THE HIGH LIFE! - Let's Play ANNO 1800 - S2 Ep.59 [All DLC]

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hello everybody darren here and welcome back to episode 59 in my second let's play series for anno 1800 today after an extended break and numerous disruptions and delays i'm finally able to play the high life dlc five days after it originally released so without any further delay let's just begin so here we are in our currently ongoing campaign we are now presented with the option to activate the high life dlc i thought we could read the summary although i'm probably the last person to get this information towering new skyscrapers and panoramas shopping arcades selling products from home wear furniture and pharmacy patents developed by you and don't forget the brand new skyline tower monument anna's highest ever structure let's go all right we have the option to now choose easy medium or hard we've largely been going with a sort of a medium hard i think i originally said medium rare style play style here in the beginning of the series so we're gonna go with hard 1900 coins to up uh to upkeep a skyscraper at level one i'm fine with that let's go now just right here at the beginning to drown out this lovely new music i thought i would just address where i've been what's been going on so basically right before the high life came out i decided to take a little bit of a break about a week break before the dlc was scheduled to come out and i was thinking like i'll probably get sent it i could work on a review and then once everything's ready and good to go we'll kick up back up the let's play like you know the day comes out and continue on but unfortunately i wasn't actually scented still no real word on why that is but whatever that's fine and then when it actually came out i played it for about one hour and then because it came out late in the evening so it was like six or seven pm when i got it played it for about an hour and i was like okay cool i'll play this again in the morning you know work on the review get the let's plays going and everything's gonna be great next day rolls around and the dlc doesn't work it's like appears to be like removed from my account or something and i was like geez am i like super blacklisted or something but no it turns out loads of people had this issue with ubisoft connect it was not a me issue i shouldn't be so narcissistic and vain it was just an issue a lot of people were having although somewhat somewhat rare but a decent amount of people were mentioning that it was occurring and they had to do various updates restarts and stuff like that to get to get it going again so i leave you today the next day my internet goes for a full day the next day i get food poisoning and i was like really out of action and then the next day is my girlfriend's birthday so we were out on the town let's say so it wasn't working that day so here i am five days later playing it basically for the first time i've played one hour so far and did i'll be honest did very little in that one hour i saw one skyscraper go up to level one and i built elevators that was it so i'm really coming into this completely fresh i don't really know much about it i didn't look up much stuff i basically just kind of had twitch on in the background to get some uh drops in order to get the little uh ornaments in the game and that's it i you know so glancing over i saw the odd skyline and what things look like but i actually don't know how things play so i'm very eager and excited uh despite all these interruptions and disruptions i'm very excited to actually get started and play properly the only other thing i will say is my settings file was completely wiped and my save was deleted um the the review say that i splintered off for a lot of people it seemed to come back for them mine didn't so you'll actually see even when we're playing lots of weird stuff is going to be happening and some of the settings are wrong i have to actually restart the game after this i can't zoom out my camera as much as i used to be able to and all my hotkeys have to be redone so it's been a bad experience really i hate to say it but it has and uh i'm sure it's not really the developer's fault but it's obvious it's just like a ubisoft thing i guess anyways uh so without further delay let's jump in now one thing i gotta do is i gotta deliver steam motors to uh uh the island of lusk so i'm just gonna try to do that really quickly but we're probably gonna get messages straight away as soon as we let time play so let's just do this as fast as i can if i just get this here you gained an influence bonus send that to lusk that should be all right all right that's really all i need to do alright cool that's the time play captain of industry there we go going up soaring skyscrapers and cloud shrouded towers elevators and iron frames set to revolutionize the skyline of tomorrow onwards and upwards go the citizens of our great cities fueled by the burgeoning retail market shopping arcades and shoppers with money to burn say i didn't think it possible i have no idea who she is or what that's about just elevators now metal frames skyscrapers are key to this city's otherwise worthless future sky's the limit i'd say a business venture right for the both of us sorry you've probably heard of me donald bader call me donny they say don't brag but who has time to be coy i'm the best investor this city has apart from you of course my guru he sort of looks like my brother or something you know i know a thing or two about construction investments and let me tell you elevators and skyscrapers are on the rise i can offer insider info if you like absolutely help me out donnie all right tutorial going up build the assembly line for elevators for skyscrapers you need elevators and elevators are produced in the assembly line the new multifactory all right so it's going to take steel veneers and steam motors like i said all our steam motors are over in crown farms that's why i'm just pulling a boat a ship with a bunch of them on there over the list right now although it will take a while to get there assembly line other videos and that's because on the island of lusk itself which i guess we can take a look at i don't actually have what is this power lines look at it it's like i said the settings it's like it completely forgets that i've even played the game i was getting messages about how to use oil but oh well i guess we'll just have to live with it i don't know how to fix that um yeah so this island doesn't actually really produce the motors uh we have just enough to go into this building here to make our steam carriages oh yeah there we go she's talking about oil now so for steam carriages but we have an excess of steam carriages so i'm we're on how could i put this this building has a higher demand for steam motors than we produce but it's still more than we need so i've actually never really fixed that but turns out now we're going to need them if we want to make this which is elevators elevators are the construction resource needed to make um skyscrapers i guess all right a colleague builds a device to compute so i was thinking what i could do this is basically what i did before was i got rid of this building this is a weapons facility i guess or whatever factory we don't need that and we have 3 000 weapons stored so i think it's fine let's get rid of that just scoot this over so we can have a regular production of uh steam motors coming in here without having to bring them from cape trollani all right let's move that there just clear this area a little bit of excess space and can i put it there no it's not in room with the or in view of the trade union here so we'll just have to keep it quite close by and just put that little path behind it there we go all right so now we've got two of them so that's obviously a bigger demand on steel and a bigger demand on bro but i think we've actually got way too much steel i anticipate going into deficits we'll fix it when i come across those problems i don't want to keep my head buried in the statistical screen too much at least early on now the other thing i wanted to do is move the concrete factory away just pop that out here for now and then here we've got three marquetry workshops i'm gonna build two more so there's one there one there this one we can look at the stats for this so this is an intermediate marquetry workshop we currently make 11 veneers and consume 10. so i think when we activate the elevators it's an one elevator every 15 seconds it's pretty fast that's going gonna be a pretty big dem so it's four tons per second uh in terms of what you need for veneers right so i think two more of these is what we need it might be three but i think it'll be two let's just go with two because they're heavily being boosted here if we keep it in range [Applause] let's just check that out in the statistics screen so it's another intermediate so i'll put this up to 18. uh so that's kind of like seven more than we had and we kind of needed eight so i don't know it might not be enough actually we'll just leave it we'll just leave it another one would definitely be overkill but um we'll see how it goes now that's going to take raw wood which will i guess we'll get from this is another dependency on steel our whole economy is built on steel on this um docklands for lusk a lot of it for gold i guess as well which you could use but we'll keep it at steel for now let's increase this to uh i don't know 1300 something like that obviously if it's too much it'll be fine if it's too little we'll see the problem uh okay so that should sort that out so that's extra and maybe upgrade these warehouses they're gonna be busy so that's gonna be extra veneers extra steam motors but no extra steel so hopefully that's just okay now coincidentally this road actually fits the assembly lines quite perfectly and it is coincidentally i didn't know any of this obviously let's do that i don't know if they're affected by um if they can be affected by trade unions they do light up when you put them in range of them time to get the elevators up and running people want better views why not turn a typical residence into your very first skyscraper so i was going to say even the chemical factories which were multi-factories that don't take benefits do light up as well so i don't know i guess i'd have to check anyway so tutorial reach for the skies upgrade to skyscraper and engineer residents and an investor residence this was a big surprise to me even booting up the game for the first time i had no idea that you could do it to inve or engineers i thought it was an investor only thing um it was a big surprise or at least maybe right before the dlc came out i heard that so here we can go and check the parts that are needed we can make elevators biscuits and typewriters i assume those are not the types of biscuits i'm thinking of all right so let's have a look elevators an engineering marvel that makes every new feat of skyward construction possible i say imagine having to take the stairs 50 stories here's hoping the bellboy isn't really what a namby pamby artisan does a day money bourgeois milk stops so we fill it we'll be kings in no time lonnie wants to build terrorism it's a bit weird like i said kind of like my uh my ugly brother oh maybe more handsome brother [Music] nice looking buildings quite quite tall in in and of themselves right they're quite quite big boys i guess they would be to test the elevators maybe i don't i don't know if that's how that works i assume maybe as we've made one we've made our first elevator there goes that's another one probably actually going into storage yep now we've too sweet all right they're doing their thing uh so once we i don't know i think i can't remember how much it is let's see so if we were to upgrade an investor we need five oh you need a bunch of construction materials as well of course what is this we now have a museum yes yes we do thank you um right so five for that what about an engineer i think is less engineers only two so yeah we can make quite a few uh well i guess ultimately we have to make one of each so we'll need seven so when we get seven we'll just bring them with us hey we got new music now while i'm waiting on that the crying we have ships here not doing anything that we can um give them items is that battleship here yet no not that it matters now really orders i made a mistake actually today stations all right cool so there's two ships ready to go bye let's send this one back up to archibald to even get extra items all right cool yeah we're just a bit low on those steam motors right now but once we get that delivery we'll kick start that economy and get going with all the construction material um so i guess if we just have a little zoom out we can find out where that battleship is and see how long we have until it gets here i should be here by now [Music] idle ships oh there it is it's coming in extremely slowly all right let's go pick up our first uh batch of elevators and do our first upgrade sorry just thinking if i forgot anything else i don't think four well we need we kind of need seven so i'm going to wait till we get seven to make that first journey so i guess i'll speed up time seems like the right time to do it ah my speed up and speed down buttons have changed aha let's see if i can just go fix that in the controls really quickly it must be something i forgot to do uh increased game speed yep and decrease game speed all right i have a i used to have a keypad and a numpad on my keyboard but now i just have a 10 key less keyboard so i actually can't use numpad orders but anyway speed time up just like that so that's the first batch for the investor and then we just need two more for the engineers that's a thousand workers actually it's quite a lot isn't it one assembly line and the fact that we made them every 15 seconds come on battleship where are you taking forever nice thick 150 steam motors though and we'll i'll probably just set up a delivery to go between islands not with the battleship with one of these other ships i guess engine's underway all right there we go they shouldn't be running out of that anytime soon all right so you can go back to crown farms do your thing you can grab that other one off you go up to swords gonna dig in build our first skyscrapers and then this ship which we'll call the just the motor gonna make a new trade route in cape trollani starting with crown farms and then going to the old world of lusk and picking up basically a bunch of um steam motors one two three four five six uh and we'll just call it steam imports cape to the old world steam all right there we go a bit of busy work i would have done that before the episode but i just thought it was important to kick off the episode when you activate the dlc and see all that stuff um but yeah had i known what you needed beforehand i guess i could have done that um anyways new orleans we're already there seven elevators just like that so let's just head back down here get ready for the next batch that's gonna be made now we can speed time slow time back down alrighty um so originally when i first went through my first hour playing this i had upgraded houses along here my idea was that these would all be really big high rises but i guess the way this works and i'll explain that now is you have to kind of upgrade them next to each other in a weird way you sort of need two layers in order to be able to complete what's called a panorama effect um so i might end up moving these and deciding on things a bit later i still haven't seen like a tier two or tier three uh level of skyscraper so i'm very new to it but let's just do this one first upgrade skyscraper let's go so proud we laid the first stone keep it up plenty of real estate up there my rivals are trying to keep pace which is so funny to me because they're all failures and then we'll do something like this shopping arcades heralding a new era of consumerism time to welcome eager patrons into the halls of luxurious promise shopping arcades are a new building type they act like public services but they consume input goods the input goods required depend on the chosen design patent start with the department store so it's very similar right i mean it's really really really similar to the tourism dlc so far you have multi factories didn't know we still have the blighters you've got your multifactories that you can change recipe of what they take in and then instead of restaurants that consume i know the waiters personally we now have a an arcade which consumes goods and gives a benefit very very similar mechanics um so to make a department store select the toasters and sustain that across the area for a minute um damn i was just gonna look at something oh yeah yeah so why am i out of chocolate what the hell happened there there was me one second i'm pretty sure we yeah actually let's check the statistics first so chocolate consumer all good chocolate yeah we make loads 23 produced 14 consumed although a lot of them are offline [Music] chocolate is almost exclusively made on this island and i think they're made here we are out of room oh out of room you say we can have an orchard too finally yep um hmm all right let's have a look at the chocolate route then so in the new world that's odd does it never get picked up my therapist says money matters dominate middle age ah we have a specialty route that's why the cadbury and it's going to marbella picking up chocolate delivering to lusk then to crown farms i see yeah that's a bit of an issue what about new world chocolate exports so that's going back to lusk as well strange okay that's gonna need a rework but uh what we can do is just slam on maybe one or two more ships to speed these guys up and get chocolate not failing so we'll just put that one on uh maybe another one as well chocolates so i'll accept that for now and then we'll just click this go to the ship logo boat at the ready get your thing get your guy off you go all right that should help so that's a specialty route and it pretty much exclusively comes from that island of marbella i was just thinking do we need to upgrade a pier here and switch it to chocolate only i don't think there's much traffic i don't think it's a problem so now good all right well that should solve that once the investor is grown fully again which i'm sure it will in just any minute if not already yeah it's just sputtering a little bit sputtering a little bit uh while we're waiting for that uh in my review and this is basically as far as i've gone now is i built the arcade here because for the review it doesn't really matter where i make it put anything i guess i was just testing the gameplay i have a feeling this park is not gonna last but we'll see um but yeah i'm happy to keep it here so let's try this again now we can obviously change this in the future if we want but just to get moving getting some some things planted down and seeing how things work be nice to place it here so department store it's a shopping arcade it can make a toaster a vacuum cleaner crockery refrigerator or briefcase it takes 240 artisans to make and it very nicely fits here which way would be a good way to face it this way or that way i like this way behold the gallery of batterette now sacred halls have to have product worthy of worship get the suckers leaving with their arms full [Music] unselected your catalog is pretty skinny it's okay donnie has some ideas to fatten it up i already put notes in the margins is it different your ship has returned from its voyage currently this department store is not selling anything open the shopping catalog and choose i've increased their voices by the way hopefully it's not too loud it's just his one seems to be quieter than everyone else's um toaster so that's going to take filament zinc and steel in principle all shopping arcades act like public services but they consume input goods much larger is the finest part the way our wares present themselves is everything we take great care as long as the selected design you've paid all virtue in them dies as long as the selected design patent can be produced it'll fulfill the skyscrapers residents need for the type of shopping arcade no matter what product you've selected cherry atop our beautiful friendship cake all right we're worried about all this make sure you have a warehouse nearby okay crunky aside from fulfilling the need for a department store it also has a beneficial effect so we get to happiness five percent of the workers when i think i'm negative ten percent struggle negative ten percent to jewelry and negative fifteen percent to light bulbs okay consumption now one thing i actually don't know is if you build a skyscraper does it increase the needs of people living there and i've never thought about this actually playing the game he is a magnet for just generally this is sure to please many customers uh is that whether or not it matters a toaster if more people live in a house pipe toasty smells out and put the suckers in mind of breakfast surrounded by family childhood camping trips all weak spots will target all right it's going to pass out for a second so i can get my thoughts out so basically around this town hall excuse me around this town hall i think i've got like something like you know 20 more people living per household than you'd otherwise normally be able to fit in an engineer household and i've never really thought about but does that increase the amount of goods they consume or is it per household what they consume because let's say you have a house with one person living in it a farmer residence and it consumes like whatever amount of fish if that fills up to 10 does it consume more fish i never really thought about it i always thought it was per household but i don't know but i guess i can try and measure that and find out these tips apply to shopping arcades the green street overlay indicates where input goods can be fetched from components of our vacuums are handmade you know the green street overlay indicates which skyscrapers will have a need for shopping arcade fulfilled and the circle indicates which residents benefit from the current patent so everything in the blue circle is what the modified modifier effect will give people when toasters are made so it's like oh the negative 15 to light bulbs the green street overlay indicates which skyscrapers will have the need for a shopping arcade fulfilled okay so the blue line is the modifier effect of buildings the green line is where if this if this is a skyscraper it would have its need fulfilled because it can get to the arcade and then the green line also indicates where you can get stuff from so if there was a warehouse here okay this represents an extra ordinary breakthrough in the field so we need filaments steel and zinc all right we'll have to get cracking on that we can upgrade this one now yeah there we go and that's it guys that's as far as i've gone everything's new territory for me um all right so weak panorama effect we'll have to learn about that soon sustain across the region 70 of the department store for one minute so let's get the ship going got my voice i'm gonna take a drink of water everything else is fine making lots of um what's it called uh elevators now so that's good but i got the one idle ship [Music] i might have to make some more i'm gonna need a lot more stuff i would imagine i'll just crank out two more um all right so orders you need zinc yeah a lot of random things create a root trade route uh lusk to swords this is gonna be i think it's called lusk to swords eight we've got a lot of these and it's gonna stay in the old world we're gonna assign our new ship seven and then we're gonna basically give it uh let's see if i can remember it so it's raw materials zinc two lots of zinc and this is only going to be consumed one per out one per minute so that's a basically an hour's worth of goods you could maybe wait to unload or something with this kind of thing it's a bit crazy if you want to deliver it all the time although if you just set limits i guess it's fine anyways um filaments i got it all right filaments and then the next one come on darren you can think of it it was zinc filaments and i have no idea all right let me check again this is beneficial a horribly fractured mind new steel okay [Music] um and just while i'm doing this you know me i like to make these routes as confusing as possible actually now i'm not going to i was going to add the um construction resource on the second lap but i don't i'll just deliver it manually um with actually we have a construction trade route i can just add it to that all right cool that's done maybe wait to unload although that would block the thing i'll just leave it i guess it's fine all right new ship seven boom plus the swords so we'll call this the the toasty is that how you spell toasty or is it i.e i don't know uh right this ship can go pick up the elevator so we can start to upgrade a few more things and the toasty did i give it i i didn't actually give it a propeller just do that really quickly as well i'll go stations all right off it goes only i'm reporting in good right let's go get those elevators make a manual delivery and uh get started on building up more skyscrapers that can take effect 124. now we're cranking them out now oh no why okay good all right we're flying we're only like 40 minutes in um i'm about to make our first thing i'm glad that it's using artisans it's really nice because we've always had too many of them and it looks like our range actually covers quite a lot i wonder does it affect scholar households for certain things like ex well you don't make money on scopes a man could damn their soul for such all right good [Music] holy crap look at these people floating out of here oh we're sped up that's why i guess we could take a little mini walk around here all the shops aren't open technically yet does it say what it has on no oh you can actually see through that's kind of cool i mean it's like the windows for the different things that they're selling i guess this morning it is a it is a weird looking building to be honest it looks like wise it's all maybe all buildings look like that i've never thought about it though before i guess so i guess yeah i guess so i never really thought about that because i was just thinking like oh it's only got like five windows it's supposed to be like a mall but i guess it kind of makes sense if the scales are a bit different golden mall cool all right and uh fairly soon our first delivery should come in of these three things so we've got our filaments already here steel and zinc let's just have a look really quickly in the shopping catalog so we've got um toasters this fully automated breakfast machine is apparently calibrated perfectly for the toast that's just right simply pop in a slice wait and soon you'll smell the delightful scent of perfectly toasted bread if you like your bread rare or well done look elsewhere special offer um so we have vacuum cleaners crockery refrigerator and briefcase so what do we get we have do they all give they give a bit of a happiness this gives 16 percent income both this gives a 15 22 and a 12 percent are these dlc it needs arctic gas so yes and this needs embassad san gacao so yes what about this one this needs liqueur lacquer paint huh i haven't seen that i assume that's this this dlc what is this scene celluloid that's something new as well hmm okay interesting you have my attention what do we have here chewing gum investor scott's here oh yeah i've totally forgot let's look at the ornaments can have a look at those too got some blank space out here so what do we have a small spotlight that's the time play let's just go to night time see does it come on no it does nice [Music] uh then we've got a large spotlight skyscraper model globe statue a hot air balloon oh yeah i saw this in the trailer i was wondering like how that operates so i guess it just rises up and comes back down that's cool i wonder does it do any movement um a city fountain the hell was that oh it's this off you go delete the base and they can never get back that's cool so dear god they're not supposed to go that high our first hot balloon test was a complete failure our city fountain this one looks nice so kids are playing inside of it that's cool splash fountains oh that's really cool as well dynamic oh wow 14 different things the combination nice that's cool and then we have a tower billboard advertising the skyline tower and then white cherry pews which i assume are just the cherry blossoms just with no color yep basically the green base to them do they have a green base they have a white base okay there's a little bit of a difference [Music] and that's it all right yeah some of these are quite nice i like the hot air balloon the fountains are cool that fountain's awesome [Music] the skyline tower monument searchlights are cool too actually i gotta say it's yeah it's a good selection good selection toasters are selling fast imagine the profits if we add more types of products in our stores we have the toasters made now dude there we go chip constructed estimated toaster sales oh i see one ton of toasters all right cool and those are all the houses that we're affecting so we're not actually covering the investors household so this skyscraper has met this thing and it can go to 104 now perfect [Music] so i have to drop off those uh there we go extra elevators have been dropped off so any what's next in the tutorial so maintain that sustain across the region 70 of the department store supply for one minute well we have it at a hundred percent so time oh tomorrow's trends oh it's because of this the bubbles this catalog will be bursting in no time and with a fat profit i take it you're not turning down the co-opportunity of a lifetime absolutely not donny all right on board a wise one to kick off we have to invest in r and d aboard chore but we delegate once we built them their lab we can get on to the real stuff i'm gonna move an arcade here or place an arcade here so it covers the other building i think i can get rid of four houses then and with the building tall we'll get that population back in no time all right does it fit if it's sideways kind of works because we can have it open up into the um kind of open area here obviously we're gonna have to do a bit of a redesign of some of these areas i have no idea where the tower monument's gonna go or how big it is but if it's even the same size as this just in time i don't know that's why i was saying it might have to go here uh all right we have another one you can see because of the hill that there's way more steps leading up to this than there is on this one looks a bit funky i understand why it has to be done though but there's no extra space for that now uh we could turn this then to what the hell is this oh i don't know what that is holding shift does it turns everything green [Music] except the skyscraper okay i'm sure i'll learn i'll leave it uh but yeah so i want to just change the look of this kind of make it look a bit more closed in there we go so we have our little cut through the required permit to expand the campus doesn't quite make that much sense anymore though already so they're making toasters as well just straight away we should be delivering enough stuff that it's not a problem so filaments zinc and steel just want to set a reserve limit on lusk just in case we take too much uh zinc i don't think it needs a reserve to be honest but let's just set a thousand reserve steel as well gonna set a reserve of one thous and filaments one hundred okay filaments i think we'll probably need to bring in more through the docklands uh so maybe i'll just increase that as well temporarily and then work out the numbers behind the scenes or in a future episode an explosion in one of your factories using gold just increasing from 360 to 420 you know why oh yeah i never went to the arctic industry in your igloo that was weird the way it did that green thing um all right that was the only ruin so that should sustain that so we've done it nice sure you weren't about to stop here these skyscrapers can go even higher and if they can they should level value one so what does he want to do upgrade an engineer into so the next one is market research the lab obsessed with shopping arcades promise of profit donald bader tasks you with commandeering office space amid the ex existing engineer apartments for a so-called market research lab he wants to develop new patents there or as he calls them the needs for of tomorrow upgrade an engineer residence into a skyscraper from its menu and then the gazebo plaza is accessible within the investor construction science elegant beautiful the gazebo and oh i'll find out about that later i don't see that yet uh so upgrade to level two so let's just get another engineer one like he said boring we're shaping the future of consume here the outside's drab has to show off what happens inside people like gardens right slap a gazebo next to it okay should be a breeze now for miss jenny my house help here to get to work we do the big picture she'll do the nitty-gritty all right there we go level two yes level two never mind one footnote my name is theodora although mr bader seems to prefer miss jenny an honor to make your acquaintance what is your last name jenny miss jenny be a dear i have a cup here with no coffee in it now hey our first patent you've earned the executive decision partner what will it be all right create on any skyscraper the highest skyscrapers surrounded by lower ones would provide the best panoramas of the city yeah so i did see this i haven't actually played it but i saw this on a stream where people are saying like you have to stagger these so that they get the panorama effect skyscraper residents like to have an unobstructed panoramic view when looking out their windows having smaller skyscrapers around them supports the panorama effect skyscrapers that are taller or of equal height reduces the effect the stronger the panorama effect the higher the population will be in the skyscraper that's kind of an interesting uh take on building that's why building in a line here won't work um because i think you need three so you need a second layer anyway when you select the skyscraper smaller skyscrapers are colored in green taller or equal height are colored in brown click on the question mark okay so that's oh right right right so the green is all the same height i see okay so create any two intense panoramas so we've got decent so one two three four so that'd be three strong panorama and then i think it would have to be this one but just to test it let's see can it be this one oh it can oh so it doesn't actually so this doesn't directly border it you know by traditional anno standards but it does i wonder is it a connection effect then cool and what about these guys they have no panorama yeah really not even being next to a regular residence i guess not okay so they create two intense so how would i do that this could go up a level right and then yeah that'd be two i think let's try that now i didn't even look at the cost of this how much was that it's still only two elevators that's not that bad i thought it would get exponentially more expensive as you go i like them it's a bit weird that they're like yellow isn't it and the other ones are red i mean i guess it's nice for a diversity sake to break up the city actually i didn't expect that oh yeah we could probably change how they look actually oh you can go from big medium to s all right so i can't have a big tile on top of a little one which obviously makes sense but good to know so it's okay so you could have a little bit on a big bit i wonder do people stand on the tops then or anything oh you could just have a chunky chad the whole way up all right cool let's go like a two and a one why not that's kind of yeah that's kind of cool all right that breaks things up and what about control v oh we can just totally change the style oh yeah cool that's really cool loving it so far all right so that's two and they go to 164 so by default we had 64. we've added 100 by leveling up twice and this panorama is now decent because we got rid of the one that was inten uh the help to be intense but this would make it intense again wouldn't it oh no it's only strong oh wow so now that one's intense and this one's decent so two more would that do it a truly intense panorama of the city reserve an apartment for me at the top i'd love to be the envy of others so that creates two intense panoramas i can't imagine you can have much more than that though two next to each other like that level value two smaller neighboring slicers so bonus income bonus residence sorry 25 per house because it's intense and uh income perhaps 15 percent because the intense panorama so that helps also offset the oh we're still losing money though here so they're losing money these are also losing money okay though well at least we did it um so we completed that objective the next one higher and higher baby upgrade to level two skyscraper and investor so they're full up now so just just because they have the toasters it's all right up to you how and where these towers grow just make them grow real high so now they need chewing gum and they'll need biscuits to get to the next level so level three i don't know how many levels there are three four maybe four i assume four because of the uh what else is needed oh yeah that looks really good doesn't it i like these ones just because they're they're like white to match the buildings below them let's shuffle through and see what else we is that got something oh my god that is such a beautiful looking building holy crap i love it what the hell is this how is that a skyscraper did this just not like not load in or something oh did i zoom in too far no that was weird another bug i guess that's cool though look at the gold top to it it's like a corner building yeah it looks really nice and then i guess what we could do is mess around with that and change the middle bits so we start with a two and then a one yeah and it creates like little balconies for everyone yeah nice it's cool a little modular system yeah i liked um i don't know which one it was actually but that one's actually pretty nice we'll just leave it like that for now all right market research the patent choose a patent to research my guru here's a pitch yeah sorry here's a pitch customers are demanding but gullible that's great for us they'll have you think they want convenience luxury quality but what they really want is to be led to what they want we had them on toast with the toaster i say exploit the moment use it the suckers are salivating for a new gadget so let's provide one cunning right electrifying um add another machine or i think the galleria should be a place of glamour we need something luxurious yeah something luxurious why not actually that's a good point i didn't even check the luxury options luxury yes my guru we model the opulent lifestyle and then labor under the illusion that they can have it all if only they work hard enough hilarious what did you have in mind the toasted numbers surely speak for themselves something culinary or something complimentary people need more or something to eat off of or a high-end bag no no no no compliment the toasters crockery yes why reinvent the wheel when we can just slap a new coat of paint on it and sell it let's make it a staple piece the good china for special occasions they'll need to be of the finest material of course the more they break the more we'll sell agreed to the concrete crockery miss jenny let's get us some blue inks and add the company logo that's how they'll know it's genuine baiter i just realized are we getting more influence three very well mr bader two i'll say to it we are i wonder will it go up to four when we get stupendous 150. i'll be in contact once the lab have finalized the patent sweet so we need to make chewing gum chewing gum so it's going to require sugar cane cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon but if you didn't have tourism you wouldn't have cinnamon i guess they've given this to people who own this as well i understand a lot of people buy the seasons but some people don't just from a design point of view you have to um account for people that might just buy one dlc someone broke into the office the paints for the brand logo have been stolen the paints for the brand logo have been stolen we're out miss jenny i thought your work was your life well but can you still continue our research i'm afraid not without these materials i cannot move forward with the prototype prototype darn it this is stalinist wasted time wasted money miss jenny my partner and i will have to look at your salary won't we okay so i need to get you can replace the missing goods you know keep up your side of the bargain not sure i trust miss jenny to do it on current form likely an eager rival trying to tweak his odds i'm used to slander it's part and parcel of the business but that appears should stoop to thievery embarrassing production will take time so let's diversify our portfolio the arcade could cater for the furnishing of empty office towers we now have the required permit interesting it's so basically it seems like you need at least 15 skyscrapers at level two to be able to unlock celluloid so we have to do that first and then to get paint we have to deliver him 15 paint icing paint lacquer we need 15 investor skyscrapers at level three they haven't even gone to level three yet so that's gonna be quite a while away um but i was just gonna say about this like um it seems like they're actually after giving the only reason i'd be in any way slightly bothered about this it's like oh well you know you pay for tourism dlc you get access to certain things and then to see that arrive in another dlc is a bit strange but whatever if you treat it as a season i suppose it's not not weird but maybe they just felt like there's just too many orchards instead of adding more all the time so i can understand it's just i just didn't expect it it's all so chewing a chew a chemical plant for chewing gum and it has to be built in the new world and it can produce chewing gum ethanol and celluloid all right over to the new world we go uh so this is actually the island we make cinnamon on i think yeah we've got two cinnamon coming in there now i think globally i have it set so that everything we make is just evened out for oh no oh hey look at that we have more cinnamon that we need not worked out uh we could build it here right if we need that then where is it chewing gum am i totally blind there it is chewing gum so we need cow chuck sugar refiners well the good thing here is actually this island is full of sugar and it has cinnamon but it doesn't have the cow chuck cow chick would have to be delivered here or and what does this take 125 heroes oh god oh we'll have to do it here then i've got a little bit of space right around this area where the factories are uh see this island houses all the cinnamon anyway and everything it's our it's sort of like our depot island everything gets delivered here before it goes off somewhere else so there's probably enough cinnamon and sugar and all sorts here already virtuoso so let's just slam it down and see what we got on the island uh yeah that fits really well actually just do two of them fit here uh maybe we turn them lengthways to get rid of this fencing don't know if i'll need to just to have the room chewing gum so cow chuck we have 300 on the island 100 sugar and cinnamon so what's the deal with sugar we get that from let's find out sugar agree supply comes in from both the other islands wherever we can get it obviously mainly it comes from this island where there's a thousand in storage then it goes on a specialty route it has its own route just to go to lusk that's weird it's waiting to be picked up right now this place getting mega busy um if we go back to the old world and i just wanna i'm trying to remember exactly where that sugar goes i assume into lemonade or something i think oh you know what i think it just goes directly to the home island as well because yes it's on the fine dining route so it's been delivered there's a thousand eight hundred sugar on that island so we're actually taking too much or taking in too much i guess we'll just have to wait until it fills up and then you get that natural backlog but it's going into the restaurants different things are being consumed okay easy enough to track that um does that bode well for this it does actually i think yeah actually that does bode well as long as we have a minimum reserve that we're not taking uh let's set it to be 200 so i that ship's not going to actually pick anything up right now we're gonna let this do its chewing gum business and we've got an excess of cinnamon so that's fine and the cow chuck one is a bit more of a concern because i believe that goes to lusk and it gets turned into a variety of different things but and we also off uh supplemented on here so that's neither cow chick there 400. if i have a look at the trade history of this we're bringing in roughly probably about 250 times i don't need to change that then it's just going to take more from it so again more demands on steel everything i've done assembly um the what's it called sorry the assembly factories the toasters this is all taking steel so steel is a lot more strain has just been put thrown onto it there now we've got too many elevators probably now and the fact that they're just using the construction resource but eventually these are probably going to be used for the other things like biscuits that might what else do they need tallow citrus and flour all right so we can actually ease up the typewriters will need steel though again and brass oh man heavy heavy industry we do have an excess of brass over in crown farms though so that could be brought here i'm not seeing anything too crazy yet nothing too crazy nothing extra convenient it's super easy or convenient but nothing too crazy and what do we have furniture store luxurious skyscraper ornaments what were they saying about a galleria and stuff i thought he said he could build something i could have sworn you said there's like a building you can build for investors now but don't know what it is other than just the department store maybe we haven't got it yet yeah i don't know all right looking good uh so basically we'll just need to set up a new route so we need two ships actually we just made two ships didn't we [Music] uh they are done i don't know where they went oh they're over here yeah so these two ships can get their propellers put on them where are you the ship is quite close by as well oh no why get the propellers put on them one of them is going to stay local to the old world one stay local to the new world and deal with any of these new things that we need to do like move chewing gum um yeah so go from portobeneus to lusk delivering that chewing gum and hopefully delivering anything else that's going to be made over there like celluloid i think it said and then that other ship will then be here dealing with all the skyscraper goods going into swords itself hold the crane all right cool so just to reiterate on what i meant to create a new route trade route starting at the new world at puerto bruce we're going to pick up i assume a consumer good is it consumer good yep picking up that chewing gum we'll just leave it at 50 for now or maybe we'll put um well i think with just the one good it will be we will be able to pick it up every every 50 deliveries and then just bring it to the old world bring it to lusk drop it off there so that's just our holding bay island right this ship is just going to come in and out come in and out constantly uh so that's going to be [Music] well i don't know gun for now i don't know what else to call it really and that's gonna be new world to old world except and then after that we make another route trade route uh we go from lusk wait a second we did make a new route today oh yeah delivering everything for yeah so i can actually change this probably now to get rid of that and then that and we can put in three other goods that will be used in the other factory thing later so i'll just save that as a route sorry if that's confusing what i'm talking about but anyway you don't need to worry about it it'll make sense probably in the next episode so lusk we're going to pick up that chewing gum if we can find it lots of chocolate here by the way um yep that's it that's that's really all it is and lots of room then for other stuff later yeah so this is going to be called uh lusk to swords nine stays in the old world and that's all it does nice new music so let's swords nine unfortunately with my roman numerals here it's actually thrown it all the way down here i guess maybe i should have just numbered them um so that's just chewing gum for now yeah that should be fine though i mean it depends how greedy they are how what the demand is actually i didn't even check that so all islands consumer goods so oh it's tiny we make two tons per minute and we don't even consume one so it seems like it's barely even anything i suppose that we don't actually have that many we've only got a couple of these buildings so let's just speed it up let's wait for the trickle effect of that chewing gum and then we'll call it there for this episode and i'll be straight back with the next episode again um and i'll probably do three episodes per week by the way just to get through some of the stuff a bit quicker so this is going out on sunday uh i think i'll go back to sunday tuesday and thursday as i have before so wednesday is now going to be if i can get that frostbunk save running again such a mess but basically the frostpunk game that i've got going on for anyone who's watching that series um it's i've reached an impasse a bug that's happening where all my docs go offline so i can't progress people will just starve but i i can kind of do a workaround if i reload an old save and do something and then just progress it just means going over something i've already done which is a bit weird but at least it would let me finish the series which i'd like to do at this point i've been so inconsistent i almost feel like it doesn't matter when i upload it but if as long as i stick to three days per week with this i think it'd be fine [Music] resist oh that miss jenny's waiting outside her building is she looks nice by the way and then we could always move these and pop them over there if we wanted to it's just that they would lose their panorama effect and lose their [Music] bonuses so up to 204 already it's pretty crazy considering 64 is on the standard one and this is going to give us 10 more engineers and 98 coins and then they need the furniture now furniture let's just keep time moving actually it's going to be a while before we feel this trickle furniture is you need 15 of level 3 skyscrapers oh man we do need a lot the other thing i might as well do then while we're waiting is pick up bring so grab as many elevators as we can bring them all back here i wonder if there any new um uh what's it called modifying items and stuff in the clc there wasn't with tourism i think they wanted to keep things just as balanced as they could i'll have to look into that as well construction material 300 there we go elevators 300 elevators 300 tons of elevators getting shipped in i'm going to start basically turning all of this into like skyscrapers might look a bit odd around the um hotels but i think it looked fine probably won't do anything with these ones i think they're fine on their own maybe it wouldn't look too bad just going level two this is or level one i mean these are level two level one might be okay in some of the bottom ones along the edges here yeah that might look quite nice and then for the engineers i haven't really planned it out i think a lot of these could handle it down here by the docks these side buildings here but i've kind of created my city with so many like random kind of openings and weird disjointed things like to make them look really nice doesn't really fit the i just didn't i didn't anticipate that that's what they would do with the whole panorama effect stuff what's good makes me think in a different way you actually get three attraction value because of the luminaries park attractiveness on a bunch of different buildings service buildings [Music] influence is fine though i guess we're climbing influence because of the growing numbers did it go up to four it actually didn't oh we haven't hit 150 though maybe it will when we do that it might be like yeah i don't know actually how much per per household [Music] yeah i don't know something like if it was one influence per per 40 that might make sense but that wouldn't really work hi this one's only at 55. all right where's that gum let's track it down [Music] so it has it arrived in lusk yet no gum has arrived in lusk yet [Music] and in the new world we've got two there [Music] this ship is carrying 18 it's bringing it bringing it to lusk so not too long to go might as well get the other ship ready and in place if we know that we're just waiting on that which is where exactly where it is now so it's right right where it needs to be all right let's just speed up time we'll just wait for the ship to come in basically this has been good so far i'm enjoying it a lot of um repeat mechanics so far from tourism but i'm assuming although the panorama stuff is new and that's very cool but the the general idea of like the multi-factory and the uh consumer building that gives you effect it's the exact same as tourism and it's literally just like a different looking building but does the exact same stuff mechanically uh unless i'm mistaken but um i'm early yet obviously so we need to go a little bit further find out more stuff along the production chain see what else is in store for us in terms of quests and how we get that monument built still waiting on this to come in i'll just see if we can track it there it is 18 tons of gum coming in uh actually while i am waiting another thing i can do is go up to archibald and see what else we can buy i can finally let go that pent up gas oh that's pent up gas captains of industry i don't know i'm looking for ship items like this not too many of them though we've got loads of them uh want to get the the more rare version if we could find it why did that just change in front of my eyes [Music] what is this an eye letting machine affects boot major boot makers when running errands for her majesty i often find myself in madam kahina's experience company does have a little thing going on with madame gehenna little fanfic archibald background lure there well it's not fanfic it's in the game actually but you can imagine some fanfic for that i mean i certainly can we do know the type he's into right from umbesa i'm so sorry all right um come on give me another propeller so stingy another good one jesus come on really not even one more 260 grand every role now god i hate this mechanic i would pay 10 times more for the actual item if i could just get it directly you know anyway we probably have the uh the thing now so we can just speed this up it'll go collect it's gum hey oh yeah it's just waiting it always bothers me that an airship i guess it's taking up the loading bay there's no one even there now what's your problem it's letting this one go ahead what are you doing delivering clay oh my god how slow is that there we go we have the 18 gum our prized possession [Music] all right and i'm excited to see and eager to see well i guess actually we have to upgrade a lot of houses before we'll really see this but in the next episode it'll be good i'm just going to go through all these now that we've got all this construction this all these elevators we're pretty much ready and in place to oh we ran out of souvenirs again everything is a nice swift ride away hardly any effort to expend i'm sure there's some on the way um and if not i'll look into why but yeah there's a lot of upgrading to do i think i've got loads of construction materials so that's not really an issue just thinking about it now actually hang on i am i am curious about souvenirs it's always it's such a struggle to get that one right i don't know why we always seem to run out of something with regards to it zero on the island that sorry i've got some coming in they just haven't arrived yet i wonder was there a hiccup or a slowdown in production what's the problem your ships have to wait a long time here really at crown farms not so long ago i'd have dealt with this myself that doesn't sound right why would you have to wait a long time what's your problem there's a pier right there and there and there hold the crane all right sorry they're waiting to load they need to load to be full up but for some reason they've gone and both loaded i don't understand how that's even happened the reality of it hits you that's strange that's never happened before only are reporting in yeah they load 200 and then the other one loads and then waits to get to 200. permit to expand the campus strange anyway has the gum arrived the gum has arrived 9 out of 10 engineers basically fault um and then the next thing is just going to be basically to say tomorrow the next episode is just going to be me upgrading a bunch of these houses getting up to level 15 unlocking all the next buildings and progressing as quick as we can i think we did a pretty good job though a lot of the foundations of what i had in place seem to work out well already although like i said i've been building a little bit without checking too much what's going on as long as steel remains above like 2 000 i'm sure that's okay and hopefully docklands is keeping up with all that we've taken to wearing hard hats here logs seem fine etc the extra strain on brass is even holding out i don't even know how that's happening considering it was kind of low so yeah all totally totally fine i see no challenge thus far you're buying way too much okay and i'm leaving you uncontested all right so that's gonna be it for this episode guys a little bit of a long one but it's good to be back i don't mind doing a long episode if you guys don't mind considering the absences and the delay for getting this dlc uh next episode like i said just gonna do a bunch of upgrades and progress with the tutorial chains and story chain for the dlc all right thank you guys very much for watching thanks for all the support and the very kind words of people who are following and asking where the series was and stuff really do appreciate it and i'll see you in the next one hey guys thank you very much for watching and remember if you want to support the series directly you can click the join button to become a channel member doing so will get your name in the credits as well as loyalty badges and emotes to use in the comments if you don't see the join button it means the video has been copyright claimed but you can still join from the channel page on desktop you can also link your account to our discord to get a special role on there that'll give you access to the senate house and a few other perks [Music]
Channel: RepublicOfLetsPlay
Views: 23,941
Rating: 4.9729271 out of 5
Id: Pi-zVx42D8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 2sec (4322 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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