History of Bible Believers 2017 - Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] you [Music] so Matthew chapter 28 I don't know the verse but maybe some of you can be able to find it in Matthew chapter 28 I've the last two verses I believe the last two or three verses what be God help his Christians that's how Christianity started how Bible believing Christianity started was through this command he said go ye into all the world and preach and teach the gospel to every creature baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost so that's probably how the verse reads but when the Lord Jesus Christ gave back commands he gave it to 11 apostles and only a few hundred Christians perhaps that time so Christianity was a minority it was started by think about this a Jew a carpenter's son yet how did such a movement become so powerful and lead us to today surviving for thousands of years our bible-believing history is very very rich how we start our Christianity the first word where Christian came from was from Antioch Antioch the Bible says at the book of Acts it was at Antioch where they were first called Christians and that's how Christianity started out in Acts chapter 2 there was a great revival where the Apostle Peter preached and churches were planning and then it was spreading God's movement was spreading and the name Christian came out later on at the city of Antioch this was the heart of Bible believing Christian Christianity Antioch it was at Antioch where we received the copies of the manuscripts of our King James Bible the Byzantine manuscripts around Antioch Syrian area the Christians were heavily persecuted and tortured during this time period Satan wants white Christianity off the map so in order to do that why not use bloody persecution and wipe them off the face of the earth in fact so much blood was poured out so many Christians were tortured and persecuted that the Lions they were sick and tired of eating more Christians because their bellies were full of so many dead bodies of Christians governors who are all bloodthirsty and enjoyed the entered the entertainment of Christians getting slaughtered at the Colosseum's we're now so sick and tired with the slaughter conscience was bothering them and they even beg some of the Caesars to stop the persecution of the Christians that's how much blood was poured you know why because you believe in an adversary right and when you believe in an adversary you'll realize also how important our history is and our adversary he wants to wipe them off the face of the earth blood was spilled Diocletian his persecution was infamously known for thousands and thousands of Christians in fact he killed so many thousands of Christians Diocletian one time cried out the name of Christian is extinguished but you know what Christianity increased even more women and little children will hold hands and surround each other and they would sing hymns as the Lions came out of their dens and tore them to pieces old men were being crucified on crosses and they appreciated dying like the Lord Jesus Christ the soldiers in mockery of some of the Christians thrust the spear on their side that create a crown of thorns on their heads crucified them on crosses but you know what some of the Christians took that as a privilege to die just like how the Lord Jesus Christ their Savior died I mean it was unthinkable Christianity was getting so powerful and the devil could have stopped it the 12 apostles during this time period or the 11 apostles more exactly but Matthias who joined the twelve most of these apostles were actually martyred that's how they ended their lives most of them died being martyred for the Lord Jesus Christ some of them if you read their story some of them died actually Street preaching again some of the pagan festivals and some of the sins that the people were committing that's how they died for Jesus Christ you see how Bible believers were like back then what happened to today when to today you need a rich church a nice building rich cushions you need to have social programs and a lot of people that's not how Bible believing Christianity was built back then Polycarp one of the early Christian leaders of that time period he was discipled under the Apostle John that type Polycarp in his 80s he was tied to a stake and he was going to be burnt alive for Jesus Christ when he was told to repent Polycarp cried out eighty and six years have I served him and he never once wronged me how then shall I blasting my King king who has saved me and so you know what they got angry and they burned him at the stake but you know what he was still alive so one got so angry that he thrust Polycarp with a spear but when he thrust him with the spear the blood poured out and doused the first fire and he was still breathing they got so mad that they had to light a second fire on top of that to finish the job that's how he died for the Lord Jesus Christ Ignatius was another early Christian leader leader during that time when he was arrested Ignatius told the Christians don't you dare come and rescue me don't you dare come and get me out of this prison I want to die for the Lord Jesus Christ and in fact when he came out of the day when he came out of prison and the Lions start to come out of their dens Ignatius welcome to Lions with open arms and he told them to eat him because he was actually their bread he said quote I am the wheat of Christ I am going to be ground with the teeth of wild beasts that I may be found pure bread you know what the plain English of that is if you don't understand archaic English King James English go ahead and eat me up I'm your dinner that's what he basically said Tertullian perhaps the best Bible believing leader of that time period Tertullian he one time cried out he one time wrote about this martyrdom of the Christians he said this the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church basically he was saying you're just planting more and more fruit more and more veg most of us viable even Christian let the blood spill let the blood poor and you know what Satan had enough of the head he's like okay this is not doing the job so what did he do while you got one stream a Bible believing Christianity going on you got another stream going on down here and he got the intellectuals good old modern-day scholars today let's go to Greece Plato and Aristotle philosophy when you study philosophy one of the earliest people that you will study are these two blokes Aristotle and Plato Plato and Aristotle opened up the philosophy where they start to critique Christianity use reason above the Word of God in fact a lot of the in fact it is very possible that some of the famous philosophers during those days and there were definitely many of the current students of that time who were trained under Plato and Aristotle they were mocking the Apostle Paul when he preached at them at Mars Hill and they mocked the Apostle Paul about his preaching of the resurrection so the gospel was very cold in there and say notice that see and when he noticed that he says okay then I'm going to use this bunch to affect the world so that they don't have to listen to Bible believing Christianity and then what was even worse as I start so philosophy the devil start to use that one and then the devil start to use something else he start to use Alexandria Egypt Alexandria Egypt took the philosophies of the Grecians and it carried down all the way to Alexandria Alexandria they became the enemy camp of this one they became the enemy camp where they start to make their own manuscripts where the KJV was capable came from in Antioch Alexandria where it came from was the good old modern versions so let's put the NIV right here because that's the most idealistic one so that's there were your modern Bibles Alexandria Egypt to correct the Word of God thinking what they thought was the right words why because they were very smart people there were very smart people too smart for God they thought so Alexandria was one of them but who was another one you think good old Rome Rome Rome during that time period was another enemy camp of the early Christians in fact what is very interesting when the historians came out that when the Syrian Christians came out they were considered to be the oddballs and official christianity that time which were called the Western churches they were kicked out by Alexandria and Rome they were kicked out by both Alexandria and Rome Rome came to the scene and when Rome came to the scene you know how the Catholic Church was born through this man right here Constantine the devil used a brilliant plan because Christianity was so strong and growing and becoming more powerful the devil realized I'm going to take Christianity mingle it up with paganism and Constantine combined the two together Rome was dying Christianity was growing and Rome cannot die because Satan had to use Rome in the end times one day had revelation 17 so what did Satan do Rome will continue its power Constantine was was determined to continue the power of Rome by what mixing it up with Christianity and that's what he did and that's how Rome survived it was through religion not through its secular power but you know what a pretty soon religion became secular power itself the Church Fathers and the early posts were the ones who country contributed to the teachings of Roman Catholicism and Roman Catholicism is teachings you must understand did not come out immediately it came out through a process of time that's how heresy always works that's how sin always works through a process of time right if you look at your own life that's how it always works process of time church fathers and early Pope's start to put up Catholic doctrine and that Catholic doctrine and then that's how Catholicism was born Pope Sirius was the one who created the word Pope Church Father Augustine said sprinkling baptism for babies was salvation Church Father Augustine was also the one who applied all verses for Israel to the Roman Catholics as spiritual Israel hi Stephen Anderson Celestine the first he replaced the pagan goddess with the Virgin Mary that's why they exalt the Virgin Mary so much why because it came from a pagan goddess Oh strange why they would exalt her too much huh church father Jerome was the one who created the Catholic Latin Vulgate Bible so now they have they also have another Bible coming out the Latin Bible the Latin Vulgate and this Latin Vulgate became the one that became the enemy camp of this one and through this line a manuscripts through this stream of history the devil start to use these people and guess what the devil accomplished this goal Christianity disappeared and now we came to known as the dark ages the dark ages this was a time of great darkness and great accomplishment from Satan Satan wand during this time period Christianity faded n-f-l away blind dependency on the church why due to a literacy of the scriptures and what Latin it was all in Latin that time so because it was in Latin of that time period the Christians couldn't find truth and that's why they were slaves to what whatever these guys said these guys said why because these guys are smart listen to your modern scholars the textual critics Dan Wallace James white listen to those guys ain't no Greek in here ooh listen to the Pope listen to those Jesuits they got many PhDs what about your pastor he doesn't have that many can he speak a couple different languages like my priest like my Pope can faith because of that it became the dark ages because people cannot independently for themselves find the truth but rather deep agency on slaves two men the Pope's were very corrupt they slept with bought the papal office office with bribes committed adultery on the supposed to mess of Peter and Paul had dozens of illegitimate children running around the Vatican lavished themselves with billions of dollars worth of gold that they went far beyond death and bankruptcy and guess what they did all these sins in the name of Jesus that's right they did all these sins in the names of Jesus makes you proud of your old church back then huh during this time period it was a great time of darkness and Satan accomplished his goal why it just takes a couple hundred years process of time just like our Christian life and then he'll accomplish his goal the Inquisition was another tool of Satan the Inquisition it was a there's a horrendous torturous period besides the death of our Lord Jesus I can't think of any time period worse than the tortures of the Inquisition I'd even probably say it was worse than the than the Holocaust in the Inquisition they pulled you up to court without you even knowing why you were brought in and they forced you through torture to confess to crimes you didn't even commit the tortures it was horrible you just read foxes Book of Martyrs and I won't go through all the tortures but just some one torture device was the pulley where they would tie your hands with thin pieces of rope and because your hands were tied like this and they would pull you up with those synth pieces of rope like this they would put approximately a hundred pounds on your feet and with that your arms are tended to break through this way and many times their arms broke and guess what they did they reset the arms and did it all over again they did it all over again and they would also use the rack the rack they were tying tight thin pieces of rope on their hands and their legs and they would stretch them so that's what the rack was and they would stretch them because those ropes were so thin it is said that those ropes would tear through the skin muscles and even almost reach the bone and foxes Book of Martyrs record that the blood was squirting five to seven different directions the worst part was the burning state now the burning snake is not a walk in the park folks you got to realize that you can literally burn for hours burning for hours if you are lucky if you're lucky to die at the stake you would actually renounce your belief and what those priests would do is they would tie gunpowder bags around the victim's neck and let the fire catch on to the gun power cutting powder so that their heads can blow off and that was merciful that's the easiest way to die because they didn't want to burn for hours at the stake it was horrible the Inquisition the total number of killed victims you know how much deranged 50 to 100 million 50 to 100 million people that's how horrible the Inquisition was so it was a time of great darkness and that's when God started to revive Christianity the Reformation came in the Reformation came in the Lord decides to make a combat and these people start to come into the scene as by believing Christians our history was about to die out the Lord raised up a new brand of people the blood vaz during that time I think I'm pronouncing that right I'm not sure but they were considered to be the old-time all-time walled engines in fact when the Catholics had their Bible these people had are their Bible that's where the KGB traditional text came from and that's where we call it the old Latin they had the Latin Vulgate but these guys had the old Latin this is one of the greatest evidence is supporting the ancient manuscripts of our King James Bible this thing can go back as well from somewhere to be between 150 to 180 ad that time so there is historical record that they had this kind of Bible during that time period the old Latin so the vyd laws these people were around southern and central Europe so this is where the Lord used these guys at southern and central Europe these people during that time period they would nine people in houses to memorize passages and you and Oscar shame on us we only get one verse a week and these people would memorize passages and chapters of the Bible when they meet together in fact when that's how the King James Bible was preserved you know how the Lord preserved it not just through these people when they hide the manuscripts carrying off pages and pictures putting them in their coats but they would memorize it it would hide them in the heart that's how it was preserved that's how it was preserved that's how the Lord used mightily these people in fact when one was about to be burned at the stake he told those Catholics that hey you better buy more worth to burn than more of us walled engines to burn because we're going to multiply why because he quoted the Word of God endureth forever you know what he meant by that the Word of God in their minds in their hearts so he says we're going to live and we're it's going to be preserved we're going to continue so that's how the Lord Miley used them they shook up the Catholic powers at southern and Central Europe but then God raised up another person Savonarola Savonarola God raised him at the headquarters of Italy where the Roman Catholic Church was Savonarola during that time he ministered in Italy and when Savonarola was ministering in Italy he was a preacher who was forbidden to continue under the ban of the pole but he didn't care and he kept preaching and ministering in fact he even held bonfires at his city to burn pornographic pagan and worldly objects boy and then they'd call him a heretic people today would call that extremism right man look at these letters that what happened to us man what these guys meant Christians back that Christians back then when he was offered a red Catholic Cardinals hat he instead replied I'll take a red hat of blood for Jesus Christ instead and that's what he got that's what he got he was burnt at the stake and the priest said said to him so I'm just going to ad-lib it alright I'm going to ad-lib it but the priest told them when he was about to be burnt at the stake I separate thee from the Church of Rome I separate me from the Church of God but Savonarola he said this you can separate me from the church down here but you can't separate me from the church up there that's what he said so he said so basically the the quote went like this to church militant yes but a church triumphant no what he meant was this this earthly Church yes but not the church up there up in glory boy the devil was mad and then but God raised up more Christians Wickliffe was the next one he was known as the morning star of the Reformation he was a brilliant man he ministered in England now God was using them in England now not just italy southern central europe but now england he was a scholar of oxford and you know how he wrote the entire english bible by hand by hand they'd had printing presses back then he wrote the whole English Bible by hand his followers were so poor and they were poor ragged street preachers kind of familiar kind of familiar look at us today and you know what they were called they were called Lollards that time they were called lollards when Wickliffe was a fell ill near death the catholic friars they hurried to his bedside hoping that he would repent but you know what Wickliffe instead said he instead preached at them I shall not I'm saying quote for quote I shall not die but live and again declare the evil deeds of the Friars and you know what God spared his life and he kept kicking him ever since for a sick man he had a lot of life in him and then God raised up another man John Huss now the Lord was going to use him around Czechoslovakia on Bohemia that kind it was called bohemia' of that time period John Huss he was influenced by John wickless writings he was known as the scholar of Prague and because that man he was preaching to the people in the common tongue of that day which was forbidden because you had to do Latin why that's where you babul came from the capture said the latin vulgate with john hus he preached to them in the common tongue and because of that they tied him to the stake and they condemned him to be burnt at the stake but when he was tied to the burning stake he instead rejoiced quote My Lord Jesus Christ was bound with a harder chain than this for my sake why then should by should I be ashamed of this rusty one when the priest opened up his arms and the priest said we committed thy soul to the devil john hus he cried out but I commit my soul into my hands o Lord Jesus Christ and he died being burnt alive at the stake he died singing hymns that sounds like a Bible believer I think that sounds like old Christian what happened to Christianity today shame shame shame on you man shame on you the same day that John HUS was burnt alive you know what they did the same day he was burnt alive they dug up John wick lives dead body out of the grave and they brought it to court and they condemned it I mean he was already dead but they dug up the dead body of Wickliffe put it on founded guilty on trial and then burnt his dead body and threw the ashes on the Elbe River because the Catholics wanted to make an example they were sick and tired of these guys and they said this oh look it doesn't matter if you're alive like us and you're dead the same day that you're alive we're going to burn you up John Huss and heat the same day he was burnt alive was the same day that they found it his dead body guilty and trial and got rid of the ashes so they said doesn't matter if you're alive or dead we're still in charge we're still in charge don't mess with us but HUS he gave a prediction he cried out to them one day you you are now going to burn a goose that means him HUS but in a century you will have a swan which you can neither roast nor boil and God bless that prediction and we'll see who that Swan is later on but then the Lord was setting things up God used another person Erasmus Erasmus was a genius if you want to know one of the most genius manuscript scholars even the textual critics will not deny it they'll have to omit Erasmus as one of the top the one of the top three Erasmus is one of the most brilliant men at that time he was praised by kings all over in fact even King Henry VIII ate one of the worst Kings praised Erasmus Erasmus because he had to translate the Bible and what which our King James Bible came from where are you going to get the manuscripts where are you going to get the boss the Catholic Church had it all so he had to go with the Catholic Church to do that but you know what he was not a really good Catholic because he was writing tracks critiquing some of the Pope's and the Catholic Church and that's where the Textus Receptus manuscripts came from from the walled engines all Latin Bible as well as a combination and guess what the Lord you mightily used Erasmus of that time period where the King James Bible start to spread from Erasmus that's where you got in ray eventually spread into Luther's German DoD's Italian Olivia tons French Valera Spanish Tyndale's English and all the right Bible languages today because it came the Textus Receptus Greek manuscripts came from Erasmus at that time and that's how the Lord mightily used him of that time period so while he was acting like a good Catholic by day not saying anything bad by night he was writing tracks critiquing the Catholic Church system then the Lord raised up the Swan and Erasmus was contemporary with this Swan at that time period Martin Luther Martin Luther was a swan they burned the goose that the Lord was going to raise up a swan Martin Luther during that time now the Lord was going to minister to Germany Germany was now the intention of that time period in Germany Martin Luther was a dedicated Catholic monk and he earned his doctorate as well and became a priest but Martin Luther when he went to when he went on a pilgrimage to Rome out of adoration to Rome bout on his knees and he said Rome holy Rome I salute thee but then when he went inside the city of Rome he was shocked to see so much porn ocation drinking gambling irreverence in the church in the city that you know what Martin Luther said one time out of disgust he said this this is not some bible-believing preacher today okay I'm talking about fifteen hundred people all right you know what Luther said if there is a hell rome is built upon it that's what he said if there's el Romans built upon it and during that time that's how the Lord used to he read Romans chapter one the just shall live by faith you realize it's by faith alone not by salvation by works and that's how he got saved and what he did was he posted 90 subtle arguments in his long thesis and then he started and you know what he did he stamped it in front of the Catholic Church door and so many people saw it that they were spreading it what like wildfire during that time period the Pope you know how the largest Catholic Church was built st. Peter's Cathedral you know how that church was built by Pope Leo polio he needed money he was getting bankrupt excuse me he was getting he was losing money bankrupt and he needed more money so you know what that godforsaken devil did what he did was this we're going to make a big sale of indulgences so basically if you buy this piece of paper called an indulgence you're going to get full forgiveness of sins and not only that one of your loved ones who's burning in purgatory that person's soul will go up immediately to heaven if you buy this indulgences boy people work you betcha so many poor damned souls bought it because they were in the Dark Ages they didn't know Luther he got mad so he posted 97 arguments and from that Catholic Church door and that started to spread like wildfire and when that started to spread like wildfire I mean it started to reach the ears of the big shot through the Vatican and eventually the Pope the years of the Pope heard it and went a red one the statements on the paper oh it's just gold I like it Luther said this if the Pope really has pure Christian charity and he has the power of God's forgiveness why does he not empty up all of purgatory right now boy he got mad and the Pope we said what drunken German wrote those words and they said it was Martin Luther and the Pope he said we're going to make a ban on Martin Luther we're going to excommunicate him you got 60 days to retract your writing but I guess the mail came in late and when Luther got the mail he said when do I retract my writing they said tomorrow so you know what Luther did he held a big bonfire at Wittenberg Germany and he took that paper bull that gave him his excommunication and he told in front of all Winton Birds Rome because you destroyed the works of God let God destroy you in these flames and tore that papal bull in half threw it in the fire and all of the Christians in Wittenberg they were like going yeah I threw all the Catholic objects happened paper Bulls into the fire boy that did not help that should not help the Pope after that so now it finally reached the big shot ears of King Charles that time King trial T was the most powerful Emperor of that time period the most powerful religious leader the Pope the most powerful secular leader King Charles and when Martin Luther was brought up in front of King Charles he said this that I cannot go against conscience now this sounds like a Bible believer right I cannot go against conscience because it is bound to the text of the Bible to go against conscience is neither right nor stick nor safe so I cannot and I will not recant here I stand still help me God amen and that's what he did and then guess what now the secular leader King Charles had to kick him out too so Luther was excommunicated everywhere there was no way he was going to survive but you know the Lord preserved him he had one The Dukes hiding Luthor and that's where Luthor produced the Luthor's German Bible for people to read today that's how the Lord mightily used him and you know what the Catholic Empire started crumbling because one by one more Dukes start to listen princes and Dukes and rulers start to listen to Luthor and King Charles Empire was crumbling because now those Protestant powers and Catholic powers and the Muslims were also invading the Catholic countries that time the Catholic Empire was losing its power d-day came the Dark Ages was crumbling God said Catholic Church is power your time is up now and King Charles he finally held a final meeting with all the Dukes and rulers and with those Protestant Duke and rulers he said unite with us don't let the Empire crumble under the banner of Holy Mother Church renounce these heresies and you know what those dukes did they even heard the rumors that they could be tortured by the Spanish Inquisition and you know what the worst branch of the Inquisition was the Spanish Inquisition but you know what those rich high MIT elite Dukes and rulers did they start to bow on their knees and they said if you want if you want to kill me you can go ahead and chop off my head right here right and the one by one the Duke start to do that and the King can't do that because he needs those people to keep the fire going so he couldn't do that and they said by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ we are now made three Christian men free now and free forever amen and they said amen that's how we were free today church bless God God free some of you from that devilish church didn't he thank God for that one and the Lord he freed us he gave us freedom indeed and the Catholic Church that powerful Empire finally crumbled then there was a swan but God was not done God start to raise up more people the devil was getting heyday another person was John Knox now he was going to shake up Scotland through John Knox John Knox he was considered to be the founder of the Presbyterian Church his prayers were so powerful that it shook up the whole nation of Scotland they imprisoned John Knauss in the galleys for 19 months if you want to know the worst kind of slavery and imprisonment of that time period it was the galleys and they imprisoned them over there for 19 months but you know what if he still prayed he still prayed and he still shook up Scotland in fact he put the fear of God all over Scotland that the Catholic Queen of Scotland Mary Queen of Scots she said she cried out I feared John Knox's prayers more than all the assembled armies of Europe that's how the Lord mightily used John Knox the Lord was not done he start to raise up more people and he raised up another person William Tyndale William Tyndale was another key player for the King James Bible today you must understand William Tyndale he was one time at a table eating with a few Catholic scholars and they were talking about the Pope and William Tyndale he pulled those Catholics scholars I defy the Pope and all his laws if God spare my life their many years I will cause a boy that drivers the plow two more to know more of the scriptures than the Pope does say God they got mad and went off in a rage after that boy his life was marked you know what time period Shindell was in which which king of england that time one of the worst kings of England King Henry the eighth this guy had no chance to give us the Bible today he was getting chased all over by King Henry the eighth's and the Catholic Church Empire there was no safety for Tyndale but you know what William Tyndale he kept translating the Bible he kept translating the Bible to English and guess what the Catholics caught up they finally caught him and tied him to the state and guess what he didn't finish the English Bible yet so guess what we were going to lose the Bible it's too late now but William Tyndale he was tied up to the stake and he gave one last cried to God he cried out Lord open the king of England's eyes there's no way that's going to happen King Henry the no way for way in the world but you know what after he was burnt alive at the stake King Henry the egg took Tyndale's Bible and had some of his scholars look through it and they can't find genuine flaws with it and King Henry VIII you want that that messed up man that wicked King said that's how God uses wicked men then he can use anybody King Henry VIII a said if there be no heresies in this book let this book be spread abroad through all the people finally people had access to the Bible they couldn't first for centuries until a wicked King and King Henry VIII ate gave them freedom and guess what he was so arrogant and wicked that he broke off from the Catholic Church and because of that England God turned his attention to England and that's how by believing Christianity was grown and preserved and raised it was because of England and how did God use it a wicked King and King Henry VIII isn't your God amazing folks man and so the Catholics they lost England and the English Bible spread that time before we go back to England this is an important group of people that you need to know and that's where our Baptist heritage came from not officially but these people were one of the root causes these were called Anabaptists why would they call Anabaptist in fact these people were considered to be really radicals and extremists compared to the official Christians these guys even these guys thought that these guys were extremists why because these people went so much by the Bible and some of these people even though they were saved Christians than God used them they still held on to some Catholic influence but these Anabaptist start to dismiss more and more katha teaching that starts to look radical and extremist sounds familiar yes small fringe of weird radicals who breaks off from the official godly Christians who I wonder Bible believers welcome to the fold welcome to the fold when you touch that book man it's going to do something to you I was going to do something to you and these Anabaptists they were known for knowing so much Bible knowing so much Bible they were like Bible believers today who debated successfully and then both Catholics and Protestants couldn't crush these anabaptists and both groups actually persecuted the anabaptists but they couldn't crush them with Bible because they knew too much they knew too much of the book they knew too much of the Word of God in fact one Anabaptist who debated so successfully in front of the Catholic council he had his tongue cut out his flesh was torn seven times by iron tongs and he was finally burnt alive but before all that happened you know what he told his Catholic persecutors those Catholic scholars who supposedly knew much of the Bible he said this this sounds like a Bible believer send for the most learning men if they show us with Holy Scripture that we are in error and wrong we will gladly retract and repent and we'll gladly suffer condemnation and the punishment for our offense but if we cannot be proved in error I hope to god that you will repent and let yourselves be taught that sounds like a Bible believer today that no wonder these guys are radicals extremists that time and that was how the Anabaptist were born and let's come down to the key place England England remember England Catholic Church lost its power when England came to the scene and when England came to the scene the Catholics realized we need to get this country we need to get it otherwise Protestant Christianity is going to spread more Edward the sixth took over after King Henry the eighth died and he was the one who favored the Protestants he authorized 35 editions of the New Testament but you know what he died at fifteen years of age so then a Catholic ruler had to take over you know who that Catholic ruler was it was Bloody Mary Bloody Mary so now we see chaos going on in England you see how God and the devil are going through a showdown so in the showdown of kings and queens in England the Lord was trying to do something and the didn't want it to happen Bloody Mary took over after Edward the six died she burns thousands of Protestants and she married philip ii of spain philip ii of spain after charles he was even more powerful than charles that time you know why because his Spanish shifts started to go through the new world and started conquering countries in the new world so they were very powerful philip ii of spain was the most powerful ruler of that time period but you know what God protected England you know why because Philip and Bloody Mary they could not produce children Bloody Mary died childless so the Lord protected the throne so then guess who took over Queen Elizabeth Queen Elizabeth took over and when she took over she prospered England's Protestant Empire and because she prospered England's Protestant Empire the Catholic jesuis they tried to kill her several times so then the Catholics they said we got to kill Queen Elizabeth so then they went to Mary Queen of Scots remember that Queen the one who feared John Knox's prayers that the Catholics decided to use her the Jesuits started to use her to dethrone Elizabeth but you know what God preserved Elizabeth she conquered Mary Queen of Scots and she and Mary Queen of Scots was eventually executed by Elizabeth so God preserved the throne the kings this was not working so the Jesuits resorted to another tactic Philip take out your boasted Spanish Armada that conquered the new world and take over England for us England guaranteed to lose guaranteed to lose their ships were poor compared to the Spanish Armada there was no way in all of history they were going to win so you know what you know how God did it God protected England there was and secular scholars still have to tell this story there was a big wind that came over and somehow blew the Spanish Armada all the way up to Iceland so then all the all that Spanish Armada most of the ships went up to the coast of Iceland and there were stuff there and the rest of the ships they were conquered by the English ships the Lord protected England that time and you know a throat second of Spain lost his power because of that the most humiliating defeat of all of history why because God came to the scene and protected England and so because of that time you can see a lot of action going on in England you know I think it was doing all this you know ie was doing all this 16:11 was coming and King James came to the scene and when King James came to the scene the devil really did not want this to happen no matter what and the Jesuits would not let it happen King James he hires scholars from Westminster Cambridge and Oxford to translate the King James Bible based off the manuscripts that the Lord used through ear a smus the old-time walled engines and many believers who died protecting the book in your hand Tyndale died burned at the stake why because the Lord preserved it for something great or one day for something great or one day and what happened during that time period was that God used the best most intellectual men to translate the English King James Bible Westminster Cambridge and Oxford and based off the manuscripts of this genius and the blood of the martyrs that time the Lord can pick a perfect combination for your King James Bible the Jesuits were furious so they had to who successfully infiltrated the committee and you know what they did they inserted the Catholic Apocrypha so they has two Jesuits infiltrate the committee and that's why the old King James Bible it would have the Apocrypha in it because they infiltrated successfully but you know the Lord protected this King James Bible the KJV translators did not consider the Apocrypha as Scripture so when you look at that old King James Bible you're going to see the Old Testament New Testament as part of the Bible but in the Apocrypha you're going to see every single page labeled apocryphal Apocrypha Apocrypha Apocrypha you know why trying to show this is not part of the Bible this is like an index and in between thing an extra note so the Lord he protected it so then what happened after that was that the Catholics they start to come back they and you know what they did they start to publish the Douay Rheims Bible do you know when does douay-rheims bible came out this catholic bible came out it came out approximately two years before the King James Bible was published see the Catholics the Jesuits were desperate Satan had to destroy this because he knew something greater was going to come and the day they fixed her to destroy it but that didn't work so you know what they did this one this didn't work this didn't work the KGB translation infiltration and attack didn't work so they raised up another one the Gunpowder Plot the Gunpowder Plot some of you may have heard of guide fox that's where the Jets would start to use these people why to attack King James and to prevent the translation of the King James Bible Robert Catesby was one of the people who led the Gunpowder Plot Robert Catesby priest was a Jesuit leader a Jesuit high ranking leader and Robert Catesby guide Fox and those people they start to plot against King James and hindered the translation of the King James Bible how how you do it is that you dig a hole underneath the Parliament put in gunpowder blow up a parliament and then you will hinder the translation going on and they also try to plan to kidnap King James daughters but what happened the Lord kept blocking it when they were digging underground guess what they bumped into a wall so they realized man we have to just go through the wall or something but they couldn't do it so you know what they did they bought the building instead because the building's wall was blocking them from coin through underneath the Parliament so they just bought the whole building but you know what happen after that then Parliament delayed the meeting a few times so they had the Gunpowder all set the whole all dug up but Parliament did the Parliament to lay the meeting a few times so the gunpowder was getting useless so Lord put another hindrance now third hindrance when they finally got the gunpowder ready and they're going to blow up all a part of it for some weird reason the Lord led upon one of the soldiers or one of the people to go downstairs at 4:00 in the morning and to check things out and he and he found one of the people ready to light the Gunpowder and when the guy got caught he was like what's her name and he's like my name is John Johnson well that was obvious with Allah so they said who are the people who are your people who are working together with you to conspire against the king and so the plot went out they went to that team the team of people who are about to assassinate King James and when they went to the people were about to assassinate King James here's another hindrance God put now they did her laughed and they took out their guns they were going to shoot it out they're going to shoot it out but guess what happened their gunpowder who was okay so now the Lord was blocking and blocking and blocking it and King James soldiers were just slaughtering them and then Robert Catesby and the other people who conspire against King James they were just getting killed and killed so they said we got to dry off the Gunpowder so they lighted a fire next to the Gunpowder to dry it off well that was a dumb thing to do the fire obviously caught on the Gunpowder and just blew up and they injured themselves they got crushed Robert Catesby believing and dying crawl to the image of the Virgin Mary gave his last prayer and died at the feet of a pagan goddess the statue of the Virgin Mary these people were there was definitely Catholic conspiracy involved in this so the devil couldn't stop it this didn't work this didn't work vista noir this didn't work sorry satan you lost KJV 1611 was born and when this was born people start to say thus saith the Lord let's continue our history next service Heavenly Father thank you so much for the teaching of thy word I pray this blessing to the hearers and juice and we pray amen all right five-minute break everybody five-minute break [Music] yeah you don't take the NIV now little weep over these mallanna alright let me drink some water and then we'll get started where do I put my water oh there it is okay okay the King James Bible was born and because of this the Dark Ages and the Catholic power lost his and the Great Awakenings came that's when the Lord mightily came in the Great Awakenings during the Great Awakenings revival to spread revival spread like wildfire because of the birth of the King James Bible now you got men who had the perfect words of God who can preach the perfect words of God build their faith on the perfect words of God and start to plan missions it was after this that you got the greatest revival in New Testament history next to the apostles and it was a Great Awakening revivals the Great Awakening came to the scene Catholic power crumbled forever Dark Ages split it faded away and all the pagan religions start to tremble when the Great Awakening started to rise up in might and in power John Bunyan was one of them in the great awakening revivals he was known to Street preach without a license and because of that the English court always brought him and arrested him but John Bunyan he told the council you arrest me today I will preach tomorrow one time they arrested him for a long period of time that his daughter wept in front of Bunyan and his daughter cried to Bunyan please please take back what you said but you know what Bunyan said he said I will never repent even if the moss grows over my eyebrows and then that man was strong in the Lord it was very difficult seeing your own daughter weeping but you know I Bunyan stood strong for the Lord God used another person Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards he was known to have a squeaky voice so he's a born preacher you must understand some he would read notes when he preaches you talk about dull you talk about no Great Awakening but you know what God uses anybody for his glory you don't have to be skilled or talented in voice God will use anyone and how God used Jonathan Edwards is this famous sermon that became a historical time sinners in the hands of an angry god you will get a state again after reading that sermon boy when Jonathan Edwards start to read that sermon people were slipping on their pew on their pews as if they were dropping into hell they started crying and weeping and they held an all-night prayer meeting after that that's how the Lord Miley used Jonathan Edwards or my ministry is not about hell what happened to you man what happened to Christianity back then then they held an all-night prayer meeting why not all sermon on heaven but on hell maybe we should do one on that one day Lord also use John Wesley John Wesley he was the one who founded the Methodist Wesley one time he was halted by a robber and the robber made Wesley toss over his money and when Wesley crossed over his money to the robber Wesley pulled that robber the time will come when you will regret your ways and when that time comes remember this the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sins approximately 20 years later a well-dressed gentleman came to him and he said do you remember pastor Wesley about the robber that you told the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sins and Wesley said yes well the robber said well my time came that I did regret my ways and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me of all my sins that's how you got saved George Whitfield that time the Lord mightily used George Whitfield you talk about street preaching man he'll put us to shame his voice can boom over a mile long we should work on our voices man and his voice boomed over a mile long he need any mics folks he didn't need any mic he preached nearly an hour sermon just like that long sermons like that in fact the dias Benjamin Franklin couldn't stand it that when he went away from Whitfield and he was in town he still heard Whitfield's preach and booming in his years that he closed his hand lost his eaters but Benjamin Franklin was very curious and attended one of Whitfield sermon in person finally and you know what the Holy Spirit did he he started to prick Benjamin Franklin's heart and when that when the offering was being passed out that rich deist who didn't have who is supposed to be rich and have all the money who didn't intend to give one dime to George Whitfield ghandar conviction and Benjamin Franklin had to ask the guy next to him hey can you give me money so I can put a hefty offering plate - that's how the Lord mightily used these men Great Awakening revivals Billy Bray you think that shouting running the aisles is something crazy and that people back in the old days didn't do you were wrong friend Billy Bray during those old years during the 16 1700s he was one of those old-time Methodists who would shout run around the aisles that guy if he saw somebody in church he felt like was not right with God he would pick up that person run around the room with that person is it Laurie hallelujah praise the Lord when he died he shouted glory when he died the doctor was under conviction Billy Bray as he was dying he told the doctor glory be to God I shall soon be with Jesus shall I tell him doctor that you will be coming - who could and that doctor wasn't a Christian God under conviction and Billy brass he was dying he said this glory be to God as my soul goes down to hell I'll still shout glory glory to God all the way that's Satan he'll hand it and he will say freely this is no place for thee get thee back up and up health and I will go shouting glory glory to God all the way guess what his last word was before he died glory so that's how he died for the Lord Jesus Christ another person God used with David brainer David Brainerd that time he surrendered to God at the mission field early twenties early 20s he studied in Yale but you know what he gave that up to serve God to minister to native a pagan Indians in the mission field of America one time he prayed so hard in fact his prayer life was known to be so powerful sometimes it's recorded that he would melt the snow around him when he would pray one time he prayed up so much and he had a burden with these Native Americans who held up in a doll idolatrous feast and Brainard was so burdened that he prayed for them all night and when he came out those Native Americans stopped and then the Holy Spirit starts convincing him all of a sudden because they start to see a glow out of David Brainerd after he came out of prayer the I doubt he stopped the idolatrous feast through prayer that's how the Lord Miley used David Brainerd during that time period he also used other people Charles Finney Charles Finney this guy was known to be a big soul winner and then who used to be one of the Masons now left it and became a Christian he started to win souls left and right he shall to start to lead people to Christ he was a soul winner one time he went inside a factory and in this factory everybody was working but then Finney was talking to one worker and another worker inspected and another worker in the factory everybody that the person of the person in charge of the factory had to close it for one day so that everyone can listen to Finney preach and Finney let that whole factory to salvation to the Lord Jesus Christ you talk about Great Awakening revival Peter Cartwright oh boy he was a rough preacher this guy Peter Cartwright they lock him up in jail today if they saw him alive Peter Cartwright disguise one side he went in one time you went inside this liquor store and he went to one of the merchants and that merchant starts to talk trash against Peter Cartwright and Peter Cartwright took that merchant by the neck and he starts to beat him in the face and he started seeing all hail da power of Jesus big red hey Jill Brock she was singing I hit what he was beating up so the Laker merger let him go so okay okay okay here's Carl I was able to continue on his ministry one time he was at a dance hall that and he went inside this dance hall and what's so funny is that one of the ladies took his hand to dance with him and then Peter Cartwright says let's all have a word of Prayer and he went on his knees like that and that girl was under conviction and she started to pull away but dear Carl kept grabbing her head I said lord I want to thank you he started praying everybody was under conviction people start to leave the room out of shame and humiliation and guess what happened he turned that dance hall where people were drinking as well he turned that whole place into a church service and he built he changed that place into a church and he said I'm gonna send one of my pastors here to start a church over here so they transformed that into a church instead the Lord might lis use Peter Cartwright back then another person that the Lord used was William Carey William Carey you notice how many how different these characters are right God used a rub person Cartwright God used a soul-winner Fanny God used a young adult God used a crazy guy named Billy Bray and God used a holy man like Wesley God used a person with a loud mouth with Ulen you see all these different characters God is using that's right you see how God is using that that's the mighty God you've got he'll use anybody for his glory man another person God used was William Carey this man was a very soft heart it wasn't for this man we would not have missionaries today I probably would not have heard the gospel if it weren't for this man William Carey this man he was known as the father of missions and he had a burden for souls but the Christians they were sitting comfortably in their seats and they said no God will send them the gospel in his time but Carey said no way I'm going to give the gospel and he went to India India India where they would burn up widows next to their dead husband's and Kerry was so burdened but he would preach to those Hindus and witness to them lead them to Jesus Christ in fact that that poor man one time he was teaching a geography class and when he was teaching geography class going to this nation and that nation when he would points his ruler at one nation tears would well up his eyes and he'd cry and he tell the students in that nation there are people over there who never even heard the name of Jesus that's why he became a missionary that's like maybe we should all take geography class and have a burner for souls after that but then the Lord start to raise up more people he raised up a torn arm Justin this man I admire him so much this man could not win his first soul until probably after 7 to 9 years this man suffered so much in the area of Burma Burma was infested with Buddhism Judson's life was pretty much a failure it looked like that man went in the mission field no one listened to him and he was persecuted and tortured and imprisoned at Burma and while he was tortured in the prison he would hide the Bible while translating the Burmese Bible for the Burmese people but you know when he got out of prison his heart was so much on that mission field he kept ministering to those people in fact this guy would even leave some of the headhunters to salvation and those headhunters actually became street preachers after that one time Justin was before a Burmese ruler and Hudson had to Justin excuse me I had to ask this Burmese ruler for permission to minister in this location at Burma but the ruler said no and Justin said why you know what that ruler said this guy's life is a flop huh the ruler told him this my people who are buddhists are not fools to listen to your religion but I fear when they see the scars on your back as he was tortured they're going to listen to you that's how the Lord mightily used us and guess what he did he ministered to the Burmese people another person God used was George Muller George Muller the man who's known to be a prayer warrior you wanted your prayer answered you'd go to this guy this man was known as a prayer warrior he would have testimony after testimony when he died he died praying over over 10 million dollars but much more than that millions and millions of dollars during his days do you know how much money that is today in today's standard now just by prayer millions of dollars one testimony goes where one time they had no bread and milk but George Mueller depended upon God to bring in the bread and the milk he prayed Lord give us bread and milk to eat and then he had the children gathering the table and he said and he had the place and the forks and the knives but the food was empty but George Mueller said I pray to the Lord and he will provide one time he got a knock on the door and it was a baker and that fakir said I don't know what happened mr. Mueller sir but seemed like God was dealing with my heart at 2:00 a.m. in the morning and I just had a burden so I cooked all this food I baked all this bread for you and the children to eat why because someone was praying at to him that was George Mueller and then there was a milkman that came by and this milkman said one of the wheels came off my wagon so this milk is going to get spoiled I don't want it to get spoiled but it happened to get into an accident right in front of your orphanage so I want to leave this milk tea too so they had food to eat and milk to drink that's how God mildly used the prayers of George Mueller this man was a prayer warrior God answered his prayers mightily another person God used you know how the Salvation Army was founded under this man William Booth how are the mighty fallen right Salvation Army is not Salvation Army today but back then it was Salvation Army this man believed in Salvation so much souls in fact one of his quotes is Souls Souls Souls that's it that's one of his quotes this man had a burden for lost souls sometimes his Street Preachers Sullivan Street Preachers would wear raincoats or some kind of protective coats as they Street preached and people would throw rock mud and dead cats at them so that why so that they can pretender the preaching of the gospel but William Booth Ted crying out oh god what can I say Sorrell Souls Souls my heart hungers for souls and you get shared during street preaching huh after that you just carry that industry preach and after that William Booth the Lord Miley used him another person God used was Robert Moffett Robert Moffett this man went into the heart of Africa and he wanted to win souls while he was in some one place in Africa Robert Moffett he wants win an infamous African year chief to salvation but this infamous African year chief he was known for killing people he pulled horror stories about him and then the white people they told Robert Moffitt don't go and witness to that man you're just wasting your time he will have your he will hold your head on a basket but mop it went anyway he said I'm going to win him to Christ and he went through the court the desert terrain found that infamous African year chief and you know what he did he opened the Bible led him to the Lord Jesus Christ and that African your chief he cleaned himself off cleaned up all that paganism and wickedness came in all nice and clean and they went back to town together and in a bunch of a lot of the English people they were saying who is that man and Moffat said that's the infamous ask Kinnear chief and they got all shocked he said no way how did that happen he got saved that's what happened and then in fact one of the one of the officials of that town he had to say about this African year chief this is the 8th wonder of the world you know why because God moved in that's why there is an eighth wonder of the world God mightily used these people another person God used what's Hudson Taylor Hudson Taylor this man Hudson Taylor his ministry to the Chinese people he had a burden for the Chinese people ministered to them in fact after he died when communism took over China they had to disgrace taylor's writings because they knew about Taylor's work they knew his ministry so they had to disgrace him when they took over and when those communists took over they took one of their authors and they said you read all of Taylor's works and demonize them you make him look evil but when that communist author took Taylor's work and start to read his writings the Holy Spirit burned on his heart that communist author stopped writing criticisms against Taylor got on his knees and received Christ for salvation that man caught saved see how God miley's these people he had missionaries he had three preachers yet people starting ministries yes famous revivalists starting and then a heyday i heyday the devil couldn't take this the devil couldn't take this it was heyday heyday all over Lord raise up another person DL Moody DL Moody so I'm going to squeeze in a couple more right here DL Moody he was a man who also had a burden for souls he would go around telling people are you a Christian ster are you a Christian sir one time he went to one person he said are you a Christian sir but that man got so offended that he went to one of Moody's deacons and said if I was a general if I weren't gentleman enough I'd have the right to punch him in the face for telling me that for asking me that question so then Moody was told by some of the Christians you have a lot of zeal but not a lot of wisdom calm down so Moody was sad he was burdened he went inside his room and started to pray for that man who he offended but guess what he got a knock on the door and it was that same man he offended and that man said man when you're asking that question it started to bother me I couldn't get off my mind I want to be a safe Christian moody led him to Christ right then and there the man he offended he led him to the Lord Jesus Christ Moody was known to be a man who would get thousands on the altar thousands of convictions thousands of calls going on James Chalmers was another one James Chalmers he was a missionary you know where he was a missionary to to the cannibal Islands in fact he went inside 1 cannibal house where there was human skin and skulls / decorate in the house and he would just sit down and witness to them right at there and there but James Charlotte she had a burden for the cannibals in fact you know how how he died in the mission field he died being eaten by cannibals that's how much she loved accountable people man what happened to Christians today what happened to Christians today man this the this is Christianity right here man this is Christianity right here James Chalmers one time he was three preaching to those cannibals when they had one of those big feasts going on and he had two of his converts street preaching with them so they were three preaching to a bunch of these cannibal chalmers there were streets and night.i for many hours and Thomas said I need to rest so Thomas slept and then when he woke up in the morning he saw his to converse still street preaching he's like have you had have you been added all night I can imagine that guy's voice is all sore you know what he said he said pastor I went through the Garden of Eden no hustle cut mosaic law all the hotels meant I'm about to start the story of Jesus so I can't stop now so you get distributed that time man during those old days Great Awakening Great Awakening Great Awakening Lord also used another man named Billy Sunday Billy Sunday you know why you know why you got prohibition you got that law passed out against alcohol I'll tell you why it's because of these guys Billy Sunday these guys closed the saloons they closed the bars Billy Sunday became the famous revivalist who is infamously known for closing the bars in the north the North had its heyday northern America Derr saloons were closing down why because of a crusted man that God used Billy Sunday Billy Sunday he was a former baseball player star and he also used to drink he ran bases as a baseball player but you know what God used that talent of his in his preaching so he would run in the paces while he's preaching it would even break chairs in his while he's preaching and sometimes rip up now shirt but that's how God used him that's how God use these revivalists these creatures to bring people on the altar to bring people under conviction you see how God use so many different people for his glory look at that different people different people for his glory he'd used the crazy he used the rough he used the tender-hearted he used the soft-hearted he used the intellectuals he used the poor people the smart people God used everybody for his glory this is the greatest awakening of all time you can see God mightily used him then God used another person to close the bars in the south you got Sunday up in the north now you got someone on the south that was Sam Jones Sam Jones a hopelessly lost drunk who was about to lose God he got saved and he hated alcohol ever since that man Sam Jones he closed the bars in the south he was also responsible for the laws against alcohol excuse me one time a liquor merchant got so mad at Sam Jones that he waived a $10 bill in front of Sam Jones and he said this I got it from some poor sap who bought my liquor you know what Sam Jones did he took that $10 bill away from that liquor merchant he said you lost your right I'll have it the devil had it long enough that's what he said so the Lord used these people these guys closed the bars you know I took preachers not scholars it took creatures to do the job gods meant to do the job what happened to the people today today then God had to use another person at the south oh boy man oh boy Mordecai ham Mordecai ham came and that man he was listed as one of the Four Horsemen of Revelation by the Catholic Church tablet Church hated this guy that they dubbed him one of the Four Horsemen of Revelation these revivalist crushed the Catholic Church system preached against the law of Revelation closed off sin and the bars and they brought revival preached on sin and Hell salvation and the gospel Mordecai had he wanted to convert atheist he always wanted the toughest converts and then one this is his tactic of so any went to a town and said who's the toughest atheist in this town and they said well it's just one guy over here and that easiest hurt Mordecai ham was about to visit so that easy stranded okay hey and a Mordecai ham chased after that 80's into a bond and that a theist was like we're gonna do we're gonna do what you doesn't do and what if I am said this I'm going to ask God for two things I'm going to pray for God for two things I'm going to ask God to kill you or to save you that's what he said the Atheist had the speaker of God awesome that he got saved and he got his old family safe and they all got baptized and attended church after that not one time these these liquor dealers hated Mordecai ham so they all surrounded Mordecai hand with clubs and knives and they were going to kill this guy Mordecai ham said his same old line I'm going to pray for God to kill you or to save you you know what happened after that the guy who waved the knife at him a windmill blew up fell on top of them killed the guy who was waving the knife at Mordecai ham entered half of the mob what do you think the rest of the mob did they got safe and after that that's how the Lord Michael he used these people that time this guy was a rough guy right but you know how God used the roughness cuffs on these people for you know who Mordecai ham converted Billy Graham the famous Billy Graham today you know how he got saved under Mordecai ham is preaching see how God uses anybody for his glory you might say well I don't agree with this I don't like what he did there there amen you weren't there you don't know what God's plan is behind those scenes and you should have read people in the Bible who did a lot worse and what these people did you see how God uses people for his glory he uses anybody I mean anybody for his glory praise the Lord uses any character for his glory now came the second Horseman of revelation that the Catholic Church hated so you bet you he's another of guys his name is J Frank Norris J Frank no sometimes he go inside those Baptist Convention's and they kick him out because he'd give them a hard time Norris this guy he was known to also be a rough preacher and yes because he's a rough preacher you betcha he preached against liquor too they hated this guy you'll see what you see what God was raising up men real soldiers real men real soldiers the Catholic Church had to list him as the other one of the Four Horsemen of Revelation one of the lawyers who was who was trying to sue J Frank Norris and imprison him you know what God did with that lawyer that lawyer was drinking liquor uh-huh no wonder he wanted to go against J Frank Norris and you know what he got into a vehicle accident and his brains were dashed all over the pavement you want to take Norris did he took the broken bottle that the lawyer was drinking scooped up the lawyers buying took it to his church service and preached on Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death for those people got a heart attacks on them painted after the accident but this guy got thousands all these preacher had thousands thousands of people coming in thousand converted thousands changing their lives that's how the Lord used them Satan said after all this I had enough I had enough I had enough of this so the devil came and you know what the devil did that old devil did he raised up something to conquer against the Great Awakenings so from this branch right here it continues onward and from this branch we continue through one of the greatest successes of Satan the counter-reformation the counter-reformation the counter-reformation started by Ignatius de Loyola he was a founder of the Jesuits the devil was going to raise a demonic army and these guys weren't preachers these guys were intellectuals these guys were the scholars and the devil was going to raise these men to conquer against the preachers the Great Awakening revivals Ignatius Loyola as he founded the Jesuit Order he was going to counter-attack they were so sick and tired of this they were so sick and tired of this book that brought the revivals that brought Great Awakenings in fact one Catholic Jesuit cried about the King James Bible the Bible that serpent with head erect and I splashing threatens us with its venom while it trails along the ground shall be changed into a rod as soon as we are able to seize it for three centuries past that's right for three centuries past this cruel ASP lets us know repose you will know with what fools didn't Quinns us and with what fangs that Naza so thus they began to counter-attack against the King James Bible Ignatius de Loyola he founded the Jesuit Order to counter-attack this man went through for in quizzes this is how demonic and scary these people are all right the Jesuits this man he went through for inquisitions to prove his Catholic devotion in Genoa he went to four different inquisitions to prove this Catholic devotion demonically enslaved in fact his Spiritual Exercises book taught brainwashing and control of his followers including the very air that they breathe that's how strong the brainwashing control was of the Jesuits and Loyola and the Jesuits started to counter-attack you know so I'm going to add this this is not mentioned in my previous history so I'm going to add this one so the devil started attacking and how he starts to attack is through secular powers here came in the elites the Jesuits started to counter-attack they were being kicked out by Catholic nations ever remember the KJV translator translation the plot failed so they were getting kicked out kicked out kicked out there with losing power Catholic nations we're even kicking them out didn't you know even the Vatican kick them out hoping Nevada can finally kick them out and the Jesuits knew that they lost their power and they had to regain it so it is said that the Jesuits how they regain their power they use the ones who are still empowered that time in leading the Masons they use the high-ranking Masons that time and there they found Rothschild as well through Rothschild and the Masons the Masonic oath was founded in a Jesuit University Rothschild and Adam Whitehouse who founded the Illuminati which eventually produce all kinds of elites that came out eventually all came out was started in a Jesuit University from there when the birth of America came to the scene that's where Benjamin Franklin and some of the people you'll see Masonic symbols all over the government although God founded a myth although God's hand was upon the founding of America and saw the revivals Satan was on its coattails to produce some greater evil behind the scene that's where the great elite powers came from the Jesuits they regained their power through one powerful figure napoleon bonaparte a during the polian bonaparte a they use that man where they founded where they got the knights of malta and other high organizations going Napoleon started conquered caffeination caffeination Jesuits were doing assassinations through the Catholic royalty and through that Napoleon got the Pope into prison and forced him to restore the Jesuit Order that's how the Jesuit Order reclaimed its power and from there that's where all the hi Elise from Rothschild and the Masons and other high-ranking Jews they all came from this bunch why because it started out from something demonic something sinister it came from the Jesuits through there the devil is going underground with these Elise while the people were rejoicing souls were getting saved he was going underground slowly building up his power through high ranking elites you got the elite political power fell so Paulette so political power fell through these figures now he's got to attack this book the Kade the King James Bible also fell the King James Bible so tell how through higher and lower criticism the Jesuits plan they always go fifty to a hundred years ahead of time so while everyone was going on through their great Reformation in came those Jesuits behind the scenes planning a bigger plot they were quiet from the 1500s to the 1900s to successfully destroy the King James Bible believing churches today they decided to attack by infiltrating school walls it is estimated that they infiltrated more than a hundred school more than 100 schools and university more than a hundred schools and universities these Jesuits infiltrated they first raised up questions against the Bible's authenticity through higher and lower criticism in France that's where they start that's where Voltaire that's where all the great enlightenment Great Awakening man not the Enlightenment but the great while the Great Awakening was going they got their grave enlightenment going and through that because they respected intellectuals collapse scholarship so much that's what the Jesuits use so they start to go through France first to France they start to question the Bible see if you want to get rid of revival you got to get rid of rid of a revival by getting rid of the book so question the authenticity of the book first through higher and lower criticism in France they had the French enlightenment then it spread to Germany the heart of Luther's Reformation that's where German rationalism came from so guess what the Jesuits who were brilliant intellectuals they took advantage of that and guess what it eventually went to where the heart of the Reformation Germany then it went to England the heart of the King James Bible the heart of the King James Bible in England and that's where you had English deism write English deism see always intellectual intellectual see how the devil use it then he finally went to America the heart of the Great Awakening revival you see how Satan's lured behind the scenes because God started where the Reformation in Germany then he moved to England then he went to America Satan realizes let's go behind and knock them out on by one welcome to America today so question question the Bible but he didn't go into apostasy like that it just start out with question the Bible then you got those stink and philosophers who came in the philosophers they took the higher and lower criticism against the KJV they took the higher and lower criticism attack of the KJV from the Jesuits from France Germany and the philosophers who are intellectuals shared some of their beliefs and they use that to not just attack the Bible now but to attack Christianity itself you see a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump and that's how Satan succeeds in making the whole world apostate they revive see all the way don't forget Satan's headquarters you can't forget Alexandria and Rome you can't forget that Satan revived its system once more through the revival of that system they came up with their own human philosophies that critiqued the Bible you had david hume john locke thomas hobbes rene discard case francis bacon frederick nietzsche because the Jesuits were spreading criticisms against the bible with higher and lower criticism they took star that argument and changed it into a humanism and christian modernism so what happened after that now you got the schools FL so schools fell schools were not state political power was not safe then you got another person who is he Charles Darwin Charles Darwin Charles Darwin came to the scene and what he you know what he was actually a student who majored in theology so the devil kept his eyes on some people who were grown up and raised in Christianity and he was going to use them for his glory the devil and the devil kept an eye on them and God forbid it will happen to anyone here but it is happening right now today that's what the devil is doing he's keeping an eye on you and he kept an eye on Darwin but he starts to question our creation with Origin of Species his book now you finally had a scientific way to get rid of God so what do you think the atheists the secular humanists did they took advantage of that now they have a scientific argument against God they join the bandwagon and they use that to critique the Great Awakening revival preaching and promote their evolution ideas more and guess what happened science fell science fell I think the guy's name is Spencer I'm not sure but Spencer he even said this if you get rid of evolution then we are forced to follow the moral rules of what Christianity has preached about and I refuse to do that see now science fell that's why they joined that bandwagon now higher lower criticism start to open doors now the Bible completely fell with these guys Westcott and Hort Westcott and Hort knocked off the King James Bible they said let's make a new English Bible so the first modern by English modern Bible after the KJV was the revised version with the revised version you know what they took back at Alexandria they took the manuscripts back at Alexandria and through this they took the manuscripts and started to build up modern Bibles from that and guess what they did it opened the door for others to make their own revisions of the KJV do you not realize that from Westcott and Hort when they once they open the doors you know how many modern versions came out since then more than 200 different English Bibles how much more how much more do you need to correct that book huh see so guess what happened significant the Bible fell the Bible fell that when the Bible fell then the devil start to raise up another one oh here came call Marx Karl Marx and when Karl Marx came to the scene he started to promote the ideas where communism came from he created socialism on how the government was not getting control of making sure everyone had an equal wealth since he was a journalist he had the power of the media to spread his propaganda many sinners convicted by the great awakening preached and they wanted the government to take care of them so his beliefs attracted them so instead of working for themselves which endangered many to fall prey and being dependent on the government just like what just like remember DejaVu bagman let's trust this government here they're the ones that can take care of us there are the ones that know what they're doing see what Satan was doing he's trying to revive what he did back then and he used Karl Marx to do it and guess what Karl Marx guess what just like Darwin in a way he was raised under a Christian branch he was a Lutheran see Satan will keep an eye on you and guess what happened because of that government fell so the devil was raising up one by one by one then you got Hollywood that blasted Hollywood Hollywood came to the scene and you know what you'd be surprised a lot of the famous stars and actors and musicians didn't you know they were all a lot of them were raised from Christian churches but how did they fall how did they be fallen to sin and promote sin and glamour Ison and start to get the younger generations to endorse in because of this blasted thing called Hollywood and Hollywood glamour ice in it glamorized the world in music glamorized the worldly dressing he glamorized the world it glamorized sin and be glamorized fornication and because of that some of them you'd be surprised Jerry Lee Lewis Elvis Presley some of those people they were raised up in Christian churches but what happened the devil started to put in Hollywood where they want to become stars famous and promote sin in fact it's really sad when you hear some of Elvis Presley's music he was struggling with sin he even confessed in one of his songs you can tell he was struggling with the sin so because of that Christianity was starting to die out in morals and worldliness was being promoted that's why you got young generations today who act who talk who dress who like the music and the taste of what what Hollywood is doing if you don't believe me just look at them then and look at yourself don't you share a lot in common with them see that so that so what happened the world fell the world fell so that's how the devil used Hollywood in fact what's very interesting as well as at the birth of Hollywood a lot of it was from those elites that came through the scenes a lot of them were Mason's and saw them were those Jews who were connected with the Jesuit elites so guess what propaganda and garbage and wickedness was spreading even more and more another person the devil used with Sigmund Freud Freud came to the scene and Freud when he came to the scene he to give psychological explanations for human guilt and he criticized the kind of this kind of preaching you know that he criticized that why because you're not helping them out don't produce human guilt that's his philosophy and you start to give the psychological babble where people start to see you're their conscience with a hot iron so when the Great Awakening preachers start to convict these people of sin they got an explanation away through Freud and guess what conscience sell nothing was safe anymore now you got another one can the devil's not done see what he's setting up one by one by one then came the cults while the Great Awakenings Christianity was a dominant mainstream Protestant Christianity was a dominant mainstream but then the cult came in and these cults started to come in during that time period the Mormons through Brigham Young sprouted out in Utah jehovah's witnesses by Charles Russell sprouted out in New York Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy seventh-day Adventism by ellen g white the Church of Christ by Alexander Campbell sprouted all over the south the charismatic with their healings and speaking of tongues sprouted out in California the hyper dispensationalists by Cornelius dam and New Jersey and due to this mass of so many what whatever I'll say we're Christian you hear that right we're a Christian we're a Christian we're Christian with Christian with this wholeness going on of everyone professing to be a Christian guess what happened finally people today are so sick and tired of it seeing Christians fighting amongst themselves let's put aside our differences unite together under the banner of Christianity and the Pope the Vatican finally succeeded in getting all the churches to what to join together and the Pope would host these events in the Vatican with the Christian religions and the world religions together and thus hosted by the Pope why to go back to what the devil always wanted to do he wanted he's going to get Rome to be in power once more at revelation 17 he wanted all these sins to start spreading out Mother Church was making a comeback ever since what the time of Jesus Christ pagan Rome followed its coattails all the way so guess what happened now now churches fell churches fell now let me close it right here let me ask you this one question all right if you got political powers that fall today political hi rich powers that fall today you got the government that fall you got the schools that fall you got the Bible that fell away science fell away the whole world falling away churches falling away not only that if there's nothing else to turn to but your own conscience but you got your conscience falling away what will save you from and give you Bible believing truth absolutely nothing absolutely nothing the devil covered all bases for that no one can find Bible believing truth anywhere even if you're not to see by political powers you'll use your conscience to deceive you even if you have the right Bible that you'll use the school to make you critique the Bible eventually if you're not to see by the government you'll use the churches you go to to deceive you absolutely nothing was saved and God forbid that anyone of you Christians out there are caught him to see by that mess so the churches fell the churches fell so nothing was safe anymore the devil succeeded thus his counter-reformation and modernism which eventually led to modernism it all spread out and that's the great awakening fell away as we hit the 20 and 21st century but the Lord raised up a few good men during these last days to fight against the counter-reformation and modernism today which we come into eventually because of all the apostasy that's happening as you know there is nothing safe to turn to science fell schools fell government fell secular powers have fallen the Bible's fell and because of that there was no place safe to turn to so that's how the devil finally succeeded he finally succeeded with the counter-reformation and modernism so this counter-reformation which was led by the Yola it eventually led to the modernism s that we had today so as you might recall the Jesuits they were kicked out of power but they start to regain their power slowly one by one through Rothschild masons the high elites and then through Napoleon once they regained our power the Jesuits went underground through the French enlightenment and they went through German rationalism and English theism schools is the best way to always ruin the next generation so through the schools they gave textual criticism doubting the authenticity of the Bible the Philosopher's who do not believe in Christianity they took advantage of those skeptic ISM arguments that the Jesuits opened up and used it to build even more to denounce Christianity then Charles Darwin came and then he produced evolution Karl Marx with socialism which eventually led into communism and then Westcott and Hort produced different Bibles and the Sigmund Freud to give doubts on your conscience and questioning morals and then it just fell away that's how modernism was produced modernism produced so in this day and age there seemed to be no one that can fight against this it seemed like all hope was lost and the Lord let raised up a few good men these were the people during the last days of Laodicea if it weren't for these men then we would not exist today Bible believers came to exist because of these men all right this is how Bible believers came to exist the first thing was concerning the King James Bible issue the Lord raised up two good men to denounce the critical text that the Jesuits and other textual scholars were using to criticize the text of the King James Bible and one of them was Dean Bergen Dean Bergen he was contemporary with Westcott and Hort he lived during those days Dean Bergen took the text of Westcott and Hort and pour it apart he tore apart this man is a scholar Dean of Chichester Oxford scholar and then defended successfully the King James Bible then the Lord raised up a man who studied in Harvard Edward F Hills Edward F Hills also successfully defended the manuscripts of the King James Bible if you read his works it's pretty brilliant if some people mistakenly think that I'm smart in defending the KJV that's not the case it's because I used a lot from Edward F Hills work he did a successful job defending the texts of the King James Bible so significance the Bible was defended so remember council Reformation and modernism just tore everything apart so the key thing was the Bible remember after the King James Bible came out that's when the great awakening started to come out right but then when they start to when did it all start to fall apart when the Jesuits went through French enlightenment and German rationalism English theism questioning the authenticity of the Bible see that's how it begins so then that foundation was laid so the Bible was defended that's significant to attack this that was significant the second thing that was significant is doctrine and the Lord raised up these two good men CI Scofield and Clarence Larkin CI Scofield he was contemporary during the days of dl moody as you remember dl moody was one of those great awakening preachers CI sculpey hope he took over one of DL Moody's churches and he passed her successfully but CI Scofield if you read his story about his reference Bible it's amazing how the Lord defended it one time he was about there are two cases where he almost lost his Scofield reference Bible one time he was had a trip through the Atlantic and he was very careful and paranoid about his reference bible because of the devil's attack so he wanted somebody to check down the containers and see if his reference bible was there but guess what it was lost so during those days during those old days when you cross through the ocean you don't want to lose containers that time all right you can lose it so he had to trace the steps and the Lord protected it the second time he had his printing work and all of his reference Bible notes and everything set up but there was a fire and he panicked and he thought that his reference Bible was lost but a fire burned right next to his reference Bible so the Lord protected it a second time CI Scofield was a drunken lawyer he was a drunken lawyer but you know how you got saved one person asked him are you s are you born again are you saved Christian and Scofield he said well you know I drink I don't think God allows drunkards into heaven right and that guy said I didn't ask you that I asked you are you saved are you a Christian and that's how the iscope you'll receive Christ for his salvation Clarence Larkin what made him does the Haskell work on dispensationalism is because of his charts he was in engineering and he's a Baptist minister so these such a great combination made him a champion drawing many charts on dispensationalism he drew scores of charts if you still look at his charts today it's still a Bible study that you can learn out of just by looking at his charts the Lord used Clarence Larkin a Baptist minister mightily to produce dispensationalism charts so because of this sensationalism right doctrine was defended as you recall there were many cults during this time I already listed to you churches were falling apart left and right so because of these two men the Lord raised it to defend right doctrine so significance significance is Bible protected and right doctrine defected I mean did not keep that risk it was defendant so both of these were defended then the Lord raised up these bunch this is where the fundamentalist come from and then where the liberal media demonizes these people so warm for these men then we would have felt pray to the world are a Tory he was another contemporary of DL Moody it's amazing how God mightily used deal moody right a lot of good men that came out but re Cory came to the scene and during that time that's when modernism was seeping through our schools and churches and pastors oratory he got a bunch of preachers together Biola University was founded on our a Tory actually now look what happened to it huh but anyway all right Tory he came up with volumes Bieber volumes a book so they wrote a lot volumes combined a whole bunch of preachers together and called it the fundamentals das fundamentalist came to the scene in other words we defend the major fundamental doctrines of Christianity so because of that that's how we Baptist fundamentalist came to the scene if it weren't for these men as a result it attacked the worldliness remember during this time period worldliness was affecting right everything Hollywood just glamorize the wickedness of the world and sin so because of these men they preach against the worldliness against sin Sigmund Freud obviously didn't like this bunch and these guys were the ones who woke up their spiritual conscience so the significance is that it attacked the Catholic ecumenical movement they were against the church's combining with modernism and so the Lord raises up to defend the churches so the churches were defended so significant churches didn't fall prey to the ecumenical ISM that time then major fundamentalist came to the scene that the Lord raised up these fundamentalist because of these men they were able to raise up many many pastors and churches that avoided the ecumenical movement the Lord raised up men such as John Rice who wrote the sword of the Lord it's still the most probably the most Baptist fundamentalist newspaper the Lord raised up Bob Jones senior who founded Bob Jones University the Lord raised up Lee Robins Robertson with Tennessee Temple Christian children they were getting affected by the public schools so then there was Arlen and Becca Hortons a Becca Academy and they provided the best Christian school outside program thus keeping them away from the world Jack Hiles actually reached the top 15 largest churches so then the Lord was raising up a lot of fundamentalist pastors but the problem was this the problem was the devil really did a big job on the counter-reformation and modernism he did a successful job so because of this job you understand this is that not all of these men were clean in doctrine and they also had problems in their life too and you can dig up a lot of dirt on some fundamentalist pastors so because of that it was not enough to successfully attack the counter-reformation and modernism but what was the Lord doing he was laying a foundation and foundation there was one man who combined all of this together and because of this man he combined everything together and then Bible believers start to sprout out really quick just like the Lord raised up what people refused to believe is that God will raise up a significant man and who could change history and that's what they refused to believe the Lord raised up Martin Luther he changed a lot of history the Lord raised up Anabaptist who are actually called extremists and radicals compared to the traditional Protestants so that is normal throughout history how the Lord used so that's the Lord raised up another significant figure who traditional fundamentalist consider as radical and extremist and who people refused to believe would change history his name was Peter ruckman Peter s Rahman he was born right when Scofield died when dispensationalism died with Scofield he was born at that same day and the same year excuse me and the Lord raised him what did he do this man combined everything together and when he combined everything together that's how we were successfully able to attack the modernism of today he was a homeless drunk and he was actually going to commit suicide boy did the Lord had all of their plans didn't he change history what happened was is that a fundamental fundamentalist pastors named you get pile do you've dialed one of the fundamentals Pastor Scott ruckman and then recommend he was approached by youth pile and then Ruttman said well what do you got and to pile coal druckmann well I got the Lord what do you got and then Ruffin he didn't have anything you pile gave Rutman the gospel and rothman at that time when he was a hopeless drunk about to commit suicide he got he bowed his head and received Christ for salvation his salvation testimony is kind of funny because he was such a wicked wicked man he didn't know how to speak clean yet so he would always curse so out of the sincerity of his heart to the Lord he prayed like this Lord God I know that I'm such a blankety blank blank Center I deserve clickity blank blank hill but god I know that salvation is real I pray so you'll say my blankety-blank planks full from hell and then the fundamentalist pastor huge pile was laughing and he said you should lean that with all your heart and Rutland said you better blankety-blank length right I did the Lord changed his life old things were passed away behold all things are become new he changed his image completely if you looked at his old image he look totally different and then he got himself he shaved himself got a clean haircut made himself clean and then he surrendered himself to the ministry he became a pastor and he received his doctorate from one of the fundamentalist Bob Jones University he received his doctorate from there he was praised by boot camp big blue Chadwick was one of the kings of the fundamentalist that time Boutin vick founded the Baptist Bible Fellowship it was the world's largest Baptist fundamentalist that time boot camp it praised Peter ruckman of being the greatest Bible teacher in America and Bob Jones senior said about ruckman one of the most brilliant students ever walked on his campus in fact John our rice the fundamentalist John our rice he advertised dr. Oakman in his sort of the Lord magazine and said this man will answer your questions in 45 seconds or less you can still talk you can still find it online that article image so the Lord raised about Ruffman what he did was that what why the fundamentalist considered him a radical is because these guys didn't combine everything together and go all the way Menke combined all of this together and he went all the way he went all the way so he chewed out Westcott and horts he chewed out every pastor and he even chewed hell fundamentalist pastors who messed up boy they did not like this guy but why did the Lord raise him up it was important for the last days the last days was infected with so much of modernism the counter-reformation and modernism done its work the Lord raised up man to clean up the piss and the dung that was going on and lay out to say at that time he was doing the cleanup the Lord didn't raise them up to build mega churches or to get thousands on the altar like Billy Sunday God had a different plan for him you're going to clean house and that's what Rutland did he cleaned house he'd he debated many people he debated a famous Catholic apologist a lawyer named Karl Keating in fact when he debated him he crushed him so badly with documentation than the middle of the break when doctorate was was quoting documentation of this Pope messed up this bishop messed up these priests lined up in front of Carl Keating and they said not true what he said is that true what he said there was a another debate with Earl Calend he was the best Bible version during those days and I think it's still one of the top Bible versions the NIV and dr. Otteman took one of his committee members Earl Kalin and debated him that was not even a debate you actually would feel sorry for Earl Callan he was crushed and humiliated that was the worst debate I ever saw I'm not going to watch that again then another in another debate he went up against a biology evolution professor and in this debate he gave documentation and documentation and what did that professor do at the end the news media lined up and they recorded him you know what that biology evolution professor said at the end about Ruffman he didn't he didn't debate him on certain areas and critiqued certain areas where he was wrong all he could do was just say this he was just miss quoting those sources that was all he could say how many of you heard evolutionists do that hunt during debate so that's all they could do they can't go against the argument itself he wrote tons of books and articles and videos that filled more than seven shelves in fact one of dr. Altman's avid enemies he's still actually online dead this guy dedicated a whole website to critique knocked her up in fact this he had to admit he said this about ruckman one thing about Rahman is that he's not a lazy man after looking all those books the evidence to prove the wealth of information and bible-believing truths and the intelligence is all you have to do is go look at his book store wkj be 1611 org all you have to do is look at that book store then you'll know that that guy armed himself in everything on every cult religion King James Bible issue and evolution atheism got it all all in that bookstore I would recommend anyone out there to please order stuff on his book store please order stuff on this book store he got everything in there so just like what did the enemies do during history if you study bio believing history what would the enemies do they called John HUS his followers hot sites they called Luther's followers Lutheran's and what they call witless followers Lollards and guess what they called people who studied under dr. up his works Rama nights thus you'll hear that term very infamously used rough nights today so why is because that's what the enemies of God do and enemies of God they will try to make it created into a cult and make it into a following but all you have to do is not just look at biased sources throughout the internet and then what they point out this law and that law can I tell you something even if this guy has so many flaws well not just so many but if even this guy has flaws study your Bible believing history everyone has flaws everyone has flaws but the layers no doubt the Lord used Luther Kives Tory Schofield Burgin hills Ruffman and everybody and God used imperfect men with flaws mightily for his glory and there's one thing that God used Ruffman on was intelligence it was Bible truths and if you people are going to reject that just because of this cuss word name called Robin just because of this name you're missing out everything that's how the devil's going to deceive you and blind you people who are watching online some people were saying you're too smart to pull to listen to this guy why are you working a listening to this guy are you listening to your teachings you're too smart to follow him because you don't even look at the bookstore you didn't even read that stuff you just look at stuff online bias sources and pointing out his law his law his law man you better thank God that there's no internet finding your flaw before you point out this guy's law now what happened the Gate of Heaven opened up and the gates of Hell got heyday in came the Bible believers the Bible believers came to the scene and when these Bible believers came to the scene please do not run out of ink when these Bible believers came to have seen the Lord raised up good men to defend Christianity and doctrinal truths hold on what happened the foundation was laid now that the foundation was laid now the Lord was going to start his counter-attack they had their counter-reformation we're going to counter that one now in came the Bible believers that's where we came in the Lord raised up one man named William Brady William Brady he actually pastored the largest fundamentalist university jack Isles he was actually a professor Scheele he pops one of his classes over there he was a professor of the largest fundamentalist University in Hiles that time but then what happened was that somebody gave him one of the poisonous books from dr. Rodman called manuscript evidence when he read that it changed his life to defend the King James Bible and what that man did was when he went to one particular fundamentalist University he mentioned that cuss word he mentioned Rutland and he defended him for over an hour bored it's still online you can watch that video boy the people at that school they got scared they got tense after that it's such a rich view you should watch him and the Lord raised up another person he raised up Jack chick that chick that time he had a burden for lost souls but he was scared and he was a shy man but what he decided to do was to draw artwork and use that as trap material his first his studio his track project studio was in his little kitchen that's how he started his chick tracks he would sometimes contact ruckman for doctrinal questions they became fast friends you know what how the Lord used him it still at the Smithsonian Institute today he is known as the world's most published or author the world's most published author the Lord mightily used him and because well the Vatican they got it Mordecai ham long gone and dad J Frank Norris long gone and head the two of the Four Horsemen of Revelation are not dead but the third one raised its ugly head and the to mark them out and in fact if you go to tablet conferences and you pass them out chip tracks they know what they are and they will avoid it that's what the that's what the jesuits the priests have taught them to do Jackson became infamous the Lord raised up people after people another person came out named Sam Gipp he graduated from dr. Allen school and he wrote the simplest yet though defense against the King James Bible the Lord raised him up as this kind of talent his talent was this to take their intellectual scholars material and to make and to dumb it down to the average man's level and now the intellectual scholars got their nightmare they got their own church members questioning their teachings about Greek and Hebrew his book the answer book was selling out like hotcakes the Lord raised him up to do that now simple common men who some of them who didn't even graduate from high school started to critique their own Greek and Hebrew pastors and intellectuals Lord was raising a preacher after preacher another person that God raised up was David peacock David peacock he was a captain of a police force and then he surrendered himself to preach for the ministry he is known as the one of the best preachers today on using illustrations he is very illustrative in his preaching he's the head he is the head of the Bible doctrine Institute which is the best Bible believing online course today and we have it in our resources tough site one time when he was preaching about casting Crowns had Jesus feed a bunch of these church members got excited and they start to take off their shoes and throw it down on the ground pretending that they were casting Crowns at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ God was raising up preachers God was raising up men another one God raised up with Billy Eubanks he also attended dr. Elman school this man he did the crazy task of taking Jack six materials I think about ten thousand tick tracks and he flew over the Vatican at one they're sacred Catholic days and he opened up the bins and spilled down tens house and chick bags all over the Vatican that night that and then now he can't go back to Italy and in pricey caps Melora was raising up men after men another person God raised up was Greg east ed Greg Estep was a man who founded another good Bible School at Ohio and he started to train them in Bible believing dispensationalism and the King James Bible issue and then the Lord raised up another good man at Ohio Jimmy hood Jimmy hood he started a rescue mission up in Ohio taking drunks men cursed by drugs and wickedness got them cleaned up put them in his rescue mission and they became street preachers as well took in taking a bunch of drunks turning them into street preachers that's good stuff amen then God raised up another man named Jack Patterson Jack Patterson he started a home for boys and he would take the teenagers who are also abandoned Hart ruined by the wickedness of sin in the world and while the world was grabbing away teenagers making them far more and more or less into they were falling into immorality and to wickedness and corruption Jack Carson took those kids ruined by that mess ruined by Hollywood ruined by the world ruined by society and cleaned them up and raised them up into godly Christian living in fact if you look at some of these people when they go up in front of churches oh boy it will melt your heart these young teens they would sing out hymns for the Lord Jesus Christ all in a group together who were once ruined and abandoned and fell into sin now cleaned up dress properly introducing hymns and quoting chapters and chapters and chapters of Psalms different portions of the Scriptures Lord raised up another man named David Spurgeon David Spurgeon he was the part of a mean gang that rivaled the Hells Angels in fact he was one of the top leaders but finally the fed got him the feds got him and arrested him he one time broke a man in half this man is covered with tattoos all over his body but man one time the Lord spoke on his heart and the Lord filled with his heart some of the people connected with Gregg II steppes ministry got ahold of this person right here and David Spurgeon while he was some time at a solitary confinement I believe or some time at prison the Lord started to warm his heart and somebody called him about the plan of salvation and he got saved that man who had crimes filling up the Shelf and he was doomed to imprisonment for many years the judge saw him all cleaned up life change and one of the churches who fellowship with Gregg Estep supporting him and that judge said you know what I believe you are a changed man he went out free and that man is now evangelizing throughout churches preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ today that man when you see him you'll see him fully suit why because if you raise up his if you raise up the sleeve you'll see tattoos all over he covered it all with former with formal Sunday dressing he was a change man the Lord changed this man's life another person that God raised up was vince massa now i'm not sure if this story is true or not but from what i heard is that vince massa now i do know this he attended one of the fundamentalist schools a famous fundamentalist pastor named Tom Malone but then Vince Massa one time he heard that dr. Rutland was preaching in one of the conference's nearby the school so he wouldn't teach class he would sneak out sometimes at night and then that way he could sneak in here dr. Upton preach and teach Vince Massa he was known to be he's known to be as a very great preacher he can be a very dramatic preacher too sometimes you will see him when he's preaching he will point his long bony finger right at you and put his leg on top of the pulpit and go down on you like this one time he when he was preaching he one time both the Pope one time while he was preaching but that was a crazy guy who went with him if you put these two together it would be quite a scene but this guy sadly passed away James Lynch James Lynch I heard that when that guy preached he jumped off the stage one time and hurt his leg or broke his leg one time then smash' broke the pulpit Lynch broke his leg James Lynch he was the one that another man that the Lord Michael II used he also graduated from dr. Otteman school now this guy he was one of those preachers while it was rough preachers like you would see Peter Cartwright and other people of the old days James Lindsay started a church at North Carolina North Carolina churches knew this guy and they called him a heretic and they wanted the people to stay away from him he was three preaching with several of his members but then the people hated that so then the sheriff and the state's hired preacher tried to persuade him to stop and then the sheriff one time went to lens and said you got to stop stop and listen Noah who do you think you are and Lynde said I'm just a voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord and then the sheriff finally he went to him again and this time he started to use the sob story the sheriff said you know I got a wife I got kids to feed and then people are trying to tell me for you to stop and he can't you back off a bit you know Lance he looked at that sharing he said I can't do that sir the sheriff's like why not and Liv said because you have your higher up to be held accountable to I have a bigger higher up that I'm going to be held accountable to where you went off then they had the state fire preacher come in and he was of course an older gentleman who knew better and he went to limps and he said you know that kind of Street Bree can stop you don't work you know you don't work and Lynn said it doesn't work and then dole mentor I used to be young zealous passionate like you but I'm telling you what types of change and this kind of stuff that's not how you reach people it won't get people safe and then lens keeps all one of his church members reading this african-american salvation this big tall african-american was crying he said Lord Jesus Christ I receive you ask my Lord and personal Savior save my soul from hell and Lince when he saw that he pointed his finger at that guy - the old man even you see that I'll tell you what grandpa it really works it really works you better get out of here before I beat the fire out of you and that old man start to back up and that will message I knew you got Devils if you got Devils you got Devils and Lintz it you're right I got Devils there yeah you're gonna give me something so heard raised up a wild man named James Lance he's actually my favorite preacher he's actually my favorite preacher I don't care what you say I like those kind of guys how Lord uses he uses everybody Amen uses anybody and everybody and you already saw that throughout history right and God is still doing that today he's still looking for a few good men out there a few good women of God out there that he can use for his glory Lord raised up many other people the Lord also raised up will Wilson Calvin Wilson Calvin he's an Indian a Native American he still ministers to those Indians in Arizona while he's ministering to those Indians in Arizona one time you was preaching the gospel and he was outside and one of those atheists went up to Wilson Calvin and he said there is no God and that Native American Wilson Calvin said there is no God and he bowed on his knees and he said for God I pray that you will drop him dead right here and right now and that eight he is fast offensive you can't you can't do that he got scared and then Calvin got up he said gotcha you believe in a god Wilson Calvin he happened to know about dr. Rutland because when he went to this purse of particular friend's house he saw a bunch of colorful books he said these are very colorful and pretty what are they his commentaries his commentaries the Lord raised up another by Oh beliebers Wilson Calvin Lord also raised up Ted warm at Ted warm at Ted warm acts he started ministered to the prisons this man has gotten a prisoner saved hundreds hundreds of prisoner save and many people would be ministered in his ministry the best course that you would ever read called the bread of life I would recommend that to anybody out there get the bread of life book that book will cover all kinds of major doctrines even deep doctrines but give you the easiest way to understand he will cover dispensationalism the Genesis gap even he'll cover all that and he combined all the doctrines and put it in an easy format the Lord raised up Ted Warmack to minister to the prisons while the prisoners were being ruined by wickedness and sin and the devil had them imprisoned and in depression Lord raised him him up to minister to those kind of broken people the outcast in the world rate of another person named David Walker David Walker was a graduate of dr. ruckman school he became one of the leading figures too deep to defend dispensationalism today I think his new book just recently came out it's called the Bible believers guide to dispensationalism that man study dispensationalism intensely more than I did and that guide goes through documentation in fact and defends the dispensationalism doctrinal issues he defends the Bible successfully one time when he was outside ministering to people and street preaching one of those people pointing his finger at David Walker and he said who do you think you are and where would you be right now who do you think you are what are you doing right now doing this kind of stuff and Walker you know what he did he just looked at in and this is how the Lord used a different method he looked at him and he said I would be like you right where would I be I would have been like you right now if I not receive Jesus Christ for salvation that's where I would be Lord was using different people in different ministries raising up in different ways another person the Lord raised up was gail riplinger the god has to use a woman big intellectual men you know why because a bunch of thinking men they start to critique the King James Bible so the Lord had to humiliate these men by using a woman named Dale rippling her gail riplinger came out and with her New Age Bible versions that thing became probably the most popular book to defend the King James Bible issue in white because it demonized it just demonized the modern version boy man they got mad at the modern versions they had to hold a meeting at the John Ankerberg show and they had to discuss issues and warn people about her book her book was spreading like wildfire her first edition actually had the preface from dr. Upton but then in order for her book to become popular you had to not mention that name so that's why her book became very very widespread in fact because of how the Lord used her one of the modern version Bible committees prank logs did that guy got under this is how the Lord used her that modern version scholar who was responsible for one of the modern Bible versions I think it was the NES v Frank Logsdon said I'm afraid I'm in trouble with the Lord you can believe the King James Bible is 100% perfect Lord was raising people of Bible believers Bible believers were coming on another person God raised up with Allen Ryman yes he still alive praise the Lord and yes he's a wild man you know he's ministering at Catholic Delaware Catholic Delaware but this man has approximately all I think he has about 200 or more members in his church so the Lord mightily used Ryman to minister to Catholic Delaware if you minister up to the northeastern areas you know how hard it is to build a church over there it's extremely tough but the Lord mightily raised him up to do that in Catholic Delaware one time when he was outside street preaching he trusts to the bunch of these Catholics were giving him a hard time so on time out the Reimann dressed up like a Catholic pretty and he was preaching the gospel with the Catholic priests outfit and then a bunch of these Rapids were going by saying thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father he who is preaching the gospel and the car pass was like what in the world you know and then they were giving a hard time before but you can't say no now to a priest so then this cop went by I said what are you doing are you sure you're a priest and the Ryman looked at him all seriously and he said what's her name my child and that cadre went away ahead of that and there's this one guy who gave the street preachers a hard time and I think he flew something at Ryman and the street preachers but then what happened was that in the cops and the some of the Catholic started to pounce on that Yahoo and arrest him and Ryman said that's right arrest him he must be a jack to arrest you so the lower rates of another crazy guy named Allan Ryman oh I have to tell this other story I just got to say this this is just so funny I can tell stories about these guys another time Allan Ryman had a bunch of these young people they had a fire for God and don't like saying man we want a lot of people come to church pastor so one time they had these orange vests on and these cones and then you the street that led to the church they all start to go like this to the cars and God never like this and all the cars start to go up to the church parking lot but there I was like what is this I know a bouncer we're helping you out we're getting people to church oh man you've got a wild Church but anyway the lower rates are very low drapes of Bible believers Bible believers to shake things up another person God used was Gerald su tech Gerald suit a he had a street preacher in ministry called SWAT team for Christ through that the Lord mightily used him to minister to throughout all the areas around America the Liberals the Khalsa religions and started to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ he's now a missionary to the Philippines how the Lord might in fact in Fox News even one time had to film him and his boys one time street preacher that's how the Lord mightily used him if you go to the Philippine Islands today he he sadly I remember he said this a lot of Muslims over there so please pray for them they need the Lord Jesus Christ so all of us were going oh yeah yeah and you have to take it seriously you know and if you're ministering to a Muslim community you can't see a lot of things freely right like Lindsay Ryman would do so sue tag was saying an example of how their street preaching so yeah we street preach you know Muslims walk by and they listen to us who are like Oh amen amen and well I was assuming yeah he must have preached carefully and he said yeah we were preaching them the Lord Jesus Christ he loved you enough that he died on the cross to save you and we were like well amen amen obviously you would say that and pretty hard to say this yeah and we say Jesus Christ he loves you enough to die for you you know he loved you more than Muhammad did and Muhammad note he didn't love you enough to die for you well Hartmann might love your wife he might love your daughter and he might love your sister and other sisters but Jesus Christ loved you enough to die for you we also dropped our jaws head he said and yeah we still three preach they let us treat over there see how the Lord was mightily using these people nor was raising up by Oh bleep I'm talking about today folks I'm talking about today this is Bible believers today genuine real bio believers today we're not some kind of small pocket fringe we number much more than Stephen Anderson out there and much more than a lot of those culture pastors modern age pastors who are starting their own movement this is real genuine bio believe in our history you saw this pattern in history we have a history Church we have a history of the Lord used us Lord raised up good men men after men and people who say you can't be a Bible believing KJV dispensational church and build a great work that's not true the Lord raised up a pastor named Rick sow he numbered somewhere between 500 to nearly a thousand members in his church and the Lord raised up another pastor Rick - Michael and Rick - Michael he would number somewhere between a thousand to a thousand 500 in his church so the Lord was raising raising off see Bible believers don't dare around us brethren they're all around us they're all around us Bible believing preachers and if you think that's not enough the Lord was raising our bio believers around the world this is not just America this is around the world the Lord raised up Bible believing preachers around the world and these names these are not even all the names they would fail to include these people Joseph Anderson to Papua New Guinea Daniel Bardot to Ukraine Chad vernix our Alaska Jeffrey Brigham to Japan John Mayer to Canada Tyler Campbell to Scotland Michael Cecil to Thailand Paul to Celtic who's a medical missionary Erin clip injure to the Chinese of Canada Gabriel Cochran Montreal Robert Kris to the Philippines Joel Derek to Brazil perry Demopolis to Ukraine Steve Dickens to England Mark Dunlap to Mozambique Craig Fitzgerald to Mongolia Michael flick Tamala we Leonard for Ville to Israel Daniel rocky to Norway Cameron Harris to Peru Joel Hauser to Germany Jason Hynes to Quebec City Raymond Jones to Mexico Edward Keough to Ukraine Daniel divita thunderous Joshua Leeds to Sicily David letter to Philippines Dean matzo Ferry to Italy Erik Michael to the Republic of Georgia Jason Moore to Fiji Marco Perez Columbia Chris Ross mondo to ma Louie David Robinson to Malawi Philip Robinson to Chile Matthew Corrales to Brazil Robert Trump to Germany Nikolas Vera off to Switzerland Roger Byrne off to the Philippines Kenneth West to Ukraine Richard Wiles to Ukraine Michael Walski to Poland and these would fail to include other missionaries that I can't mention in India and China and communist Cuba and North Korea word was raising up Bible believers we're all the world were all over the world and then how it would lead to the small little church the Lord raised up a man in Korea Korea is very rich in Bible believing truth to Lord also raised up a song Lee he numbered between four to five hundred members in his church he has 200 people street preaching you think we're small we're Bible believers all over he got 200 people street preaching and he got different groups one for youth and one for the men and then God knows whatever whatever groups that he has Laura raised up champions he translated the King James Bible into Korean and then from that we have approximately 10 or more passages throughout the provinces of Korea and throughout the world as well and the Lord raised up young him this man was a Buddhist drunk he hated pastors did not want anything to do with pastors but for some weird reasons the Lord touched his heart he heard Romans 10:9 and he would seek Christ for his salvation that man took salvation seriously he took his liquor bottles dumps it all down the drain and when this son was born when Jean Kim was born he never saw a drop of liquor in the fridge never at all in his entire life and you know when he got saved that was when my mother was pregnant with me and that ledin and then that led to me today that led to me growing up in a bible-believing environment rich and bible-believing I was spoiled why because the people gave sacrifices outright great men of these to lay sacrifices to produce this person today and thus we come to San Jose Bible Baptist Church and to you people online why because it started back from a history these people lay the foundation these people laid the foundation from the Great Awakening revivals through the Protestant Reformation all the way to the early centuries of Christianity who or where they were in the lion's den holding hands singing hymns together torn apart by lions this is the history of Bible believers today hello this is Pastor Jean Kim of San Jose Bob actus church have you ever asked this question that if you were to die today are you 100% sure that you can go to heaven my friend is so simple to guess say you first got to realize that you can't go to heaven because you've sinned against God and God as a holy judge he has to judge sin with the burning hell so it is very important that you feel sorry over your sinful condition and if you do there is hope for you you see Jesus who is God left heaven came down here on earth died on the cross raised himself from the dead why did he do all that so his blood can wash away the sins for you so you see that's your only way to heaven of what he did on the cross and not what you do in cleaning up all your sins and going to church getting baptized or doing any sort of good work it's faith alone in what Jesus did on the cross if you can do that then all you have to do is say that to God you might say well I don't know how to say it can you help me out sure you can say it this way dear God I am sorry for being a sinner I believe Jesus is God who died and resurrected so his blood can wash away my sins I trust in that alone and not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if someone were to ask you how did you get saved it's very simple right what did you do I just put my faith on what Jesus did on the cross that's it my friend congratulations on your salvation right now because Satan can't damn you to hell what he's going to try to do now is try to ruin your life and he did a very good job in this world that's why it's so hard to find truth and there are so many lives with a gazillion different churches different Bibles different beliefs different religions so my friend it is so important to in truth and get involved in abaya believing work that can save you from a lot of trouble there are four things we recommend for you to do which is found in the resources link below number one get involved in a bio believing Church near you number two study the King James Bible issue and have only that kind of Bible no other modern version Bible number three study dispensationalism so you can find the right doctrine and truth number four study only under by believing teachers my friends this is all explained further in the resources link below so please click on it and get to work in a Bible eating word because you only have one life to live for him and you don't want to waste it away by the devil and I'll be inside that great palace and the smoke will be so thick I'll drop to my knees about dust in my face like those Navy SEALs do and I'll start calling start come and I look down then ivory eye over there and I'll see her a throne and I'll see some feet God holds it up and they got jeweled sandals on it will pull myself up to those feet and I'll cry on those feet like that woman that cried only speak wipe their tears with her hair can't Laureus you're gonna let him to look at it you're gonna say oh god sake up hallelujah and the yeas of the worship and the fear of the worship and the fact in the worker and they gotta need a pen a fabrica work out [Music] [Applause] - ever seen I'm glad I'm happy guilty upset another song said once I was dreaming since dark Valley no hope it ends that I see they searched in heaven and found a baby to say wow are you God we stood our Masada man he'd go hey hey Jesus is without a favourable for any preaching them and our people that's ringing the bell baby up and he's stand up and on and people woke up they said Wow tentacles preaching [Music] ah it's a name of Jesus Christ it's not to Muhammad he did not do anything for you it's not to Buddha it's not really the commandment it's only to pain in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ [Music] turn the free-throw he liked his him from the boom or something on the what's going on he's got two more flick hear that crowd I how you doing hey mom hi dad way down there at the edge of that please wave the water said glory and bounty comes off that fool he always would come down personally and he comes down there well done my good and faithful forever gold oil not olive oil part one Thomas says forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever net any lay down on that table and dr. grace got out the scaffold and he removed that old post stony heart out of my friend oh he's heard the crashed in and he put a brand new heart into my friends chest and when he finally woke up they looked around he said oh my everything has been changed everything will difference I'm so happy now head for the heart operation a frisk offers no the senior life [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] Oh
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 38,475
Rating: 4.8071065 out of 5
Keywords: Tony Hutson, John R Rice, Charles Lawson, Zion4131, Robert Breaker, David Peacock, Bible believer, King james bible, Peter Ruckman, Phil Kidd, Jack Hyles, CT townsend, Steven Anderson, Sanderson1611, Donnie Romero, Roger Jimenez, Sam Gipp, bryan denlinger, husky394xp, vigilant christian, vigilant citizen, ruckmanite, kenny baldwin, danny castle, david hoffman, gail riplinger, Chicktracts, Gregory Miller, Paul Begley, Kent Hovind OFFICIAL
Id: SpTAhGl0vsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 27sec (8907 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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