KIM JONG UN is MisUNderstood | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

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I really feel like on some level he's misunderstood and he's not that bad he's not like bombing other countries he says he's gonna do if he never does it all right like who are we really to judge Kim Jong we probably killed way more people than Kim Jong hoon and he just kills his own interesting point so what's worse yeah killing your own or doing the us [ __ ] and killing a lot of prosper you have the right to kill your own don't you that's true if that's the rules of your country listen don't we have the right to kill her on what what's the rule called that fountain death valley we kill our own okay you got the right to kill your own okay dude think about it yeah we kill our own is [ __ ] that when you go kill someone else because you're killing them right maybe not breaking the rules of their land you know that we might be more [ __ ] up other countries might be more [ __ ] up you have the right to kill your own we kill our own if some dudes out there raping and we kill them everybody's like not that was good yeah there's countries like yours where that's okay I was like what's the deal everybody got their own rules and everybody got their own rules games yeah I got somebody else parents these kids you can't that's what America is we're literally like the [ __ ] white lady that walks up to the Puerto Rican girl like spank her son of the subway like it's our kids right Kim Jong who's like mind your [ __ ] business fart blow you up yeah but he doesn't do it cuz he's [ __ ] he up what he a decent guy he's decent what do you think about it in terms of leaders in the world right he's probably got the least amount of bodies he definitely got the least amount of bodies there aren't his own oh he's out there he's like you know hey man this mother Teresa in mother Teresa dude honestly in terms of the amount of people mother Teresa killed and Kim jong-un killed outside of his own outside of his own country not that different I say the same I would say if anything maybe Mother Teresa killed more people she was probably going around she might have had like a call for something like that somebody got a call shitty immune system they died kim jeong-hoon not travel yeah even he's not leaving a country baby everything's coming to him Dennis Rodman coming to him he was on the last dance before everyone was he not yeah yeah yeah that's it you're right he's he's shooting bombs in the air whatever that you know how much Asians love fireworks I think a lot of times these people are completely misunderstood they don't have a Chinatown where you can get the fireworks you got to get the fireworks from the [ __ ] military so that's all he got that's all he got there's no Chinese allowed in to make a Chinatown think about this is she is kim jeong-hoon that bad when you really want to consider global leaders is he that bad hey man you know he's Sweden to the rest of the country or Switzerland what's in neutral in Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland he's just Switzerland he's minding his own business blowing his own rockets into his own water maybe Switzerland killing a lot of their own people and we don't know about it and we don't even ask cuz they're like we're neutral were neutral yeah we even know what's going on there where we got no clue no clue what's going on in Switzerland but we don't judge the Prime Minister of Switzerland maybe he's racism maybe it is wait what we just don't erase thank you listen he Asian and judging here maybe Switzerland doing the same thing but they're white but they got white privilege that's it I'm just trying to flip the liberal logic on them you might be right about this hey let's rock with it what is Switzerland sweat a we ready for it yeah always Kim Jong never said he was neutral during [ __ ] real talk Switzerland has killed more people whoo oh yeah hey you might say kim jeong-hoon is having atrocities on his own people who lets atrocities happen to others other people Switzerland Switzerland but of this North Korea was probably started because they're like we not gonna let atrocities happen to our people yeah we gotta start a new career right yeah there's something to this oh if kim jungeun was the leader of switzerland he could do some great things real talk I'm being serious hey if you tired of going to war as US and stepping into problems that aren't your own and intervening and everybody else's [ __ ] you know would be a great president Kim Jong oh oh baby oh no think about it this guy he's a legend bro he's a legend and honestly I live we really need to look into this I hope he doesn't die people are saying he's dead already no Nessa South Korea yeah why South Korea's reporting this but they said if hackers broke because they're saying he's healthy though huh he's healthy though this say he sold South Korea saying he's healthy I heard the reports are that he's brain dead oh sure yeah and that being said I don't think that should be a requirement to lead no I mean that who's more brain dead right now Joe Biden Kim jong-eun it's not far it's not far there we go it's not far it's just like a weekend at Bernie's situation that's it a weekend in geez who we gonna Johnny's something severely misunderstood about kim jong hoon i really do severely severely misunderstood you should be allowed to spank your kids when you're the daddy of a nation sometimes you gotta spank your kids kids but can you spank someone else's kids no it's disrespectful you would never if someone told you hey we don't like the way you spank your kids would you add some nuclear weapon would threaten I'd be like I spanked the [ __ ] out of your kids how about that don't let me spring my kids [ __ ] Yahoo might be the most American mo'fucker out there can I be honest with you in the way that he operates that's why Trump called him rocket boy it was a compliment was it cover the bombs person in the air me about yo you think he listens to the national anthem he's like that's just oh I'm telling you we could learn something from Kim Jong oh yeah gave his life the man gave his life so are you saying it's so Asian gave us our life dude for real yeah the guy gave his [ __ ] life man so the report is that what's the official report I was in grave danger after surgery so the real question is what surgery what surgery did he get surgery penis enlargement you think is penis enlargement gotta be I thought I was putting the folds on their eyelids you know how he's into that [ __ ] I thought he was getting that brazilian butt-lift y al you suck the fat out the stomach and then make him his ass more attractive for Rodman interesting interests as Robin isn't he into the lady boys huh isn't Robin into [ __ ] I think Robin would be a [ __ ] he was I don't buy this [ __ ] one bit I'll be honest I think I know what happened oh that's not what I think I think I know I'll be honest like you saying some different [ __ ] than you normally I think I know what happened the only difference is the words I think Oh God I'm be even more honest and I was just about to be increased honesty by at least one decibel right now okay I think we know he's a big basketball fan yes you're not oh yeah what do you think he was doing Sunday watching the last [ __ ] dancing his boy [ __ ] wife was probably yapping the [ __ ] up it's got miss a very important part you know he can't rewind he's in North Korea ain't got [ __ ] rewind right heart attack heart attack yep straight to the hospital mm-hmm that's what he's recovered from and he probably like look just tell everybody I'm dead for 10 weeks I got 10 episodes this show to get through 5 weeks or maybe even as soon as the rodman episode is over you'll start hearing little reports that he's recovering now miracle recovery we need to start selling some bands what wound do cuz that is genius this guy's a [ __ ] genius yeah hey man he's the guy he's guys the guy prepared takes care of his [ __ ] people you ain't hearin any of them bitching about coronavirus he don't got a build a man cave to go watch this documentary no he just leaks media reports he's dying that's it leave me alone let me be by my lonesome yeah man [ __ ] legend bro [ __ ] legend is kim jeong-hoon is you know the funniest part to me is his sister might take over by saying she's just as bad and it's like come on yo we really finna be afraid of this [ __ ] take away our fried rice it's been Korean fried rice take away our barbecue yeah they fried chicken actually they got a bomb yeah and if she did that there would only be problems in like New York or LA or cities that know about Korean fried chicken so you're not concerned about a new leader I'm not scared of a female dictator i'ma just be honest what up everybody welcome to another episode of flagrant two I'm Anton Schultz I'm here at a COS saying we got Alex media more Gagnon in the building we gave mark a mic let's see if we regret it mark say hello into the mic yo what's up everybody mmm oh [ __ ] it's all baby sexy ass voice I'm gonna just keep it up bugger you're not I'm free you're gonna kick ass is there a female that isn't a dictator yes I'm saying every married man I've been with this we're used to it apologize a little more than you normally would honestly we probably put them in the first place to get them out the house you don't think Angela Merkel or whatever that [ __ ] her name from Germany you don't think her husband is like that I'll go dictate or do whatever the [ __ ] yes and also first of all it's not telling me what to do tell everybody what to do oh it wasn't enough Germany right she wants to bring the European Union you just want more people tell what the [ __ ] to do that's all these [ __ ] words right we should bring it together why should we bring together so I can tell you what the [ __ ] to do yeah boy we should have one currency why so I can spend it that's all that's why women want to get married first that's why they want kids first it's just more [ __ ] I could tailgate to people stop ladies hey you know who's the man for the job Trump mister shut up hey hey look guys got her green card on the edge of the table like you said you see what he did he you noted Melania almost [ __ ] up the last dance for him oh yeah Melania almost [ __ ] up the last dance for him [ __ ] said immigration is now illegal right you'll set that [ __ ] back to Poland or whatever fake Poland she from what fake Poland is she brought up a Pawlenty from Lithuania Lusitania the Titanic your penis I mean no disrespect to the FLOTUS FLOTUS is a dope real talk someone gotta call himself Lotus is nice that should his fire yeah but real talk where is she from and why haven't we heard from this [ __ ] when Corona came about barely speak English son I loved it when she tried to tell us what to do yeah right you'll need to take care of your kids taking care of kids isn't far baby it's from us Slovenia she's from where Slovenia that's a fake bones that's a fake Poland Berle oh that's just Poland bro eyelashes Poland Alex yo do we are listeners in Slovenia tell us why you're not Poland message hidden tells me I'm not weighted we can get that response in like a month express you seven white countries a [ __ ] I know y'all got really [ __ ] out you know do you do you see it and do you get the press legitimately I do I feel bad for white people who are like white countries that are poor I'm like yeah [ __ ] yeah like do y'all look at the whites that have made it and what do you think yeah yeah yeah of course but like when you're Indian is different right how so like like when I look at like polling it all that kind of [ __ ] I feel bad formula yeah but it's like why can't they just get it together yeah I feel bad because it's like how'd you [ __ ] this up yeah this seems impossible yeah but what do you for what Suntree what do you think it was I don't know what did they do different have lost a war to other white people oh you think we went to war with them we bodied them I assume yeah but you think that they were just kind of like sneaked in here that's a great point hmm you get rid of that goofy ass accent generation or two it is a stupid accent it's so stupid it is really dumb that might be Trump's greatest skill is putting up with that [ __ ] accident right like this imagine hearing that Stu honey what do we go to do this weekend with kid like you don't ever spend time with his kid huh no the little one that he had with her I feel bad for that kid that kid I really feel bad because everybody hates the kid he did nothing [ __ ] who did nothing genuinely all jokes aside I feel bad for that kid that's a [ __ ] kid you can't help who your parents are you feel bad for a kid with abusive parents yeah this is same thing the kid got no [ __ ] control the situations then he's rich his mom hot with fake tits though you feel bad for him then I truly do do you think if he sucks his mom's tits it's bad or it's okay because they're not technically hers yo do you think they gotta check the pH of the breast milk cuz that she got so much saline in it wait can you breastfeed if you're probably not but that if you have fake tits can you breastfeed probably not right kind of oh man if you get it over the muscles yeah over the muscle they know I don't remember which way it is but some women depend how you do it you can't you can't and all of the muscle though you probably just take the [ __ ] out right just grab some scissors I mean is well quick just lands in and out yeah I mean not just ha no yeah dawg man I don't know what to say man I really don't know what to say my heart is broken over Kim jong-un right now doc my heart is broken al dude my heart K : okay you know what else you could say what you know who loves Kim Jong hoon who's that North Koreans they [ __ ] love him dude they love this guy yes I got a hundred percent approval rating right it's not divided like America you know I'm saying laughter America loves Trump other half America's gay just saying I understand they're people that are gay and they don't love me I get it I like not all we're Democrats no no I understand your own 51% 49% gay boy Thompson I very right in buy-in no homo [Laughter] fine fine fine it pause the whole abided pause though like for real no home I had to vote for by day yeah babe I know it was type gay when I flipped that switch dude that's how you gotta do it Trump could do it I wanna be honest Trump was the way you can make the ballot like you the only way to vote Democrat is to flick your wrist you feel like done I think Democrats down in the [ __ ] of your Trump yo real talk I think that [ __ ] are gonna vote for Trump man I know it sounds crazy Alex already told me privately you remember when you said those no I remember when you said that you said you're giving up white when open up and you vote for toe cuz you got crazy fare to a bolita you say you've given up white women you vote for Trump wow that's too anti black things [Music] Kim Jong moon would have been laughing at that though you would have found that funny yeah Real Talk y'all Alex how you selling out so that's why did you would give a posture for you to say that say again Astra's for you to say that what do you mean hello and never give up white women remember when you said to me in confidence like this [ __ ] was crazy cuz he goes I'm saying this in confidence right and usually no people start sentences like that right but he goes yeah I'm telling you this in confidence he's like I don't like the Trump is getting all the black dudes out of prison I was like why not he goes cuz they gonna take on my white [ __ ] that's what you said to me dude but then when you said that he laughed like the oh [ __ ] I thought a felon BAE I'm like you know got a chance how are these streets right bro yeah I gotta go back to jail real talk come on some tats wait a min what I gotta go back to Giancarlo so that you get that that no but when all these other guys are coming out of jail you're gonna have some serious competition you gonna have to go back to black women bro that's a fact all right we Spanish right now what kind of Great Depression of [ __ ] you think we are about to experience you go back to black women son do you think I'll wanna take for you to go back to black women al I've been on black women recently why you lying dog quarantine nobody done nothin recently not recent is before quarantine so Teresa quarantine you you've made love to a black woman I've made sweet love so a black one sweet lo Mart you have a microphone you might want to chime in here chime had no employee yeah we've had different roads because of that sweet lovemaking all the bigot of black women he had to wait outside the room he's like God I got your own room can make sweet love to black women yes what was here next door what was her name what was it I can't do that wait why can't you do that does she listen cuz you can't pronounce it fair the [ __ ] offense all right it's a lot of crazy [ __ ] going on out here in the world man yo so trump is stopping immigration while we're talking about trump right now or he said he's thinking about doing it or signing executive executive order I don't know if we can pull it off but it's election season baby what does immigration mean it was a low like things like what you not letting my folks come in knocking on immigrate doesn't mean come in you know it means try to live here try to live here the country that's what's funny is you can still visit Paris real talk before we let anybody else come in i'ma need to see if they were talking [ __ ] I would like to check your tweets that's valid I think that the president should be allowed to do that a lot of liberals will be getting tweet delete I would be the only one out here only having 2139 tweets but don't you think that's fair that you should be able to look through some Ray's tweets in the past like if we cancel people for a bunch of different reasons but if you look through the tweets in the past and you see them say some [ __ ] like America thinks is the best but there's no health care should you be able to present that to somebody that's trying to come to America and get citizenship honestly not bad logic if you're in if you subscribe to castle culture this is essentially just canceled culture let's say someone want to go to India or some want to go another country I know you guys are listening from England all these places in the world someone's talking mad [ __ ] about your country popping off at the lip now they want to be a citizen shouldn't you be able to check them on that maybe you feel away I would feel away yeah you want as America you be like oh I'm not allowed to feel away why not because we're like the best and you're not supposed to be confident to being the best you know how people whatever but like you come from these bitch-ass countries like England so you heard that England yes'm I want that spoke English to English smoke 250 years ago 1812 and again you try to run it back a work all brigs an ass lonely [ __ ] oh no from here look like it work those pretty eyes eyes you got this thank you you have benefit off of that yeah do you think your girl would be with you if you didn't have pretty eyes anyone finds me a [ __ ] and that is a 5/7 serving me right this is [ __ ] in the ice okay now so uncomfortable can you say it was worth it the English guy that raped someone in your family I can't be mad at it you know I mean was it worth it on some level because now you get to have kids with your girl and bring some more beautiful people into it is it worth it on some level I got a bit where this is a real story I used to ask my parents where I got these eyes from and it would never like have an answer like Daria and then eventually you just kind of realized they're just thinking like yeah well you're great girl my token for the team so no here's the thing let's just talk about it right unfortunately unfortunately rape is quite prevalent in India unfortunately so it's a bit of a it's a bit of an issue in the issue yeah in some parts right a bit of an issue yeah problem okay so if rape is gonna be around if it's there already it's like you might as well get some eyes out of it if it's gonna happen I would say maybe we only learn rape because England oh they brought it in I mean some of them positions in the Kama Sutra did not look very consensual my [ __ ] feet or behind their head I don't think that [ __ ] gets there like oh hey you gonna do that on your own say again you a need some level of consent you get the feet back there like a [ __ ] you think you don't think they were forced back there let me open up that that's busing it the widest open it is but y'all busted the wide is open real talk got your [ __ ] legs out here like goddamn Winslow or whatever alright but yeah so this is you get a nice little benefit you know hey there wasn't hey it wasn't all bad yeah I mean that's like there's hurricanes every single year in the Bahamas right yeah but they don't get no pretty eyes out of it yeah guys you get real tight and people who try to defend like the English in duck they're not all bad we got railroads out of it and I was like [ __ ] you that is y'all love them that's the bus you know what that's the railroad y'all all over the railroad it's in the oven on the railroad and you're been on your Indian Sun I've been in India probably the real Sun like when y'all put a carpet up there pretend y'all doing a mansion is lit I see y'all new there close your eyes you can follow that [ __ ] is let us innovate how that hard and you never seem to do with a push start push the [Laughter] kids to get the kids when y'all make fun of white people is not white people call me up like white people here at every episode like word the last episode all we eat is [ __ ] zebra cakes like zebra because we didn't have vegetables nobody tries Eber I'm sure I would try it feels like there's a lot of animals going around to be in yeah they need everything everywhere yeah you go somewhere they're eating that animal yeah yeah man so problem is when you take to eat everywhere people and you mix them with urban people yeah yeah any animal people should be with people who eat all the animal that's your community that's what you guys eat when you start mixing it with the city you got the wet markets that's where we're [ __ ] up yeah I think it's okay to just eat whatever animal as long as you live with them yeah you don't I mean you got herd immunity from eating the herd for me in the [ __ ] herd yeah I mean like let's get to the bottom of it I still can't get over al laughs yo why she was from such a [ __ ] like his soul felt the release now the second laugh and you sing the song and everything like that not for real what we saw the whole new world how does it go I forgot how does it go what you mean I forgot I forgot come on what do you all call me we mean what we call you remember we were doing the races last oh yeah and having you wait no you and then what am I for you in have won we did we still have them figure that out you went out [ __ ] some recent suggestions push-start could be good push them do that [ __ ] you've never seen him do it there's videos of him doing it alright guys we gotta stop pacing Bill's real quick I'm trying to get you some good breakfast man I'm trying to get you some good tasty breakfast out here that low-carb wreck fists that healthy breakfast magic spoon has done it we've talked about them before but magic spoon is delicious delicious cereal they got all the best cereal flavors they got the four best you get a variety pack the flavor our cocoa fruity frosted blueberry make no mistakes about it they go in after the top flavors okay from the cereals that we loved growing up they just found a way to do it healthy so if you are not doing cereal if you don't want to make it kid eggs in the morning or something like that just give them magic spoon you can order the variety box let me just put this out zero sugar 12 grams of protein only three net grams of carbs in each serving you're not gonna find a more healthy cereal that tastes good you could have grape nuts okay you can eat that or you can have something delicious that your family will love and most importantly your kids are loved it's actually healthy get them started on something healthy now not addicted to that sugary cereal that all of us got addicted to a young age then ended up shooting up schools so this is gonna stop school shootings magic spoon right here go to magic spoon comm slash flagrant you get that variety pack and then you're gonna get free shipping as long as you use our promo code flagrant this is how confident magic spoon is if you don't like the cereal 100% money-back guarantee yeah think about that if you don't this how cocky they are they're like I know you will love it I know you will keep eating it 100% money-back guarantee if you are not happy with the cereal that's magic spoon comm slash flagrant and use the code flagrant for free shipping you don't want to go to a grocery store just let them send it to you now let's get back to the show did you see the people out there protesting oh yeah protesting go stand inside yeah they're protesting stay inside and then they're nurses do you see the nurses go out and counter protests that's idiotic why would you counter protests stay inside [ __ ] did you do it no no no listen all due respect to nurses were very grateful for nurses and all that kind of [ __ ] thank you very much nurses for doing that it's illogical to protest people telling you to stay inside by going outside and protesting and screaming who's most likely to have it Oh honestly that's actually a good countermeasure like if you like nah we need to teach these guys a lesson let's go breathe on all these [ __ ] oh you think the nurse is right out there trying to kill Oh be strategic go [ __ ] them that's not understand everybody's like how can they open up Florida think about the [ __ ] retards is gonna kill aren't you happy about that I think maybe they're doing on purpose me they're trying to like they're trying to slim at thin out the herd in Florida thin out the herd and listen a lot of people who are mad at these guys and think they should go inside hate our current president who probably voted for our current president in a swing state and maybe the swing state of Florida is probably the [ __ ] outside protesting legit yeah low-key I kind of liked it there outside though I like that protest know about the head you've about I'm kind of about that action you know you know like being house I don't like being told I gotta stay in this all right seeing the more money you make the more you like Trump it's so fun to watch the [ __ ] transformation it's not true I just like my burgers gonna [ __ ] you I love someone just says [ __ ] you when they tell you stay inside like [ __ ] you saying [ __ ] you you love [ __ ] saying [ __ ] you keep your tax money now it's not about the money thing you know whatever you it makes me having I was like liberals are annoying you're like nah man I needed you were all Republicans ship way before me yet deal it no in his [ __ ] you all opposed [ __ ] yeah yeah you and I knew I knew I said she was gonna get rich and he gonna come over here he can get it I'm not Republican but liberals so be fair though annoying I was saying that my most wildest [ __ ] back when I wasn't making that much money that's true right it was dirt brilliant idiots that's to be fair that's true so I did get it who saying while the [ __ ] most wild [ __ ] you said like not PC you were more flagrant on Brienne it ease and you are no no no most like defending conservative okay okay okay yeah yeah but yeah but you know in all seriousness yeah in all seriousness in the most seriousness as a weird saying in all seriousness yeah I really forgot what we were all jokes aside for 20 yesterday man does a radix remedy but no but there's a but that wool right I bring up the Trump thing going outside you like [ __ ] going out I like the people going outside I like it so I'm sure just bend over and do whatever the [ __ ] country tells you to do just get [ __ ] right in your ass that's what people are doing sudden the pictures from those protests though it was struggle protest like five people yeah say crop pictures no here's the thing if it's not even a big deal this another thing to consider if it's five people why are we giving so much attention so that's to Mark's point mark thinks it's fake protests because they know it'll draw attention and the more people hate on it the more people will retweet it and whatever and then it'll hit people that are kind of neutral to be like you know what they're right let me go and then it becomes a thing marks out from the other we [ __ ] bread pill him right now mark we were saving this we're really saving this we were gonna do more research and figure everything out and find if it was the truth or who was really behind it is it China's and Russia's and America as the damages of the Conservatives but should we [ __ ] red pill them right now mark there are you [ __ ] ready Margiela's are you ready mark no I dog red pill them right now would you want to know the real [ __ ] about these protests are right not really [Laughter] series Jorma Game of Thrones how like all of a sudden the dragon [ __ ] went bad and you're like yo that that character shift happened too fast that sander was going outside two weeks ago let me tell you is gonna have him with a lockdown don't go outside you can't come here if you've been outside and now you're like yo let's go outside it took one patreon episode all of a sudden he's like you'll [ __ ] this we outside I can show tell me what Street Journal is a magic carpet ride Oh get played son hey what am i under under the voice no you can't play it's too much risk and we gonna get flat for that I think what streams are do you tell me which Street turn for the best ha ha don't even do full ha now we [ __ ] with it though you do like hell I love it why it's just it's all this entually the same food spiciest rice it's just you know every Indian comedy has a joke about biryani that's just be dyani with a little more meat right chicken or ice or whatever so you guys are the sauce different right yeah I got a you said a bit about this - I don't get offended you think I'm some other [ __ ] yeah if you close yeah cuz the way you were laughing it was like why was it OD cuz he's always thought that way about you he once told me on no [ __ ] I remember you were late I was like yeah I causes a little bit traffic he's getting here he goes kiss or betray me I was like what are you talking about right before he voted for Trump son he's born for Trump he's off white women but he's Pro Trump that's what Alex said to me what do you think off White's the company was a movement to try to get black News to stop [ __ ] white women oh my gosh white oh my god we are whites they still got the plastic on it like black people's couches and is made by Virgil and he dates a white woman nice Virgil dates a white woman's wife is white get out of course I mean you didn't know that it makes sense I actually thought it'd be a white dude okay all right Martin oh my [ __ ] maybe that's the one buck buck buck buck you white [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up yo hey Bob all right are we ready to red pillow yeah all right let's go crack I know this is weird thread that's going around with all these protests so basically what people are saying is that the website real quick real quick let me just preface I swear to you I stopped listening as soon as he started talking about here's the thing right so here's the thing all these protests popped off at the same time mm-hmm right around the same time right you had one happened in Minnesota what happened in Virginia what happened in Pennsylvania Michigan what happened in Michigan yeah and I think Florida whatever like that right so it just so happened that all these protests and the protests are against the shelter-in-place they pop off in these different states now information some guy researches on reddit he finds out that the websites for all these protests right mark yeah so the websites for all these protests what happened they were all registered at like within five minutes of each other to like one person in Florida so if you go by how the websites were registered one might believe that these were not unique acts by individual people in these states but rather a single actor or a single group that is manipulating people into thinking the patient protests is that right absolutely believe this 1% no we're gonna go further now that's where you're gonna lose what are they saying I said I believe you and then you're like you only said it like just what I'm about to lose you know no we're gonna go farther so so here's but here's the thing that's interesting who is the group that's doing it right the only reason we didn't do like a longer piece about this because we don't know who the group is doing it right now it looks as if mark so there's like all like these other like different causal connected points so like all the Facebook groups are the same descriptions like they were all started at the same time all that [ __ ] but there was one like loose connection to like Betsy DeVos what did you say causal connections actually sounded beautiful give me my dick day that's how you got them eyes so but yeah basically just like so all the Facebook groups that represent these things that should be independent we all have the same descriptions so all the groups pop up at the same time right and there's this loose connection back to Davos right it could be loose who knows if it's servos the Devoe's thing is really loose all right so let's throw out the devotes we just know all these things pop up at the exact same time they're registered to the same group or person right and they're all it's happening to like local gun communities also right so they're going after the right-wing side there so you should protect your rights to leave the house if you want protect your freedom yeah so all these protests pop up around the country and then Trump retweets the people protesting right right so he sees all the protests and he's like y'all liberate Michigan liberate all these places now the easy connection is Trump has his people go tell these people to go leave their house because he wants to get the economy going right he's like we need to get the economy going again I can't force it open the governors need to do it right so what we'll do is have the people start to protest and then maybe the governors will acquiesce like we saw what happen in Florida and we saw it happen in Virginia right and he'll go after his base in these places that will really do it that's the easiest way now you had a point beyond that I believe he's done it once before Trump we've already knows he paid people to come to his first rallies paid actors interesting and then he says outlandish [ __ ] and then he gets more media coverage and more media coverage and then everybody's retweeting it because how can you say these things happen you say these things but he's reaching certain people who were kind of maybe would [ __ ] with Trump and now they have access to him where they never did before and they're like oh actually now that I'm seeing these messages bombarded over and over again on CNN I kind of agree with this guy honestly this guy like my career pay my friends to come to my shows eventually the messaging is good say some outlandish [ __ ] I really like it all the sudden he says our pact you just gonna bring her inauguration yeah but so here's the thing maybe it's Trump and it makes the most sense or maybe it's another group that wants America to be shut down for longer because they want people out there protesting eventually getting the coronavirus getting into the hospitals more people die American economy gets shut down for a longer period of time and manipulating Trump into retweeting I the only reason I'm like I can't get behind this and spread the news acting as if I know what's going on is cuz I don't want to be a [ __ ] shill for China or some other country that's trying to take America down right now now I think a CNN or one of these folks would just jump at the opportunity because they gets a knock drunkenness at Trump and his supporters the last thing i'ma do is what China wants right like [ __ ] China and this whole [ __ ] right and again not [ __ ] Chinese people I know people get that [ __ ] confused [ __ ] the country of China you know an argument I don't get and this is the real thing I don't get this argument they're like we have to be careful about the way that we treat we talk about China we can't call it Chinese virus whatever like that because there are Chinese Americans that are getting beat up because of this I don't understand that argument because if you're racist enough to think they're like Chinese Americans are responsible for the coronavirus you're probably also racist enough to think that they have it and then you wouldn't go beating them up right I don't think they're that smart say again I don't think they're that smart well if they're afraid of the coronavirus the last people they're gonna get in close proximity to are the people they think started it yeah but I just don't think that that's smart to be like oh should have I get close to this person I'm gonna get it it's like well they angry that we beat them up then they won't keep spreading it to everybody else son be honest son are you playing that's some magic when HIV was happening no that's the same [ __ ] I play defense Oh magic now that's the same thing though right I don't know I kind of agree with out there but I also like it I just it is from China we did that with ebolas from the [ __ ] whatever the Ebola River like this what we do but I'm not talking about it where it's wrong I'm talking about like what would happen to Asian Americans afterwards that's their computer I agree without that it's I could those people prior aren't smart enough to be like oh I could get the virus this way because they're all you know whatever they're idiots but I also don't I haven't seen the stories of Asian Americans actually getting beaten up yet now I'm not on the end of the news like that but I haven't seen a story or heard a story about yogas Asian American owns this [ __ ] store in this place and they dragged him out of storm I haven't heard that yeah so I don't know if it's actually happening yeah all right whatever was there anything else to it mark no that's basically it that was all like the connections he drew but it could be like Russia that's trying to like [ __ ] with [ __ ] and make people like cause inner turmoil and the nation could be China that's trying to [ __ ] with [ __ ] yeah I don't even know if Trump is thinking I can reopen the economy this way I know he would love to but I think he could also just be thinking in the same one thing with signing immigration and stopping immigration the people who voted for me I need to let them know or make them think I'm about what they were about I'm about America I'm about jobs keeping jobs in America etc all that [ __ ] that speaks to them I'm gonna hey open up Michigan yeah we're hurting the American economy and that's what he always ran on we're gonna help you marry you if they don't open up it's like I tried I tried I did I stood up for what I stood up for it I stopped during this ship use I can't say these guys wouldn't let you I tried now here's the thing stopping immigration and during a time where no one's allowed into your country it's kind of stupid right like yeah and you're not redundant I didn't stop tourism so he's not worried about the virus getting if you're like you I don't want this virus getting and nobody coming in this no one's coming in I don't think anybody can come in right yeah but that was before this exact that's what I'm saying so if nobody can come in and then he's like I'm stopping immigration as well it's like well how you can immigrate if you can't yeah that's valid it's like we're like it's like when like you say to your girl I don't want to I had do anal dude I'm taking the power back it's like she already made that rule but you're like jumping on top of the world acting like you has some kind of controlling situation right so that's like Congress imposing their will on Trump and then Trump trying to reverse impose the will right Congress goes no one comes in he goes ah one up and no immigration make it seem like oh look what I'm doing look what I'm trying to get done oh guy his base eats it [ __ ] up his base is gonna eat up open up the gun we need the economy to go open it up Chinese viruses base can eat that up yeah even though I think that's not a big deal are Asians really good and beat up are you seeing that story so I'm not saying this like I hear it it's spirit in the ecosystem but I haven't seen it always happens like it's like anytime someone gets beat up around a tragedy it all all of a sudden becomes a hate crime or like a race crime but go ahead just like rear-ended them exactly that was off-camera why did you make her eyes like that that is an interesting point it's like sodor it so let's say an Asian guy does something that it is completely let's invasion God does something a complete [ __ ] has nothing to do with coronavirus you can't even get in a fight with him because everybody's gonna go all you're just beating them up because it's coronavirus yeah that's unfair advantage also pretty much anytime you beat up an Asian and probably an Indian that [ __ ] is probably bullying like you [ __ ] you up little guy come on Asians are nice well word the one-inch punch you know now if a real dude meeting we need to get to the bottom of this all right what else what else is going on [ __ ] insanity oh well we got some sports [ __ ] what else we got we got the babyface Teddy Riley battle that I tried to watch but I can't get into all this I can't get it no sprays just people playing their songs back and forth son why is this so exciting there's just two legendary producers and artists press and play pretty much but it's like they're sorta battling even though there's no winner no loser but it's just like everybody saying babyface won this battle yeah because he didn't have any technical issues I think he has a better catalog and yeah but what the [ __ ] is so exciting about it because just two legendary people and also there is nothing to do right now so that's exciting it's like the same as the debate it's like Trump going against whoever Biden they're all gonna say the same [ __ ] but they're just the two top dogs ah so you're watching it for the interactions yeah so they have as much about the songs being played as much as yeah well we also it's also reminiscing of these songs like we all grew up on this [ __ ] I see and then also you get to see other famous people commenting in your ocean I'm at the same event as Fat Joe I'm at the same event as did okay that makes sense I can yeah well and there were like a couple jabs in Rome like there was um Teddy Riley was playing song he remix yeah I don't yeah that's a shot it was the Internet I try to watch it it wouldn't there was let me 500,000 people there weren't that you couldn't watch it on so I keV on stage was live and I was like there's no way cameras watching anything but this so I washed it on keV on stages I do live he had 10,000 people watching sign that's how big Duvall was having people do that - I think Michael Blackson watched it on Duval's I didn't get in it got up to five hundred thousand at one point I had to watch it on an iPad it wouldn't work on any phone yeah while I was at that for some reason when I try to open on my phone it was just freezing and I've had it work can you name the biggest babyface song yeah the end of the road well it depends on they love to you yeah I make love to you thank you me too what I killed that I think they just put a block for non-blacks it's not for us yeah yeah that that was the most striking thing like the white world is striking the strikes on each stroke Al's black topics he C said throwing the tile Tyrese can't spell so apparently Tyrese at one point the first battle said throwing the tile like towel yeah and then everybody made fun him because he can't spell what's funny is out misspelled Tyrese his name Teresa Therese can spell just that uh white people didn't care about this battle at all like why so don't know who Teddy Riley is the only Teddy we know is bear [Music] teddy bear a teddy grahams I just found that fascinating like five hundred thousand people and this was all black yeah pretty cool son that's the half a million man more thing yeah this is crazy a half a million man march as you carry we need to get Teddy Riley babyface to like organize black people into doing some crazy [ __ ] to Y crazy [ __ ] you know if y'all want a revolution start the revolution dog Real Talk that's it right there right there Instagram live good why not this is dope this is how you make change yeah cuz all yeah [ __ ] got too many guns already who Yama [ __ ] is white yup crackers born is my soul [ __ ] warms my soul feels like a hot toddy hit my ladies has come hot drat I never thought about that like when you swallow a load has come hot it's warm it's got to be at least nine seven point eight degrees yeah that's hot yeah should we I mean consider that like when you bus in a girl's mouth I never was like oh my god is that hot like right like I always thought it was because it was gross tasting but maybe it's all temperature that's why they blow on it before they do it but Real Talk is taking a sip of water to cool it down no seriously Akash what is it like what is it like just swallowing loads of dick it's a little warmer than you think it's a little temperate you know as well you gotta swallow fast or spit it out before a bird you tug rely you just swallow it right down that's the sound you make hey I thought you were talking to your cousin do you think that's why like puerto rican like afro Latinas make that like t so much they're just trying to recreate the click like that's the african ask the militant part that's a latin ex parte that's how good black rhythm is we think about that that black people just talked in box that's gonna be fought battles they're like yo that's foul rose battle rapper bro that is a funny sketch two people expelled but they have the translations in Swahili order for the quick languages are yo Africans and understand click languages please make that sketch and give us credit oh my god alright what else we got going on I know we got some sports [ __ ] that dream on KD [ __ ] the draft is Thursday you want to talk about the dream on KD [ __ ] let's talk about it I'll cons bring the story up is what exactly happened first of all Katie was already in the news a week ago right media [ __ ] do you want to talk about that at all he basically said the media kiss Steph Curry's ass and that made everybody hate him because they were against him whatever but then dream on was on some interview and they played a two-minute clip of him talking about the KD situation he was basically like he never talked to us about it and that made it impossible for us to deal with like Steve was like Coach Carr was like let's just try to have fun this year but you can't because all anybody talks about is free agency it kind of makes sense like I I mean like it was probably a big distraction and you know if he's saying that that's why they're lost he does have a point you know I mean they did lose to a team that Toronto Raptors who you know they had no free agency issues I mean not at all right they didn't have their best player on the team you know no not for the next year and you know I mean they totally didn't have any distraction with what he was gonna do that's finally actually leave I mean yeah like I mean how could you possibly win honestly how could you win a championship when your best player is not under contract and not talking about where he's going on I don't know how is positive valid point especially if you're so like you're like an all-time great yeah like Charles Barkley can't even sit at your table that's right cuz of the rings you're so good you're so good but you cannot do it in the finals but you're so good you're still got Steph honestly the Raptors are so lucky they didn't have to deal with a situation like no cuz that situation would be crippling you know what I mean like I mean wow yeah totally man no Jerry Monza genius bro like and next-level self-awareness for real yeah this guy is completely self-aware like he really understands not only his team but like the other team he's playing and like what they're dealing with yeah man he you know that guy's always been self-aware that's one thing you could say about dream on hundred-person he is he really doesn't understands how great he is he understands the problems they're going through and what the cause and effect is he gets it all any other sins the real reason why his team lost yeah he gets it yeah it was definitely the elephant in the room I think that's what it was the elephant in the room it was definitely KD not telling people that was probably it yeah yeah man not him being injured and them not having the best player on their team yeah you know but whatever I mean it is what it is you know apples and oranges tomatoes to-mah-toes whatever should we explain that we're being incredibly sarcastic right now or just let it be sure let's dad let's go ahead and say your real basically were it's basically we're trying to say that draymond Green is a [ __ ] [ __ ] that he didn't realize that the team that beat him had the exact same situation going on and they somehow managed to maintain their focus they somehow managed to maintain their ability to be a cohesive team unit and managed to topple the Golden State Warriors not going say warriors we're dealing with injuries that's ultimately that's what probably did him in did them in but stop acting like this [ __ ] what did he call like a black cloud over the season or whatever it was is like it's so funny to me how quickly players turn into owners when it benefits them right because if it's not your team you're gonna see guys like dream on like yo as players we got to go out there get our money and do what benefits us and not sacrifice for the owner not take less for the owner these are billionaire owners they got to do you know they do is best for them we got to do is best for us we got to get our money and then when another player that's on your team wants to do what's best for him wants to be in the best possible situation with them with the most leverage come free agency when he wants to do that what is all the sudden you're talking just like that daddy of yours right you talking just like the man who pays you well what he should have done as you told us what do you have to tell you you didn't know what he was doing what did he have to tell you and how do we know he knew for sure he looked at all the situations you didn't have the best situation maybe because he had to deal with a pain in the ass on his [ __ ] team all the time that wasn't very good but mouthed off like he was maybe he wants to get away from that maybe you also told him we don't need you so what do I need to talk to you about you told me you don't need me it's your really bothering about this though you could also just ask he never said we tried to ask him yo man what are you doing that's what I actually bothered me more than anything and I thought there was a little things he did I don't like when people try to twist a narrative and make themselves the good guy and the other person the bad guy yeah and he said one part if that toward the end of the thing where he was like you know and it's a some validity to a cake clay and I also had contract situations anytime they asked us what we want to do we would tell them we want to be worried for life Katie this is the part that's kind of trees that Katie would only not he wouldn't address it he wouldn't talk to the media media at all he would say [ __ ] you to the media yeah then he goes me I actually tried to have a conversation with the media blah blah but it's like yo what is that like that's some [ __ ] where you're like I'm a great guy Katie what a piece of [ __ ] you want to hide actually have conversations with the media Katie and it's like because you need more attention yeah and also I you don't do it for them you do it for you yeah I just don't this is what got Katie to you in the first place you can talk anybody yeah dude it is of course you want to start your career and your career and gold estate because that's where you start your career you built that thing Katie didn't he doesn't have the same dependence and he knows he'll never be given the same credit and you know he only wins a ring on Golden State and no team needs you as much as Golden State and the other team could use you but Golden State needs draymond Golden stays not gold and stay without dream on he gets a lot of credit for that first ring and the second ring right like that line up a death him part getting put in the starting lineup changing everything yeah yeah death lineup at death draymond is the linchpin of that team yeah I used to think before they got Katy he was the most important member of their team well Steph probably still was but like I thought you could win without any of the pieces but dream on if he's gone defensively they're done he holds everything together he got a lot of credit I think you I think you're given him he got a lot of credit now I think we've seen him a bit exposed but at the time he got a lot of credit so yeah of course I want to stay there yeah I get a ton of credit here I'm needed here more than I've been you wouldn't have this [ __ ] if you went to Brooklyn okay he'll be exposed anywhere else you go yeah this is where your skillset works and this is where the skill says most it fits perfectly with this TF yeah you get to be an all-star here anywhere else you were gonna be a run-of-the-mill regular player you're averaging 10 points a game 8 rebounds 6 assists tops anywhere else which is good just fine yeah it's good that's probably averages last season something oh yeah I was doing very well about your targets because he's not a great offensive player he's not but he has some intangibles that work incredibly well within that system so you should stay in that system that's great now one thing I'll say is this made me like I already didn't like Katie a little bit for going to Golden State but it it made me notice one thing about Katie who normally four guys in media villain which Katie always says he is any kunti's yeah there's a lot of his teammates be like yo y'all don't know Katie shut the [ __ ] up you don't know this guy like I know this game every media villain I can think of at least his teammate something like y'all don't know this guy you don't know what kind of person he is yeah you don't hear a lot of that for Katie ever yeah hurt I mean granny he left with Kendrick Perkins don't like him Russell Westbrook never says anything good about him draymond greens not saying anything good about him Steph been very quiet on the whole thing yeah I know he's defended KB a bit but a [ __ ] that's the great guy who defense he's not gonna attack anybody for Steph it's not yeah I don't know this guy yeah I don't know whatever yeah it's Katie made the decision I was right for him PC answer PC answer who are the teammates that we know of that [ __ ] love Katie the guys I know that love Katie have never played with Katie Kyrie yeah what's the [ __ ] center DeAndre Jordan yeah he's of his guys it's all guys it he's probably you know he's probably not a very likable guy he just seems a long angry all the time that's fair Jordan was angry yeah but this also is another thing I was gonna say the Jordan documentary is really telling the younger generation why our generation hates these decisions so much Katie gonna Golden State LeBron going to Miami with Chris Bosh yeah once you watch Jordan and you see who we worshipped that [ __ ] maniacal competitor there is and I'm reminded we used to say this and we kind of forgot there's no [ __ ] chance in hell Jordan is teaming up with a second best player in the league or the third best player in the league or the top five whatever this is my [ __ ] team and I'm gonna destroy you yeah if you're gonna come to me you're gonna come to me broken cuz I destroyed you yeah that's why you got to respect Katie because he didn't do that at all know that he left gold estate cuz he knows that he would never get the Jordan credit if he only got rings there I respect I respect that aspect that he left going there was still just such a like come on yo now in an unfair okey low-key I get it bro it's like it's like the same reason why I understand why a hundred meter sprinters take steroids cuz it's like what if you worked your entire career for something and then this guy named you saying bolt just happened to be born at the same time as you and you are not faster than him and you will not get to the promised land but you were [ __ ] a tenth of a second away and maybe if you did peds or steroids or whatever it is you could get that tenth of second and you could potentially get that gold medal you've worked your entire [ __ ] life for I get why they do it and now but it's more like now you're just gonna go run on the Jamaican team today you say now it's more like if you do that this is more like saying you know what I'm just gonna run on the Jamaican team I can't beat the same boat whatever he'll get all his staff still gets the credit as the linchpin that's what bothers Katie so much when he went to Golden State it was steps team two-time MVP or one time MVP got a championship you don't have one minute to finals you've been yeah but you can't compare the the team aspects of a singular aspect but the point is the credit is still gonna go to staff more than you it's still social I understand where the credits no I'm saying I understand dedicating my entire life to something and then seeing the opportunity to win the thing that I've want to win my entire life yeah and then doing it it's very easy for us to sit here and go I wouldn't done a [ __ ] well that's not we work for our entire life see but it's a conscious example it's almost like if you were doing the hundred-meter against Usain Bolt and then since you couldn't beat him you go and join the [ __ ] relay team with Usain Bolt yeah so it's like oh he wore metal either metal I couldn't beat you so now I'm gonna win with I worked my whole life dismantle it would be the same way if it would be the same way if you did this you were on the American relay team the American relay team wasn't fast enough in total to beat a Jamaican relay team you were only it's real a vers relay you were faster than everybody on the Jamaican relay team personally but the other guys on your team were good enough to beat the Jamaican relay team so you go [ __ ] it I got some Jamaican roots I worked my entire life for this [ __ ] imma go get me a gold met with that to make a really team because I'm better than all those [ __ ] anyway I deserve this [ __ ] I get that yeah and then after you get one you go you know what I'm done I got my ring out the thing I worked my entire life for I did that now I got to achieve the other goal of taking another team there I understand that I get it I do understand it as well I know I I this is splitting hairs I would have if he stayed one more year he had the opt-in opt-in run that [ __ ] back because we always forget yeah Russell Wilson's a problem I'm Russell Russell it's a problem I get that but Katie had a bad game five and six if you look at his stand he shot horrible percentage in two of the three close out games still MVP of the series no I don't think he's any P the series Katie was MVP they don't name an MVP in the Conference Finals oh I thought we're talking about the final and I'm saying when he lost up 3-1 Game five and six he had bad games they were out a 3-1 your you can close it out now this is if we're doing the relay thing your this is your last leg you got a lead you can close this [ __ ] out he had a bad game five in a bad game six well I think he put up points but on a lot of shots right run that [ __ ] back one more year we had them I [ __ ] up Game five and six we can blame Russell Westbrook cool I also [ __ ] up that's when it's back one more time I know we got those [ __ ] and then at that point if you couldn't do it I'm like always so wrecked but when you had them that close but you to me you had them I didn't think it was done forever right but on some level you would understand why someone would do it you high orbit your argument is I would have given it one more year and here's our removes like I've given it enough years this as good as we're gonna be I don't think we're gonna do anymore and didn't they lose hard enough that no I was before they were our they had already lost hard there are a lost art so it's like I guess what you're saying is I just understand why someone do it you just want to cross your promised land yeah do your point actually losing Harden makes me understand it a little more because it's like look the front off is [ __ ] up we had the Golden State squad right we had these squad you traded an MVP you traded my [ __ ] homie so I'm not loyal to you at all [ __ ] you yeah I can see that a little bit factoring into it and like I don't trust you yeah to make the right decision so I don't know if we're gonna get the pieces we need yeah I think they could have been they they I think they could have done it the next year yeah fair enough all right guys we gonna stop for a second pay some bills hard dicks big dicks blue Chu you already know what it is blue ChiCom go use the [ __ ] code fillet grant I'm telling you you are quarantined up your girl needs it almost everyday probably she's thirsty for she wants it she deserves to be satisfied because she's keeping that house immaculate she's probably cooking she's probably throwing it down she probably doin laundry she probably doing all the things that she would never do in a regular world but weren't quarantine time baby and she deserves that dick so you give her the best dick that you could possibly ever give a human being and you're gonna do that with blue Chu okay same active ingredients in see how is very agra all that other [ __ ] but you're gonna come through with that shoe you were gonna chew her ass out she is gonna be incredibly grateful ladies if you were listening right now you know you deserve it you tell your man okay you deserve it you tell your man to get on that shoe and chew your ass out you know the rules if she dies she dies it's not on you it's not on you things happen okay it's not on you it's not on the chew things happen that's what you say you go things happen blue chew gum you know the promo code fillet grin okay it's gonna be free with that promo code flavoring all you got to do is pay $5 shipping that's free best stick you've ever had in your life ladies free $5 shipping fellas best dick you ever given your entire life free blue true calm make sure use that promo code flagrant begone let's get back to the show there has been some interesting sports [ __ ] that's been happening I thought was was kind of cool was this the number one high school but this is really interesting so the number one high school prospect his name is jaylen green yeah and he is going not to college but to play in the NBA G leak yep so that is the NBA's Development League and he's gonna get paid $500,000 for the season yeah I think they can give out like one of those contracts per team or something like that I believe in a Montoya short he can get endorsement deals cuz he's a professional yeah he can do all these things and he can get MBA coaching he can play against MBA level talent he can not have to focus on a religious studies major he's never gonna [ __ ] use in the first place work on his diet the best core drills they teach them life skills how to adjust to League Financial Planning like [ __ ] that you don't actually learn in college with your quote/unquote education that won't like you said religious studies won't come in [ __ ] handy for you as an NBA player financial literacy that's invaluable yeah so they're basically teaching you how to be a professional athlete not how to be a college student it's a trade school for the NBA right but yeah yeah trade school written bit with life skills yes but it's like how to be a professional person yeah how to be a professional athlete we've never had a school a teacher's got to be a professional athlete we had a school it teaches you how to be a basketball player and they just teach basketball but they don't go okay I should have an account and this is how I pay my bills this is how I media train this and I talked to people etc I think it's great and I think it's like a really cool like responsible thing that really is not being cool because if I'm a parent is concerned about my child's future and I think that they have a shot of going to the NBA I would put them in that program to make the $500,000 cuz let's say it didn't work out 100% and you don't go to the league now you have a half a million dollars you can pay for college and you have life skills to go with it [ __ ] the life skills let's say let's say because let's say those life skills really apply to like being a professional athlete right and it's like how do I see them in my budget it's a bit whatever let's say you don't work out you get the 500 and it doesn't really work out it turns out you don't have the skills you still have enough money to go back to the real school and yet an education is amazing it's best-case scenario so a lot of people are having this conversation right now which is is it gonna force the n-c-double-a to pay players this is what's interesting because they don't just because you losing the NBA is a big amount of money but it's not their major source of income losing the NBA losing a college basketball if they lost college basketball they would lose a lot of money but not relative to their big moneymaker which is college football so I don't think that they'd loot Lou's college basketball I mean if no one cares about it as much I think yeah I guess you're right people would still care and you would still get the players who there's got to be people want to play for school always my feeling a lot of people are going oh within a couple years they're gonna pay players because now they have to compete and they have the money because they have the TV rights right they sell crazy amount of tickets for the games etc if I'm the n-c-double-a I dig my heels in and I'd say we're not paying anybody I'd let the top-tier talent go to the G League the NBA D League there's two or three guys a year that are good yeah go for it we don't care the reality of the matter is people watch college sports for two reasons one they identify with the college and you're brainwashed while you're there for four years to really love this institution or AZ it's it's good I may not see level propaganda it really is it's insane propaganda and it's really efficient yeah so you're gonna like your school no matter what but if you remove those and the other thing the reason why people love the NBA at the n-c-double-a is because that tournament is so exciting March Madness is so exciting because it's so hard to predict upsets why are there upsets because the skill level is pretty even you have one team like Kentucky that doesn't always win yeah and they still have all the elite players but the reality the matter is there's not enough Ely college players to fill all those schools yeah so you get the Zion out of here you get these talented guys out of here it doesn't really matter the game level will still be high it will still be exciting right but now it's even more difficult to predict now you're gonna have even more upsets you can have more 16 seeds beating one seeds in the first round which makes March Madness even more exciting and you're still gonna have high-level basketball like you can it's not like you get rid of I and all the other guys in the team don't score now you're actually gonna have the random six four guard that just goes nuts in college that might not be you know good MBA or paying out in the NBA but you're still gonna get the Jimmer Fredette you're still gonna have all these guys that will go excel in Europe but maybe won't be good in the NBA the one source of pressure could be a lot of us were casual fans I only want to watch the exciting players like if it's a four seen an 80 in the n-c-double-a finally we don't have a Zion I don't give a [ __ ] right I'm not watching so if there's enough of those people in TV ratings dip and then advertising money is like nah we're not advertising to you guys you don't have numbers then the NCAA might be like yo the amount of money would give these kids for skyler to actually pay them versus the amount we lose for advertising it's we got to do this here's gogo the one problem is NCAA football there is no Gigli for football yeah an NC double-a football I think is driven a lot by I love this school I love this school for sure will school yeah so they're I don't see a G league coming up for the NFL right and if there's not that then we still have college football we're still exploiting the [ __ ] out of these kids making tons of making tons of my hairs I guess where I'm saying it's like how many NC double-a athletes that are elite actually pan out oh and the NBA not a lot but I watched college for them right but they're exciting in college all these people we watch in college will yell you cannot miss this guy yeah you could he is electric he goes to the league and he's a bum yeah you're still gonna see the guys be electric is my point you're gonna grab four or five guys out they're gonna be in the G League right maybe a bunch more go to the G League who cares electricity is still gonna happen when you play a pickup game of basketball at the gym there's one guy out there who's electric everything's relative and the skill level maybe comes down a notch but it's still relative so that guy who was an eight out of ten is now gonna be competing against seven out of tens and he's gonna look like [ __ ] Zion I thought I just had though you got to fill up an entire G League so you're taking it's already filled as time passes you're gonna take the guys who would go to college even the guys who are seven out of ten I'll be like oh I could go make a hundred thousand a year the G League I will make five hundred thousand but they don't make 100 but there are there are financial situations here at stake like for example you might have a 500 thousand get $500,000 coyote contract for this guy right for one guy the team the other guys are making like 40 grand or 60 grand or whatever they're making if you're a decent prospect coming out of New York the school is gonna probably pay 200 grand under the table so it's like now a bunch of guys that wouldn't have gotten the 200 grand to go to Auburn are gonna get the 200 grand and they're like or should I take 60 from juliek [ __ ] that I'll take 200 grand over here play ball enjoy my [ __ ] life he came to campus but Bowl it's a win-win for players because so now the big players who are already gonna be big they gave their money Gigli that the second tier players well maybe like the college who's on the team keep going to be the number ones now in Congress more I think this is the best-case scenario ya get the straight to high school stars out of college they're a waste of time in their college and then let the random guide that would never make it in the league maybe because he didn't have enough exposure and he was stuck on the bench in [ __ ] Kentucky yeah give him a shot to blow it up in the in March Madness tournament and then maybe he gets a shot on a team yeah like I think you find a lot of hitting Jeff I think this is great Zion doesn't need to go to college you know who does need to go to college Steph and maybe we get a lot of sharp shooters that come out of it who knows yo you know what if I'm the guy and I'm not as athletically gifted and I can't lean on my athleticism what am I gonna lean on skill skill drew I got a pass better I got a shoot better oh you might get a lot of really good role players coming out of here because one problem with the NBA and we see this time and time again is you have best player ego without best player skill mm-hmm it is so hard to find role players that when you do find them they end up being leave 20 years Shane Battier Nick Collison Juwan Howard these guys who have good role player mentalities yeah don't require the ball yeah don't require to be fed in any certain way they just want to go out there and work hard yeah now you're gonna see those guys sprout up through college and they're gonna come in the league and they're like I'll do what you guys need well yeah I'm not I'm not here to take any possessions away from anybody what do you guys need me to do I think this best-case scenario is long as n-c-double-a doesn't fold and start paying and you know how a coach could probably try to tell like a Neely an athlete you're not athletic enough to just get by on this in the NBA I'm telling you now there's definitive proof if you were athletic enough because you would have scooped you up loved it I need you to work on these skills all right you can't just lean on athleticism that [ __ ] is cute here you want to be a pro learn to shoot learn a pass already set a proper screen whatever the [ __ ] fundamentals are learn them I love this this is great I really love this this is gonna be really good and yo yes mark I have a question yeah what was the purpose of banning the draft out of high school anyway I think there are a lot of flops right so there's two is twofold one there were a lot of flops and there's a lot of like high school guys that we're getting drafted really not making it but we're a highly touted two n-c-double-a is like yeah we want the talent let us get the talent and then the NBA acquiesced because they're like all right we let them go there for a year they do all the promo for these players so by the time they come to the league they're superstars Zion Williams was a superstar by the time he gets the NBA so now the NBA doesn't have to spend any marketing dollars building up this brand new guy that nobody knows about so it was a deal that they both worked on but now the NBA is like we got this d-league we can promote a Zion matter of fact it's easy to promote a Zion it's done already on Instagram you don't even need to spend that much you want to change it YouTube all these different outlets are promoting these players themselves House of highlights 15 year olds they got millions of Instagram followers they got YouTube video like maca McClung as guys are exactly the jewel so initially the NBA was like it actually is it works our benefit that they promote these players and we don't have to spend tons of money behind a bus and now the NBA's ech well now we have our own system and maybe I'm bought in and like I believe a lot of height but I felt like the quality of the league got better after they did this yeah and I don't know if that's a coincidence but to me we were in it like it's a slow low-scoring slugfest league in the early 2000s and now that she's blossoming into this like it's fun as exciting panel 3 like yeah so I I did think was a good rule in that sense for the NBA but now we got the G League I can teach you all that [ __ ] anyway and when Paige when does the G League operate like a season I would imagine it's outside of dambe season probably I don't know because don't need haul up guys don't they call up guys yeah please do it during the WNBA season come on I think they would if they didn't own the WMA I think they should do the G League during the offseason because we're starving for some kind of magic doubleheader do that summer league though say again then they do the summer summer leagues are interesting because something's only last two weeks yeah so they're like they're not even leagues their summer tournaments no one in Vegas yeah well go to one um because that would just be brilliant if you could just have basketball all year well you're on hundred percent for people who are just like yo I don't like any swap but basketball now that be and there's that downtime where it's just baseball where you're like give me something and what if I got to watch during that downtime I got to watch the next crop of [ __ ] superstars and you know why it couldn't happen before because the kids weren't at school mm-hmm right like the NCAA I'm sure would love to put their tournaments they love to put their regular season games etc during the summer but the kids are in a school in the summer nothing's happening in the Sun we're like dying for an air-conditioned sport so G Lee could do it we'll see if they step in I think part of the reason why they're doing G league is because they looked at it like a developmentally they looked at it as a developmentally I think they're gonna switch it to an academy you know so I think an academy is how soccer works yeah right where they have like these academies that like players grow through so you might get picked up by an academy when you're [ __ ] eight years old right like Barcelona so I think that this is the beginning of a Basketball Academy this is my assumption so you might have the Knicks they have a d-league team but maybe they have you know how we have a Au Au teams are like these organized nobody's nobody in the league seem to like what AE was doing so maybe the chili goes okay well now here's our au version yeah right so we'll have you know these teams that New York team that is just the best most elite players in all of New York and they compete with the best most elite players and again I think that would benefit from that cuz you're training these guys you have top talent from a young age that's probably the main difference between countries and I'm even like Spanish basketball Argentinian basketball all these countries that are like how are you so [ __ ] good at basketball you just started playing they probably have something like an academy we just teach you how to play really they have the same system so I Real Madrid has a basketball talent that operates within the same facilities like the soccer team so I'm assuming that they just adopted the same program hunter percent and they play the they play those kids at a much younger age it was a pro at like 15 19 16 years if you're good enough you will play where what no I just think I think Messi got his first contra he was like 12 yeah yeah it's professional contrary like 12 years old and that professional contract is probably bought out from some local team in Argentina yeah and that local team in Argentina the local little kid club gets a piece of his contracts in perpetuity hmm it's a crazy system soccer like it's really cool but uh so that's what they're hedging on I think the same thing works with like in the dr like you know how they have like those uh like those leagues for like kids yeah i think that when you get your first contract in baseball you got to pay out yeah pretty significant some to the people in dr let me ask you this if we started doing something like that just for fun it would be a fifteen sixteen year old that could play in the pros Xion maybe cuz i assume to see yet the might of the physical it's just a physical issue like not a lot of these get LeBron yeah it's most these kids get eight the [ __ ] up they would get eight and the [ __ ] up dude works in Europe with these [ __ ] emaciated socialists but I don't think if you do issue a capital this has black Americans they're not playing us each other they're playing other youth academies yeah but sometimes the guys are so good that they play in the professional you if they're like Lucas started playing for Real Madrid which is a good team at fifteen sixteen yeah but here I mean made a [ __ ] this year you know yeah you just put you on the block and I'll [ __ ] break your body I mean that's right when you had a zone defense you can kind of when you allow his own dance like they do in Europe like you can kind of make up for weaker guys and I think we allow zone to but only for like a set period of time they don't allow anybody be in the center in the paint mm-hm there's defensive defensive three seconds right really right okay and that's what switch it up oh yeah man we got some oh [ __ ] I'm duelin there was one thing from the Jordan doc that I forgot to mention so before our right at the start of each episode he dropped a sneaker what you mean like Jordan dropped a sneaker at the start of each episode I read fives during the first episode what was the second episode the the black and gold sevens I believe cool I didn't miss I missed out on the 5-7 them quad sign but even that that market is so [ __ ] genius I don't know if is him and who just I don't know who's nuggins I got the alert on my phone I didn't like for a sneak on right away right and imagine you're like oh i'm so hype on jordan right now like so many people probably just impulse boat bought those [ __ ] twins aback yo the good man good you know it is gonna get a surge man jordan brand is gonna get a huge surge i'm hype to buy Jordans again i was done by his sneakers I'm 36 so I'm done I was off Jordans - I was like too many people got on there's too many colorways blah blah blah but you really see the reason why we purchased things its identity man yeah we are and somebody said this is how I want to take credit for this but this is how Jordan changed the sneaker game because it was the first time the sneakers were truly marketed aspirationally be like Mike it's got to be the shoes it's rain yeah yeah be like Mike it's got to be the shoes you can be like this person yeah because he was someone you admired so much and that's why we've been talking about this podcast a lot when we talk about selecting a sneaker for a type of player you you have to choose a style of play that's aspirational that's why I would never give big men most big men traditional big men a sneaker cuz nobody wants to be a plotting back you in bully you and then have a [ __ ] shooter some sort of like contested layup nobody wants that we want Allen Iverson Allen Iverson is some of the most ugly sneakers ever made but he was so incredible you aspired to be him so much that you put whatever is on his feet on yours like if Zion goes full Shaq mode full young Shaq mode yeah that's a sneaker you might want because he's bouncy here's the thing it's like yo you be big and bouncy here's the thing and this is the only reason why I give you a little pushback I think his physique is so rare that we don't relate to it where is Vince Carter who had a much more relatable physique mm-hmm I bought the [ __ ] bounce sneakers resume shits do you know a country living in the most obese [ __ ] country every big person will think oh I can bounce like Zion see I see Zion as like massive muscles I don't see him as just like a dick yes the same way how girls who are fat call themselves thick [Music] he's big boy I heard you saying but that's what that's why I like Tim Duncan I would never now sneaker deal nobody's biased eager to play like Tim Duncan they won't play like Mike man I also think there's an excitement to more high-flying [ __ ] like the last big man who's exciting kind of Dwight Howard in the dunk contest on to Coombe boat Jonas's lesbian love success yeah yeah I and I guess to your point you don't really care for his sneakers I think that he has the type of game where you could be into it because he kind of plays like a guard he's dunking and he's like long but like the average big man like I don't want a [ __ ] I was gonna say Shaq wasn't he was exciting for like a split second when he but like Zion is taking off sure yes is a great example yeah would you wear an Anthony Davis sneakers he's not exciting it's not like you have to be out of my seat it's like irregular like Steph's game was I bought Steph sneakers because the game was so irregular I think some part of my brain was gone well maybe the sneakers give you a little bit more balance and then you can shoot a three and yeah better B's you're more my brain couldn't put together why he was so effective wisely sometimes I may be and Georgia had it's crazy the power subconscious I did not realize I wore Jordans yesterday until I got to the studio and everybody was wearing Jordans and then I way I just hit me I was like I'm a [ __ ] sheep that's what got me huh oh I'm that's it don't you wear the kairi's because of that like you think you can like change direction a little walk Akai Reese I did my research on the car he's 100% chant his game is so abnormal he said this is at the rim so well right and he's so like squirmy I was like what happens I did research on his sneakers like we we looked at a motorcycle tire and now there's tread up on the side because you're leaning and you want to be able to have traction while you're leaning and I started convincing myself like oh my crossover I actually leave so I don't want to slide out but it starts from looking at this guy who has a game who is so confusing your brain doesn't make sense of it so you start believing that the sneaker has something to do with it it's no different than a conspiracy theorist the world is so confusing to you so you're like okay maybe it's flat yeah you know or okay maybe the banks are all this right it's the same thing it's like a cognitive distance kicks in I need to figure out what's really going yeah I'm happy sent you know as an offshoot of it I was also thinking how sneaker culture is so big in New York this is the only place that could have popped off whereas in New York or a walking City because people see you wearing this [ __ ] I was thinking about when I was in Texas where I grew up in Texas I used to look at like nice cars and got walked it because where do I spend most of my time my car now I don't give a [ __ ] about cars but I'm on the street looking at people walking I see nice sneakers over and over again I see enough of those oh my god really want those yeah man cars are sneakers are cars yeah it's slowly true it's a way to like show wealth it's a way to show status just like your cars your show wealth and status it's something you're extremely harshly judged by yeah you got a shitty car and I imagine a place like Texas or California [ __ ] looking at you weird yeah yeah la la hundred percent you can't have a shitty car in LA I remember you telling me you had a Corolla rental and you were like man if I move down here I could never have this car so I mean I thought Oreo to Corolla when I went to school in California I didn't even care yeah people are looking at the car and I was like who cares yeah I don't understand yeah why would you spend extra money on the car that's how I feel about my brain I'm like while you spend this with my little car like you can't wear it all day yeah I can get hundred pair of sneakers for less than a car yeah where's shifted up everyday I'm good yeah precious [ __ ] out here I'll go to a mall just a [ __ ] see your [ __ ] yeah if you're in LA or Texas exactly that's great that makes so much sense I saw a video of these guys in Florida trying to break into this house yeah and then they got shot at yeah by the guy who owned the house yeah but they were in slides these [ __ ] didn't even wear sneakers break into a house they were doing a Breaking and Entering in slides you saw it and I was like wow you really don't care about sneakers around here we the only ones it's got to be a city that cares about athletics fashion black cultures got an impact and then you walk it's growing in Europe the sneaker cultures belong but also to always been popping in Europe you walked a lot in Euro enough even when I was a kid though when I was like young young I remember going Europe as the illest the illest colorways they weren't really a illest but they were ones we didn't have so we really valued valued them but they were always fly with the sea is interesting cuz when tighten up on Jordans they never [ __ ] with Jordans I was always like a running sneaker like a yeah at the height of it at the height of the Jordan craze I was in London and I was like I could get every pair that I can't get in the US right yeah yeah yeah Jordans more problem to them because they don't care about basketball yeah the aspiration [ __ ] wasn't there yeah right but now are you saying even there it's getting popular yeah cuz I saw this you know that don't rush challenge yeah I saw like European girls did it take on it with sneakers so huh they was show like their sneaker collection and they had some joints in there yeah and then after they do the little little thing where they block the screen and then they come back then they like have a nice outfit with the sneaker yeah none of them know how to dress though right but they have flies new yeah they cannot put everywhere in Europe you're wakka Doo you think Jordans the first athlete to ever have like the aspirational sneaker aspect like it like before any other athlete it seems that way before him like was there any other basketball player that had like Chuck Taylor whatever but like was there any other athlete from my lifetime but I think it was the first anybody might be like Chuck Chuck commercial of the band Jordan was so [ __ ] brilliant the NBA bandy sneakers we can't show them to you and then it Scrolls down I think they cut off before they get to the sneaker but you'll watch the game and see which knickers are talking about look up the band Jordan one commercial the original commercial it's [ __ ] brilliant Jordan came up with that branding of be like Mike now it's good idea yeah like that was the first time you saw it like oh if you wear the sneaker you'd be like the person oh yeah that was the tag like on oh yeah let's do it it was a Gatorade commercial wasn't even shoes it was Gatorade like Mike if I could be like Mike I'm pretty sure a Gatorade there's a song yeah I could be like Mike she slapped yeah I don't think people really understand how huge he was he was the beetle massive whatever old people talk about the Beatles and were like yeah whatever that's kids and we talk about Jordan and you know what the great thing about sports is over music it's really the only meritocracy yeah right like yes music we can all sit here and go okay there are certain rhythms that are nice to hear no matter what type of human being you are you enjoy them yeah but you could still go on that into jazz or I'm not into rock or I'm not into rap yeah you can't say the team didn't beat the other team yeah you can't say at the end of the day he didn't score more points then that other got most simple its conquest it is at its most simplest form it's war without casualties without death without anything weighing on my conscience right he's watched the most primal thing you can watch so that you know so you know the greatness is quality yeah you can't qualify musical greatness we could sit here go jay-z's the greatest rapper ever there are somebody who there's some of the other who does not like the way jay-z raps you can actually specifically quantify their greatness you KITT exactly as actual numbers without a doubt this team is greater it's like even with and I obviously I want to put stand-up out there right even with stand-up you can make a decision to not laugh you can not laugh if you choose to Nala interview things everybody you can not laugh yeah you can't not see someone win yeah they just win or they don't so his greatness is undeniable he was greatness he he was great at something that is merit-based only that is greatness in his true form gladiator [ __ ] low-key one thing I thought economy during the doc how I think multiple times when people were talking about him they were like oh yeah he's like the closest thing to God Larry Bird Lykos how do people just say that casual it's a Larry Bird at the height of Larry Bird said this hide it light of Larry Bird from Indiana Christian Indiana oh yes well okay I wasn't watching Michael Jordan out there I was watching God disguise disguise yeah that's as him crazy like even the most genius people today just compare themselves to other geniuses nobody says oh I'm on God level yeah like nobody's like Jordan was the only person but you'll spoke about like that son it sounds true it's so true imagine just being so unrelatable imagine seeing a talent so unrelatable that you have to relate it to God you know how like when we can't explain something yeah right we just relate it to the most advanced piece of technology we have right right so we can't really explain how our brains work yeah right so we usually relate it to a computer exact computer and there was a time before computer where we related to a calculator a calculator and then before a calculator it's who knows what the [ __ ] it is a company I don't know whatever the best [ __ ] you got an engine yeah for a runner if it was like an engine for a car your brain is like the engine to a car like you did okay yeah right but you're you're relating it to things that exist mmm the kreisau skill that was so amazing and it goes there's nothing on the planet I can relate this to us there are no other athletes I can relate this to there are no other animals you can't even go he was like when you see an eagle soar that's sort of know God yeah it's God and I that height that's still my favorite Jordan highlight is that game the through the legs twice and then finish it's just like oh so casual pop-up so fast and then he finishes I don't know what birds d was good he stayed hunted but it's just against a force that is greater there's nothing you could do is physics oh that's my god yo he's cut you can't it's an act of God what I just saw was an act of God I can't compete with this I just don't understand how he was so well-adjusted man I mean maybe he wasn't because he did of the gambling and the drinking that kind of stuff and like the excessive you know competitive outlets with golf and ping pong and these types of things but like he seems so calm every time you saw him an interview he didn't seem rattle they didn't seem comfortable he is the biggest human on the earth in that point in time he's unfazed by it it just seems that he's a he can't wait for competition he's not going oh my god I got all this - all these are these people weighing on me all these people hoping that I win a competition is probably the break from all that I mean that is greatness right there you can't wait for that final moment because it's just I mean it's also like if I've been doing nothing but [ __ ] business decisions and everybody's in my face all the time this is my sanctuary this is ninety four five a lot of you do I get that now like people ask me like if I'm nervous to go on stage before show sometimes the busier I am and the more [ __ ] up [ __ ] I got going on my life I can't wait to be on stage yeah cuz I know that being onstage requires such a singular focus I can't think about any of it I get to leave it all behind there's even room for it yeah there ain't even room for the youngest having fun this is fun I'm locked in yeah I guess maybe that leaned that makes him lean into the maniacal competitor even more because he's like oh when I compete I forget about all this other [ __ ] right when I'm playing golf against [ __ ] Danny Ainge or when I'm playing ping pong and sky Pippen or when I'm playing in Game seven of an NBA Finals I am locked the [ __ ] in and I'll have to think about a baby mama drama I think about bills I don't think about deals family asking me for this and that [ __ ] cousin's showing up out of nowhere [ __ ] all of them this is it let's go probably taking all that aggression out on his teammates and the other team welcome [ __ ] everybody [ __ ] everybody think about his [ __ ] cousin yelling at John Starks and whoever the [ __ ] else after you and Duncan on them yeah I mean Fox I know it's like blasphemous for most religions to save as more than one god but like Hindus are you guys locked on the amount of number of gods I can you just add to it I think Hinduism is actually one God that takes on lot of different forms oh really yeah but then we do we believe and I think everybody really Jim believes this if you like dig it's any human can achieve like God like you can have the qualities of God and essentially I got is within all of us Michael I'm agree with you like how do you say God in Spanish Dios saying it Dios Dios right why is it plural it's not deal huh ideals meal yeah oh my god yeah this is what you're saying now there could be like pagan influences where you know you're combining waves of speaking about as language is put together you're dealing with like people who dealt with multiple gods you know the Romans and accept multiple gods so maybe as Christianity is like moving throughout Europe these things are combined etc but there is an acknowledgement at least in Spanish did it's more than one is there any reasoning for it would say that came from Latin and like the Romans were like a polytheistic yeah yeah yeah but isn't it interesting like it wasn't corrected and this this was a time where like the church had full rein and full power over language that could have usually said no it's deal yeah there's one God but no they said deals and I remember a kid telling me before I had even really read about Hinduism just a white Christian kid was like God is everywhere right God is omnipresent God is in this glass God is everywhere why isn't why can't God be in you he's everywhere God is in you hmm everybody has that and it's like huh and he's even quoted I don't know the accuracy this may be an [ __ ] but there's a story in the Bible where I think Jesus is walking on water and then one of his disciples starts kind of walking on water and then like falls in after a few steps and then Jesus isn't really disappointed am I talking like an [ __ ] I don't know I just movie on words huh as literally on word I see why she got you emotional your ass powerful so you're more religious than you know if y'all dime man yo more so they need me I'm not religious but I'm a believer okay white white sailor hey Mark do you know about that story with God and his homie trying to walk on water yeah and like he had little faith so he didn't couldn't do it and he said in that moment like God was disappointed Jesus disappointed and he's like I think he's disappointed because he's like you could have done this if you just believed and you just knew what was in within you you could have walked on water - yeah what what I'll say yeah just dump how can't swim so he'll upset I'll talk to us no there's something you're thinking about no I just think the story is dumb like you see somebody walking on water what makes you think you could do it - I think that seeing someone else do it would make it but if you all think he's God's son like he has powers you don't you did it for a few steps though you did it for a few steps no that's like when you like run and jump you kind of the first foot hits the wall you said I should on Instagram yeah you gotta have more faith out oh he did yo come through school you our religion yo son I don't never I've never been religious never yeah like I mean I was forced to as a kid but even as a kid I didn't [ __ ] with it black and Latino and he didn't do it huh ideals meal I be a meal now maybe you should get into God bro I'm good why not I pray huh I pray do pray spiritual God got hair like a white woman who do you pray to is the pagan guy what who do you pray to nothing just like us being i [ __ ] with that yeah that's fair folks with that all right we should wrap this up man yeah is there anything else we want to touch on before we we get out of here you care that a rod and JLo might want to buy the Mets no I don't care they just have the most like defi Latin stereotype marriage ever I like it why they're not married they're not then they're pretty know that they are there officially married I don't know might be engaged I think oh oh well then that's crazy that they would come together to buy it that they're not married that's not like it cuz then that means the Spanish holes gonna be at the Mets game Bronx they all come into Queens you think yeah so uh interesting and you're right they're in Queens so you're gonna be going egging Mets fit now baby your marriage got [ __ ] up by coronavirus do it really oh that's right that's right that's right what happened it messed up the day that were they got engaged in March and last March and they're supposed to get married like this March uh well much better at Google than headin it's crazy and still be typing [ __ ] in right now breath so how old was Selena when she does still alive we gotta give it a call make sure you um yeah man I don't really care about it yeah Vegas yeah whatever I mean it'd be cool if it happens on things gonna happen and that she already owned a piece of the dolphins with her last husband she making some boss moves merits a move she really makes some boss moves you got kim jong-in sister wait but doesn't a rod on parts of the Marlins I think who cares [ __ ] them I think he owns poison I mean maybe he could own two teams at once or maybe it's Jeter Jeter owns part of the Miami Marlin - yeah all right y'all we just slowed this down to a screeching halt dance you know what I mean but it'd be like sad sometimes oh gosh you want to tell them any shows coming up so you yeah man I can't wait till we get some [ __ ] shows back man let's get out there go out there protest they're really trying to save lives bro let's astroturf some people had a comedy show oh yeah that's the term it's instead of a grassroots what does it call the grassroots movement movement it's an astroturf movement because it's a fake grassroots but you know what it's always more exciting on astroturf yeah the game moves faster the game moves faster sometimes you need that turf baby hey what all right guys you should go out and protest say well I do protest every single day now that's not a studio not let's see it wait let go hang around people my exactly anyway you know we gotta get out of here to do nothing we love you come be good and peace Oh we'll see you guys on patreon episode this Friday if you guys are new patreon we do another episode every Friday it drops at slash fill a grant to come join to [ __ ] army peak flagrancy if you took thought today was flagrant put it this way if you were offended by anything we said today on this podcast do not sign up for the behind the paywall podcast absolutely that would be our suggestion it is not for you now if you enjoyed the flagrancy did you heard today we take it maybe to another level when not the entire world is listening and you can get that at slash flavor too so if that's up your alley please join the flagrancy and a long limit peace be good [Applause]
Channel: Flagrant 2
Views: 158,106
Rating: 4.7925072 out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Id: PzNWhLS6eb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 28sec (6628 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.