King of the Badlands! | Empires SMP | Ep.1 (1.17 Survival)

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welcome to empires a brand new 1.17 smp involving a load of different youtubers but what is empires well it's a survival series where each person is the ruler of their own empire the goal is to build up your empire make trade routes form relationships and if necessary all out war and you guys know me it's going to be necessary speaking of what is necessary if you want to follow this series make sure you're subscribed anyway let's hop in and see how many friendships we can ruin in the first day hey folks and welcome to empire's smp we've got our friendship circle here we are off to go forge our own kingdoms and whoever knows what's happening next i got no idea but as soon as we leave the circle all i know is uh it's frenemies from there folks i think we should end this meeting by throwing jimmy into the fire agreed seems like the only thing oh meanwhile lizzy's just chopping down the tree here we we have magical properties over here we'll be all right oh no i deserve that one to be fair from wow until i found a mesa bio and i've never built in a mesa before so i thought you know what let's make this our empire so i did all that beginner minecraft stuff gathered some wood killed this zombie here crafted some tools and then soon realized oh gosh it's night time and i started to panic as you can see my hunger was rather low so i had to kill some animals chop some watermelons and unfortunately no one else was online to sleep for me so i had to get a bed asap but of course i got distracted immediately by some pumpkins until finally i found some sheep which i quickly killed as i didn't have any iron yet to make some shears made myself a bed and managed to turn it today and then finally i could explore the biome i've chosen my kingdom and i found a mine shaft instantly with some goodies in it i went from almost dying to having an iron pickaxe with a golden apple as well but i'd already run out of melon so i decided to go make myself a furnace to cook some of the meat i'd gathered as well as mine some of this coal here i forgot that we had this iron behind the coal and collected my first ever raw iron and then in the same cave i found some copper which is wonderful because i really want to get to using this very early on also i didn't realize how much copper you got from one ore block like i got 18 copper from mining about nine i think so i think it's like double almost which is awesome every new series i try not to do this but i always end up in a cave collecting resources so i think today we're gonna do something different and we're gonna go exploring the badlands now the main reason i chose this biome is because i've never built in this biome before and it comes with some challenges the main challenges the ugly trees look how disgusting oak leaves look here look how brown they are and the grass as well there what is that oh but in 1.17 we have a new block the moss block which we're going to be using a lot of this series i have a feeling the badlands is cool though look at this now i think one of the things we're going to have to start early is like some sort of animal farmers as you've seen from the start food is a problem right now oh that is not a problem that is very nice oh my gosh gold for days look at the animals all around us what animals joel exactly but what the badlands lacks in animals it makes up for in mine shafts like there's a spawner right there more importantly chests oh glowberries and a name tag hello oh my adventure's getting so full already now i am looking for mine shots obviously but we're also looking for a place to settle and begin our empire which i'm still trying to think of a name for i'm not sure whether to go for like house beans or something mesa related but i'm thinking we settle kind of close to the ocean as i know lizzy is gonna be in the ocean and it also means we can boat around to different locations with a bit more ease as traveling across this thing without an elytra oh boy it's a bit tricky my gosh i need to get some armor soon this is getting a bit uh stressful look at all the chests around another name tag hello hello two diamonds this island up here let's have a look this could be like a nice little place to settle and then we can move on into the mesa more as we progress and like have stuff up here oh that could be quite nice we've got a nice ocean view as well spruce wood over there dead bushes and for now we could go kill some fish and that could be a good source of food i think these glow berries work like vines as well so if you plant them on something they will grow so i kind of want to try that let me see if i can plant these oh i can interesting we'll leave that there as a little experiment and see if they grow it's very weird watching this stuff smelt into iron gonna take a while to get used to but it's armor time yes nice i then decided to make myself an axe put my copper in the furnace gather some wood we're on the way back i found this spawner right underneath where i want to put my base made myself a boat and then we set off on a little adventure out where i came across an island on the way i believe that's lizzie's island but if you want to check it out you've got to go watch her video and then i gathered some resources you may notice that some textures are different in this series because we are all using fwip's texture pack that he made which makes things just look a bit nicer oh and also i found a horse so of course i killed it had to get the first horse kill in as soon as possible i also gathered some acacious saplings found my first emeralds and a little bit of bread and then i decided to hit this bit of sand here to watch this happen because that was very satisfying wasn't it i then led the sheep which i had originally came for back into the boat here and sailed back past lizzy's island to my little area where i swiftly planted the acacia saplings i got made some fences to put our new sheep in and after coming back from being afk i noticed that my glowberries had grown very nice indeed i then noticed nearby there was a shipwreck so i decided to go investigate found a buried treasure map as well as some iron and some lapis and some kind of rubbish stuff to be honest although i did need that helmet so i put it on my head notice then that my sheep was rowing itself what's going on here is this a 1.17 thing i don't think so either way i made a little space for our sheep to go and after making sure it could not escape of course i led him up here with his little bit of wheat and trapped him in put down some carpet so he could get out again and then made myself some iron armor using the iron we got from the shipwreck and also chopped down some of the trees i'd brought back i then went looking for that buried treasure which i had the map for found it as it wasn't too far away and inside we got a couple more diamonds very nice also some iron and a heart of a sea which is quite valuable but you know what's more valuable and acts a lot to look at this thing oh my gosh it was my first spotting i was so happy to see these in game finally but for now we don't need an axolotl we need a sheep so i went and got another sheep and brought it home bred it with my other sheep voila we have sheep but i don't need white wolves you know what i need green walls so i smelted some cacti there then dyed our sheep green bread them up once again to get some more green sheep and here you can see me digging some dirt up as i don't have silk touch and i wanted the grass to spread up to here also i couldn't believe i hadn't noticed this before but i'm actually getting some gold from this room portal well our sheep collection has significantly grown and we're starting to get a decent amount of wool here as you can see i'm not entirely sure how much i need but i need some and as for our grass it's slowly spreading it's slowly spreading all right the glowberries have grown and we're getting some but i also got bone meal from one of the fish that died over there so what you can do is this and it'll give you more glowberries like that and then we can just knock these down like so and more should grow i think that's how that works but i want to explore a bit more because i really want to get my hand on some mossy blocks and the only way you can get this moss stone or whatever it's called is in lush caves which i don't think exist yet or in shipwrecks so let's go looking for some shipwrecks first shipwreck nothing apart from a bit of drowning never mind i have high hopes about this ship here well that's a lot of iron i'll take that oh tropical fish it gives me an idea yoink there we go that'll come in useful another buried treasure map they're all different so far yes there we go that's what we're looking for two mossy blocks now that's all we need because now we can get them for life oh i forgot to save the corners of my house but let's try and find our home oh i was just collecting some food here whilst dying look what i got a god's head wow look how cool i look i'm gonna keep this leather cap on for now but that's cool completely forgot that we had that data pack on so i managed to get a couple more bone mill from dead fish so let me test this out down here if i plop some of this mossy stone block here and bone mill it look at that oh that's so cool can i just harvest this flowering azalea oh it's so cute i love it and then we should be able to i think we mine it with a pickaxe yeah and then we can just pick up this moss block like so wonderful and like that we've already got a load of it now i need to find out a way to get more bonemeal let me grab some clay here as i want to show you one of my new favorite things right look at this flower pot flowering azalea it's so cute it's like a mini tree oh i love it so much i believe you can just put regular xailers in as well yeah look at that oh it's so so cute let's leave that there for now when this food has finished smelting i think it's time we did some mining i'm gonna make myself a decent amount of iron pickaxes and i'll come back when they're all broken oh look what i've just discovered drip stone hello my first drip stone oh and there's some of that lichen or light you know how you pronounce it stuff oh i didn't bring my shears no oh well i'm sure we'll find more of it in the future what where'd it go i just found a glowing sack in this cave what that's weird but i'll take it well my food supply is getting rather low but we got a lot of copper which is what i was hoping to get a little bit of iron and gold as well and the glowing sack which is very nice i then noticed lizzy was online and on her island so i went to say hi she said ahoy there i said hello then looked at her map then looked her in the eyes where she told me her island was underwhelming and i said it's not that bad she said she had a parrot and i asked if she wanted a name tag she said no she might kill him soon so of course i backed away slowly and then left the island for good and then i went into a cave and then i died so that was good fun but luckily i did manage to get all my stuff back without losing anything i then found some deep slate and i was like oh deep slate so i mined some of the deep slate i then almost died once more as the skeleton hit me down to half a heart but don't worry i ate my golden apple because i'm a wuss and it's a good job i did because look i killed the skeleton then this zombie with an iron sword hits me for half my heart and nearly kills me again but luckily i killed him because i'm superior oh my grass is spreading nicely i then got in my boat and set off a little adventure killed this chicken then found a flower forest as i needed some alliums and i found some but i realized this was catherine's kingdom so i left her a sign saying hi catherine i took some alliums so i left a piece of string as payment if this is not sufficient payment then let me know but i will declare war on you if you do think that see you nerd joel and there's a piece of string in here i then killed this horse that was really close by because you know i just have to and then left a sign saying here lies the stupid horse that i killed and wore its head all the way home speaking of taking things home i grabbed this cow in this boat here and took that homeless i kind of need some cows to get some proper food as i'm sick of killing fish i then spent the next while gathering up some materials such as orange concrete magenta terracotta some spruce wood and some other things before using this stone cutter here to make some copper slabs and then i got working on my tent that's right you heard me correctly a tent a fancy tent at that like not a basic tent oh no no we go all out and this tent here is very nice indeed this is not my house don't worry oh no no this is just a starter tent i'm gonna build a house after this i just wanted to get things rolling and get building something so i built this lovely tent here all right and the cherry on top of this for now don't worry there's still a lot more to do but the lightning rod the new edition lovely and there is the basis of my tent complete we've still got a lot of work to do around the outside to make it look a bit nicer but the shape is there i'm excited to watch this copper slowly fade oh that's lovely isn't it but the inside needs to be done so let's get to work on that shall we i started off by actually changing the outside a little bit and making it look a bit more greener as the orange terracotta kind of clashes with our tent and i wanted to use some more of these moss blocks here as well as the azalea little plants that grow up and some coarse dirt to bring a little bit of wildlife into this mesa and that's my plan basically with the mesa bring wildlife but also bring some colour and also here i made my first azalea tree to get some leaves as these leaves look awesome in the mesa as these leaves keep their vibrant green color and like other leaves in the badlands which turns sort of brownie almost we then got decorating the interior a little bit adding in a fire some furnaces a crafting table also made a little campsite just outside here as i thought it was kind of cute that was the only reason for it it doesn't really have a use and both my current chests are full so i started crafting some barrels and some other chests as well and plopping them round trying to make it look a bit more interesting than i would normally go for and like place chests in weird places i also decorated with my horse head salmon heads and also this anvil here before making a sort of like floating hammock bed which i actually really like i think that looks kind of cool remember i said i wanted to bring wildlife well i added in some hanging vines and we've got so many options now of these azalea leaves and also these glowberries as well which i think just look really really cool so i did a few of those in as well as some lanterns to light it up in here and honestly i'm really happy with how this thing has turned out it's really colorful which is what i was going for the purples the oranges the greens it all goes really well together and not a usual color scheme that i would go for but i'm very happy with it also i love the texture these leaves have thanks to flip's resource pack i think it just adds you know a little bit of depth to it all there's still a couple things i want to add but it's looking rather good isn't it isn't it please tell me it is oh gosh some of my copper is starting to fade which is what i want i don't like this bright color here when it turns to full green oh that's going to look so good our empire needs a banner and to make this banner i need some dyes obviously so i'm gonna go collect a load right now oh my gosh this skeleton is hinged look at that armor but i did need the bone mill so that's pretty good i went and collected some flowers and also found this cow which i decided to bring home to breed without other one before dyeing our sheep lime and gathering some lime wool all right let's make this banner starting with a lime banner and then we do this the orange cross then we're going to make a flower pattern and do this a little bit of orange on the top and bottom and then finally some magenta in the middle and this i think is quite a cool looking banner look at that i came up with that design myself we got the orange because of the mesa the purple and the green is the color scheme we're going for if you can't tell very similar to azaleas and it just looks all right so let's make another three and place these on all sides of our tent all right we have our four banners hanging up as you can see here and we've also sorted out all our chests which took quite a while but it's done i need to label them properly still but i don't have enough leather but i still have these free treasure maps which i've not gone to yet so i'm gonna quickly go and find these and see if we get any goodies chest number one emeralds diamonds gold tnt oh and food as well number two oh more diamonds lovely and the third and final one more diamonds very nice oh and a replacement iron sword kind of need that well that was definitely worth it look at all that unfortunately i'm now lost and i can't actually remember where my base is i think it's this way okay there's one final thing i want to add on we're going to need some bone mill first though so let's go looking for some skeletons i couldn't find any skeletons so we're using some acacia leaves but i needed the bone mill to get some more azalea leaves i'm hoping this is enough leaves it better be let's build a tree so i didn't want to build a massive tree or a short chubby tree i went for a sort of medium-sized dangly tree it's dangling a word i don't know but either way the tree is done and it's looking good and there you have it that is looking very nice i think our empire is taking shape already but we need a name for this empire so if you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments and next time we're going to be moving away from the ocean and expanding into the mesa i'm excited i hope you're excited for this new series make sure to leave a like and comment and i shall see you another time goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 2,107,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, 1.17, smp, multiplayer, youtuber, empire, empires, survival mulitplayer, survival, empiressmp, joel, and, lizzie
Id: 39fmu-QQYTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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