Kindergarten Centers In Action!

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hey guys it's Monique and today I'm going to be talking about centers again I'm actually going to show you my centers in action I'm going to answer some questions that you had and yeah so let's go well this video is going to be super quick I've already pre recorded my sensors in action but I didn't want to answer some questions and clarify some changes that I've made and my centers just because maybe this will help you understand my rotation so at the beginning of the year and last year I used to do 6 centers 3 centers a day so we would do day 1 and day 2 rotations so I would meet with my groups twice a week the reason that we did that was because of just timing and amount of students I had I had 26 students last year so I could not have any less than 6 centers just because the groups would be too big I didn't have adequate technology for that I only have 5 confessed 5 desktop computers so it just made sense however this year I only have 19 students so after kind of seeing the 6 rotations and just seeing the knees with my classroom I realized that it was possible for me to do less centers and meet with my groups of every single day that I do centers I thought one of the other kindergarten teachers doing it and I really felt like that was a good idea and I've been doing it for the past two weeks and I love it so I do 5 Center rotations now and I do all five every single day my center rotations are 12 minutes long so at 12 minutes the timer ring the bell goes off saying okay it's time to um wrap up if I'm still working with my guided reading group I might go over a minute or two and so they run from about 12 to 15 minutes long so I have five centers we rotate through all of them every single day so yeah that's what I do it has been working out amazing and it really is nice to see my groups every single day so that if we were working on something the day before I know exactly what it was we were working on they know exactly what it was and we're ready to jump right back in versus if I met with them on Monday not seeing them again till Wednesday so I will say that that was very helpful so you will see that in action and those videos so now that I am kind of in the swing of things and I'm doing centrist every day which is a little bit more prep I have more of a system to it with what I do so for example or technology we just recently got Chromebooks so I have Chromebooks I have my desktop and I have iPads available to me praise Jesus hallelujah so what I have been doing and what I plan to continue to do is there are different programs available on different technologies so on the Chromebooks we have a computer program called Lexia which is basically a literacy program so one day a week my students do two days a week my students will focus on Lexia then due to your suggestions I have been using ABC yeah yeah yeah whatever format so my kids do that one day and then they get I've has one day um obviously that's flexible I might change it up whatever but that is kind of how I've been doing that so on the iPads they have like QR codes where they can scan and listen to books games XY and Z you get it so then for my word workstations I've been doing my play-doh mats that go along with my pop cork board unit so they do that one day then they might be able to do stamps another day or like find the words in a magazine silly right rainbow right whatever they do those for two days and then on the final day they do my word work that covers all of the words that we have for that week they do that on Thursday so that way they're like really reviewing all of those words and then at my math Center I just do different maps just different math games I might put out a game that I have that store bought or a game that I bought on teachers pay teachers or some type of handout worksheets type of thing whatever like that and then for [Music] my other center where I usually work on like different literacy skills such as like CVC words blending rhyming syllables whatever it may be they just have different activities and then at least one or two days a week I'm letting them work in my sensory Ben which is new for me this year too so how I kind of stay prepared and have everything prep so my mind's not going crazy is I have it's been an inside of here I have prepped all of my copies for October and I have them separated just with these in here so I have my math separated by my word mark stuff separated and my literacy stuff separated so then I literally every morning or every night whenever it is that I'm preparing for the next day I just pull it out and there it is so I just spent about an hour in the copy room making these but it's done and that's that so like some of these are recording sheets that go along with math games whatever it may be I prepped all those copies so sinners is really like boom boom BAM it's planned it's done if you want to see more things about my centers as far as like how I how I manage it how the kids know when to rotate where the kids put their work and all of that that is in my previous video which is linked below and so now I am just going to show you my centers in action I think this is kind of gonna be my last centers video for awhile but if you do have questions please let me know and if I feel like there's like a lot of questions about something I can definitely do that video for you in the future alright guys so here we go here you see my kids at my guided reading table we got Chromebooks for the first time this week so I did Chromebooks for a day and I got a reading table just to kind of help the kids out next you're going to see the timer that I have up to guide myself in the kids and on the board I always have examples of new centers so that the kids can reference it when they're working so here we see one of my centers they are using digit spinners and they are spinning the letter and then they have to find the lowercase match it with the uppercase and practice writing it so I think I'm kind of helping this kiddo out here and so you can just see them they're working really well they're doing a great job the fidgets spinners are great oh and on the fidgets Center I just a sticker on there so that when it stops that shows them that that is the winner or that is the one that is chosen so there you can see the smiley face heart eyes emoji sticker that tells her G so she's going to write a G um here this was really fun so I have a librarian here at my classroom and she taught us these fun like story readers and so I just had a like a little listen to reading centered this day and the kids loved it and then I had paper for them to draw an illustration of what they saw here are our play-doh Mads with our popcorn words so they build it they trace it and um they write it in the boxes the letter boxes and so this just has all of our popcorn words for the week the kids love doing these and they're really fun and easy and then here they are matching the dots on the pumpkins to the number and so what I will do is I will link the resources that I use for this day of centers below and now I'm just gonna show you another day just to kind of give you an idea of kind of how I have a system going with centers so here we go transitioning one Bell cleanup two bells switch easy peasy lemon squeezy okay so here you see my kiddos doing a real quick assessment for me guided reading is a good time to get real quick assessments in there and then over at this Center they are doing a tally mark puzzle so they have to match the month the number with the tally mark and it's going to create a puzzle for them and so the kids really like that and then I had them color it here they are on doing computer games they're on ABC yeah thank you guys so much for the suggestion for that I love it here they are doing our word work center with our popcorn words for the week okay next you're going to see my kiddos they have just worked in the sensory Bend there were cars in there and they had to sort the cards by letter sound so beginning middle and ending sound and then there is a reporting sheet that has the exact same pictures and they basically do the same thing to kind of show me evidence okay so now clean up sir clean up the cue is always the Arthur theme song any time I want the kids to clean up when I play they that song they know it's cleanup time so the kids are bringing in depends that way I can change them out there putting their incomplete work in there ketchup folders into just a red folder for more information on that watch the previous video and they're just bringing me everything and then they are going to go spit on the carpet for the next step after center so that I have a little bit of time to check the work that they did and I can give them immediate feedback okay so we are all cleaned up the kids that have finished everything during centers are sitting on the carpet and watching the Scholastic story but treasure story book and the kids who did not have work completed are doing their catch-up work um you can see that they are a little distracted by the story but which is okay because I do give them other time in the day to do their ketchup work but this just kind of helps me get everything done that I need to get done and do all the other things I need to do sorry this was a horrible filming but you kind of get the point and so there is more information about ketchup folders but basically it's just a red folder where they put their unfinished work and then they store it in these bins right here it's separate from their book boxes because I can easily see who has ketchup work because I can just look and say oh wait you have ketchup work you need to get your ketchup work done and they keep it in the bins with their groups okay and I have one final part to show you so while the kids are doing ketchup work watching the storybook treasure video I am checking their work now sitters work is pretty like I kind of I'm a smart adult so it's kind of you know like easy to check and it just allows me to give the students immediate feedback so as you can see I'm putting a smiley face if they got it correct for I am going to circle something if there is a mistake and I call their name they grab it they take it they put it in their mailbox and they go sit right back down and watch the story but that way I don't have a bunch of work to check I can give them immediate feedback I can see that they understand what's going on and we can keep the show moving thanks for watching I hope this video was helpful for you I hope you enjoyed seeing my centers in action I hope I answered some of their questions and I hope that you all have a good school year and you are able to get gerson turns up and running and I would love to see or hear something that you do for your centers I'm always looking for new ideas thanks for watching you guys love you bye remember to see my previous video on centers - click the link below i have also linked some of the products that I use in resources that I use for centers today below as well thanks for watching you guys for more of my videos don't forget to subscribe and if you like this video don't forget to give it a big thumbs up love you guys bye
Channel: itsmoniquesworld
Views: 8,862
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Id: SKR6Gig1reg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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