Flagrant 2: How To Not Pay Taxes (Full Episode)

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what up guys I got bangs also we have another important announcement we have a new YouTube channel just for flagrant - that's right that's how poppin these vids are getting because of you so please please subscribe right here hopefully Alex can put an icon near where my finger is pointing if not I look like an idiot but subscribe to that right now that's where all the flavor - clips and full episodes are gonna be from now on subscribe subscribe subscribe tell your friends tell the world we love you keep it site welcome to another episode of flagrant sued no easy buckets analysis by [ __ ] water cooler commentary for your sports needs I'm Andrew Schultz I'm here with Akash saying we're lifecasts Alex media and editing on the ones and twos and we have a very important message to make I'm not sure if we spoke about this on the patron Akash was at the patron and we spoke about the kid who patreon og Smurf og Smurfs sister cousin our cousin yeah how too [ __ ] up liver near the liver transplant yes was gonna die yes so he came out to the patreon he came out to the people he was asking for a liver now turns out a couple days later someone dies and then his cousin gets their liver right what someone died for that to happen somebody has to die that's not math let's work that's true this isn't Slovakia wake up in an ice bath okay this is the United States of America yeah alright that's what they should do before they kick the Mexicans house take their organs that's why it's ice but then oh gee Smurf told us within knows what three days ah yes within those three days hundreds of patrons reaching out mmm saying yo my blood type is o-positive yeah I got you with a piece of my liver bro which is cray then just got a message today I screenshot it because I want to get my man's credit I want to give my man's credit where's he at where's he at where's he at I don't know where the [ __ ] yeah we're not gonna take to us on the roof show no no this is this was a different one but still a dude hit me today and he was like yo I'm all positive ask if a giri chout told you suppose I haven't heard from him but if he needs a liver or it needs a piece of liver I got you that's crazy bash from discord the guy who made the disk or texted me he said i'ma just drink on mine anyway no so just think about that what an amazing community to be part of like [ __ ] are given organs I'm so proud I'm so probably sick brother who provides we meant the army provides and and it's just an amazing [ __ ] thing I'm not gonna lie I thought your cousin was gonna die I thought it was three days later get support when you're asking for a total stranger your cousin might have [ __ ] up because he took the first liver he was offered right you don't know what that liver went though we had some [ __ ] out there they could had a much better liver a stronger liver some eye cause probably has never drunk in his life his lovely Christine house got the worst health of any human being you keep I'll keep my lungs ain't good for nobody but my liver good have you said this before did you have the immune system of the other end you now you said that sick bro yeah always sick nice right so you know whatever you gotta keep when I go to your house I don't take blankets I just sleep on a couch so I had a bit and [ __ ] and [ __ ] uh the Toronto show man yeah it was it was a little wild releasing it for the inside jokes [ __ ] maybe I shouldn't talk about you guys could see it on the inside jokes you see it on the command Indians came through and bramlett - represented I have Bramlett - out there for sure we'll get to that in a minute but I want to talk about og Smurf and how [ __ ] dope it is that like like what we've created in a community that we're all part of dit like literally everybody listen to this right now this is nuts right yeah there are people they sign up to be on these lists in the hospitals right yeah for years waiting for an organ to save their lives right they're on dialysis and [ __ ] for years thank you is about this entire thing so aren't you a patron he good so basically you have this situation where most people in the world didn't need these organs they end up [ __ ] diamonds away right and everybody listen to this podcast right now you got another liver out there you got maybe a few hundred how [ __ ] unbelievable is that I don't get carried away so you have a bunch of [ __ ] drinking qual crazy like you can't say membership you might be canceling your life to you dog that's not even in the captain privileges yo from now on if your body parts you gotta be at least a lieutenant don't be out here with the infantry talk about I need a heart pinky toes yo if the tree could get a pinky toe oh here goes out this [ __ ] real talk I thought it was absolutely amazing that we were capable of and like whoa so cool so keep us posted about your cousin let's make sure everything's good and if anybody else needs some [ __ ] obviously you know where to look man Wow family bro commander in black market oh we should like sponsors oh yeah we trying to get bitcoins on his [ __ ] find us some bitcoins out here yeah what you want to buy Bitcoin I'm probably going at some point invest a little bit yeah wait till it drop again and then you cop it before he does what if somebody drop they always drop but the thing is that would Bitcoin how it would made me feel like it might be the real deal is when Trump tweeted about how it wasn't and he had a very calculated sweet like clearly some people in power wrote that [ __ ] for him for him and they were like if you look at there's a series of tweets you don't sound nothing like Trump if you could bring them tweets out it said Trump tweets in a very like like maybe like six seventh grade level vignettes right it's just like you giving him way too much fare yeah what this [ __ ] was kind of elaborate and he had a specific point he was coming right at the bitcoins this is [ __ ] right here yeah look at this similarly Trump ain't saying similarly ever I'm not a Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies which are not money and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air unregulated crypto assets can facilitate unlawful behavior when would Trump ever say that sentence yes unregulated crypto assets would facilitate unlawful behavior including drug trade and other illegal activity that's not wrong actually a real quick question US dollar also based on thin air we'll get to that but let's finish these right so it's like similarly Facebook's Libre virtual currency and this is what I think Trump was really known after because Facebook is starting its own digital yes have their own cryptocurrency called Libre right and that's where [ __ ] gets [ __ ] up because Facebook has more people on it than the United States has people in their country yes right if you have a currency where they could operate right everybody on Facebook could be training college money not only does the dollar go down what is the security that you'll be paying taxes on any of that money mm-hmm right like what is the security that these goods would be exchanged like if I want to exchange goods from someone from another country wanna just pay you in Libre instead of US dollar it is it is a dangerous is it potentially very dangerous thing right okay so because at least when you have to exchange money you got to go to a bank you go to Western Union you do something you want to pay somebody in China you got to go just you know easiness to Facebook message somebody some [ __ ] Libra probably boom so anyway we have only one real currency in the USA and is stronger than ever both dependable and reliable it is by far the most dominant currency anywhere in the world and will always stay that way it's called the United States dollar tell me that's not about all right that's really creepy that's really creepy because it looks very copy and pasted and this looks like somebody who said that out of being afraid like oh [ __ ] this is really out of frame smart it's being told yeah this we assume that the people with power like the presidents the most powerful person world no absolutely not there are elite [ __ ] who are worth billions of dollars did influence what the president does now Trump happens to be one of these [ __ ] so he's a little less influence then let's say an Obama or like a Kennedy who like well I guess Kennedy's came from some money but like presidents who aren't like part of that billionaire club like the bushes do what the bushes want yeah they already believe so the real people who make the make the moves are the Soros is the Koch brothers like these [ __ ] who actually got the bread yeah right so they hit up my man and they were like you said that was like yes daddy everybody answers somebody and we need a currency oh yeah so you brought a very good point right everybody's like bitcoins not worth anything there's nothing back in it yeah right and you brought up the very point which is now a dollar right at the end of the US dollar right used to be up into the 70s backed by the gold standard right so you could literally trade in your dollars for gold now you can do that now because you can just go buy gold right so I don't see how that's that different yeah uh this is what I would say to you guys and I'm sure you've already gotten I think the difference real quick is the the values aren't tied together like a value of gold can skyrocket yeah dollars say the same vice-versa right so there was a point in time where the value of the dollar was the value of gold whenever the value of gold and then the doubt would fluctuate that way gotcha so here's what I would say about gold right why does that have any value that's exactly what I was gonna say even back then it is there's another finance book Rich Dad Poor Dad if y'all want to read it but I just reread it and that's one of the things he talks about like money used to be backed by gold it's more secure I guess but even gold is just a value money is he the sentences money is whatever we agree it is so if we agree that these Kryptos are fine then it becomes something of value that's a great episode of South Park that there's real quick real there's a good point it is whatever we agree it is but what hell us agree on it is the difficulty of replication right it is difficult to get gold or at least perceivably difficult like you got to be in a river with a pan and Levi's and [ __ ] and hopefully you find something like there's a whole Discovery Channel show right it's like this is difficult to get therefore you have a piece of you no good you have a gold necklace you're like yo it took some white guys a long time to find this it was valuable if we just go straws our currency anybody could get a straw anywhere yeah this should not gonna have value so the thing with crypto is I guess they've done it so that the amount of hours it would take you to what I believe is called mine the crypto that amount of time to actually mine it would equate to value and there's only a finite amount to I think there is but I think you can also create more it's just essentially costs yeah so the fact that it costs creates value increase the value what are you saying I was saying it was an episode of South Park that like goes directly to that we're like [ __ ] the aliens come to South Park and they're trying to like make them join like this elite like Planet Club and they make up some fake alien cash yes so whatever and like the whole [ __ ] County goes crazy killing each other over his fake-ass alien cash the aliens come down and like why are you fighting so this is a test like this is this is nothing this thing a space cache or space jail like we just made all this [ __ ] up and you guys gave it value and then they they failed and kept them on like the shitty planets or whatever whatever earth was that but yeah like what make what gives gold value it's just like oh this is shiny let me this let me give you the best example for it uh-uh the casino you go up to the teller or you go up to the guy at the table and you go hey can I have ten thousand dollars worth of chips he gives you a meaningless plastic coin yeah it has some writing on it right right that if it says five hundred dollars on a coin you guard that [ __ ] yeah what's your life yeah it is immediately instilled right how you write you give that to a human being and they'll look in the go oh my God thank you for give me five hundred hours now try to give that coin to somebody in Cambodia yeah not gonna look at you like users anytime soon yeah but I wonder if it'll be a smart move for Vegas to have a universal poker chip currency that you can use anywhere in Vegas I think correct me if I'm wrong you could take your chips from casino to casino and they accept it because those chips at the end of the day we're all based on dollars a time you're using a chip you're not taking money out of our pocket yeah yeah why the [ __ ] cuz chips are so easy to replicate why don't you people just replicate casino chips and then go into a casino and be like yo let me get my money so another thing I seen those are wildly wildly secure so like when you walk out like there's millions of people watching you on that [ __ ] like if you can make you saying do you make counterfeit you could just go anyway chips so I think what I think what Cash was getting at which is is let's say you did have a counterfeit you were caught oh yeah dumb already is it's over and and they used to be back in a day you got murder you got taken down to the room downstairs now that it's all corporate you get locked up mmm and casinos got a weird thing I didn't even know this was true they're not a public space if they don't like you you're banned Wow they could just be like like like okay so with blackjack you know counting cards yeah you know that thing we're like Ben Messner mesmeric I think it was like the first hangover when home homeboys golf and a curse goes into his Rain Man and guaranteed to win money it's just a system of beating the odds yes yes and like basically I'll find a way to calculate how many more cards worth 10 are in the deck and then from that you can even do better right there's nothing illegal about counting cards right now you are you're not cheating you're not doing anything you can do with other people which was let's go but it's truly just learning how to beat the game in man if I don't know I played blackjack without knowing anything for like 20 bucks I ask people hey you think I should hit they don't think that's right a guy like if you're cheating get no contract if you do the wrong move it affects him so there's a lot of ways a team game a lot of times even the dealer is like not trying to tell you to hit her well alright that won't they won't exact rules you ain't win so so here's the thing you learn how to count cards yeah right you have a skill that is not in any way cheating yep you the casino knows that you can count cars they ban you from the casino you'll get banned from all the casinos in Vegas now imagine the NBA banned Steph Curry yeah right it's like you're too good at hitting three game the system I practiced these three so we don't care if you practice you hit too many you're no longer in the league yeah that's crazy crazy boy that's a good point yeah it's like it's like I mean it's I guess we'd love the rush of gambling but it's so funny that these casinos were basically said listen if we can't [ __ ] you in the ass you can't play the house only allowed to even make like they make it like they will throw you out if you start winning not only do they always win by law they will always win by Casino law that's right yeah yeah before we move on I want to say this about Bitcoin I don't know if this is right no no friends I have were much smarter than me we're talking it 600 I needed to buy my money with some volatile twelve thousand okay and that's down from thirty but when I think about it everything is flat and connected with the internet and I don't know if it's gonna be Bitcoin but we're all just so connected now all over the world the idea of one currency it seems so [ __ ] inevitable to me that we all just have a currency that we all exchange let me show you how on point you are arkasha you ready yeah this is how OnPoint you are with what you just said now here we go see right yeah that's the currency of a credit card I was a very heavy stump move that wasn't just I'm not gonna pick it up and flex right there with me right there if not even they actually Amex sucks cuz it outside America yeah [ __ ] brand they say American Express I really want to be you're in Toronto and they don't take it it's a genius marketing like Toronto mmm a decade visas entire marketing thing was but they don't take American they would talk about some dope-ass place but they don't take American Express yeah that was all like keep talking about us I felt but what was that they had Seinfeld movie sorry I'm Amex that's right they just go get the big piano we won we're good there Nike yeah we get the rich people but annoying cuz you can't use it yeah so but the point is it's like if you have a credit card let's say a visa that's Universal currency hmm never once did you like convert your [ __ ] when you are in a veneer to convert it but there's a lot of places that are like 90 cash oh really I mean like you're at like a stand you know I mean like you're the ATM machine right I'm saying as we gravitate towards digital like all over oh yeah like as more and more places have that little kiosk or a little white thing like if everything is this Pro my dad used to have a joke this you know you have your dad jokes yeah so my dad one of his dad jokes was when the check comes he goes do you accept cash right because in his mind he comes from a generation where everyone accepted cast yeah I tried to get some ice cream at van Lewin yeah very good ice cream bomb yeah they say refused cash Johnny a lot of plays in your psyche you love sweet green okay what yeah like my office and in Brooklyn all like a little vegan hipster spots it's a very it's almost everything on that black is cashless they take like Apple pay it take the cars with the chip but no cash all the dope new restaurants where you want to be don't think so that's not stop using Apple pay more cuz like a lot actually mad convenient and a lot of times the police that you know they don't take cash even the ATMs like they're starting to make the ATMs with like no like card insert like you Louie just do the double click and then you're there from your phone yeah from your phone's genius forget our face yeah like it's this Bank for America right data see from my crib you just run over there do the face with the cashless restaurant it's like the ones the old G restaurants that stay in business it's only cash speak on it these places are thriving all the time because they don't pay as much tax it's like oh we only made this much today yes say we explain what he's saying explain you said so you know what Alex saying is if you only accept cash let's say you make ten thousand dollars in a day you can easily tell the government oh I only made four thousand dollars today and how could they and there's no way for them to miss to disapproval whereas with a receipt there's always a copy I can easily just not ring up a sale take your cash put in my pocket so government done no now here's the thing and this is why [ __ ] I think is going to card every one of those restaurants started using that digital software called micros or whatever do you know one like you type the order until you see mm-hmm that does a sales report mm-hmm and the sales dictate how much money you made that day so when the government comes and goes oh you only made four grand Saturday let me see that sales report you said ten grand you like oh they walked out on that but back in a day what did they used to do when you went into a diner was there micros no it was just right on their little piece of paper so I think that's why it was easier for them to transition to just digital because they're like I can't I'm snitching on me if I try to keep some of the cash wait no I'm not fully clear so yeah so so you're saying the restaurant wants to do this or the government makes them do this what I'm saying is the restaurant uses this program because it's easier it's seamless it's more functional everything's in the system right you can track what you're purchasing etc you can track what is waste everything's in the system and also all restaurants and bars use it so oh boy new employees they already know every train of - you know tickets get lost let go - to any diner right it's a dude on a microphone yelling - the guys in the kitchen and you wonder why when you said no cheese and it came with you you're like yeah cuz the guys just getting screamed at in the second language speak English screaming at a Mexican who also doesn't speak English right and you're surprised this broccoli I don't you said broccoli so it's like these there's the little [ __ ] lost when it's putting the pewter you're not the lost ok so once it's already in the computer yeah that sale is registered right you can't lie about how much you saw correct and some of the the way the taxes work because thing that they know the rest of us we're getting slick what they would charge you unlike for alcohol is sales right okay I don't care how much it's not about what you bought how much you've sold yeah or no notes it's it's taxed on how much you bought from the place right what doesn't matter and point is there's a record right where they used to not be yeah and once there's a record point I mean personally is these restaurants are stupid for doing that because they could keep all this money tax-free yes yeah I got you and I also think the old ones the IRS ain't even looking at them because they've been reporting minimal sales for so long they're like well this ain't different that's interesting too and but also Alex that's easy for a mom-and-pop arrest problem on your sweet green and you got 50 locations and you're more coming and coming and coming you can't just be like hey [ __ ] credit card we're cash only yeah and there's always human error as well too it's harder to steal from your restaurant I remember I needed a bartender she showed me how she steals the whole thing [ __ ] they get a lot damn I would say they probably pocket at least fifty percent of everything they ring especially if it's cases like almost all bartender hey you're still an animal if you don't tip on it like a beer purchase ya know but outside the tip what they'll do is you'll ask for a Bloody Mary with like a special vodka they'll just bring in Bloody Mary but they're gonna charge you for that Grey Goose yeah hmm right so now that ten dollar Bloody Mary you you got charged 25 right where's that $15 go that's my pocket yeah I'll be honest there is value in being in being truthful because my parents business my dad was always like an honest [ __ ] when it comes to self baby he's been paying the taxes you should pay like I could have start my like I incorporated my business right in New York I remember everybody yeah everybody in New York that has a business incorporates in Delaware mm-hmm cuz it's cheap there's no business taxes so they are incredibly friendly toward corporations it's like that's where you should incorporate they're like like the Bahamas but in America yeah Delaware they got no business or nothing in Delaware like [ __ ] will just be a tax haven my dad goes to me well where do you do business and I go well in New York yes well then you should charge way more it's like he goes but where do you do a business so I gotta do it right this what happens my parents have this business you know dance lessons teach and dance lessons and they had took a lot of cash some Peter back in the day would just pay cash for it so they have but they pay their [ __ ] taxes my dad was an honest dude 9/11 happens every business downtown is decimated right all these restaurants destroyed nobody's going downtown people also don't terrified and [ __ ] yeah and also they lost their jobs so many people so they don't have the extra money everybody's being tight so the government was giving out bonds and the bonds were based on how much revenue [Music] so he was doing a good business all right so if you were so my parents were honest they were so damn high exactly so then when the but when they asked for the bond the government's are ok well yeah you made this here you go so many businesses we're like well can we have some money to run and Oklahoma's might you make last year and they're like they made a hundred but they're only reported thirty so they got thirty thousand dollars at the bonds now and that's the only thing that kept my parents business afloat that's crazy he better to me online yes I understand why certain people do certain things last thing i'ma say if you want check out this book the thing that I took from it even when I was 19 when I read it the first time but the thing I took from it is this idea that taxes are to punish the rich rich people make the tax laws they will always put in loopholes that they can get around and if they're not necessarily written there they'll find a way around it every rich person you know is cheating in his taxes metaphors your boy in the podcast well it's named a mile sucker out that's yeah that's all you were saying the richest people don't pay no [ __ ] yeah you guys listen is a great podcast I didn't agree with without such her and he explains really how rich people operate without paying any tax that's all I've been trying to figure out like in the past like five six months here it is ready yeah and again this is super leveled up this is not you know where we are we can't do this if you're you know but this lets you know figured more focus right and find a legal loopholes yeah exactly so this is what they've created right so what they'll do is this they'll they'll have a publicly shared company like Berkshire Hathaway's is for a Warren Buffett okay right and he'll work for that company and he'll get a salary of $1 because all of his salary is stock options all of the stock in which he owns I believe or something maturity what makes it seem like it's so true istic right right we'll get into that later yeah I was wondering our people do that so check it so what happens is this they make no money but you need money operate so what do you do if you need money operate you take a loan against those shares now if you guys know anything about loans you don't pay tax on loans cuz that's not income mmm-hmm so now you have this money to operate and you don't have to pay taxes on it now if you want to pay that back you can pay that back in shares so you can be like hey here's X amount of shares to my company to pay back the millions of dollars that I borrowed for that I borrow from you now you've just got millions of dollars cash and paid zero dollars to the government they've created an economy that exists outside of our economy this is how rich people operate listen to the whole interview if you want it's truly fast dumping I listen to it because I've just been fascinated I'm like how you know just being around like these like super rich [ __ ] just try to figure out how the [ __ ] they find these manager asked if I could have my I can make my company publicly share company here so we could do this and he almost hung up on me is that you not Warren Buffett we have like five shares but there is a little [ __ ] that's legal that you can do that you should look into just learning money is so [ __ ] down you're writing off your meals every single thing that you know for traveling if like Nike stuff for like w/e stuff like any type of [ __ ] [ __ ] that I get to work with other companies that goes through I'm gonna pay it in for a revolt [ __ ] that comes through my house you get is there a difference between LLC and incorporation yeah so LLC is a limited liability corporation and I have something that's called an S corp there's also C corpse and I'd be lying to you if I could tell you the exact details like each one is a different level of incorporation and the LLC I would say is like the beginning level of it and there are certain benefits for an LLC certain benefits for a c-corp certain benefits for an S corp and I think as you kind of level up YouTube yeah yeah I'm sure there's come something completely different when you have a publicly traded company I'm sure that's probably outside of corporate my understanding is a c-corp oh yeah you know tax law not a little bit no very little I have a c-corp because my dad was like this is what you should do now but I don't even know that it was right but like C Corp is if it's like multinational that's usually C corpse I probably I feel like I should have gone S corp e saying with trumps new laws but five people who know money and then learn as much as you can about money and I remember another thing I just read is like poor middle class people get their expenses they have to pay all their expenses first and then whatever's left is there's smart people rich people with money who are incorporated pay all pay they take all their money and then pay their expenses so when you get a paycheck from a w-2 company you work it not a Nike they tax you first yeah then whatever's left is yours and then you got to pay all your bills blah blah and then you get a little bit left if you're incorporated all this money is yours anything I pay for that's expenses that's my business meetings as my mortgages as my suits whatever that you can write off you write that off first and then whatever's left that's the income that gets taxed you can probably wear this more clearly know what you're saying is brilliant so pretty spot-on so exactly what it is it's the difference between a tax refund and then paying taxes yeah so the average person with a job right because the tax refund yeah it's a tax refund and what that means is the government took more money than they should have taken yeah and we get so [ __ ] happy and we get happy that we get our money back this is how crazy the government gets a free loan on our money yeah right that means you pay throughout the year they're getting that money that you're giving them for free to do whatever they want that money taken they can they can invest it they can make money on the money that you've given them let's say you gave him fifty thousand dollars they could put that in a bond uh-huh right make five thousand dollars on it you get none of that five thousand right they just give you the money back that you deserve because you might have paid too much and then you get excited that you get your money back that they already made someone yeah right well rich people do if you're incorporated is you get your whole check and the government goes yo you've got to call it up yeah but we assume you're rich and responsible so we're not gonna take your money but you're gonna have to pay mm-hmm and that's why rich people get audited hmm and poor people you never heard of you know heard of anybody in the projects you know or didn't tell never I mean you know I mean like the IRS doesn't break down they got random ah I got a random all at once but here's the other thing so when you might have some [ __ ] now this before when you guys got different [ __ ] in his name we had all two eight hundreds calling them and he would just send them just a voicemail right it's so funny that they think calling me is gonna make me do a thing with caller ID son is literally this Auto dollars so like you call them and you don't hear nothing for a while and then they pick up and open a restaurant in my name shut down I did never pay that back I was 22 or something and then the hospital I have that health care but don't know if you guys have heard it but I would like $5,000 after insurance and on principle I was like go [ __ ] yourself and then I went broke so God got me back but but anyway here's the other thing I was gonna say when I was trying to ward is if you have a job and they take your taxes out then whatever's left you have to pay for all your expenses with I have to pay for my wardrobe I have to pay for my my company meals whatever the [ __ ] my meals if you are incorporated you pay your expenses first all those things are written off write offs and those are an income as long as I can find a way to tie to my business now it's not my income so if I made a hundred thousand and fifty thousand went to my expenses I'm only getting taxed on half the money I would get taxed on normal right and that saves me you know twenty thousand dollars that ever in long run so incorporate guys learn money to make money buy some [ __ ] logs that's real [ __ ] that's [ __ ] they don't teach you a [ __ ] college or even younger than that though so if you can if you get some money make sure you learn that [ __ ] hey red talk if you don't want to learn money maybe you don't deserve the money thanks that's the biggest fact so [ __ ] that's how you know broke the SPF 30 for 30 like the worst thing about that is that you give a bunch of 19 year olds and millions of dollars for the first time yeah I know what the [ __ ] to do with that [ __ ] that's what I yeah he's only 19 years old how could he possibly have that much money I could figure that out well you've got different circumstances man like your parents on the business like your parents like knew some [ __ ] like Sam like when I was younger I blew so much money nah but I mean for my age I was doing relatively well because I was selling drugs and I had a decent job and I didn't have you saw drugs and addict fast money coming in and it was just like oh bottle service you won't say what you used to do before the podcast job it's respectable but you will say that used to something that is back in the day but it was because then when I bad things that I did was on the job it's almost currently doing those things got a rationale that sound yeah it is pretty good dude I didn't realize how good Alex was a white [ __ ] until this week yeah this guy is archery son yeah we did two things we went to get us the bowl before this I knew that something was up and I saw your story I was even bowling like I don't know where we got a grunt text like yo what we should do for content is all go bowling and have a competition about it he's bowled a strike like Mad Max you got his leg it's a word Toronto right and we were doing some [ __ ] for dropping in and we went to this thing that's called a rage room I saw your ID your face right that's why I enough so so Sebastian so boom the rage room literally is it's like you just break [ __ ] they get bats and [ __ ] it is bars there's like TVs in there there's VCRs there's bottles there's everything so Jesus this is peak carcassi yeah we're saying that's how the Canadians could be nice is that they have a place for all their rage right go and [ __ ] [ __ ] up so we go in there alex is doing firing the rage where I'm not exceptional but fine but before we leave Alex goes to me he goes he goes hey bro do you want to do that and he points to this thing with bow and arrows and I'm like what's that he goes it's like boring arrows but like he goes it's a dodgeball with bow and arrows you should we do that but what well we it's you're dodging the arrows spam so you get a bow you get an arrow at the end of the arrow there's like a tennis ball sized tip okay but it's but it's a cushion is it like fuzzy Oh super foamy nerf and I feel like a nerf ending ok you get the real bow and arrow there's a whole big course like on some paintball ship not too big but like the size of like like [ __ ] right elementary school gym okay so what happens they put all the arrows in the middle there's a place where nobody can be shot in the middle and then there's two sides with a couple things blocking it bro they got rubber machetes so you could throw at each other rubber bottles everything it was 2 1 2 and bro we played this [ __ ] bow and our [ __ ] Alex was Hunger Games in it out there real-life Katniss this guy was [ __ ] bit like you shooter like the black I scooped up his bow and arrow tilted you know I mean it was like pumping out of like a hidden shrubbery like yes bro you had one position he had all his [ __ ] in one position like time it black guy but it's like bro it was on now shut the came out I was like let's [ __ ] yell it at markets I'm chill we have mark mark as a little kid he was in that little kid [ __ ] where you felt like you and Alex mean I'll burst Marlon and and Mark okay Marlon good funny kid you probably you guys probably know him on Twitter his name is that dude McFly oh yeah so he pulled up and shouts everybody came out to Toronto shows man absolutely crazy that was how why my career man I was so crazy rough deserve that man though though Thank You Man are no [ __ ] Surreal man it was it was an awesome awesome time in Toronto Toronto's held me down more than any city in the world maybe New York obviously that's home so it's hard to compare but y'all can have been close to New York I'm a guitar through the biggest November 22nd but man it was such a [ __ ] special experience man thank y'all so much for coming out dude it was just so surreal man I still don't even trying to like put in words I have watching that video while I was at vows in Georgia and just like the [ __ ] ovate like the line around the door operation I was like this looks like a comedy special do Mike that was crazy it was dope man it was good to see man I was happy to see that that was the first time we're like there's been times after shows where like people stood up you know like but I'd be so embarrassed I just walked offstage real quick yeah I want to feel like I was waiting for [ __ ] of stand so big thank you so much than I leave all right this is the first time we're like both shows [ __ ] shot up and like just alike oh man bro that's a that's a crazy experience bro aren't all of it anybody who knows and who knows this [ __ ] has earned every bit of it is this guy just maniacally working bro craziest person I know working man it was so [ __ ] you know so cool about is like to just be there knowing that like everybody there told somebody else right like like the group text or a group email yeah is what made my career so viral right Gordon my first grassroots literally word about it's like that's why if you hate on me you're a hater bro because like you know hate on me because I'm not here because of me I'm here cuz people are like yo you probably like them yeah you probably like even this podcast is like yo you probably like this you would like this you listen to this it's like you got no hands you got no magazine write-ups no company I really see you're doing like press runs it's like a publicist and [ __ ] like every [ __ ] year my agent or some of the oh should we get a publicist for this I'm like for what the publicist is you put out the content and if people [ __ ] with you their publicist man it's like there's unique P even people listen right now there's like a subset of people I know that listen to every podcast right everything we do and they're the influencers they're the people that will take an episode and share with ten people right or post it up on ready world there's groups and I feel like I feel like in a weird way maybe and maybe it's just us but like the reason why we've been so impactful this and brilliant idiots and just the stand-up clips it's like the people that we've you know gravitated towards they're the people that celebrate us the most yeah yeah is something different about like you know when I first got into this whole like game the first thing somebody told me was make sure your of the people not of the industry oh yeah cuz the industry could turn on you fess but if you got like people and they do but if you got people that legitimately [ __ ] with you they will support you through thick and thin like through the good times and the bad and you'll always be straight if the people focused you so it's good to see that bro it really is it really is that's how you have a career man people give you the career people know I mean it's like I think he's sometimes industry they just don't understand it it's like the people are a wave bro is like you got to ride it or get out the way yeah the people who are wave I mean you experience it alum did you feel it like John knew you remember I didn't even know how big the venue was oh oh we go and sister on today's gonna be cool ensure and then he told me the size of the venue and then it was back-to-back sold out like after the second show something hit me almost dropped it to it just like just the amount of love and that many people were just there last year and it was maybe a third of the size yeah we did so the beginning see it so in the beginning I feel like everybody everybody that's been a part of this the growth of this podcast is really starting to like hit their stride you know I mean like even you know like I was like I'm watching your [ __ ] like as I'm in at the peach jam yeah [ __ ] like John Calipari sitting next to me with like Juwan Howard rescuing Penny Hardaway like the top coaches in the country then I'm calling and I'm not no comedy guy but like Derrick there's guys that listen to the podcast coming out to be going like this like well I'm doing the [ __ ] the Nike [ __ ] I'm just like you know this is [ __ ] crazy wrong and I'm looking at my Instagram story and I'm seeing like the [ __ ] venue and like doing all that shows like yeah the right now is like a very [ __ ] special time for everybody man so like it was really [ __ ] this week I was like really special for like this whole this whole world star it's a way bro yeah that clip hit worldstar man is Sylvia clear about Sylvia sage man I had to spend a two days in the dog house but cause of the shop like because that's just why we always were made when they found out all they had to do is get $1,200 the [ __ ] go people go with crazy my Diaz they were like fam did she really say twelve hundred twelve thousand bro it became so attainable supplying to man she get flooded with supply right now right now thanks I mean somebody from ESP I'm not gonna mention your name Kayla to me was like twelve what you seem kind of low [ __ ] name on the patriotic OB I'm not gonna say it now patron hey Sean I gotcha that's just a guy with a black name okay oh my god okay always killed some people in adopting dogs and [ __ ] never follow them on Twitter yeah that's it is a [ __ ] killer bro bro follow keys over Twitter his entire timeline if it's not highlights or like politics [ __ ] yeah it's just like stories about adopting dogs yeah and like that like boom as soon as you click over there right he has a whole story on either when I keep going to scroll [ __ ] about a missing cat but you gotta read the tweet because he will absolutely guilt trip the [ __ ] out of you they have a new baby except the tennis cookie is suddenly aggressive and may die tomorrow they say she growls and resource guards Yatta Yatta Yatta and then they give you a link and all that shit's like go and adopted and he does this literally every single day he's just bored this is what white women do I'm saying he has nothing to do and he needs a purpose in his life cuz he no longer got his show Yeah right you no longer the support center for here and there like the big gone no I was a minute ago they brought him back they did he had that he has his own show his own like a little politics show for a while then they come back to us man yeah yeah bars or whoever is writing for him have backs yang Gris and so political it's like fam we don't want that in sports transition to think you could go from ESPN to politics just what the [ __ ] was minted that though what's his name uh Craig Kilborn remember Craig Kilborn he show but Daily Show was still comedy satirical yeah their slogan was when news breaks we'll fix it and then Stewart came and knocked it out of the [ __ ] Park took it to a new level and that he struggled with a little bit but like oh I still remember him being like the [ __ ] from wasn't knocked up wasn't knocked up before you know all those movies just blend together white dudes back in a comedy flagrant thought we can give some of the trans comedies to white dudes and thought of the day yeah what's our flavor that's mine's my player thought of the week I've been had it man okay go two summers ago I'm so glad we got over how hard it was to pretend to not watch football they had to pretend I did a love football [ __ ] song I'm like cuz I'm feeling so Harling I'm watching training camps I'm not like Sam Donald like Le'Veon Bell get it so and I'm like I'm not like a football junkie like I'm a basketball trying to be I'm just like this is better than [ __ ] baseball and God how [ __ ] miserable was I two years ago wouldn't you know I love Kaepernick to death and all that but I was like [ __ ] how to pretend I don't love this dude's mantle for but yeah and I'm glad all of us settle into this couch and watch six hours of football I'm glad we all got past that though those darts are you you said in and I've where I'll walk right past them he's kneeling let me walk by him so I get you a TV and watch god dad the whole time like there's got to be a better way Capra Nick goddamn it the [ __ ] would do on Sunday watch big little lies awful supporting college [Laughter] football's coming back yeah I watched Jerry Joey we replay over the week it's my oh yeah flagrant thought of the week um oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute okay go you go then I'll come back guys let me I got a cop a few please before this one oh gosh so I love black women you're not gonna woke ourselves out of this so and this doesn't pertain to any West Indian women okay Toronto white women dance better than America oh hold on hold on let me just because y'all might have spoken over that a little bit what Alex said was the Toronto white women white women in Toronto yes and he has a great argument for this he said he's told me this argument it's one of white women dance better than American black women now I think you have to be a little bit more specific with what what you're saying so American blacks oh no no no but they dance better - what OH - Reagan there it is one-legged wine Toronto white women dance better to reggae than Americans black women now make your argument because I think he said this at first that make sense and I and I was like man what the [ __ ] even talking about and then he made an argument that I was very good go okay so out here you have all the choices of music where first this is in America so not all black women grow up in like every single white woman in Toronto is experienced to reggae early in parties and they learn how to dance very early West Indian culture got a big impact in Toronto Toronto right or in Canada we should say they don't have black people they have people from the West Indies people from Africa people from in the same way right so it's like everybody there has brought their culture the sense of cultural identity in Toronto resin right so America has black people Toronto has Jamaicans Trinidadians etcetera so the music and the culture that exists in Toronto and often why this is why Drake it gets cloud we're talking about that drink possible because that's the culture in like I don't know if we you out don't experience there's a black dude but like you know I've dated girls that don't know anything about New York know what do you talk black what do you want to be black as like Dino Rezac this is how it's all New York right so so his argument was that's the type of dancing that they did because of reggae permeated the Toronto culture so he's white girls are dancing at you know [ __ ] middle school proms consider whereas black chicks in America wouldn't sit back which is still a skill which is like they're tough emotions are more important scale whining but let me show I love me some wine another white women wine it's a lot more sensual yet than a straight-up torque that's like a it's an I do yeah with but most American women is just a traditional torque we're breaking swam out there and they try to see how fast you can go but a line is a lot more sensual about like proximity and closeness and like rhythm to the body whereas torque it is just like dude do it alone I've heard sometimes though I've there's certain women when would you ever get into like a girl trying to like twerk are you really [ __ ] hard to the point of like pain yeah I'm like this isn't fun for me like it's it's fun for you I'll stand here and and and be the human statue but it's just not it hurts sometimes cuz like they'll get like ball like it all ball on one goods work now when you're just not enjoying it anymore now it's just a mental load management question like awhile are you will you when do you get hard when girls dance on your dick um no defense depends I mean like don't press I've been dancing you know I've been dancing at parties like this since I was like the 4th grade so you'll not get hard when they're dancing on you know okay okay so I don't relate to sometimes though if they're pushing it up on me like that I get hard and then I have to decide whether I keep it hard pointing down but that's not or do I flip it up and put it on my belly and they're like and then they're like rubbing against belt buckle and it's a whole like no okay that's how I think girls get the long like labia and [ __ ] that pussy's get all [ __ ] up is that they're rubbing their [ __ ] against belt buckle and like jeans and [ __ ] they're dancing and like teenagers I think that's how it is and it like pulls on it you know the man is just like nagging okay so so this is a video little Duval posted I hope that you guys can get a close-up on this in some ways there's no way this is [ __ ] on real solid foot sign large wait till you see what she does and you're not even thinking about her feet are we ready to go press play on this goddamn video I mean this is the greatest wine twerk whatever you want to call it I've seen in my entire life look look look at what she's [ __ ] I mean just the core strength I'm gonna say like that's just let eclis look impressive on her oh my god yes oh yeah oh she's in a she's in a stand a head stand she's in a head stand just on her there's some sort of salacious yes it is holy [ __ ] I mean oh my god and just built beautifully is she not look at that what where is this Wow I get it I get it I'm a look away right now oh hi good back in the dog house again if you go back to the beginning go to the beginning of it yeah watch this go to the beginning right let's say her [ __ ] was super wet and leaking ready just watch she could drink it oh she could drink her own [ __ ] juice from that position that is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen that's the only thing I saw or you could bust in her cream pie and then it could leak out into her own mouth Wow that's porn [Laughter] Christ anyway so her [ __ ] forearms how sprays is a marvel as a physical mark she's gotta throw 90 aa 90 miles per hours work you guys okay shall we talk about some deport this middle an hour later oh let's do a sports story first and then we'll get ya the biggest sport story Russell Westbrook trade yes oh we didn't talk about that no we didn't from the trash so I say some please yeah my new favorite team Wow my new favorite team is rockets your team you know sucks the Houston Rockets you got horrible taste in team let me tell you something if I'm not allowed to watch the Knicks past February this year was just usually the case I will take my allegiance is to the Houston Rockets absolutely that they're gonna be [ __ ] fun they're gonna be [ __ ] fun they're gonna be coming down to the [ __ ] during the NBA style hallway looking like [ __ ] Zoolander bro in Houston the way that [ __ ] crowd gets hyped up all that ISO ball all that go to hell [ __ ] like they're gonna run zero plays like it's gonna be the most fun okay they're not gonna winch it obviously right but they're gonna be the most fun chaotic basketball team I think I've ever seen as long as you think they're not gonna win I still win sir this is gonna be my favorite team the walk again I don't even know if they make playoffs bro they're going up against a good team they're there they're a they're a you could quote me on this okay are a first-round exit without a doubt they're at the textbook first-round exits team there'll be a great regular season team I think there'll be a five a four four five six weirdoes Westbrook play in Mike D'Antoni system I think he plays the same way that Chris Paul played there's gonna be games that he looks great there's gonna be games where it's like where the [ __ ] Russell that's James Harden's team but they're not gonna change what they do but what would you do with him right you have this guy who has elite skills what do you do with him so the one thing that I think is gonna help them out is that Russell Westbrook is probably the best rebounding guard ever right so if you're not setting him up with a lot of offense that comes with Russell Westbrook is get the ball and just push and Houston has a lot of [ __ ] shooters and I got a lot of rim runners I think that's where you see Russell was forgettable Russ scores in transition and transition and half-court I don't know what the [ __ ] you did even know where to place him I don't know what this he does he become the TJ Tucker in the corner here's the thing like people knock Russell's jumper I just think he takes poor shot I think he just has poor sob selection I'll be the bad shooter I think if he's taking corner threes I think he'll hit that adjust a hiya clip as any other good shooter in the league and the weird way if it's a corner three I think that's completely in Russ's range I think when you go out to that like foul line extended three it might be a little far for him same with Melo it's like mellows a good corner three guy but you bring him out to that real three-point line he just it's out of his range she just can't shoot him so I just don't know where you play him on that team and I know that he's not gonna be okay with just not touching the ball multiple possessions I mean there was certain time I mean for most of last year he like kind of Paul George take the reins on that team it's just that you know he wasn't necessarily for Harden I think harder will be better off the ball but I just don't see why you changed what's been working for you with free Mike D'Antoni and that's your guy yeah do you bring him off the bench I wish he would cuz he's gonna have to start getting treated like Melo if he won't he might be rude dude it's just not the right team and look I mean you're not willing if you're you gotta defer to he was the MVP a season ago James Harden right his team you got traded there but you're the one honestly you need the ball in your hands you're not that effective without the ball right James Harden isn't that effective either but he's more effective than you what I do think helps is I think James Harden's way better off the ball to Westbrook is and I think he'll be off the ball because the Westbrook will be a rebound fiend and it will be stealing rebounds from like capela and I guess Tyson Chandler and those guys whatever the [ __ ] else they got down there um I think if I'm harden I probably make myself play a little bit off the ball more I think you try and get those two that that two-headed dog thing going and just have them run a little bit more because James times are way better shooter than Westbrook he's a great catch and shooter now I catch and shoot shooter and he's played it off guard before like when he was in Oklahoma City unless when he was like fresh off the bench and Durant and Westbrook are sitting down Hardin played the to guard a lot of times so I don't know I think it'll worry I think it'll be fun Bob's don't think they're gonna let you don't know where Wes work plays India it's gonna be fascinating to watch man mmm we'll see I mean dear Tony's here think dia Tony's an offensive genius but he's an offensive human saying within no that's that's what the I doubt he changed the game of basketball for sure I mean you could say he didn't but like no I know it's like no matter even your team the Mavericks play Dan Tony's office I don't yeah I understand he changing him a basketball I think Nelson did a lot before Dan Tony I don't think Dan Tony I get that he's very smart offensively but it never really seems to translate and it's crazy to me that you could be such a genius and so married to a seven man rotation and that's why you never win and you never change so so in here's the thing and I'm not saying that's not a good argument because I think you do have merit but like you got it okay put it this way if D'Antoni wins one ring he's considered one of the best coaches in history right because then all the sudden everybody's gonna go well not only did he win but he made to the Western Conference Finals every single year at the bare minimum he made playoffs every year of his career like you'll start looking at what he'd accomplished any like wow this is amazing Team USA gold medalist even like as a player he was like that dude in Italy in Italy outside of player coaching in Italy developing the system he had to do right so the issue is without that ring we go none of this works well enough to get the ring and then once he gets the ring we're gonna start going wow he was able to go that far with just those guys with his offer me a minute I'm saying I get he's an offensive genius but it drives me crazy to watch him refuse to develop a bench in every year it bites him in the ass yeah it drives me [ __ ] nuts hundred percent so that's where I was but yeah I get that he's offensive a genius sorry I'll continue and and you know what to your point offenses half the game fam yeah very true maybe being an offensive genius doesn't make you a coaching genius right cuz coaching is two side to the ball yeah simple is that yeah but just from the people I speak to like all of our favorite coaches that we respect the most love him worship Him really they really respect him like they still do those those are those seminars where he hosts and pretty much tells coaches like how to run offenses and he's like highly regarded guys guys who have won championships Orange County still go over a year all the coaches in the league they go watch him talk and listen to him talk about offense why the guys the Marty Schottenheimer the NBA just know you're really good at offense and even though you may not win we still want to know if I take some of your office and apply apply it to what I do with my team yep then maybe we'll be all right that's how much they respect them as offensive PR coach I also think offenses schemes are easier to implement I think defense is like I think you have to have defensive instincts I think like a real quality defensive team requires much more cohesion you know to understand yeah yeah understand coverage is and how you're gonna play pick and rolls and stuff like offense is you go there you go there you go there yeah I set the pick and then you roll it's not crazy and still have good offense if you don't make shots like if I could draw up a wide open shot for somebody every single time down and it'll make the shot nobody's like everybody you gotta hit those shots yeah we got a shot we want it you got the shot you wanted that's that's that's the term because I think also requires emphasis you got emphasized defense more yeah and I think D'Antoni emphasizes it seems like offense more yeah and his mind he's like I'll go bucket for bucket with you yeah he thinks no different than like Kyrie does yeah like kairi's whole thinking is okay you scored on me but I'll go get two he's the mellow of coaches yeah yeah yeah for real yeah always yeah it's like brilliant offense you know not doesn't really care about defense and doesn't win yeah you know but like yeah so I guess you know I guess we'll see what happens with that I'm just curious to see if he even wants Westbrook on the team that's another thing he's on a one-year deal he decided not to renegotiate the deal who then Tony yeah he's like III he was this is the last year and he's like well we'll figure it out afterwards maybe to figure out during the season but I like that you want to re-sign these guys that I don't like I'm gonna coach here with the you think Harding and Westbrook argue over the ball nah Hardin and Westbrook alike this bro that's what I heard likewise Booker pretty close yeah playing together he's not used to putting up numbers he's not they're both different players but then they were when they played together continue I think was Zach Lowe I read talked about this but like they both have become very ball dominant since since KD left and since Heartland 100% but I think what Alex is saying is it like is as Best Buddies as you could be off the court when you're on the court that person so yeah sorry an extension of that they were still there close because they were close in OKC Hardin seemed like the guy that makes sense and then they're both in OKC playing together right so like they've made it through all that for them to put on that Houston read didn't ya movie tell me then I forgot but anyway yeah I think we'll be fine for they should have played for the Clippers bro and just do that one LA creeper did you see what kromm Butler tweeted weekend he said what they should do this year to like I don't like nipsey and like gang unity yeah have like they I think like somebody mocked up like a Crenshaw Lakers really that was real alright now I was like somebody just mocked it up in this one viral and they were like could you imagine if they have a game at the Inglewood [ __ ] forum and have like the Lakers and the Clippers one team French yeah and like they bring out all the [ __ ] newsy on us and do it for nipsey whatever I'm like they will never do that but like that's a nice almost thinking a lot more like they love nipsey in NBA but you know it'd be nice to see but I wouldn't they're just both I think I'm saying now they're both so ball dominant that as close as they were even in OKC oh it's good together it's gonna be different now because and I think it's gonna be the Miami Heat the first year where it's a lot of like I defer to you you defer to me we don't really know because neither one of us wants to I mean we'll be the opposite I think they were way too polite in Miami I think it was wrong with you I think users of mind I think I don't think Harden and West we don't have that at all I think Westbrook's like I want that rock and hard and SEC I want that rock too but I what I think you think it works though okay I don't think it works but what I I don't think works but I think it I think they can both handle each other better than Chris Paul like Chris Paul is annoying yeah right because while the players in the league respect Chris Paul's ability they don't see him as a bucket getter like nobody in the league at the end of the day the alphas in the league get buckets right so when they see a guy who's like queue to passing they're like that's adorable but that like you're not a real basketball player right none of these guys look at John Stockton ago he was dominant yeah you get buckets or can you not yeah so I think they look at Chris Paul like yeah just set me up do you look cute [ __ ] will you put your hip in the dues groin get my man on you and give me the ball sorry to get buckets and do what men do right so I think Kendrick Perkins said you know the one thing about Chris Paul that people like hate playing with him yeah it's because even coaches he has to let everybody know that he knows the most out of everyone on the court right and that could wear on a lot of people like if you're the LA Clippers and live like Griffin's young at the Andre Jordans young and all these guys are like willing to listen to you and that group is just won the championship and he and he trust you with all the [ __ ] they didn't get along that could work yeah and they didn't even get along because he always thought he knew more than Doc Rivers type of dude whose grandkids won't won't like him grumpy ass real talk could he literally is that type of personality and you know I just I just feel like this situation with Westbrook and Harden mm-hmm there's more respect because hardens like alright I know I Southwest book yeah like I know hard and looks at Chris bongos I can stop you funny like yeah this is a line extended jumper laugh smash that you can't stop me but Westbrook and hard and look at each other like you want to go what Westbrook some force in nature berola exactly and so is hearted but in different ways yeah in different way neither of them are stopping each other so you have to respect them we like whereas yeah I just think that we kind of over eight Chris Paul's respect in a league I don't really think guys respect I don't think they've liked him no they don't like him I think they don't like him and I think they're like he's alright I mean he's gotten to that point now though cuz remember said and I always used to say this I always just saying like you'll give the same energy to Chris Paul that you give to Melo because they have essentially the same angle it yeah right but people kind of give point guards a little bit more you know leeway because they're all your point guard you must know this is that in the third what Melo was just a guy were like I'm a scorer an asset and you know people didn't like thank you good well you can see Chris Paul making the game easier for his teammates on the court I just think off the court there the fact that you're unlikable is probably impacted you in the process of course imagine how unlikable you got to be where when you play with that person you undeniably play better and you still hate them unlike Scott makes me money and I still hate it the old adage is five million more minimum on your next contract just by being on the team with him you're gonna average five more points a game minimum just by him being on your team you're gonna get all easier shots everything goes up but he's so mind-boggling [ __ ] annoying you know rather him not be on the team knows it me the [ __ ] so the the Rockets are signs heissen channeling right yeah and they say I like that move and they said and they said he was thinking about coming back from the season but he had the way to see what the Rockets were gonna do and the fact that they got rid of Chris Oh Chris Paul that's what he was like I don't play for the Rockets and there were teammates you said they were specials annoying he's legitimately like you could put numbers so he's legitimately made him millions of dollars attached it was like yeah I went to get rid of see now they're saying that this is [ __ ] but as you guys see the press conference after the the rock is lost with Harden yes where he says I asked him what do you think you needed to an officer he goes I know we need to do in there like what is it he goes now we're gonna talk to some people now everybody is applying that to the Train yeah he's saying it was like this bum with no arms [Music] arms they look like Beyonce fans the city boys hot boys was the hot girls no no city boys versus the hot girls like any time like it's just like it's [ __ ] brilliant it's just fun you gotta follow Duval he's doing play-by-play on it so basically any time a girl over yeah right like let's say kicks a dude out of her house yeah like you know makes it dude look stupid or like hot girls up that's what he back to you anytime a dude does some [ __ ] like this dude kicked his girl out on a freeway walking out the freeway and some other do is filming like oh [ __ ] that's 50 points for they've created this like hilarious in the game right well the only exercise arms arms wearing a wife-beater pile of mud Dookie emoji Real Talk yes how they like the Dukey emoji bro they say about melted ice we'll talk Thorin in-game is I mean that a hundred percent feel like a honeycomb Oh like [ __ ] minions will be they look like the mucinex about cuz it was some girl had like green on just like this looked like a wisdom tooth I saw that one ash it killed me somebody posed this dude is Duvall had a dude in his uh what's it called shorts and his rich broke shorts and a fat up top and he has skinny legs [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] Kingdom known deserve you then beehive don't deserve you facts facts facts CLI King this weekend bro you better get there early so you [ __ ] know real talk I heard they use actual Beyonce fans to kill me all the extras then we're gonna CGI it and they're like while we get these fat [ __ ] that be tweeting about Beyonce all day down this whole way they made quite an impact and sent a memo Jurassic Park on the water with Real Talk dollars of Beyonce fan that was a Piazza Prince she just took one deep breath water is shaken say instead of wilderbeest of all the bees we're gonna get back to making fun of these Beyonce fans a second but yo we got a new sponsor yo oh you're killing it now Aakash this is the beauty of when we get sponsorship is when there's organic symmetry yeah so I was telling Aakash about the new sponsor and he goes oh I know them I already subscribe to them being subscribed then subscribe I was like word he goes yeah absolutely I said Aakash then take it away my brother because you notice go for my first time doing a read so if we don't the company is the athletic yes it is a it is a sports website that you have to subscribe to it but it is legit good in-depth journalism is not like a bunch of shitty pieces that you read on some other websites or like you got to pay a really high price to read the good articles this is a reasonably priced web site that has good sports articles I've bought brought articles from the athletic to do segments here we had one about caliber on and Kairi and how everything split apart and like evaporated with them too and that was an article I read on the athletic write couple dudes from the ticket the station always listen to write for the Dallas pages so like I take my favorite teams are the Cowboys in the Mavericks and there's dedicated writers you can follow certain teams or you can follow cities as well you can follow certain teams so I don't have to follow the Rangers who writes all the next stuff in the NBA stuff for them and shams is over there boy big waz we did the show together front interrupted you have to count the dings podcast with a mean and all those other guys that's on the athletic as well so yeah it is from you know obviously I looked it up a little bit I wasn't as you know privy to it as you guys were but for me it seems like it's more of the in-depth article it's not just recapping like the stats no this is a theory or an opinion or the articles on there yeah and it's cool and especially what I when I kind of like is when you get into this downtime of sports the baseball time is poor yeah right there's more time to cook up theory yeah right I think this is when articles are actually at their best in sports for me right because now we have some time to think about something interesting about basketball turn a season it's like okay good okay the game recap do it not you know but when you got a little time it's we're gonna tell you how that offense is gonna work in Houston we're gonna tell you right what the Clippers should do you know during midseason is that the other zone I don't know it's cool I'm on board now obviously because they're sponsored but I love the fact that you guys knew all about it and it's dumb cheap with the flagrant discount code dawg subscribe to the clinic today you go to VF let it calm slash flagrant to you get 40% off a yearly subscription now that comes out to $2.99 a month when you subscribe at V Athletic Complex flagrant to the athletic comm slash flagrant two all right writers that you're gonna hear from you obviously shams shot to shams David Aldridge Sam ammok Zach Harper ken rosenthal Jason star except Davis Pierre LeBron Stewart Mandel Bruce Feldman and Jay Glazer I mean coverage goes beyond game recaps it's it's smarter analysis deep perspective about teams the leagues listen it's everything that we just put and if you have a team that you love like for me again Mads but especially Cowboys the best Cowboys writer that I like for me period on the athletic was last term Houston bobster I'm also working your that devout in terms of like following us oh by the way guys before we segue away from this it is the athletic calm / flagrant - so you're that devout in terms of like following a writer in their perspective on a team yeah I mean especially with this and like finding the topics I try to read a bunch of sports stuff but then sometimes that's like kind of work and then it's like oh I could read about the Cowboys it's just fun we're probably I can't talk about it do you will you read an article about something this for you to cats mm-hmm will you read an article about something that you might not really be that interested in but you like the writer so much that you know all the time yes all the time yeah absolutely there's a few guys I really like from Sports Illustrated I like Chris Mannix a lot from us I think he's at Yahoo now okay um I forgot to do the UH Lee Jenkins another really good writer he's somebody who brown letter who did MJ at 50 right Thompson he had one about Tiger I wasn't that interested in tiger and I read it it was a [ __ ] great okay so there are certain guys that you you believe in so much that you're like okay I'll give this article I'll try or give this article about volleyball tribe use you're gonna have an interesting yeah another guy Don Van Natta I was looking up his name Don van add another guy writes like crazy like in depth pieces that are like if you're only interested in a subject just read it one of my first favorite writers these guys here yeah like long-form pieces not a quick [ __ ] like the guy man that is a dude who writes in-depth same was right like in-depth they spent nah man add it's been a whole summer with Jerry Jones yeah I'm curious about that process because that piece is a written documentary yeah that's what they are writes what they are it's not like oh it's with him after the game it's like no we all do yeah so wherever is I all he had something for breakfast and then just drank Johnnie Walker Blue with Jerry Jones every day for an entire summer find out like what makes these guys want to do that with the written word and why I mean that's not what they do for most of my career really yeah I mean that's what I did with like rappers but you also did television to you yes you know I don't have a huge interest in being in front of the camera be a celebrity yeah like I mean that's you know that was my break when I was at the source and like hip-hop art and stash know that [ __ ] like it was following you know the careers of like rappers and way some athletes and because I'm the only reason I got to the athletic stuff was because I wrote so much good [ __ ] on rappers that like they needed somebody to go cover the sports [ __ ] and they wanted to be in those like stories with like hip-hop culture as well so that's how that all worked out but yeah like people didn't make a great living doing that [ __ ] to man just like making those great stories when you know I mean it's a little harder now cuz it's digital and like emotional motivation I mean the most emotive ation is like me when I grew up like I grew up on with these magazines you know and I think the written words just coming out a little devalued a little bit just because you know shit's digital now and you know I guess and it's a different it's a different feeling of power to the written word there's definitely power sort of written word it's just it's a little different when something clicks now and then it goes viral and a lot of people are reading it but to me it was just the fact that I could hold something in my hand like I created this like that was it for me like I didn't need anymore it like it becomes factual yeah right like if something is written about you right and and we use that excerpts it's like you know akash singh is is a marvel of a comedian right as this generations indian voice or something like that it doesn't matter really where that's written yeah the fact that it's like written in quotes for some reason you're like okay now believe that why the [ __ ] is that week why is the journalistic integrity man like it's not just somebody yeah we still value the words that are on paper we just believe what people tell us and something about seeing it yeah this is I guess what you're getting at but seeing it somehow it makes it more legitimate than hearing it why I think also it's like a hard bar in rapper yeah song you might not even remember who said the bar but you just remember did real songs are big no made-up shit's like to putting words together even comics like when you guys have you just say something a little bit differently it like can change the whole mean so you're saying it's more than just the fact that's written it's often that this thing that's written is just done so well it's done with our okay I think there's something about these in-depth pieces that I identify with as a stand-up where like there's so many [ __ ] bloggers out there and like soft articles that mean nothing and I look at them like that's cool they serve a purpose it's like vine videos' that's cool yeah but then like an endeavor thing where you followed a guy for a whole summer and you write it's like stand up to me it's like I get there's not as much room for this maybe but like this still is art that you put something into when you have one of these long pieces we're talking about like a long piece right when you sit with that are you consuming that in one sitting or are you knowing that you're coming back mothers and I enjoy like I don't want to finish it I want to come back to it when I'm like bored I think that's why I get [ __ ] up is because I'm in this high-pressure yeah I'm like wait do I have to finish this right now maybe I have to remove myself from that expectation and treat it more like a book yeah right yeah it's a mini book it is a mini book yeah interesting okay what were you saying no I mean like just you know I I'm I got a journalism degree like that was on I went to school for know how the [ __ ] so what are you making so when you're doing these long pieces like you're essentially saying like this is an authorized telling of this person's life it's almost like a small autobiography that you get for them because they're giving you the access they trust your word you've built up your reputation enough so you know [ __ ] this rappers or this person who's very well known trust you with this person's story yeah you can't write an autobiography for everybody that's like a novel long but if you can give a small window into someone's life for that long especially now with the advent of like social media you can kind of see instant reaction right whereas back in the day for it like a bad story and you know the person that it's on didn't really [ __ ] with it yeah they just kind of had to eat it or like a catch with traffic or some [ __ ] my y'all that [ __ ] that you wrote about move Yatta Yatta now it's almost like you spent a week with Donald Trump and here's the story on it and Trump is like this is a great story you're kind of looking at it like all right like this it's almost like a cosign you know I'm saying like it's it's it's weird it's weird like there's so many other things that come to layers that especially and for people listening right now that like aren't as old as us and grew up completely in the digital age maybe they don't have the same connection to it but like there was a time where there was a lot less things said yes that's that's the perfect way to put it and where they were said was often in print yeah and there were a handful of names that wrote about things right especially sports we can name the sports writers of our childhood oh yeah the peter vests 'yes yeah woody page there were a handful like there was realistically nationally there was probably ten opinions on basketball yeah yeah maybe there was one show it was the sports or sports sports reporters on Sunday dude they would have all the reporters sit in a [ __ ] desk and they would talk about their [ __ ] takes of the week so think about that was pre first take pre seeing that a player was overrated right it became truth because there was less to dispute it now one article was saying LeBron is the best ever and the next article say LeBron is not even top five and the credibility takes a hit cause everybody needs attention so let just say the wildest thing which escapes you were the attention and that's where the journalistic integrity was a big fat it's like why do i I don't need to say some [ __ ] I don't believe whoa many of us so this fake news thing it's not that like fake news has always existed but it is a product of a lack of interest in news and yeah or rather a product of competition of ideas saturation is also of more voices yes over saturation is right so it's like just as just as you increase production quality goes down yeah you know like when you start as a clothing brand when it has one store and Soho the shirts are made with the finest silk so whatever eventually when you're in Walmart you're down to like [ __ ] great burritos in Santa Santa Barbara Barbara is amazing and then it becomes he can't became a chain and now it's what happens when thing happens with journalism was like when you have way more opinions we have to water it down yeah or they end up getting watered down so in order to spike up and get some sort of interest you have to have the craziest idea yeah yeah yeah one percent that's whoa that's the thing with bloggers is dead that's why they're hard it's easy to [ __ ] on them they're easy targets cuz it's like yo your whole thing is just trying to make a career on an opinion so you pick the wildest opinion say what oh yeah that's right when they [ __ ] well people are more likely to click oh is the seizure clip people are more likely to click Andrew Schultz makes jokes about woman's seizure than Andrew jokes and results makes light of tense situation in comedy show AIDS right you know I mean going after clicks yeah yeah I got to get people to click we're all trying to eat everybody trying to eat mm-hmm and I mean like I guess we're in that same we're in that same boat the tricky thing with with us is like I think you lose value with your listeners if you lie so we have to find the sexiest way to describe something that you feel actually satisfies the expectation so when we say like the economics of porn or the real way porn stars make money [ __ ] it better be the real way yeah they make money yeah right it's like cuz you lose credibility man and and before when you lose credibility you would just kind of like write another article you can write another article to make it up but like now if you lose credibility that could literally affect your bottom line I'm not click on that [ __ ] because you love [ __ ] yeah like I used to watch flat TV all the time and then like 5 years later when I just see his [ __ ] half the time I'm like I'm good not used to do device to do it a bunch and I appreciate flat for putting me on you know giving me that opportunity yeah but it was weighing on me like I would Instagram like the atom twenty-twos of the world like the note jumpers like the act like even that's how DJ that's not not - it wasn't a gucci mane ballin like ballin like this but I got no jumper or something ok ballin like whatever but I got that why don't you [ __ ] with at him he got to Tiana Trump first oh I just think the [ __ ] he does is have like very detrimental to like hip-hop community like what the [ __ ] that hate like this shouldn't hate perpetuates because he has such a strong following right that you know and one time and you know hip-hop culture granted it's great and how healthy it is and there's different avenues for different [ __ ] so you don't just got to be like oh this is what I like it that's everything it's like [ __ ] you but now it's just like when you know that the negative [ __ ] works and you just do it over and over and over any kind of really don't care about the blowback from any of that [ __ ] because you're kind of eating off it even though you're kind of destroying a lot of people's lives that you may not notice because he kind of got horse blinders on right it's it's it's real distasteful you know I mean like and you know what mo [ __ ] it's like that iover [ __ ] like that like well we think that he's he's promoting people's lives being destroyed and and that's the thing like he's not outwardly doing it but like I feel like once you get that sort of a power you kind of using you gotta use it responsibly and I don't think he doesn't out something with chance trying to say he finds all the young SoundCloud rappers which tend to bleed black takes advantage of them because they're young [ __ ] drug head and all his experience yet and so he exploits all the [ __ ] up [ __ ] that they're doing because these young kids don't realize you know the full rip of questions that can't happen and Adam is just profiting off that are you gonna try to cliffnotes cares and then talk for longer I guess and maybe Adam looks at it like I'm I'm curating these guys careers like sometimes you come on my platforms and I post your [ __ ] and you could you know do tours and actually I'll talk about the music don't talk about the [ __ ] [ __ ] but we all know that we care way more about [ __ ] [ __ ] than we do music yeah like which is you know that's my world sorrows that they can get in trouble so it's like he knows that because nobody say anything right I think your argument is like they're young and naive and it's like you know that this is maybe bad for them yes right so it's like you look at it it's predatory you yeah you to it and but what I'm saying is maybe it just this is because I [ __ ] with that I mean y'all have been cool is it maybe the way he looks at is here these young kids that I'm actually giving an opportunity to make legit money so they don't have to be out here doing this hustle should do this [ __ ] [ __ ] like you can actually just make your music and if I give you the outlet and I organize these tours for you and that can yeah now you don't got to be selling drugs in the street and [ __ ] shooting people which I totally understand I just don't need to respect it no I'm saying maybe that's his like in remember I'm always trying to judge people off in 10 no I guess maybe that's his I totally get it and obviously an honestly like I'm sure there's a lot of truth to that but at the same time it's like I don't need to respect it like I've seen it done a different way I've seen it done better ways that didn't lead to other [ __ ] so it's like alright I see what you get and I can't hey Lenny forget your money and getting other people's money but I've seen it done ways where it doesn't lead to something so destructive songs like yeah I'm good on it it's almost the way I look at TMZ it's like they're pretty credible most of the time is just the way they have to go about getting that clicks is like come on right you know that way you can do it better but you choose to just go about it that way which I don't respect as much but I still see why you do what you do and and to be fair that's kind of how we looked at bar stool at first before like I've really started to you know see you know visit the site and visit the content kind of see what they were going at I kind of used to like a bar stool like you know like it was kind of like [ __ ] up concept that they were posed and the way they would do it in this conception of bar stool is that people don't realize they're in on the joke yeah like if ya actually are a fan of bar stool they're making fun of themselves Francis Ellis is super self when he's not bar so anymore but super self-aware of caste self-aware even if you order the account they're calling like these like white dude bros they're doing shits through the wall mall chat no they call me at like yeah Chad finding the love of his life dude just making out with his pimp [ __ ] like that like no robot bro culture yeah they've come on find it but they're not unselfish and the absurdity of this we will use it is but the average chick that writes about it and says it's sarcastic she has no clue that they're also making fun that's the name that's why I didn't get at first but when I used to watch eyes you'd be like oh man this is [ __ ] terrible how do I not know it was until I knew like it's almost like it's more of a condemnation on how you feel about it the way you react then yes how they do you know like it's like if you're offended by this you're kind of part of the problem because they're in on the joke it might be the same with Adam it might be I just know that there's different ways to go about it like I get I get it more barceló because to me I guess like sports is a little bit more fair whereas hip-hop like just I just I know the politics of it like I know the politics of why at the end of the day like you see whatever trade and killing nobody yeah right like you could say whatever you I could say [ __ ] Boston all all day long like all the others just beat [ __ ] out the Giants and the Jets all year and it's like all right well there's a fairness in sport that there isn't in music that is fair that is fair all right what else we got so I wanted to do some of the discord jokes Bensimon the automatics Wimbledon final World Cup of cricket is also cb4 quota I sent you guys and also Pernell Whitaker if you want to rest in peace this is the greatest defensive boxer arguably in history over Floyd some some might say over Floyd and I mean literally impossible to hit and the ends up dying by getting hit by a car the great literally could not be hit in the ring and then when he was walking down the street in Virginia Beach he I mean he was born and raised in Norfolk I guess he's in Virginia Beach and he just gets hit by a car and that's [ __ ] died and but he was truly one of the greatest boxers I've ever seen in my entire life I would watch his YouTube compilations of him dodging punches he had this amazing ability to be within punching range but not punchable mmm so he was a guy who could stand toe-to-toe with you right and he just knew exactly what you were gonna throw when you were gonna throw how to dodge it how to move and then counter you beautifully and he was just he's just one of the best boxers in history so recipe shout-out to Max Kellerman man I used to watch the show back in the day before you really blew up and Pernell Whitaker used to always be on the show and that's how I kind of really got to know him and how dope he was cuz it was like in the era of when heavyweight boxing was super poppin like the Tice's the Holyfield's and all that [ __ ] and just big knockout sort of thing his show was poppin because like nobody could hit them on oh my god he was [ __ ] magic in there so like you know I used to love watching his [ __ ] and you know rusted piece to sweepy there's a great clip I'm sure it's popping all over Instagram right now but of the first time that I or when he fought Oscar De La Hoya and I'm Dillo I ended up winning the fight by decision but Dale away throws maybe fifteen punches in a row at Pernell Whitaker and he misses every single punch like some real-deal matrix type [ __ ] yeah and he's just lunging with another one another one another one he just keeps missing he does a little dance and then the round ends and it's like that is Sweet Pea right there in a nutshell just on [ __ ] hittable man I mean look at this watch this watch this is I don't know if this is the exact one I'm thinking of but now in maybe I mean this guy was [ __ ] majestic unreal but Judge Mills Lane man the legend oh yeah so but no there's something else that did that I that I texted you today what was it again Drake's crib you know we've just you just mentioned it the discord jokes seen before and mellow the tweet by Ben Simmons oh yeah for some reason the Philadelphia 76ers have maxed out Ben Simmons [Laughter] how do you max out Ben Simmons I he has proven that not only can he not shoot he doesn't even care to learn he's been in the league three years you don't even learn how to shoot in the three years no it's kind of admirable it's kind of admirable no I get good at every like he's good at everything except for one thing you need to be good that's why he you know a lot you know no I Ben Simmons is so [ __ ] fascinating to me he's like the walking analytic study like he's the reason like the reason why plus minus is and [ __ ] you know true shooting percentages and all this [ __ ] this his beak he's the product of that [ __ ] I don't think he examined think he's treated as a superstar if he blows up like in the 90s like if he's like in the 80s and 90s I out the he gets like super star a bounty I think three so how is he that's what I'm saying I don't I don't think so because like even an even if he's if he can't shoot threes he can't hit you the door doesn't take him literally cannot shoot does that take like a max money I it's one that's like it's what like you can't shoot I mean you just miss him a cheap he doesn't [ __ ] take him so like but he's great passer great rebound a great defender that's why because you fall can't play with him in the playoffs the guy is he will single-handedly you lose you've lost you serious okay lose you a series in the playoffs it really matters you can't have a guy out there the can't treat how do you think if nobody's gonna say it now but it definitely your I think you're gonna be right in a few years definitely if he doesn't start shooting at least this year you gotta at least take one a game he's got a shooter you have to shoot one again you [ __ ] have to even let's say he develops a 12 foot jump shot 15-foot jump shot just something where you could pump it we're not gonna pump fake a three or anything he has a hook shot [ __ ] the hook shot I want you to be able to stop and pull up you have to be able to do that this is the NBA you should be able to stop and then Paul I even think you need to stop and pull up I think you catch and shoot let's just try that like a muffler gets past you in the baseline don't even dribble one up it is embarrassing but it's just embarrassing I can't believe archives can't go an hour and a half I think that we got to take away your water yeah no I'll do with your thirst sitting down without taking a piss we need to have like a montage of baby bladder moments without I think he's the opposite of a camel whatever can do Akash is the exact opposite than that who can't go an hour without peeing trip is quick for that water runs know what the funny thing is that he pees for bad long long he'll start before me I go and then I finish and he's still going really yeah so he's liquid I'm like observe it study this man's pee behavior I'm not get it call this girl during his pee break got a check-in or some [ __ ] there's no way hour and a half mark hits every podcast how is this humanly possible there's no way you can't hold a pig I think we got a restrict water no he keeps first of all there's no more to he has to ration has to ration we have to ration it's just we're gonna give him one tiny blop of water he gets a copy now we gotta treat him like a pregnant [ __ ] he only gets ice chips [Laughter] that's what you got to do it that's good nah water we're gonna no no I think you can make it through a whole episode if you can do just try I still have to pee let's just try okay yeah I can't I mean it's just unfathomable uh what were we talking about before you love the Simmons bags oh no I'm gonna get off of this I just think it's such a horribly awful thing to do why the [ __ ] would you do it it's shocking um what else we got we got where Chris Paul ends up we got we got where Chris Paul ends up we got the discord joke so we had a picture of karl-anthony towns is fake off-white so we put up a tree on the discord and the discord had some jokes about it so we're gonna see if you guys are funny all right so Makram Macomb is an effing bomb when I say effing I don't know why bomb laughs my ass a little holy [ __ ] out there than Mikey cares about his shoe game like he cares about his career doesn't give a [ __ ] yeah mama calm we could do better next next kevro is like my own emoji look at this [ __ ] I gotta say cat brought his Nikes from that store akash was running in india that's good that's funny cat rocking the gujarati for Vanessa Hudgens that's good I like that one live footage of cats trying to get some I just started with this one that's good enough early years you can't see it's a picture of cat trying to back boogie down and he just cannot move him at all all right slim Reaper said them shoes still worth more than any WNBA T yeah it's definitely the new Megan wrapping those Nikes she deserves yeah sauce boss Oh Megan Rapinoe Nike shoes oh you just read the tweet okay soft boss I need you to come harder with this you think that the [ __ ] saving money on this thing is able to find a way to pay for his mustache to reach it so what if you looks like cat and I got the same style Oh cuz they got act with the fake supreme use rock Oh huh I could solve that space around there's no Cyprian just never released that okay alright discord know that I couple bangers y'all came hard once more cause those are the good ones that I got sick now do we want to talk where CB three goes there's also a CB Chauncey Billups quote that I sent I love Helen ed mellow thing yeah hey can you pull that up please Wei Lin bro that's your new nickname about the star Danton so basically Chauncey post Chauncey Billups basically said the S he goes you know Melo is an unbelievable player the problem is that he always cared too much about score in 30 and he goes the team he might score 20 and the team of win and he wouldn't be that enthusiastic but if he scored 30 and the team lost he'd be going around the locker room like come on guys we got that shot Z said and I said and I've said this to Melo scoring 30 means more to you than winning and then he said that story of like yo they would win but Melo wouldn't put up points and he'd be down and out sup Jesus guys sounds like it sounds like and that's and that's and he basically was saying like that's why he's not in league he's like he deserves to be in the league the way he can play it was holla he's elite talent but he just cares too much about them buckets man I talked to what Justin Jackson over the weekend Sacramento Kings North Carolina Tar Heels whatever and we was a mean van and van was there it was like just talking about like what's the difference between League and just like regular [ __ ] like there's way more politics than you think like there's so many people that should be in league that are in the league for like political that [ __ ] I was like I was like is that like how the metal she's gonna I was like yeah you could say that like this so like there's so many people in the lead that don't deserve to be in the NBA but they just crazy how you can take our point agree with it and then make a point that completely disagrees with I mean I do see what you mean because melih deserves to be in the league politics is do i he's not here no he deserves to be in the league but like I'm just saying it's an addition what to it it's not the right agent yeah listen if you're a bum the right agent can keep you in the league absolutely if you're elite you're in your elite there's not a single elite player that's not a leak yeah right cuz talent is you know a male a commodity and Melo is elite at one thing scoring a bass and only wants to be lead at one thing it only wants to be a lead one thing John Smith is available no you think he makes it seem before Mello absolutely I think he's yeah I think they already said he's going to LA right that was the desperation he got released just now this is just sent me the story yeah even though he didn't get the text I sent him stupid [ __ ] Ellen yo show us your [ __ ] yelling remember back in a day when you can say it to your secretary he'll back today if you just work it like a hat agency we're talking about like the fifties like you could be like on the phone trying to sell it Goodyear tires that [ __ ] wouldn't go well you'd be pissed off you'd be like Patricia come here show me a [ __ ] I'm pissed off like that was just part of your day right poor me Scott's to show me your [ __ ] come on it's like Mad Men suck that [ __ ] between your legs [ __ ] China well honey I think of those weirdo chicks with that dress weird and what all the tattoos I just think that pussy's different Goths yeah like the weirdo join like the Portland women yeah yeah you watch you for you know how that [ __ ] is wildin wild I heard it's great so just an observation what about them that their [ __ ] are different yeah just different in a way that I just don't know like like wow like the land of the unexplored and you just have I don't get it how does their [ __ ] look like you know how they say Asians or sideways I look right they say Asian girls [ __ ] a sideways right oh you never heard that that's a very common that's a common it's a common sideways right that's like a common like joke right and then you ask your friends but yo why did I say that [ __ ] in their bag yo cuz their eyes be like that there's just more clothes so you can say they're [ __ ] more clothes but not the puss or sideways wear decide when I hung up I don't know why do you think now we gotta get to the bottom of this why do you think Asian girls [ __ ] like where was the logic in your head when you first like you hooked up with your first Asian girl did you like to slide your hand in there like opposite like this like you go down there like that like did you go down there with the intent to like [ __ ] with sideways yeah that was a stupid small enough they are smooth they got a fit you know everything is made for them can we say oh look a first baseman oh well mitt is bigger than the baseball mitt no just Google no oh not with that wild as joke said Alex thought of a wild ass [ __ ] joke bro well you're not gonna say it i'ma say it just because i'ma say it basically I was doing this Comedy Central dish this [ __ ] there's last week this week at the Comedy Cellar and they gave us some topics we got to write bits out so we coming back from Toronto Sunday right and I'm like all right out what you got anything for this man I can't think of nothing who's this Jeffrey Epstein guy right and you were like quiet he's Jeffrey Epstein is this billionaire who was like a pedophile right yeah he goes he goes yo like maybe he's just got a small dick right mm I'm like what do you mean he goes that's why he [ __ ] girls like cuz that's what fits Lettie said that right what's your nervous for Alex your boss right here hundreds of thousands of people so this word gets even crazier right you behind a camera yeah that was Ellen this is where he gets you know then he goes I don't know if it was you or me that they said they are Kelly serious it was you yes okay then he goes he goes and it are Kelly like maybe he had a micropenis - you know it's like because he [ __ ] little he [ __ ] younger girls - right but they're a little bit older cuz yeah he had a micropenis play so black was a good joke I used it you know the line with the are Kelly should hit the law because that's like the clever like absurd well but there's no way in [ __ ] hell there's no [ __ ] way no but I think it's funny about me hilarious on watch the company says for this week and that's the coefficient no that's a pretty joke about like the way I the way I switch the joke when I did for the economy so [ __ ] I said I I was I was watching I was walking by this Epstein protests mmm I saw these women holding up signs like you micropenis piece of [ __ ] you small dick pedophile bastard and I started thinking like oh [ __ ] maybe that's why he's a pedophile so I made them like because that's what fits yeah me and then they're like oh I'm like guys this is just physics taken you know he's just trying to find out something Alex said I went too far my thing on Epstein was that like he was kind of genius okay because like remember like back in the day how like you know weed was illegal yeah America so we would go to Amsterdam to smoke weed where was legal right and it's like well [ __ ] girls was illegal in America so he bought an island they didn't have rules pedofile Amsterdam yes although Hamsterdam hit the cutting room floor goddamnit let's see let's see if we get some [ __ ] alright what else we got before we got you know I talked about Drake's crayon table where cp3 is going next what else we got Wimbledon was [ __ ] wild I might be wrong I might end up I don't know how much longer they're gonna say Roger Federer is the greatest ever this is why I say he's the greatest ever because the top three tennis players of all time men's wise are all playing right now and he's playing against the other two all the time and pretty much any tournament that gets one is getting one by one of them so to have the most wins of all time playing against number two in them there's no sport where this has ever happened right it's like Michael Jordan playing against Bill Russell and whoever your third best player is now now again this is me just throwing out something else here but some might say that Michael Jordan was so much more elite than his competitors right there wasn't even a situation where the three best could be playing at the same time so because they just want everything tournaments always first of all it starts with like 64 people and then you work your way up to the fact that the finals is always these three guys two of these three means that they're all they're all the best and he's been his first Grand Slam they have like four majors like golf his first win was 2003 tennis you're supposed to stop being good around 30 now technology the guy who beat him is five years younger and he might end up the more wins joke might end up with more wins and Federer even it's so [ __ ] crazy I've never seen a sport that this that's this top-heavy right and mat 37 years old the guys playing tennis for five [ __ ] hours believable it was it's the longest match final of that tournament history it said he sleeps like 12 hours a day is that real I don't know I just know he is I've never seen anybody make anything look easier why do you make sense okay so what I don't understand it and maybe it's just age but he loses in the final yeah but all the articles are about how incredible he is he's 37 37 we also love him and we don't like the other guy Djokovic and is kind of young and punkish and if there's something about him that like he gets really upset when the crowd cheers for the other player and everybody's loves Federer he's very classy but not like phony like I remember 10 years ago whatever when he was beating the [ __ ] out of everybody they asked him after he won a tournament and he was like yeah I don't know I'm just really playing unbelievable it's just like it's really crazy if I wasn't like cocky it was like I don't get it it's very like sheepish about it yeah it was like he wasn't trying to brag right that's one thing I do love about tennis though like how they get like interviewed like it's a sitcom and like the [ __ ] the crowd it's like the way it's always like a [ __ ] episode of Family Matters every [ __ ] hope there's a cool that I grew up my uncle loved tennis and that was like my dad so like I just got into it but like there's a little cool moments I remember tournament like think about the entire arena rooting for one other guy it's two people on the court and everybody hates you because you're not this guy and I remember one match like five six years ago he was playing Federer everybody US Opens cheering for Federer has got match point and he's serving and servings like a big advantage so Djokovic looks up everybody's on their [ __ ] feet he just looks up and they just goes okay okay and then he gets into a turn stance hits to serve back this crazy shot and then he just stands and stares at the crowd for like 15 seconds and is Coliseum tidy this is like like if you like greatness this is a cool time to watch tennis do you think you'll win another major he's I don't know if Federer will cause he's 37 and this guy like just looks kind of in the way every time there's one tournament that he wins every like it's he's 13 and the number two guy has like five French Open dusters on clay clay unstoppable 13 French opens which is clay number two of all time is like five or something like that like it's insane is he how much worse is he on the other he's not as good and he's like noticeable he's just definitely not as good he's not awful but he's definitely not as good and those other two are good on any surface it's tears the only sport that has multiple surfaces I think so yeah it's kind of we isn't it football I think it developments right sometimes baseball fields but there was also like there was an astroturf yeah I think it might have developed out of necessity where they just like the u.s. youth is too expensive to maintain grass courts so they had clay in French had clay then concrete came around and they were like yo this is even easier to maintain cheaper to maintain let's do that so now most concrete yeah now most tournaments are concrete cuz it's just the easiest put this in one time it's gonna last long as not much maintenance let's just stick with that play DotA grass I haven't planted anything except the hard court and I also haven't played in like 15 years since high school and a little bit of college do they say it's that different when you play apparently it's much yeah grass is supposed to be real fast I was about to say like I feel like you slip around all you snip around that's a thing you got to account for on clay you got to account for slipping hard court oh that's slides like crazy and card cord you can't slide you'll tear your [ __ ] ACL so you got to play differently on all three surfaces almost maybe one day when we're [ __ ] old we'll have a marketing agency where we helps because like to me that's how you sell tennis exciting yeah like like yes we understand the tennis fans get it but the casuals like tell me that tell me that someone could bust their ACL unless they play different on this concrete tell me this clay [ __ ] is gonna be different like show me the new stimulus every time I watch it's exciting there's some monotony to baseball right there is a monotony to basketball even right a lot of people go I'll just watch the fourth quarter and tennis can be monotonous there's there's you never know when the points gonna come it's like a crazy rally but like I also know I'm not like a fanatic I enjoy it but I'll zone out early in a match right but like I also just love individual sports and like seeing like this guy Novak Djokovic used to choke all the time and me as a guy got over it he just got over and now he's a [ __ ] champion and you see one person get over this thing like Jordan had to conquer it but he has teammates he's the best by far but that team is if it's just [ __ ] you doing anything it's crazy and you're not even allowed to consult with your coach as a sarena got in trouble for it it's bad marketing cuz you said to me he's like oh I went 35 years and I never understood the point scoring I was watching the sports I was watching that he was watching the Wimbledon yeah the thing when we were at the airport and it dawned on me I truly don't know how its scored yeah it's weird it goes like 15 30 40 30 40 love love even if he love is your game love is that love is 0 15 30 40 and then you win and if you both have 40 that's a deuce and then it's basically win by two win by two and then when you win that thing that's called a game and you need how many games to be a set six if you're tied at six you go to a tiebreaker right that's what you were explaining yeah so the first is 6 6 1 by 2 when by 2 or straight 7 or straight 7 yeah ok 6 win by 2 or straight 7 but then the last set that's why I went that long it was like a tiebreaker so I should just kept going back how many sets do you guys need to win four sets and guys need to win five of three three best of five women need to win win - yeah and that's where the girl's game is shorter yeah and that that's why I can go on forever because if they're tied yeah and there's only certain tournaments that are like the Grand Slams I think three of the four have this thing where you've got to win by two and then Wimbledon had a Andy Roddick Roger Federer match where the last set was like 50 it was like 49 at 51 or something crazy so then they were like let's yeah and there was another game wasn't important but it went like 8279 or something like the 81 so they're like look after 12 we're just gonna tie Britain if we're not gonna [ __ ] do this anymore so that means whoever wins wins it so at it was 12 oh yeah they were great I bring ya know maybe we should go to the US Open when is it late September yeah late August early September before it was super fun yeah night match and we should buy tickets to like one of the later games like where it's good people playing yeah and we she's a great atmosphere I was walking around and sometimes you have guys that were really popular when we were kids right and they kind of fallen off but they're still professionals there alone right so like a journey man NBA player will still be on NBA team yeah but again like you said it's an individual sport yeah so there was a guy named Lleyton Hewitt yeah it was like at one point he wasn't credible yeah I saw game was just I'm gonna make you [ __ ] up yeah I will I have unlimited Fitness I will get every ball back and tell you [ __ ] up yeah yeah yeah and then uh I think they said Agassi was good that to like return anything did you ever turn anything but like within that that's like whatever serve you hit I can get it back waiting his game was like I'm not gonna try to hit crazy shots I'm just gonna make you hit one more everytime then I wait for you yes okay so I saw him play because again when the US Open happens all these matches are happening at the same time it's like you said there's 64 people they need a Whittle them down so not every match is on the big one with the stadium there's like the ones on the side that only fit like a hundred people yeah yeah I'm watching this lean you a guy that I saw in SportsCenter I didn't know anything about right tennis or anything there's two bleachers yeah literally two rows of seats he's right that you could I kind of walked right on the tennis court and just interrupted a [ __ ] game got a selfie if I wanted to it's rare you get to see yeah yeah you're just that [ __ ] close in the action so maybe maybe we could do some flavored [ __ ] maybe we could like get some tickets in town I'm going my cousin regardless so like oh you're like you're into it yeah especially US Open at night it's also kind of like a fun cuz it's New Yorkers so like London is mad classy like if the other guy makes a mistake you're not supposed to cheer that's like a hundred and tennis rule New York at night if we like Federer and they love everybody loves Federer like even in America he's more popular than like the great American champions like Pete Sampras whoever if Federer is in a tight match and the other guy [ __ ] up they don't care we're yelling [ __ ] we're clapping we're getting rowdy like it's New York you know I mean it's still New York even if it's classy or [ __ ] I like tennis is still New York it's kind of fun I still like the fact that like they'll cheer while crazy but everybody shuts up right before like you know we're gonna give you your quiet for golf [ __ ] - right like aren't supposed to not make a sound yeah yeah when you tee off then you can say whoa [ __ ] alright maybe we pull it up I'm with it guys that has been another episode of flagrant - why don't we why don't we tell some people where we're gonna be at man oh this weekend I will be in Detroit Michigan for dusa Palooza at the masquerade masquerade yes this Friday the masquerade no I'm sorry about that this Friday Detroit Michigan July 19th while a will be performing full set performing his new single on show with Jeremiah which would be really tight and let me just pull up the other digit before I [ __ ] forget goddamn [ __ ] you can go ahead and or [ __ ] I'm sorry Cass Cass struggling yeah the Montreal Comedy Festival I'm gonna be here it is going up this week I'll do I'm gonna do the nasty show which is a series if you guys are in Montreux there's gonna be a bunch of very funny comics on it but we're also gonna do inside jokes and unsafe sets up there so I think the unsafe set shows sold out I think inside jokes might be sold out but it's pretty close and I'm excited to do it man I'm excited just to be up there so I'll be up there for the next couple weeks alex is gonna come up not this weekend but the next weekend for the unsafe sets and inside jokes shows and he'll be capturing some of the nasty shows as well and but yeah if you're in if you're in Montreal definitely pull up come by you know there'll be a lot of there'll be a lot of fun and then BOOM I'll also be after that going to Tokyo if you got any advice about Tokyo I'll be there from the second and you're finally taking a vacation guys I'm gonna take a little big man you're doing to this than one there's Burning Man has to do with some news that I'm I want to tell you guys but I can't tell it just yet but I've wanted to tell about you know I'll tell you so Burning Man is depend on that because I might have to be here to oversee some [ __ ] but hopefully I can you guys over but hopefully we'll be able to share that in a second and then but after I get back from Tokyo we're gonna be back on the road again Matador or come see us in DC what is it the 15th through the 17th or something like that Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday bunch of shows DeAndre shows calm for that then we're gonna be out there Chicago the first show sold out for Chicago so we added another show Dalia Hall beautiful theater there in Chicago man pull up can't wait to see y'all [ __ ] out there and then we're gonna be hitting up I think we have another date and then we got Russia Russia then we're gonna be in Australia those tickets for Australia are moving by the way if you haven't got them get them now cuz they should about to be gone I'm remember I'm not coming there all the [ __ ] time so get on that [ __ ] tell your friends spread the [ __ ] word keep it flagrant and then and then Deandra shells calm we keep adding more and more shows so I'm very excited for y'all to continue seeing this this is crazy seeing us go from clubs to to be it's a sold-out theaters it's just a wild experience man so room and to see the audiences man it's just like leaning into the flagrancy to see the comics that I have open because I'm I specifically choose guys that did [ __ ] with the flagrancy and to see them perform in front of a crowd that app that actually employs it yeah I'm braces like dark humor and fucked-up jokes and like gets off on it when they come offstage it's so crazy because they're like yo your crowd is [ __ ] unreal I'm dealing he's seen [ __ ] all the time and and I'm like scared to tell some jokes and all of a sudden I tell this one fucked-up joke and they're going crazy I'm a Bravo anyway they love y'all so it's a treat for them to perform for you guys as well man so so yeah the end result com get all those dates Castile my fall finally got the right [ __ ] information went the Majestic at the masquerade my fault Detroit in uh four four one four zero woodward avenue DJ twist DJ slick be the JBJ will all be spinning oh boy Chris NAS low-key hosting wale will be performing his new album single and as much as other [ __ ] and I'll pull up this Friday man and if you're going to a complex con after that uh hit me up I should be around there as well I gosh oh you know we're building out this tour I'm headlining I'm bringing my boy Daanish Maqbool along to feature very funny comic so we are going to Houston September 6th at the secret group to shows 8:00 and 10:30 then the seventh we're in Austin at the fallout theater at seven o'clock were there again on the eighth fallout theater seven o'clock not September 13th San Francisco piano fight - show's 8:00 and 10:30 September 19th The Comedy Store in the belly room 8 p.m. September 20th Portland Kuras comedy 7th or 7:30 and then October 5th and Minneapolis - shows a tennis sisyphus brewing and also I'm doing another ABDC show we're calling ourselves brownish now nobody knew what the [ __ ] evening cement so we're calling ourselves brownish and we will be at New York Comedy Club on 4th Street August 15th show come through and through - spreading the words but in the spread in the flagrancy but keeping them fingers tight oh [ __ ] very important message Thank You al and maybe we should put this in the beginning as well so this is gonna be the second time you heard this but the flagrant - youtube channel is up we are separating the YouTube channels I mean this is what happens when you guys watch [ __ ] YouTube videos it starts to blow up man so we're gonna get flagrant - its own YouTube channel please go subscribe I put it in a link in my Instagram I'll put another one up tomorrow it's the actual URL we can't get a custom URL until we get 100 subscribers okay which I think we have now but we just I just posted about it yesterday let me go check and and but basically please go subscribe to that also the same thing for brilliant idiots please go subscribe to that as well so we are just breaking these channels up so that we can put more content out on each one and everyone doesn't get over flooded and I'm just very excited about it man thank you all so much for watching the videos and sharing them and seeing these know these videos do big numbers is super exciting for us so thanks again man just for always support what we do here so go go please I'm asking you guys please go subscribe to the flagrant - YouTube the brilliant idiots YouTube as well because that's where you're gonna be able to watch these videos the clips and the full video every week they're all right guys that's been another episode of flavor to a piece you
Channel: The Andrew Schulz
Views: 47,224
Rating: 4.8937583 out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, akaash singh, kaz, real life kaz, westbrook, rockets, white girls, dancing, black girls, taxes, ben simmons, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 55sec (8155 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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