Buckskin (2021) | Full Movie | Tom Zembrod | Robert Keith | Blaze Freeman

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[Music] uh [Music] [Music] sir what is it patrick just badges who must have seen this nobody speak captain uh work from the north go on the natives ambushed william and his men on their journey home the count 17 dead i meant the pelt count any losses um the men were found naked and scalped and there were no pelts left behind 17 men dead you say yes sir when we found them they were animals already began to picket their flesh savages very well have the men gather the carcasses and return back to camp so they can give them a proper burial you're dismissed leave i was with your son when uh dead music where did this happen the foot of the buckskin forest i sent a scout team but with the rumors uh there is a man in camp that cooks for the others wears a a wolf skinned cap do you know him porter you send word that i wish to speak to him yes sir it's the news take a small team of men up north have them bring shovels dig a hole about a hundred meters from town when they're done have them show you where it is then fox for the winter speaking of mass [Music] grave porter what's the point of being alone in a church if you can't be alone in church my apologies captain would like to speak with you i'll have a word with my captain after i'm done having a word with my god i'm afraid your god can wait you can leave us that's it you sent for me from what i'm told the the men enjoy your food well i'm pleased here you say that captain tell me how does a trapper become a cook a plague that takes the lives of both his children and vow to protect what little family he got left that the winters are less harsh here in the fort i take it that you've heard about the men coming home from the north yeah i just prayed for their souls i heard about william my condolences it's always difficult to accept the loss of a son my son ought to have been a general by now it's far more difficult to accept failure than death when he died with his men there's honor in that were you aware that my grandson levi was with him he's gone missing and a alive dead i don't know i'm sorry for your pain levi and my son were very close josiah you were always loyal to the company and to the men and to me the others got used to taking orders from you you were as strong as they come sir the rear ruthless but when it comes to finding my grandson my own resolve meets theirs yeah perhaps you can send a team of men up the north trails before any winter snow blows in and covers up those tracks we are 17 men short of what we were soon to be 18. tell me what men can i spare what is it that you asking me kevin your mind wanders i'm sorry what is it i am to go up the north trails tomorrow for what purpose captain's grandson levi has gone missing up there and he chose you why this is what he asks of me why not one of the other men someone younger someone who traps for a living i'm gonna need you to cook for the minute until i return where where what where on the trail the women here talk i know those men were ambushed at the foot of the buckskin woods they were looking for a quicker way home a home they never arrived at we both know that place is evil at least see her before you go her fortune might persuade you to think twice about the captain's orders [Music] strong ashamed that was my past i'm interested in my future indeed many men are but the truth there's a difference one cannot have a future without first accepting the truth they are one in the same you will have a long journey to a familiar place a place with a past filled with agony the same as yours and there is death in the trees blood in the water you will not survive the journey you can see my death you will not survive the journey i've survived those woods before death never makes the same mistake twice so first things first the belts are lost i won't go up the trails looking for them the deal is for levi and levi alone anything else is gonna add a week or so to the trip and that's with pac mules understood second i'm not winding up scalped on the edge of the riverbank if i spot even one native tailing me i turn and make back for the fort agreed there are no posts that far over so i'm gonna be on foot when i make it to the woods i'm going to need both my hands free anyway all right anything else is there some kind of reward for this i'd hate to leave my wife core in a bind if and i wind up lost or dead there's a hundred dollar bonus from the southwest fur company for the man that brings my grandson home i pray that that man is you so what news 100 bonus from the southwest fur company not him what was your fortune i didn't go see her why not the amount of native blood i spilt saving that boy will not bring ours back you'll be all right make sure you feed my mouth [Music] porter entering you leaving yep got to make the best of whatever decent light i got left what is it henry it's just uh how is it that you run into the forest when others run away from it when my son passed came by and visited brought piles of fresh-cut dry wood nobody asked me to do it somebody told him he just did it god speed all right henry did you look after my wife to about a term okay leave us henry you sent word for me captain excuse me you sent word for me captain when you're in this house you will address me by my proper name and my rank i am positive that i have earned it sit sit down so the cook came to see you did he not you may speak freely here yes captain yes captain and you told him of his future yes captain and what did you tell him about his future i told him the truth which is i told him he would not return from his journey tell me which your father was pawnee and your mother was white how does one come to do what you do before my father was murdered he taught me the pawnee rituals many of which allow me to see into one's future the future excuse me but i do not understand what you want from me captain i want you to tell me what happens to my grandson [Music] why are you following me yeah i hello mean to frighten you do i look frightened no no you don't oh actually i was just hoping uh maybe i could come with you no my journey's dangerous and you being the way you are just going to slow me down you should make back for the 4 nightfalls well why is it i can't be a trapper you're weak i've seen animals larger than you kill and eat other animals that are also larger than you have other skills skills such as i can trap small animals i can build fires i don't need a cook i can uh gather wood uh kindling i can manage myself the answer's no i can't go back this soon man at camp don't respect me okay they just make jokes about me they said i wouldn't survive the night out on the trail and i've seen many men stronger than you go out and brave that trail and die or wind up missing not you and you could teach me the art of survival what's your name miles well miles why don't you get some wood makers of fire we'll make camp here tonight but you'll head back to the fort in the morning all right tell the man i'm demanding it tell them tell him that you saved me from a wild boar and when i return i will tell him it's the truth really he would do that for me go on yes sir [Music] so i did good yeah yep keep the flames low or surrounded with rock and they'll keep the wolves at bay if they don't see the fire step one to survive on the trail eat your meat without looking at it first who is he huh the girl you're trying to impress i wish it were that simple so you're going after uh the captain's grandson here that's right i heard he might be hiding in the buckskin you find it hard being the way you are sometimes sometimes you can't do what other young men can do but uh find purpose not purpose it's not something easy for a trapper to understand i'm not a trapper anymore just a cook our scars only remind us that the past was real before i came to kingston my brothers and i lived upriver one night the ricoh came through spent 10 of them on horseback offered him our pals you know but three wanted something else they held each of us to the flame one by one thing i remember most is the smell burning flesh sometimes when i'm asleep you ever uh wake up cause you feel like you're falling [Music] sometimes i wake up feeling like my skin's on fire so i try to concentrate on the things i can do rather than the other way around and yet here you are pretending to come along with me to win the win the favor of the other trappers back at the fort oh i am human how's your drink great man [Music] i got company gentlemen heard about your little hunt last night yes there's a white man that hides in our trees on the trail we don't want his stench covering our land your land all right i guess we can call it that for now what's this [ __ ] for the scalp of the man in the woods savages business is business [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] drop the blade drop the blade trapper all of it you know where you're going that there's the buckskin woods man it'd be crazy to go in there i'm here under captain coleman's orders who captain coleman of the southwest fur company name don't mean squat to me and who sent you akira or his dog kale cook i thought i smelled cowards for hire i'm up [Music] come on [Music] water water water so how did you know akira said us neighbors are known to strike deals with men like you men like us traitors whispering to travel from fourth to fourth looking for easy coin whatever they promised y'all doubling i'll triple it just get me inside the buckskin woods and whenever i find what i'm looking for you follow me on back to fort kingston and there you'll get paid straight from the safe of captain coleman himself from the southwest fur company 10 coins triple makes it 30. what do we tell the indians about you tell me you never found me they don't pay us to come back empty-handed this time they did all right but first i want to know what the hell you're doing going into them woods my business there is none of your concern the hell it ain't you know what people say about those woods what happens a fella travels too deep into that brush we got a deal or not i got a piss well hurry up they're gonna be here any minute i want to say we don't go back to fort kingston and then you do a dirty deal on us and my shooting bag hanging from your saddle there's a small book inside with the terms written by captain coleman himself go on have a look all right i will there ain't no goddamn book in here if you're gonna call out to him you're gonna have to yell real loud cisco ah uh knife knees when the blood in your veins returns to the sea and the earth in your bones becomes one with the ground perhaps then you will remember that this land does not belong to you it is you that belongs to this land tell me again [Music] the ground on which you stand does not belong to you so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] captain i think i see porter coming where are the others where are the pelts i ask you a question men are dead the pellets are floating down the river as we speak the real heaven and the matter of ours you care to elaborate they re-decimated the men shoreline the river's been compromised you have to go back in there i need those pelts and that's in order in order you want those goddamn pelts you can get them yourself my wife didn't work for me weeks ago and i tend to be home before the first snow falls captain what about your fellow company men i made sure they received a proper burial the fever spread through the camp your wife fell ill the doctors say that she'll survive though she's alive yeah what about my children i'm sorry porter wesley do you understand what i just told you kevin you're telling me i no longer have children [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm it's all there i'm not a thief believe that you ate the berries yes they're hallucinogens they relays their arrowheads with them so you can't fight back when they put the blade to their scalp [Laughter] some men say it can make it seem as if entire limbs just vanish off your body numbs you if the savages find you like that scalp you first then they cut off your man parts and hang them around their neck as a trophy prize thank you you're welcome who sent you ah your grandfather did how would you probably start a course home home yeah home back back to fort kingston back to your grandfather i haven't seen another white man in these woods since i arrived levi whatever happened to you out here in these we cannot stay we must go home remember home remember the savages have the river high ground trees to the south now there's another path of taking it east that's right through the flats i wouldn't open you dream mister levi the longer we stay here the more we get lost you must trust me as as if these woods expand yes i know i spent a week walking in a circle for someone who's been here before you sure don't understand the rules the natives have for this place i know the rules once you're in there's no getting out this is where you fell ill and this is where we are now it can't be that's a day's walk at least like i said the woods expand they pull you in deeper is that why you stayed here all this time my grandfather shouldn't have sent you sleep we should move with the sun the trees whisper to the reed they should be here soon so levi we're going the wrong way remember what i said about the high ground i'd expect to go ease by traveling west your compass is useless here the sun's light is my compass the woods may play tricks but to my knowledge i cannot change the direction of the sun's light i don't think you understand no it's you're the one that doesn't understand your grandfather hired me to find you and bring you home and that's exactly what i intend to do my map says east not west who are you i'm the man here since save your ass they slaughtered them even the men who surrendered they lifted their hands what they cut off their fingers they begged for mercy but they cut out their tongues they smiled as they did it there was so much blood it pooled in the dirt like rain water i watched as they took my father and you got away i ran into the woods the last of the men to be killed saw me run i hid in the brush and watched as they were disemboweled i saw my father's eyes i swear it he'd rather be torn to pieces than hide in these woods this place is evil these woods don't care about pelts the furs of your heart it wants your soul how do you know this because i try to take mine don't move i can see over the ledge i can make it three maybe a dozen tell me more about this path west it's quiet i've never seen more than two or three scouts but i'm poking my head over ledges in this western trail it somehow winds around and goes east again if you're trusting the sun yes show me [Music] slow down [Music] so what is it what does it mean it was being hunted how do you know it was for me who else would it be for you said there were native scouts a few here and there and none of them saw you not that i know of that's not a no and you've taken this trail west before well yeah what's wrong you never take the same trail twice you didn't ask that you asked if the western trail leads east yes but i thought you knew the basic rules of trapping now your sin is all over these woods well we can't circle back so what do we do now we may camp for the night we're going to lose light soon and i don't want to be walking into a re-arrow den in the dark find wood go on now i'm starving yeah never eat an animal this deep in the woods why not it's forbidden how did you know what those tree markings meant yeah when i was little younger than you my father used to take me up river long trips i studied their language to pass the time you were a trapper alongside your grandfather if you imagine that that's why i sent you to find me you knew my son josiah you do remember my son decided of course i was sad to hear of his passing yeah he was very fond of you aspired to be like you and the older boys almost too much at times earlier you said these woods tried to take your soul whereby why is it that you never escaped these woods i tried too many times confusion feeling lost yeah these woods intended tend to keep you here make you feel that way intend to keep your soul forever how do you know this we had 12 men coming up to missouri in large hall after a brutal winter the reason caught wind was somewhere between the riverbank and the north trail and by the time we saw him coming half the men had arrows sticking out their ass their eyeballs and their throats i remember looking up in the trees wondering how to really acquire such perfect aim a few of us that dodged their bows were chased down in the woods these woods and we didn't think much of it at the time but one by one these woods drove us mad caused us to turn on each other when it was all said and done i was the last man standing late one night three came out of tree line and riding horses i dug it foot deep trench and all that done in it covered myself with dirt stayed there for god knows how long until the next day sun i was able to follow their tracks out of the woods and that's how i know these woods don't want a man's pelt they want a man's soul did you make it home no what did you do i hid i watched the reed closely whenever i could i'd set traps on the outskirts of these woods it took me only three days to round up that small group of re born bastards were so eager to escape a few of them tried sawing off their foot at the ankle with sharp rocks that's when i knew it was time to watch them die i tried waiting them out that was taking too long so i took out my tomahawk began to hack them up just as they did my men living by them i gathered the body parts and buried them here in these woods this place became my own personal burial ground the mutilated savages i had murdered when i finally made it home both my children had been taken by the plague my wife nearly succumbed by the fever i swore i'd never leave home again i went to go see the fortune teller and she told me that the woods that's in a watcher home with me now one day he would lead me back here to face my demise here we are in buckskin woods then why did you agree to come back because your grandfather asked me to do so what was that relax can you see it and alpha omega [Music] what was that that's the putting down a challenge how do we know how can we stay here and what would you have me do go chasing wolves in the dark the rifle nobody touches this rifle except me oh what are you doing stop that are you mad what are you doing i'm being a wolf try it who's unafraid of other wolves go on i don't know you're here oh see how him feel better like a wolf yeah my son loved wolves always wanted to be one oh come on now that sounds like a chicken let me hear a wolf what direction is this west east west i think what direction does the sun stand the west then why are we headed north north look that there's the same tree we passed yesterday impossible we've circled back around are you all right we've lost two days walking taking this western trail of yours no not that your eyes they're watering that's strange take it off your clothes remove all of it now [Music] remember those berries i told you about like i said you've been poisoned well i don't know you must have rushed up against a branch or something all right i need to go get water stay here [Music] [Music] lesson six you can't stay here don't touch it it's still healing they're gone my rifle where is it i left it back near the trail you left it why you were burning up i now have time to return for it just where do you think you're going i'm going to get my gun the brush is full of spies you'll never make it it's just how far you think we're gonna get without it your your wound isn't fully healed you're risking your life our lives if you don't wanna go and you stay here where is it it was right here when we left without a rifle we can't find anyone off without getting close maybe the reed took it they're tracking us what is it how was it that i was stuck yet none of my clothing's been pierced i asked you a question how is it that i got stuck i don't know you don't know just like you don't know where my rifle is just like this path west by some magic leads east somehow i saved your life twice look at you i've been sent out here to rescue the prodigal son and all he has to say is that he saved my life twice where are you going home home yes back to fort kingston we can still make for home together you don't want to go home you belong to these woods now and ever since we started you've been leading me around in one giant circle and i didn't come out here against my wife's wishes to get lost and die at the hands of these savages for nothing well it looks like i did we're lost you're lost so so so you made it that's it what is it what is it i was the one who stuck you in the woods while you slept i also buried the rifle why would you do that because they made me do it who three who talks to you levi i cannot leave your father died trying to escape these woods i cannot leave levi if you go back in those woods you are never going to come out the same again says the man that made it out of life yeah but it chased me changed me from the man i once was and you don't want that for yourself think of josiah i lost him because i was here in these woods instead of at home next to him i never got to hold his hand as he passed you don't remember him do you then it's you that's lost if you'd stayed he'd still be alive today you traded your life for his don't you see it i see believe me i see if you loved your son you should have stayed in the woods if i step out onto the trail you killed josiah levi please just step out of those woods stay with me you're not thinking straight levi come out here where i can see and we can make a path home together levi hmm [Music] [Music] ugh uh stay with me no chance you made your decision i'll tell captain coleman his grandson was dead when i arrived that'd be a lie so be it you'll not survive the journey that's what the fortune teller told you before you left isn't it goodbye [ __ ] coward last time you left these woods your son and daughter died who's the only one left to take your wife cora that isn't you and their levi i know it there's a deal on the table you're like for mine and you trust them marie the watcher makes sense it's you they want it's you they've always wanted in a way you created this place i didn't come out here to fight you levi i came out here to help you i don't want your help one way or another you're coming back with me they won't allow you to escape again if you want me then you come and get me that's more like it it doesn't have to end this way hey [Music] ugh [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] aah um so hmm [Music] what is it henry sarah they they found porter's body on the trail i'm sorry leave uh he said the uh ray took his life what do you have to do captain nothing henry [Music] i was told of this day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 1,551,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep C Digital, Movie, Full Movie, Movie Trailer, Film, Buckskin movie, Buckskin full movie, Buckskin feature film, Buckskin, Tom Zembrod, Robert Keith, Blaze Freeman, Brett Bentman, Texan fur trapper, Buckskin woods, saving a lost young boy, western movie, western film, western
Id: iOsVDkKtE8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 59sec (4859 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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