Daily 5 Basics- How I do Reading Centers

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today we talk about reading and how I do reading in my classroom specifically what I do for reading centers because I strongly believe in having on levels small groups so when I'm meeting with small groups what are the other students gonna do well they're going to go to a center so I'm going to talk about the system that I use today and take you on a little bit of a tour so you can see how I implement it but I have to disclaim first that this system is not mine I use the daily five system and that system was created by Gail Boucher and Joan Moser sorry if I said it wrong aka the two sisters so if you are interested in the daily 5 this is not my intentional property I'm just merely using their structure and showing you guys how I interpret it so they have a book called the daily but they have a couple books actually so be sure to check them out if you are interested in learning more but right now we're going to jump into the five centers [Music] so what does daily 5 stand for you might ask there the five centers that the students go to on a daily basis so they go every day they don't necessarily make it to all five centers every day but they are the five centers that are set up in my room that they go to for part of their 90-minute reading block I'm gonna take you on a tour and I'm going to show you each of those centers but I'll outline them first the center's are read to self where you read to self read to someone where you read to someone word work which is phonics and letter sounds and word formation stuff like that there's work on writing or they write and then there is listening where they listen to someone read a pre-recorded story so let's let's get up and look at my different Center setups and how I use them okay I'm going to begin with the first Center read to self so this is where the students pick a book to read to self so I've set up this cute little library using honestly that was my dorm room chair how what happens in college and a beanbag just a comfy area they can eat they have these stuffed animals that they can grab and they can read to they pick out a book bin based off of a topic that they're interested in or over here I have them / guided reading level so they grab a book bin they grab the stuffed animals they want and then I just pop a spot here and for 20 minutes they read to self just get some good exposure to books now it looks a little funny because the chairs are up but this is my writing table for work on writing so what they do is they come over here and there are two writing options usually over here so this week it's a fix a sentence and a free write but it changes each week what they like about this Center those are pencils but I never let them color with anything other than crayons on their seats so they're very excited because they get to illustrate with either color pencils colored pencils or markers so that's why they like this over here so I so have a writing topics anger chart that we worked on the beginning of the year where they can come up with different topics of writing so if they have a free write they can't say well I don't know how to do it so because they've come up with ideas so this is the work on Writing Center all right you guys are gonna have to excuse the mess because this is not fancy-pants this is literally how my students left it so this is the word work Center so they come over here and every week there is six different activities that are in the bins they just start in the a bin and they go down now everyone sets this up a little bit differently but sometimes they're like worksheets for them to do and sometimes they're like activities for them to do so each week it changes now they get all the materials right over here so they need pencils or markers or glue or sometimes they need to use the magnetic letters and please please please don't judge me because this is a mess but I have these things called wiki sticks where they focus where they can make the certain words or I've got like stamps so it's it's all very hands-on supposed to be very first grade friendly and like I said it changes each week so this over here and they just usually just grab a clipboard and just kind of sit in this spot right here and work so this is my word work Center the next Center is read to someone so that's when you read with like a buddy so how I have that set up I just have like this little nook right here and the first thing my students do is they grab the phonics book so that teaches and reinforces the phonic concept of the week so they grab it and they read with their buddy and they just find a spot around the carpet here for them to read once they've read in they found all of the the phonics components then they grab any of these books that I've laid out you see this week I've done dr. Seuss and then they just spend some time reading to someone just around here and last but not least is the listening Center where they listen to reading now this one changes a lot each week um it's you have a couple different resources so you can do storyline online or you can use epic there are a whole bunch of websites that have pre-recorded content for little kids to listen to books being read aloud or I have the iPads right here we're lucky enough to have classrooms Terra 10 now the classroom set and something that I like to let them do but they really really enjoy is they get to open this book and there's QR codes and so they take the books Burt sorry they take the iPads and they scan the QR codes and it's broken down either by author or by subject so they really enjoy doing that too so these are all options changes each week but this is fundamentally the set up of the listening Center and the last but most important part of this is the whole reason that they are doing centers is so that I can meet with them in small on level groups so back here at my at my kidney table this is where I meet with them and I've got all my stuff planned back here so that I can do a small group with them and hopefully advance their reading level so that is the system that I use the daily five system I've had a lot of success with this system I would love to hear from you however to see what reading centers you use if you use daily five have you had as much success if you like it as much as I do if you use a different sort of curriculum or system what do you do and have you had much success with it if you are interested in learning more about my listening Center I I know I said that there are a lot of different apps that I would use for that I've made a complete list of all the apps that I would use in the elementary classroom as a free resource so the link to get that free resource is down below and it's yours for free if you'd like it so just click below to get it I can't wait to see you guys next week and again let me know in the comments what you think of the daily five system
Channel: Kristen Bowen
Views: 21,129
Rating: 4.9752321 out of 5
Keywords: daily 5, reading centers, read to self, read to someone, writing center, listening to reading, word work, work on writing, literacy centers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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