any dollar amount to 84321 you can give online at or you can mail it in drop it in our mailbox here right outside it's secure with a lock on it that address is 1435 33rd avenue longview washington 98632 and as you're preparing that um speaking of the heart there is a section of matthew chapter five and six where we often call it the best sermon ever preached it's the sermon on the mount and as jesus moves from what we call chapter five and he gets into chapter six he starts dealing with the heart of a lot of rights like fasting and he moves down to giving and he ends it with this in verse 21 where your treasure is there your heart will be also there's something to when you invest in something you care about it a whole lot more you start putting your heart into it you've got buy-in you have a stake in it so i want to encourage you today as you prepare your gift put your heart into your giving and if you're wondering how how do i get my heart into this it starts with giving with putting that investment putting that offering up and saying lord i give you this i trust you with this let's pray lord we thank you for this day father we thank you for your blessings we thank you for the generosity that you've poured out on your people and that you've enabled us to be generous to the people around us lord i ask that your hand sits on these people as they give and as they begin to store their their treasure in heaven that their heart will be there also or that they will put everything they have into this we give for your glory lord in your name we pray amen you stand and join us for worship today so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] just when you have your way something has to break [Music] have your is [Applause] something has to break [Music] [Applause] [Music] can break [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] something has to break [Music] i believe you lead me through it i believe you get me to wait i believe that you will do it right now cause something has to break i believe you'll lead me through it i believe you get me to it i believe that you will do it right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh now [Music] [Applause] [Music] something has to break [Music] hey ma'am church would you lift your hands pray blessing over you today if you're staying for connect class we've got some volunteers that'll direct you right to the fellowship hall let's pray father god pray blessings of your people today i pray that you're blessed they're rising up they're lying down they're coming in they're going out god i pray that you bless them with favor as the light of your faith shines upon them god i pray that you bless them with health and strength for their journey ahead god i pray that you bless them financially as they continue to be generous to others god i pray that you bless them with the greatest of all blessings the honor the privilege the opportunity of introducing someone to jesus christ as lord and savior of their life this week i pray in jesus name amen amen god bless you church you have a great week [Music] you
Channel: Valley View Church
Views: 25
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 20sec (5180 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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