I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (1.18)

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in today's video i start a brand new hardcore world in minecraft and i played for 100 days you guys voted for hardcore in the poll i don't know why you obviously want to see me suffer even lizzy told me she voted for the hardcore version so she obviously wants to see me suffer as well i'm hoping to get this world to 2000 days so make sure to subscribe if you want to see more videos in the future it really does help and these videos take a long time to make so i do appreciate it anyway let's get into it so off we go with world creation i use the seed i don't want to die so you can check it out for yourself if you want to play along and here we are on day zero where i realized instantly i had the wrong skin on so i quickly changed this silly empire skin to a hardcore one where my eyes are slightly redder i also saw some horses but do you know what new series knew me horses you're okay however chickens i'm sorry they're not okay nothing will make them okay they still have to die now this is my first time playing 1.18 i have played a snow only version of 118 but actual 118 just default minecraft this is my first time playing it ever so i'm very excited to see what terrain we get but first i had to kill a load of animals mainly sheep to get myself a bed as this is hardcore anything i can do to avoid mobs i will be doing okay but what i did do was kill this iron golem for some iron man's to get four bits pretty good start i then went on a little bit of an explore found myself a dark oak forest and a spruce biome as well as some iron and some coal i also found this really really tall birch tree i think these are new and it was so tall but not as tall as me i am taller anyway i got myself in a boat and i went out on the ocean and i found myself a pirate ship where i got myself some carrots and potatoes and a load of iron lovely love all that iron i also found myself some gold blocks here in this chest and i also ate this suspicious stew which gave me night vision which would have been useful but i only last for like seven seconds so it's not really that useful i then spent the next day just exploring savannas all that was around me was savannah's i was getting very frustrated because i couldn't get out of this savannah i've been traveling for about a thousand blocks and i was stuck in a savannah anyway let's go back to the ocean where it is very nice and oh no wait there's more savannas but also there's a mesa look how epic that looks that terrain is crazy i would love to have built like that in empires i even said wow in the chat i don't know why i say it in the chat no one's listening but i found myself some stuff in a mine shaft here and then i went running through this biome which was also massive i found that 1.18 biomes are all huge i think in comparison to 1.17 they're just so much bigger i don't know why but it just is also one thing that's known about 1.18 is the rain oh and also puffer fish but they've always been annoying but when you sleep in 1.18 it doesn't reset the rain cycle meaning that it just rains all the time when i used to sleep and it would never rain now it rains all the time i hate it anyway found myself a desert temple away from the rain managed to kill this creeper here as my first mob that i killed also killed that zombie and then i went and looted these chests got some goodies from here as you can see before heading through this jungle as i was looking for a specific biome if you can't tell already i said finally here thinking it was close but then i ended up in another savannah and i hate savannas look i'm very mad in the chat i'm just talking to myself but i'm saying where are the mountains because i'm looking for mountains the new mountains that we have i really want to find one but anyway i found another birch forest i also found this crazy terrain here and inside this cave here one of those new overgrown what are they called lush caves i believe and yes they are very pretty but they are also very dark and full of mobs so i decided not to go down there instead go look at this which is just the most ugly terrain generation i've ever seen i then ended up in a snow biome and fell into some of that powdered snow which uh i also hate now as well it feels like i've started playing hardcore mode when everything is trying to kill you and this snow is just the most annoying thing ever i just kept forgetting about it and then just walking into more of it and it's just it's unavoidable really look i keep falling down it's so pathetic but finally on day a we found ourselves a mountain hurrah and it's actually a pretty cool looking one i was quite happy with how it looked and i found this nice little area here which had some sort of flat land underneath this mountain and i said perfect and this is where we're going to settle down for the start of this series i might move in the future but for now this area is where we're going to be having our house etc so i got set up chopped down some trees also went to a nearby village which i found and rang a bell and found some large ferns which are really cool i also found some more iron stuff and saw that we're pretty close to a dark oak forest as well so some good biomes around here i'm happy i collected some spruce saplings to make myself a big old spruce tree and then went and searched the nearby caves found a bit of iron in this one but also found a zombie spawner look at that isn't that nice not really zombie spawners are like my least favorite but we could use it in the future if we ever got a cleric to do some trading also got a power free book from it which is okay but look there's the coordinates i'm saving them so i don't forget them in the future i then found a massive cave which had a lot of mobs in it uh because all the caves now have a lot of mobs in it and it's honestly quite terrifying most the time especially with all these massive drops as well i'm on hardcore now i can't die all right i just can't and i know the longer i invest into this series the more angry i'm going to be when i do eventually die because let's be real it's me it's gonna happen anyway i started making some plans for my house as you can see there but we needed some more stuff so i saved the coordinates of my area and as you can see it's really far out and we set off on the ocean we travel through planes biomes ocean biomes came across this village here which had three diamonds woohoo that's very nice i then set out more on the ocean with a weird time-lapse there and found the worst mushroom island i've ever seen it had one cow and one mushroom terrible and then found another one which wasn't so terrible and look at this coral reef it is massive anyway we found what we were looking for which was this mesa bayern i noted it down on the way and we headed back here to collect ourselves some terracotta as well as some sand and some gravel because i didn't want to go to my old ways of just building houses out like spruce wood etc so i wanted to add something different to my builds this time as it gives me a new challenge personally and i think it's just a bit more interesting for you guys as well you'll see later what style i go for but here you can see me finding a buried treasure map which of course i went to find in hopes to get some goodies from located it to this area right here and it had not really anything good in it it was just a load of rubbish was really hoping for some more diamonds as i don't want to go into those caves as diamonds are so far down now but oh well i didn't i then planted my sugar cane along the bottom here which is actually quite far away from where i'm planning to put my house and then i headed to another nearby village young the brewing stand found another mountain which looked quite nice really some horses which i did not kill by the way i've not killed a single horse yet and then i made myself an enchanting table and did some really basic enchantments just getting some breaking protection ones etc just to make it a little bit easier when i do eventually go caving and when is that it's now baby in we go to one of those depot caves and instantly a shield comes in useful because creepers are everywhere and they keep falling down of rafters and exploding at me and surprising me i had to kill a glow squid though because they are defenseless and it's fun anyway i went deep down trying to find myself some diamonds but another reason i was down here was to get some deep slate because i wanted to build with it but then this happened my nearest death yet on this series and we're only on day 16. both those creepers hit me and i was actually on half a heart here and dodging arrows is what saved my life you can see half a heart i had to survive i was really panicking my heart rate went up about 15 and uh luckily i managed to hide in this little corner here behind this pillar kill all the mobs nearby and we were good oh my gosh though heart attack hated that but we managed to get ourselves a name tag and that cheered me up a little bit but i cooled myself down by just mining up some deep slate before doing a little bit more exploring also all that lichen or lighting or whatever always looks like diamonds to me and i get my hopes up every time only to be disappointed but i just having no luck finding diamonds i was literally like wear the diamonds until i realized in the background there were some diamonds so i wouldn't mind those diamonds and i got quite lucky as there were four diamonds there normally when i mined them in this cave there's like one or two as you can see from that diamond there and that diamond there honestly quite disappointing but anyway we decided to head back up to the surface as we had got all the stuff we needed and of course when i arrived at the surface it was raining because it's always raining in this world i hate it i wish it went back to the old ways where it wasn't raining so much but anyway we made ourselves some yellow concrete which i mind in third person in case some creepers decide to sneak up on me notice this big hole nearby which i almost fell down and then i got cutting down some trees as well as planted some others as well before smelting all the iron we have collected as well some of the copper chopping down some nearby trees especially birch and oak because i was going to be using some of those to do some building with later i also collected a load of saplings to bring closer to where i was and then i put down a chest here where we could start putting the materials we're going to need for the house as you can see here red yellow concrete what is this you can kind of see the bottom layer here but i didn't start building yet because this pillager appeared and i decided i don't want to deal with this so instead i went off to gather up some sheep as i did need those for part of the building i got these two sheep here white and gray fenced them off in this little pen here bread them so that we had a first parrots in the bats achievement and then dyed them red and yellow i then went and collected some sand to put on to smelt for some glass and then it was time to get building here we go our house and i'm so happy of this house it took about four or five days to build it's really hard to build like anything at this sort of stage when you've got really bad tools but you can kind of see it's got some yellow in it it's got some orange it's got some red and it's quite different to any style i've built in before especially the roof on the red building but i did run out of spruce wood somehow so i had to go get some more and then i finished off the side here where i just put this little canopy thing on it's kind of just a little extra bit that doesn't really need to be on the house but i thought it looked quite cool especially with this sort of stony cobblestone floor and there's our house i am very happy with it and we've got quite a lot of space inside as well not a huge amount of space as it is just to start a house but it's enough for now so now it's time to get working on the interior and we're going to need a decent amount of storage in here i actually ended up using barrels there as a little sort of change i don't know why i did that but i did so what you're going to do about it i also noticed that i was missing some parts on the house up here some stairs which finishes it off and i'm really happy with it i then made some torches to make some lanterns so i could light it up inside without using torches as torches are ugly and then i brought all my stuff over including making myself a smoker and adding in some furnaces as well and there you have it we've got some shells we've got some area it's looking quite nice i decided to even add a little path outside before sleeping in my little yellow bed for the first time bringing this to day 28 where i started sorting out our chests bringing all the stuff inside and luckily we had enough leather from killing cows on the way over meaning i could label all our chests still haven't killed a horse by the way yet just want to point that out i then went and chopped down my oak trees as i wanted to make a longer path leading up to this as we're going to have in some farms around this area this used up a lot of iron shovels but that's okay i've got quite a bit of iron at the moment and down my new long path i went as we are going on another little bit of an adventure across the ocean where to you ask well just looking for like goodies around and of course it started raining miserable on my adventure i decided to get myself some more terracottas i'm going to be building out of this a lot as well as some sandstone as well i used up a couple of pickaxes until we had no more pickaxes got some cactus and then we headed home where i collected this chest here which had another buried treasure map in it i went and got myself the treasure because you know me i love a good treasure chest and inside that treasure chest was a decent amount of iron and some diamonds a pretty good one i'm happy let's head home across the ocean and look our house is over there it's so tiny and cute i love it but my steak was getting quite low and i had no crops and that's about to change i started working on some farm land area which is what the sandstone and the birch is for i thought i'd go for this as a sort of wall design as i never really go these sort of colors and i thought it'd be a nice change and it really works especially with some birch leaves as well i then spent a couple of days making a wheat farm i used some birch slabs so that i wouldn't stand on the crops as well as some hay bales and sugar cane for decoration but what we don't have are enough seeds so i had to go punch some grass so i could plant some seeds and i was getting quite desperate for seeds so i even went and got some bones to make some bone milk to grow the seeds to get some more seeds i don't know why i was doing this it was honestly probably just worth waiting but i just wanted to see my wheat field looking good but again i'd ran out of beef at this point i was eating salmon now which i found in a chest so it's time to get some food going and what better way to have a food than to have a field of cows a field of cows to murder because murdering cows is fun i'm sorry i don't know why i said that but of course i can't just make a field of cows i need to make something else as well so i went off to get some dark oak wood as well as some coal i just like getting cold because i always run out of coal i also brought back some dark oak saplings and collected some spruce wood from my spruce tree as well before laying out where our barn is going to go yes of course i have to build a barn and i just wanted to build a barn in the new style that i'm going for and obviously as you can see there it's going to be made out of blue terracotta we're going for different colors that's right not just red and yellow either way i decided to get the cows in first before the barn as we can get breeding them while we're building this barn and then we can get killing them after that but before i could get building there's a couple of extra things i needed and one of them was deep slate i ran out and it's so slow to mine but i mined some we left the cave and it was building time baby the barn the construction of the barn with some dark blue and some light blue terracotta and i think it looks quite nice very similar to the other style and i'm happy with it and seeing these small builds gives me inspiration to build some bigger versions of these builds in the future and i can't wait to show you what is coming okay but anyway cow breeding and also fence getting as we're going to be actually making another pen on the other side of this barn it's a multifunctional barn oh yes and on this side of course we're gonna bring over our sheep as with the terracotta on the builds there's also little bits of wool around which is why i had the red and orange and yellow sheep from before so i brought them in and bread them up and then we got working on another farm a potato farm and a carrot fan we merged it all onto this one side here a little smaller than the wheat farm but that's because wheat only gives off one wheat per crop whereas potatoes carrots etc give off like four or five i think even six sometimes if you're lucky i also chopped down on my trees as you can see there before finally finally we had enough wheat and seeds to finish off the entire farm on the right there so much so that i celebrated by going out onto the ocean which is so long it takes so long to get to this desert but you know what i needed cactus and there's no other place really to get that i also raided this village on the way which was actually abandoned village look at that silly zombie villager what a silly fool i also jumped into this pool because it was fun until i realized i got stuck in this pool and had to awkwardly dig my way out and then i headed home while giving a little shout out to turbo on the way and when i got back i planted my cactuses and i also smelted them because that's right we're gonna need some green dye as we're gonna be building something else and that's something else needed some copper so i started to spread out the copper to oxidize it as well as collected some more copper as i was going to need a decent amount of copper i actually didn't need as much as i thought as i forgot they updated it so that you get four cut copper from one copper block now which is nice i also gave myself some moss as you can see here as well as some gravel and some sand for some concrete of course what color concrete green concrete that's what the greens die for i also got some green terracotta made some more copper blocks before placing them down to oxidize and finally getting to work building our enchanting room of course i have to build an enchanting room i can't just have it out in the open that is ugly so i built this lovely green tower here before breeding my cows and finally killing my cows yay leather to make some bookshelves oh and also beef of course to eat i place down the enchanting table as well as the bookshelves and now we can get 30 levels and i don't have that of course i don't have that so i went mining for some coal did some smelting made myself a diamond chest plate for when i do eventually get the levels planted some potatoes made a little pathway up to the enchanting room realized i've missed a load of dirt around the back here so place that down as well bred up some more sheep until finally 30 levels and up i went to that enchanting room to get fire protection free so of course i didn't take that instead i took protection one and instantly disenchanted it by making myself a grindstone because honestly that is horrendous i don't want fire protection free instead i killed some more sheep as well as some chickens and also got myself some coal until finally 30 levels again this time can we be a bit luckier yes we can protection for and thorns too not bad whatsoever this gave me some confidence to go down into another cave where of course there was creepers everywhere and i got scared instantly but i kept exploring and managed to get lucky and find myself a skeleton spawner look at that if we ever need bone meal in the future we know exactly where to come now it's this skeleton spawner so of course here are the coordinates but after that i went deeper down into the caves mining up some lapis as well as killing some mobs and also finding some diamonds just kidding i rarely ever found any diamonds i did manage to find a mine shaft though and in this mine shaft there was a chest in that chest some gold and a golden apple and some torches i was very quickly running out of torches but you can see i'd seen some diamond r down there so i made my way down which was tricky as there was a lot of skeletons around and we got some diamonds but more skeletons appeared so i had to kill that but then i got some diamonds and we've actually managed to get i think four diamonds from this bit or was it just free no it was free that's right but also i found a geode and of course i had to get myself some crystals so that i could go home and make myself that spyglass i also found another name tag almost killed by a creeper again thought of some more skeletons which are honestly the biggest pain in minecraft i think before finding some more diamonds underwater this is the first underwater diamonds i found and i was quite happy with it although it did take a long time to mine but up to the surface we go mining some coal on the way to do some smelting and also spyglass making i also made myself a bow so i could kill creepers at a distant enchanted my leggings here and made myself some more beef but i wasn't done with caving just yet oh no no i decided to head down again deep into the deep slate mines and found myself some more diamonds which honestly i think are actually quite hard to find people are saying that it's a lot easier because the caves are so big but i find myself struggling a lot to find diamonds i don't know what it is maybe it's just me having bad luck but i missed the old strip mining days but anyway we did actually manage to find a few in that day got myself some other cool stuff almost died to a witch which is of the worst when you only have iron armor by the way although i did have two bits of diamond hour but still it's the worst i hate witches witches be crazy but either way i decided to dig my way back up and actually whilst digging my way back up i stumbled into some diamonds so strip mining much better woohoo also don't worry i had another pickaxe i managed to get that last diamond there oh don't worry were you worried i don't know either way back to the surface where we got making ourselves some diamond boots and instead of making a diamond helmet i decided to make myself a diamond pickaxe and a diamond axe and i enchanted the pickaxe to get efficiency for that'll make my life a lot easier but what isn't easy is school study hard kids anyway i don't know where that came from i found a moss cave nearby a lush cave sorry and look there it is i didn't come here for that though i came here to get this mushroom so that i could make myself some fermented spider's eyes why do i want some fermented spider's eyes to make some potions and of course we're going to be getting some villagers i then realized oh i don't have any blaze rods so i went off to this ruined portal over here mined up the obsidian which was quite easy with our efficiency for pickaxe and got to work building ourselves a nether portal which i used this sort of circular design for i thought it looked kind of cool kind of weird i don't care i'm heading into the nether because it's raining outside and i hate the rain in the nether we actually got a good spawn oh my gosh thank goodness i always get so worried that where i settle down is going to have a terrible never spawn but this one's pretty good there's a crimson forest nearby there's also a basalt delta nearby there's also this really close by it's like right underneath my portal and i managed to get myself some blaze rods like super quick normally i have to like search for ages but this one was amazing you love to see it and i also mined up myself some quartz as well to see if i could get some better enchantments i also made myself some weakness potions and what did i get my boots protection free that'll do donkey that'll do speaking of donkeys where are the donkeys i don't know either way i found myself a wandering trader that appeared i decided to kill him because at the asia they're so annoying anyway i actually had seen a donkey a little bit earlier and i thought you know what it's time it's now that i've got this lead from this wandering trader it's time you come home with me donkey so i brought him home decided to actually time to this fence post here where he will stay for now i also made myself an anvil so i could use my name tag and we're going to call the donkey horse why because anyway on day 71 i decided to make myself some purple dyes we're going to be building another building as of course i can't just have villagers out in the open they'll run away or die because they're useless so i dyed some sheep purple i also dyed some white and then i bred them together and i also collected some more flowers so that i could get some purple dye and then i saw a load of bees and i was like so many bees in the chat i don't know who i'm typing to but look flowers woohoo i then made myself some purple concrete as well as some magenta concrete and i also got myself some magenta wool as well as the purple and white wool as this is gonna be the next color theme we are going for we got blue we got green we got orange we now got purple and what goes well with purple that you can find in the never that's right everybody crimson logs so i went and got myself some crimson logs i also killed this piglet here the gold sword who probably did quite a lot of damage to me i then collected myself some granite from a cave made myself some pink concrete oh we're going all shades of pink and purple here and then i did some farming which took a long time it takes like a full 10 minutes to clear out these farms but you can see how much stuff we have gathered so far and then said hi to horse and got working on our villager storage area which is a windmill it's been a while since i built a windmill so i decided it's time to build a windmill and this one is purple and pink and looks awesome in my opinion it's got a nice white sail though not a black sail of course because this isn't the black pearl and we're not in parts of the caribbean but look the fields have already grown again oh my gosh i've only just finished farming them the first time but oh well we got working on the interior of a little villager hall and it can only hold three villagers but that's nice for a starter villager thing and i don't know why but i always like to place like shroom lights or glowstone underneath my villagers and look a baby pig man on a chicken i don't know why i found that funny but i did i made myself some composters because of course we're going to be having farmer villagers as we've got all those carrots wheat and potatoes but i also had a lot of seeds and that was getting quite annoying so i made myself this little bone meal maker here and rather than just leave it out in the open like that because that is ugly i decided to decorate it of course because we do things extra here on the smallish beans channel so i came up with this really like funky little tiny design really quickly it's nothing that special but of course it's got to have a chimney because everything in this world has a chimney apart from the windmill that doesn't have a chimney but it's got a big sail to warm your hearts on i don't know what i'm saying anyway day 82 we bred some cows we killed some cows and i scouted out the nearby villages that's right we got to bring some villagers home and of course they're all dead where are the villagers i don't know i rang the bell and only one villager turned up this fella here i couldn't find them anywhere in the local village so i just presumed they're all dead i trapped this guy in a boat though and then underneath i heard zombie noises so i went to investigate killed myself this zombie but look two zombie villagers perfect let's trap them in a boat and we can just convert them easy peasy lemon squeezy killed the chicken and then got trapped in some snow but of course we went back to find the villagers still in a boat splashed them with our weakness potion and started curing them and then we had to start figuring out how we're gonna get them home the worst part of any villager expedition but where they were was actually higher than where the windmill is so if i could build a bridge across that would be perfect but look i got the achievement so i went to go check on the villager and of course he had been converted already as he had died to the other villagers so i had to get them in separate boats this time luckily one of them still hasn't converted yet so i only need to splash one of them and use one more golden apple so i did that of course and now we have two villagers coming i got working on this bridge which is very ugly looking don't worry it's not gonna stay and then we got transporting the villagers over boat by boat and oh my gosh what a slow process here you can see how stupid this looks but also kind of epic but at least they're near our area now so i went and got the other villager as well and brought him across before deciding i never want to do that again so i made some bread to breed them i also said hello to my horse i mean donkey and then made some beds to make a little haul to store some villagers in for now and this is by the way not staying it is hideous it is ugly it is going as soon as i am done with it okay it's not gonna stay i promise don't look at me like that look at my crops though look how grown up they are let's go chop them down and turn them into baby little seedlings again and look our villagers did some breeding so i destroyed the bridge but they still weren't in our area that we want them to be in and luckily two of them were already converted so we're gonna get some good trades however we didn't have enough iron to make some railings so i had to go into the caves to get some iron which wasn't too hard because iron's literally everywhere in those caves and then i arrived on the surface smelted that iron and got working on some rails as well as some minecarts to transfer these villagers and i don't know what happened but for some reason they were being very cooperative and we're getting in the mine carts really easily and none of the babies escaped it was quite good i don't know what happened normally this is hell for me but look look at them go they're working it's working everything's working i managed to get them in the windmill i'm just going to keep these two for now until we get another way to convert villagers as it seems pointless putting one that's not converted next to these two mega villagers who are going to have really good trades speaking of trades a wondering trader appeared so of course i killed him because i want the leads and also they're just really loud and annoying also it's quite fun i don't know anyway i decided to check out the trays that we got and of course they were all rubbish so i had to change them around until i got a potato and wheat trade and also a wheat and carrot trade so i started trading away this one actually trades 13 wheat whereas this one trades eight wheat per emerald so really good trade on that one on the left there and they both trade pumpkins as well which is awesome and then i noticed this iron golem just being stupid like what is it doing it's just there dying in the wall it could move but no it's just there dying his friend wasn't helping them either so yeah but eventually escaped i did think oh i could kill him but then decided not to because that would be stupid and i probably would have died but look at all the crops we're trading and all the emeralds we're getting and most importantly look at all the xp we're getting we're up to 35 levels now but my mood soon changed it started raining so i went and chopped down a load of trees for some reason after doing that i planted the trees back again so i could chop them down in the future also sometimes it's fun to just watch zombies approach you in the daylight and hope they die just in front of you and this one did so that was fun i then got working on a mine as i decided you know what i'm going to try to strip my new thing it's apparently not good in 118 but i want to try it and see how it works right to make the staircase down from i think where we're at which is y90 all the way down to y minus 58 so over 150 levels speaking of levels i enchanted some iron pickaxes as my diamond one broke as this thing was taking a long time to build it took ages to dig down but eventually we got to minus 58 which is apparently the optimum level for diamonds iron pickaxes on deep slate though is horrible do not recommend it especially with no enchantments but it's strip mine baby and it's time to relax and find the diamonds even if it is super slow but look we got really lucky we managed to collect a load of diamonds making me think strip mining might actually be a viable method in 1.18 especially at this level you do come across lava as you can see here but most of the time i was fine and i managed to do some strip mining you can see how much deep slate i got there and i managed to make myself a diamond helmet enchanted protection four also started another strip mine on the other side took a load of pickaxes though so we're all good and got myself a load more diamonds way more than i was finding in the caves that's what i found also it's just so much more relaxing as well for me especially after a long time of almost dying to creepers just ink caves everywhere but we headed to the surface with another six diamonds which was a lovely treat also all that deep slate is gonna be so good for building later made myself some diamond tools also did a bit more farming on day 98 as i just wanted to do some farming mainly because it's really good for trading and trading is really good for xp and i wanted to enchant my new diamond tools which of course i did i managed to get efficiency for and then breaking free of my pickaxe very good and i also managed to get an efficiency for diamond axe here is me showing off all my new tools yes the shovel isn't enchanted leave me alone all right enchantment points are really hard to get but we're on day 99 now meaning we're approaching day 100 and on every 100 days that we reach i want to get myself a cat so i went and slept in this villagers bed here for day 100 and here we are day 100 and of course in a village you can find a cat and i found this cat here which is really cute i really like the brown ones it's one of my favorite kind of cats in the game other than that maybe the jelly one kill the chicken as well because obviously we have to finish how we started and then i brought bernard home who's going to stay outside for now eventually i will have a place to keep all these cats and i called the cat bernard because why not and bernard says thanks for watching as i'm saying thank you for watching as this is the end day 100 we are done our area is looking so good so far if you're excited to see more make sure to leave a like a comment and subscribe if you haven't already goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,847,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, 100 days, 100days, hardcore, survival, episode, ep1, episode 1, hardcoreminecraft, 100 days of hardcore, letsplay
Id: O9fsYgCi_SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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