Classroom Mangament Question and Answer

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classroom management oh my goodness it is one of the most important things like you have to have some form of management or it just won't work hey guys my name is Monique today I am going to be answering some questions that some people have sent me about different classroom management techniques that I use within my classroom just start off if you're new to my channel welcome um I teach kindergarten I do all different types of videos of things in my classroom tips strategies whatever it is every now and then I do a vlog and today we're talking classroom management like I already said so I had some people Instagram me some messages about different classroom management things that they had or were wondering and so I'm going to answer those questions but before I start I just want to say this video is kind of gonna be short and sweet and to the point because one of the most important things I think that anybody can know whether you're a new teacher or you're a seasoned teacher you probably obviously already know this everyone's classroom management techniques and strategies are going to be a little bit different what works for you may not work for me and what works for me may not work for you but the common thing is is that your classroom has to have some form of management or it can get completely chaotic and I think that that applies for K through 12 I don't teach 12th grade but I'm pretty sure that if you don't have some form of structure 12th graders can get just as out of hand as my little kindergarteners can and so it's very important that you have some form of system in your classroom and one of my videos I think it was like the first day of school are getting prepared for kindergarten the first day of kindergarten I talked about routines procedures and expectations and that kind of falls hand-in-hand with classroom management you have to have solid routines solid procedures and solid expectations and when you have those things classroom management kind of just it that is managing your classroom so I think that it's important for you to decide what works for you and work really hard on establishing the expectations with your students I talked about how at the beginning of the year I really do not dive into academics I focus so much I mean we do academic things but my main focus the most important thing to me is making sure my students understand how everything works in the classroom what is miss waters like what is miss waters expectations and I think that the older students get it's even more important for you to do that and maybe you can correct me if I'm wrong but ask at some point your child or the student in your classroom has had five different teachers so they've had to learn five different personalities and five different expectations than five different ways of doing things so I would think that it's even more important to spend time on those routines expectations and procedures because they need to figure you out they are learning you just like you're learning then so you need to give them time to understand how things work and that's kind of how it is with kindergarten what might fly at home with your mom and your dad may not play in my classroom or I may be a little bit less strict and easygoing than your parents who knows everyone needs time to understand each other so that's most important um if you are midway through the year and you've already skipped jump leap past that part and you have other questions those are the questions that I'm going to be answering today so one of the questions was the beginning of the year and they asked me like how firm are you with your students at the beginning of the year and I will say that I am pretty firm I mean what I say and I say what I mean and I think it's very important that you stick with that because kids will test you and the second that you let them get by with something that you told them that you're not gonna let them get by with guess what you've completely made them feel like okay I can get away with this myth I can get away with this I can do this she's not gonna like you know what I mean and they may not be thinking of it in that way especially the younger kids but subliminally they understand like Miss waters is gonna say that I'm a mess free choice if I do this but really if I say sorry at the end of the day I'm gonna get my free choice back boo it ain't no getting it back love ya try again tomorrow tomorrow's a new day tomorrow's a better day what I always said my students like tomorrow will be better still love you like but I'm not gonna back down because when you start backing down they're going to try it and they're going to test it and I know it's hard I know it can be like Oh like they're sad they're little they're so cute but you have to stick with what you say so I am pretty firm at the beginning of the year I get my parents a preference a preference no that's not the word a warning whatever it's all my prayers at the beginning of the year don't be shocked confusing your child on yellow it's because I'm trying to teach them when you don't raise your hand you get your clip move down and I know some people have like if ands buts about clips it's required at my school we have a PBIS system so your opinion or my opinion doesn't matter I'm clip charts because I don't have a choice so that's what I use I use other things in my classroom I've talked about those in other videos like blurt beans those are my favorite thing that I use I actually don't use the clip chart too much at this point in the year but that was just an example whatever your consequences are you're gonna receive a consequence so to answer the question not to be about the beginning of the year yes I am very firm I mean when I say I say what I mean and that's that another question that somebody asked me was about centers I do have a video on centers but I would say that the biggest thing with centers is to start off slow start off easy and then ease your way through when I start my centers at the beginning of the year they're like five-second centers basically all we do is practice rotating put them up stop stop and that's it then the next day I might put something at the center like a piece of paper and I might say okay draw a picture cleaned up rotate draw a picture clean it up rotate then I might add like my bell system in there if you want to have and you have more questions about centers I'll link it below and that will answer all of that but same thing I have expectations I have routines I have procedures for centers I explain that I talk to them about it and I mean when I say I say what I mean do they get out of hand sometimes like in December when it's a close to Christmas time and they're ready for Christmas break and they can't get out through recess because it's too cold yes they are crazy right now but don't back down don't back down that's another tip don't back down they see you frazzle they'll get even more frazzled you got it act like you got it together and just tell them wow this is not the way that we act during centers I'm so disappointed in you I don't really understand why we're acting like this I know that you know better so since we're acting this way we've lost our free choice for today not saying that happened today or anything but you have to stand firm be strong you are strong you can do this all right giving students attention when there are I think the question was the question was giving all of the students attention when you have a student who's having extreme behaviors but you still want to focus on the rest of the class I guess that would kind of depend on what that behavior is you know like every behavior is different if that if there's a student who is like in the corner having a meltdown breaking things and stuff like that it just everything really depends on the student like what is causing the student to act that way do they have do they have something else going on is there something going on in their whole life are they just being define it do they have something like do they have a form of a disability like what is the reasoning for that student and acting that way or behaving that way so I think that it's very important for you to say take a step back and try to figure out where the behavior is coming from I think that's the number one thing is kind of hard to answer that question if I don't know that specific student and with every student every situation is going to be different but I would say that the number one thing that I found is trying to figure out what is causing this behavior when you figure out what the triggers are you can sometimes like like when you figure out what the triggers are you can sometimes avoid the potential behavior by avoiding those triggers so if you know that transitions are a trigger point for that student then you can make sure that when a transition is coming up giving them a warning about it and saying hey like you know like letting them know before so what I would suggest doing if you're having a student that's showing extreme behaviors is documenting as much as you can documentation documentation documentation writing down the time that these behaviors are occurring marking how off and these behaviors are occurring what time of day they're occurring how long they're lasting and things like that and trying to figure out if there's a pattern if you can find a pattern then it's easier for you to figure out a system on how to avoid those patterns if you're just sitting there and you're like oh he's throwing a temper tantrum all day long or he's throwing things at people or he's hitting people but you're not documenting it and you're not really taking the time to watch it and figure out what's going on then you're not going to be able to try to avoid the behavior because you don't have enough you don't have enough resources or evidence or proof of what is going on if that makes sense so if you feel like that's not something that you can do because you're trying to teach 20 something other kids I'm some suggestions that I might have is talking to the administrators at your school and asking if you can be provided with whether it's your therapist at your school school counselor or somebody like that to come in and kind of like monitor the behaviors for the day if you don't have that then like I mean I know a teacher personally who does it herself and I mean I know it's a lot of work it's a lot of paperwork but if you want to try to get rid of said poor behaviors that is something that you're kind of going to have to do and then students being physical was another question that I had I have that soon as I don't have any of that this year praise Jesus hallelujah but I have had students that just have issues with just keeping their hands to themselves and it's not because they are like trying to be abusive or hurtful to other students it's just that they want to touch everything so some different things that I've done I have a calm down top but it basically just has a bunch of different sensory things in there such as and like digits in there um target has a great digit section it's in the kids section it's on the ends of it it was there at the beginning of the school year this time so hopefully it's still there but just looking up different digits like I know people don't like the veget spinners I actually love it but there's all different types of fidgets I can link them below but having the type of those different things and having those available for that students to take a break and go touch those things that they're feeling like they need to touch it whether it's putty or things like that I know that keeping it at a child's sometimes can be distracting to the other student so having a hub with those materials there that they can go and they can touch when they're feeling like touching can be helpful another thing that I've done and this is for younger students this would not work for a high schooler that's keeping their hands to themselves but I feel like that's that's not keeping them in their hands to themselves but that's a whole other issue I tell my students this is your bubble you are inside a bubble I referenced bubbles a lot catch a bubble thinking bubbles you're in a bubble bubbles are my thing like Linda the goodwitch anyways Linda with goodwitch Linda Linda Linda her name's Linda yeah bubble anyways you were inside of a bubble this is your bubble if you go outside of your bubble you're going to pop your bubble and if you pop your bubble that's sad you're not going to have a bubble anymore and if you go outside of your bubble and you touch someone else you're gonna pop their bubble too would you like it if someone popped your bubble show me your bubble if you can keep your bubble and tell math time you're gonna get a pencil or you're gonna get a lollipop fine what motivates your students to that's important so as far as being physical I really just talked to my kids about how personal space if you don't want to use bubble just talk about personal space talk about it a lot talk to them about how you know it you wouldn't like somebody in your space have different sit spots on the carpet keep them away from other students if they keep on touching other students they have to be separated they're not going to like that well if you want to earn back your time to sit closer to the other students you have to keep your hands to yourself when you're sitting on the carpet hands in your lap have them sit on their pocket have them sit on their hands have them put their hands in their pockets whatever you need to do give them something to play with with their hands if they're touching too much all of those different things um I think really work and then another thing if you're having soup severe behaviors in your classroom finding out what that students interested there's different interest surveys that you can do to try to figure out what motivates that student once you figure out what motivates that child then you can figure out how to implement different rewards and prizes and things like that for them displaying good behaviors and the final thing that I want to save to you is that you have to be patient when you're trying whatever it is when you're trying the newest Pinterest idea when you're trying the newest idea that you read on a blog or in an article or that you saw on YouTube whatever it may be you have to be patient just because it doesn't work the first day doesn't that mean that it's not going to work I would say a solid 3 to 5 weeks of a routine of really really really working on it is it's the best way for you to know is this working or not and I know that that can sometimes seem like three to five weeks like come on lady like I'm having serious like it should be showing improvement throughout those 3 to 5 weeks don't get me wrong like you don't want it to be a Qi double hockey sticks all the way up until the fifth week but you have to give things time and you also have to be willing to say this didn't work I put it all this work I came up with this great idea I have sticker charts I have I have this big old poster board that I put out I have all of this stuff I put all of this work I stayed late and it failed and that's okay it sucks no one likes that but if you just try to stick with it because you don't want to come up with a new routine or a new management system guess what your students are still going to continue to act crazy you're going to be miserable and it's not going some things just don't work use your resources check out what other teachers are doing ask your principal if you could go and observe another classroom that you see in your building that is doing the job spend your planning period acts that teacher hey can I come in watch what you do with your classroom I'm just wondering what types of different classroom management things you do I do all different types of things Carla responses different songs and chants music for clean-up all different types of hints and triggers that let my kids know this means me quiet this means cleanup this means sit down this means stand up this means line up this means that this means that boop boop boop you got to figure out what works best for you but watching other teachers is a great way to figure that out so use your resources be patient get to know your take time and it will all work out huh I don't know how helpful this was but hopefully it was helpful for you if you have more questions just put them in the comments below I would be happy to answer whatever questions you have I'm here to help and yeah that's up thanks for watching you guys for more of my videos make sure you subscribe to my channel and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up subscribing and liking my videos lets me know if this content was good for you and allows me to figure out what other content I should put moving forward also like I said if you have questions put them well I would be happy to answer anything you have all right guys love you bye
Channel: itsmoniquesworld
Views: 8,188
Rating: 4.9396229 out of 5
Keywords: teaching, youtube, teach, classroom, teacher, kindergarten, kinder, primary, school, education, classroom managment, managment, rules, guidlines, how to, classroom structure, kindergarten teacher, question, answer, question and answer
Id: m2hcyw0BOR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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