Kill Crabgrass NOW! With This Simple Method!

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what's up guys we got some crabgrass in our lawn today so I'm going to show you my method on how to go ahead and get rid of this was just a couple easy products and this will be gone in just a couple days stick around and find out how [Music] what's up guys so as you can see I got crab grass and I want this was pretty much guaranteed to happen only because that's a brand new lawn it's less than a year old so I couldn't put a pre-emergent down to start the season off and this is what I get but we're gonna go ahead and kill it today so today we are going to spray these areas here where we see all this crabgrass we're gonna go through this lawn here and spray off all those weeds inside the lawn I do have some weeds in this lawn so we'll do a little bit of a spot spraying here there's not very many in here but it's mostly on the borders over here with my neighbors we're going to go ahead and kind of spray over there making sure that we're keeping those weeds from suppressing our lawn and keeping ours nice and clean so let's go ahead and mix this up I'm going to show you guys how I do it and then we'll go ahead and get it down I'm gonna use an awesome product called tenacity or messatrone message triangle is just a generic form of tenacity you can find it on Amazon it's a little bit cheaper than buying just the tenacity brand think of buying generic drugs versus name brand truck tenacity is a great product because it kills a wide range of weeds in your lawn so it's safe to put down in your established lawn it won't kill your lawn it is a wonderful product there is one drawback you can sometimes see a little bit of lawn bleaching which I'm going to show right here you'll see some lawn bleaching sometimes in your lawn it's not a terrible thing it's not the prettiest thing to see in your lawn but would I rather see some lawn bleaching for a couple weeks or would I rather have weed infestation it's a no-brainer for me eventually the lawn bleaching will just kind of go away as you mow those weeds are going to start to spread I'd rather take a little bit of lawn bleaching and get rid of those wheat so we're gonna go ahead and put that down today I'm going to show you guys how and give you the results of how quickly this stuff works what you need to have today is it's a mess of triome Acer factor a sprayer of some sort you don't need to use one this big but you do need a sprayer and then as I say all my killing videos a little bit of nitrogen never hurts so we're going to toss a little bit of lawn commander in there as well and then optional some blue laser or Market Blue whatever you want to use this is an optional item I'm going to use it today because we're going to just be doing a spot spray so I want to be able to see where I spray so this is an optional item I do suggest it if you're just doing a spot spray if you're doing a blanket spray you don't necessarily need this okay so first off I'm just going to toss in just a little bit of that nitrogen there's no real measuring on this the nitrogen just helps pull in more of that herbicide and helps kill that weed a little bit faster next we're going to tossing a little bit of the market blue again no measure just tossing a little bit you just want to be able to see where you've sprayed and be careful about getting the stuff on your skin you will turn you into a Blue Smurf would you imagine just I have had it all over my hands though so so next for the mess of Triumph This we are only going to do a spot spray so it's half a teaspoon per gallon of water one gallon should treat about a thousand square feet I have far less than that to do today and pro tip guys if you don't have one of these go to your local pharmacy grocery store that has a pharmacy anything like that you can walk up to the pharmacy counter tell them that you have a sick child at home and you need some of the children's proper things they will hand them to you for free the last time I went in there I went into Albertson and walked up to the lady at the counters and I was like yeah I need the little droppers for the kids medicine just do like four different ones on the counter I said which one do you need I kind of stood there I was like uh it's just just take them all I said okay and I cook them all and I left so easy way to get them quick Pro tip if you don't have anything to measure or something because it's you know half teaspoons really small and you don't want to use your kitchen ones because that's disgusting stop in at your local pharmacy tell me you have a sick kid and you just need one of these and they'll just hand it to you for free and lastly surfactant a surfactant helps the tenacity stick to the leaves of the weeds you want to do about one teaspoon of surfactant for one gallon of water so that's we're looking to put in here today I'm not going to measure this really isn't any drawback to putting more or less into your tank you can't measure it out you can put more you can put less it's up to you I haven't really seen any results driven by not putting enough or too much in so and now let's fill her up give her a nice good shake and we're good to go the way I like to do my spot sprays is I kind of like to work in a little bit of a quadrant area that way you can make sure you have a good coverage and you're getting all the weeds in one spray take a look at this part here so here you can see four quadrants of my lawn what we're gonna do is we're gonna do let's throw one here this front one here this back one here and then this back one here we're gonna do it in kind of in four quadrants and just make sure you know evenly divide them all the way across and that way we can make sure we get all the weed and by using the blue the blue dye it makes it easy to see where we have and have not sprayed so we're gonna go ahead and put this down as you guys can see here boom foreign yourself in a line in your little quadrant here spray your weed and move on let's make sure it's nice and covered so now we just have this one quadrant left we're gonna go ahead and get this done and then move on over to the main lawn [Music] so I think it's great by using the blue dye in situations like this and you can even see it here you can see where you sprayed and it makes it really easy to spot spray in certain situations you did see like when I did this area here I basically just blanket sprayed it because there's so much of it I had to just blanket spray it there was no reason to spot spray but as you get through here these spot sprays become evident and it makes it easy to know where you have and have not sprayed and that's where the blue dye really kind of helps out a lot in this process so if you are new to spraying or if you're going to be spraying this stuff down I definitely recommend using it because when you do spray it out it is clear you're not going to see it in order to avoid possibly spraying it twice or not spraying it at all put down the blue dye it helps if you're if you're new to this use the blue dye so now we're going to go over to my main lawn there is a couple weeds in there that we're gonna go ahead and spray [Music] there you have it super easy if you put down all of our tenacity today the typical work time for tenacity is roughly five to seven days you'll start seeing stuff what's gonna happen is you're going to see the Weeds start to turn white and what happens is basically it kills out the chlorophyll inside those leaves and then they just wither away and die could Aurora Phil more like borophyll right you start seeing the weeds turning white in your lawn even if your lawn starts to turn a little white from the bleaching again not a big deal that will bounce back it will not kill your lawn you will you could possibly see some of that lawn bleaching but it will not kill your lawn Do Not freak out about I know it's still Army at first but it's gonna be okay I promise you as always with every herbicide I highly recommend that you read the product labels to make sure that it is safe for your lawn tenacity is great for cool season Lawns like mine if you have a warm season lawn I know it does not do well for some please make sure you're reading the label to ensure that it is safe for your lawn we don't I don't want you guys coming to me like oh man you killed my lawn like no read the label make sure make sure you don't mow before or after you apply tenacity also do not water it in you want to stay on those leaves you also don't want the leaves to be wet when you put it down let's make sure everything is nice and dry stays dry and then the next day you go ahead and put your water down and treat it as normal actually see some of the blades already having a little bit of whiteness kind of coming down on them a little spotty and this one here you can actually look at it's starting to lighten up like that lime green is really showing through there could be that it's already starting to work could just be me getting excited about it look at these over here see sort of starting to spot certain places so look at that day one we're already seeing some action start here all right guys so here we are day two after spring definitely working see it on a couple of these down here this is what you're looking for see how it's starting to turn white there that bleaching is killing the weed right there so we're seeing that in a bunch of these now these ones are all turning lighter they're all getting very light in color so that's what you're looking for that little Whiting and that bleaching looking of the weed that means it's working it's killing it off you can see it there this one right here you can see that white bleaching right down in there oh yeah right there yeah right there too definitely starting to work I give it a couple more days and these will be toast we'll check back in tomorrow all right here we are day three guys we get a lot more white in there this is getting ready to die this one here already starting to Brown these are definitely dying out these are dying look at all that white bear all the white in the middle here so these are dying everything's starting to white out and die we can go ahead and mow this It Won't Stop The Killing process at all everything has been absorbed all right guys so there it is super easy process only takes three days to really start seeing results eventually all that crabgrass is going to be gone so if you guys are looking for a quick and easy way to get rid of all of your crabgrass tenacity is what you need that's all I got for you guys today so if you guys enjoyed please make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and as always I will see you on the next one
Channel: Treasured Lawn
Views: 12,970
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Id: MMvwos4jPKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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