Killing Lawn Weeds in an Ugly Bermuda Lawn - Part Two

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howdy so this is part two of how to fix an ugly lawn video i'm gonna today part one was my planning phase today is part two where i actually do all my applications i'm going to walk you through it and i'm doing a little bit differently now before i start but i put one link in the description below that link will take you to a website and all the products will be listed there and i'm going to in detail outline exactly what i do today because i'm not going to show everything on video so you understand that it never fails i always have someone say what kind of weed killer did you use i'm like dude go to the link below it's down there spreader link below fertilizer link below it's all down there so click subscribe because i'll be doing updates on this and then um what else make sure that you understand that i am going to put detailed instructions on the website below plus there is another video that is the planning phase that talks about this more so let me walk you over here and first i'm going to show you the finished project any of you guys that follow my channel i'll go ahead and just show you the front this is what it looks like after being scalped in about four cuts it's looking really good cutting at half an inch now the next amazing thing i'm going to show you is barb's one you want to see something beautiful that is absolutely gorgeous right there so this is the lawn that had severe grub damage and all kinds of problems human char pgf complete double kill i did several videos on it but let me tell you what you have got to see this up close look at that is that gorgeous or what man her lawn is the best looking lawn in the neighborhood right now so this is the test patch if you follow me the good witch just came over and she cut this it's looking amazing this used to look like that this used to look like their lawn now this was solid weeds and in about a year and a half using the same method we have gotten it back to just solid bermuda with no weeds not a single weed there's not a single weed i would say in this whole lawn here in this whole test patch not one so let's go over and look at the new project here so what do we have a bunch of carpet grass we have crab grass we have just about everything you can think of we have fire ants we have grubs so look at this wide variety of stuff we have in here crab grass we've got clover we've got every weed you can possibly imagine it almost looks like there's no bermuda inside of this at all but look if you dig down deep this is what i'm trying to explain to you there's a little bit of bermuda and what we're going to do is we're going to burn off all these weeds real hard it may even impact the bermuda a little bit but then the bermuda will come back look at the fire ants but look at this this is this is an amazing example of what happens when you don't treat a lawn for you know 10 years so look at this stuff here every weed you could possibly imagine you can see the sidewalk you can see what the sidewalk looks like same thing you can actually see quite a bit of bermuda in here but tons of weeds so the whole sidewalk strip is like this the whole yard is completely full of nothing but weeds tiny bit of bermuda you can see through here fire ends so this is a bigger lawn than i thought and i'm exhausted i'm just walking around it real quick comes around so you can see there's basically no bermuda in this thing so what i'm gonna do is i was able to shoot some of the application i did get some of the application on video but i'll be honest i got so exhausted so hot and tired i had to stop recording we started i started this at like nine o'clock this morning and it's hot it's gonna be in the 90s today so let me just walk you through it i'm gonna go to my backyard find a piece of shade and walk you through this and show you hey guys so like i said it's real important to understand that there is a step-by-step guide on how i did this on the website on the page below i'm going to put a detailed written step by step along with tips so you understand that i'm not going to explain everything in this video but let me give you an overview of what i did so i went out this morning while there was dew on this grass and i put down granular pre-emergent i put down the granular double kill product because i know that there's bugs all over the place over there grubs fire ants everything i put down pgf complete i put down huma char and i put all those products down now i will tell you that there's a certain couple section of the lawns i ran out of pgf complete so i went inside and ordered like 10 more bags of it because i got to treat some other lawns all of those granular products since most of those are dg products dispersible granules i wanted to put them down while there was dew on the grass so the next thing i did is i mixed up my batch of the killing compound i use the q4 there's a link to it the description below i put in that at the appropriate amount some surfactant there's a link below to the surfactant and there's the green dye and the green dye there's a link below to the green dye as well too so i probably mixed up close to three gallons of concentrate and i put all of this inside of it and then i applied half of it via a hose end sprayer so remember here's the little sticking point you can't use just any hose and sprayer the majority of hose end sprayers come out very slow and it you don't get a good foliar coverage and that's why we kind of invented these things we asked anderson's to put these online these will give you more of a mist and it comes down to your mist there's a miss size so you have heavy big droplets coming out of like the ortho dial of sprays you do not use those you need to use a hose and spray bottle like this unfortunately right now they're sold out so hopefully if you've bought these in the past you can use them this is a 20 to one ratio there's someone else on there that's selling 30 to 1 ratios and i don't i'm not you i don't recommend those it looks just like the 20 to 1 listing i'm gonna warn you also understand that there's one that there's someone on amazon that's trying to sell these for like four times you should be able to buy these come in a pack of two and i think including shipping to your door it's 18 bucks i think for a pack of two from the anderson's listing i just want to clear that up because right now they're sold out someone else jumped on stole anderson's artwork actually into selling a 30 to 1 ratio which is not the same ratio and um then someone else apparently bought a bunch of these and is selling them for like 40 bucks for two bottles so i'm sorry if you don't have these they should be in stock within the next week or two but anyways that's how i'm doing it so i took half of my treatment and i sprayed the entire lawn with this then i waited for about an hour to the sun completely hit my lawn and then i put on my backpack sprayer and i went around the whole yard with the remainder of the treatment and i sprayed it with more of a misting spray um and put the rest of it so let me explain why i did this well number one the dg particles are sitting on the dew in the grass and starting to um and starting to dissolve so when i went back over with the bottle it actually blew a lot of that treatment down into the ground and i got real good deep coverage with this bottle so the entire plant from the surface down to the base down to the root everything was covered so i went over and covered i put half my treatment down with this i came back with a backpack sprayer put the rest into a backpack sprayer and then filled it up with water i have a four gallon and then i walked around the yard spraying with more of a light mist and what that did was it made sure that i had good foliar coverage on the plants a lot of these treatments a lot of these chemicals will work they start off working via foliar transfer and then they go down into the root after rain and then they start to see their systemic transfer so they actually work up to the roots so it's both and so that's why i wanted to make sure that i did have a good foliar coverage on it and that's why i did the split tree okay so step number one there are fire ants all over this yard by the way so i got to be careful where i'm standing i'm putting down the double kill product first granular that'll be step number one that's the first thing i'm going to do you should see all these fire ants everywhere i look i'm seeing fire it's and this double kill product will kill them just put on a black gloves and sprinkle it kind of heavy on these mounds and it'll take them out but you can see what i'm facing weed wise looks like there's no bermuda in here i need to get a i need to get a black glove so i can sprinkle this on the little sidewalk strip but this is the double kill product first i got to be careful here because there's fire ends everywhere so just sprinkle it on top of the mound fire ants are spreading out everywhere it's like 8 30 in the morning i'm already sweating it's hot out here so next up is the granular pre-emergent link is below and of course all these are dg particles and the dg particles and the reason why we're putting this on with dew on the grass is they'll start to get wet so i'm getting tired of walking so i went and broke out the big spreader so i wouldn't have to keep filling it i'll link to this spreader which is probably one of my favorites in the big class because it's a huge hopper with pneumatic wheels actually after what two years my tires were flat so i had to go put some air in them but uh now it's time so now it's time for pgf complete and unfortunately i wanted to put out almost a double coat so and i only have enough for the standard treatment i want to go heavy so i almost wanted to go one and a half times the feed rate i've got more coming in tomorrow so i'll put it out and then i'm going to put human character all right so i'm in the process of getting ready to spray and thank god they have good hose pressure over here and the good witch is here so and my knee is killing me i got my got my knee brace on i cut lawns and cut lawns yesterday and then today i've been walking behind this spreader and i'm like you need to come over here and do the rest of this so she's going to put out the humidor so this is one of the reasons why i like this big this big spreader here so this is an entire bag of humatum and it's a big bag a 40 pound bag is a huge bag by the way so 40 pound bag of human char will fit inside this hopper um big pneumatic wheels it's real easy to operate and i just had to fill these wheels at finally after two years so she should be able to cover this strip just once and twice and that'll pretty much because i ran out of i actually ran out of pgf complete and i'm supposed to be that's why i thought the amazon truck was for me yeah um they're supposed to drop off i think six big bags of pgf complete today or tomorrow so i can finish this yard but i gotta get out here and spray so why don't you go ahead and now i really want i'll be honest i really want to put down a huge amount of humid char here because this soil is crappy you can just tell you just tell from the red ants i'm dealing with solid red clay here so okay guys so it's a little bit later in the afternoon and i wanted to demonstrate since i really didn't get the spraying on film i wanted to demonstrate what i'm talking about so i needed roughly four and a half cups of this weed treatment so i made up about three gallons of i took three gallons of water i put the four and a half five cups of weed killer inside that three gallons of water i added surfactant i added about half a cup of surfactant and then i added about a quarter of a cup of green dye which is normal more than i normally add so then what i did is i made up about seven of these bottles because each bottle will cover about two thousand square feet and i have fourteen thousand square feet and then what i did was i went along and i sprayed now this spraying action i did uh these produce kind of a fine mist but it'll cover very thoroughly so what i did was this i walked along and i treated the entire lawn with 50 percent of my concentrate using the spray bottles the next thing i did i put the rest of that concentrate into my backpack sprayer and i added a little bit more water and i went around i waited an hour i waited for that to dry and the sun to hit then i went out with my backpack sprayer and i walked along and i put more of a fine mist live demonstration i'll put a link to this backpack sprayer it's it's a really good sprayer and it runs on a lithium battery it's a four gallon sprayer but basically i set this and i went around spraying walking and spraying keeping this low so i didn't get a lot of overdrift spraying the lawn and what that did was okay so now i have my bottle and i got a real good deep coverage with it and then i went along and i put a light coverage for the foliar aspect of it so walked along so i divided up my total concentrate into two methods you don't have to do it that way you can just use a tank sprayer if you just want to use a bottle sprayer that's fine but what i found is it's just more effective sometimes you'll notice if you do one treatment you may miss some stuff but i have found if i divide it and do two different forms of delivery on this stuff it's a lot more effective some of these products it has four different chemicals inside of it some of them work via follower some of them work via the roots and depending on the weed it'll work a little bit differently so some of it will kill it via the foliar and then once it rains it'll go down in also once it rains now the double kill will kill all the grubs and all the bugs the pre-emergent will be down inside the soil and the fertilizer will start working i'm done i'm pretty much done for the next six months it's a one-time treatment it's applied it's done with and now within about four to six weeks i should have a really decent looking loan anyways guys i hope this has helped again tips the tips are on that page if i'm missing something just let me know if i if you if i said i was gonna post something on there and i didn't post it let me know and uh and i'll go back and add it to it but don't forget the planning stage of this is in video one where i talk about calculating your square footage and preparing what kind of weather do you need all that kind of stuff is in the other previous video i will do updates on this lawn i will show you from time to time uh click subscribe because i will show you on a weekly basis what's going on what's dying what's not dying do i maybe need to spray a little more we'll see what goes on and i'll keep you updated that's it talk to you later bye [Music] you
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 198,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kill lawn weeds, weeds in lawn, ugly lawn with weeds, kill weeds in bermudagrass, kill weeds in bermuda lawn, kill weeds in bermuda, best way to kill weeds in bermudagrass, how to kill weeds without killing grass, lawn care, how to kill weeds, weed control in lawn, lawn care tips, how to get rid of weeds, how to kill crabgrass, kill crabgrass, kill crabgrass in bermuda grass lawn, kill crabgrass in summer, kill crabgrass in lawn
Id: BzRJaQopXxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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