Kim Burrell sings & testifies @ Lighthouse 7/7/19

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[Music] thank you hi there please be seated as much as I'd love for you to stay standing it just looks good can we celebrate the birthday guy everybody [Music] god it's so good isn't it so 38 huh looks good on you pal looks like 24 but you've been preaching that long been doing ministry who would have known I look in this room and I see an extension of the promise [Music] God did that thing when he got you I wish somebody act like they heard what I just said can entertain ask you to entertain this that when God called pastor Kia and he had you in mind I just need for a few seconds for those of you that he has said something to change your life let him know how you feel about it that's the sound of your obedience laws to your obedience i i honor you respect you love you so much and I appreciate you for a guy who has not only gone several places but the best is so still yet to come many years God's just gonna pay you back glory to Jesus um buddy help me tell God thank you thank you thank you I wanted to be in my feelings a little bit when I saw your Wall of Fame and my picture was enough they'll forgive you I asked the Lord to forgive me for the matches I decided it's not gonna use to help finish decorating that wall I'm sure we'll get it done you let me know what time we go to olden meals yeah I'm gonna Bouldin me I just told my age didn't told here's to everybody that's for teeing up you know what a little music it almost felt like he couldn't take a picture that she got a rose in your hand touch it right after 24 years tragedies commonplace kinds of disease the economy's down people can't get enough pain but you can say this morning ass [Music] you ought to pop your collar all I can see thank you for all you've done for me look how far God has brought you there folds with our holes take fifty nine headed south living out in the street and the drug habit some say they just cannot be right they I need anybody who's not ashamed of your deliverance God took you off of something you ought to give him praise right there their mugs and robbers now play seems to be sane but you can look up to heaven he's everywhere but you've been my protection [Music] I just gotta say thank you for uh for me truth of the matter is if it wasn't boys mercy it could have been me living out down with no food you know how it goes no clothes could have been left alone with that one friend or just another number with the earlier toe tagging but look at somebody say God would not see fish no ain't taking them look up and say thank you live you for me put your hands on me [Music] break it down break it down I just need everybody put your hands on it right here because this morning the Lord dealt with me as I walked in this place and I knew I was gonna sing this song he says make sure they remember to thank me somebody got something coming I just in your fear y'all that know that God made you a promise and God is not going to stop until you get it and when you think about how many doors he's going to open for you how many doors he's gonna shut for you how he's gonna cover you on your way to your destiny while you're in your destiny I just want you to look up and I wanna say [Music] [Music] break it down just a little bit I want you to see yourself getting out of the cars of any times as you have going into Walmart and the bullet really could have been you I want you to think about all the times those are you who live in apartments you didn't know who could have been waiting by the time you got to those steps and I want you to give them a thank you right quick thank you lord thank you Jesus how many y'all know you can deal with road rage every once in a while driving in Houston you got to be saved just to drive in your street and every once in a while somebody to cut you off and use one of them fingers you don't like to see cuz I didn't custom back gonna shoot nobody didn't follow them home [Music] somebody thinking come on come on come on come on Thank You Jean Oh high-five somebody said it's getting better and better it's getting better and better so what are you talking about my life or your life our lives our future we see it if you can I'm having fun too you tell us a bunch of young people to need y'all just like standing up I'm standing I'm standing here saying God give me the same power again and so I was sitting at a red light May 14th waiting for the light to change and somebody hit me from behind me really come to find out they hit me harder than what I thought I guess so I'm standing there trying to be cute ladies you don't know how we are about our heels don't don't act like that because I'm not really close to have them on that's why I'm switching back and forth because busting my meniscus front and back I can't do it now right now I'm too cute to queue right now pray for me now pray for me I'm gonna take them off don't you're gonna take them off in a minute I'm gonna try to act sanctified and do it like I got happy but I just want to be cute right now if I'm not that cute I'll take them off though God has now [Music] promised me you know sometime we think we can wake up and this can just be all good sunshine is that where we are that's not the way it's gonna be but sometimes we've gotta can't only [Music] mixed with God's sunshine a little pain makes me appreciate the good times so I gotta be grateful [Music] be grateful [Music] God desires he desires to feel he desires to feel your long game every pain everything that you feel don't you know that God feels them just like you [Music] his soul and you can't preach it good [Music] [Applause] [Music] this in case you've forgotten be great because that's someone else who's worth something you some that is downtown in the hospital wishing they could be at lighthouse [Music] it'll be little stay right there baby grateful whoa I know my time is up [Music] whoa stay right there I know you wanna be the house with me Oh quit complaining about the car he's gonna take care of it after trouble with your health but things could be what [Music] you could have joined a different kind of church but me but gave you a quick that's what let you know [Music] somebody shout - pastor kion is gonna be all right [Music] I wish I could let it go [Music] my personal customer I'm so grateful for stay there the things you've done to me yes personally public good jewelry [Music] I'm so grateful for things you kept on me things you gave to me [Music] to me look at somebody and tell them I'm going somewhere what you see now is not will always be I'm doing somewhere God's got his hand on me I'm doing some where things are not exactly what they see somewhere I'm trying to say [Music] [Music] we [Music] doesn't matter you just don't know like I know what the Lord has done for me all right I'm trying to get out of this thing but I know what I feel he said tell him again tell him something is coming for them you can't praise God like you praise God I don't expect the blessing is coming with some an act like it's already at your front door God isn't living it to you come on God is FedExing your thing to you it's coming to you tell somebody it's true God is the tiger cat nah he's gonna do just what he's saying come on encourage your neighbor so I can't make it happen for you but God's plan at all of it is control it's just a matter of time it's a battle attack they're just gonna find out a little while have accidente everything everything your help everything everything [Music] after you suffered a while get ready for your blessing your tow right to sever because what comes after the sufferance cannot even be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us he's going to take care of me get me out of here I'm way over time but I'm gonna sing this little bit and I came to encourage somebody just to remind you you're on the right track don't shrimp not right now don't trip it's not the time to throw in the towel don't do that don't do that I came to help somebody don't do that just because it's not coming as fast as you think it should that mean it's not on its way don't trip relax chill out oh you know it could be tomorrow your breakthrough is waiting for your face your breakthroughs waiting for your extension of faith just encourage one less person to say it's going to happen oh no God would have never brought you this far he wasn't gonna blow your mind it shall come to pass [Music] got my key baby oh yeah so homely to me now my shoes gotta come up I feel churchy I call you your name is holy holy holy you'll be yeah [Music] come on why why Georgia call your bad hasn't even yes come on cheese's somebody help me a call somatic Oh Jesus so much they don't want it [Applause] Oh I caught you holding your name is holy can I testify I said can I testify I was sitting in my house about two years ago and there was a knock at the door TV cameras were at my door ready to disturb me and next thing I hear helicopters flying over my house we don't like what you said I get it did you have to shoot up my s550 no but they did when I'm standing the attorney [Music] have you said I'm never here Oh having him I was sitting on the plane I got some famous friends you know past the does too but I was flying into LA the day after the helicopters left my house [Music] Stevie one day oh he called me and he said we've been friends too long and I don't like what you saying about my friend in the news I gotta fly you to me and said this gotta be God cuz I'm flying to somebody who can't see but is love something whatever is natural I couldn't say for me so when I landed I sat at his house for about eight hours he just wanted to make sure I was okay you know tell somebody to get you some friends that care if you okay better check on you every once in a while [Music] even if they can't see love and I was flying back [Music] [Music] your name is Holies [Music] when you're driving in your car next week and the devil tries to lie and now I got all my future's right it's only going higher for you it only gets better from here I don't know about anybody else in the room but I'm so proud of you here's something else I'm sure you would have done well on the basketball court but God knows that the kingdom needed you [Music] if you'll allow me father I pray in Jesus name that you'll cover you'll protect you lead and guide give wisdom and strength knowledge and even more truth Shravan is in a man protect him from the evil one we bind up jealousy and envy witchcraft things that come to hinder his life no Evan now no weapon formed against you shall ever prosper the Lord cover you and keep you bless every venture of your spirit I speak even more expansion more Souls and lives you'll bring into the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus god bless his family bless his household and I speak mining money money wealthy wealthy wealthy Lord give him the desires of his heart we say I love you are [Music] [Music]
Channel: WilbGr8R
Views: 71,619
Rating: 4.8011694 out of 5
Keywords: Kim Burrell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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