King of Kings Community Live Stream

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there is a sound I love to hear is the sound that the saves run as he walks into the room where people pray will hear praises he he [Music] [Music] [Music] there's the sound of the shave is wrong [Music] [Music] so he'll sing sing his praise aloud sing his praise Oh oh so and sing sing his praise aloud sing his praises [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure and sing sing his praises she is praised hello [Music] oh my soul sing sing his praise alone sing his praises [Music] [Music] I'm too small [Music] give me everyone welcome to King of Kings we're glad you witness those that are with us in the house tonight those that are joining us online see [Music] turning to [Music] we turn hope to study mr. sir [Music] because when we we find straight to face your friend all our fears there were sewing Rosie [Music] you where [Music] [Music] [Music] sir to you [Music] [Music] [Music] present [Music] you [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we see we finally to face your presence on our fears washed when we see a face today Oh this there was go [Music] come [Music] whoa [Music] you were alone [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before you we bring our voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not she [Music] there's of your [Music] I laughter lei crashes OH [Music] should be [Music] [Music] - drum [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the way [Music] No [Music] candy [Music] you make me you make me you call me up the embouchure [Music] it's you make memories no fear can you the love you [Music] we're a you can [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the way that I laid it crashes OH Crash's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] funny [Music] it's an hour [Music] [Music] Sinclair [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I'll be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] look to you there of God tonight we respond with our voices [Music] with salty [Music] for you made a way for us to enter it and we look to you tonight as we come it's your presence that you stand there you invite us into the presence of your father and his kingdom and we thank you sure we are moved and overwhelmed by what you've done for us [Music] was telling someone today worship is the realization of the acts of God and what he's done on our behalf and what he's doing in our lives in the response to those things that we respond in worship and adoration and love and affection for the God who saved us that's what we're singing about tonight you are the God who saves us you're worthy of all our praise you sure you're the one that puts your life down in obedience to your father it became the Lamb that was sacrificed on our behalf and we look to you tonight with adoration and love and affection we pour our hearts out of worship to you tonight and we want to declare your victory we want to declare your victory over death and over the grave for our sakes the you reign victorious that you are seated in the heavenly places even now and you welcome us you welcomed us into your presence with joy we thank you we thank you but that is the reality for us [Music] [Music] heavens angels all around by the language fella knowing that you wear the victors crown you're my tail behind you're my Savior my friend by your grace I live and breathe to ambush you at the mention of race [Music] your presence be recited for you where the scram Mitchell [Music] blow by your grace two words [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] two CD and the lost becomes up high you can never be defeated for you where that they describe your shoes [Music] by your grace [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] savvy [Music] hi [Music] Oh [Music] seongjo savvy you [Music] [Music] after the Stuart finish he's never give the ground cannot contain oh yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] you Oh [Music] savvy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you he'll all the tub [Music] [Music] [Music] we speak two things tonight that are setting themselves up against the Lord God we speak to you tonight that everyone shall come down every stronghold shall be broken Yeshua said that I will build my church my kingdom and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it so tonight we speak to you forces of darkness your day has come and the kingdom of the Almighty is advancing in the moment every high thing must come down every stronghold shall be broken Lord tonight we pray this over our lives we pray this over our families we pray this over unbelieving loved ones Lord that every high thing must come down at the name of Yeshua and every stronghold shall be broken for you wear the crown of authority issue a and you have overcome let's see that course one more time hallelu [Music] you have [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on ladies hell million [Music] [Applause] [Music] jeez emaciated time yours motherland I smile [Music] [Applause] you may be seated tonight pastor Chad's gonna come he's gonna lead us in the Citadel father we thank you for your goodness we thank you Lord that you are victorious and that the pressure the weight of being victorious is not on us we get to reap the benefits from that Lord but you are the victorious one we say thank you so much I want to go ahead and encourage you those of you here in the house tonight the servants you're being served now I want to welcome everyone watching online king's community live Facebook live both at the K kcj web site and the Facebook page also on the king of kings and ministries Facebook page those of you watching on YouTube live welcome to Jerusalem we're so happy to have you tonight from Israel all of our King of Kings members and everyone else watching around the world what an honor to have you tonight go ahead and prepare your elements if you're at home watching we're gonna partake in just a moment together it's a very unusual time in the world a lot of unknowns if you're not good at living in the moment of the unknown then this is certainly challenging for you we don't always know what the Lord is about to do we don't always know the way in which he's gonna do something but friends if you can hear me tonight we understand that God is about to do something in the world now he didn't he didn't cause the virus he's not plaguing people with the virus but he is certainly going to use the opportunity to speak to his people to give us our instructions to encourage us on what it is we're supposed to be doing we don't always know when the Lord chooses to share those instructions and plans with us sometimes he chooses to give us his plan when we least expect it I was reminded as we prepare for the co Dada don't the elements of the Lord's Supper that the disciples did not know what was coming on the night of the Passover there had been a swell in all of Israel for three plus years while the Lord was traveling and preaching and teaching and casting out demons healing the sick raising the dead feeding the thousands he had had followers he had had opposition several people had tried to kill him by that time he had made enemies because of the truth you know when you speak the truth sometimes you make enemies and then he gathers his closest disciples for their passover meal now he'd been telling them for some time that I won't be with you much longer I won't be with you much longer but I don't know that they grasp all that that meant and who would have guessed that it was on that night that he chose to reveal his plan to them in greater detail you see friends we don't know exactly what the Lord is about to show us what he's about to do in the world but he's doing something daaaad never lets an opportunity pass by without advancing his kingdom and without blessing people you say well this this virus seems more like a curse well we want to have compassion on everyone that's suffering we want to pray for their healing we pray that God's mercy will fall on the earth now that the virus would be gone and yet were wise enough to know that our ears better be open to what God is saying because he will take this opportunity and share with us his heart and share with his people what our plan and instructions are and I believe that's what he did to the disciples at that last Passover Seder meal together at that meal they had gone through all of not only the biblically commanded elements that you find in the book of Exodus but they also went through some traditionally Jewish elements that had been picked up along the way the reclining they added that later other parts of the dipping they added that later but you should use them he used what was in front of him to share the message of salvation and he said at the third cup the cup of redemption this is the covenant that I'm making with you this is my blood this is the blood covenant that I spoke to you about through the prophets and he never lets an opportunity pass without blessing his people and telling them what he wants so if you'll grab your unleavened bread with me when we look at it tonight remember we are committing our life to the Lord we are recommitting our life to the Lord in some cases we are submitting more of our life to the Lord and tonight in this very unusual and challenging season in the whole world can this element tonight can it also mean Yeshua we trust you we trust what you're doing we trust what you're doing in our life in our congregation and our family at our workplace in our nation and around the world Yeshua you wear the victors crown and we trust you we remember the unleavened nature of the bread as would have been doing the Passover season that leaven often represented sin and he wants it out of our life so that he can be with us and so that we can live out our destiny you know sin takes away our destiny so father as we lift the unleavened bread to you today we say thank you we trust you king of this world and of the universe we trust you tonight and we say thank you for your blood atonement Bowl Cataldo nigh eloheynu melech ha'olam hamotzi Lechem min Haaretz blessed are You Lord our God King of the universe who brings forth bread from heaven to this earth we say thank you lord we take it in remembrance of you amen [Music] and it was after the meal that he took the cup this might have been the part that surprised them the most he had surprised them many times can you imagine being the person that he called over to himself when they were somewhere between five and ten thousand people on the hillside listening to his teachings and said it's time to feed them what do you have see he has something in mind friends we never catch God off-guard he's never surprised but sometimes we can be surprised and it's probable that the disciples were quite surprised after the meal when he took the cup of redemption and he said guys this is me everything you've heard about the whole reason we're drinking this cup now is me the whole reason we're having this meal here is me this whole celebration of Passover guys that's me and he surprised them that night and as we lift the cup we were remember the goodness of God sending himself down in the form of Yeshua to be our Savior and our sacrifice being willing to sacrifice his own blood for us to pay a price we could not pay we lift our cups tonight Yeshua we say thank you we trust you we trust in what your blood did for us what your sacrifice on the cross did for us we can never be without an element of faith and we don't know everything that it did for us but we know enough we know enough to put our life into your hands we claim your righteousness as ours [Music] Bukit adonai eloheynu melech ha-olam boray poorly - blessed are You Lord our God King of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine we say thank you for your blood Yeshua tonight amen [Music] listing this course one more time you have overcome you have Holly [Music] come [Music] time [Music] you have [Music] ow [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] thank you tonight sure thank you for your work for us [Music] rejoice in your victory and declare your victory [Music] are you glad that he worked on your behalf tonight the man yeah go ahead let's give him a clap of praise come on yes you surely worship you we give you praise and honor tonight well there are many things happening in our community even with the separation so we want to just tell you a little bit about what's happening in our community so if you'll watch the screen it's gonna tell you what's happening at King of Kings welcome King of Kings family we're excited to have you with us tonight this is what's happening in our community this week there's nothing as powerful as digging into God's Word together with a group of friends you are invited to join our online community group tonight after this service to go deeper into the truths presented in tonight's message you'll be joining others from Israel and all over the world who are committed to Yeshua and to this community links to join the community group can be found on our social media Facebook and Instagram we'll see you there the Israel Academy of ministry in association with heritage house ministries are hosting a two night seminar on healing wounds from your past heritage house directors IRA and Gloria Brower will direct participants through this for our interactive seminar using the RTF restoring the Foundation's integrated approach to healing and freedom the meeting will take place on zoom' over two nights Monday and Tuesday July 20th and 21st from 6 to 8 p.m. Israel standard time the cost of the course is 75 shekels per person and all are welcome for more information and to sign up for this transformative class go to our website at [Music] tithe as we continue our time of worship together today feel free to give online during the service by going to our website at and an address for sending checks may our hearts be filled with the great joy of worshiping as we give to the Lord thank you for joining us we hope you'll find a way to connect in everything that is happening this week now let's prepare for God's Word have a blessed week a welcome king of kings welcome family of King of Kings it's so good to be together with you again here today most of you are joining us online as we've had to watch our numbers and the the ability to gather together publicly but we want you to know that out of sight it isn't out of mind we love you and we are looking forward to those moments when we can be together again in person and we can hug on your neck with our masks on and we want you to know that you're near and dear to our hearts we continue to think of you and pray for you and we are preparing for those moments when we can come together some point into the future so keep watching our social media we hope that that will be soon and then we want to also welcome our extended the King of Kings family those are joining us from the nations from around the world we are so honored that you would come and make time in your day to come and to be with us together around God's Word together we know that God has a very special word for us tonight well if you have been following the news and I say that a little bit tongue-in-cheek because I would also say to you don't follow it too closely because it's discouraging and it's not encouraging news but if you've been following the news recently in the United States there was a dramatic turn of events that took place in the city of Seattle as the mayor of Seattle finally called on the police to go in and to disperse the protesters that were protesting in what was called the Capitol Hill occupation protest CH opieop and they had taken 8 blocks of the inner city of Seattle and created what they were calling an autonomous zone where they pushed to the police out after week-long fighting they took this area over on June 8th and they said that they wanted to create a place that was free from the authority of the state from the authority of the city they didn't want any police there and so they cordoned off eight blocks and for the last three weeks they've held this area and wouldn't allow any authority to come in stating that they were going to create their own rule they were going to create their own way of living and they were going to set up a space where everyone was treated equally where regardless of your religion your race your color your sexual preference you were invited to come into this utopia that they were going to create and and you could be treated with respect and with love and the police wouldn't be there there wouldn't be any Authority no rules and everyone could live the way that they wanted to live well as you can imagine they gathered a lot of attention nationally in the United States and internationally even as everyone watched to see what is gonna happen because in my lifetime nothing like this has ever happened where rioters and protesters were able to take over an entire chunk of a city and push out the authorities put out push out the police and set up blockades and make their own city within a city so everyone was watching to see how this is gonna unfold and amazingly within just a couple of days the the news outlets start to produce these great stories what a wonderful place this is everyone is treated with love and with equality and and care and they're just they're just loving on each other it's a peaceful place a tranquil place where you can live the way you want to live and and everyone is being taken care of and it's just such a great place to be however over the past three very short weeks things deteriorated and they deteriorated quickly with numerous shootings that resulted in two deaths large-scale violence and destruction of property and robberies and assaults and daily violence and countless property crimes not even to mention the garbage and the debris and the graffiti that destroy would those eight blocks of Seattle the police chief described the area as lawless and brutal absolutely devastating she said deteriorating to the point where public health and life and safety were being threatened well as we watched these things unfold around the world that are similar to this were struck with the reality of the times in which we're living and Seattle just represents the the pinnacle of the essence the heart the the spirit of the world in which we live the culture in which we live that the system of this kingdom of the world that we're living in and in it's an environment that is creating in an environment where there that the man of lawlessness will be easily welcomed in that anti-messiah or anti-christ well some of you are sitting there tonight and you're listening to this and you're saying well thanks a lot Pastor Mike that was really depressing and why did we have to start there tonight and I was really hoping to be encouraged and and you just bummed us out well don't turn the channel too fast stay there in front of your screens and I believe that God has that encouraging word and that powerful word because what we're wanting to do tonight is painted this picture at the beginning of the kingdom that we're living in the day and the hour in which we're living in the kingdom of this world what it looks like as we compare it and contrast it to God's kingdom to that eternal and powerful kingdom of our Messiah of God and as we do that tonight this is my goal I'm desiring I want you as followers of Yeshua followers of our master and our King and our God that you would walk away from tonight's message with and confidence in our King and confidence in his kingdom confidence to live bold lives of godly love in the face of changing times as pastor Chad was talking about in the face of growing wickedness in a face of a world that is daily throwing out anything that has to do with God or his kingdom and that you would go away tonight with a determination a determination to live righteous lives that are submitted under the authority of our King and that you would be living lives that are determined to live under that authority and under his power and living our lives in a way that our that it's it's countercultural that it's going against the culture it's swimming upstream not to be obstinate just to be obstinate but to live differently to live Kingdom principles godly Kingdom principles that are counter to the kingdom of this world to live into these times and to carry as you go forward the great and powerful message of this kingdom the message of love and of salvation where people truly are treated with equality and with respect where there truly is love and unity and purpose and meaning not hanging our heads in embarrassment or in fear but raising the great banner of our God the kingdom of our God over our lives over our marriages over our families over our homes over our congregations over our cities and over this world that that banner would be over the kingdom of this world as we're going to see tonight so I'm glad that you're here with us tonight I'm glad that you've carved out this time because I believe that God wants to encourage you and he wants to give you confidence as you go forward into this world if you were able to join us last week we began a new series that were entitled Yeshua's hardware it's a unique look at the different items that the Bible describes Yeshua carrying or having in his hands having possession of and in its unique not because the items are unique its unique because you've probably never heard your shoe is Hardware before but it's unique because we've we've probably heard individual messages about some of these items about the sword or about this scepter or about the keys to hell and death you've probably heard individual messages but you probably have never heard a collection of tools and and I believe that because we're looking at it as a collection God has put this together this series of messages together for this season so that as followers of God we would understand what are these instruments why are they in Yeshua's hands what are they doing there what's he doing with them and how do they play out in our lives pastor Chad did an awesome job last week launching this in the series talking about the sword of Yeshua the sword that we often see in his hand or sometimes coming out of his mouth the word of God and and that that authority that that sword represents we're gonna dive off of that tonight as we look at another tool in Yeshua's hands is a tool that's often overlooked or that we're unfamiliar with and so we just passed right over it but it still carries great significance for the day and the hour in which we're living we're gonna look at the scepter of God Pastor Chad mentioned this last week as we were looking at chapter 19 of Revelations and he's talking about the sword coming out of Yeshua 's mouth and and then describes the iron scepter that's in the hands of Yeshua as he rules over the nations of the world that's where we're gonna dive in tonight but I want to pause for just a moment and I would really like to pray and this is my heart that God would just take the words that we speak tonight and that he would mold them and shape them individually for each one of us that he would encourage you where you're at tonight and I don't know what kind of season you're walking through but I believe that God wants to encourage you that you would walk away from tonight's message encouraged with confidence and with a determination to live those godly lives so let's pray for just a couple of moments God we we honor you tonight we say thank you for giving us this opportunity to be together we lock arms we lock hearts together and we invite you now by the power of your spirit God come and speak to our lives to speak to our hearts speak to this day an hour in which we're living Lord I pray that you would encourage your people encourage and strengthen your body give us boldness give us confidence and determination that we would be able to carry out the truths of your word and this kingdom of this world that we're living in now is sure we pray that you would be lord over all that said and done now take these words and glorify your name and your shoe's name we pray and all of God's people said amen well the scepter what is the scepter of God most of us don't even know what a scepter is if you're from a western country especially you've maybe never even seen a scepter in real life being used but by definition a scepter is and I brought a demonstration for us tonight a visual a scepter is simply a ceremonial staff or rod or wand it doesn't have to be as long as this sometimes they're shorter and it can simply be a wooden stick or it can be a golden stick with covered with jewels and diamonds and rubies and emeralds it doesn't matter what it is covered with but a scepter is simply a symbol of authority you often will see this being carried by a leader a tribal leader or a monarch a king or someone that's in a position of authority and the scepter represents their legitimate authority in their area it figuratively means royalty or its implied authority or sovereignty but because most of us are not living in monarchies today some of you in the UK will know exactly what we're talking about most of us don't even know what a scepter looks like and for for most of us were actually going okay so what's the big deal well why is the scepter and the scepter of God why is that a big deal for us to even pay attention to to even talk about but we need to understand this the Bible gives us a very clear description of scepter and his scepter all throughout the Bible old and new Testament every single time it talks about God's kingdom and the power and the authority of God's kingdom enough Yeshua's power and authority as the Son of God and so God's scepter is that tool in his hands that instrument that is used to symbolize the authenticity of his power and of his authority we're introduced to the word scepter clear back in Genesis chapter 49 it's the first time we hear it as Jacob is blessing his twelve sons and son by son he goes and he blesses them and then he gets two son Judah and he says these words and he probably doesn't even know if he's making a prophetic statement but out of his mouth comes these words the scepter shall not depart from Judah nor the ruler's staff from between his feet until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his we don't know whether Jacob knew exactly what he was saying but he clearly is describing the lineage from which the Messiah would come that this the the lineage would be out of Judah and that he would rule over his people Israel and that as Messiah he would rule over the nations of the world a little bit later in numbers the seer Balaam is commissioned to speak a curse out over the people of Israel pastor Chad began that story last week and instead of curses coming out of his mouth God fills his mouth with blessings and with prophecy listen to this prophecy that Balaam says concerning Israel and the Messiah the ruler that would come from Israel this is chapter 24 of Numbers he says I see him but not now I behold him but not here not near a star shall come forth from Jacob a scepter shall rise from Israel and shall crush through the forehead of Moab and tear down the sons of Shias Edom will be conquered fear his enemy will be conquered but Israel will grow strong a ruler will come out of Jacob and destroy the survivors of the city clearly this is a prophetic description of Yeshua as ruler and as king holding a scepter in his hand a scepter of authority and power and not just the king but the king of kings we start to get this picture that he isn't just king he has all power and all authority and that this king would rise up out of the tribe of Judah and that he would be given rule and charge over his people Israel and over all of the nations of the world the psalmist then describes God's throne this way in chapter 45 of Psalms he says your throne O God will last forever and ever a scepter of justice or of righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom you love righteousness and hate wickedness therefore God your God has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy another clear prophetic description of Yeshua and of this coming kingdom and of his authority and of his power it's such a clear description and prophecy that the writer of Hebrews quotes these exact same words in the first chapter of Hebrews emphasizing that the psalmist was actually speaking about the son the son of God about Yeshua and he says this but about the son he says your throne O God will last for ever and ever a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness therefore God your God has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy besides highlighting the fact that Yeshua is the son and that he is the receiver of this authority both descriptions both scriptures described the characteristic of this coming kingdom of Yeshua's kingdom listen to this it's a kingdom that will last for ever and ever and if you ever saw sandlot ever and ever and ever it never ends it won't be defeated it won't be overcome it can't be defeated it's never going to end we need to get that in our spirits tonight it's a kingdom of true justice and of righteousness a place where justice reigns where all are treated fairly where all are treated with equality where there is impartiality the very thing that the protestors in Seattle wanted doesn't exist in the kingdom of this world it only exists in the kingdom of our God and then one last thing this kingdom has a king and this king is anointed with joy now let's pause there for just a moment and let's think about that let's imagine right now where is Joshua what's he doing is he walking around his kingdom wringing his hands oh my goodness what was I thinking I can't believe my kingdom is just falling to pieces people are walking away from what are we gonna do Holy Spirit how are we gonna make this work I gave up my life for this this isn't gonna work out what was I think can you imagine even what's our master our team the king of this kingdom what's he doing that one that's anointed with the oil of joy he has a big smile on his face and if he doesn't have a smile on his face he has a smile in his heart and that smile in his heart is what motivates him to continue to go forward and to build the kingdom of God he's not in fear he's not in retreat he's not on vacation he's standing there with a smile on his face and in his heart and he's building his kingdom that's the kingdom of God that needs to bring encouragement to our hearts tonight God's scepter is the scepter the one and only a scepter and power in all of creation the authority rests in God's kingdom alone now Pastor Chad said last week that God delegates his power and he gives little scepters to nations and to kingdoms and even to people that power that he delegates to them to how they're gonna use their power but ultimately every power that's ever been created comes in under the authority of God under his sceptre so that kind of tongue-in-cheek and making a little bit of a joke about the Lord of the Rings we say one scepter to rule them all one scepter every authority and power comes in under God's Authority in his power God in fact declares this to all of creation in Isaiah chapter 45 where he says that he is God alone there is no other god there is no other power there is no other authority before me he says every knee will bow now I don't know about you but I look forward to that moment every knee will bow there isn't one that's gonna get off of the hook and then he says by me every tongue will swear and declare that the Lord alone in the Lord alone our deliverance and strength but then he warns all who have raged against him will come to him and will be put to shame but Israel he says will find deliverance in him and will come to him and make their boast in him the psalmist picks up this theme then in chapter 2 and speaking on yeshua that god of this universe speaking on his behalf he makes this statement in chapter 2 of psalm why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples mutter vanity the kings of earth set themselves up and rulers conspired together against adonai and against his anointed one let us rip their chains part and throw their ropes off of us they say it sounds a little bit like the protestors in Seattle and around the world he who sits in heaven is watching this the psalmist describes and he laughs Adonai mocks them so he will speak to them in his anger and terrify them in his fury I God says have set up my king in Zion my holy mountain and Yeshua says I will declare the decree of Adonai he said to me you are my son today I have become your father ask me and I will give you the nation's as your inheritance and the far reaches of the earth as your possessions you shall break the nations with an iron scepter you shall dash them in pieces like a potter's jar so now o Kings be wise take warning o judges of the earth serve out and I with fear and rejoice with trembling kiss the son lest he become angry and you perish along your way since his wrath may flare up suddenly and then the psalmist ends by saying happy is everyone who is taking refuge in him who comes in under the authority of our God under that scepter God's scepter his authority in his power what does it mean for us today how how am I supposed to even approach that what do I do with it well here are a couple of thoughts God's kingdom is under attack it's a spiritual battle that we feel each and every day we see it we feel it we don't have to look very far it's right there in front of us it's palpable and it isn't new it's been around for centuries for thousands of years the psalmist is describing it this environment where men and women were people and kingdoms of this world push against God's Authority we don't want you to rule over us cast off their chains throw off their ropes set us free from God's authority we can do it better ourselves this is the environment and it's only growing in this day and this hour in which we're living that's why we begin by talking about Seattle so the bigger question is this how do we how do you and I as citizens in the kingdom of our God that mighty and eternal powerful Kingdom how do we live our lives today here in this kingdom of this world and this chaotic place where everything that we know and we cherish and we love about God's kingdom is being pushed against and ridiculed and and even more than that it's being dismantled before our very eyes and torn away from us how are we supposed to live in this world we're told by our world and even by some within the body of Yeshua that we are irrelevant you know church is dying we're living in a post modern age story's over you lost pick up your toys and go home you're not gonna win people are walking away don't you know people are walking away from God in droves and the next generation you may as well just tick them off as a lost cause because they are not gonna hang out with you you are so outdated so irrelevant this is so 1960s really really you know I love a good story I especially love a good story in a movie then I get a see it but every good story has this scene where the hero of the story somehow gets pinned down by the villain or many times today it's the villain s as the villain squashes the hero and says to them you're done who do you think you are you can't fight against me look at everything that I've done look at all the things that I have conquered who are you to think that you can fight against me you might as well just give up now give up while you're ahead before you die why would you even trifle with me this is where we're at today this is the reality that we're living in and we that are watching the movie or reading the story we're cheering for the hero and we know that if he just you just fight back don't give up use the secret weapon that you got at the beginning you can win you got to do it don't give up and this is our reality but unlike the hero in most of these stories we really are winning you bastard chad has said it numerous times from this stage the enemy Satan Lucifer can't do anything against us he has no power the power that he had was ripped away from him do you understand that he has no power all he can do is lie all he can do is seduce us to step away from the truths of who God is he has no power we really are winning listen to this list of surprising truths that Glen Staunton writes in his book the myth of the dying church are you gonna want to get this down this is important stuff number one he says Christianity is shrinking well that's not a great place to start but listen Christianity is shrinking but in mainline denominational churches where they've left solid biblical teaching decades ago people are leaving Christianity is growing nicely in evangelical nondenominational and conservative mainline churches where biblical truths are being taught and lived out Christianity and Christian ministries are absolutely and the word is used exploding around the world particularly in China and Asia and Africa Latin America and Oceania and it goes on to say that it's on track to continue to grow through every decade of the 21st century I'll bet you didn't know that because that's not the news that we hear even from the body of Messiah teens and young adults are not leaving the church in droves rather they left the mainline churches where they're not teaching the truths of God's Word but they're hanging strong and they're growing significantly in biblically faithful of vibrant churches that call them up to real discipleship that's what's happening here at King of Kings I'm very proud to know that that's a part of who we are ministries excuse me young people being raised within a living real faith in their teen years are almost guaranteed to successfully carry that faith on into adulthood because their parents are the primary influences in their lives all of the the information that Glenn puts together in his book are found in biblical or Christian based studies as well as sociological studies and lots and lots and lots of them put together not just an individual study here or an individual study there it's a compliation of all kinds of studies to look at the life of believers and of the church he says that ministries that work with teens and college students are seeing unprecedented growth today and they have as they have over the last few decades they're growing larger now than they've ever been before even as we've been told that these young people are leaving the church in buses and buses headed for the land of unbelief the churches that are changing their beliefs to get with the times liberalizing their sexual mores tossing things out like the reality of sin and miracles and the divinity of yeshua tossing those out overboard they're not attracting new believers and especially the young and the irony of these welcoming and affirming churches especially with regards to homosexuality is that people are leaving them including those that identify themselves as same-sex attracted because they're not teaching the truths of the Bible and then finally stanton says this statement as he wraps up his book it's the Holy Spirit who runs and drives issue his body across time and throughout Nations he is unstoppable unquenchable and inheritant ly life-giving he's not nodding off he's not sickly he's not asleep the work of his heart and his very character will not be thwarted he is God to believe that the church is dying he says is to deny these truths and to judge God as either confused or as a liar there's strong strong words but their truths that we can hang our hats on tonight truths that we want to embrace today truths that as citizens of the kingdom of God this kingdom we now know that we're on the winning team Pastor Chad I want you to know that we're on the winning team and it feels good to be on the winning team it always feels good and we're growing in a family of committed servants and followers of the master as schewe the kingdom of our God is advancing that's good news that once that makes me want to cheer the kingdom of our god is advancing it's how will we hear all the time in the news I have to be careful what we're listening to this is good news the gates of Hell will not prevail against this kingdom it will never go away and the gates of Hell will never prevail against it this is the good news and it's not good news because somehow we're relevant or somehow we have cool logos that attract people to us it's not about us it's about God and His Holy Spirit and the scepter of power that is attractive that brings people comfort and peace and gives them a place to grow where there is acceptance and there is equality and there is life and there's purpose and design and structure and function it's all represented in this scepter that's carried by our master is schewe God is on the move and he can't be stopped and we are on the move with him I want to say that one more time we are on the move with him we're not passive bystanders that are watching looky-loo from the side how's this gonna unfold we know how it's gonna unfold the kingdom is advancing and God is moving forward and we're moving with him and so we can walk from this place tonight empowered confident determined to live righteous lives that reflect this kingdom and to reflect this king that's anointed with the oil of joy so what does that mean for us tonight and I'm gonna just give us a couple of concluding thoughts the reality that we're living in today how do we do that how do we live into this reality where what we believe is being pushed against constantly thrown out criticized maligned how do we do this well Peter has some some good concluding thoughts for us tonight in first Peter chapter 5 Peter makes this statement he says humble yourselves therefore under God's mighty hand that holds the scepter that he may lift you up in due time we need to come under his power and his authority under God's scepter and find their that place of comfort and protection Peter continues cast your anxiety on him when things are falling apart around us in this world creating stresses and tensions and fears cast our terrors on him because he cares for you his scepter his of his authority and his power actually bring with it a sense of comfort it tells us that despite the chaos despite the evil in the world around us there is a Supreme Leader and that he has everything in his power and in his control that brings us great comfort Peter continues be alert and of sober mind your enemy the devil prowls about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour don't live terror lessly or casually live soberly and with intentionality with confidence and with watchfulness people are not our enemy even the people that are rebelling against the Lord they're not our enemy the devil is our enemy the Bible reminds us that we're not fighting against flesh and blood we're fighting against powers and principalities in the air we're fighting against powers of darkness mankind isn't our enemy Peter continues to resist him the devil resist him stand firm in the faith don't give in to his seductions don't give in to his lies be determined in your face not faith in yourself but faith in the kingdom of God in this king that we serve and his power and his authority Peter continues because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings that's good news tonight we're not in this alone you're not in this alone when we came under his authority we came and we joined a family of other believers that God's designed for us to lock arms together so that in the face of any adversity because we're together we're able to endure and to make it through and to be victorious in any setting because we have each other we're locking arms and the God of all grace Peter says who called you to his eternal glory and Messiah after you have suffered a little while will himself restore you and make you strong firm and steadfast I want to say this very clearly you have been called by the grace of God to be a part of the world now to be a part of the world in the middle of what's going on around us God could have placed you he could have placed us in any time season in the world any history season in the world but he chose now he chose you to be here now out of his grace he's destined our lives for this season to carry that great banner of our kingdom of our King into the world and to not be pushed back by the lies that come against this and the accusations to not be afraid to be deep but to be bold men and women of God he needs bold men and women of God in this day to stand courageously for his kingdom to carry that banner forward to not give in to the lies of the enemy around us and then he promises to keep us and to make us strong and to protect this and to restore us to make us firm in him in his power and in His grace and then Peter ends with this last statement to him to Yeshua be the power forever and ever a man it never ends his kingdom the ability to live victorious confident determined lives is found under his authority under his sceptre of power would you stand with me tonight let's pray you got your calling card duties tonight that was first Peter chapter 5 this is the application of this truth first Peter chapter 5 verses 6 through 11 that's how God wants us to step into this live into this season god we just raised our hands before you tonight we thank you for the scepter of power and authority and the peace that is found there the Equality that has found there the acceptance Yeshua that's found there we thank you for allowing us to be a part of your family calling us by your name and we ask God that you would give us now determined hearts and spirits to go forward to carry your banner out into this dark world where people are not our enemy but where you desire to bring your life your love your salvation give us that confidence that power that authority now and your Shula's name we pray and everyone said amen amen Lord bless you we'll continue to worship together now [Music] let me just take a few minutes together and once responded worship you now you are here if I were you how much you are here working this thing I work powers [Music] you [Music] hammers you are here working in Howard Safir Howard you we're coming Provost King lie my god these shoes [Music] you are here starting every bush that was [Music] Oh [Music] I wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh you [Music] you [Music] nice [Music] Oh nice [Music] oh yes who [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] rah [Music] [Music] stop [Music] [Music] stop [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like you whoa [Music] keys to our future pulled up days in your head you [Music] you like hear about me we worship you [Music] you [Music] we were [Music] we serve a wonderful God who no matter how much you pride yourself on your hard work he always works harder and I love that about our God never stops working in our life we didn't get a chance to honor all of those who were watching tonight so I just want to do that quickly and then we're gonna send you off we bless everybody of course from the King of Kings family here in Israel watching also from the United States Albania Austria Brazil Bulgaria Canada Colombia Costa Rica Cyprus Finland Guatemala Hungary Indonesia Ireland India the Netherlands Nigeria North Wales Norway Poland Russia SEC Elisse Singapore South Africa South Korea Sweden Switzerland Taiwan United Arab Emirates the United Kingdom and if we missed you we're sorry but we're so happy you joined us today listen to things as we go come back next Sunday next Sunday I will introduce you to the newest congregation the newest family member of King of Kings ministries we're going to do that together next Sunday I'm preaching for them on Saturday and then we're gonna do the official welcome here on Sunday so come and join us we will be welcoming a new congregation a new Messianic community in Sicily is joining us next week they're coming into the family of King of Kings so join us next Sunday and in just about 15 minutes from now you can join us for our online zoom community group I believe all of our servants on social media have already put that link out if they haven't let's go ahead and do that now check all the social media pages for anybody who wants to join us for our Bible study and our prayer time it's one of our community groups that meets online it's in 15 minutes check the social media links you guys preached the Word of God this week be a light in a dark world and remember who holds the iron scepter and the authority in our life it's Yahshua Shevat so have a great week [Music] [Music] is the sound of the shakers [Music]
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,370
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Id: buvJaTJHwRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 20sec (6800 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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