Kim Walker-Smith and Michael Koulianos "My Encounter with God"

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you hey everybody welcome to today's show I'm incredibly excited I know the presence of the Lord is going to touch you and change your life today I have Kim Walker Smith with us and I'm just so incredibly honored her ministry has blessed me personally I know it's blessed all of you out there really God is using her amazingly around the world so Kim thanks so much for being with us wanted to have you I want to honor you for who you are in the Lord I mean I think in 2006 you guys were down in Orange County I was pastoring a church down there and a pastor told me I had just gotten done preaching that night he said I want you to come here this group there at a vineyard church in Aliso Viejo and I knew Benny Perez was was down there with you guys I said what's their name this is what's Jesus culture I want you to hear this one girl lead worship I said okay well I'm kind of tired I mean I just prayed for the sick all night and he just come just trust me so I went and I had known pastor Benny and I went and had the chance to hear you minister and since then we've been following you man you carry a heavy heavy presence of the Lord so thank you for being here we're really really honored to have it yeah I want to talk to you about the Heart of Jesus and because your ministry is is soaked with the presence of the Lord and really that then that comes one way that's by spending time with him why is Jesus so lovable why is he worth loving so much can you talk to us about that yeah I think for me um the reason why I keep loving him and why I keep falling more in love with him and and why he is so lovable is really because of the way that he loves me yeah and you know the Bible says that we love him because he first loved us and I really believe that that's true and we encounter and we taste his love it really is it should all it takes is just one taste of his love and it's like you just hooked from that moment on and you just fall more in love and hunger for more of him and more of his presence his kindness and the way he loves so perfectly that's what makes him so lovable is that what happened to you personally I put yes yeah I had my my own encounter with God's love and with his presence that radically changed my life forever and um from that moment on it was just me just seeking after him all the time and just pursuing his presence more and more and seeking out more of those encounters yeah can as much as the Lord would allow you can you talk to us about one or two of those encounters yeah and the the most radical one for me came at a time when I had a pretty rough weekend and I was I'm out of town I was driving back into reading and I got in to the church just just slightly after the evening Sunday service had started and I walk up to the front and Anthony Skinner is a friend of mine his leading worship and I get up to the front and I just start crying just so broken and so hungry and just kind of in a really weak place and immediately I went into this vision and I have to say that um this isn't something that happens all the time like this was really like an amazing moment for me it wasn't like I just having these constantly or something you know and I see Jesus standing in front of me and he's reaching out his hands like he wants me to come to him and I feel um I feel ashamed and I feel afraid and I feel unworthy I feel like I don't I don't deserve to be close to him or deserve to be even looking at him or touching him and and um Jesus is completely irresistible yeah and I couldn't it's like I couldn't stop myself and I I made it over there and I fall in his arms and he's holding me and even as he's he's holding me like this I'm kind of looking away from him like I don't have the courage to like look in his face and look in his eyes and um I have this thought in my head I think I need to ask him two questions and the questions were how much do you love me and what were you thinking when you created me yeah and I knew that those questions were not me that it was totally holy spirit like I wouldn't have asked those questions um I had I felt so much um shame in my life I had grown up believing that I was a mistake that God would meant to make a boy and I came out a girl that my family wanted a boy and were disappointed that I was a girl or I just had these lies that came in as a child that kind of stuck with me just believing that I was a mistake and that um how much could you love a mistake and he doesn't really love me very much and he's just trying to make the best of a bad situation like these are the kinds of things I believed about the way that God saw me and the way that he viewed me and all of a sudden out loud in the natural outside my vision Anthony Skinner's up on the stage and he says you need to ask God two questions you need to ask him how much do you love me and what were you thinking when you created me and he says the exact two questions that I had thought in my head except he has said it out loud over the microphone and I think everybody's heard you and it's not like Anthony saying hey you came down there you know he was probably just having a moment of obedience with the Lord and had no idea why he was saying that and then there I am down there having this encounter and then I thought well now I have to ask because God probably heard him you know he it is said it out loud so I I work out my tiny bit of courage which was probably about that much and I just say Jesus how much do you love me and immediately sat me down and he reached out his arms like this and they're going on forever and ever and I'm looking and I can't see the ends of where there is going on forever and he's going I love you this much and he's like cracking up and so like joyful and happy and I start crying and laughing and crying and laughing I'm like what you love me that much I can't even see the ends it's just going on forever and ever and you know what's funny is I immediately had this thought he speaks my language if you said it like that to anybody else they probably would have thought this is weird you know but for me like this is kind of how how we relate this kind of fun and silliness you know and from that moment on things were changing and it was months later that he caught me off guard again and came after the question yes yeah so the second question did get asked as well do you want me going to that one please okay all right so um I was months later I'm sitting in our prayer house I'm here at our church and it's just a regular morning I'm watching the Sun come up it's really early I'm reading my Bible nothing amazing or significance happening except I'm just you know the amazing part was that I got out of bed early enough to watch the Sun come up really and I'm reading my Bible and all of a sudden I feel the presence of the Lord walk into the room like kind of behind me and it is so strong and so intense and the moment I feel it immediately I don't know how to explain except I just knew inside of me he has come for that question the second question of what were you thinking when you created me and I kind of hoped he'd forgotten about it and he didn't okay and um I can feel him like it's like he's walking up to me across the room and just tapping me on the shoulder Kim please ask me that question Wow and I'm kind of like hey Jesus beautiful day good job good Kim please ask me that question I'm good you know I feel good you told me you loved me it like goes on forever like oh that's awesome I'm good Kim please ask me that question and again as he's completely irresistible I finally fall on the floor crying and it came out a little more like what were you thinking when you created me frustration yeah um immediately I go into this vision again these aren't happening all the time but this moment big deal for me you know and I'm standing with Jesus and I see God the Father in front of me and he has a table in front of him and he reaches in his heart and he rips this chunk off his heart and he throws it on the table now it's like play-doh or something you know and I see he creates me and then he reaches over and he grabs this box and I'm just standing watching this with Jesus going what is he doing what is he making and it's you know those boxes like little girls have when you when you open it up and there's the little ballerina inside the twirls and his music you know it was like that he puts me learn he closes lid and he gets like this excited look on his face you know like you know I was really excited and all sudden he grabs the top and he throws it open and inside I start worshipping and dancing and singing to him and he goes oh and he gets so excited he runs around the circle just yelling and screaming and waving his hands like he's just so happy and he comes back and he closes the box and he's really excited again and he does this over and over and over throwing it over over every time and every time he is so excited and so happy and and yelling and laughing and and I'm crying as I'm watching this with Jesus going what is he doing what is what is happening and all of a sudden he reaches in and he he picks me up out of the the box and he has me in the palm of his hand and I go from being here with Jesus watching to be there in the palm of his hand and he's pulling me close to him like this and as I'm getting closer I can see the like this itching in his heart that place where he'd he'd ripped that chunk heart and as we get closer I he slides me into that spot and I fit like a puzzle piece it was it was an absolute perfect fit and as I'm I'm laying there in his heart and I just feel his presence just this warmth all around me he just starts speaking his love to me he started saying Kim you were never a mistake you were exactly what I meant I made you simply because you make me happy you bring me joy you make me laugh I think you're funny I love it when you sing to me I love it when you worship me just going on and on and on and affirming that I wasn't a mistake that I was exactly what he wanted and in that moment all these years of Lies are just breaking off of me like these weights and these chains just falling off and I'm weeping and crying and I'm just feeling his love it was it was tangible it was like a like a warmth it was something I could feel and not just like feel on the outside like a blanket around you like I could feel it like it was coursing through my veins like it was alive inside of me and from that day on I was never ever the same person again how could I be I couldn't be the same anymore I was so wrecked and and so radically changed with this revelation and and I learned that day you know when when the Bible says that God is love it's not just um you know soccer is an expression it's not just words that if God is loved and that that means a love is meant to be felt right and alive inside of us something that is tangible and moving and breathing inside of us and that's exactly what happened in that moment in that day Kim I'm so glad you're talking about feeling the love of God and feeling our Lord coz my next question was gonna be what did you feel yeah while it was happening I can talk about that feeling why it's important to feel the Lord mm-hmm and and and the depth of the feeling how it's deeper than I thank God for feeling a blanket around me in the morning and prayer when I'm ministering but we can feel the Lord can't we yes top talked about that just for a long yea I think that it's so important to our relationship with God because it makes him real and tangible to us beyond just words in a book or something that were we're told you know it's it's one thing to you know go to go to someone who doesn't know the Lord and tell them that God loves them that you know Jesus died on the cross for them and and we do this all the time and evangelism you know but it is a whole other thing when they can actually encounter him and to feel him and have something tangible to to experience how real he is and to understand that God is not just after he yes he wants our souls yes he wants us to be in heaven with him forever but the bigger picture beyond that is that he wants relationship with us he wants to have this this loving relationship where we realize and understand that he is just as real as you and I are right now that we can have a conversation with him just as real as you and I are having right now that we can see him and and feel him in ways that are beyond beyond our comprehension really you know and I think it's so essential in our walk with God in our relationship with God I feel like there's so many people who can get so wrapped up in in um in the works or in just confining God to to His Word and realizing he's not confined to anything that he yes he is the word but he is even even more than that he's beyond our wildest imagination he's beyond what we can comprehend on this earth you know but the fun part is going after that and trying to comprehend as much as we can you know that's the relationship and I think it's so important and just falling in love with him more in building relationship it'd be really hard for me to have a relationship with my husband if all we ever did was talk and we never touched we never had affection we never held hands we we never hugged and embrace like this kind of reality you know it that's the same same way is with the Lord that he he desires something real to touch us to love us to to have us feel his love and his presence yep man I feel him now and you know I love when scripture tells us that in the presence of the Lord there's fullness of joy and pleasures yeah forevermore I want to feel God you know I often hear people say well you don't need to wait for a feeling to minister that's true I guess you don't have to but I want to feel him mm-hmm I want I want my entire being to encounter the Lord you know you talked about seeing his vastness and living our lives to experience that vastness to me I heard the scripture he's altogether lovely his all togetherness reveals his loveliness you know the more we see of him the more we fall in love with him the more we want him I get another glimpse and I love him even more what would you say the secret is to fruitful public ministry that experiences or one of the secrets that experiences the tangible presence of the Lord coz we so need it yeah I I mean I don't there's I don't know about the secret like you said you know one of the secrets I don't know but um I I don't know how how anybody could well really do any ministry but let alone like a public ministry without having some sort of encounter of their own with God's love when you're in public ministry you are really susceptible to what people say ya know people will either shout your praises and they will just tell you how much they love you and and while you're such a amazing singer you know all these kinds of things they just love you but you also get the other stuff over um how dare you sing in tongues or yeah I don't like your outfit or I can't believe you said this or you know whatever it is like you you'll get both and when you have that relationship with the father that is real and that is alive and you have his affirmation and love and he's he's constantly speaking his love over you you don't go looking for anywhere else what and that means you're so full of his affirmation and of his love that you don't go out looking for that affirmation from the people and so when they're saying the good things that's great but it doesn't mean anything next to what he has said to me yeah and when they're saying the bad things it doesn't affect me and doesn't pull me down and tear me down because it doesn't mean anything compared to what he has said about wrong you know I mean and I think first of all that's that's the only way that you could even really survive a public minister but then you got to have something feel to give the people and if you don't know the presence of God yourself and if you don't know how crazy he is about you how are you going to be able to first of all share an encounter with the with people like you you can't leave people somewhere you haven't been and if you don't know his presence how are you going to lead them there but then also on the other side is I don't know how you could love people apart from God's love yeah you know people have faults and people have all these different things we all have our stuff our things that we work through God's constantly changing us and healing us and making us more like him and without his love I don't know how you would have enough love to give out to everyone you know but it's like with that love and that understanding of how much he loves us that makes it so easy to love people which is what he commands us to do yeah you know yeah I was watching you in Chicago I went up to the awakening I was sitting there with some guy from some guys from a pastor bunkies ministry and I said man I said bro they are so free mm-hmm and that's so refreshing for up for me when I'm ministering I when everyone kind of disappears and I'm lost that's when I'm gone I'm most free I feel like that's when God's moving and I looked at some of the guys from Pastor Bronx I said look how free they are and what I'm hearing you talk about is the love of the father really brings a freedom doesn't it yes you can worship really yeah yeah and actually pastor bunkie says this he says if you don't believe somebody's praise you'll never believe their criticism listen to the Father Yeah right when it comes to that love of the father how can somebody today encounter that love you know I really feel that the Lord is heralding and Ana on a mass scale the love of God he wants people to experience it not just hear it but then have God how can somebody draw close to Lord how can somebody experience this love yeah it is as simple as asking and you know I have people ask me this question a lot especially when they hear like my testimony and they say I want that too and how do i how do I have that how do I have an encounter like that and you know that the reality is that all I did was ask and I don't think that there's there there's nothing in particular about me that separates me from everybody else and makes God wouldn't be like I only want to give you this you know that this is for everybody that it doesn't matter who you are or where you are or your age or or anything I mean I hear testimonies all the time of people who who aren't even Christian yeah who aren't in Christian and they somehow find like the YouTube video of how he loves it one of the songs I sang on an album few years ago and they watch this YouTube video and they have this encounter with God's love and then they kind of go wait who are you you know and then they're writing these letters and they're saying I had this encounter can you tell me about Jesus and I met him I saw him I felt his love can you tell me more about him do you really think that he could love me you know and they just it starts just by asking the Bible says you know ask and you'll receive knock and the door will be open that he is always there and he's always talking and always you know I think that we we lose sight sometimes that he is seeking us out even more than we're looking for him and if you can just take that moment just to ask Kim and you know God is he is mysterious and I I don't have any explanations or for answers or for why it would happen today or tomorrow or why not today and it happens two weeks from now or you know or the people that you know you ask and you feel like you haven't got your answer yet or you know what I mean like that I can't explain except all I can say is that the bible does promise us that and we stand on the promise that you ask and you'll receive and that's really part of the fun is the journey of going after that that journey of like I always tell people like come on let that pider and you rise up you know don't sit there and well you know but be a fighter and and let the fight come out and go after it pursue it don't give up don't stop asking don't be discouraged you're gonna have breakthrough it's promised to us at one point or another breakthrough will come and if you got to get some people around you to like help you and run with you you get them around you be like hey I'm having a hard time I'm believing for this I'm asking for this and it's getting a little hard I'm getting feeling a little discouraged can you help me can you run with me you just get those people around you and you just bite you just go after it just ask and don't stop asking so good Kim Kim would you delete somebody the Lord talked to him about Jesus yeah yeah yeah you're good right there yeah if you're watching this and you are hungry for what we're talking about that that you may be here's someone who like me was dealing and struggling with lies maybe you believe that you're a mistake or maybe you you just haven't known that there is a God how much he loves you and how crazy is about you and God he does he loves you so much and he he comes and he meets us right where we are that it doesn't we don't have to be perfect we don't have to have everything together and everything worked out that he comes even in the midst of the mess and the chaos and he comes as a loving father to you today to show you how much he loves you and how much he cares about and so if you want to encounter this love and experience this love whether you aren't whether you don't know him or whether maybe you do know him and you're sitting there going I know Jesus for years and I've never experienced love like this I want to pray for you right now and God I ask right now that for every person that's feeling that way whether they they know you are not father that you would come to where they are sitting at home or in their office wherever they are father that they would encounter your love right now Jesus I ask that your presence would so fill the room where they are that your love would be tangible and felt that they would hear your voice right now I just say in Jesus name though all other voices would be silent and your voice Jesus would be the voice that they hear above every other voice God that you would speak your love to them and right now if you would like to receive Jesus and would you just ask him to come into your heart just say Jesus come into my heart into my life I surrender my heart to you Jesus and I give my life to you and I ask that you forgive me of my sins and I thank you Jesus that you died on the cross and you rose the third day so that I could have forgiveness of my sins and walk a whole life with you Jesus and I received that gift I received that life and God I thank you I thank you for every person watching this God and I ask that every person would have a radical life-changing encounter with you and with your presence in your love we pray this in Jesus name amen Wow the prince of lords so so strong and listen if you need a healing in your body if you need God to touch you it can set you free right now just say Lord Jesus heal me heal me touch me by your stripes I'm healed in Jesus name it's been an amazing amazing show please be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter and be sure to follow kim as she's traveling the world ministering the love of jesus we'll see you next time thanks to receive daily teaching from my co colleano's and to follow his ministry schedule around the world please follow us on Facebook and Twitter by partnering with Jesus image you will help us take the life-saving gospel around the world through international miracle services conferences and television your giving will change lives for eternity for more information call for zero seven eight seven eight seven four two one or write us at jesus image geobox nine five zero six four zero Lake Mary Florida three two seven nine five again thank 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Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 250,200
Rating: 4.8778791 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn, Todd White, Jessica Koulianos, Jesus Image, Jesus Culture, Bill Johnson, Holy Spirit, Upper Room, kanye west, Michael Koulianos, Reinhard Bonnke, Jesus is king, Kim Walker, Bethel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 02 2014
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