The Complete Kingdom Hearts Timeline Explained

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[Music] there isn't much time left Kingdom Hearts 3 is just behind the horizon it was only being days away I figured I would take it upon myself to try and help those who wish to understand the story of Kingdom Hearts 2 get caught up with just enough time to spare my name is on the firm 72 and today I am joined with my friends and with our best attempt we'll try to explain the entire Kingdom Hearts story for you here is the entire kingdom hearts timeline from everything we have so far let's go Kingdom Hearts originally released back in 2002 begins with our main characters Sora Riku and Kairi as they are attempting to build a raft in order to leave their small islands known as destiny islands so they can venture into other worlds while collecting materials for the raft Sora heads into an area of the island called the secret place and against to reminisce about Kairi unbeknownst to sora a hooded figure appears behind him explaining to sora his world has been connected and that soon it will be completely eclipsed he then goes on to tell store that he knows nothing and can understand nothing and then he disappears elsewhere in a world called Disney Castle we meet our other main characters Donald Duck and Goofy and are told through a letter that their King King Mickey left behind saying that there is trouble brewing for all of the worlds and he has to go check up on the situation and that he needs both Donald and Goofy to find someone with a key since this person is the key to not only their survival but the survival of all the world's going back to destiny islands all things for our island trio students have been going nicely until later when destiny islands is becoming consumed by darkness Sora thinking out the events currently going on or just a storm realizes that the wrath is in danger and journeys to the island ventrally Sora comes across Riku and Riku seemingly unfazed on the events that are going on reaches out his hand until saw that the door is open Sora reaches out for Riku but fails to get him and darkness consumes them both then a light appears and Riku seemingly disappears while storoe stumbles in the very same spot except now he has a weapon called the Keyblade in his hand Soraa then races to the secret place where he encounters Kyrie the door behind carry bursts open pushing Kyrie toward Sura but she faces right through him he is then pushed out of the cave and destiny islands Falls to darkness a time later and we see Sora waking up in an unfamiliar place this place becomes known as travelers town a world were those whose homes were taken by the darkness come to after they fall into darkness after wandering around Travers town sora encounters leon and a battle ensues meanwhile Donald and Goofy are walking around Traverse Town looking for Leon and they encounter Aerith after Sora and Leon fight Sora is then brought back to Leon's room where all of the following is explained in detail first the heartless creatures born from the darkness of people's hearts is explained that almost every person has darkness in their hearts and that the Heartless have a great fear of the Keyblade which is why Sora was constantly attacked by them the character known as Ansem which is explained by leon yuffie edy Aerith seems to have been studying the heartless and that he had been recording all of his findings in a very detailed report one drawback is that its pages were scattered among many different worlds and perhaps that is what King Mickey is trying to track down as soon as the explanations are finished however Sora and company are attacked by the Heartless Sora rushing to another part of town coincidentally meets up with Donald and Goofy and together the three quickly take care of the threat that was in front of him after the battle is recommended by Leon and his friends that Sora partner up with Donald and Goofy if he wishes to find his friends and that Donald and Goofy can find King Mickey after a funny interaction between the three sura agrees to travel along side Donald and Goofy and they begin their search across many worlds in an attempt to find their missing friends while they do this we are shown a scene that contains a bunch of Disney villains and Maleficent the supposed to Dreamland er of them all meeting up and talking about what Soren company are up to as well as other plans they have in store for our heroes after traversing through many worlds unlocking the keyholes of each world which by the way prevents Hartman's from taking over that world and making it fall to darkness as well as still continuing to look for Kairi Riku and King Mickey Soren company go back to Traverse Town and meet up with Riku for the first time since they were separated sir offers that Riku come with them with Donald telling them otherwise the two bicker and Riku seemingly disappears but Sora is nonetheless happy because now he knows that one of his friends are safe it's then showing minutes later that Maleficent has partnered up with Riku making him believe that Sora no longer for him and because of that has even riku more of a reason to trust Maleficent and do things according to what she tells him to do later Sauron company traveled to a world called Hollow Bastion upon venturing into the castle gates Sora Donald and Goofy encounter Riku and the beasts the fight breaks out between the two but soar ends up stopping them Riku perceives to tell Sora that there cannot be two Keyblade masters in gains control over Sora's Keyblade claiming to be its true master he tells him he doesn't have what it takes to save Kyrie and thirst Sora has old wooden blade Donald and Goofy proceed to leave Sora because they were reminded that they had a mission to complete now that Sora no longer has the Keyblade there wasn't a reason to stay with them any longer after helping the beasts or embiez continue to make their way through the castle eventually getting inside and meeting Riku who seems to have changed a bit Riku tells sword that the darkness will destroy him and goes to shoot a blast of darkness at him but suddenly goofy blocks the attack and tells Riku that they've become best friends during their travels and that nothing would make him betray Sora Donald follows suit and right after a Sora ends up gaining control over his Keyblade again and fights Riku and emerges victorious with the gang back together again they continued to infiltrate the castle meanwhile in another part of the castle who loved since plans revealed her goal was to collect the seven princesses of heart beings of pure light with them she is able to complete the final keyhole which will lead her into Kingdom Hearts the heart of all worlds in the source of unmeasurable power at knowledge at the same time it is revealed that Kyrie is one of the princesses of heart and that Riku and the hooded figure seem to have come together and have been working together for some time now Riku proceeds to tell Maleficent that without the last princess of heart the keyhole cannot be completed Maleficent meets with Sora and battles ensue with Sora being the victor back at the final keyhole Sora finds a lifeless Kyrie in the seemingly possessed Riku tells Sora that Kyra's heart was inside of Sora all along and to complete the keyhole he needs to release it from Sora Sora asks who the person controlling Riku really is and he proceeds to call himself Ansem the seeker of Darkness right after Sora and the newly possessed Riku fight but Sora ends up winning after the battle Sora tries to steal the last keyhole but fails to do so he then notices the black Keyblade Ansem was using and goes to up without a second thought sir lunches the Keyblade into his chest releasing the princesses hearts and that means releasing kairi's as well the sacrifice causes Sora to disappear Kyrie wakes up after regaining her heart and Anselm's true form is revealed as Ansem walks towards Kyrie Riku appears holding Anton back so he can give Kyrie Donald and Goofy enough time to escape afterwards when Kyrie Donald and Goofy are almost out of the castle they come across a lone shadow heartless the heartless is in hostile and shows it really means no harm it is in the Kyrie in the shadow are swarmed by a bunch of other heartless and as Carrie goes to protect the shadow thinking it to be Sora Sora returns back to normal as he was indeed the shadow she protected Soren company go back to Traverse town for a bit of rest during their downtime Sora and Carrie have a moment where she proceeds to give him her good luck charm she had made and tells him he better promise to bring it back in which he does Sora dull and goofy then head back to hala Bastian to complete the final keyhole after the keyhole sealed Sora and company make their way to their final destination known as the end of the world it is here where Sora meets with Anselm's seeker of Darkness and they do battle a few times with one another after Sora Donald and Goofy are victorious and Ansem is defeated for good they had found their way in front of something called the door - darkness they noticed a bunch of heartless are on the other side so they attempt to close the door for good when all seems lost Riku who seems to have gotten full control over his body back appearance on the other side of the door just then King Mickey is also revealed to be on the other side of the door and tells Sora that it's time to close the door for good and also not to worry as there will always be a door to the light Dallman Goofy reassures to Sora that he can trust King Mickey and with Riku final words to Sora being take care of her they all successfully closed the door - darkness right after they closed the door however Kyrie is standing a waste behind Sora and he quickly goes to her Sora says to Kyrie - remember what she said to him before that he's always with her - and that he will come back to her which she responds I know you will then both of them are separated from each other Kyrie going back to the newly restored destiny islands while Sora Donald and Goofy are going elsewhere after the credits roll Sora Donald and Goofy are aimlessly walking around trying to figure out a way to find Riku and King Mickey and are then surprised when Pluto appears with a letter in his the three chase after Pluto with newfound confidence that wherever this path may lead them will let them find their missing friends and this leads into the next title Kingdom Hearts 3 chain of Memories [Music] the story of chain of Memories picks up right where Kingdom Hearts 1 left off after Sora Donald the goofy were separated from their friends they continued their journey through this mysterious winding path to find them one night while sleeping under the stars a mysterious hooded figure lead sword and the gang to the setting of the game Castle oblivion this hooded figure warns them the deeper they go into the castle the more they will lose their memories but they will also find some new memories in the process the figure created a card from Sora's memory to travel deeper into the castle with under the assumption that they can potentially find Riku and the king they continue deeper through Castle oblivion each floor acting as a rehash of the world we visited in Kingdom Hearts 1 the first world we visit through Sora's memories is his adventure in Traverse Town after repeating the Final Fantasy characters that have no memory of Sora at all since they are just illusions made up of his memory he defeats the Heartless boss of this world and continues on to the next floor leaving Traverse Town behind on the next floor of this castle Sora meets axel who seems to be working with the individual who gave Sora his card on the first floor axel summons his weapons and challenges Sora to test his strength after defeating axel axel provides him with another group of cards like the original hooded figure provided to him in the beginning of the castle Sora uses these cards to advance deeper into the castle after several Disney World revisits each floor starts to fill Sora with the memory he had long forgotten swore begins to remember this girl back on destiny Islands solar alleges that he Riku Kairi and this other girl used to play together on this island Sora promised this girl that he would protect her if one of the meteors came and tried to hurt them but Sora can't seem to remember her name the highest Sora gets to the castle the more sora begins to remember about this girl but still not her name after clearing out the cards axel laid out for him you arrive on the floor where you meet large scene another member of the organization after large scene reveals to Sora that the girl that he can't remember is locked up in the castle the memory of her returns to him in the form of nómine Sora furious at lakhtin for forcing that memory out of him and for nearly destroying the lucky charm nominee gave him attacks and begins another fight after the fight large scene provides Sora with even more cards to continue deeper into the Sol as Sora moves on he runs into Riku but something seems a little bit off about him Sora excited to see his friend again is actually attacked by said friend saying that he's the one who needs to protect nominee and that Sora should just go home hesitant in fighting back Sora stands and fights Riku leading into more gameplay here on the 10th floor Sora encounters vex in Bexon is another member of the organization sent out to destroy Sora Sora makes the connection that Vexen is the reason why Riku has been acting out so two free Riku Sora battles Vexin Sora and vex in battle in which soar is victorious and Vexen provides Sora with a brand new colored Vexen describes his card to be crafted from the other side of Sora's heart when Sora goes to activate the card it leads him to a world that he have never been to before but a world that does feel familiar to him this world is Twilight town Sora dies deeper into Twilight town and reaches the outside of the sealed off mansion where Vexen is the battle once again and Vexen loses once again after the battle Vexen almost spills the beans of the organization to soar before axel intervenes axel calling Vexen a traitor to the organization murders Vexen in a fiery explosion completely getting rid of him as we continue to castle oblivion Riku should be freed from the control of X sin now that he has been completely destroyed but that isn't the case since Riku is still intent and fighting Sora to protect nominate this leads to the next world destiny islands Sora's home Sora finally comes face to face with nomine nómine filled with guilt and resentment comes clean about the fact that she was actually never a part of Sora's memories at all there was another girl in Sora's memories the person who meant the most to him in the world but Sora can no longer remember this girl's name this leads into the next floor in castle oblivion where he confronts nominate on what all that meant in destiny islands but before they can continue their conversation sora gets interrupted by Riku one last time before they clash before Riku can deliver the final blow nominate bright shriek whose heart making him into a lifeless puppet Larson steps in to reveal that that Riku is not actually the real Riku but rather a puppet created by effects in with fabricated memories LARC scene also reveals that the memory sore were having about nómine are completely fake and all part of the plan to make the Keyblade master into the puppet for the organization not money has this power over Sora's memories that allows her to manipulate them to make sword think whatever she wants so I gets really upset after hearing all this but remembers that he made a promise to nominate to protect her Sora doesn't care since the promise felt real to him and a tax lark seen after the fight large scene is defeated sore and nominee finally have a real face to face conversation about everything that's been going on nominee explains how lonely she's been at how Marr Lucia the figure who gave so are the cards from the very beginning has been forcing her to mess with his memories so her forgives nominate for this and nominate explains that she can fix Sora's memories if they defeat Mar Lucia so the gang heads up to the final floor while all of this is going down though Axl has actually revealed to be a traitor to the members of the organization and Castle oblivion Axl is attempting to stop marluxia from taking over the organization when Axl Ammar Lucia clash Mar Lucia uses nominate as a human shield like the coward he is and Sora intervenes to stop Axl from doing so when Axl is defeated there's nothing stopping Sora for facing marluxia on his own Sora reaches the final floor and Sora and Mar Lucia fight after my Lucia is defeated it's revealed that it was only an illusion the real Marta Lucia is beyond that door so it goes and fights the real Mar Lucia and defeats it after all that is done nómine gives Sora a choice he can remember the time she had here at castle oblivion or he can go back to his old memories Sora decides to go back to his old memories nominee says that Sora Donald the goofy need to sleep in these special paws so she could begin working on their memories jiminy puts thanked dominate in his journal to remember to thank her when they wake up while in the pod nominee tell sewer that if he can remember the promise that he made to the other girl the memories will come back much faster Sora then begins to remember Kairi and as Sora begins to fall asleep nominee begins work in putting his memory back together but whoa turns out there's actually a whole other part of this game to get through Kingdom Hearts chain of Memories reverse rebirth tells the story of Riku inside of Castle oblivion but starting from the basement floor this story is happening at the same time as Sora's Riku is transported from the realm of darkness from Kingdom Hearts 1 to the basement of Castle oblivion Riku ends up fighting vex in and obtains his data to create replicas Riku that Sora has to deal with the deeper Riku goes inside the castle and some seeker of Darkness attempts to take control of Riku again but King Mickey uses his power to stop Ansem from taking control again as we can continue to the floor as he fights Lexy as' another member of the organization and defeats him using the power of darkness during riku's revisits to destiny islands Riku is attacked by what seems to be Sora it turns out that the sore is actually just another member of the organization called zexion and not many steps into savory kou disguised as Kyrie this allows Riku to control his darkness and defeat section and one of the coolest fights in the game in my opinion Riku then meets diz a mysterious individual who sends him to find nómine this leads Riku to Twilight town a place or visits in his memories but never actually visited before this is where a replica Riku yeah remember him has learned that his entire existence is a lie the only way he can justify his existence is to eliminate the real Riku but he tries and gets bodied as we approach the end of Riku journey Mickey is actually in castle oblivion now and some secret of darkness still has his grasp on Riku and Riku has none this growing and has learned to accept the darkness within him Riku defeats anthem the secret of darkness in a one-on-one battle after this Riku still feels the traces of Ansem inside of him and starts a journey of self-discovery with Mickey where he learns to use both the light and darkness by walking the road to dawn and that concludes both of our adventures in Kingdom Hearts chain of Memories [Music] Kingdom Hearts 2 is a direct sequel to Kingdom Hearts chain of Memories as well as a game that ties together the elements from three five eight days over to and considered by many the true sequel to Kingdom Hearts one being the next main numbered title in the franchise the game begins not with Sora but Roxas who wakes up as an ordinary citizen in Twilight town these scenes pick up after the events of three five eight days / - but Roxas does not remember any of the events from that game at the time of waking here he instead remembers being lifelong friends with Haner pensando let in this small town and is spending his last summer days before school begins again although he's trying to live his ordinary life in this town many very very strange occurrences happen in this world from the word photo being stolen and being literally unspeakable to time-freezing to seeing men in black hoods and white creatures and a whole bunch of other weird real-life glitch type of things on numerous occasions were things in real life began acting up Roxas is able to summon a keyblade to deal with the strange enemies alongside strange daytime occurrences Roxas every night has dreams that are Sora's exact memories from the first Kingdom Hearts game and he wakes up every morning wondering why this happens but it is through these dreams he learns more about the keyblade and while not knowing it yet he's learning about himself as well the craziness only ramps up the closer Roxas gets to the end of his summer vacation numerous people keep trying to contact him as Twilight town freezes up telling him about who he's supposed to be there's axle and the nobodies who come and try to convince Roxas that he's part of an organization begging him to remember there's the mysterious man named is who was only trying to stop these nobodies from butting in on this world and try to have Roxas passively continue his daily life and then there's nominee a girl who explains to him that a nobody is a shell of a person who is not supposed to exist and gives Roxas clues to help him figure out the reason he has the dreams and the strange occurrences Roxas ends up trusting nominated the most in all of this discourse leading him to come to the conclusion that he must find Sora Roxas doing this causes disses plan to fall apart the truth is after Riku defeated Roxas at the end of days they took his body and put him in a digital simulation of the real Twilight town to observe Roxas and keep him here so that nominee can finish restoring Sora's memories and have Sora be able to awaken Riku is working with divs through this time period to ensure Sora will wake up and when he's unhooded he's revealed to still take on the form of Ansem seeker of Darkness nominee and is had similar goals but when about them differently with disdain Roxas to consciously understand or gain any semblance of individuality from Sora and nominate treated Roxas more like a person and wanted to give him hope that everything would be okay letting him know that they will meet again even if they don't recognize each other Roxas slowly pieces together who he is and who he was back in days / this prologue and makes his way to the basement of the mansion to find Sora standing in his way was his old best friend from the organization axel although Roxas this time does understand who axel really is it's too late axel has been given orders from the organization to destroy Roxas and it leads to a battle axel loses the fight hoping to meet again with Roxas and flees the scene now Roxas presses on to find pods with sleeping Donald and Goofy and a sleeping Sora confronted by diz in front of Sora's pod Roxas asserts his own individuality one last time though it falls on deaf ears disses plan has come to fruition and Roxas merges back with Sora in order to wake him up in a bittersweet scene you thought our story was over oh no no no we're just beginning enter Sora our hero from the previous journey wakes up with Donald and Goofy waiting for him the party only remembers the events from Kingdom Hearts 1 with no recollection of anything from castle oblivion or nominate despite seeing thanked nominee in Jiminy's journal the three are ready to set off on the next adventure with the goal to find Riku and the King who were behind the door at the end of Kingdom Hearts they meet Haner in the gang and Sora feels a strange familiarity with them and the town despite meeting them and being here for the first time at the station the party is saved by king Mickey himself from a wave of Dusk's who all tells them to take the train and gives them a pouch of money to use this reassurance was enough to give the party the morale to find her Riku as well the Train took our heroes to the mysterious tower where they briefly learned that Pete is sending in heartless to pleased Maleficent not knowing that she has been defeated in Kingdom Hearts 1 at the top of the tower master yen sid is introduced as a character who trained the king and will guide our heroes on their journey yen sid explains that when a strong-willed being becomes a heartless and nobody is created as well nobodies are the empty shell that linger on without a heart and the strongest of these organization xiii must be stopped alongside the Heartless Sora Donald and Goofy conclude that they must find the king and Riku put a stop to all of this and go home after Sora is granted new clothes from the three fairies and the new adventure begins shortly after Sora leaves the fairies realized that Maleficent has been resurrected and will surely stir more trouble along the way Sora Donald and Goofy make it to Hollow Bastion where Leon yuffie Aerith and CID all welcomed him saying they all recently remembered Sora again these are some of the members of the Hollow Bastion restoration committee Hollow Bastion is dealing with a heartless and nobody problem and they ask for Sora's help in clearing them out after a little spring cleaning Sora has his first run-in with the organization the first of many they taught him now and will continue to do so here and there in the rest of the worlds along the way these worlds are all Disney worlds that for the most part follow the Disney movie plotline with little sprinkles of the organization here and there notably there's an original episode at Disney Castle that leads to going to a past classic Disney cartoon in order to preserve the cornerstone of light in the castle as it's being attacked by Maleficent and Pete whose aim in this game is revealed to be finding a new castle for Maleficent meanwhile back at destiny islands Kairi has been slowly remembering Sora after being one of the people that forgot him after chain of Memories she feels that she needs to see this boy again she goes to the shore to send a letter in a bottle to Sora Kairi one day while visiting the shore is confronted by axel who says he can take her to Sora Pluto is also here because Pluto Kairi briefly escapes the Twilight town through the of a Dark Portal only to forcefully be captured by Axel and imprisoned by the organisation as bait for Sora's anger Sora Donald and Goofy eventually make it back to Twilight town to find that nobodies are causing trouble here as well Sayaka Veals himself to Sora and hints to him that axel is no longer acting in the organization's best interest while encouraging Sora to defeat as many heartless as possible painer pensando let tell Sora about Kerry's brief visit to Twilight town and let him know that someone took her away now Sora's back to square one looking for both Riku and Kairi next the gang revisits Hollow Bastion the committee found a secret entrance to Anselm's computer which could lead to more information on the organization and the enemies we've been facing King Mickey surfaces here to help too after figuring out the passwords the king explains that the blond man displayed on the computer as Ansem Ansem the wise and this other guy who was the origin of the Heartless Ansem seeker darkness and his nobody was actually Anselm's apprentice named Isaiah north he stole Anselm's name and the anthem we knew in Kingdom Hearts 1 was really just Zion Arts heartless the chaos and Hollow Bastion is getting worse so the entire restoration committee teams up to defeat thousands and thousands of heartless and nobodies before Sora Donald and Goofy are able to join the fight they run into demyx from organization xiii and are able to defeat him after this the three team up with the rest of the committee to defeat thousands of heartless invading the world later on they briefly confront xemnas the leader of organization xiii and Seiya North's nobody axel then shows up and reveals to Sora that defeating all of these heartless with the Keyblade has been releasing hearts to create Kingdom Hearts him giving Sora this information is betraying the organization defeating heartless this entire time has been playing right into Organization 13's hands this demoralizes Sora and he refuses to fight more heartless even when Sayaka summons more right in front of Sora here Sora is saved by an unlikely ally Maleficent and is able to escape the world back in the gummi ship the party finds that they were given a photo and some ice cream perhaps Clues on what to do next after this Sora Donald and Goofy visit many of the world's from the first round this time with slightly more emphasis on organization 13 and original nobody plots notably Zeldin and beast castle has taken an interest in beasts giving in to his rage in order to get beasts to give in to the darkness in his heart zelda n-- member number three of organization xiii fails and is defeated here the party also revisits Hollow Bastion one last time to solve a mystery in Anselm's computer and bring peace to this world this restores hollow bastions name back to the original name for this world radiant garden Sora Donald and Goofy meet back up in Twilight town with King Mickey the ice cream and the photo of Roxas from back in the prologue of the game along with a duplicate of oh let's homemade money-pouch lead them to figure out that they need to use the computer to go to Roxas data Twilight town Sora concludes that these clues were given to him by Riku which Mickey is unable to confirm due to a promise he made to Riku in the data Twilight town they find a portal that leads to the realm between here they are ambushed by nobodies but surprisingly axel appears to help Sora and sacrifices himself in an all-out attack to get rid of the enemies as axel is fading away he apologizes for his actions making their way to the castle Sora is confronted by Roxas who is currently within Sora's heart a battle takes place and after Sora wins Roxas is accepting of being Sora's nobody and his being connects with Axel's for one final metaphorical ice cream as they say their bittersweet goodbyes Kyrie escapes from the prison with nominee's help and Sora is even able to get a brief glimpse of her she's with Riku who gives her a keyblade of her own to fight with King Mickey reunites with dis who reveals himself to be Ansem the wise the real answer he tried to bear the burden of dealing with organization xiii all on his own admitting that he was wrong for going about things this way and getting too wrapped up with the idea of revenge after defeating xigbar Sora meets up with Kyrie and she reveals to him that this figure who looks like Zia Nords heartless is actually Riku the destiny trio has their long-awaited reunion Soraa then defeats two more organization members on his way up to the castle luxor dance iooks and Riku reveals to Sora that he fought Roxas and that Roxas is his nobody something sora has been wondering about for this entire story Ansem the wise points his machine at the Kingdom Hearts that the organization has created attempting to encode it into data hearts proved to be too unpredictable though overloading the machine and causing it to explode Ansem the wise disappears in the explosion and it also causes Riku to return to his true form with no more organization members left standing except for the leader the group heads up to the top of the castle for the final confrontation xemnas refuses to back down from the heroes and fights back alone after a few clashes in a moment of peace Roxas and nómine have a reunion although it's through the bodies of Sora and Kyrie it's just like nómine said they may not recognize each other the next time they meet the nobodies are accepting of their fate knowing that whenever Sora and Kyrie are together they will be together too everyone is able to return home except for Sora and Riku who are ambushed by xemnas one last time this fight leads them to a realm between for the final clash where Sora and Riku unite for one final Keyblade beam to land the finishing blow after xemnas is defeated it's not quite the end and Sora and Riku are ambushed by nobodies afterwards they are led to the realm of darkness unable to find a way back home as they began to accept their fate of being trapped in this dark world a letter washes up to the shore it was the letter that Kyrie wrote to Sora from destiny islands it found its way to Sora in the realm of darkness this opens a door to light that transports Sora and Riku back home to destiny islands in the realm of light where they find not only Kyrie there waiting for them but Donald goofy and Mickey too for the first time since the worlds fell to darkness in Kingdom Hearts 1 the destiny trio is finally reunited at home after the dust settles and everyone returns to their respective worlds Kyrie approaches Sora and Riku with the letter that seems to have arrived from King he himself they opened the letter and just like that a new journey was set to begin [Music] Kingdom Hearts 3 5 8 days over to was released for the Nintendo DS in 2009 and serves as an integral to a number of games in the series that also runs alongside their story it starts at the end of Kingdom Hearts 1 alongside the entirety of Kingdom Hearts chain of Memories and ends at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts 2 the game primarily features and focuses on Roxas Sora's nobody and his time as part of organization 13 culminating to the reason why he abandoned the faction and his eventual clash and capture by Riku answering questions left open after the end of Kingdom Hearts 2 Roxas was born from the moments or released Kyra's heart from within himself in Kingdom Hearts 1 and became a heartless he awakened in Twilight town with no memories of his own and was promptly found by xemnas who led the organization 13 their Zenith offered to give to displaced Roxas a purpose branding him with his new name rank of number 13 and the title of key of destiny Roxas now made the organization 13 whole Roxas would then be introduced to the other members of the organization and even converse with xemnas at the realm of darkness six days after he had joined before Roxas will begin his training a new member will be introduced as well number 14 Shion from then on select members of the organization with trained Roxas in combat mission structure and other details slowly Roxas will come to understand that the members of the organization were nobodies beings who had lost their heart and don't truly exist and the goal of the organization was to reclaim a heart so they could be made whole again to that end they collect hearts to complete an artificial version of Kingdom Hearts Roxas proved vital to this plan as Sora's nobody he had the ability to wield a keyblade the only weapon capable of truly releasing hearts from heartless the organization defeated in order to collect hearts throughout the dates Roxas will start to form a personality all his own thanks to his own experiences and forming a friendship with fellow organization member axel after every mission they were meet at the clock tower in the world of Twilight town to eat seesaw ice cream together and watched the sunset after some time had passed Axel along with other members of the organization were assigned to a long-term mission at Castle oblivion Roxas was be left alone tea ice cream at the tower it was in this mission that Sykes number seven of the organization tasked Axl to dispatch any and all traders sent to the castle this would lead directly into the events of Kingdom Hearts chain of Memories where Axl gone Roxas was then given the responsibility of taking Shion on two missions a responsibility he was indifferent to as sheong was silent hooded and showed no signs of a personality that soon changed as she will begin to speak to Roxas and then even reveal her face which showed an uncanny likeness to another character within the series Kairi when she unsaved Roxas from a dark side it was revealed that she too could wield the Keyblade upon this further understanding Roxas invasion to share in his tradition with Axl eating ice cream atop the tower in Twilight town after this a bond quickly formed between the two soon word start circulating that all members sent to Castle oblivion had been eliminated including Axl during a mission with xigbar Roxas inquires on the nature of heartless and nobodies when they are destroyed upon their attempt to return home Roxas falls into a coma which would last several weeks this was due to Sora being put to sleep in order to repair his memories during his time Roxas started to see memories of Sora himself and Xian will bring seashells for him after missions some time later Roxas will finally wake up to find the seashells brought to him by Shion and would meet her at the tower not long after that Axl will appear to Roxas as the sole survivor of the events at Castle oblivion despite previous reports of everyone being eliminated they're overjoyed boxes by his acts of some ice cream and tells them that he's been doing their post-mission tradition where she um and that he will like for all of them to partake at once and which they eventually do and all bond together becoming best of friends however things will start to take a turn for the grim Roxas soon sees more and more of Sora's memories while nominate attempts to repair them during Sora slumber this leads to confusion on Roxas part questioning his own identity purpose and why is able to use the Keyblade his questions go unanswered within the organization leading to more of his frustration axel is pressed by psychics for answers due to his time spent where Roxas and Shion ordered to accomplish more of the icky jobs in order to serve his and Sox's own objective within the organization this leaves axel stumbling upon undesirable troops and Shion eventually encounters Riku who upon Dafina her claims that her Keyblade is a sham and worthless this leads to a massive identity crisis for Shem who eventually will come to discover what Axl had learned earlier that she is an imperfect replica of Sora created by Vexin using his leaked memories and the reason she looks like Carrie is because she is Sora strongest memory this project was ordered by xemnas as a fail-safe in case both Sora and Roxas proved inadequate for the organisation's plans this truth puts Shion at a crossroads as she becomes more and more torn between Stan where Roxas and axel or return into Sora however that would come at a massive cost as it now only would end her existence but since her entire identity was based on memories that did not belong to her originally she will be forgotten by all who knew her meanwhile xemnas xigbar and socks would use these developments to their own advantage as the worst was yet to come it became very apparent that Roxas would grow weaker while Shion would grow stronger the truth is obvious she earns existence had become to gradually absorb powers from Roxas and claimed them as her own xemnas took this as an opportunity and hope to pitch Shia and Roxas against each other to see who would eliminate who and take all the power for themselves which in turn would be taken advantage of by the organization by this point and thanks to the guidance of Riku Shion had enough who decided to desert the organization in order to do what's right and return herself to Sora so that he may wake up from his slumber which at this point was a Rea put in jeopardy thanks to the existence of Roxas and shield Roxas also had his own problems dealing with the revelations of Shion and his own identity after consulting both xemnas and Axel for answers and not getting much other than the fact that she and Roxas are connected through Sora roxas was done with the organization and decided to abandon them as well now before besting sacks and rebuffing acts after dis departure axel was barely able to retrieve Shion as he was ordered to do so collapsed Shion was then taken by xemnas for reprogramming before confronting Roxas at the Twilight town tower bearing the resemblance of Sora and with the with the intent of absorbing roxas in order to complete her own existence Roxas however defeats her and she uh then passes peacefully in his arms but not before pleading to Roxas to release all the hearts they have gathered within kingdom hearts Shion fades returning her power to Roxas and leaving behind a single seashell Roxas griefed saddened and enraged returns to the world that never was with the intent to challenge his eminence directly and free kingdom hearts he is stopped by Riku who was sent by Dizz to capture Roxas so that nominate can complete Sora's restoration a duel ensues in which Roxas defeats Riku twice this forces Riku to use the dark powers of Ansem seeker of darkness who still lingered in his heart after the events of Kingdom Hearts 1 Riku is then able to put Roxas into submission and capture him diz then takes Roxas and places him within a digital Twilight town to await his reunion with Sora which leads into the events of Kingdom Hearts 2 is by this time that everyone who ever knew she had forgotten her and that the organization had begun their quest to retrieve Roxas and continue building Kingdom Hearts [Music] [Applause] [Music] originally released in 2010 the story follows the adventure and fate of three young Keyblade wielders Terra aqua and Ventus and explores the origin of the series main villain zan or Kingdom Hearts birth by Sleep is the second game chronologically in the series and takes place 10 years before the events of Kingdom Hearts 1 the plot goes through each character's individual perspectives but knowing all three gives full clarity on all events the story can be experienced in any order but for brevity I will talk about all the stories together at the same time so here we go Master Zen art holds an unconscious and unsure adventists on destiny islands and while unconscious ven looks into his heart and realizes it's fractured a voice reaches out to ven and offers to mend his heart with his heart being restored he awakens summoning his Keyblade master word a little bit and ven is alive and well laying in his bed in the land of departure where he is being trained as a keyblade wielder he notices a meteor shower and gets really super excited about it and goes out to see it while outside aqua comes to visit him along with Terra they spend some time under the stars on aqua gustar and ven wayfinders as a symbol of their friendship and I get all teary-eyed in the process the next day terra and aqua are put through the mark of mastery a test to be deemed a keyblade master by their teacher master eraqus who was also invited Master Zane aren't as a guest to observe the test Terran aquas tes ends with a combat trial between each other during which Terra channel's darkness briefly in the fight since Erica's County Loki hates darkness he named aqua of the master and not Terra which he becomes discouraged about along with questioning where the darkness even came from aqua is then shown some master secrets by erik miss and masters a noir goes off to secretly talk to a boy in a mask who says they are going to need to break a fin in but Zane Orton doesn't want it to be done here since he still needs to quote-unquote keep up appearances Erica soon gets news of a threat called the Unversed dark beans terrorizing the world in an effort to combat them Erica sends terra and aqua to find the source of the inverse and destroy it but he also secretly tests aqua to keep an eye on terra during this time so he doesn't dip his fingers into darkness more as terra is gearing up to leave the land of departure then is approached by the boy in the mask named Vanitas saying that Terra is gonna be in trouble then being distressed he decides to leave home to follow Terra Erica's not wanting venta leave home tells aqua to bring him and so the three heroes head out to see the world to their own goals in mind but eventually ven has another quick run-in with Vanitas at the Keyblade graveyard where Vanitas claims he wants to see what he's made of during their scrap a young King Mickey flies in and helps ven fight benita soon retreats and Mickey befriends Ben and states that he is a thing called the star shard that caused him to show up in the first place but he doesn't really know how it works after they talk the star kicks in again and Mickey is eaten away later while flying in space Terra is contacted by masters a Nord and meets him in the Keyblade graveyard where he is told that Vanitas is the darkness in vents heart and was created to save then after a training accident which was why then was put under Erica scarce and Zayn or felt guilty causing him so much harm after the first three world the trio finds themselves in radiant garden aqua also comes to the castle at a different time in battles a group of Unversed at you Kyra and Mickey suddenly appears to help as well after the fight the two befriend each other but Mickey is once again heated out by the star shard but aqua senses a strong light in Kairi since she's cute as hell and gives her a spell of protection eventually though the trios end up crossing paths when they team up to battle a big chunky on verse soon after Tara comes across a man named brig who claims he has Master Xehanort as his prisoner Terra being skeptical goes to check it out and finds masters a Noir tied up and brig says he wants a keyblade for himself the to battle and Terra ends the fight with a final shot of darkness to Brick's face permanently scarring him Terra frees an art and the master encourages Terra to use his dark powers and explains light and darkness need to be in a balance and that air kiss ven and aquas light shines too bright he tells him to see more worlds channel darkness more and destroy Vanitas referring to him as master Terra on her way out of radiant garden aqua is confronted by Vanitas the two fight with aqua winning Vanitas laps up the fight and congratulate aqua saying he will keep her around and it doesn't hurt to have a backup then now kind of down in the dumps about everything is approached by a young man named we and his friend Aiza the two banter and have a little spa Lee takes the L and says him and ven our friends now Isaac why he always tries to pick up so many stray puppies Lee then says he wants everyone he needs to remember him claiming through people's memories he can live forever but during their adventure ventus comes across mickey star shard without the mickey which takes him to the mysterious tower where he meets master yen sid Goofy and Donald ven explains he's friends with Mickey but it seems he's lost since he got separated from the star shard with the in Sid's magic they find out Mickey ain't doin so hot at the Keyblade graveyard and then says he will bring Mickey back home meanwhile Terra finds himself on destiny Island since he was drawn to the light while in her mana locking or something I don't know and he comes across a young Sora and Riku and takes notice of them playing Terra then senses riku's power ambition and will to protect after Riku tells him about a boy who left the island long ago and he bets he's very strong now implying he envies him Terra then gives Riku the power to inherit a keyblade when he is ready soon after though ventus arrives at the Keyblade graveyard to find an unconscious Mickey suddenly masters a noir it appears and it causes ven to have flashbacks he then tells Ben that he has the power to create the Keyblade or the Chi blade or the x-blade I don't know basically the ultimate key all right he also tells Ven Ericka's knew of this power and that's why he didn't want him to see other worlds with them being pissed off too high hell Zane Ord sends him to confront Erica's Terra then shows up soon after and Zehner warns him that ven be pissy and is about to get very real with Erica and he needs to protect ven Terra then rushes to the land of departure Erica's then has a flashback where he has a nerd why he seeks the x-blade and Zehner claims he wants to use the x-blade to unlock the door to the Keyblade war since legends say it created a precious light Erica says he will not let say nor its ambition come true not while he lives their argument turns into a fight and Zane are permanently scars Eric his face with his dark powers the flashback ends and Erica's turns on ven since he sees it as the only way to stop Z naught from making the x-blade right as he is about to strike terror shows up to stop the attack Erica's then warns Terra that if he does not stand he will share vens fate Terra determined to save his friend gives into his dark powers a sense event flying out of the world in battles air casts their clash then weakens air kiss and he realizes what he has caused he then apologizes for stirring the darkness in Terra and attacking Ven then suddenly master Zayin art appears and lands a final blow to Erika's causing him to vanish in Terra's arms with Terra being sad and confused as a Nord says he did the right thing and that he should give in to the darkness telling him to come to the Keyblade graveyard so he can see ven and aqua meet their end he then plunges the land of departure into darkness and disappears it turns out Terra ended up sending ven away to destiny islands where he's then confronted by Vanitas who provokes him to join with him to become the x-blade this sugar's more events flashbacks and it shows him with zaiah nord as he attempts to make the x-blade venom there when it fails as a nor then forces the darkness out of then to create Vanitas this process is what caused vents heart to fracture at the start of the game the flashback ends and then refuses the clash with Vanitas so he then tells ven he will give him a reason to fight threatening to choke the life out of his friends at the Keyblade graveyard he then leaves the world soon after her aqua arrives at destiny islands and meets a young sora and riku talking with them for a bit she realizes Riku has already inherit the power of the keyblade but encourages Sora to keep Riku safe after leaving the island she finds Miki unconscious in space she rescues him and brings him to yen sid where he tells her master Ericka's has been struck down saying masters a Nord and Terra are most likely responsible he tells her that they are at the Keyblade graveyard and she leads the sea what is up the trio then arrived at the Keyblade graveyard where aqua says she knows the master was struck down which terra confirms master Zehner appears and they try to battle him in the attempt ven is frozen still buys a noir but is caught by aqua however it separates the trio and Terra faces a Nord and Vanitas alone they clash for a bit and Zane Ord orders Vanitas to join with ven and kill aqua while ven is still frozen aqua is confronted by Brig the to battle and she overpowers him but suddenly is knocked out by Vanitas then being like super mad breaks free of the eyes and the to battle after the fight vanitas hold down ven with strong on verse removes his mask to reveal he has the face of that of an older surah and tells them that he is the source of the Unversed and that they used them to make ven stronger so they could clash and forge the x-blade the two then joined together meanwhile Tara and Zane Ord are still battling things out when ven and vanitas merge Zayin or then takes his Keyblade stabs himself and releases his heart saying out with the old and in with the new claiming Tara's body will be his new vessel and his darkness will sustain him Tara activates his armor to protect himself but Zayin orts heart takes over his body creating terran art which is like the unofficial Canon name that is not like legit that's just what we call it okay as he walks away though Tara's a hit lingering will brings his armor to life in a last-ditch effort to take his body back while the two fight Arco awakens to find ven in Vanitas have merged holding the x-blade she battles them to help undo the process while ven is in his heart battling Vanitas in spirit but the group is successful they end up breaking the x-blade but it causes a massive explosion Tara's armor is also successful in knocking out Tara nor but the explosion wipes the battlefield clean leaving their fate unknown aqua brings an unconscious ven back to yen sid but the battle damage events hurts so much it basically just left and yen sid said his heart went to find a friend who believes in him and it will show him the way home aqua says she will protect ven while he sleeps she then carries him out of the mysterious tower and ben's keyblade opens a pathway it leads them to the land of departure which has been devastated by the darkness saying or it brought aqua then finds master Eric as his keyblade and she remembers the secret she learned after becoming a master that the Keyblade wielders devised a trick to protect their world and with its transformation anyone who enters will be lost to oblivion and aqua will be the only one to solve its mysteries with air kisses Keyblade she locks the land of departure and turns it into Castle oblivion where she intends to keep ven safe while he sleeps aqua then senses Terra calling out to her and she heads the radiant gardens where she comes across Taran or aqua thin demands he returns Terra's heart or pays the price the two battle and after the fight Taran art falls into a pool of darkness leading into the realm of dark but aqua jumps in to save him she tries to speed out after catching Tara Nords body but fears they won't make it out in time so she sends her armor and glider to carry Terenure out faster while she stays behind we didn't see a young sora and riku relaxing on the beach at night and Sora suddenly starts crying but isn't sad himself Riku explains he thinks that someone out there is really hurting he tells Sora that maybe he should just open his heart and listen which Sora then tries the scene cuts to ven sleeping and Sora's voice asks if he can hear him implying ven's heart found his way to sore aquas rescue ends up being successful and with Terenure back in reading gardens and his memory like still super fried he is met by and some of the wise who takes him under his wing brigh who is then revealed to be working for Ansem but was keeping a little dizzy noir collab stuff under wraps hicks up terran nord and asked dylan to get aquas armor as well we didn't see Terra and Zayn or talking in spirit form or whatever with the two passively aggressively taking shots at each other but Terra seems confident he will overpower Zayn or one day but xandred says he is not worried since Terra was just one of the many roads he could take we didn't see Terra nor walking the castle halls and region guards a tons by time and brick tries to confirm if the amnesia is real and checks of Terran or isn't still just Terra with Terra nor not being very responsive and some of the wise holding hands with a young Enzo looks off at the two with suspicion the game secret ending Blanc points shows aqua being in the realm of darkness for quite some time where she expresses she doesn't know how long she's been there but eventually she finds herself at the shores at the end of the realm where she meets Ansem the wise in a black coat whose brain has been totally cursed scuffled but he implies he was brought here after the machine explosion in Kingdom Hearts two they then talk for a bit and Ansem tells aqua of a boy who saved the world aqua asking if the boys names were even or Tara and Ansem saying it was neither Ethan tells aqua he regrets hurting and using the boy for his selfish needs and that he hid his data inside him while he slept since he thought that's where it could serve a purpose he says the boy touched so many hearts and that he thinks he can save the ruined lives and open the right door aqua asked what the boys name is an anthem along with all major Kingdom Hearts characters any sequence say Sora with hopeful tears awkward pizza's name and looks off into the distance [Music] [Music] Kingdom Hearts re:coded is a remake of the mobile game Koated the general premise of the story is that Jimny losses entries to his journal after reading think nominee he then shuffles through the pages to read a message that says their hurting will be mended when you return to end date he rushes to bring the journal to King Mickey telling him that there is a mysterious message that he himself did not write in an attempt to salvage the pages Jimmy wrote King Mickey translates the journal using a computer they realized that the journals data is all jumbled and cannot be read so they decide to awaken data Sora to explore from the inside by reenacting the contents of the journal a hooded figure appears with data Sora upon his awakening jiminy does not recognize the other person and data Sora is instructed to follow them the ultimate goal is to discover who is hurting and be able to save them Sora travels through multiple worlds in the datascape attempting to debug the journal by destroying blocks known as bugs and the digital heartless Donald goofy Mickey and Jiminy enter the datascape by an avatar of the journals uncorrupted data it takes the form of a virtual Riku aka data' Riku and is used to assist data Sora in debugging journal along the way they come across P and Maleficent who destroy Sora's keyblade and kidnap data Riku he continues to the datascape with the help of Donald and Goofy and eventually regains the power of the keyblade when something inside of him changed Mickey believes that a new part of him had been awakened through strength of heart in Hollow Bastion Pete infects data riku's code with bugs which forces him to fight data Sora data Sora then chooses to debug data Riku which would cause a complete reset including his memories it also causes the bug that infected Riku to take the form of Sora's Heartless Sora destroys a and Mickey and the others are returned back to their world by data Riku before the reset would happen Riku maintains consciousness of what is going on unlike Sora and helps Mickey back into the datascape to help guide data Sora one last time and tell him the truth about what's going on Mickey guides the reset data Sora to an extra world that is based on Castle oblivion where Sora must use cards to unlock illusions that regain his memory he then comes across a virtual Roxas and feels deeply hurt through a connection between them data sora defeats Dana Roxas and is given access to the deepest parts of the data Roxas disappears in a Sora's heart Sora uses the card he is given by data Roxas to enter a room where he meets a data nominee she reveals that the real nominee is the one who had left the message after discovering a sight of Sora's painful memories tied to everyone connected to him nómine says she needed to find a way for Saur to face the hurt leading up to finding these memories otherwise his heart could have been broken she reveals that she used the bugs as a tool to cause Sora the hurt she wanted him to endure she has status or touched the orb she's holding where he is then given back all of his memories before she disappears she explains that Sora must save the people in his memories and that they are still connected Sora is sure to thank nominate just like the Journal says and with that nómine disappears in an emotional moment at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2 we see Sora Kairi and Riku reading a bottled letter from the king which relays the message that nominee wanted to give to them the letter reveals that their journeys have been leading to this moment and it's time for soar to help those he is connected to in a seeker ending that is exclusive to recoated Mickey and yen Sid are talking about the location of terra aqua and Ventus and yen sid says that he believes the destruction of zan or its heartless will ultimately lead to the return of master zan or himself yen sid orders mickey to bring sora and riku to him where they will compete for their mark of mastery it then cuts to break talking to young Zane or about the Keyblade war at the very end we see multiple members of the organization in their human form passed out on the ground leading to the next installment dream Drop Distance [Music] Kingdom Hearts dream Drop Distance serves as the bridge between Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts 3 with zaiah Nords heartless Ansem and Zayin Orson nobodies m-miss now destroyed his original body masters a and Hort will soon return anticipating this master yen sid summons sora and riku to his tower if our heroes are to stop masters they in order to newest plan they will need to become true Keyblade masters master yen sid holds a mark of mastery exam so the Sora and Riku can unlock this new power for the exam Sora and Riku will be entering the realm of sleep and this realm holds various worlds that once fell to the darkness but they did not fully revive following Anselm's defeat at the end of Kingdom Hearts 1 these seven sleeping worlds need to be returned to the realm of light through sealing their keyholes once Sora and Riku manage to do this they should unlock the power of waking and become true Keyblade masters yen Sid sin Sauron Riku now in their younger forms from Kingdom Hearts 1 back in time to the Destiny Islands as the world is about to enter the realm of sleep from there they dive through the realm and begin unlocking the sleeping worlds keyholes while battling various villains and encountering a new life-form that resides in the realm of sleep dream eaters these colorful monsters come in two types good or bad spirit or nightmare respectively Sora Riku enlists the help of spirits to help them get an edge in combat meanwhile in the realm of light the former members of organization 13 begin to awaken in radiant garden their heartless and nobody forms were destroyed so just like Zion or they've gotten a second chance at life and most of them don't seem too interested in rejoining their old leader it doesn't take long for axel to notice the absence though of xigbar and psychics so he leaves to investigate meanwhile Maleficent and Pete have their own evil plans as well and send a letter to King Mickey revealing that they're holding Queen Minnie hostage at Disney Castle when Mickey and company arrived to confront Maleficent she reveals what she's after the data worlds that Mickey had created when he turned gym knees journal into data back in Kingdom Hearts re:coded of course her plans go up in smoke with the appearance of Axl who helps Mickey in the gang rescue mini upon returning to Jensen's Tower Axl makes his intentions known Axl wants to become a keyblade wielder as well and help that soar in the gang yen sid accepts this request and sends Axl to Merlin and the three fairies who helped him train using magic to compress time around him so that his training can be finished faster back in the realm of sleep both sora and riku encounter some old foes and some and xemnas as well as a mysterious young man who takes pleasure in taunting our heroes throughout the sleeping worlds after many battles sora and riku do end up succeeding and sealing these seven keyholes of sleep and complete their exam or so they thought after the final keyhole is sealed sora finds himself outside the realm of sleep and at the organisation 13 stronghold the world that never was shortly after arriving Sora's confronted by xigbar and the mysterious young man who puts or into another deep sleep it's then that this young man reveals himself to be a time-traveling younger version of masters a annoyed this ability of time-travel was given to him by Zia nortz heartless who traveled back in time to set him on this path and reveal master zan or its grand master plan from here sora continues to fall deeper and deeper into his own dreams and the world that never was during his trek he finds himself face-to-face with nómine Terra aqua ventus she owned and Roxas Chisora all of his memories causing great strain to Sora and continuing to weaken his heart before Sora can reach the castle that never was Sora is confronted by xigbar and xemnas who have plenty of things to reveal as it turns out the true goal of organization 13 in Kingdom Hearts 2 was to use the power of their artificial Kingdom Hearts to turn every member of the organization into Zayin ORD it's here that xigbar reveals that he is already half Sandor as you can see from his Zayin ort like I unfortunately some members were unfit to be vessels for Zeya north part of this is of course due to Sauron company's intervention but the other major part is from the hearts that began growing in the organization members it's revealed now that nobody is after a certain amount of time will create a heart of their own to replace the one that they lost xigbar tries to get sword to join organization 13 as their thirteenth vessel but Sora refuses and does battle with xemnas while Sora does come out on top the strain from the battle was too much on his heart and it puts him in a coma as young as a Anor comments on the magic X they put on Sora's torso a tracker of sorts so they could follow him throughout the exam something they call the recusants sigil as Sora falls deeper and deeper into the darkness of his heart he is saved by ventus's heart who encases Sora invent is's Keyblade armor to protect him from that darkness while these events are going on riku arrives in the castle that never was after sealing his seventh keyhole it's here that he battles against a hooded nightmare that is tormenting the Dreaming Sora and Zia Nords heartless who reveals that once the mark of mastery exam had begun Riku entered Sora's dreams and protected him from harm as a Dream Eater which explains why Riku had a spirit insignia on his back Riku showing unwavering resolve defeat Zia nortz heartless once again leave Sora's dreams and returns to the real world it's then that Riku makes his way toward the throne room of the castle that never was to save his friend upon arriving Riku find source still asleep in one of the 13 Thrones before Rico has a chance to act he is intercepted by Young's a Nord who reveals that Sora will be the thirteenth Zayin Oort vessel it's then that every member of this true organization xiii begin to appear as well as masters a annoyed slowly begins to revive in a last-ditch effort to stop this plan King Mickey enters the scene and uses his magic to freeze time masters an orc isn't one to be trifled with however and he possesses his younger self to bypass the frozen time knockout Mickey and do battle with Riku riku wins the fight but the time it took to finish the fight was more than enough time for masters day in order to complete his resurrection masters an orb reveals his ultimate goal is to have his new organization the thirteen seekers of darkness to fight our heroes the seven guardians of light and the resulting clash will create the x-blade or known as the key blade awaken the true kingdom hearts with it and start a new Keyblade war xemnas ands and ORS heartless then pin Riku and Mickey down so that masters a Anor can safely transfer a piece of his heart to Sora thankfully at the last possible second axel appears and is able to stop Master Zeya Nords plan one of the other members of the organization immediately attacks axel in response has revealed to be Sykes Axel's old friend and yet another seeker of darkness things begin looking dire for our heroes but Donald and Goofy show up at the last second to save the day as well with master zion or its thirteenth vessel plan foiled he bids our hero's farewell as this new organization xiii vanishes but not before zaiah nor proclaims they will meet again soon to do battle at what he calls the fated place which is likely the Keyblade graveyard Riku and the gang return to yen sid's tower with a sleeping Sora and inform me instead of masters they endorse plans for the realm of light with everyone up to speed Riku uses the power of waking he obtained from sealing the sleeping keyholes to enter Sora's heart and wake him up this ends up being quite the challenge for Riku as he's forced to do battle with Sora who is trapped in ventus's armor that has been fully corrupted by darkness Ric who wins this fight but sword disappears leaving behind his keyblade when Riku uses the Keyblade he finds himself in the Destiny Islands and is faced with visions of the three beings that reside in Sora's heart those being Ventus Roxas and she own after answering their questions Riku meets a data version of Ansem the wise he reveals that an Sanda wives had hidden some research data inside Soraa after he was recovering in Kingdom Hearts chain of Memories and that this alongside the power that Sora seems to have with his connection to people's hearts could be the key to saving the people who have been lost like Shion Roxas and Ventus data Ansem then reveals that Sora should be fully recovered now and awake in the real world so Riku makes his return and finds a perfectly happy and healthy Sora with the exam over yen said announces that Riku passed the exam but Saur failed due to falling to the darkness Riku is shocked and also concerned for his friend but Sora instead of being sad about it is overjoyed that his friend is now a true Keyblade master axel then reveals to Sora and Riku his intentions on being a keyblade wielder and at that very moment gets his Keyblade to appear for the first time while Sora returns to the sleeping worlds to thank the dream eaters who helped him on his journey yen Sid and King Mickey theorized that Zane Orton may go after the seven princesses of heart so seven powerful guardians of light will be needed it's then that Riku arrives at yen sid's Tower with Kyrie as it's revealed that she will be the seventh guardian of light with this Kingdom Hearts dream Drop Distance comes to a close our villains are back in action our heroes know what must be done and a final battle is on the horizon [Music] Kingdom Hearts key was a browser only PC game released on July 18th 2013 the game begins with a pop-up book opening to show Kyrie and her grandmother in radiant garden telling her famous story about the battle between light and darkness to set up our journey as we are heading back in time before the ancient Keyblade war began unlike the rest of the series the player creates their own keyblade wielder and is asked to choose between five unions unicorn Asst Angliss Lepidus vobis and Ursus these are the union's led by the 5/4 tellers IRA NV gula Ava and a said they trained to become Keyblade masters under the master of masters a man of whom little knowledge is known except that he was able to see the future and he wrote the book of prophecies a book which tells of future events there was also a six apprentice named Liu Shu however he disappeared before the master of masters did the player finds themself in daybreak town where they joined other Keyblade wielders the player is given a Kira thei which is a small cat-like Dream Eater that acts as the player's guide kira thie explains that the players goal is to collect lux a form of light gained from defeating heartless from throughout various worlds in the hopes of preventing catastrophe see the master of masters gave each of the four tellers one of the books of prophecies and on the last page of the book of prophecies was written the fated land will be the battleground for a great war light will see defeat and expire while darkness prevails ever more thus the foretellers began collecting Lux with each of their unions in order to prevent the war soon the player meets F Amer a keyblade wielder who is suspicious of the foretellers he and the player sneak into the foretellers base of operations however in the process f Amer goes missing and does not return eventually the player meets another keyblade wielder named scold the to see master envy and master aside fighting and encounter humanoid heartless accompanied by a nightmare version of kira 'they who explains that these heartless were once keyblade wielders who succumb to the power of dark clearly some shenanigans are going on here so the player in scold head back to the foretellers base of operations to find some answers scold in the player end up finding master Ava Ava is looking for Keyblade wielders to move to another realm in order to avoid the Keyblade war and restore light to the world once it's all over and this group would be known as the dandelions this is the task a vote was given by the master of masters before his disappearance she already enlisted FM air hence his disappearance and wants the player in scold to join as well the player in scold began to see he blade wheel crews fighting each other and even see foretellers preparing to battle with a said gathering forces of his own and ira asking scolding the player to help look for a solution to all this they find master gula who was given a lost page of the book of prophecies by the master of masters before he disappeared with the knowledge that one of the four tellers was a traitor and it was his job to figure out who it was goula informed scold and the player that the master of masters is the only one who can prevent the war thus the war is inevitable meanwhile Ava manages to find a loose shoe watching over daybreak town as it turns out this is the task the master gave to Lu Shu to watch the world burn and ensure the future plays out as stated in the book he was also given a large black box to take into the future the contents of which are unknown Lu Shu summons his Keyblade shockingly revealing the Keyblade that would eventually belong to masters an orc originally owned by the master of masters he put his eye in the keyblade and passed it on to Lu Shu so that he may see the future from the keyblade this is how the master of masters was able to see the future and write the book of prophecies after Lu Shu summons the keyblade a bell tolls signaling the start of the keyblade war fast forward a few days and we are now on the great battlefield with the keyblade war in full force after a grueling battle between the four colors and all the wielders from the five unions the player collapses as hearts of deceased Keyblade wielders float into the sky as the player lies on the ground seemingly in the last moments of life scold and f Ameri in a brilliant light F Amer asks the player to go with them taking the players hand soon later the player wakes up in enchanted Dominion Kyra theis Eze that the keyblade war was just a dream close by maleficent appears jolly declaring that she should be safe in this world and that sora cannot interfere with her plans here the plot of the browser version ends here however the story does continue in unchain ki and Union cross however those games still have an ongoing story that will be continuing throughout KH 3 so the details in those games aren't as important as the details in the browser version and back cover because the story in those games are already completed Unchained ki and Union cross still covered pretty much everything up to the Maleficent part from the browser version so at the very least you'll be fine going into KH 3 knowing everything that we covered here now we head into Kingdom Hearts 20.2 a fragmentary passage a game that is part of the collection known as Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 I'll chop their prologue human hearts 3.2 starts with a conversation between yen said King Mickey Riku and Kairi the inset tells the group that it's time to get back to three Keyblade wielders we lost over ten years ago these people being Terra Ventus and aqua he then proceeds to tell the group aquas current situation of being trapped in the realm of darkness and the game begins as if told through Mickey's perspective since he had once met her during his time in the realm of darkness having walked through the dark realm for an a certain amount of time Alice stumbles across a world she had once been to when she was in the realm of light the castle of dreams as aqua makes her way through the town she is reminded therefore previous experiences which seems to do nothing but to wear her down and make her feel more vulnerable through the darkness in which she is trapped in after battling a tower of heartless she unexpectedly runs into Terra or so she thought it seems that the world keeps people's memories alive so it resulted in the illusion of Terra she asked herself what became of the people of the world that fell to darkness but quickly realized that they hadn't been trapped like she is and that she will take whatever solace she can knowing this trying her best to find as much flight in the darkness as she can later she comes across another illusion this time it being Ventus it quickly goes away and a mirror appears before aqua pulling her inside of it she had again come across another world that she had been to before that has fallen to darkness this being the dwarf woodlands afterwards aqua is now in a place similarly comprised of a bunch of mirrors and she is trying to figure out a way out of this fallen world she comes across a mirror that ends up reducing a phantom version of her she ends up fighting at multiple times and emerges victorious each time though with each victory it is bittersweet as she is starting to realize the darkness is starting to get to her aqua ends up getting out of the fallen dwarf woodlands and finds her way in to enchanted Dominion yet another world she had been to as soon as she enters she sees phantoms of Ventus and Terra and begins to run after them claiming that she doesn't care if their visions she misses them and wants to be together with him again later in the world aqua meets up with the illusions of Terra and Ventus except this time Terra respond sir although he is confused on the current situation Terra goes to explain that he had heard aqua in the darkness and responded to her which is why they are able to speak tells aqua that zainer is trying to locate Ventus in which she replied he won't ever find him because she hit him well and at that moment Terra is taken over by Xion door Zehner asks at the place she hit him was the Chamber of waking when she replied yes but quickly cut herself off then Terrans a nor proceeded to have a struggle over Tara's body with Terra having enough of Zayin or in pulling back control aqua and vinaigrette by a dark side and she ends up passing out once a week Mickey finds her drifting in the darkness but soon after a battle with shadows commences after they drive it away aqua and a very defeated voice asked if Mickey had seen Ventus and Terra in which she replies no Mickey reveals that he and Ian Sid had been looking for aqua the entire time she was away in aqua tells Mickey about how she had ended up in the realm of darkness in the first place after they catch up Mickey explains to aqua why he is in the realm of darkness but just to lock the door - darkness so he can protect the other worlds but in order to do so he needs to find the dark realms keyblade how queer Mickey then find their way to a fallen destiny islands the to talk about Sora and Riku and Mickey tells aqua that those are the ones who have been helping Mickey to try and restore the worlds and lock the door the conversation however is cut short when a gigantic court of shadows approaches them after it's defeated Mickey and aqua head into the secret place and end up opening the door that was in it the door reveals to have behind it the dark realms Keyblade otherwise known as the kingdom GD once obtained Mickey and aqua spot Riku but not before another horde of Shadows goes to attack Riku as he is running by aqua quickly runs towards Riku and protects him from the shadows and tells Mickey to go on without her unfortunately she has pushed back into the door while Mickey goes with his newly acquired Keyblade and goes to seal the door - darkness showing that these events are the events that led up to the ending of Kingdom Hearts 1 once the door - darkness is sealed and the worlds are returning back to normal aqua is laying on the beach of Destiny Islands and realizes that the worlds are being returned to the realm of light and that Mickey and the others completed their mission as Sesame Islands is being restored aqua is falling back into darkness and says may our hearts be our guiding key and that we will know where she is Mickey story concludes with him saying he I thought he had heard her voice in the distance and anger - Riku asked Mickey why he kept it from him for so long in which Mickey says he wanted to respect her choice insid also says he forbade Mickey from saying anything in order to riku and even Sora from staging a reckless attempt at rescue for aqua Mickey then reassures Riku that the current plan now is to go and save her instead gives Riku and Mickey some new clothes and they part ways later Sora is seen running up the stairs and has returned from whatever it is he was doing at the end of dream Drop Distance Sora Donald and Goofy are then told by yen said that even though Sora had lost a bit of his powers from the events that had transpired in dream job distance Sora is still the key to saving their lost friends he tells Sora he needs to perfect one power and that would be the power of waking which he had learned from his mark of mastery exam and that he should visit a certain hero who had lost all of his powers but found it again a true hero we all should have an idea of the free reply to count on them and make their way to the gummi ship inside of the gummi ship they realized that the old pathways to the worlds that had been - were closed and are trying to figure out a way to get to the destination goofy then says the quote may your heart be your guiding key sorry begins to think on it a bit then suddenly realizing the answer he had been looking for he summons his Keyblade and creates a pathway to the world they need to go to Olympus Coliseum which then starts the events of Kingdom Hearts 3 huh what a video I want to thank each and every one of you for watching this video I hope that it was helpful especially to those whose first King Hearts game is going to be Kingdom Hearts 3 and wanted to get the story of all the games before hand but didn't have the time to play all the game I also want to thank my dear friends who also were a huge hand and helping me make this video from the bottom of my heart this is definitely my biggest video yet and as a send-off I really wanted to do before King Hearts 3 release this is going to be a huge turning point all of our lives so I and my friends hope that you guys are ready for what's coming if by any means you enjoyed the video at all and it helped you in any way leave a like on it and a comment down below on what you thought and of course check out all of my friends all of their social medias are linked in the description below show them some love because they 100% deserve it if by chance you have someone that wants to get into the series and wants the story as quickly as possible share it around so everyone can benefit it's been limit and of course all of my amazing friends and we hope to see you guys very soon thank you again for watching and I'll see you guys next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: LimitForm72
Views: 431,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kingdom, hearts, kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts timeline, kingdom hearts story explained, kingdom hearts story recap, kingdom hearts 3, KH3, SuperButterBuns, Soraalam1, HMK, SkywardWing, Uniphication, KeybladeSarah, KZXcellent, LimitForm72, Square Enix, kingdom hearts story analysis, kingdom hearts timeline explained, kingdom hearts recap
Id: vw3UENhYo3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 18sec (4878 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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